Read Rock the Heart Page 69

  I take a deep breath. “You still should’ve told Holly what a dick Jackson has been to you.”

  He shakes his head. “I wanted her to open her eyes to what an asshole he is on her own. Holly is hard-headed, and if I’d tried to tell her things about Jackson that she wasn’t ready to hear, she wouldn’t have believed them. She’s the kind of girl that has to see things with her own eyes. Like that old saying goes, love is blind.”

  “So I’ve heard.” I swallow down the last bite of my food and lean back in the chair, thinking about all the crazy shit Black Falcon has been through with Noel and Riff and all their women bullshit. Those two guys never listen to my advice in the matters of the heart. It’s like they’re too caught up in their own drama to see reason.

  Max’s cell vibrates against the table, and I can clearly see Holly’s name across the caller ID. I pick up the phone without asking his permission and answer, swatting his hand away. “How’s your date?”

  “Trip? Why are you answering Max’s phone?” The confusion in her voice rings clear.

  “We’re here enjoying these delicious steaks you ran out on. Where are you?” She sniffs into the phone and I realize she’s crying. I stiffen in my chair. “What’s wrong? Did Jackson hurt you?”

  My hand tightens around the phone at the exact moment Max pushes away from the table and heads out the door. I watch through the window as he gets into his car and tears out of the driveway. I probably should ask where he’s going, but whatever it is, it’s his business.

  “No. He didn’t hurt me, but he left me here at Paulo’s. Can you ask Max to come and get me?”

  My heart pounds in my chest. The thought of Holly being alone and stranded hits me hard. Bad things can happen to women left alone in a vulnerable state. The next time I see Jackson, he’s a dead man. “I’ll come and get you. Stay put inside the restaurant,” I order.

  “Okay,” she agrees before she disconnects the phone.

  I lay Max’s phone on the table and search my own out of my pocket. I look up the restaurant’s address in my phone and then plug it into my phone’s GPS. Two minutes later I’m on the road, following the digital voice’s directions.

  I pull up to Paulo’s and cut the engine. The little Mexican joint is hoping with a party inside. A DJ in the corner both spins the top pop hit of the week, and bodies pack the small dance floor.

  Jackson brought her here to discuss track business? He obviously doesn’t really give a shit about Mountain Time. What a fucking douchebag.

  I weave in and out of the bodies until I spot Holly alone at a corner table for two, sipping on a drink. There’s a deep frown on her face while she watches everyone around her. She sticks out sitting there all alone in a room full of people having a good time and I get the sudden urge to lift her sprits.

  The second I reach her table the song Smooth by Santana plays over the speakers and I think back to the first time I saw her and what a good time she was having that night in the bar. I’ll do anything to see that smile again.

  I extend my hand and her blue eyes trail up my arm and cheat until they meet mine. “Dance with me.”

  Holly sets her drink down and places her hand in mine, allowing me to pull her up and lead her to the floor. The sexy guitar chorus screams as I pull her against me without permission. Both of her arms wrap around my neck and my hands slide down her back before resting on her slim hips. We rock in time to the beat, our eyes glued to one another’s, neither of us speaking a word while our bodies do all the talking.

  Her mouth drops open when I allow my hands to wander down and grab a hold of her ass. I fully expect her to pull away and give me the evil eye, but she doesn’t. Instead, she shocks me by licking her lips in anticipation.

  Holy mother of God.

  Those lips. They’re all I’ve been dreaming about, but didn’t want to push her into fooling around with me again unless she wants to.

  She presses up on her tiptoes and whispers in my ear, “Does your invitation from the first time we danced about taking me home still stand? I’m tired of thinking about Jackson. Make me forget about him like I know you want to.”

  Holly licks my earlobe once before sucking on it. My eyes roll back in my head. She has no clue how much that fucking turns me on. I only have so much self-control I pull back and stare into her eyes. If I had to guess, she’s had a few drinks, but not enough to completely impair her judgment—just enough to loosen her up. I want her, but I want her to want me for the right reasons, not because she’s lonely and needs somebody.

  Sensing my hesitation, she grabs each side of my face, pulling me down to kiss my lips. “If you want me to say please, I will. I know how you like women that beg.”

  My cock jerks and I groan as I rub her ass. “You don’t know how much I want you.”

  She wiggles her hips, rubbing her pelvis against mine and she grins. “I think I have a pretty good idea.”

  That little naughty glint in her eyes is enough to allow my brain to say, “Fuck all the logical reasoning for not giving her what she’s asking for.” I thread my fingers in her hair and plant my lips on hers. She opens her mouth and allows my tongue entrance so I deepen our kiss.

  I fucking want her. I know I shouldn’t and I’ve been fighting against this very thing happening since I found out who she was, but ever since the last taste I had of her on the couch, this is all I’ve been thinking about. I just didn’t want to seem like a pushy asshole bringing up the situation, especially since she was doing her best to pretend that nothing ever happened between us.

  I pull back and stare into her lust-filled eyes before pulling her arms from around my neck and leading her out of the restaurant. I can’t wait any longer.

  The moment we reach the Mustang, I spin Holly around and back her against the car. My mouth crashes into hers. She’s even sweeter than I remember and it’s fucking addicting.

  I kiss a trail down her jaw line and nibble on the sensitive skin below her ear. Holly throws her head back and moans as I work my way back to her mouth.

  “I want you, Trip. Take me home,” she says in a breathy voice.

  I pull her forward and reach behind her, opening the car door. “Get in,” I order.

  The entire fifteen-minute ride, Holly has her seatbelt off and leans across the console, rubbing my thigh while teasing me with kisses. We pull down into the driveway and my headlights shine on the house. Fuck. I can’t very well have my way with her upstairs while her ill father lays downstairs and has to listen to that. I’m not that fucking disrespectful.

  As if Holly read my mind, she whispers in my ear, “Let’s go into the office.”

  I hop out of the car and run around to the passenger side to let Holly out of the car. She threads her fingers through mine and leads me to the office. I take a deep breath and try to calm myself down as she unlocks the door and pulls me inside. Tonight is all about the two of us. I want to show her that she can trust me and that we are good together.

  Chapter 10



  The moment we’re inside the office, Trip’s hands are everywhere. He’s tugging on my clothes and threading his fingers in my hair, pulling me deeper into his kiss. I’ve never felt so wanted and desired before. It’s like he can’t get enough of me and I love the way that makes me feel.

  He backs me up against the counter and runs his hands down my bare shoulder, then down my torso, before finally settling on my hips. He grips my waist and hoists me onto the counter with ease. The hem of my blue dress stretches and it creeps up my thighs as Trip pushes himself between my legs. His lips attack mine again and I throw my hands in his hair to try and immerse myself in him more.

  Trip wraps his arms around me and tugs me closer, but never stops kissing me. The weight of his body rubbing against me causes me to tingle all over. My panties grow wet as the sensation of the rigid material of his jeans presses against the sensitive flesh between my legs.

  I’d be lying to myself if I say I
haven’t wanted this with him since that night in the bar. No man has ever been able to make me aroused this quickly. There’s just something about him that’s very animalistic and I’m drawn to his take-charge attitude. The way he blatantly wants me is such a turn on. This is a man that goes for exactly what he wants and doesn’t make any excuses about it, which makes it even crazier that it’s me he wants. Every woman desires that.

  “God, you’re all I want, Holly. I’ve dreamed of this moment since I first kissed you,” Trip says. “You’re the only woman that’s ever drove me crazy like this.”

  Every instinct in my body is telling me he’s telling the truth. I can’t explain it, only that I feel it. It’s then I realize it’s him. It’s been him for a while now. Jackson has only been my excuse to allow acting on the attraction I’ve felt for him since that night in the club. I’ve wanted Trip for so long. All those nights lying awake in my room at night I spent dreaming of him should’ve told me that. If I really loved Jackson, I wouldn’t have been giving Trip a second thought.

  I pull back and stare into his green eyes. “Trip...” I say his name almost like a whisper. “I ...” I pause. I can’t just come out and tell him I think I have feelings for him. What if this has all been just a big game for him. I can’t chance it. I don’t want my heart crushed.

  Trip grabs my face in his hands, rubbing his thumbs against my cheeks. “You what, Holly? Tell me. I need to hear you say it.”

  I hesitate. “What do you want me to say?”

  He swallows hard and pulls our faces close enough for me to feel his breath on my lips. “If you feel something for me, tell me now. Please, tell me because I can’t stop thinking about you and I don’t know what to do about it.”

  I close my eyes and touch my forehead to his. “This is so complicated.”

  “It doesn’t have to be. Just say the words. Tell me you don’t want to be with Jackson, that you really want me. I don’t think I can stand by and watch him touch you one more goddamn day. You belong with me.”

  How can I not tell him I feel the same way after he’s laid out his feelings so clearly. I open my eyes to meet his gaze. I grab the hem of his shirt and tug him closer to me. “It’s you that I want. Not Jackson.”

  That’s all it takes for Trip to crush his lip to mine. This kiss is different. It’s more intense, and I can tell where this one is leading, there’s no going back.

  Trip’s hand roams under my dress and his fingers find the wet spot on my underwear. “You don’t know how fucking sexy that is and how badly I want a taste.”

  My toes try to curl inside my stilettos and my body is too turned on to worry about being shy now. “Then what’s stopping you?”

  A devilish smile creeps onto his face. “I love a bossy woman.” He kisses my lips. “Lift your ass up.”

  I raise my hips as he ordered and he shoves my dress up around my waist before ripping my panties. I hiss as he pulls the fabric from my body. He’s taking what he wants and not apologizing for it. There’s nothing sexier than that.

  Trip tugs the straps of my dress over my shoulders and then pulls the top of my dress down. The warmth of his hands is amazing as he kneads my breasts on the outside of my bra. The index and middle fingers of his right hand slip inside and push my bra down, revealing my puckered pink nipple. After he does the same thing to the other side he kisses a trail down my throat before heading further south and sucking on my nipple. I allow my head to fall back and I sigh as I run my fingers through his hair.

  He drops to his knees and grabs my ass, yanking my pussy closer to his mouth. “The first time I fuck you, it’s going to be fast. I won’t last once I slip inside you. I’ve wanted this too damn long. There’s no way I can hold back. But the second time I’m going to go slow, so I can savor every inch of that beautiful body of yours.”

  He doesn’t give me any time to debate him on the issue. The heat of his tongue against my throbbing clit is almost more than I can handle. After a few flicks, my legs resting over his shoulders begin to shake. I grab his hair as a tingle erupts and then spreads completely over my body.

  “Oh, God,” I moan as my body erupts in complete euphoria.

  Trip stands and kisses my lips, allowing me to taste myself on him. “Watching you come is even hotter than I imagined. I can’t wait to bury myself inside you.”

  He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a condom before unzipping his pants. I lean up and shove his jeans and boxers down around his ass. His large cock springs free and I wrap my hand around it and begin to playfully stroke him while he opens the wrapper.

  He hands me the rubber. “Put it on me.”

  I take the slippery condom from him and pinch the tip as I roll it down his shaft to the base. Trip’s hooded eyes rake over my body as I lean back on my elbows and open my legs for him. I’m so turned on by the look on his face. It’s as if he can’t take his eyes off me.

  Trip leans down and kisses my lips. “You don’t know how much I’ve thought about you just like this. I promised myself I wouldn’t fuck you, but damn it, I can’t help myself. I’m a selfish bastard and I can’t make myself not want you.”

  I melt into him and wrap my legs around his waist before attacking his lips. “I want you too—ever since that night in the club.”

  He groans as he penetrates me with the head of his cock. “So fucking tight. If I didn’t know better, I would think you’re a virgin.”

  “Don’t be gentle,” I whisper, wanting to feel him moving inside me.

  Trip pushes his entire length in and then pulls it back out so he can do it again. “You feel so fucking good. I don’t want this to end.”

  “It doesn’t have to,” I say.

  “Promise?” He asks, staring into my eyes.

  I nod and he picks up the pace, pumping into me faster and harder. After a few minutes sweat slicks his skin, and I run my hands up and down his back as his balls slap against me.

  I stare up at his face and watch him bite his lip, like he’s trying to make this last as long as he can while he gazes at me. The idea of him enjoying the way I feel causes another orgasm to rip through me.

  “Trip!” I cry out his name and his movements become more ridged and intense.

  “Ah, fuck. Yeah.” He follows my release with his own and collapses on top of me, peppering my face with soft kisses. “You are so fucking amazing.”

  I giggle beneath him and play with the wild strands of hair poking out from his head. “I have to say that was a first for me.”

  Trip raises his head and looks me in the eye. “What was?”

  I shrug. “An orgasm.”

  His eyes widen. “You’ve never had one before?”

  “Oh, I have, just never with someone else involved.” A blush creeps over my cheeks as I admit that out loud.

  “Really?” He lifts an eyebrow and grins. “Get ready, sweetness. There’s a whole lot more where that came from. I’m the self-proclaimed Orgasm King.”

  I laugh. “By yourself doesn’t count.”

  He shifts his hips and slides his still erect shaft back and forth inside me. “You know it’s true. I just gave you two in less than fifteen minutes.”

  “Mmm...maybe you better show me again so I can see if you warrant that title,” I tease.

  “It’ll be your pleasure.” He smirks as he goes to work kissing on my neck.


  Holly leans back against my chest and I wrap my arms around her before kissing the top of her head. It’s been a long time since I’ve cuddled like this after sex. Normally I stick to fucking in a neutral space so I can easily escape without all the expected sappy time after the fun. But this time is different. I want to be here with Holly. In fact, just like I was afraid of, now that I’ve gotten a real taste of her sweetness, I’m fucking addicted.

  She traces light circles on my forearm with the tips of her fingers. “What are you thinking about?”

  I sigh. “About how I’ll never be able to leave this place now.”
  “Oh?” I hear the curiosity in her voice. “Why’s that?”

  “Because of you,” I answer truthfully. “You’re a pretty amazing woman.”

  She turns in my arms and throws her legs over one of mine while we sit on the shop’s counter. “I’ll never be able to look at this counter again. Every time I see it, I’ll think of tonight.”

  “Who says it has to be just tonight?” I ask with optimism. “I’d be willing to stick around a little longer.”

  She turns her gaze up to mine. “Don’t you have bands to manage? Won’t they miss you?”

  I shrug. “They’re kind of on break right now. Besides, maybe if you and I work out, you’d come on the road with me for a while, after we get this business back on the right track.”

  She shakes her head. “I don’t know, Trip. Being around famous people just isn’t my thing. I’m just not into the whole drug and party scene—not to mention what jackasses they are. Look at Jackson for crying out loud. He’s just gotten a little taste of fame and he’s so full of himself he can barely see straight.”

  My heart sinks. “Not all famous people are like that, and for the record, I’m almost positive Jackson’s always been a douchebag.”

  “You’re right. I don’t know how I missed it all these years. I guess now I understand why my dad won’t listen to reason about my mom. He still loves her after everything she’s done to him—us—and lets her walk all over him. I never understood why he did that, but I guess I’ve been sort of doing the same thing with Jackson. He’s never really treated me very well.”

  “I’m glad you got away from him, and who knows, maybe your dad will wise up one day too.”

  “I don’t think he will. He’s still giving her money, which is a bad thing considering she’s a drug addict.”

  “Bill told me about her,” I say, not wanting to pretend that I don’t already know Bill and Grace’s history.