Read Roger Kyffin's Ward Page 3

westward. As soon as he had got out of thecrowded thoroughfares, he called a coach, for in those days walking inLondon was a more fatiguing operation than at present. The progress ofthe vehicle, however, in which he took his seat was not very rapid. Itwas a large and lumbering affair, drawn by a pair of broken-down hacks,the asthmatic cough of one keeping in countenance the shattered knees ofthe other. At length he reached the door of a substantial mansion inthe middle of Clifford Street. The bell was answered by a servant insober livery.

  "Is Mr. Thornborough at home?" he asked, at the same time presenting acard with his name in a bold hand written on it. The servant was absentbut a short time, when he returned, saying that his master would be gladto see Mr. Roger Kyffin. The visitor was shown into a handsome parlour,where, seated before a fire with his buckled shoes on a footstool, was avenerable-looking gentleman, with his silvery locks slightly powderedhanging down over his shoulders. A richly-embroidered waistcoat, aplum-coloured coat with mother-of-pearl buttons, knee breeches, andblack silk stockings with clocks, completed his costume. By his sidesat a lady dressed in rich garments, though of somewhat sombre hue.

  The white curls which appeared under her high cap showed that she wasadvanced in life, and the pleasant smile on her comely featuresbetokened a kind and genial disposition. She rose from her seat, andkindly welcomed Roger Kyffin, directing the servant to place a chair forhim before the fire. The old gentleman shook his hand, but pleaded ageas an excuse for not rising.

  "You have given us but little of your company for many a day, Mr.Kyffin," said the lady in a kind tone. "We thought you must have leftLondon altogether."

  "No, Mrs. Barbara, I have scarcely been beyond the sound of Bow Bells;but I must plead business as an excuse for my negligence. These areanxious times, and mercantile men must needs pay more than doubleattention to their affairs."

  "If they demand more time, undoubtedly we should give it; if not, we arerobbing other matters of their due attention," observed Mr.Thornborough.

  "I agree with you, sir," answered Mr. Kyffin; "I must confess, indeed,that a matter of business of great importance to a friend brought me tothe west. I would ask you to allow me a few minutes that I may explainthe matter to you clearly."

  "Speak on, friend, I keep no secrets from Barbara, and if she does notknow all my affairs, it is through no wish on my part to hide them fromher. My sister is a discreet woman, Mr. Kyffin, and that's more perhapsthan can be said of all her sex."

  Mr. Kyffin bowed his acquiescence in this opinion. He, then turning tothe old gentleman, explained clearly the difficulties which surroundedhis friend and principal, Mr. Stephen Coppinger. Mr. Thornboroughuttered two or three exclamations as Roger Kyffin went on in hisaccount.

  "I thought that my friend Stephen had been a more prudent man," heobserved. "How could he enter into such a speculation? How could hetrust such people as Hunter and Dove? Why, Roger Kyffin, you yourselfshould have been better informed about them. However, if we were onlyto undertake to assist the wise and prudent we might keep our moneychests locked and our pockets buttoned up. Stephen Coppinger is anhonest man, and has shown himself a kind and generous one, albeit hemight not always have exhibited as much prudence, as was desirable. Theamount you mention shall, however, be at his disposal. We must not leta breath of suspicion rest on his name. I have a regard for him, andhis six fair daughters, and it would be cruel to allow the maidens to goout into the world without sufficient dowers or means of maintenance,whereas if Stephen Coppinger tides over the present crisis, he may leavethem all well off."

  "That's right, that's right," said Mrs. Barbara, looking approvingly ather brother. "He gives good advice, and acts it, too, eh, Mr. Kyffin?And now my brother has had his say I must have mine. What about thenegro slave trade? We have not seen Mr. Wilberforce nor any of hisfriends for several weeks, and my brother cannot help on the cause as heused to do."

  "It is a good cause, that will ultimately be successful," answered RogerKyffin; "but, my dear Mrs. Barbara, like other good causes, we may havea long fight for it before we gain the day. Just now men's minds are soengaged with our national affairs that the poor blacks are very littlethought of."

  "Too true," answered Mistress Barbara; "I wish, however, that Mr.Wilberforce would call here. I want to tell him how delighted I am withhis new book, which I got a few days ago--his `Practical View ofChristianity.' It will open the eyes, I hope, of some of the upperclasses, to the hollow and unsatisfying nature of the forms to whichthey cling. I think, and my brother agrees with me, it's one of thefinest books on theology that has ever been written; that is to say, itis more likely to bring people to a knowledge of the truth than all theworks of the greatest divines of the past and present age. Get the bookand judge for yourself."

  Mr. Kyffin promised to do so, and after some further conversation, herose to take his departure. Mrs. Barbara did not fail to press him tocome again as soon as his occupations would allow.

  "The money shall be ready for you before noon to-morrow," said Mr.Thornborough, shaking his hand. Roger Kyffin hastened back to IdolLane. Mr. Coppinger had not risen from his arm-chair since he quittedthe house. The belief that his liabilities would be met without furtherdifficulty, greatly relieved the merchant's mind, and he thanked RogerKyffin again and again for the important assistance afforded him.

  "Say not a word about it," answered the clerk; "if I have been useful toyou, it was my duty. You found me in distress, and I shall never beable to repay the long-standing debt I owe you. Still I wish to placemyself under a further obligation. I would rather have deferredspeaking on the matter, but it will allow of no delay. I have to pleadfor a friend, ay, more than a friend--that unhappy young man--yournephew. You are mistaken as to his character. However appearances areagainst him. I am certain that Harry Tryon is not guilty of the crimeimputed to him. Some day I shall be able to unravel the mystery. Inthe meantime I am ready to answer for his conduct, if you will reinstatehim in the position which he so unwisely left. He has no natural lovefor business, I grant, but he is high-spirited and excessivelysensitive, and I am therefore sure that he will not rest satisfiedunless he is restored to his former position, and enabled to establishhis innocence."

  "You press me hard, Kyffin," answered Mr. Coppinger. "Besides the factthat the lad is my great-nephew, although his grandmother and I havekept up very little intercourse for years, I have no prejudice againsthim, and I consider that I acted leniently in not sending after him, andcompelling him to discover the authors of the fraud committed against myhouse. Even should he not be guilty, he must know who are guilty."

  "Granted, sir, and I speak it with all respect," said Roger Kyffin, "butif he is innocent, and that he is I am ready to stake my existence, hewould, had you examined him, have had an opportunity of vindicatinghimself. I know not now what has become of the lad, and I dread that hemay be driven into some desperate course. I am, however, using everymeans to discover him, and I should be thankful if I could send him wordthat you are ready to look into his case."

  "No, no, Kyffin, I am resolved to wash my hands of the lad and hisaffairs, and I would advise you to do the same," replied Mr. Coppinger."I find that he got into bad company, and was led into all sorts ofextravagances, which of course would have made him try to supply himselfwith money. Had he been steady and industrious, I should have been lesswilling to believe him guilty."

  An expression of pain and sorrow passed over Roger Kyffin's countenancewhen he heard these remarks.

  "It is too true, I am afraid, that the lad was drawn into bad company,and I must confess that appearances are against him," he answered. "Ijudge him, knowing his right principles, and, though in a certain sense,he wants firmness of character, I am sure that nothing would induce, himto commit the act of which he is suspected. I might tell you of manykind and generous things he has done. Since he has grown up he hasshown himself to be a brave, high-minded young man."

  "I do not doubt his bravery or his gener
osity," answered Mr. Coppinger;"both are compatible with extravagance and dissipated conduct. But I amnot prejudiced against the lad, and I would rather take your opinion ofhim than trust to my own. I would wish you, therefore, to follow yourown course in this matter. If you think fit, get the lad up here. Wewill hear what he has to say for himself, and carefully go into hiscase. I wish that we had done so at first instead of letting him escapewithout further investigation."

  "Thank you, sir, thank you, Mr. Coppinger; that is all I require,"exclaimed Roger Kyffin. "Where to find the lad, however, is thedifficulty. He has gone through numerous adventures and dangers, andhas been mercifully preserved. I had, indeed, given him up as lost, butI received a