Read Roger Kyffin's Ward Page 10

heendeavoured to escape from the royal presence. During the remainder ofthe ceremony, the King every two minutes gave way to another heartylaugh, and as he descended the stairs to mount his horse, he lookedround, and again inquired for his friend Pike.

  The King rode on as before, attended by the few gentlemen who had comewith him from Lyndhurst, the populace following at a respectfuldistance. While he rode on, either side was lined with eagerspectators, who gave forth with cheerful voices reiterated welcomes.The king nodded kindly, thanking the people now and then in words as herode on.

  Harry galloped on by a path he knew across the country, and the Colonelwas in readiness to receive his royal guest on his arrival.

  Meantime, the guests who had been invited to the _fete_ on the lawnarrived from all quarters, while the breakfast-room which overlooked ithad been prepared for the royal family. They dined alone--the Coloneland the ladies of his family, aided by Lady Tryon, attending on them.Lady Tryon was delighted at being invited by the Queen to attend on her.She made herself especially agreeable, and took the opportunity ofintroducing her grandson to their Majesties.

  Harry behaved remarkably well under circumstances so novel to him, andMabel, at all events, thought that she had never seen him looking sohandsome.

  "He would make a charming page," Lady Tryon whispered in her ear; "Imust try and get their Majesties to take him."

  Meantime the sky had cleared, the sun shone forth brightly. The guestswere soon seen in their gayest costumes crossing the lawn to the tents,the band struck up and played the most joyous tunes, and the King cameto the window and clapped his hands with delight.

  It was pleasant to see their Majesties mixing among the crowd, andtalking familiarly to many of the guests. Several the King recognised;among others, Sir James Wallace, and his friend, General Perkins.Upwards of an hour was thus passed, when one of the gentlemen-in-waitingsuggested to his Majesty that unless they soon commenced their homewardride it would be dark before they could reach Lyndhurst. The Queen andprincesses had already retired, as they purposed returning by the roadthey came.

  "We must restore her cloak to Dame Pocock," observed the Queen, "andother friends who were kind enough to lend them to us."

  The King, however, purposed riding across the forest by a shorter cut,and through much beautiful woodland scenery. Harry held the King'shorse, while Colonel Everard assisted him to mount.

  "Ah!" said his Majesty, shaking the Colonel by the hand, "I am a happyKing to be able thus to ride through a forest with only three or fourunarmed attendants. Is there another sovereign in Europe that could dothe same? I wot not, Colonel."

  "Perhaps this young gentleman would like to accompany us," said one ofthe gentlemen-in-waiting, turning to the Colonel. "I know my way acrossthe forest, but he probably is better acquainted with the paths on thisside of it, and may somewhat shorten our ride. I am anxious to get theKing home again lest his Majesty should have suffered by remaining solong in his damp clothes."

  Harry was soon on horseback and galloping along to overtake the royalparty. Every path and glade in that part of the forest was well knownto him, and he was thus able to conduct the King, not only by shorterpaths, but to show him some especial bits of woodland scenery. The Kingwas much pleased, and complimented Harry on his taste. Whole troops ofdeer were seen coming in from all directions towards a keeper's lodge,where they were accustomed to assemble every evening to be fed.

  "A pity to shoot such beautiful creatures," said the King; "this forestshould be their own. If I had to frame new forest laws I shouldcertainly let the deer benefit by them. What say you, young gentleman?"

  Harry had to confess he had no objection to ride after a stag with apack of hounds, nor indeed to exercise his skill as a marksman on a fatbuck.

  The King laughed.

  "We must not be too much guided by our feelings," he observed.

  The King conversed constantly with Harry during the ride, and told himthat he hoped to see him again. The young man bowed low as they reachedLyndhurst, and it is not surprising that his spirits should have beensomewhat elated at the honour which had been done him. He turned hishorse, and galloped quickly over the soft turf back again towardsStanmore, eager to report the safe arrival of the King, and, it ispossible, to enjoy another dance with Mabel. She was not less wellpleased than he was with the honour the King had done him, and it is notsurprising that the young people should have thereon built up a somewhatlofty castle in the air, vapoury and changeable, as such castlesinvariably are. Lady Tryon was still more pleased. Her grandson hadachieved a success. She saw him in imagination basking in the smiles ofroyalty, and obtaining the advantages which such smiles occasionallybring. Not always, though, as they are apt to raise up "envy, hatred,malice, and all uncharitableness," in the hearts of rivals.

  Dancing was still going on when Harry got back. On such occasions theofficers of the foreign legion considerably eclipsed the lessnimble-footed Englishmen, and were proportionally favourites. Theywere, therefore, far more popular with the ladies than with the malepart of the community.

  Harry had not forgotten his quarrel with the Baron de Ruvigny, and wassomewhat surprised that the young lieutenant looked at him in sounconcerned a manner. He was not revengeful by disposition, but hefancied that he was in honour bound to settle the matter.

  "The sooner the better," he thought to himself. "I will look out forhim on his way to Lynderton, and see what he has to say for himself."

  In the meantime he danced with Lucy and Mabel, and two or three otheryoung ladies, for although it had been the custom for a gentleman toconfine himself to the same partner during the whole of the evening, theforeign officers had managed to break through it, and thus to dividetheir attentions more generally among the fair sex. At length the_fete_ came to an end. Everybody declared it was delightful. Harry sawLady Tryon into her carriage, and saying that he would walk home, wentback to pay his adieus to the ladies. Mabel looked more beautiful thanever, and gave him a smile which made him feel very happy.

  "By-the-bye," said the Colonel, drawing him aside, "if you ever have an`affair of honour,' you must promise to ask me to be your second.Remember I am an old soldier, and you could not have a better man. Imust exact this promise."

  Harry felt very foolish. He did not know how he looked. He could nothelp suspecting that the Colonel knew his secret; yet "how could he haveknown it?" The Colonel, however, would not let him go till he hadpassed his word.

  "Perhaps I may have to call upon you sooner than you expect, sir," hesaid; "really, these foreigners try one's temper."

  "Perhaps you don't understand the foreigners, Harry," he said, in agood-natured tone. "However, good-night;" and the old officer returnedchuckling into the drawing-room.

  Harry hurried on. He had seen the Baron de Ruvigny leave the house buta short time before, and he expected soon to catch him up. He was notdisappointed. The moon shone brightly. He knew the baron's figure, andsaw him a little way ahead in company with several other officers.

  Harry soon overtook them, and walking up to the side of the young baron,touched him on the shoulder.

  "We had a little affair to settle the other day, baron," said Harry.

  The young baron hesitated.

  "I was labouring under a mistake. I confess it," he answered. "ColonelEverard has spoken to me, and has made me promise not to carry thematter further. I did not consider that you had a right to interfere,and I was, therefore, angry. I tender you my apology."

  Harry hesitated a moment. Was it generosity or cowardice which made theyoung baron act in this way? "It is the first, I am sure," thoughtHarry. "I accept your apology gladly," he answered.

  The young men shook hands and walked on side by side, both probablyfeeling much happier than they did before. They might, to be sure, havecaused some sensation in the place had they fought; but even had one ofthem been killed, the event would probably have been no more than a"nine days' wonder," and even his most intima
te acquaintance would soonhave ceased to mourn. The two after this became fast friends.

  The baron especially had many interesting adventures to relate,especially those he had undergone in escaping from France--"La belleFrance!" as he still called his native country.



  Mabel Everard and Harry Tryon stood together under the shade of thewide-spreading trees which extended their boughs over the edge of thelarge lake in Stanmore Park watching a couple of graceful swans whichglided noiselessly by across the mirror-like surface of the water.

  "I have come to wish you good-bye, Mabel," said Harry, and his voicetrembled slightly. "Lady Tryon insists on my accompanying her toLondon, and I cannot refuse to obey her. It is time, and she