Read Rockstar Ghost PG-13 Version Page 2

  Chapter 2: California ?ber Alles

  Rosalie took the bus to Good Samaritan Hospital. The bus stopped pretty close by and Rosalie walked the rest of the way there. She entered the hospital and rode the elevator up to the sixth floor. The receptionist gave Rosalie her usual jealous glare and didn't say anything to her as Rosalie made her way directly to Dr. Cole's office. Jealous of a psychopath. Yea, that makes a lot of sense. Rosalie took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Rosalie was absolutely terrified but she tried her best not to tremble.

  "Come in." Dr. Cole's usual cool and collected sounding voice was heard albeit it sounded a little strained.

  Rosalie stepped inside and shut the door behind her.

  Dr. Cole looked up from his paperwork and his eyes widened when he caught sight of Rosalie. He arched an eyebrow at her and the surprise was evident on his face. "Rosalie. I didn't expect to see you again?" Dr. Cole gave her a hopeful look. "Perhaps, you've forgiven me?" He shook his head as he observed the way Rosalie had her back to the door and her hand on the doorknob. "I suppose not. Last night, I did something quite regrettable?didn't I? I will be honest when I say I barely remember what happened.

  The anti-depressants I'm on sometimes have that affect on me. I black out and I do not remember my actions during that time, but that does not make my actions inexcusable. Deep down, I must have wanted to do what I did - even if it was sick and twisted." Dr. Cole gave Rosalie a concerned look. "You're not hurt are you?" His eyes lingered upon her chest.

  Rosalie shook her head.

  "You're one of the lucky ones then." Dr. Cole explained cryptically. "I destroy everything I love?Rosalie. I truly loved your Aunt Freya and yet I was unable to save her?and now you. You're so similar to Freya. Your marvelous eyes?your strong heart. I'm willing to forgive you for hitting me over the head last night?" Dr. Cole raised a hand to the white cloth bandages that were wrapped around his head. "Give me another chance, Rosalie. To love you without hurting you. I want your heart to be mine." Dr. Cole put his hands on the table in front of him and was about to stand up, but Rosalie reached behind her and pulled out her .45. She pointed it at Dr. Cole.

  "D-Don't move." Rosalie stammered.

  Dr. Cole took one look at the gun and sunk back down into his chair. "I see. No change of heart then. Are you here to kill me?" Dr. Cole asked mockingly and didn't appear to be too concerned.

  Rosalie frowned at his calmness, as if he had accepted he might die so easily. "N-No."

  Dr. Cole spread his hands out in a helpless gesture. "If I cannot have your heart?then I hope you understand that you're fired Miss Galloway."

  "But that's?not fair." Rosalie objected, stubbornly.

  "If you want to continue working here you have to give your heart to me. Be mine, Rosalie, and I too will be yours. I love you. This time?I promise I won't harm you. Not like the others." Dr. Cole claimed passionately, willing Rosalie to understand.

  Rosalie's eyes widened in horrified realization. No! It can't be! All those poor girls! How many nurses had Dr. Cole killed and ripped out their hearts before putting them in jars? He was a serial killer. A murderer.

  Dr. Cole let out a heavy sigh. "I'm being sincere, Rosalie. I really will try my best not to kill you, but I must have your heart. This is the highest paying hospital in Los Angeles. And there's a lot of competition in the medical industry now?nurses are a dime a dozen, you know. You will easily be replaced."

  Rosalie gave Dr. Cole a pitying look. "You're crazy. You know that right, but?I feel sorry for you because you obviously loved my aunt very much and her death must have driven you mad."

  Dr. Cole arched an eyebrow at Rosalie. "If I'm mad why am I not locked up somewhere?"

  "The same reason you got away with all those murders, I suppose." Rosalie grimly noted.

  Dr. Cole chuckled. "Indeed. I have friends in very high places, Rosalie. Connections are everything."

  "You're scum. You're nothing but a coldhearted murderer. You should be punished for your crimes. Your hands are stained with the blood of innocents!" Rosalie's low voice cracked.

  Dr. Cole's lips thinned into a grim line. "This world is simply an ugly place. It's filled with murder, cruelty, and death. People see it everyday and yet they ignore it. Every time a spider catches a butterfly in its web. Every time you eat a hamburger. A cow had to die so that you could eat. We all kill and consume and destroy. No one is sin free in this world. No one will leave this world with their hands clean. If you think you can leave this world sin free, Rosalie, then you're just being na?ve. Sweet, innocent people like you don't last long in this cruel world, Rosalie. They are devoured by people like me." Dr. Cole licked his lips.

  Rosalie shuddered. "You're wrong. I'm not like you?I'll never be like you. I would rather die first. I may not be able to work here anymore but?I plan on continuing to visit my father. You won't keep me from him. And just so you know, I will always be carrying this gun when I come here?just in case you try anything weird, Dr. Cole - it will be the last thing you do. I promise." Rosalie gave him as fierce a look as she could give.

  A dark cloud fell over Dr. Cole's handsome face. "Are you actually threatening me? Me? Dr. Kip Cole? I don't think you have any idea who you're messing with, Rosalie. You will regret this. I will destroy you."

  "G-Go ahead and try." Rosalie shot back and put her gun back behind her back between her jeans and her lower back. She left Dr. Cole's office and slammed the door behind her. Perverted psycho doctor. What did he mean by saying that he would destroy me? Is he going to try and rip my heart out of my chest again? Rosalie shivered at the thought and wrapped her arms around her torso. I'll blow his frickin brains out if he tries. My life is cursed. Rosalie let out a heavy sigh, knowing she could never do something like that even if she wanted to. Her conscience would hold her back.


  Rosalie was reluctantly thrown back out into the 'job hunting' world. She got out her job hunting outfit again and dusted it off - the white blouse, black jacket, knee length skirt, and scuffed up high heels. She scheduled various interviews for a nurse's position at different hospitals. Most of these hospitals were outside of Los Angeles, however, and would have been a long commute.

  But for some reason as soon as the Chief of Nursing looked at the name on her resume - their faces would pale, their expressions would grow cold, and they'd immediately reject her without even hearing what she had to say.

  It was like Rosalie had been 'blacklisted' or something. And then Rosalie realized the truth?she had been blacklisted. Dr. Cole. He must have informed the other hospitals not to hire her! Crap! Rosalie collapsed to her knees in despair in the middle of the sidewalk. People passed Rosalie by and gave her strange looks but she was used to strange looks.

  Rosalie felt so powerless like the wind had been knocked out of her sails. How could she fight against such a powerful and well-connected man? She was no match for him?he really would destroy her. In fact, he already had. So this is what he meant?darn it. It's just not fair. Life's not fair. My life really is cursed?

  If Rosalie couldn't get taken on as a nurse then she wouldn't be able to make enough money to provide her father with better medication, and chemotherapy. Her dream to help her father - it had been destroyed by Dr. Cole's own blood-stained hands.

  Rosalie sighed, realizing she had no choice. She'd have to get a temporary job somewhere else in order to make the money she needed to pay the rent for her apartment or else she was screwed.

  Rosalie spotted a newspaper stand down the street and hurried over and purchased a copy of the Los Angeles Times and checked the classified section. She wasn't good with dealing with people?but she wasn't stupid. Why did all the ads say that they wanted a 'happy' or 'outgoing' person with a great personality? Rosalie frowned, wasn't that asking a bit much?

  Stupid service industry. Who's going to hire me if I can't properly greet and deal with customers? This is so unfair. Rosalie never realized that interacting with peo
ple could be so important. And then she spotted an ad for a part-time worker for the nightshift at a 7-Eleven close to where she lived. If it was the nightshift there would be fewer people around. That could be the perfect job for her. Rosalie decided to go to the 7-Eleven and apply for the job immediately.

  Rosalie took the bus, arrived at the 7-Eleven, and entered the convenience store through the automatic sliding glass doors. Standing behind the counter was an overweight young man with a buzz cut, who was currently picking his nose and a Goth girl who was painting her fingernails black. The Goth girl's outfit was incredible?Rosalie thought she looked like she belonged in a horror movie or something.

  She had on white face makeup, and her lips and eyes had been lined and painted in black. She was wearing a black, medieval gown with belled sleeves and a pentagram necklace was dangling between her impressive cleavage. Her hair had been dyed a dark purple collar and cascaded around her shoulders in waves. Rosalie decided that Carrie wasn't ugly or anything but?she was definitely scary and intimidating. She looked just like a real witch would appear having been transported out of a fantasy book.

  Rosalie timidly walked over to the counter and looked at their nametags. Buzz-cut's nametag read: 'Manager Chuck'. The Goth girl's nametag read: 'Caroline'.

  "Um, excuse me," Rosalie began in a low voice.

  Chuck looked up and flicked his booger into the air absentmindedly. Rosalie dodged sideways. "Yea? What can I get ya?" Chuck was wearing a stained t-shirt that barely covered his beer gut, and a pair of baggy jeans.

  "Er, about the position for the nightshift here?" Rosalie began tentatively.

  "You're hired." Chuck drawled, disinterestedly.

  Rosalie blinked. "Huh? What? I mean, excuse me, I don't understand?"

  Chuck let out heavy sigh and narrowed his pale eyes at Rosalie. "Are you stoned or something? I said: you're hired. So, show up at eleven PM. You have the nightshift with Carrie tonight. You'll work until seven in the morning. You'll pretty much just be receiving deliveries and stocking up the cooler. At six o'clock we usually have a breakfast rush though, so try and stay awake. Got it?" Chuck ordered.

  Rosalie looked at the Goth girl Carrie nervously. I'll have to work the nightshift with Carrie? Rosalie wondered to herself and Goosebumps broke out all over her arms. At night?with a witch?

  Carrie felt Rosalie's eyes upon her and looked up curiously. She looked Rosalie up and down taking in her smart yet wrinkled business suit, and snorted. Then she met Rosalie's eyes, her expression turning amused and a sly smile formed on her lips. Carrie leaned forward and said a single word loudly in Rosalie's face: "Boo!"

  Rosalie promptly fainted.

  Carrie blinked down at the fallen girl. "Wow, I didn't mean to scare her so bad?ahahaha." Carrie laughed nervously with a hand behind her head. "Think she'll sue me?" Carrie asked Chuck.

  "Have you looked in a mirror lately?" Chuck said in a droning tone. "You're lucky I let you dress like that but?it's bad for our customers' health. You're the reason why no one tries to rob this place during the nightshift though. The robbers are more afraid of you than the cops!"

  "Shut up, tubby!" Carrie spat, glaring daggers at Chuck.

  After Rosalie regained consciousness a few minutes later, it was to find Carrie and Chuck hovering over her prone body with a worried expression on their faces. Rosalie choked on a scream upon seeing Chuck hovering over her like that. Rosalie quickly sat up.

  "Are you okay?" Carrie asked Rosalie concernedly. "I didn't mean to scare you. I was just joking around, you know?" Carrie played with the pentagram that was around her neck absentmindedly.

  Rosalie wondered if Carrie was going to curse her or something, but nodded towards Carrie anyways. She even allowed Carrie to help her up. Chuck just watched the two girls without saying anything.

  "So, eleven's okay, right?" Chuck asked again. "And think you can wear something more?normal?"

  "Normal?" Rosalie asked.

  She didn't think she'd EVER fit anyone's view of what 'normal' was.

  "He means like jeans and a t-shirt, but does it look like I follow this place's dress code? It would be an insult to the Goddess." Carrie said firmly.

  "Goddess?" Rosalie found herself asking despite her better judgment.

  Carrie gave Rosalie a scandalized look. "The Great Goddess. Sometimes thought of as Mother Earth."

  "Oh, right." Rosalie readily agreed. She didn't want to make Carrie angry after all.

  "She has no idea who the hell your so-called Goddess is, freak." Chuck snorted.

  "Shut up, beer-gut." Carrie shot back. "Don't disrespect the Goddess or I'll put a curse on you! And you'll stay a virgin forever!"

  "Oh, I'm so scared." Chuck said mockingly but as he walked away muttering something about taking inventory; his legs were visibly shaking.

  "See you at eleven." Carrie said happily.

  Rosalie nodded shyly. "Uh, yes, see you."


  Rosalie went home and changed out of her job hunting outfit and into a pair of jeans, a t-shirt that had some drawings of cats on it, and the words: 'crazy 4 cats' and her sneakers. Rosalie tried to get her crazy hair in order and pulled it back into a tight ponytail. She still had a lot of time to kill until the night shift and so she started reading Exile (Book 2 of the Dark Elf Trilogy) while listening to Erotic Corpses' latest album: Buried Alive.

  10:30 rolled around and Rosalie left her apartment. She made her way to the 7-Eleven that was just a few blocks away from her apartment building. She entered the 7-Eleven through its automatic sliding glass doors and spotted Carrie already standing behind the counter. Rosalie stopped in her tracks, however, when she saw what Carrie was doing. Carrie had a small black cauldron set up in front of her and appeared to be performing some kind of witchcraft. Carrie wrote something down on a piece of paper before putting it inside of the cauldron. She then picked up a matchbook and struck up a match. Carrie then tossed the lit match into the cauldron, setting the piece of paper on fire. "You lying, cheating scumbag! Never bother me again! I'll never take you back so?begone!"

  Rosalie shivered as goosebumps broke out across her arms. Rosalie rubbed her arms and wondered what Carrie was doing as she yelled curses, sounding like a bad Katty Perry song. "Buwhahaha!" Carrie cackled evilly and her pentagram necklace swung back and forth over her large chest.

  Rosalie swallowed. Her co-worker was so scary! With stiff robotic like steps Rosalie made her way towards the counter to greet Carrie. She mentally reminded herself that she had to be friendly. Friendly. Friendly. Happy happy. Peppy peppy. Rosalie chanted in her head. "Er, good evening." Rosalie said softly and tried not to look inside of the burning cauldron.

  Carrie looked up from her cauldron and regarded Rosalie. "Oh hey, new girl. I'm sorry, what did you say your name was again?" Carrie quirked her head at the gloomy girl in a pensive manner.

  "I never did?it's Rosalie. Rosalie Galloway." Rosalie mumbled.

  "Well, nice to meet you, Rosalie." Carrie smiled and noticed Rosalie's nervous fidgeting and how she was eyeing the cauldron with a worried look on her face. Carrie held back a laugh. This girl seemed afraid of her own shadow!

  "Are you perhaps cursing?me?" Rosalie asked finally, putting her fear into words.

  "Huh?" Carrie burst out, laughing loudly, and smacked the counter with her hand repeatedly. "You?! Ahahaha! No! This is a banishing ritual that I'm using on my cheating ex-boyfriend Crow, er, his real name was Josh. This should stop him from trying to get back together with me."

  "A banishing ritual?" Rosalie muttered, thinking about Dr. Cole and how much she'd love to banish him to the far corners of the Earth. "Does it work?"

  Carrie's dark brown eyes sparkled, "Of course it does - as long as you believe. Do you have someone you want to banish?" Carrie asked, expecting the shy girl's answer to be 'no'.

  "Yes." Rosalie said.

  Carrie blinked and her jaw dropped open. "Huh? You do? Well?" Carrie p
ulled out her black shoulder bag that had a pattern of white skulls all over it. She unzipped her bag and began to rummage around inside of it. Carrie took out a piece of paper and a black permanent marker. "You just have to write the name of the man or woman you want to banish on the piece of paper for it to work."

  Rosalie's hands were trembling as she took the items from Carrie. Rosalie uncapped the permanent marker and wrote Dr. Cole's name on the piece of paper. Once she was finished she recapped the marker, placed the piece of paper inside of the cauldron and struck a match. Rosalie held the match up high and prepared to toss it into the cauldron, but Carrie caught a hold of Rosalie's wrist stopping her.

  "Wait. If you really want this banishing ritual to work you must pledge yourself to the Great Goddess."

  Rosalie blinked and swallowed. "Okay?" The Great Goddess?can't be all that different from the Virgin Mary. Right? I'm so going to hell for this?

  "If you're really serious about this and you pledge yourself to the Goddess?you must also be prepared to receive her gifts." Carrie warned ominously.

  "Gifts?" Rosalie asked.

  Carrie nodded, "The powers attributed to the Goddess: magic."

  Magic? Rosalie nodded, seriously. She was willing to pledge her soul to the devil himself if she had to if it meant she could be free from Dr. Cole's evil obsession!

  Equally serious, Carrie lit a candle, which she set right next to the cauldron. "Then repeat after me?I, Rosalie Galloway, pledge my heart and soul to the Great Goddess and readily accept her gifts. I promise to only use my new powers for good and not for evil. I promise not to participate in any blood spilling, torture, or anything that brings harm to someone. So mote it be."

  Rosalie swallowed nervously. "I, Rosalie Galloway, pledge my heart and soul to the Great Goddess and readily accept her gifts. I promise to only use my new powers for good and not for evil. I promise not to participate in any blood spilling, torture, or anything that brings harm to someone. So mote it be."

  The lights inside of the 7-Eleven temporarily flickered once Rosalie was done with her pledge and she shivered as she looked around the convenience store warily. She pushed her broken glasses up her nose and hoped she wouldn't see any ghosts.

  Carrie smiled knowingly and faced the entrance of the store. "Air! Guardian of the East, please protect and join our circle! Fire! Guardian of the South, please protect and join our circle! Water! Guardian of the West, please protect and join our circle! Earth! Guardian of the North, please protect and join our circle! We've already prayed to the Goddess and so now the banishing ritual can begin." Carrie gave Rosalie an expectant look.

  Rosalie tossed the burning matching into the cauldron and watched as the piece of paper containing Dr. Cole's name on it began to burn. She silently prayed against Dr. Cole concentrating on all of her feelings of fear, and hatred against the psychopathic doctor.

  I wish someone would save me from that perverted psycho! I wish someone would save me?I wish I had a hero by my side?I'm so tired of being alone?

  Bing. The automatic sliding doors opened at that exact moment and a few customers stepped inside. Carrie quickly grabbed the cauldron and set it underneath the counter. Luckily, Carrie was wearing a pair of silk gloves and so the hot surface of the cauldron did not burn her hands.

  "Welcome." Carrie greeted the customers casually as if she hadn't been performing witchcraft only seconds before.

  "W-W-Welcome." Rosalie echoed nervously and then Rosalie looked up to see who had entered the 7-Eleven. Something that she thought could never happen even in her wildest dreams - happened.

  Stepping through the sliding glass doors first was none other than Blake White. He was arm-in-arm with a petite blonde girl who Rosalie decided must be his girlfriend. Blake took Rosalie's breath away. He was even handsomer in person. To Rosalie, it looked like he had this golden aura shinning around him. He was dressed in a long, black leather trench coat that had lots of buckles and straps, a t-shirt, leather pants, and he had on a pair of lace-up combat boots.

  Rosalie observed the cute young woman who had her arms wrapped around Blake's arm next. She was dressed like a rockstar. She had a blonde pixie cut with hot pink highlights and wide, bright blue eyes. She was wearing a pink tube top that had the image of a black skull with a crown on it, a short ruffled black skirt and a pair of black and white striped stockings. A pair of knee boots completed her look. She also had a spiked collar around her throat, and gloves with spikes on them.

  She's really cute. Rosalie thought as she looked at the petite female rockstar clinging to Blake's arm possessively. Rosalie knew she could never pull off that kind of 'cute' look. She was too tall and lanky. And dark hair was never 'cute'. She also didn't have that cute little sloping nose that the most beautiful American girls were blessed with. Rosalie's nose was a bit longer and more European.

  Rosalie frowned. So Blake White likes cute girls like her. That must be his type. Not like I care?

  Another couple, entered the 7-Elven just behind Blake and Sadie. Rosalie recognized Devon Decayne - Erotic Corpses' lead guitarist but didn't know who the pretty blonde girl on his arm was. Just from the girl's expensive clothes and aura though Rosalie knew that she must be a celebrity. Devon was wearing his usual short black leather jacket that had spikes on its shoulders. Beneath his jacket he was wearing a dark blue t-shirt and was also wearing a pair of Armani jeans. The blue t-shirt matched Devon's dark blue hair nicely.

  The blonde-haired model on Devon's arm was wearing a tight, dark blue corset, a short red leather jacket, and a pair of jeans with a belt on it that had a sparkly skull-shaped buckle. She was wearing a pair of the popular mini boots to complete her look, and she had a pair of Prada sunglasses on her face.

  Rosalie couldn't believe it. She pinched her cheek since she had to be dreaming. "Ow." Rosalie muttered softly. Right before her very eyes was Blake White! It wasn't a dream! Someone that she never should have been able to meet was standing right in front of her. But what was he even doing in a place like this? Their worlds were too far apart. They should have never intersected.

  Blake strut up to the counter and stood directly in front of Rosalie. "Cinnamon Altoids." He said simply without taking his eyes off of Sadie.

  "Huh?" Rosalie murmured.

  Blake turned his attention away from Sadie and looked at Rosalie?he took in her cat t-shirt, her messy black hair pulled into a ponytail and her nerdy, cracked, round glasses, and snorted in amusement. "Are you deaf or just retarded? Or maybe you're Mexican? Hablo Ingles?" Blake drawled in a condescending manner. Then he spoke more loudly and slowly to Rosalie. "I said I want some Altoids - cinnamon flavored." Blake tapped his boot impatiently on the linoleum floor.

  "Er, right, sorry." Rosalie retrieved a tin of Altoids from behind the counter and set it on the top of the counter next to the register. "Will that be everything, Blake, er, Sir?" Rosalie bit her bottom lip at her slipup. Damn, she wasn't supposed to know who he was! Maybe he wouldn't notice that he had been recognized?

  But Blake did notice. Blake raised an eyebrow at Rosalie and smirked smugly. "So you know who I am? Well, of course you do. I'm Blake White. How could she not know who I am? Right, babe?" Blake asked Sadie.

  Sadie giggled and nodded. "Right, Blakey-poo."

  Blakey-poo? You have got to be kidding me. Rosalie felt like rolling her eyes at Blake. "Anything else, Sir?" She repeated.

  "No." Blake said shortly.

  Rosalie quickly rang up the Altoids using the cash register. "That will be one dollar and fifty cents, please."

  Blake took out his wallet and handed Rosalie a hundred dollar bill. "D-D-Don't you have anything smaller, Sir?" Rosalie stuttered.

  Carrie was watching the entire exchange silently from Rosalie's side with an amused look on her face. If she didn't know any better she'd say that Blake White was teasing Rosalie!

  "Do I look like I'd carry anything lower?" Blake gave Rosalie an expectant look. "And hurry up, we do
n't have all night? Geez?she has got to be the slowest cashier I have ever encountered!"

  Rosalie punched in the amount of $100.00 into the register. It showed that the appropriate change would be: $98.50. The register draw opened and she looked down at the little bit of money that was inside of it. She had known she wouldn't be able to break a hundred dollar bill. Rosalie chewed on her bottom lip nervously as she looked back up at Blake. "I'm really sorry, Sir, I can't break it." Rosalie explained and tried to hand the hundred dollar bill back to Blake.

  Blake gave her hand a disgusted look as he noticed Rosalie's short, unpainted nails and slightly calloused hands. Frowning, Blake picked up the tin of Altoids and began to open them. He popped a cinnamon Altoid into his mouth without taking his eyes off of Rosalie. There was something oddly familiar about this poor girl?

  "Keep the change, beggar girl. Why don't you go shopping and buy yourself some decent clothes. Or maybe get yourself a manicure. I've never seen a girl with more hideous looking nails." Blake sneered at Rosalie before he turned to Sadie. The singer put his hand behind Sadie's head and brought her forward for a passionate kiss.

  Rosalie blushed at the indecent display. Beggar girl? Keep the change! Grrr?Blake White is a total jerk!

  Rosalie's ideal image that she had created of Blake White in her head suddenly crumbled to pieces. She had envisioned Blake as being kind and polite?despite the whole violent rockstar image, of course, but she should have known better.

  Rosalie noticed that as Blake was kissing Sadie he was looking at her out of the corner of his eye to see what her reaction would be! Rosalie blushed even more deeply and looked away! What completely inappropriate behavior!

  Blake pushed the cinnamon Altoid into Sadie's mouth with his tongue before pulling back and smirking. "Cinnamon Altoids are the best for making out?and it's extremely pleasurable when your girlfriend has an Altoid in her mouth while she's giving you a you know what. Did you know that, beggar girl?" Blake leaned in to whisper in Rosalie's ear. "It makes it tingle?"

  Rosalie looked back at Blake with an appalled expression on her face. "That's?disgusting?" All men were perverted beasts! Rosalie thought as she remembered Dr. Cole's obvious arousal as he licked the lipstick off her lips over and over again. I think I'm going to be sick?

  Without even realizing what she was doing Rosalie picked up a cup of Coca-Cola that Carrie had been drinking and suddenly poured it right over Blake's head.

  "Ahhh!" Sadie jumped backwards and away from Blake so that she wouldn't get Coca-Cola on her expensive designer clothes.

  Blake stood frozen in shock with Coca-Cola dripping down his face. His platinum blonde hair was plastered to the sides of his face. No one had ever dared to do something like that to him! No one had ever stood up to him. No girl had ever treated him that way. He couldn't comprehend what had just happened. He gaped at Rosalie in shock - speechless.

  After Rosalie snapped out of her daze of rage and disgust, and saw the soaking Blake White and the empty Coca-Cola cup in her hand she inwardly panicked. Oh my God, what did I just do? The empty cup fell from Rosalie's limp hand. She was horrified by her own actions. "I-I-I'm so sorry?I just?" Rosalie began to stutter.

  Carrie was unable to hold back her laugher any longer and ended up laughing while gripping her sides that began to ache. "That was crazy, girl! The Goddess would be proud! That arrogant jerk needed to be taken down a couple of notches! Ahahaha!"

  Carrie's cackling laughter seemed to snap Blake out of his stunned stupor. Angry fires blazed in his lavender eyes. Blake cracked his neck from side-to-side and cracked his knuckles as he approached Rosalie, who was still behind the counter.

  "How dare you throw soda on me, beggar girl. Me! I'm Blake White! I'm going to beat the crap out of you!" Blake declared threateningly as he yelled in Rosalie's face.

  Rosalie began to tremble in fear. Blake was being so scary. Epp!

  Devon grabbed Blake by his shoulder and pulled him back, quickly putting Blake into an arm lock. "Chill man. You weren't really going to hit a girl were you?"

  Blake let out a growl as he struggled against Devon's arm lock. "Let me go, Devon! Mind your own frickin business! That girl is so dead. No one has ever treated me this way! Let me at her! I'm going to kill her!" Blake roared.

  Devon just sighed. Blake was always so overdramatic.

  Blake glared daggers at Rosalie who flinched in response. His eyes were filled with so much anger and hatred. Eppp! Men are scary.

  Devon shook his head. "Tsk. Blake you're totally scaring the poor girl. Look, she's terrified. She thinks you're serious. We'd better go. Miss?" Devon looked at Rosalie's nametag. "Rosalie, I'm really sorry about all the trouble we've caused you. I'll remove this idiot from the premises immediately." Devon gave Rosalie a reassuring smile and a wink before he began to bodily drag the still struggling Blake from the 7-Eleven.

  Rosalie watched this silently, still somewhat shocked. She felt eyes glaring at her and turned her attention to Sadie. But when Rosalie looked at the female rockstar the girl's attention was already on the departing forms of Devon and Blake.

  "Ah! Devon! Blake! Wait for me! Don't leave me here alone in this dirty, cockroach infected place." Sadie complained as she skipped after them.

  "Hey, wait for me too!" The female model complained as she ran after Devon in her four-inch tall mini boots.

  Carrie looked at Rosalie who was still frozen in place and looking at the door where Blake, Devon, Sadie and the female model had just exited.

  "Yo, Earth to Rosalie," Carrie said as she waved a hand in front of Rosalie's face. "You there? Yoohoo!"

  Rosalie blinked. "Why?how?it's impossible?I never should have gotten to meet him. That was Blake White. What a weird coincidence?"

  Carrie's black lips curled into a smile. "Hmmm, there is no such thing as coincidence - only fate." Carrie argued firmly. "You were meant to meet him."

  Rosalie shook her head. "How can that be? I wish I had never gotten to meet him. Now I know that my favorite punk rock singer is a total arrogant jerk!"

  "But maybe it wasn't Blake who fate was letting you meet. Maybe it was Devon Decayne. He helped you out in the end, didn't he? And he also winked at you." Carrie suggested, sagely. "I can't believe it looks like Sadie Skellington and Blake White are an item though. I mean, how the hell did that happen?!"

  "Sadie Skellington?" Rosalie questioned.

  Carrie gave Rosalie an incredulous look. "You know, Sadie Skellington the lead singer of the heavy metal band: The Necromancers. They're the rival band of Erotic Corpses. Or at least that's what their lead guitarist is always saying. That's like sleeping with the enemy. Don't you watch TV?"

  Rosalie shook her head. "I don't have the money for cable or even basic television programming. Do you know who the girl that was with Devon was?"

  Carrie tapped her chin as she wracked her brain. "I think she's a model. I'm pretty sure I've seen her in Vogue magazine, Victoria's Secret magazine and even Sports Illustrated before. I think her name is Melanie."

  Rosalie looked down at the hundred dollar bill in her hand. Prick. She crumbled the bill in one hand. What right did he have to insult her? He didn't even know her?

  Beggar girl?buy some decent clothes. Rosalie shook her head of such thoughts. Like hell she'd do that. She hated shopping. And Sadie had insulted their 7-Eleven saying it was dirty and cockroach infested! A gleam came to Rosalie's ice-blue eyes - if Blake and his friends ever came to that 7-Eleven again she'd make them eat those words!

  "Carrie, handle the register. I'm going to sweep and mop this place until it sparkles!" Rosalie declared. I'll show that arrogant jerk!

  Carrie looked amused by Rosalie's suddenly gung ho attitude. "Okay, sure. Have fun." Carrie agreed in a singsong voice as she stepped behind the register and opened up a Goth magazine to read while she waited for customers.

  Meanwhile, Rosalie swept the entire floor of the 7-Eleven before mopping it thoroughly. Then she dec
ided to dust all of the shelves and countertops with a ragged looking feather duster.

  Carrie watched Rosalie work with wide eyes. Watching Rosalie clean so enthusiastically was more interesting than the magazine she was reading. Rosalie was such a hard worker and had so much energy. Carrie yawned. She was getting tired just from watching Rosalie clean! Not to mention the nightshift was already hard on a person's energy levels.

  After a few hours, Rosalie had finally finished cleaning the entire 7-Eleven. She wiped the sweat from her brow with the back of her hand. Alright! Now no one can call our 7-Eleven dirty! Take that Blake White and Sadie Skellington!

  This was how Rosalie passed her first night working at the 7-Eleven until seven in the morning. Over the next few days, Rosalie continued to work the nightshift at 7-Eleven without incident. She was very good at cleaning and so Carrie let Rosalie do all the cleaning while the Goth would handle dealing with the customers at the register. It was the perfect set up. Rosalie preferred working with as little human interaction as possible. She'd usually be in the back room taking inventory during her shift, restocking the coolers or receiving deliveries, so didn't have to deal with any of the customers.

  Two weeks later, while Rosalie was taking inventory in the back room Carrie suddenly waltzed into the room having given one knock upon the door. "Yo Rosalie?you won't believe who's here. It's Blake White and his friends again. He says he won't let anyone but you ring up his purchases." Carrie crossed her arms over her ample chest and gave Rosalie an expectant look.

  Rosalie dropped the canned soup she was about to put on a shelf in shock. "Huh? What?" Rosalie froze not believing what she was hearing.

  "Come on, girl, hurry up." Carrie grabbed Rosalie by the arm and pulled her out of the back room.

  Rosalie wanted to resist but Carrie was still pretty scary. Someone save me. Rosalie thought to herself as she was dragged out into the 7-Eleven and behind the counter.

  As Rosalie entered behind the counter Blake White's lavender colored eyes never left her. He noticed that she was wearing yet another cat themed t-shirt. This one was all black and had large golden cat eyes on it, and the words 'Cat Lover' in white letters were at the bottom of the shirt. He snorted. So the girl still hasn't bought herself any decent clothes even with the hundred dollar bill I left her. Idiot.

  Rosalie stood behind the counter and looked down at the items that Blake had selected. Rosalie's eye twitched. Blake had put a dozen boxes of Trojan Ecstasy Fire and Ice condoms down on the counter. Size: Large. He had also purchased various lotions, a bottle of baby oil, several tins of Cinnamon Altoids and a few cans of whipped cream.

  Blake gave Rosalie an expectant look, waiting for her explosion. "Have you ever tried Fire and Ice?" Blake asked as he put his arm around Sadie's shoulders suggestively. "We find it increases the enjoyment of the experience. It makes everything?" Blake leaned forward and breathed in Rosalie's ear. "Tingle."

  Rosalie turned beet red and began to ring up Blake's items as swiftly as possible. She quickly stuffed all of his purchases into two plastic bags and handed the bags to Blake. "Will that be all, Sir?" Rosalie asked in an indifferent tone.

  Blake frowned, feeling disappointed. He had expected to get a rise out of the prudish looking Rosalie with this latest ploy. "Che?how boring." Blake groused and handed Rosalie a hundred dollar bill. "Keep the change, beggar girl."

  When Sadie had her back turned, Blake leaned over the counter and placed his lips quickly to Rosalie's. He pulled back just as quickly and gave Rosalie a knowing smirk. Rosalie had been stunned into stillness. Her lips tingling.

  Dr. Cole had 'technically' been her first kiss but since it had been forced upon her and had been awful?Rosalie decided to consider this stolen kiss from Blake White as her first kiss. Even though it had also been stolen it had not been?unpleasant. Rosalie smiled softly to herself. Blake White just kissed me. I must be dreaming. Not that I liked it or anything. Blake is a total jerk.

  Blake handed Sadie the bags in an imperious gesture when the female rockstar questioningly turned back around to face Blake, and the couple turned to leave. But then Blake turned around again as if on an afterthought. "Oh, right, you're my fan so I brought you something." Blake reached into his leather jacket and pulled out a CD case. He tossed it onto the counter in front of Rosalie in a careless manner.

  Rosalie curiously reached out and picked up the CD case. It was Erotic Corpses' latest album: Buried Alive. The CD cover had a picture of four coffins on it. The CD cover had also been autographed by Blake.

  To Beggar Girl,

  I hope you enjoy my new CD!

  Love (a tiny heart)


  Blake White

  "Be honored. It's my latest album. I even signed it. You should be getting down on your hands and knees and thanking me - that I, Blake White, decided to give the likes of you an autographed CD." Blake boasted and laughed.

  Rosalie's hands began to tremble. She couldn't believe this. Blake had given her a signed copy of his latest album. It was the one that contained the song: Zombie Awakening that had helped her get through some pretty hard times in her life recently. She had never gotten a present except from her father before. And how had Blake known that today was her birthday? She hadn't even planned on celebrating it. Rosalie looked up, her ice-blue eyes swirling with emotion and offered the singer a sincere smile. "Thank you."

  Blake noticed Rosalie's shaking hands and wondered if he had gotten her angry enough that she would snap at him again. But then she looked up at him, smiled, and thanked him. He was completely caught off guard by this unexpected response. He was being such a jerk after all?

  She has a nice smile. Blake found himself thinking. It makes her look a little less homely. I wonder what she looks like without those hideous glasses.

  Blake shook his head from such thoughts. "Keh, no problem, beggar girl. Let's go guys." Feathers ruffled, Blake stomped out of the 7-Eleven with his friends trailing along behind him.

  "Geez, wait up, Blakey-poo! These bags are heavy!" Sadie raised up the bags and complained, a lit cigarette dangling between her lips.

  "I'd be happy to carry them for you, Sadie." Devon offered.

  Sadie gave Devon an irritated look before running after Blake. "It was nice seeing you again, Rosalie. I hope you enjoy the CD and my guitar playing." Devon threw Rosalie a wink and a salute as he left.

  Carrie, a Cheshire grin plastered on her face, walked over to peer over Rosalie's shoulder at the CD case. "An autographed CD?" Carrie hummed. "He must like you. And don't think I didn't see that stolen kiss."

  That snapped Rosalie out of her stupor. "Don't be stupid. He couldn't possibly like someone like me. He probably did it as a joke. The CD is probably blank. We're from completely different worlds. Besides, he has Sadie."

  "Hmmm," Carrie shrugged, "If you say so. I still think he likes you."

  "You're crazy." Rosalie snapped, but why were butterflies fluttering madly in her stomach? She couldn't wait to get home and try the CD in her boom box.

  The hours seemed crawl by that night as Rosalie waited for her shift to end. Finally, it ended and after giving her last customer his cup of coffee Rosalie all but flew out of the 7-Eleven. She ran breathlessly the rest of the way to her apartment building, which was just a few blocks away. She entered the building taking the stairs up to the fifth floor two at a time. The medium made her way down the hall and impatiently jammed her key into her door's lock. When she opened the door to her apartment, she flicked on a light switch and rushed inside. Locking the door behind her she ignored her cats as they tried to greet her, and instead ran over to her boom box.

  Rosalie sunk to her knees in front of the boom box and took out the CD case. She opened it and saw that on the actual CD the image of Erotic Corpses dressed up and looking like zombie corpses with their eyes closed and with their arms crossed over their chests had been put on the CD. Rosalie thought that was pretty cool and closed the CD ca
se again to look at the coffins before opening the CD case up again to see what the band looked like inside of the coffins. The medium shook her head as she put the CD inside of the player and pressed play. Rosalie crossed her fingers, hoping with all her heart that the CD wasn't blank. The CD began to play?

  A drumbeat started followed by the electric guitar and then the bass guitar kicked in. After a few opening measures Blake's voice floated out of the speakers and filled Rosalie's lonely apartment with his deep, sexy, raspy, baritone voice.

  Rosalie let out a girlish sigh. Blake's voice is so sexy.

  Soon Rosalie was singing along with Blake and picking up her cats to dance around the apartment with them. She had fun dancing with her cats. She would hold Lucky by his waist and lift him up and down, making it look like he was dancing as his hind legs touched the floor.

  After Rosalie wore herself out with dancing and singing, she collapsed to the floor and inspected the CD cover. She pulled it out to read it and a slip of paper fell out of the CD cover. Rosalie blinked and picked it up curiously. Her eyes widened like saucers: it was a thousand dollar Gift Certificate for the Armani store on Rodeo Drive - the most popular shopping area in Beverly Hills.

  $1,000 US Dollars.

  Rosalie paled and the Gift Certificate fell from her limp fingers. A note was also inside the CD cover and it fell to the floor next:

  Go buy something nice, beggar girl. I don't want to see you in another cat lover t-shirt when I go to my 7-Eleven next time. And make sure to stock up on Fire and Ice condoms because I plan on buying them all.

  Rosalie got over her stunned stupor and picked up the Gift Certificate with trembling fingers. She had never had so much spending money before in all her life. Oh my God, this is so much money. I can't possibly accept this. Is Blake crazy? I don't even know where this Armani store is located. She figured she'd ask Carrie tomorrow night if she knew where the Armani store was located - that is if she managed to find the nerve to approach the scary Goth girl with such a question.


  The following night at 7-Eleven, during Rosalie's shift she scrounged up the courage to ask Carrie where the store Armani was located. Carrie was busy painting tiny white skulls on top of her already black fingernails with a tiny detail nailbrush when Rosalie approached the intimidating girl. "Um, excuse me, Carrie?" Rosalie began nervously, shifting from foot to foot.

  Carrie looked up at Rosalie and arched an eyebrow at the soft-spoken girl. "Yes?"

  Rosalie took out the Gift Certificate Blake had given her. "Do you know where this store is located?" Rosalie handed the Gift Certificate to Carrie.

  Carrie took it and looked at it absentmindedly until her eyes popped out of her head comically when she saw the amount the Gift Certificate was for. "Holy Goddess! A thousand bucks?! Armani? You can't be serious. Rosalie, where did you get this?"

  Rosalie flinched at Carrie's overly loud voice. "I?er?it was inside the CD cover?"

  Carrie gave Rosalie a knowing look. "Ah, I see, so Blake gave this to you. I told you he likes you. It's fate." Carrie teased as she poked the shy girl in the arm.

  "Shut up?so do you know where the store is located?" Rosalie asked again.

  Carrie nodded. "Rodeo Drive. Duh."

  "Rodeo Drive?" Rosalie asked.

  Carrie gave Rosalie a disbelieving look. "Don't tell me you've never been to Rodeo Drive? Oh my Goddess, seriously, girl, you need to get out more! Hmmm." Carrie tapped her chin in thought. "Well, we're free during the day tomorrow so why don't we meet up here at three in the afternoon after we've both gotten a bit of sleep, and I'll take you to Rodeo Drive. How's that sound?"

  Rosalie gave Carrie a grateful look. Maybe she had misjudged Carrie and maybe the Goth wasn't such a scary person after all. "Good. Thank you."

  A Cheshire cat smile formed on Carrie's black-painted lips as she slung her arm over Rosalie's shoulders. "Oh, it won't be for free, my dear Rosalie."

  Then again, maybe not. Carrie's, so scary!

  "You're going to share that Gift Certificate with me! I've never even gotten to step foot inside the Armani store before. Ooo. This is going to be great. Armani uses a lot of black. And black is my favorite color in case you haven't noticed." Carrie explained, enthusiastically.

  Rosalie smiled. "Black isn't a color."

  After their shift ended to two girls returned to their homes to get some well-needed rest before they would meet up again later that afternoon. Rosalie set her alarm to go off at two o'clock PM. When it went off she awoke, got showered and dressed. She chose to wear a cat t-shirt, a pair of faded jeans, and sneakers. She pulled her wild hair back into a tight ponytail and put her round glasses on her face.

  She fed her cats and then tried to make herself a late lunch. But making lunch when you had five mischievous and hungry cats is no easy task. Rosalie tried to make some scrambled eggs and two pieces of toast, but the cats licked the egg shells after Rosalie had cracked them and knocked them off the counter. When Rosalie bent over to clean the mess up by the time she turned back around Lucky had already stolen one of her pieces of toast. With a heavy sigh and a half-empty stomach, Rosalie left her tiny apartment.

  Rosalie made her way to the 7-Eleven and once she had arrived looked down at her watch. It was 2:45. She was a tad early, so she just stood and waited for Carrie to arrive. About ten minutes later, Rosalie heard the sound of an approaching motorcycle. Rosalie looked up and saw Carrie riding a sports bike. Carrie pulled up right in front of Rosalie whose jaw had dropped to the ground.

  Carrie was wearing a purple lace-up corset, a pair of black leather pants, and a pair of knee-high, lace-up boots. Her purple locks were pulled back into a ponytail and she had a pair of dark sunglasses on her face. Her sports bike was purple, black and silver. "Hey girl, hurry up and get on." Carrie greeted Rosalie with a wave.

  Rosalie just stared back at Carrie in shock. Carrie wanted her to get on a bike?! Epp! Rosalie had never been on a bike before.

  "What the hell are you doing just standing there like an idiot? Get on." Carrie reiterated.

  "Er, alright." Rosalie murmured as she carefully got behind Carrie on the KTM and wrapped her arms around Carrie's waist.

  This made Carrie laugh. "You've never been on a bike before have you? Well, you better hold on tight then!" Carrie said before she revved her bike's engine and started off - burning rubber and tearing down the road at high speed.

  Rosalie squeaked and tightened her hold around Carrie's waist. I'm going to die. Someone please save me. Rosalie thought morosely. The gloomy girl wanted to scream but her throat felt restricted. She wondered why she always had so much trouble expressing what she was feeling. Rosalie shut her eyes.

  The bike ride felt like it had taken hours but it had only been about fifteen minutes before Carrie was already pulling up right in front of the Armani store. At this point Rosalie was trembling violently. She still had her eyes shut tight and her arms wrapped around Carrie's waist for dear life.

  "Hey, we're here. You can get off now." Carrie said and noticed that Rosalie was trembling and suddenly felt bad. "Hey, you okay? I'm sorry?I didn't mean to scare you?"

  Rosalie slowly opened her eyes and took a deep breath. She gathered her inner strength and shook her head. "No, I'm alright." Rosalie said as she shakily dismounted from the bike. Carrie dismounted too and had to catch Rosalie when she almost fell over since her legs were like jelly.

  Experiencing things in real life was really so different than experiencing them in a book. It was?intense. Rosalie thought to herself.

  Rosalie looked up and her breath was taken away by the prestigious looking store. The exterior was all glass and cement, and the overall design was very modern. There were a few palm trees outside giving the area a tropical feel. Rosalie regretted having her eyes closed for most of the ride here since as she turned around and got to see more of Rodeo Drive, she realized just how stunning the place was. Fancy designer stores lined Rodeo Dr
ive on either side of the street and palm trees stood tall and swaying in the center of the two-lane road.

  Carrie held Rosalie's hand as the Goth girl helped Rosalie into the Armani store. Rosalie looked down at her hand in surprise. That was the first time someone had ever held her hand before?besides her father.

  Rosalie's grip tightened around Carrie's hand and she smiled. Maybe this was what it was like to have a friend.

  As the gloomy girl and the Goth girl entered the Armani store they were immediately greeted by the sight of racks and racks of beautiful, expensive clothes. Clothes were everywhere, piled on tables, on shelves and on manikins. A lot of the clothing was black, white and pastel colored. The designs were edgy and sophisticated.

  Rosalie's eyes widened as she looked around the beautiful store. She took a step forward, however-

  A stern-faced store clerk stood in Rosalie's path. The woman was tall (taller than Rosalie even), with cold gray-blue eyes. Her hair was pulled back into a slick ponytail and Rosalie looked at her straight, thick, blonde hair enviously. She was dressed in a knee-length, black Armani dress with a pair of black high-heeled shoes on her petite feet. Rosalie thought she looked extremely classy.

  "I'm sorry but I think you're in the wrong store." The store clerk began as she looked Rosalie up and down from head-to-toe - taking in her scuffed sneakers, frayed jeans with holes in the knees, the silly cat t-shirt with Garfield on it, the round, cracked glasses on Rosalie's face and her messy black hair.

  Rosalie froze. "I, er, I'm sorry-" Rosalie started but Carrie shoved past her angrily.

  "We're in exactly the right place, you anorexic blonde bimbo. My friend here has a $1,000 dollar Gift Certificate that her friend Blake White (perhaps you've heard of him?) gave her to spend in this store. I would hate to think what would happen if Blake told the press the Armani store was rude to a friend of his!" Carrie warned, jabbing her finger into the store clerk's chest.

  The store clerk paled. She knew Blake White - he was a frequent customer and patron of the Armani store. She even remembered when he had purchased that thousand-dollar gift certificate to give a friend. She had assumed it was for Sadie Skellington but she guessed she had been wrong.

  "Oh, of course, my apologies, my mistake. Do come in. Can I assist you?ladies with finding anything in particular today?" The store clerk asked, trying hard to get back into her appropriate sales mode.

  "Pfft." Carrie snorted and looked the blonde store clerk over from head-to-toe. "I don't think we need your help. We'll end up looking like a couple of old hags. You obviously don't know anything about fashion. We'll help ourselves - thank you very much. Hmph!" Carrie flipped her violet hair and sauntered into the Armani store as if she owned the place.

  Rosalie looked after her Goth friend in awe. She wished she could be as aggressive as Carrie was. That had been just awesome! Rosalie smiled softly as she followed after Carrie with shuffling footsteps.

  Carrie began to browse through the racks of clothes with a critical eye and began to select several pieces for Rosalie and herself to try on. Carrie tossed the clothes at Rosalie over her shoulder and Rosalie fumbled to catch the expensive clothes nervously.

  Once Carrie could no longer see Rosalie's face, Carrie decided they had enough pieces of clothing to try on and dragged Rosalie to the dressing rooms. The two girls tried on various outfits - most of which Rosalie felt extremely uncomfortable in, and ultimately it was Carrie who decided on the outfits they ended up buying.

  Carrie and Rosalie made their way to the checkout counter with armfuls of clothes and Rosalie paid with her Gift Certificate. She actually ended up having about $30 left over which the cashier gave to Rosalie in cash.

  The two girls left the Armani store happily, and Carrie drove Rosalie back to her apartment. Carrie's eyes widened at the dangerous area Rosalie apparently lived in and the run down apartment building that Rosalie pointed out and explained was where she lived.

  Rosalie dismounted from the bike, shopping bags in hand. "Thanks for the lift, Carrie."

  "Anytime?are you sure you'll be okay?" Carrie gave the apartment building a suspicious look. It looked pretty haunted. "I could perform an exorcism on this place or?a purification ritual. All we would need is some salt."

  Rosalie smiled and shook her head. "I'll be fine. This is my home?"

  "Okay?you know that cute black and white striped dress I chose for you. I want you to wear it tomorrow, okay? For once I want to see you looking cute. If Blake and his girlfriend show up they'll be shocked by how good you look in that dress!" Carrie insisted.

  Rosalie bit her lip nervously as she thought about the little black dress with thick, white vertical stripes on it that Carrie was referring to - it was a nice dress but it was awfully tight and short too. "I dunno?"

  Carrie frowned at Rosalie. "If you don't wear that dress tomorrow I'll stop considering you my friend!"

  "Friend??" Rosalie asked shyly. Did Carrie really think of them as being friends?

  "Of course! We're friends aren't we?" Carrie smiled brightly and Rosalie wondered how she was able to do that when she had her face painted white and her lips painted black. She was definitely the most cheerful Goth she had ever met! "So wear that dress! C-yas!" Carrie said before she sped away on her bike.

  Friends. Rosalie smiled wistfully to herself. A tiny skip to her step, she made her way back to her apartment.

  Maybe Carrie was right, maybe Blake would come to their squeaky clean 7-Eleven tomorrow night. What could possibly go wrong? It was just a dress?