Read Rogue Rider Page 35

  Species: Half-human, half-Seminus demon

  Tattoos/identifying marks: Tattoolike symbols extending from tips of right fingers to shoulder

  Personal Seminus symbol: None

  Reaver—Heavenly Watcher to the Horsemen. A former fallen angel, he has no memory of anything prior to the event that caused his fall thirty years ago. His angel status was restored following a battle in which he helped save Heaven from being invaded by demon masses.

  Height: 6'6"

  Hair: Shoulder-length, pale blond

  Eye color: Blue

  Profession: Watcher

  Species: Angel (of the Battle Order)

  Regan Cooper—Aegis Elder. Born to a human mother and a father who was possessed by a demon at the time she was conceived, Regan possesses special abilities that make her both valuable and dangerous to The Aegis. With limited psychometry, she can read emotions and sometimes see visions by touching ink on skin, including parchment. She also possesses the ability to wrest the soul from any living thing. Unfortunately, she cannot control the soul once it is free of its body, and it will seek the nearest body to possess. The results are deadly. Her abilities have made a normal life impossible, and she was passed around by several Aegis families as she grew up, until she finally went to Aegis headquarters to live and complete her training.

  Hair: Brown

  Eye color: Hazel

  Species: Human

  Runa (RUE-nuh)—Mated to Shade. Brother to Arik Wagner.

  Hair: Shoulder-length, caramel brown

  Eye color: Pale champagne

  Species: Werewolf who, because of military experimentation, can change at will instead of only during the full moon phase

  Serena Kelley—Mated to Wraith.

  Hair: Long, blond

  Eye color: Brown

  Profession: Treasure hunter

  Species: Vampire

  Shade—Paramedic at Underworld General Hospital. Brother to Eidolon and Wraith, half-brother to Lore and Sin. Mated to Runa. His Seminus gift allows him to control a patient’s organ functions.

  Height: 6'3½"

  Hair: Shoulder-length, dark brown-black

  Eye color: Dark brown-black

  Profession: Paramedic

  Species: Incubus

  Breed: Seminus demon

  Tattoos/identifying marks: Tattoolike symbols extending from tips of right fingers to shoulder; pierced left ear

  Personal Seminus symbol: Eye on throat

  Sin—Only known female Seminus demon. Half-sister to Eidolon, Shade, and Wraith. Twin to brother Lore. Mated to Conall Dearghul. Like her brother Lore, she’s a cambion, so her Seminus gift was mutated into something different than what her purebred brothers possess. Instead of healing, she causes disease. In fact, by causing a werewolf plague, Sin inadvertently caused Reseph’s Seal to break, turning him into Pestilence.

  Hair: Black

  Eye color: Dark brown

  Species: Half-human, half-Seminus demon

  Tattoos/identifying marks: Tattoolike symbols extending from tips of right fingers to shoulder; tattoo on the back of her neck

  Personal Seminus symbol: None

  Tayla Mancuso—Regent of a New York Aegis cell. Mated to Eidolon, sister to Gemella.

  Hair: Red

  Eye color: Green

  Profession: Aegis Guardian

  Species: Half-human, half-Soulshredder

  Wraith—A freak combination of Seminus demon and vampire. Works with brothers Eidolon, Shade, and Lore at Underworld General as an acquisitions specialist. Mated to Serena. A charm bestowed upon him by Serena has left him impervious to harm except at the hand of a fallen angel. His Seminus gift differs from his brothers’ in that he can access the mind instead of the body, controlling thoughts and projecting images.

  Height: 6'5"

  Hair: Kept between chin and shoulder length, bleached blond

  Eye color: Blue

  Profession: In charge of acquisitions for UGH

  Species: Incubus

  Breed: Seminus demon

  Tattoos/identifying marks: Tattoolike symbols extending from tips of right fingers to shoulder

  Personal Seminus symbol: Hourglass on throat

  The Four Horses of the Apocalypse

  The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are intimidating all by themselves. But with their massive stallions, they gain not only a big boost in height, but powerful weapons between their thighs. (Oh, come on… you knew I had to go there.)

  The horses are also vital for transportation. Yes, the Horsemen can use portable Harrowgates to move around, but there are some places where gates can’t be opened. Also, you don’t want to summon a gate anyplace where you might accidentally slice someone in half when it opens. The stallions allow for the Horsemen to gate themselves into a remote area and then ride where they need to go without risk of killing people.

  Plus, horses are just cool.

  But who are these horses? Let’s start with Battle, whom we first see in Sin Undone.

  Battle, a blood bay warhorse, is Ares’s mount. He’s a little grumpy, but then, he’s had to live with Ares for thousands of years. Battle does have his own quirks and sense of humor… sure, it’s a sick and twisted sense of humor, but he has one. For example, he thinks it’s hilarious to rip the wings off demons. And he likes sugar cubes. Well, he likes sugar in general. He once broke into Ares’s kitchen and stole an entire bag of sugar.

  Limos’s stallion, Bones, makes Battle look like a cuddly kitten. Bones was a gift from Satan. He’s a jet-black hell stallion with a nasty temper and a nearly uncontrollable nature. Oh, and he’s a carnivore. Bones is not a nice horse. Limos keeps him happy with dried meat treats. He prefers elk and hellrat jerky.

  And then there’s Styx, the dun beast belonging to Thanatos. Styx is quiet, watchful, and when you aren’t looking, he’s protective of those who can’t protect themselves. He’s playful and mischievous, taking great pleasure in whipping his favorite toy, a bubblegum-pink horse ball around Thanatos’s keep… and aiming at Than’s servants. His favorite treat is beer, preferably cheap beer. No one knows why the horse doesn’t have more sophisticated tastes. Thanatos is particularly disturbed.

  Reseph’s sleek white steed, Conquest, is a rambunctious, good-natured animal. Before Reseph’s Seal broke, Conquest was impish, with a penchant for nipping people and running. Of all the horses, he was freed the most often (the horses exist as glyphs on the Horsemen’s skin when not in physical form). He loves rubdowns from pretty women, sweet molasses grain, and an exhilarating race with the other Horsemen’s stallions once in a while. He likes the races more than the others, because he generally wins.

  The World

  The Lords of Deliverance series takes place in the Demonica world, which is filled with as many species of demons as there are animals in the human realm. In addition, the world is populated by vampires, shapeshifters, were-beasts, and angels.

  But where the Demonica books focused mainly on Underworld General, the Lords of Deliverance series takes readers all over the world and underworld… even to a pub in the bowels of Sheoul called, wait for it—The Four Horsemen.

  The Four Horsemen pub, located in Sheoul’s Six-River region, was founded over two thousand years ago, named because as a pub known only as “the hole,” it was the favorite hangout for the Horsemen and their groupies. Limos only made hit-and-run visits, because she couldn’t afford to be found in Sheoul lest her Prince-of-Demons fiancé caught her.

  Gradually, The Four Horsemen pub expanded—financed by the Horsemen—into a less scroungy place with back rooms for pleasurable… uh… activities. It never lost its “old world” charm though, and still boasts straw on the floors, skeletons hanging from chains, and some unidentifiable black slime oozing from the walls.

  The Four Horsemen is a must-see for anyone on a tour of the underworld.

  Your tour might also include a layover at Limos’s Hawaiian paradise, where the party never stops. Her werewolf and wolf-sh
ifter servants are very accommodating, and the full bar in her party house will keep the fun going. If you’re hungry, there’s usually a suckling pig roasting in a pit (though sometimes, if the guests are particularly evil, you might find a skullboar in the pit instead). Don’t miss a game of beach volleyball—there’s always one going on. But a word of caution: Never play with Oni demons. They hate to lose and are notorious for using the winners’ heads in their next match.

  Another fun must-see is Ares’s Greek island in the Aegean Sea. You won’t be able to get inside his sprawling white manor, but who needs to? There are miles of beaches to enjoy, vineyards to stroll through, and hellhounds to play with. Ares is rumored to be starting up a small winery, and everyone is waiting with bated breath to see what the label will be called.

  There are literally millions of sights in the supernatural world, so try not to gape if you come across some of the more fantastical settings and beings. Most people don’t know what to do with themselves when they see an angel, for example. It’s also advisable to carry an extra set of underclothes. You never know how your bowels will react when you come face-to-face with a Soulshredder.

  Regions in Sheoul

  Sheoul, like the human realm, is divided into hundreds of regions with their own characteristics, populations, and climates. The largest region includes Sithbludd, Dread, Six-River, and Horun. The smallest, Soyl, is a hundred-mile-long, three-hundred-mile-wide chunk of uninhabited fire swamp. The most popular is Carnage, which, with its endless stretches of black-sand beaches along the River Acheron, is a favorite vacation spot.

  Weapons You Might See in Use

  Gargantua-bone dagger—Very, very rare, and coveted by pretty much everyone. Once the dagger’s blade tastes the blood of an enemy, its aim is always true when used against that enemy.

  Heavenly light—One of the most power weapons an angel can possess. The light shoots from an angel’s pores, destroying nearly all evil beings within a certain radius (radius depends on how powerful the angel is). While this is a very lethal weapon, it has extreme limitations. It can only be activated in Sheoul, and because it uses up most of an angel’s energy, it’s often invoked only as a last resort.

  Hellfire—As nasty as it sounds. Most often used by fallen angels, hellfire can be streamed into a thin rope of molten lava, it can be hurled as a ball, or it can spray in a fan of flames. A very versatile weapon of midlevel power.

  Hellhound saliva—Good luck getting a hellhound to give up his saliva, but if you can, it is one of the few known substances that can neutralize a Horseman by temporarily paralyzing him or her.

  Holy fire—This is an angelic weapon, used on low-level evil only. Angels possess an arsenal of low-level weapons that vary depending on each angelic order. Battle angels, for example, are the most well armed and have the widest variety of weapons available to them.

  Infernal fire—Known as “underworld napalm,” infernal fire is extremely powerful, burning everything it touches. Fire spirits infest the flames, hunting down every living thing within range of the fire’s heat. Forbidden to use in the human realm.

  Qeres—Aegis potion that can be used to coat weapons for use against fallen angels. It was originally developed by the ancient Egyptians, but the recipe has been lost, and what little there is… is all there is.

  Scythe—Signature weapon of Memitim angels and Thanatos. In use in Sheoul for thousands of years before it made its appearance in the human realm.

  Shear-whip—This is a whip with a white-hot scourge. Angel weapon forbidden to use against another angel.

  The Demons

  List of demons taken from the Demonica: A Demon Compendium, and updated with new demons discovered in the Demonica/Lords of Deliverance world.

  Note: Most demons are invisible to humans unless they want to be seen, the humans are trained to see them, or the humans possess either magic or some inherent ability to see them. The notable exceptions to the invisibility rule are ter’taceo—demons who, by nature, look like humans, or who can take on human appearance. Seminus demons, for example, are ter’taceo.

  When any non-ter’taceo demon dies in the human realm, it disintegrates within moments unless it dies in an area specially designed to prevent disintegration, an area built by demons, or some underground locales.

  Most demons spend the majority of their lives in Sheoul, the demon realm deep inside the Earth. When demons die, their souls are sent to Sheoul-gra, which is, in essence, a holding tank where souls wait to be reborn. Sheoul-gra is also where evil human souls are sent to either serve demon souls waiting to be reborn, or to be reborn themselves… as demons.

  All demon species and breeds can be classified by their Ufelskala score—a number ranging from one to five on the scale of evil, with a score of five being the evilest. It is important to note that the Ufelskala judges “evil” by a species or breed’s love of pain, suffering, and death, as well as on its self-awareness of its own behavior. So a demon animal that eats its prey alive, causing great suffering, may only score a two on the Ufelskala, while a demon that doesn’t kill, but instead merely torments for fun, might score a four.

  Humans, for the most part, are unaware that demons walk among them, and that is the way most demons—and most humans—like it.

  Acid sprite—Delicate, rat-size, moves faster than a human eye can track. Winged and colorful, they can be seen by human children who believe the sprites are fairies. They inhabit very dense, very wet European forests, where they hunt small rodents and make the most of their mischievous natures by tormenting human travelers. A favorite game is to ensure that campers and hikers become lost in the woods. While rarely fatal, an acid sprite’s bite is toxic to humans and is often mistaken for a spider bite. Ufelskala score: 2

  Alu—Rare, ghostlike demon who appears to humans in the shape of a black dog. They have been known to carry diseases such as bubonic plague and leprosy. Usually found haunting graveyards. Ufelskala score: 4

  Angelgoth—Fallen angels who have done something to earn being turned into winged, skeletal monsters. Living in a constant state of misery in hellish dungeons, angelgoths serve Satan with ruthless abandon when they are called to do his bidding, for an assignment means a respite from their prisons. Ufelskala score: 5

  Baruk—Wrinkled, white-skinned creature that feeds exclusively on Umber demons. They inhabit caves worldwide, where they can hibernate for centuries until an Umber demon moves in. Though humans rarely encounter the baruk, when they do, the results are… messy. Ufelskala score: 3

  Bathag—Mine dwellers, violet eyes, pale skin, silver-white hair. They possess power over the Earth and can cause earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, mine collapses. They like to live deep in gem and mineral mines, where they cause minor accidents to feed off the energy of those in pain. Ufelskala score: 2

  Bedim—Very attractive, sensual humanoid race. Dark skin, dark hair. Males keep females in harems. When harems grow too large for one male to service alone, harems are often shared with friends or “rented” out in order to keep females sated and calm. Ufelskala score: 1

  Bone devil—Three feet tall, carnivorous. Lives in forests all over the world. Eats its prey (usually deer) alive. One of the few demon species that exists exclusively in the human realm and never enters Sheoul. Ufelskala score: 2

  Charnel Apostle—A race of demon born into the Charnelist religion that celebrates pain, violence, and bloody sacrifice. All Charnel Apostles top six feet tall as adults. Gray skin, black eyes, and hair composed of porcupinelike quills that extend down their back and along their broad, flat tail. They make their home high in the Mongolian mountains, using their magic to conceal their existence from humans. Ufelskala score: 5

  Croix viper—Giant demon snakes with horns. They exist exclusively in Sheoul unless brought above ground by another demon. Ufelskala score: 2

  Croucher—Three-eyed, scrawny creatures. The size of a small man, they live near dwelling entrances, waiting to pounce. Though they are invisible to humans, as most
demons are, they are capable of powerful evil. They harm by bringing bad luck to a house, thereby causing illnesses and accidents, from falling down stairs, to sudden death. Ufelskala score: 4

  Cruentus—Skeletal chests, thorny fingers, blunt, hairless snouts. Extremely vicious race that feeds only on fresh meat. They will hunt anything, including each other. Ufelskala score: 4

  Daeva—Harmless to humans unless threatened. Thin, tall, and pale with lidless, glowing eyes, they appear more frightening than they are. They exist mainly in the darkest reaches of Sheoul, and come aboveground to the human realm only at night, to gather trash for food and entertainment. Ufelskala score: 1

  Darquethoth—Very large, ebony-skinned demons with glowing orange eyes, mouths, and thick slashes in their skin. They live in the hot, inner regions of Sheoul, feeding off prey species who also reside there. A warrior race, they can be hired for any job that promises violence. Ufelskala score: 4

  Dhampire—A rare hybrid of vampire and werewolf, dhampires both feed on blood and change into wargs during the full moon. Males are prone to blood addiction if they feed from the same female too often, ultimately leading to the female’s death. Though dhampires are immortal, they can be killed. When a dhampire dies, if his or her body is returned to clan soil, he or she will rise as a vampire with certain extra immunities, such as resistance to holy water and sunlight. Ufelskala score: Varies

  Dire mantis—Human in appearance until they’re ready to kill. In preparation, they develop an extra row of sharp teeth and grow long claws. The female’s bite is paralyzing, allowing her to render her victims helpless as she eats their heads. Males, lacking the paralyzing agent in their saliva, must rely on brute strength and their sharp claws and teeth to kill. Ufelskala score: 3

  Drec—Hunchbacked creatures with slimy gray skin and long tails. Loners, they live near lakes and streams, where they can easily catch their main source of food: fish. They are extremely cowardly, making them perfect minions for more evil demons who capture and force them to labor as slaves. Ufelskala score: 1