Read Rockstar Ghost PG-13 Version Page 14

  Chapter 10: American Jesus

  Several hours earlier?

  In one of the most pretentious mansions in Beverly Hills, Dr. Cole was reclining on his black leather couch in his plush living room watching TV on his expensive flat screen with a glass of Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon wine cupped in one hand. Two of his Rottweilers were sitting next to him on the floor gnawing on expensive slabs of raw T-bone steak. Nothing was too good for his babies. Dr. Cole reached over to the table in front of the couch and picked up a pill bottle. He popped open the bottle and dumped two antidepressants into his hand. He tossed them into his mouth and washed them down with a gulp of wine. He was a doctor and knew that he wasn't supposed to mix the medications he was on with alcohol but he didn't care.

  The doctor was watching Erotic Corpses' live concert expectantly. Dr. Cole swirled his red wine and took a sip as he watched the band get riddled with bullets and smiled cruelly. But then the band stood back up and began to play their instruments. What's this? This wasn't supposed to happen. Dr. Cole frowned as he sat up straighter and watched intently as Devon Decayn approached the microphone. Devon took a deep breath to begin to sing, but then froze.

  Everything seemed to stand still for those few seconds - even time itself.

  And then a young woman dressed like a female zombie ran up on stage and took the microphone. She had black hair that had been cut into an edgy style with angled bangs, and lots of layers. And her eyes?glowing, pale, lavender-colored eyes?

  Eyes that were just like HIS!

  Dr. Cole's wine glass fell from his limp fingers. It hit the carpet with a dull thud and red wine stained it blood-red ominously.

  The mysterious young woman began to sing and it was with HIS voice!

  Dr. Cole stood up, slammed his hands on the table in front of him, and glared at the TV screen. That was impossible! What the hell is going on? Just who the hell is that woman? Is this some kind of sick joke to torment me? Dr. Cole knew that he needed to return to Good Samaritan Hospital immediately.

  However, just as Dr. Cole turned to go he paused and scrutinized the young woman more closely. She had a beautiful face. A very familiar looking face. "Rosalie Galloway?" He narrowed his eyes at the young woman on screen.

  Her hair was different and so was the color of her eyes, but?that gloomy face. It was definitely her.

  Rosalie just had a new haircut, colored contact lenses perhaps, and was wearing some designer clothes. An intrigued smile spread across Dr. Cole's face. Rosalie Galloway - the first woman to ever refuse his advances! But not for long.

  "Is this where you have been hiding, little lamb? But I'll need to make sure it's you?" Dr. Cole reached into his pants' pocket and whipped out his cell phone. He quickly dialed his benefactor's telephone number.

  "Hello?" Came a man's gruff voice.

  "It's me?that was an interesting performance." Dr. Cole drawled, his amusement showing in his voice.

  "Indeed?albeit unexpected."

  "And the girl? Who is she?"

  "I don't know. An unexpected bonus perhaps?" The man chuckled dryly.

  "I think I may know who she really is, but I can't be certain?I need to confirm it with my own two eyes. So, on that note, wouldn't it be nice if Erotic Corpses decided to hold a concert at Good Samaritan Hospital for the patients there on Christmas. Sometimes, it's good to give back to the community, don't you think?"

  "An interesting idea. I'll see what I can do."

  "Don't forget?you owe me for what I'm doing?"

  "I haven't forgotten, Surgeon of Death. But don't forget. You owe me as well."

  "Good, see that you don't. Happy holidays." Dr. Cole ended the call and chuckled to himself as he gripped his phone in his hand. "You won't escape me forever Rosalie Galloway. No girl can resist my charms. You'll succumb just like all the others eventually. Your heart will be mine! Buwahahaha!" Dr. Cole began to laugh maniacally causing his dogs to get nervous and start howling.


  Four weeks had already flown by since Ro had become Erotic Corpses' lead singer and it was now mid December. Ro had explained to everyone at Wraythe Records that Carrie was her prot?g?, and the Wicca witch had immediately been hired as Erotic Corpses' new stylist. Ro and Carrie had both signed their contracts to work for Wraythe Records. Manager Brody had been in charge of everything and unfortunately Mr. Wraythe had been too busy to see them during the contract signing. Ro was extremely curious to meet the man that Blake considered to be like a second father. Everything was going swimmingly. It seemed all too easy.

  Meanwhile, Ro was growing closer to the band, but still hadn't gotten to investigate Joey or Vincent in a one-on-one setting yet. Her murder investigation had come to a bit of a standstill.

  At the Wraythe Records impressive, tower-like building, the band Erotic Corpses was currently jamming together in their practice studio. Ro was belting out punk rock lyrics while possessed by Blake. Devon's fingers were moving up and down the fret board as he strummed his guitar. Joey was doing funny dance moves while playing his bass guitar. And lastly, Vincent was attacking the drums with his bone-shaped sticks while head banging.

  Sadie was watching Devon from her place on the nearby couch, her chin in her hands, hearts in her eyes, and a lustful look on her face as she puffed on a cigarette.

  Carrie was on the couch next to the female rockstar, flipping through a VOGUE fashion magazine and pretending not to watch Vincent playing the drums. But Sadie could see that Carrie's magazine was upside down and snorted.

  Blake hated to admit it but he was really enjoying getting to sing with his band mates again. But he wasn't there for jam practice. He was there for revenge.

  The door to the practice studio burst open and their manager Brody Beck entered. The man was wearing a green and white Hawaiian shirt with a pair of tan colored board shorts. He wore a pair of neon green flip-flops on his feet and had a smoking cigar between his lips. There was stubble on his chin and even though he looked unprofessional and unkempt, he was the best manager in the music industry! He had extensive connections; people feared his name and doors opened just at the mere mention of his name. He was Manager Brody Beck of the Erotic Corpses. A celebrity in his own right.

  "Hey punks, I have some good news. Erotic Corpses is going to have a concert at Good Samaritan Hospital on Christmas Day." Manager Brody informed the band with a lopsided grin on his face.

  Devon took the news stoically, and Joey instantly looked pleased by the idea. "Good Samaritan Hospital? That's a great idea! Sweet! Did the big boss man come up with that himself? I'm always bugging him to let us do more philanthropic events."

  Brody furrowed his brow as he removed his cigar from his mouth and blew out a cloud of smoke. "Naw, I think someone from the hospital mentioned the idea to someone who works at our company." Mr. Beck explained vaguely with a shrug and walked over to Carrie. "You'll have to design costumes for the Christmas concert, Miss Ashmore. Mr. Wraythe said that the theme this time is: Jack Frost, Winter Wonderland, frostbite, hypothermia, and ice sculptures."

  "Interesting combination. I like it." A crooked smile formed on the Goth girl's lips.

  "Isn't that a little morbid for a hospital?" Blake sneered. "What's the old man thinking?!"

  Good Samaritan Hospital? But my father is there?! Ro panicked within her mind and Blake became equally worried about this turn of events. And so is Dr. Cole.

  A dark shadow had fallen over Vincent's handsome face as well but for very different reasons. "Good Samaritan Hospital?" Vincent looked nervous.

  "Since it's going to be at a hospital I want you punks to play some of your lighter stuff. We don't want to give the patients there a heart attack. Got it?" Brody waved his cigar at the band. "Practice, practice, practice! And keep practicing. And Ro?" Manager Brody sauntered over to give Ro a pat on her head and an easy smile. "You're doing really well. Keep up the good work, Miss Ripper."

  Blake grinned back still in Ro's body. "Thanks
Manager Brody."

  Manager Brody blinked at Ro, surprised by the shy girl's sudden straightforwardness and an odd feeling of d?j? vu. It reminded him of?Manager Brody shook his head. "I'll leave you punks to it then." Brody said gruffly before leaving the practice studio.

  Meanwhile, Blake and Ro were having a conversation inside of Ro's mind:

  What are we going to do, Blake? Ro asked.

  Calm down, beggar girl. Let me think. I hate to ask but?is your father even healthy enough to watch the concert? Maybe we're worrying about nothing. Blake offered.

  Ro mentally shook her head. I don't think so?he'd have to request getting someone to wheelchair him out of his room and my father doesn't like asking people for favors, so?

  So we have nothing to worry about. Let's just focus on practicing. Geez, you are such a worrywart. You're going to get wrinkles and look like an old lady if you keep that up. Blake chided causing Ro to mentally pout.

  "Alright guys, let's continue." Blake demanded.

  "Yea!" Joey readily agreed. Forceful Ro was so cute.

  Devon smirked and nodded. Vincent spun his drumsticks and grinned. Erotic Corpses continued to jam for several more hours after that. The instruments and Blake's singing blended perfectly together.


  After band practice, Carrie latched onto Ro's arm and begged the gloomy girl to go window-shopping with her since the witch still had to get Christmas presents for her large family. Ro agreed immediately and they left Wraythe Records together.

  As Ro and Carrie walked down the sidewalk on Rodeo Drive, they noted that all of the palm tress had been wrapped in golden, glowing Christmas lights. Storefront windows had also been decorated for Christmas with draping pine garlands, twisting multi-colored lights and dangling, frosted ornaments.

  Ro enjoyed window-shopping. Her family had always been poor and they had consistently had very frugal Christmases. The Galloways had rarely been able to afford to give each other presents, and so had cut 'items' out of magazines that they would have liked to give each other. They then presented each other with these 'dream gifts' on Christmas morning.

  The Galloways usually ate a simple dinner consisting of a precooked chicken, rice and beans. They would pretend they were eating an extravagant turkey with stuffing, marshmallow covered yams, green beans, wild rice, and pumpkin pie for dessert. They would pretend they were eating the dishes they wished they had. The Galloways would pretend a single cupcake was a large cake, and divide it into three pieces.

  Sometimes Ro couldn't really blame her mother for having left them?

  Ro liked window-shopping because it was like dreaming. She had always wished she could actually enter the stores and actually buy something for her father for Christmas. The medium used to imagine what it would be like to have the money to buy the ingredients to cook her father an extravagant Christmas dinner. But in the end it was just a dream...

  Carrie had her arm wrapped around Ro's arm in a friendly manner as they walked down the sidewalk on Rodeo Drive. Blake was floating next to Ro and glaring at Carrie for her over familiarity with the gloomy girl.

  Carrie was smiling brightly - her smile contrasting greatly with her dark Goth makeup and long black medieval gown. "Thanks for coming with me, Ro! I have to buy presents for my family - my mom, dad and all of my brothers and sisters. I just got an advanced paycheck from Wraythe Records too! Manager Brody is a little weird but definitely a nice guy! I think I'll buy my family some scarves and matching hats. Something practical, you know? What do you think, Ro?"

  Carrie turned her head and noticed that Ro was looking inside of an impressive, festive window display. It was the front window of the Prada store. On either side of the main entrance door stood two palm trees wrapped in glowing Christmas lights. There was an extremely sharp looking gray pinstriped suit with a matching gray scarf and hat on the manikin that stood in the window. Ro thought that her father would look extremely handsome in that suit. He'd also be nice and warm with that scarf, and hat. Unconsciously, Ro reached her hand out longingly towards the glass.

  It's only a dream. Ro reminded herself in a dreary manner.

  Carrie gave Ro a knowing look. "Do you have someone you still need to buy a present for? Oh, are you thinking of getting that suit for your father? Let's go inside and look at it!" The witch grabbed Ro's hand and began to pull her towards the front door.

  But Ro snatched her hand away from Carrie's grip. Carrie turned around and gave Ro a hurt, questioning look.

  Ro was shaking her head as guilt welled up inside of her chest. "No?I can't?I've never?I don't have any money?" Ro stammered as she tried to explain that she had never shopped for real Christmas presents before and that she didn't feel right about spending Blake's money on herself or her family. It just wasn't right. She was a fake. She didn't deserve any of this.

  Blake was watching Ro closely and seemed to get most of her hesitation. "Idiot. You're a millionaire now and Wraythe Records also gave you a paycheck this month. You have the money to do as much Christmas shopping as you want. You can use my emergency money too. I give you my permission. Be honored." Blake gave Ro a haughty look. "Buy your father the most extravagant Christmas present you can! Or else!" Blake threatened with a glare.

  Ro looked at Blake in surprise and gave him a curious look. How did he know exactly what was bothering her? The ghost seemed to be able to read her mind at times.

  Carrie smiled when Ro told her what Blake had just said. "You see. Even the big bad ghost can be nice sometimes. Let's go shopping!" Carrie took Ro's hand and dragged her into the store.

  Carrie and Blake convinced Ro to buy her father the suit that she had been eyeing in the window, while Carrie purchased several hats with matching scarves and gloves for her entire family. At the register, Carrie turned to Ro, "Hey, are you going to buy your band mates anything?"

  "Band mates?" Ro gave Carrie a confused look and then realized that the Goth meant Devon, Joey and Vincent. "Oh?but they're not my band mates or friends?they're Blake's. I'm just?a stranger?" Ro said morosely, hanging her head in a dejected manner.

  Carrie frowned at Ro's self-deprecating words. "Huh? That's not true?they've accepted you, Ro. You're part of the band now?" The witch reached out and put a hand on Ro's shoulder.

  Ro looked up at Carrie with a tortured expression in her ice-blue eyes. "Carrie?I'm not?"

  "Ro is right." Blake spoke up suddenly. "She's not a part of Erotic Corpses, but neither am I, Ro. Devon may have been cleared, but Vincent and Joey still haven't, and until then?I won't trust them or have anything to do with them. You're not at Wraythe Records to make friends, Ro. You're there to investigate those people and find out who killed me, so that I can get my revenge."

  Ro repeated Blake's dire words to Carrie in a saddened tone. "Blake is right, Carrie. We're not here to make friends. Don't forget. We joined Wraythe Records so that we could investigate Blake's murder."

  Carrie touched a wine-colored colored scarf that she had just purchased in a wistful manner. "Yea?you're right. I keep forgetting?they're still murder suspects?"

  Even as Ro said those cruel words, however, she didn't really believe them. She believed that Joey and Vincent were innocent, but?she still had to prove their innocence to Blake while also discovering Blake's true murderer.

  In truth, Ro really wanted to get Devon, Joey, and Vincent Christmas presents, but?if Blake found out about it or caught her she'd be so screwed! So what could she do?

  Oh no?my life really is cursed. Ro moaned in her mind because she felt that the band had become her friends.


  For the entire week before the scheduled Christmas concert at Good Samaritan Hospital, Erotic Corpses practiced day and night in preparation. During a moment of rare free time, Ro drove to a material store and purchased several balls of colored yarn. Once she was back at the penthouse she began to crochet. When Blake began to bother her about what the hell she was doing, Ro told him that sh
e was making something for Carrie and to leave her alone. This, of course, was a total lie.

  Later that day, while Ro was taking a shower, Lucky, Percy, Spottie, Luna and Dulce curiously got into Ro's yarn basket, began to play with the yarn, and unwind the balls of yarn so that the entire penthouse began to become an obstacle course.

  Blake had been outside on the balcony and by the time he reentered the penthouse colored yarn was all over the floor. "Ah! Ro! Your stupid cats got into your yarn basket! They're making a mess in my beloved penthouse!" Blake shouted, not knowing that Ro was currently in the shower.

  All Ro could hear was Blake yelling at the top of his lungs, and thinking it was an emergency she jumped out of the shower and quickly wrapped a towel around her body. She flung the bathroom door open and padded her way into the living room to see that colored yarn was everywhere. The living room looked like it had been draped with a multicolored web made up of: purple, dark blue, hot pink, yellow, orange, black and red.

  "Ah! Cats! Luckyyy!" Ro shouted as she ran around the apartment wrapped in nothing but a towel, and chased the cats in order to force them to let go of her crochet. Lucky had a crocheted mitten in his maw and Ro began to play tug-o-war with the cat for the item.

  At the same exact moment while this chaos was going on, Carrie was approaching the penthouse door. Carrie had been given the pass code to Blake's apartment so that she could come and go as she pleased since the penthouse had become her temporary sewing studio where she could work unhindered on the costumes for the upcoming Christmas concert for the band. The witch reached the door, punched the pass code in and stepped inside of the apartment, planning to do some finishing touches to the costumes since the concert was tomorrow.

  What greeted her eyes was pandemonium - yarn was everywhere and Ro was chasing her cats while dressed in nothing but a skimpy towel! "Hey Ro?where's Blake? Is he gone?" Carrie asked tentatively.

  "No?he's around somewhere." Ro absentmindedly replied as she picked Lucky up by the scruff of his neck and removed the mitten from his maw.

  "Then?is it really wise for you to be running around in a towel like that?" Carrie asked with her hands on her hips and an arched eyebrow.

  "Huh?" Ro said as Lucky mischievously hooked his claws into Ro's towel and tugged it right off of her! The towel dropped to the floor soundlessly. Ro looked down at her naked body, looked up at Blake who was staring at her, and began to turn bright red. "Ahhhh!" Ro screamed and wrapped her arms over her chest.

  Blake scratched his head. "Will you shut up? It's not like it's anything I haven't seen before."

  Ro turned even redder at Blake's careless words. "Get out of here, you perverted ghost! Get out! Pervert!" Ro yelled and threw a ball of yarn his way.

  Blake ducked out of reflex-

  And the yarn ball hit Carrie right in the face.

  BONK. Blake started to laugh and pointed at Carrie, quite amused. Carrie frowned. She just knew Blake White was laughing at her! "Arrogant ghost?"

  Ro quickly pulled her towel back up and wrapped it around her torso tightly. She glared daggers at Blake. "You disgust me." She muttered, her voice dripping with venom. She spun around and stomped off towards Blake's room.

  Blake looked after her feeling somewhat at a loss. Ro had actually looked really upset and her words had kind of hurt, which surprised him. The mighty Blake White really shouldn't care what a beggar girl thought.

  You disgust me.

  Carrie seemed to be able to sense the abnormally tense atmosphere. "Wow, she really laid it on thick there?huh?" Carrie addressed the couch, er, Blake. "Don't let it get to you?she has her reasons why she acts that way around men. Especially in sexual situations. It's not really my place to tell you about it, but?if you want to know more about it - ask her about Dr. Cole. That jerk screwed up her life?and there's a pretty good chance he's going to be there at the hospital tomorrow. We both need to keep an eye on Ro. Got it?"

  Blake nodded in agreement. That's right?that perverted doctor is going to be there. But surely he won't recognize Ro Ripper as Rosalie Galloway? Right? Blake stroked his chin in thought, beginning to feel uneasy about the whole situation.

  If that pervert tries anything funny - I'll kick his butt! The rockstar ghost vowed adamantly to himself.

  In that moment, Blake really wished that he could communicate with Carrie. She was a Wicca witch?she should know of some way to communicate with a ghost! Geesh! Pathetic useless witch?

  Carrie made her way over to Blake's dining room table that had been temporarily converted into Carrie's worktable. She took out the costumes she had been working on the last couple of days, and began doing a few finishing touches.

  A few minutes later, Ro came out of Blake's room, fully dressed, and she completely ignored Blake as she began to help Carrie with the costumes silently. The girls were up until two o'clock in the morning by the time they finished the costumes, and Ro still had to secretly finish her Christmas presents for Devon, Joey, Vincent, Sadie and Carrie too! It was going to be a long night.

  It was 4:30 in the morning by the time Ro finally went to bed. She had her alarm set for six o'clock since Carrie was supposed to meet up with her at the penthouse at seven o'clock. Because of this Ro barely got any sleep and the next day there were dark circles beneath her pretty eyes, which ironically was okay since the theme of the concert was to have the band members look like 'frozen corpses' anyways. Ro looked at her hideous appearance in the bathroom mirror and smiled grimly. My bad luck is finally good luck. Heh.

  The previous day, Ro had left a gift-wrapped suit box in her father's hospital room so that he would wake up and find the gift Christmas morning. When her father woke up this morning he would discover the gift on the bed next to him. Ro smiled at the thought. This year her father would be receiving a real Christmas present and not just a magazine clipping.

  Carrie punctually met up with Ro at the penthouse at seven o'clock and then Ro drove her friend and Blake to Good Samaritan Hospital. As soon as they arrived they were greeted by Manager Brody who led the girls to a room inside of the hospital that had been specially prepared for the band, so that they could get ready for the concert there. Carrie helped the band get into their costumes and did their makeup. The concert was going to happen right on the front lawn of the hospital. The band was incredibly excited about this concert and waited impatiently for Manager Brody to tell them when they could leave the hospital room and get into their positions on stage. Ro found herself feeling nervous but?in a good way.


  That Christmas morning, Edgar Galloway woke up in his hospital bed and turned his head to the side. His eyes widened as he caught sight of the nicely wrapped package sitting on the bed next to him. It was wrapped in silver and blue paper with a snowflake pattern, and silver ribbon. It was sitting right where Ro usually left a magazine clipping of the gift she wished she could get her father for Christmas.

  Edgar summoned his strength to sit up in bed and brought the package into his lap. Just that small amount of exertion and he was already feeling winded. He unwrapped it and took the top off to reveal a stunning, pinstriped Prada suit. The jacket and pants were gray with thin, white, vertical stripes. There was a white button-down shirt inside of the box along with a pair of black leather dress shoes, a matching gray scarf, a hat, gloves, and a beautiful silk tie that had silver, black and blue lines on it in a geometric pattern.

  Edgar gingerly touched the silk tie. He couldn't believe it was real. He hadn't possessed such a nice suit since the one he wore for his wedding day. Edgar spotted a folded piece of paper and reached out for it. The carpenter opened the note to read the following note written in Rosalie's handwriting:

  Merry Christmas Daddy!

  Tears sprang to Edgar's gray eyes. His daughter really had given this to him. She must be doing well and that was the true Christmas gift. It was every parent's wish to see his or her child doing well, or so Edgar believed in his heart. A single tear tra
iled down Edgar's pale face - not of sadness but of joy.

  The door to his room opened and in stepped one of his nurses. She had short ringlets of blonde hair around her face and wide brown eyes. She was holding a breakfast tray and had a red Santa hat on her head. "Merry Christmas, Mr. Galloway! I've brought you breakfast."

  Edgar put the tie back into the box and set the box aside as he gave the peppy nurse a shy smile. "Thank you, Anne. Merry Christmas to you too." His gray eyes sparkled.

  Anne blushed. Mr. Edgar Galloway was a sickly and yet handsome man. He had the kind of beauty a wilting flower has. The kind that seems ephemeral. He had graying black hair, gray hooded eyes, angular features, a strong nose, and thin lips. He also wore a neatly trimmed pencil mustache. He looks a little like Clark Gable. Anne sighed to herself wistfully. "Ah, is that suit a Christmas present from Rosalie? I'll help you put it on after you've finished eating your breakfast." Anne offered kindly.

  "You're too kind." Edgar agreed with a nod.

  After Edgar finished his breakfast, Anne happily helped Edgar to dress, letting her hands linger here and there on his body a little longer than was probably appropriate. "I'm sure your daughter will come and visit you today. Good luck, Mr. Galloway and Merry Christmas!" Anne said once again as she reluctantly left the room and closed the door behind her.

  Edgar simply smiled and nodded. All his words were used up. But a few hours later the strangest thing happened. The door to his room opened and a nurse with a wheelchair entered. She was a nurse that Mr. Galloway didn't recognize. She was tall, abnormally thin, and with a stern expression on her face. The nurse had long, straight blonde hair that was pulled back into a serious ponytail and her eyes were an icy blue. "Hello Mr. Galloway, Merry Christmas. I'm here to take you to the concert."

  Edgar blinked. "Concert?"

  "The punk rock band Erotic Corpses is going to have a concert here at our hospital today. The concert starts in ten minutes, so we'd better hurry if we want to get a good spot on the lawn." The nurse explained in a droning tone.

  "Erotic Corpses?" Edgar muttered to himself. He knew that band. He and Rosalie had sung their song one day together in his room for fun, but it seemed a strange choice of bands to perform at a hospital. It didn't make such sense. Unless the band planned on playing some lighter songs, perhaps?

  The stern nurse was already helping Edgar out of his bed forcefully and into the wheelchair. Edgar did not have the strength to resist. That in and of itself was extremely strange too. He wasn't supposed to be allowed out of his room, at all, because of his 'delicate condition'. At least, according to his doctor - Dr. Cole. And now they were letting him go to a concert on the lawn? Why? Something strange was going on. "Hey, wait, I-" Edgar objected trying to stand up, but the nurse ignored him, put her hands on his shoulders, and sat him back down in the wheelchair again. Edgar blushed at not having been able to resist the nurse's firm touch. He felt so helpless because of his sickness.

  "Alright, let's go." The nurse said as she wheeled Edgar out of his room, down the hall and to the elevator. They took the elevator down to the first floor and then the nurse wheeled Edgar through the lobby and outside to the hospital lawn.

  Hundreds of patients were already outside and bundled up tight against the chill weather. Some were in wheelchairs like Edgar. It was so cold out that Edgar could see his breath come out of his mouth in small white puffs. In front of the crowd an impressive stage had been set up. The stage even had its own stage lights and strip lights.

  This was a strangely big production. Edgar noticed that there were reporters, paparazzi, and even a film crew present. Is this a publicity stunt?

  The nurse wheeled Edgar through the crowd and to a spot right in front of the stage. He'd have a great view. Funny, Edgar actually liked punk rock music.

  Edgar turned to thank the serious nurse, but realized she was no longer there. She had disappeared. How odd. He frowned.

  But then- the lights came on illuminating the stage, and the theme from 2001: A Space Odyssey, also known as Sprach Zarathustra by Richard Strauss began to play. On rising circular platforms the band's instruments appeared on stage: a drum set, an electric guitar on a stand, a bass guitar on a stand and a microphone stand.

  Edgar frowned as he caught sight of the microphone and wondered who was going to be singing for Erotic Corpses. Blake White was dead?having committed suicide. No. Edgar shook his head. His daughter was certain Blake White had been murdered. No one will be able to top that talented young man.

  But since Blake White was no longer in this world, who was going to sing? Had Erotic Corpses found a new singer already? Edgar wondered.

  Rising up on four circular platforms came four six-foot tall rectangular-shaped blocks of ice next. They were about the size of caskets.

  The spotlights focused on the blocks of ice and Edgar could barely see that inside each block of ice a person was trapped inside. Hired actors that were dressed all in black and that had flame throwers in their hands came up on stage before unleashing a stream of real fire at the ice cubes causing them to begin to melt. Everyone was captivated, in awe, and terrified by this dangerous stunt.

  Hey, hey, hey! Edgar's eyes widened as he looked around to see everyone's reactions to this dangerous stunt. It's this a bit much for hospital patients to take?

  The performers turned off their flamethrowers once the cubes were about halfway thawed. And then-

  The Erotic Corpses began to punch and kick their way out of the ice! The crowd cheered once they were completely free and the band walked over to their respective instruments.

  Edgar watched as a tall, olive-skinned young man with a lithe frame, long red hair, and a pair of round yellow sunglasses on his face made his way over towards the drum set. Vincent Sangre was wearing a black vest with red and silver snowflakes on it, a red cravat with a silver snowflake pin, a black jacket with red cuffs, black silk pants, and a pair of boots. He was wearing a top hat on his head that had a red ribbon around its base and a large silver snowflake on it. Vincent Sangre's drumsticks had been specially made out of Swarovski crystal so that they resembled icicles. Vincent's face had been painted white and he had pale blue lipstick on.

  Edgar's attention shifted to a glowing blue skeleton that was up on stage - no wait. A young man with spiky blonde hair with black tips - was wearing a black bodysuit that had the pattern of a skeleton's bones on it. The bone pattern was glowing softly with a blue tinged light. A battery pack was attached to Joey's back, which was providing power for the light strips that illuminated the bone pattern. Joey Bones had his face painted white with blue and dark blue accents. Edgar watched intently as this young man picked up the bass guitar and put the strap on over his head.

  Edgar's eyes were attracted towards a tall, young man with short, dark blue hair in an edgy style and that had been razor cut on the sides of his head with a design and dyed black, next. The young man had dark eyes, pale skin and was wearing a very interesting black leather outfit. The jacket had what at first appeared to be metal spikes on the chest and shoulders, but upon closer inspection Edgar realized that the spikes were made out of Swarovski crystal to resemble icicles. A few of these crystal icicles were dangling from Devon's sleeves. There were even icicles protruding from the top of Devon's combat boots.

  Devon Decayn had his face painted white, blue circles had been painted on his eye sockets, and his lips had been painted dark blue. He emulated a frozen Angel of Death?or a thawed ice demon. He had a pair of melting ice wings that had been attached to his back and as he performed pieces of the wings fell off and hit the stage exploding into sparkling clouds of ice crystals.

  Lastly, Edgar's attention was drawn to the new singer of Erotic Corpses: a beautiful, mysterious young woman with midnight black hair that was cut into a punky style. The dress she was wearing was amazing. It consisted of a black, lace-up corset that had silver snowflakes and Swarovski crystals on it. The skirt of the dress was long and had lots
of layers but looked as though it had been ripped open in the front so that Ro's long legs were visible in her black thigh-high boots. The black material of the skirt was completely covered in sparkling Swarovski crystals giving the dress a glazed or iced look. She was wearing a black choker with a silver snowflake dangling from it around her neck. Ro Ripper's face had been painted white, blue shadows had been painted beneath her eyes and she had dark blue lipstick on.

  A frozen Goth princess. Edgar thought.

  The female rockstar had her head bowed as she held the microphone that was in the stand in front of her, and then she looked up. Edgar saw her pale lavender colored eyes?

  But he recognized her face now. She was his daughter: Rosalie Galloway!

  "Hello and welcome to our Christmas concert, everyone! We're really glad to be here. So thanks for having us! Our bass guitarist Joey Bones and our lead guitarist Devon Decayn have been working on this new song together for all of you. Here goes:

  "My friends are a bunch of rich jerks

  I'm sick of lying my butt off to fit in

  They all naively think I'm one of them

  I'm always on the outside looking in

  I'm going to break the mask on my face?


  "I'm just a Deadbeat Loser?

  And I'm proud of it!

  I'm just a Deadbeat Loser?

  And I'm proud of it!

  I'm just a Deadbeat Loser?

  And I'm proud of it! YEAA!"


  The drummer led the band into the song and then the lead guitar kicked in followed by the bass, and that's when Ro opened her mouth and began to belt out punk lyrics in a voice that was not truly her own. Edgar's eyes widened in a mixture of shock, surprise, and astonishment since his daughter was singing in a voice that oddly enough sounded a lot like Blake White's voice.

  What's going on? Is that really my Rosalie? "Rosalie??" Edgar murmured in concern, gripping his wheelchair arms tightly until his knuckles turned white.

  Erotic Corpses continued their musical performance, and as Ro sang Edgar was captivated by that talented voice. It was like witnessing a miracle. That voice?it had everyone on the hospital lawn completely bewitched as if time hung still.

  "I used to yell and scream at my 'rents

  To buy me what I wanted for Christmas

  Didn't give a crap if we had food money

  I disrespected my 'rents and gave them sass


  "Hired actors to pretend to be my parents

  Didn't want my friends to know I was poor

  Ashamed of my origins and my roots

  Ran away from home, and out the door


  "I'm just a Deadbeat Loser?

  And I'm proud of it!

  I'm just a Deadbeat Loser?

  And I'm proud of it!

  I'm just a Deadbeat Loser?

  And I'm proud of it! YEAAA!"


  As Ro sang the chorus twice, time seemed to slow down and Edgar noticed that the dead leaves that were falling from a nearby tree appeared to be descending in slow motion. Edgar dazedly watched a black bird take flight from one of the tree's skeletal branches and he could see every slow flap of the bird's wings. Snow began to fall from the swirling, gray clouds overhead and the snow seemed to take ages before it reached the ground. It was magical.

  The young woman's somewhat raspy and melodious voice sent goosebumps running up and down everyone's arms that hadn't been caused by the cold weather. Ro's singing brought tears to Edgar's gray eyes, and to the eyes of everyone else in the audience.

  The song reminded Edgar of the frugal Christmases the Galloway family had spent together?even without presents they had been happy. As long as they had each other that was all that mattered.

  "But one day the richest boy in my school

  Became the poorest when his parents died

  All his millions couldn't raise the dead

  Death wouldn't take his currency, he cried


  "My friends and family still drawing breath

  I finally realized the richest kid was me

  Dreams, laughter, smiles, hugs, kisses, memories, love

  The Best Christmas presents are all free!


  "Pretender, Poser, Poor boy. That's me.

  Pretender, Poser, Poor boy. That's me.

  Pretender, Poser, Poor boy. That's me."


  Blake looked at the crowd of patients, paparazzi and news reporters on the hospital lawn and sang loudly. He didn't know where Joey had come up with the idea for the song but?he was impressed. Before Blake had met Ro he probably wouldn't have been able to relate to the song very much, but as Blake sang the song he pictured what life must have been like for Rosalie growing up. He pictured Ro having Christmas with her father in their tiny apartment, with a meager dinner and a cold fireplace without wood.

  Because he was imagining Ro he was able to put his heart and soul into the song and words. Blake had never been able to put so much emotional conveyance into a song before. Sure Blake White was talented, skilled, always sang in key, never made mistakes and had a very impressive vocal range. But Blake's singing had sometimes lacked emotion. At least according to Devon Decayn. Especially when the songs contained subject matter Blake had been unable to relate to. But Ro was opening his eyes to a lot of things. To a different world.

  Perhaps, it seemed hypocritical for someone like Blake White - the man who had everything - to be singing a song about the poor. But all the money in the world couldn't bring his parents back to life. When his parents had been killed Blake had indeed become the poorest man on Earth.

  He had been lucky since Mr. William Wraythe had taken Blake under his wing and given him the chance to use his pretty face to become a part of show biz. Mr. Wraythe had turned Blake into a star so that he was able to support himself. Blake White was the man who had everything but who also had nothing.

  As Blake sang his eyes locked with a certain man's. The man was in a wheelchair right in front of the stage and he had tears in his eyes. He also looked oddly familiar.

  Ah! Blake! That's my father! What is he doing outside the hospital? Ro quickly informed the ghost.

  Blake's eyes narrowed at Mr. Galloway. It was indeed Ro's sickly father. Blake smiled at Mr. Galloway and began to sing directly to him.

  Blake! What are you doing? Ro inwardly began to panic.

  God, you're such a worrywart, Ro. Nothing's going to happen. Blake reassured Ro in her mind.

  However, just as Blake was reassuring Ro of this, Dr. Cole suddenly materialized behind Ro's father coming into Blake's line of sight. Dr. Cole looked up at 'Ro' and met Blake's eyes. He put a hand on Mr. Galloway's shoulder before holding up a syringe, which he held next to Mr. Galloway's throat. He smiled cruelly as he awaited Ro's reaction. It was an obvious threat to Mr. Galloway's life!

  Dr. Cole?! Get away from my father, you jerk! Ro screamed in her mind.

  Ro! Chill. This is just what he wants?for me to freak out on stage and reveal your identity?but I won't let that happen. I'll protect your father and your identity?trust me. Blake soothed.

  In a steely manner, Blake ignored Dr. Cole and Mr. Galloway, and turned his attention to the rest of the audience next. He continued to sing seemingly unfazed by what had just occurred. But as much as Blake was able to remain calm in this situation, Ro simply could not. She became more and more nervous as the concert progressed and it was getting harder for Blake to remain inside of Ro's unstable mind, heart and body.

  "Dreams, laughter, smiles, hugs, kisses, memories, love. The best Christmas presents are free! Pretender, poser, poor boy. That's me." Blake sang the last line of the song with his arms out wide in a dramatic pose, and felt Ro push him right out of her body.

  Ahhhh! The ghost went spinning through the air.

  Father?! Ro thought frantically as she leapt off the stage and approached Mr. Galloway an
d Dr. Cole. She came to stand directly in front of her father, fists clenched at her sides, and glared hostilely at Dr. Cole, who still had his hand on Mr. Galloway's shoulder. Though the doctor had put the syringe away, he had Ro's complete attention and that was all he had really wanted.

  "Ro! No, you idiot!" Blake shouted at her as he flew through the air towards her.

  Ro tried so hard not to say anything and bit her lower lip. Mr. Galloway looked up at Ro and then looked over at Dr. Cole noticing the doctor's hand on his shoulder. Edgar had never seen Ro look at someone with eyes so full of obvious hatred before. He shuddered, wondering what the hell was going on. Dr. Cole was the family doctor and their friend. What could have possibly happened between them for Ro to look at the man like that?

  Edgar also noted that Rosalie's eyes were back to normal - they were their usual ice-blue color with the dark blue ring around the irises and with flecks of gray in them. Those were truly his daughter's eyes.

  Dr. Cole smiled widely. "Ah, Mr. Galloway?I'd like to introduce you to the new lead singer of Erotic Corpses - Ro Ripper."

  Edgar looked up at Ro, right in her eyes and smiled. "Hello young lady. It's nice to meet you. You are an incredibly talented singer." He greeted her in a polite yet distant manner.

  Father?! Ro looked at her father in surprise. He was pretending not to know who she was?for her sake! Ro calmed herself and nodded. "Thank you, sir?"

  A deep frown marred Dr. Cole's handsome face and his eyes flashed. "Mr. Galloway?isn't your daughter's name Rosalie? What a coincidence."

  Mr. Galloway nodded. "Yes, that's right. She's around your age too, young lady. Although the Rosalie I know would never be able to get up on a stage like you just did and sing in front of so many people. My Rosalie is bad with crowds." A lopsided smile formed on Edgar's dreary face. "Anyways, my daughter is a fan of Erotic Corpses by the way. If I had known that you were going to be having a concert here I would have told my Rosalie to come. Such a pity?she'll be extremely disappointed she missed this?" Edgar shook his head sadly.

  "A fan? I'll have my manager give you one of our autographed CDs then. You can give it to your daughter as a Christmas present." Ro offered with a smile.

  "You're too kind." Mr. Galloway said, a glint in his gray eyes.

  Dr. Cole was fuming. These two were trying to trick him. He was sure of it?well, almost sure of it. He knew this was Rosalie Galloway?wasn't it? Even Dr. Cole was beginning to doubt?was it really not her? This woman before him seemed?confident.

  "Rosalie!" Came a high-pitched sounding voice.

  Dr. Cole, Edgar, Ro and Blake all turned to see a fashionable woman with eyes just like Ro's approach them. Belladonna - Ro's mother - was a tall woman in her forties, but she didn't have a single wrinkle on her face. This was because of the plastic surgery she had undergone and the Botox treatments she'd had. With her fake, size D boobs, and liposuctioned limbs - her body and face resembled that of a Barbie Doll. Everything about her was fake. Even her long, wavy blonde hair was dyed. She was wearing a skin-tight, red, Prada dress, a long black leather jacket, was carrying a Louis Vuitton shoulder bag, and had a pair of Christian Louboutins on her feet.

  Who's this Bride of Frankenstein? Blake wondered as he gazed at the woman and then noticed her eyes, which resembled Ro's eyes so keenly. Oh crap?

  Belladonna was barely recognizable to Edgar and Ro, who blinked at her for several moments since her voice was familiar to them and her eyes, but as for the rest of her?? They didn't know what to make of the drastic changes to her appearance.

  Belladonna closed in on Ro and stalked over to her. "Rosalie?!" Belladonna threw her arms around her daughter and hugged her tightly.

  Ro froze as she realized who this woman suddenly was. Oh crap?mother?

  Dr. Cole was giving Ro a piercing look again.

  "Honey, I mean, Belladonna what are you doing to that poor girl? She's not our Rosalie." Edgar interjected politely.

  Belladonna snapped her head in Edgar's direction and looked at him in shock. "Edgar?! What are you doing here and in that wheelchair? And what do you mean this girl isn't our Rosalie? She's Rosalie - our daughter!" She insisted with a stamp of her high-heeled shoe.

  Ro pushed her mother back. "I?I?I'm sorry?but?" Ro stammered, but she just couldn't do this. She couldn't pretend that her parents weren't her parents!

  Blake realized that Ro was in trouble. "Crap?Ro you idiot?"

  Belladonna gave Ro a shocked look and grabbed Ro's shoulders. "What are you saying, Rosalie?"

  Blake dove into Ro's body and possessed her. The ghost opened his lavender colored eyes and slapped Belladonna's hand away coldly. Blake glared defiantly at Belladonna. "You're not my mother."

  Belladonna gasped and placed a hand in front of her pouty, collagen-injected lips. Tears began to fill her beautiful eyes. "Rosalie?"

  Edgar began to have a violent coughing fit. Belladonna turned towards him in concern. "Edgar? What's wrong?" Edgar just continued to cough more violently.

  "I think it would be best if you helped the man back to his room. He has a delicate condition." Blake suggested firmly.

  "His room? Here?" Belladonna resisted the urge to bite down on her lower lip - her new lips had been expensive after all and a frown formed on her pretty face. She nodded, feeling at a loss suddenly of what to do. She took Edgar's wheelchair by the handles, and began to wheel her ex-husband back towards the hospital.

  Blake turned to glare at Dr. Cole once the couple had gone. "We need to talk." Blake grabbed Dr. Cole's wrist and dragged him through the crowd on the lawn.

  Dr. Cole chuckled. "My, suddenly so aggressive, Rosalie."

  Blake stopped once he deemed them far enough away from the stage. They were standing next to a couple of trees that gave them some privacy from the prying eyes of the paparazzi. Blake let go of Dr. Cole's wrist and spun to face him. "What the hell do you want with me? You don't even know me."

  "Stop playing coy. I know exactly who you really are - Rosalie Galloway. You and your father almost had me fooled but your mother is truly an open book. She's also incredibly familiar. Where have I seen her before??" Dr. Cole pondered as he stroked his chin.

  "What the hell do you want?" Blake asked again with a snarl.

  "My, such language. It doesn't suit a pretty girl such as yourself, Rosalie. I'm just curious about why Rosalie Galloway would change her name and pop up as Ro Ripper - the lead singer of Erotic Corpses all of a sudden. What dangerous secrets are you hunting? What truth are you trying to uncover? Just what are you up to exactly? I'm sure you wouldn't want to put your parents in danger. But if their connection with you is discovered that would put them at risk, wouldn't it? Make them?targets?perhaps?" Dr. Cole smiled evilly, hinting that he knew certain things.

  "What do you want?" Blake growled again, resisting the urge to just punch this jerk in the face.

  Dr. Cole's dark blue eyes flashed with desire. "You know what I want, Rosalie." Dr. Cole leaned forward and whispered in Ro's ear. "I want your heart to be mine!" The doctor pulled back and chuckled at Ro's disgusted look. "If you agree to give me your heart then I'll keep your real identity a secret and protect your parents. So, what do you say?"

  In Ro's mind, the medium was actually considering Dr. Cole's offer. She was beginning to think that she didn't really have a choice but to agree to start dating the doctor or whatever his sick and twisted mind had planned for her. She had to protect her parents from Blake's murderer at all costs. However-

  SLAP! Blake suddenly slapped Dr. Cole hard across the face. "My heart is not so easily given away. I'm Ro Ripper now. But really it's no big deal. Go right ahead and tell everyone I used to be Rosalie Galloway. I only changed my name because Ro Ripper sounds cooler - not because of some conspiracy you seem to think is amiss. Also, my parents are old-fashioned, traditionalists so I didn't think they would support my career as a rockstar. But go right ahead, Dr. Cole. Tell everyone if you really want to. I don't care!" <
br />
  Blake! Ro thought.

  Ro?don't worry, I'll protect your parents no matter what happens. You don't have to be this sicko's lover. You're no one's pawn except for mine. You're Rosalie Galloway?and you're kind of?amazing?

  Ro mentally blushed. Blake?

  Blake flipped his hair and stalked away from Dr. Cole without looking back.

  Dr. Cole grit his teeth out of frustration. "Dammit!" He turned and punched the tree that was next to him.

  POW! Wood splintered and woodchips went flying through the air. Dr. Cole had left a fair-sized hole in the tree's trunk.

  The sound of applause was heard and Dr. Cole turned to see the famous heavy metal singer, Sadie Skellington, approaching him. Sadie was wearing a long, fuzzy, hot pink, winter jacket that was decorated with black fur around the collar and at the bottom of the sleeves. The jacket had cute, round, black buttons going down the front of it.

  Sadie sauntered over to Dr. Cole in a pair of extremely tall and unstable high-heeled shoes, and removed her sunglasses with a flourish. "That was impressive?doctor??"

  "Dr. Cole." Dr. Cole grunted, eyeing this strange girl curiously.

  Sadie put her hand out for Dr. Cole to take and he did so, suddenly amused. He put a kiss on the top of her hand.

  Sadie smirked slyly as he did so. "I'm sure you know who I am."

  A twinkle formed in Dr. Cole's eye. "Sadie Skellington."

  Sadie nodded. "I couldn't help but notice that little?confrontation earlier. I knew that girl was hiding something." Sadie tsked. "I never liked her from the start?"

  Dr. Cole raised a perfect eyebrow at her. "Oh, you're not friends?"

  "Hardly," Sadie waved her hand in a dismissive gesture through the air. "That little twit has been getting way too full of herself lately. She's even been spending time with my boyfriend, Devon Decayn without asking for my permission first. I couldn't help but overhear that you wanted Ro to be yours?"

  Dr. Cole merely nodded, a psychotic glint in his dark blue eyes.

  "I think we should join forces, Dr. Cole. What's that saying? The enemy of my enemy is my friend. I can help you?" Sadie leaned in to whisper in Dr. Cole's ear. "Get your hands on Ro Ripper so that you can make her 'heart' yours or whatever. Let me give you a piece of advice, Dr. Cole. Sometimes you have to force love. That's how I got Devon Decayn."

  "Indeed." Dr. Cole was definitely intrigued by this surprising development. A sadistic smile spread across his thin lips. Maybe his luck was finally looking up. Rosalie Galloway wouldn't be able to escape him again. "Her heart will be mine."


  Meanwhile, back at the stage, Joey Bones was approaching the microphone stand. He stood in front of it and hesitated before reaching out and taking the mic. "Excuse me?everyone?I have something to say."

  All of a sudden everyone's attention was back on the stage and on Joey Bones - paparazzi, reporters, and hospital patients looked at Joey expectantly.

  "I asked my friend Devon for this favor really?to help me reveal a secret in the form of a song. To finally come clean about something. A few of you might recognize my parents?" Joey waved his hand at a well-dressed couple standing in front of the stage. Joey's father - a dark-haired man in his fifties was dressed in dark blue Armani suit. Joey's mother had long, blonde hair and was wearing a GUCCI dress with black stilettos. "Perhaps, you've seen them at my other concerts and special events, but?truth is?they're not my parents."

  Several gasps were heard in the gathered crowd and people began to look confused. The paparazzi and reporters immediately began to take a flood of pictures of Joey's so-called 'parents'.

  "Those are hired actors I paid to pretend to be my parents because I was ashamed of my real parents and where I really come from. Truth is?I'm poor?or rather I used to be poor. But even so my parents used up every penny they had to send me to the best private schools where I was able to meet my best friends - Devon, Vincent and Blake. Those three came from high society?but I didn't. I wanted to be their friend. I didn't want them to reject me, so I kept it a secret that I was poor and lied about being rich like them. I hired those actors to pretend to be my parents and had them show up to Parent-Teacher meetings even.

  "And I know that was wrong?I didn't realize it at the time of course but?when my friends lost their parents?I began to realize just how important and special my real parents were. They may not have been rich but?they loved me and they were alive. I've wanted to come clean about this for years but the thing about a lie is - it creates more and more lies until you've become buried by them and there's no escape. That's why I told Devon the truth and then asked him to let me write the song 'Deadbeat Loser' so I could share the important lesson that I learned the hard way - that money doesn't matter and what's really important is your friends and family.

  "And that's why I want to introduce you all to my real parents - Mr. and Mrs. Bones!" Joey cried as he pointed into the crowd at a middle-aged couple.

  Joey's father was a tall, pale, lanky man with thinning blonde hair and a receding hairline. He had blue eyes just like Joey's and was wearing a slightly wrinkled gray suit. Joey's mother was kind of on the plump side and short. She had short, wavy brown hair, brown eyes, and was wearing a simple purple dress. Joey's mother was homely and his father pretty nondescript, but they wore friendly smiles on their faces.

  Tears filled Joey's eyes as he reached out to his parents. "Mom - Dad - please. I'd like you to come up here."

  Mr. and Mrs. Bones made their way to the stage and Joey helped them up. Joey flung his arms around his parents' shoulders as tears began to stream down his face. "This?is my family. This is my beautiful mother and my smart father. And?I love them and?I'm sorry. But today is Christmas so I wanted everyone who's watching this concert at home to take a moment to remember that the best Christmas presents are totally free: your friends and family. The best presents you can ask Santa Claus for this year are all free: smiles, hugs, laughter, happiness?and that's what I want to wish all of you - a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Season with you and your family."

  Everyone was in shock by Joey's startling announcement and revelation, but then everyone began to applaud.

  Blake was standing in front of the stage with his mouth hanging open. Joey was?poor. What the fuck? Those people who I thought were Joey's parents were actually actors? They were even friends with my parents?but that was all a lie. Blake felt hurt and betrayed at first. Joey had lied to them all those years but?he could understand it a little better now.

  Blake had been extremely superficial. He probably would have rejected Joey knowing the truth, but after experiencing how the other half of society lived because of Rosalie Galloway - Blake opinions about the poor had changed. Blake had changed. He would no longer reject Joey because of a thing like 'social status'. Joey was his friend?had been his friend?

  He wouldn't reject Joey because of his secret. And Joey's parents - his real parents - were alive and that was indeed a blessing. Blake couldn't help but wonder if Joey had waited so long to reveal the truth because of him. Had Joey known that Blake would have rejected him because of his social status? And now that Blake was dead Joey no longer had to fear that rejection and so had decided to come clean now. Blake frowned at the thought.

  Apparently, Devon had taken the news rather well?and as for Vincent?? Blake looked up on stage to see Vincent clapping Joey on the back and smiling. Joey then introduced Vincent to Joey's parents and Blake watched enviously as Vincent put a kiss on Mrs. Bones' hand causing her to turn bright red. Devon was introduced to Joey's parents next.

  Blake turned around and began to walk away. He couldn't bear to watch anymore. He darkly realized that while he was alive he had never met Joey's real parents. And now that he was dead he'd never get the chance. His friends were all moving on without him?

  Had Joey assumed that Blake would have rejected his parents? And would that assumption been wrong? Blake shook his head. No. Joey was right. The old Blake
before Rosalie Galloway came into his life probably would have rejected Joey's parents because the old Blake had been an arrogant, superficial bastard.

  And maybe he still was, but?he had changed a little. And that change was slowly happening because of Rosalie Galloway.