Read Roger Kyffin's Ward Page 40

and doing you a service, miss."

  "It is indeed most fortunate, and I have to thank you very heartily,"answered Mabel; "and if, instead of going on to Lynderton you willaccompany us, you may be of still greater service. I am going up toLondon, on purpose to see what can be done for Mr. Tryon. If nobodyelse can assist me, I will go to our good King, and ask him to grant hispardon. If you are able to bear evidence that he did not willingly jointhe mutineers, I am sure his Majesty will grant our request."

  "With all the pleasure in life, miss," answered Jacob. "I would go ahundred miles to give a helping hand to any shipmate, much more to sotrue-hearted a chap as Harry Tryon, or Andrew Brown, for that's the namehe goes by. I told you when I wrote through him to Mary how he hadsaved your honoured father's life, and if he was in England all thingswould go right, for he would be able to prove what an obedientwell-behaved seaman Harry always was with him."

  "I am right glad to hear you say that, Jacob," put in Paul. "To mymind, Miss Mabel, it is fortunate we fell in with these two lads, butlet us lose no further time. They must keep alongside our horses tillwe can get a cart or coach of some sort to carry them on. It is veryclear there is no time to be lost, and if we get in early to Londonsomething may be done even to-day."

  "Make sail ahead, then," cried Jacob; "Jack and I will keep up with you,and if we can we will lay hands on a craft of some sort to carry us on."

  They had not gone far when they saw the footpads return and carry offtheir wounded companions. Under other circumstances Paul would havegiven notice of what had occurred, but he knew by so doing they mighthave to undergo considerable delay, which for Harry's sake it was mostimportant should be avoided. They therefore pushed on till they arrivedat a small inn on the London side of the heath, where Paul had onseveral occasions stopped. The landlord knew him, and he was able,therefore, without difficulty, to hire a horse on which the two sailorsmight proceed. It was the only one in the stable, but as it had anunusually long back, Jacob and Jack agreed that it would answer theirpurpose quite as well as two.

  "Each can take his trick at the helm by turns," observed Jacob, "thoughseeing that when a little boy I used often to ride the horses to water,I may be the better hand of the two."

  The stable boy was about to put on a saddle.

  "No, no, off with that thing," observed Jacob, throwing himself on theanimal's back. "Here, Jack, give us your hand. Now sit yourselfastern. That will do. Good-bye, Master Gibson, we will send the horseback to you safe and sound, never fear."

  Saying this, Jack and his companion rode out of the stable-yard, andfollowed Mabel and Gauntlett, who had just before left it.

  As Mabel approached London, her eagerness to see her godfather and Mr.Kyffin increased. She could scarcely refrain from urging on her steedto its topmost speed, though restrained every now and then by Paul'svoice requesting her to proceed at a more leisurely pace, both for herown sake and for that of Jacob and his companion, who were following ontheir rough-trotting horse. Before noon she drew rein at the door ofMr. Thornborough's house. She threw herself from her horse, and ran upthe steps. Miss Thornborough stood ready to receive her in her arms.

  "My dear Mabel, we have heard all about it from Mr. Kyffin," she said."He is up-stairs with your godfather, and will do all he can; but, mydear child, what a journey for you to take!"

  Mabel, thanking her kind old friend, explained that she had broughtcompanions who might be of great service, and begged that they and theirhorses might be looked after.

  "That shall be attended to. And now, my dear Mabel, you must come andrest yourself, and after dinner you shall hear what your friends proposedoing."

  "Oh, let me hear at once," answered Mabel, unconsciously lifting up herhands to Miss Thornborough; "I cannot endure any longer this suspense.Do they think that Harry can be saved? I must see my godfather and Mr.Kyffin, and hear what they propose from their own lips."

  Mistress Barbara accordingly conducted Mabel up-stairs. Mr. Kyffin cameforward in a kind and courteous manner to conduct her to a seat, beforetaking which, however, she hurried up to her godfather, who kissed heraffectionately.

  "You must not be cast down, my child," he said; "Harry's guardian and Iwill do all that we can for the lad."

  Mabel felt her spirits somewhat raised on hearing this. Still she sawthat Mr. Kyffin's countenance was very grave, as if his hopes of successwere but small. As, however, she described having fallen in with JacobTuttle and another shipmate of Harry's, his looks brightened somewhat.

  "Yes, I see it," he answered; "there is hope if we have them aswitnesses, but we must be quick in our movements."

  "Oh! yes, yes," exclaimed Mabel. "I am ready to go down to Windsor atonce, where I hear the King is. He may remember me. I little thoughtthat his visit to Stanmore would have been of so much consequence."

  "You will be over-fatiguing yourself, young lady," said Mr. Kyffin,looking compassionately at Mabel. "After a ride of nearly one hundredmiles, you are scarcely fit to undertake another journey."

  "Oh, yes, I would mount my horse this instant," answered Mabel. "I carenot for food or rest, when Harry's life hangs in the balance."

  "To relieve your mind we will go at once, then, I promise you," answeredMr. Kyffin. "A coach and four will be in readiness within an hour. Inthe meantime you must take some refreshment and rest, and we shall be intime to see the King this very afternoon. After that we must be guidedby his Majesty's reply."

  The road from London to Windsor, as it was traversed frequently byroyalty, was in those days one of the best in the country.

  A carriage was proceeding along it in the early part of the afternoon,drawn by four horses galloping at a furious rate. Its passengers wereMabel, Mistress Barbara, who had come to take care of her, and Mr.Kyffin, while outside was Paul Gauntlett, who would not lose sight ofhis young mistress, and Jacob Tuttle with his companion, who sat on thebox and frequently leant forward urging the postillions to drive fasterand faster.

  The more Jacob thought of the peril in which Harry was placed, the moreanxious he became about him. He had already seen many unhappy men runup at the yard-arms of their respective ships in consequence of theiractive participation in the dangerous mutiny lately quelled, and hecould not help feeling that Harry Tryon might be among the next victims.Many of them were young men, strong, active, intelligent fellows,misled by designing knaves. It is especially painful to see such men,who, though criminal, differ greatly from ordinary culprits, suddenlylaunched into eternity. Such has been the fate demanded by sternjustice of many fine seamen, and undoubtedly those executions had strucka wholesome terror into the minds of British seamen generally. Fromthat day forward no mutiny of any consequence has ever occurred in theBritish fleet.

  At length the numerous towers of Windsor's proud castle were seen by thetravellers. Mabel's heart beat even quicker than before as the carriagedashed on. At length they reached the foot of the ascent which leads tothe terrace. On one side were the walls of the castle, on the otherstretched away the greensward, the wide-spreading trees, and the longglades of Windsor forest. Along the terrace were scattered numerousgroups of persons, some standing on either side, others walking slowlyup and down in conversation, now bowing to those they passed, nowstopping to speak a few words to acquaintances. Below, the park wascrowded with persons of every degree, all of them in gala costume. Theeyes of the greater number turned frequently up towards the terrace,where some object especially attracted their attention. MistressBarbara and Mabel, with Mr. Kyffin, had no difficulty in passing theguards, but their attendants were stopped and told that they could notbe admitted on the terrace.

  "Oh, but we want them especially to come; it is a matter of greatestimportance," exclaimed Mabel. "We want them to see the King."

  "What is it? who do you want to see?" said a middle-aged gentleman,stepping forward from among several younger people by whom he wassurrounded.

  "The King," answered Mabel, advancing. "Your Majesty--it is
yourself!"she added, looking up and discovering that she was in the presence ofGeorge the Third, who, with several of his own family and three or fourof his favourite courtiers and visitors, had just reached the end of theterrace.

  "Ah! surely I have seen your face, young lady," said the King, in hiskind, gentle way. "Tell me all about it."

  "I had the honour of seeing your Majesty at Stanmore, the house of myuncle, Colonel Everard," answered Mabel, "when your Majesty was lastthere."

  "Ah, yes, and I never forget a face," said the King; "and how is youruncle?--he is an old friend of mine."

  "He has been called hence, your Majesty,"