Read Rockstar Ghost PG-13 Version Page 8


  Carrie took Ro back to Blake's penthouse on her bike, and complained about how she wouldn't get to go clothes shopping with Ro because she had to begin her shift at the 7-Eleven.

  "Blake should take you shopping. I'm sure he has good fashion sense since he was a famous rockstar and all that jazz. You also have to get yourself some contact lenses and a new cell phone. Take care of her, Blake! Ciao!" Carrie waved before riding off on her bike and speeding down the road impressively as she swerved through traffic.

  "Ah, but Carrie-" Ro called after her, but Carrie had already turned around the corner.

  Ro looked down at her new driver's license thoughtfully?

  "We should go to Rodeo Drive. They sell everything there." Blake suggested with his hands behind his head in a casual pose.

  "But how are we going to get there? It's too far to walk from the hotel. Especially if I'm going to be carrying bags of clothes on my way back. Should I take the bus? But I'm sure Stylist Ro Ripper wouldn't take the bus?" Ro pouted.

  Blake was stumped for a moment until he remembered that he had put his car keys in a tray on a table that was right besides the entrance door to his penthouse. If the car keys were still there that would mean his baby was still in the hotel's underground parking lot.

  "We'll drive. That's how." Blake declared as he floated to the entrance of the hotel. "Hurry up and follow me. We'll grab the keys at my penthouse and then we'll be on our way."

  "R-Right." Rosalie agreed as she followed after the ghost. They rode the elevator to the top floor and entered Blake's penthouse. The singer told Rosalie where to look for his car keys and sure enough the keys were still in a tray right besides the door.

  Lucky! Blake thought. "Come on, grab those car keys and follow me!" Blake rumbled as he floated towards the door.

  Ro frowned but did as she was told. "O-Okay." Ro grabbed the keys and followed Blake. The ghost phased right through the door and Ro moved to follow him.

  BAM. And smacked right into the door. Whoops. Airhead moment.

  "Ow." Rosalie moaned as she held a hand to her smushed nose.

  Blake put his head back through the door, having heard the 'thud' sound and wanting to see what had happened. He saw Ro with a hand to her face and burst out laughing. "Idiot?you're not a ghost."

  Ro frowned at Blake before she began to laugh too. "I wish I was?then my nose wouldn't hurt so much?" Ro said carelessly.

  Blake stopped laughing, and sobered immediately, his expression turning grim. "No you don't." Blake moved out of the door and floated his way silently to the elevator.

  Ro opened the door and stepped out into the hallway. She closed the door behind her, which automatically locked. She saw Blake silently hovering next to the elevator and realized that she had put her foot into her mouth as she took in his dejected posture. "Blake, I'm so-"

  "Press the elevator summoning button." Blake ordered coldly.

  Ro sighed and did as she was told. She pressed the button and summoned the elevator. The doors opened and she stepped inside, Blake floated in next to her.

  "Press the button for the garage." Blake instructed Ro next.

  Ro did as she was told and the elevator doors closed. The elevator began to descend and the elevator binged as the doors opened upon the garage. Ro stepped out into the garage and Blake floated besides her.

  "This way." Blake began to lead the medium through the garage and around several fancy Ferraris, Lotuses, Rolls and Bentleys, until-

  Blake suddenly stopped and stood still as he looked upon his baby.

  A silver and black Maserati Gran Turismo wrapped in silver chrome giving its silver exterior an extra shinny effect. There was a black racing stripe on its front hood - giving the car a fast, sleek look.

  Ro peeked over Blake's shoulder and looked at the car - her eyes bugged. She had never seen a car like it before. She didn't even know what it was. It looked like it was from the future. It was the perfect car for the 'Prince of Punk Rock' with a little crown on its muffler even. "W-What kind of car is that?" Ro breathed, ice-blue eyes shinning with admiration.

  "That, beggar girl, is a Maserati GT." Blake informed Ro. "She's my baby. She has a V8 engine that generates up to 460 horsepower. Her max engine speed is 7,200 RPMs. Top speed 303 kilometers per hour. It can go from 0 to 100 kilometers per hour in 4.6 seconds. I spent around 150,000 Euros for her." Blake gushed, his chiseled chest swelling with pride.

  Ro rolled her eyes. "I'm surprised you didn't die in a car accident." She said dryly.

  Blake frowned at her and went over to his car to stroke its hood lovingly. He reached his hand out to touch his car but his hand passed right through his car. His happy expression faltered. He could no longer touch his beautiful baby. Blake took his hand back and clenched his fist. "Well, what are you waiting for, beggar girl? Hurry up and get in."

  Ro blinked. "Huh? Excuse me?"

  "We're going to Rodeo Drive and you're driving. Be honored I'm letting you drive my baby." Blake said, in a haughty manner.

  "You want me to drive your precious Maserati? I can't?" Ro began nervously.

  "Hah?" Blake was beginning to lose his patience with the medium. "Why not? Don't you know how to drive?" Blake snarled at her.

  Ro gulped. "I know how to drive but?not very well. I took Driver's Ed in high school and managed to get my license but?since I couldn't afford to buy a car I haven't driven since then?" Ro began to explain.

  Blake raised an eyebrow at her explanation. "But you do know how to drive. Well, hurry up and get in! I don't have all day!" Blake shouted, exasperated.

  "Y-Yes!" Ro squeaked and quickly unlocked the driver's side door and got inside the car. The leather seats were super soft and the car still had that new car smell. Ro thought that this was odd. She put the key into the ignition and started the car. She put both her hands on the soft leather steering wheel. "Is this car new?" Ro asked.

  Blake phased into the car and took a seat in the front passenger's side seat, basically concentrating on floating just above the seat while in a sitting position. "No, I've had it for a couple of years." Blake reclined in his seat and put his boots up on the dashboard.

  "But then?why does it smell so?new?" Ro remarked as her brow furrowed.

  Blake ran a hand back through his stylish rockstar hair. "That's because I never let anyone in here?" Blake admitted softly.

  Ro's eyes widened. "You never let anyone ride with you but you're letting me drive your car?"

  "It's not like I have much of a choice. I can no longer touch my car. But if you so much as put a scratch on my car, Ro, I will haunt you the rest of your days." Blake growled, his lavender eyes flashing.

  Ro gulped and shivered as a chill went down her spine. She put the car into drive and began to slowly pull out of the parking spot. Slowly?super slow?

  Blake tapped his boot impatiently against the dashboard. "Tch, will you hurry the hell up?" Blake barked at her.

  "Ack!" Ro squeaked and hit the breaks. The car screeched to an instant stop.

  "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Blake roared as he sat straight in his seat staring at Rosalie in disbelief.

  "Don't yell at me! It's making me nervous! If you yell at me I'm going to hit something!" Ro shouted back, her hands trembling.

  "If you hit something - you are so dead!"

  "Death threats make me nervous!"

  "God damn it! We haven't even left the garage! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

  Tears began to fill Ro's eyes. "I'm sorry?I just don't want to hurt your precious car. I know it means a lot to you."

  Blake's anger died instantly and his expression softened. "Tch. As long as you understand?don't worry about it. Just drive, Ro. If you wreck this car we can always buy a new one?"

  Ro shot Blake a surprised look. Was Blake trying to comfort her? Ro wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and put her round glasses back on. "Don't worry, I won't put a scratch o
n your precious car, Master. I can do this." Ro declared as she drove the Maserati out of the garage and onto Sunset Boulevard.

  Ro concentrated fully on the road and traffic, making sure not to go too fast and yet not too slow either.

  Blake leaned back in his seat as he began to relax. Ro was actually a very good driver - just a little stiff. "Turn right here. I want to get you some contact lenses first. I'm tried of looking at you in those dorky, cracked glasses." Ro nodded and turned right. "The optometrist is right over there. Pull up in front." Blake instructed as he pointed out a specific two-story building.

  Ro did as she was told and pulled the Maserati right in front of the building. Ro got out of the car and made her way with stiff steps to the optometrist's office. Blake shook his head ruefully at Ro and followed.

  The optometrist, Ms. Kimberly Young, was available and so Ro took the eye exam and got a new prescription that she could use for glasses and for contacts. Ms. Young recommended the contact lens brand Acuvue 2, and happened to have a few boxes of them in stock with Ro's new prescription. Ro paid for her eye exam and a few boxes of contact lenses with cash (Blake's money).

  Ro took off her glasses, folded them and put them into her pocket. She then borrowed some of the eye doctor's contact solution so that she could put her new contact lenses into her eyes. From the optometrist's office, Ro and Blake walked down Rodeo Drive (Blake floated) and the ghost pointed out a cell phone store to Ro next. He told the medium to get the Samsung Galaxy S4 phone, which cost $619.99! Ro almost fainted at the price but did as she was told.

  After that, Blake took Ro to the Armani store and the Prada store, and chose several stylish outfits for her to wear - outfits that would make her claim of being a stylist much more believable. He chose a lot of black and white outfits, and a few outfits that had some dark blue in them to bring out Rosalie's stunning eyes. Sequined bra tops, lace-up corsets, tank tops with rhinestones, tight leather pants, short shorts and more. Rosalie blushed at some of the items Blake thought she'd be getting into. I'm going to look like a prostitute! Rosalie inwardly moaned.

  Afterwards, loaded down with five bags in each hand Ro staggered down the street back to Blake's Maserati. The ghost had his hands behind his head as he strut down the sidewalk next to Rosalie and was whistling a little tune happily to himself. Blake wasn't gay, but he sure loved shopping.

  Ro became irked by his carefree behavior as she huffed and puffed down the street. "Hey, are those muscles of yours just for show? Why don't you help me with these bags?" Ro complained.

  Blake stopped in his tracks and raised an eyebrow at Ro. "I would if my hands wouldn't just pass through the bags."

  ?Ro blinked and then realized what she had just asked a ghost. Oops. She kept forgetting that Blake White was dead! She was so?inconsiderate and heartless. The medium's blood drained from her face. "Blake, I'm so-" Ro began to apologize.

  But Blake raised his hand, signaling for her to quiet. "Save it. It doesn't really bother me that you keep forgetting I'm?well, its better like this." The singer smiled lopsidedly at her.

  Ro smiled softly. "Okay."

  Ro and Blake made their way back to the singer's silver and black Maserati. Ro struggled to fit all of the bags inside the car and then got into the driver's side seat. Blake phased into the passenger's side seat. Ro started the car and pulled out into traffic. They began to make their way back to Blake's penthouse suite.

  Meanwhile, rockstar Joey Bones was cruising in his sporty, yellow and black Lamborghini Murcielago - driving down Rodeo Drive at top speed while trying to escape the paparazzi that were currently in pursuit of him. Joey was wearing a pair of yellow and black wayfarer sunglasses on his face, a pair of LMFAO's yellow and black zebra print pants and a black t-shirt.

  Joey swerved around a car that was in front of him and moved in front of it only to have to break suddenly because the car in front of him had just come to a stop at a red light!

  Joey was already running late for Erotic Corpses' scheduled interview with Chelsea Handler, for the Chelsea Lately Show that would air on the E! Network. He had to get his butt over to the Digital Media Center, on 12312 West Olympic Boulevard A.SAP. Joey was extremely nervous about this interview since he was sure that Chelsea was going to bring up Blake's death. Joey's hands clenched around his steering wheel at the thought. And then-

  BONK. Joey felt the car behind him run into his beautiful baby! Joey's eyes widened in concern and horror. "My baby!" Joey emerged quickly out of the driver's side door to go inspect the damage to his bumper.

  Meanwhile, back to Ro and Blake?

  When the yellow and black car abruptly swerved in front of Ro and then suddenly had to break, Ro tried to step on the brakes as fast as possible, but she just wasn't fast enough. The Maserati ran right into the sports car from behind. Luckily, Ro hadn't been going that fast and so there wouldn't be a LOT of damage, but she had definitely hit the car. That amount of damage to repair on an expensive car would probably be quite costly. Ro thought to herself, her life beginning to flash before her eyes.

  She was going to end up in debt! "Oh no, what did I just do? Did I really just hit that car? I can't look?" Ro covered her eyes. "It looked like an expensive Italian car. Blake what kind of car did I just hit? Please let it be a Honda?"

  Blake looked at the car in front of them with a pensive scowl on his face. That car looked awfully familiar. "It looks like a Lamborghini Murcielago. It can cost anywhere from $300,000 to $500,000 depending on what features are chosen. My band mate Joey had that exact same car?"

  Ro paled. "A La-La-Lamborghini?! Oh no. Should we make a run for it? The old hit and run?!" Ro began to laugh in a somewhat maniacal fashion as she began to loose it.


  Ro and Blake watched as the owner of the yellow and black Lamborghini got out of his car and moved to inspect the damage to his bumper. There was definitely a small visible dent. Blake's suspicions were confirmed as soon as he saw the young man exit the car. It was indeed Joey Bones - his ex-band mate and the bass guitarist of Erotic Corpses. "Joey? What the hell is he doing here? And driving like a maniac?" Blake muttered under his breath.

  But Ro caught his every word. "Joey? You mean your band mate? That Joey? Murder suspect Joey?!" Ro began to panic and she gripped the steering wheel tighter.

  "Shhh! He's coming over here. Try to act natural." Blake instructed Ro.

  Ro took a deep breath and nodded. Her hands making deep indents into the steering wheel. She was so nervous.

  Joey walked over and knocked on Ro's window. The medium quickly rolled it down.

  "Hey?you know you hit my car, right?" Joey was saying when Ro turned to face him-

  Ba-thump. Ba-thump. Ba-thump. Joey's heart began to beat madly in his chest.

  It was love at first sight!

  A stunning young woman with the most magnificent and unusual eyes he had ever seen was facing him and smiling tremulously. Her eyes were ice-blue and had a ring of dark blue around their irises. She had a stylish haircut and was driving the exact same car that his friend Blake used to drive?used to?Joey shook his head from such sad thoughts.

  It had to be fate!

  "Ah, yes, I'm so sorry?I don't have any insurance?how much do you think it will cost to repair the damage? I can just pay you cash." Ro said while following Blake's verbal instructions.

  "Oh, you put a big dent in my bumper. I think it will end up costing me a few thousand." Joey replied casually.

  "A few thousand?" Ro exclaimed in shock.

  At the same time, Blake was nodding. "That sounds about right. We'll just pay him. Cash. Go on and tell him, beggar girl."

  "We will?!" Ro burst out.

  "What?" Joey asked, not knowing that Ro wasn't speaking to him but to Blake.

  "Er?no, nothing. I can pay you?" Ro began and started to reach for her purse.

  Joey looked at all of the Armani and Prada shopping bags inside Ro's car and realized that this girl was
definitely loaded and probably really could pay him right then and there - which meant Joey would never see the girl again.

  "I don't know if that's going to be enough," Joey began slyly. "Do you have any idea who I am?"

  "Joey Bones - bass guitarist of Erotic Corpses." Ro blurted out before Blake could stop her.

  Joey raised an eyebrow at her. "Yep, that's me."

  "Say you're a fan." Blake said, having a sudden idea.

  "I'm a fan." Ro said.

  Joey grinned. His smile was as bright as the hot California sun that was beating down on them. "Oh really, but it seems that I'm at a disadvantage here?you know my name but I have yet to learn yours."

  "Give him your business card. Hurry up, idiot!" Blake instructed.

  Ro fumbled to get out her business card and held it out with both hands to Joey. "My name is Ro Ripper. I'm a professional stylist."

  Joey took Ro's card and looked at it curiously. "A stylist?" Joey's grin widened and he looked at Ro with sparkling blue eyes. This girl?really must have been sent from heaven!

  Because Blake had fired their last stylist Leila Darkchylde - the band Erotic Corpses had been left without a stylist. The young rockstars also had no fashion sense. Blake had been the one to come up with ensembles for the band to wear during those times when they were without a stylist.

  The band had an interview with Chelsea Handler for E! Network that afternoon at 3:00 PM, and Joey and his fellow band mates had no idea what they should wear. Their Manager Brody had informed them that their boss, Mr. Wraythe wanted the band's image to 'mesh' during the interview and for them to look 'united'.

  And the young woman in front of Joey now was stylist and was driving the same type of car Blake used to drive. She even shopped at Blake's favorite store on Rodeo Drive. This had to be a sign from heaven!

  Joey reached past the window and grasped Ro's hands with his own. "Angel! You're an angel that Blake White has sent in order to help us!"

  Ro blinked at Joey in shock and blushed at the fact that he was holding her hands.

  Blake frowned at this odd turn of events and didn't really know what to make of it.

  "Uh, excuse me, I don't understand?" Ro began.

  "Ah, I'm sorry," Joey let go of Ro's hands and scratched the back of his neck out of embarrassment. "I got a little excited. Say, are you working for anyone right now?"

  "Say that you're available and that you just finished working with Beyonce." Blake said.

  "I'm available right now?I just finished a job for Beyonce." Ro repeated.

  Joey's eyes widened. He was impressed. "Beyonce? It's settled. You're coming with me to Digital Media Center. Erotic Corpses has an interview with Miss Chelsea Handler for the Chelsea Lately Show that's going to be shown on the E! Network. The interview starts in?" Joey checked his yellow and black digital watch. "Oh my God?20 minutes! I'm so going to be late!"

  "Huh?" Ro asked dazedly.

  "You're hired! Hurry up and follow me! You owe me big for denting my car, Ro. I'm letting you off easy by letting you work it off." Joey shot Ro a playful wink before he ran to his car, hopped inside and began to drive off.

  "Hey, snap out of it, idiot! Hurry up and follow him. This is the perfect opportunity! If you do a good job today you might just get hired as the official stylist for Erotic Corpses!" Blake proclaimed.

  "Uh?right!" Ro drove after Joey - still not really getting what was going on. Everything was suddenly happening so fast. It was like she was Dorothy caught up in a tornado all of a sudden and being whisked away to the Land of Oz.

  Joey led Ro to the Digital Media Center and parked his Lamborghini out front. Ro parked the Maserati right behind Joey's car and got out of the car.

  Earlier that day, at the Armani store Blake had chosen a few items for his fellow band mates in foresight. "Don't forget to take the bag with the items we already chose for the band." Blake reminded Ro.

  "Oh, right." Ro picked up the bag that had the accessories that she and Blake had chosen. She gave the car keys to a uniformed valet that was standing just outside the entrance to the building.

  "If you scratch my car - I'll freakin kill you." Blake told the valet.

  Ro shivered and so did the poor valet. Joey swiftly led the way into the Digital Media Center building. "Hurry up and follow me. God, we're so frickin late. Crap?Manager Brody is going to kill me!" Joey moaned.

  "Manager Brody? Is he going to be here?" Ro asked curiously, remembering the man who had been in flip fops, a Hawaiian shirt and who had been smoking a cigar at Blake's funeral! He was on the list of murder suspects that she and Carrie had made together.

  "Yea, you'll meet everyone soon." Joey headed for the dressing room that had been provided for the band in order to get ready for their interview. Joey stopped in front of a door that had a yellow star on it with the band's name, before knocking. "Yo, it's me!"

  "I don't know who the hell 'me' is but you had better get your butt in here because you're late!" Came a gruff voice.

  Joey gave Ro an amused look before opening the door and motioning for the medium to follow him inside with Blake floating behind them both.

  Rosalie looked around the spacious dressing room curiously. On the left hand side was a long counter attached to the wall and four mirrors surrounded by lights were attached to the wall above the counter. Four chairs sat in front of the long counter giving the band a place to sit down and work on their hair and makeup.

  Against the back wall were racks of clothing and accessories for the band. To the right was a small sitting area where the rockstars could relax with a long red leather couch, two matching, comfy looking armchairs, and a low glass table.

  Seated on the couch was Devon Decayn. Devon was known for his classic rockstar appearance. He was wearing his usual short, black leather jacket with metal spikes on it, a black t-shirt with a fallen angel design that looked like a zombie with wings, an array of chain necklaces around his neck, a pair of black leather pants and a pair of combat boots. The cocky rockstar had his feet up on the glass table in front of him.

  Next to him on the couch was Sadie Skellington. She was snuggled up against Devon's left side and had her arm wrapped around Devon's arm. She wore a blissful smile on her cherubic face while Devon wore a stoic expression.

  Sadie was sporting a cute rockstar girl look. Today she was wearing a hot pink bra with a sheer black shirt over it that hung off of one of her shoulders. She had on a pair of jean capris and a pair of tall high-heeled shoes. She wore a silver heart pendant around her neck that had a skull on it.

  Ro stumbled to a stop when she spotted the snuggling couple on the couch. Sadie was so obviously 'with' Devon now. And Blake hadn't even been dead a week! Oh my God. Ro thought. She looked at Blake out of the corner of her eye worriedly and waited to see what his reaction would be.

  He was smoldering, fires burning in his lavender eyes. He was so pissed at Devon's obvious betrayal! That son of a gun! Screw him! Blake clenched his fists at his sides. The lights in the dressing room and around the mirrors flickered ominously.

  Ro's attention was drawn to Vincent Sangre next. The drummer was seated in front of the counter fixing his appearance in the mirror. He was wearing a fancy, lace cravat beneath his chin, and ruffled, white sleeves were poking out from his black jacket. He adjusted the cravat and the ruffles absentmindedly.

  Vincent Sangre was known for wearing elaborate Gothic, Victorian, or Renaissance styled suits. His fans thought he looked like a sexy vampire and there was even a rumor going around on the net that he was a real vampire. With his pale skin and long, glossy blood-red hair, Ro could see why the rumors had started.

  Vincent was also known for wearing a pair of signature round, yellow sunglasses that were modeled after old-fashioned spectacles.

  Presently though Vincent had taken his sunglasses off and Rosalie's gaze went from his fancy suit to his eyes curiously.

  She blinked in surprise - Vincent had deep,
burgundy red colored eyes! They were just like rubies. They were stunning, captivating, hypnotic.

  Vincent turned his attention towards the door as Joey entered and noticed Ro. Vincent immediately made a grab for his sunglasses and put them on his face quickly.

  "You're late." Manager Brody complained as he blew a cloud of smoke right in Joey's face from his cigar. "Where the hell were you?"

  Joey coughed as he tried to breath and waved his hand at the smoke cloud. The bass guitarist laughed nervously with a hand behind his head. "Ehehehehe. Sorry, sorry. My bad. I have a really good reason for that?first the paparazzi were chasing me and I had to take a detour on Rodeo Drive and then this total babe ran into my car from behind-" Joey jerked his thumb at Ro, who was standing behind him.

  Ro looked at Manager Brody curiously. He was wearing a loud red Hawaiian shirt with white flowers, a pair of tan board shorts, and a pair of neon green flip flops. He had a pair of aviator sunglasses on even though they were indoors and he was smoking another cigar. Ro felt everyone's attention suddenly upon her and stiffened.

  Sadie narrowed her eyes at Ro. "Who's she?"

  "Everyone, I'd like you to meet - Ro Ripper." Joey dramatically motioned his hands at Ro. "She's our new stylist!" Joey announced with great enthusiasm.

  "Stylist?" Devon raised an eyebrow and looked Ro up and down with a critical eye. He ran a hand back through his stylish, dark blue hair and hummed thoughtfully. "Is that so?"

  Ro fidgeted nervously under Devon's intense stare.

  Vincent was the first one to smile. "A stylist? You finally found one?and such a pretty young lady at that?!" Vincent stood up and sauntered over to Ro. He took her hand and placed a kiss on top of it. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Ripper."

  Ro blushed - a man had never kissed the top of her hand like that before! "Um, call me, Ro."

  Blake rolled his eyes. Vincent was such a player?

  "Certainly, Ro." Vincent immediately agreed and let go of Ro's hand.

  "You brats need to hurry up and get your act together. This is the Chelsea Lately Show. It's going to be shown on E! Entertainment Network. Mr. Wraythe will be displeased if we screw up this interview. Remember he specifically wanted the band to appear united because our fans are apparently worrying that the band might split up because of Blake's suicide." Brody let out a sound of disgust as he looked at the rockstars. "And I see you're all wearing your own crap. Dang it?there's no time anyways. You're on stage in ten minutes."

  "Tell them that you've got this and that's why you're here." Blake instructed Ro.

  Ro nervously cleared her throat. "I've got this. This is why I'm here?"

  "Take out the dark blue fedora and the blue and gray scarf, the black fedora and the black and yellow scarf, and the red fedora with the red and black scarf." Blake told Ro.

  Ro did as she was told and rummaged around inside the Armani shopping bag for the specified items.

  "Now, go up to Vincent and put the red fedora on his head and wrap the scarf around his neck." Blake instructed.

  Ro nodded and went over to Vincent. "May I?"

  "Certainly, my lady," Vincent said obligingly.

  Ro placed the hat on the drummer's head and then wrapped the scarf around his neck after removing his cravat.

  "Now, put the black fedora on Joey, let the scarf hang loose around his neck and get a yellow belt from the rack over there to complete the outfit." Blake ordered.

  Rosalie nodded and walked over to Joey next. "May I?" Ro asked again.

  Joey chuckled and grinned easily at Ro. "Sure thing, babe. You can dress me up any way you want." Joey winked. "Just call me 'Ken'."

  Ro smiled shyly and placed the fedora on Joey's head and hung the black and yellow scarf loosely around his neck. She walked over to the clothing rack and found the yellow belt that Blake had mentioned was there and returned to hand it to Joey. "Please put this on."

  Devon was watching Ro calmly. "How did you know there was a yellow belt in our clothing rack?" He asked smoothly.

  Ro froze. Epp!

  "Crap?" Blake swore. "Just tell him the bright yellow color caught your eye and you assumed it might be a belt."

  "I just saw it since it's such a bright yellow color," Ro nervously explained.

  "Go dress Devon next. Dark blue fedora and tell him he's going to have to take off his leather jacket and those leather pants?you can't wear fedoras and leather together - that would be a fashion faux pas, and we don't want our asses to end up on E Entertainment's Fashion Police. Joan Rivers would eat us alive!"

  Ro did as she was told and nervously approached Devon. There was something intimidating about the lead guitarist. He was always so cool and composed - unreadable.

  "Um, you're going to have to take off your leather jacket and your leather pants. Any sort of plain slacks should be okay. You can keep the t-shirt. In fact, its perfect because it has blue and gray like the scarf." Ro explained.

  Devon began to stand up but Sadie tugged him back down on the couch next to her and glared daggers at Ro. "Just who do you think you are to boss around Devon Decayn!"

  "I-I'm sorry-" Ro immediately began to apologize. But Devon cut her off with a raised hand.

  "It's okay, babe, she didn't mean any harm by it. Besides, she's our new stylist?she's just doing her job." Devon shrugged his arm out of Sadie's hold. Sadie pouted. Devon stood up and took his jacket off and put it on the couch. He then took off his boots and then facing Ro he began to take off his pants-!

  "Ah, wait-!" Ro burst out.

  "No, idiot! It's normal for him to change in the open like that - especially if you're a Pro Stylist. You've seen naked men before! It shouldn't faze you." Blake chided Ro.

  Devon had his hands on the top button of his pants and gave Ro a piercing look. "Yes? Is something wrong? Do you want me to undress behind the changing screen?"

  Ro began to laugh nervously. "Not at all! Nothing's wrong! Go ahead and take your cloths off because I'm a Pro Stylist and its not like I haven't seen it all before! Ahahaha!"

  Devon raised an eyebrow at the strange girl. She sure was strange for a Pro Stylist. "Right." Devon unbuttoned the top button of his pants and pulled his leather pants off to reveal his black boxers with white skulls on them.

  Ro tried hard not to cover her eyes with her hands and knew she was probably about as red as a tomato.

  "Hurry up and get the pair of plain black pants, size 32 waist." Blake instructed Ro.

  Ro nodded and ran over to the clothing rack and sifted through the clothes until she found the pants she needed folded over a hanger. She brought the pants over to Devon and handed them to him with her hand trembling. "These should work?I think?"

  Devon looked at the pants curiously and nodded. "Yep, they're my size. How very accurate of you, Miss Stylist." Devon began to put on the pants and Ro let out a sigh of relief. Half-naked men made her extremely nervous!

  "Tch, you ain't seen nothing until you've seen me with my clothes off." Blake tugged at his jacket in a thoughtful manner. "I wonder if a ghost can take his clothes off?" Blake began to shrug out of his jacket.

  "No!" Ro blurted out at Blake.

  "What is it now? Do the pants look bad? Are they too tight?" Devon asked, looking amused.

  "Ah?no, I forgot?a belt!" Ro rushed over to the rack and sifted through the clothes and accessories until she found a blue snakeskin belt. Perfect. She ran back over to Devon and handed it to him.

  Devon looked down at the belt silently, with an unreadable expression on his face.

  "Is something wrong?" Ro asked.

  "Hell yea?that's my favorite belt. That jerk can't wear my belt!" Blake burst out.

  Ro leaned in close to Devon and spoke in a low voice. "Was it Blake's? I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you wore it then. You were best friends, right?"

  Devon frowned. "Blake would kill me for wearing his belt." But Devon put the belt on anyways.

  "I'll ki
ll you!" Blake shouted and waved his fist angrily at Devon.

  Ro coughed, put the scarf around Devon's neck, and the fedora on the top of his head. Devon put his boots back on beneath the pants so that they were barely visible.

  Now Devon, Vincent and Joey all matched while looking scrumptiously handsome. Had there been a flash of pain in Devon's eyes as he buckled up the belt? Or had Ro imagined it. The lead guitarist was a murder suspect.

  The mood had visibly shifted in the room and had gotten heavier. Vincent and Joey had fallen silent and were watching Devon intently. Devon stroked the belt and looked up to meet the eyes of his band mates.

  "Okay guys, remember to stick to the plan. No matter what. We can do this." Devon instructed Vincent and Joey.

  "Plan? What plan?" Blake spoke aloud.

  Vincent nodded once, looking grim all of a sudden while Joey was looking incredibly nervous and was biting his lower lip.

  Sadie looked confused by the suddenly tense atmosphere. Manager Brody seemed completely oblivious to it all. He clapped his hands together as he looked at the band. "You kids look great. Mr. Wraythe will be pleased. Now get your butts out on stage!" Brody clapped Joey on the shoulder. "You finally did something right, Joey. Stylist Ro Ripper will make a great addition to the team."

  "Thanks man." Joey nodded and smiled at the usually harsh manager.

  The three rockstars left the dressing room with Manager Brody following close behind. Ro was just about to follow after them when a hand on her arm stopped her. Ro turned around to see Sadie giving her an apologetic look. "Hey?I think we got off on the wrong foot." Sadie began and let go of Ro's arm.

  Sadie Skellington. She's also a murder suspect. Ro thought morosely.

  "I'm Sadie Skellington." Sadie stuck out her hand in a friendly manner.

  Ro took it. "I know."

  Sadie gave Ro a sharp look.

  "Idiot!" Blake said.

  "Um, what I mean is?how could I not know who you are? You're Sadie Skellington the lead singer of the band The Necromancers. I'm actually a fan." Ro decided to say.

  Sadie's anger deflated instantly. "Right, of course, sometimes I forget how famous I am! I'm just that good!" Sadie flipped her short blonde hair with her hand. "Anyways, it looks like you're going to be Erotic Corpses' new stylist. That was really cool back there, what you did. All impromptu like that. Very impressive. We should be friends." Sadie smiled sweetly as she took out a cigarette and lit it up with her Zippo.

  Ro tremulously smiled back at the unpredictable female rockstar.

  Sadie took a drag on her cigarette. "I've been so worried about what Erotic Corpses was going to do. You see, they've always had trouble with stylists. Blake would always treat their stylists so badly and had such an arrogant attitude that the stylists would either quit or Blake would end up firing them. Blake always acted so high and mighty. As if he were a real prince and not just the Prince of Punk Rock." Sadie laughed, a stream of smoke exiting her mouth.

  Ro frowned at the girl. "But?wasn't Blake your boyfriend?"

  Sadie nodded. "Yep. That was because despite his foul attitude - Blake White was the number one rockstar in the country and extremely handsome. He was also really good in bed." Sadie leaned in to whisper in Ro's ear. "He was extremely well-endowed. I'd be so sore the next day. Not that I'm trying to be crude?but it's the truth." Sadie pulled back and kept smiling. "Right now I'm the number one female rockstar in this country. The Princess of Heavy Metal. And so it only made sense that we'd be together. We were the perfect celebrity couple - the Prince and Princess of Rock. But now?Blake is dead. And the new Prince of Punk Rock will likely be Devon Decayn. Wouldn't you agree?"

  "How can you be so sure?" Ro leaned forward, suddenly curious.

  "I know a little secret." Sadie leaned forward as well in a conspiratorial manner. "Devon Decayn can sing. And now that Blake is dead Devon will become the band's singer."

  "Freaking jerk!" Blake shouted in outrage. Blake stomped over and kicked the clothing rack as if he wanted to knock it over but his boot just passed right through the rack.

  "I see?" Ro said, while giving Blake a nervous look out of the corner of her eye.

  "Just so you know Devon Decayn is my boyfriend now." Sadie said as she twirled a strand of her hair and gave Ro a petulant look. "I already asked him out and he said yes."

  Ro raised an eyebrow at that. Call her old fashioned but- "He didn't ask you?"

  "No - when I want something I go get it." Sadie declared waving her cigarette in the air. "He was kind enough to comfort me at the funeral and since he needed a little comfort of his own too we?" Sadie licked her lips. "You can't tell anyone this by the way, got it? Or I'll kill you." The female rockstar said seriously and when Ro blanched she burst out laughing. "I'm only joking!" Sadie's laugh was a bit of a cackle.

  "My lips are sealed." Ro agreed dully.

  "Well, we'll see how long you last, Ro. The band has a concert coming up where they'll reveal that Devon is going to be the band's lead singer?and everyone knows it's the stylist's job to design the clothes the band will wear for the concert. If you screw this up it's pretty likely you'll be fired. Good luck!" Sadie declared in a happy peppy manner before skipping past Ro, and out the door.

  Ro smiled after her. "She seems nice."

  "Idiot!" Blake hit Ro over the head but his fist just passed right through her head.

  Ro looked at Blake wide-eyed. "I'm so glad I couldn't feel that!"

  "Sadie is the most fake person I know. She acts all cute, sweet, and innocent - but she's the one who seduced me in the beginning. She's a real cat in the sack, and now she's seduced Devon too?from what she says. He's fallen right into her evil clutches." Blake paced the room in an irate fashion.

  Ro pouted. "So?Devon isn't at fault?"

  Blake turned to meet Ro's questioning look. "No, Devon is still a backstabbing jerk."

  "Ah, but Sadie said she wanted to be my friend?" Ro argued.

  "Yea, and who even does that? You don't just go up to someone and ask them to be your friend! That's for like five-year-olds?!" Blake sneered.

  Ro frowned. "I did that in middle school once. I bought a friendship ring to give to a girl I thought was very pretty named Paige. She seemed really nice?"


  "And she and her friends laughed at me." Ro revealed dejectedly.

  "Not surprised?your friend Sadie was already trying to freak you out about some concert that's coming up. But she's right?you'll probably have to design our - I mean - their outfits." Blake corrected his slipup.

  Ro paled. "Me? But?I don't know the first thing about designing clothes!"

  "Make your friend, the Goth witch help you. She seemed?knowledgeable in such areas." Blake grudgingly admitted.

  Ro nodded vigorously. Hopefully Carrie would be able to get her out of this mess!

  "Come on, we're going to miss the interview. It's a good opportunity for you to observe the band's reactions to Chelsea. Especially when they're asked about my suicide. Don't forget all these bastards are murder suspects. They're on the list you and Carrie decided upon this morning."

  Ro followed Blake as he floated out of the dressing room. The singer knowledgeably led the way to the film studio. Inside the film studio there was a stage with a desk, chair, and a long leather couch next to it where the band could take a seat. An entire film crew consisting of cameramen, special effects crewmen and a light crew were also present.

  Chelsea was already seated behind her desk when Devon, Joey, and Vincent entered on stage and began to walk towards the purple couch.

  "I'd like to welcome the young men from the band: Erotic Corpses!" Chelsea greeted enthusiastically and with a wide smile revealed her pearly white teeth.

  Devon, Joey, and Vincent all waved to the cheering live audience as they took a seat. Devon was acting all cool and aloof, Joey was grinning and waving at the live audience animatedly, and Vincent waved and winked and blew kisse
s at all of the pretty women specifically.

  The rockstar could see that several of their fans were in the audience recognizable due to their zombie fashion and zombie makeup. The zombies had their eye sockets painted black or red, were wearing ripped and slashed shirts and jeans, and had fake blood dripping down from the corner of their mouths. Lady Gaga had her 'little monsters' but the Erotic Corpses had their loyal 'zombies'.

  "Hi guys! I just want to start out by saying that you boys are looking quite stylist today! Whose idea was it to wear those matching fedoras?" Chelsea asked shrewdly.

  "Our new stylist Ro Ripper actually came up with this, spur of the moment." Devon began to boast in his drawling tone.

  Chelsea's blue eyes widened. "Really? Impressive. I was sorry to hear about how Stylist Leila Darkchylde had a bit of a falling out with Blake."

  Devon crossed his legs casually. "It was less a falling out and more a misunderstanding. Blake had a skin allergy to synthetic fabrics and fur, and could only wear 100% cotton items, but our stylists never seem to be able to figure that one out." Devon shrugged.

  "I see?well, I hope it works out with Miss Ripper then!" Chelsea flipped her long blonde hair over her shoulder. "Maybe I should call her to make me something to spice up my look!"

  "You'll get to see her own original designs at our upcoming concert." Devon revealed.

  "Ah, yes, well, you heard it right here people. It doesn't sound like you boys are going to split up if you're going to be doing another concert! When is the concert and where is it going to be taking place?" Chelsea asked intently.

  "The concert will be held this Saturday night at the Great American Music Hall in San Francisco. Doors open at 8:00 PM and the show starts at 9:00 PM." Devon informed the ex-comedian.

  "That's great. That's good news but?as I'm sure your fans are wondering?who is going to sing?" Chelsea asked, licked her lips, and leaned forward in her seat.

  Devon smiled charmingly. "Ah, I'm sorry Chelsea but that's?a secret. Our new singer will be revealed the night of the concert."

  "Ooo. How exciting! I heard your next concert will be a kind of tribute to your former band mate Blake White, and that his songs will be sung - including a brand new never before heard song from Erotic Corpses. Now, let me get this straight. I heard that you write and compose all of Erotic Corpses' songs? Is that correct?"

  "Yes?" Devon shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "But Blake sometimes helped me to come up with lyrics."

  "So you wrote Erotic Corpses' songs for Blake's voice?"

  Devon shrugged. "You could say that."

  "How do you feel about someone else singing a song that you had originally intended for Blake White to sing?" Chelsea asked.

  Devon's face remained pretty expressionless. "I'm sure this person will do a good job."

  "So mysterious." Chelsea let out a helpless sigh. "Well, I'm glad to see you boys looking so well and motivated. I'm sure Blake's death was hard on all of you?you were childhood friends, am I right?" Chelsea began as she looked down at some notes she had with her.

  "Best friends." Joey piped up.

  Devon shot Joey a glare and he instantly shut up and looked sheepish. "The four of us knew each other since we were kids. Joey, Vincent and Blake always had an interest in music and took part in musical activities together at school. I was more into sports growing up, myself."

  "Sports? And now you're a rockstar! That surprises me! So you're saying you were a jock?!" Chelsea exclaimed.

  "That's right?in high school I was Captain of the football team while Blake, Vincent and Joey had already started their own punk rock band: The Playboys. Can you tell that Vincent chose the band name?" Devon asked the audience who burst out laughing.

  "At that time, Damion Hellsing - now the lead guitarist of The Necromancers - was their lead guitarist. It all went to hell though when they were supposed to perform during a high school assembly, and Damion came down with the flu. Blake ended up coming to me and begged me to play the guitar to save their butts." Devon continued to explain.

  "Wow?so did you already know how to play the guitar?"

  "I did, but wasn't very serious about it. It was more of a parttime hobby to me than my main passion?" Devon admitted.

  "So if Damion hadn't come down with the flu that day he would have probably become the lead guitarist of Erotic Corpses and you would have moved on to become a hot professional football player!" Chelsea joked.

  Devon laughed and looked embarrassed. "You're probably right, but Blake White always got his way and always got what he wanted. He was the King of our high school and had fan girls even back then before he became truly 'famous'. He turned me into the lead guitarist of his band on a whim of his?he changed my life. You could also say he turned my life upside down."

  Chelsea gave Devon a searching look. "But you two were?close?"

  Devon nodded once. "Yes?but even though we were best friends Blake was always distant and off in his own world. I knew Blake, but I didn't really know him. He kept his problems to himself for example. He liked to bottle things up and in the end I think it cost him his life." Devon explained darkly.

  Chelsea's eyes widened. "So you're saying Blake's suicide was stress related?"

  Devon shrugged. "Blake was a very outspoken person and yet at the same time a very private person. You could be in the same room with Blake and yet feel very alone."

  "Do you know how his girlfriend Sadie has been handling the situation? I last saw on Twitter that she was head over heels in love with Blake. She must be devastated."

  "Yes, Sadie was saddened by Blake's death but I think it made her realize that she never really knew Blake either. We comforted each other over Blake's death and?I know this is going to sound sudden, but Sadie and I are going out now." Devon decided to drop the bomb.

  Chelsea sat back in her chair, momentarily stunned. "So Sadie Skellington and you are an item now? I need to check Sadie's Twitter page! I'm already behind the times apparently! Are you worried that your zombies will see this as a betrayal to your best friend Blake?"

  Devon shook his head. "I think our fans are smart and understanding. Blake wasn't very serious about Sadie anyways and from what she's told me he seemed to just be playing with her. Sadie said that he didn't want to be in a serious relationship and just wanted to be 'friends with benefits'."

  Ro blushed and Blake noticed. "What the hell? I never said that crap!" Blake shouted. At least not to anyone else except for Sadie.

  "Friends with benefits?! He said that?" Chelsea made a disgusted look. "I see?and what about you? Are you serious about Sadie?"

  Devon's expression warmed and he smiled. "Yes. I like Sadie very much. I want to date her and be in a serious relationship with her that might lead to marriage. Right now I want Sadie all to myself."

  The zombies in the audience all 'Ooed' and 'Ahhed'.

  "Oh wow," Chelsea said, "Marriage? You're pretty bold to throw that word out there like that, don't you think, Mr. Angel of Death? You'll be breaking a lot of hearts if you decide to tie the knot so soon."

  Devon chuckled at that. "I don't think so. I think when a man is truly serious about a girl he should 'man up' and take responsibility for his emotions."

  Chelsea nodded, looking impressed. "Well said. You're so unlike drummer Vincent Sangre! I know the female zombies are curious to know if wedding bells are ringing in the nearby future for you, Vincent?" Chelsea directed her next question to Vincent.

  Vincent chuckled, his laugh as smooth as black velvet. "Maybe if I were dating a woman as stunning as you Chelsea I would be considering marriage." He winked.

  "Oh stop! I'm way too old for you - you're like what 25? And I'm 27. Hahaha! You're as bad as the Beiber!"

  "No, I'm much worse, I can assure you," Vincent drawled teasingly as he made a long-stemmed red rose appear from out of nowhere and handed it to Chelsea. "For you, my lady."

  "My, my." Chelsea said as she took the rose.

/>   The female zombies in the audience all made excited noises. "Kyahhh!"

  Chelsea brought the rose to her nose to smell it. "You know there are rumors about you that you are a playboy and that you'll only go out with a girl for exactly one month before breaking up with her. Is there any reason for that?"

  Vincent shrugged. "What can I say, Chelsea? There are so many delectable mermaids in the sea to sample, and I haven't tasted nearly enough of what this world's ocean has to offer."

  Chelsea laughed. "My, you do have a way with words, Mr. Heartbreaker. You do know what your fans are called, right? Life or Death fans! Some of these fan girls even believe that you're a vampire and they want you to suck their blood, kill them and turn them into immortal Zombie-Vampires. What do you think of that?"

  Vincent touched his lips in a thoughtful gesture. "I think these girls have been watching a little too much Twilight. I'm no Edward Cullen. I'm just a normal mortal guy?sadly enough." Vincent put out his hands in a helpless gesture and shook his head.

  "Sureeee." Chelsea didn't sound so convinced as she observed Vincent with her chin in hand. "Why don't you ever remove your sunglasses? The zombie fan girls are dying to know!"

  "In the digital age we live in with Facebook, Twitter, cell phones, texts, status updates, and the paparazzi - it's hard to remain 'mysterious' Chelsea. So I decided to just keep my sunglasses on?" Vincent joked.

  Chelsea laughed. "Brilliant! Well, it worked. Your fans have given you the nickname 'Vampire Prince'. You're definitely the mysterious one. Blake White was the arrogant, punkass, street fighting one that your zombies nicknamed 'the White Ghost'. Devon you're the cool, confident, serious one and your zombies have nicknamed you 'the Angel of Death'. As for, Joey Bones, your zombies have nicknamed you 'the Dancing Skeleton', which makes sense since he's the fun and cute one who knows how to break dance."

  Joey pouted. "Hey, I can be sexy and mysterious too Chelsea?maybe I should wear a mask like Gol Gotha?" Joey wrapped the scarf around the bottom half of his face. "Does this make me look sexy and mysterious, Chelsea? Like the Lone Ranger?"

  The zombie fans all laughed loudly in response to Joey's antics.

  Chelsea laughed as well. "I don't know, but?I'd do you! Hahahaha! You look so innocent though - I'd feel like I was corrupting you."

  Joey nodded in agreement. "It's my 'baby face' - Leonardo DiCaprio had the same problem I do." Joey moaned.

  "And how did he solve his problem?" The ex-comedian raised her eyebrow at the bass guitarist.

  "He didn't. You don't think he's 'sexy' either do you?" Joey's blue eyes sparkled with mischief.

  Chelsea blinked. "No, actually, I don't. You're right - he definitely falls into the 'cute' category. He should have been in a pop boy band or stuck to romantic comedies."

  "It's the 'baby face' curse." Joey let out a helpless sigh.

  "A lot of people say you wear your heart on your sleeve, Joey." Chelsea leaned forward with her chin propped on her hands. "Which is why I'm so surprised to see you looking so?happy. Were you not very close to Blake?"

  "I?" Joey faltered and opened and closed his mouth as if he were trying to speak but was unable to form words.

  Devon put a hand on Joey's shoulder and squeezed it. "Joey also felt deceived by Blake's suicide. Blake was our best friend since childhood but we barely knew anything about him. He put up walls and didn't let us in. He was obviously suffering but he never told us what was wrong and he betrayed this band by killing himself. He left us - abandoned us - and I don't think we'll be able to forgive him anytime soon. I think what we're feeling more than sadness right now is anger, hurt and disappointment, Chelsea. We would have been there for him, supported him with whatever it was. But Blake didn't trust us. It's as simple as that, so were we friends? Really? I wonder Chelsea, I wonder."


  Blake felt like Devon was flinging daggers into his no longer beating heart. How come the dead could still feel pain? Blake felt his eyes burn but figured he shouldn't be able to cry anymore.

  How could his friends do this to him?insult him?humiliate him on national TV?betray him?

  They had been childhood friends?best friends?all through middle school and then high school when they formed the band The Playboys, and when Devon joined they had renamed the band Erotic Corpses. Their friendship had even continued on through college. They had best buds, BFFs.

  But those jerks weren't even sad that he was gone?! What the hell? This is all I meant to them? Blake wondered.

  Even the most sensitive of the group - Joey had yet to shed a tear over his death! Joey cried during Titanic for God's sake! Blake thought exasperatedly. He cried for days when his pet goldfish died!

  Vincent, he could understand not being so sad that Blake was gone. Blake always used to give Vincent such a hard time for his playboy ways - calling him a pervert and a man-whore. But seriously though, Vincent used to go up to girls and ask them to 'please bear my child!'. But maybe I was a little too harsh? Blake wondered in retrospect.

  And as for Devon?sure, they didn't get along all the time since Blake usually liked getting into trouble and Devon liked staying out of it. But Blake thought back to all the times he had spent practicing at Devon's side. The band would practice for hours and hours together. And Devon was the songwriter and composer of the band. He had written those songs for Blake to sing - with Blake's voice in mind, right?

  Or had that all been false?

  Did it actually matter if Blake sung Devon's songs? Or would anyone do?

  Had Devon wanted to sing instead of play guitar all along? Had Devon wanted to be the lead singer of Erotic Corpses and that's why he killed Blake? He was bitter that Blake had turned him from a jock into a rockstar and took the limelight. Was this his revenge? Did Blake deserve this?

  Blake clenched his fists at his sides as he tried to control himself.


  "Wow, that's heavy. How do you think the zombies are going to react to this startling revelation? Will it change their opinion about Erotic Corpses and your music?"

  "I don't think whether or not Blake White was an incredible singer is in debate, but whether Blake White was a genuine person. That's what fans will be questioning. But not his music?his voice?his legacy?" Devon said softly and everyone in the audience was leaning forward in their chairs to hear his every word.

  Chelsea nodded. "Well said. I completely agree with you?and everyone is looking forward to seeing who the new singer of Erotic Corpses is going to be! I want to thank you boys for coming today. You guys 'sex up' this stage with your pheromones! Hahahaha!"

  "It was our pleasure, Chelsea. So what time should I pick you up tonight? Seven? Eight?" Vincent said in his sultry voice.

  Chelsea laughed nervously, obviously flattered by Vincent's attentions. "Hahahahaha. Okay, Beiber Number Two - can it. Unless you want me to start stalking you!"

  "I would be honored to have such a lovely stalker." Vincent said smoothly.

  Chelsea began to fan herself with her hand comically. "Is it hot in here or is it just me? Unfortunately, that's all we have time for today?give a round of applause for: Erotic Corpses! They're here to stay, baby! Thank God!" Chelsea said as she wiped her brow of imaginary sweat.

  The zombies and other spectators in the audience broke out in enthusiastic applause and cheers.