Read Roll With the Punches Page 19

  Despite everything they’d been through, this seemed the most at peace Brandon had looked since they’d met. His blue eyes seemed lit from within, glowing. “I do.”

  “Then by the power vested in me by the State of Florida, I pronounce you married.”

  As everyone cheered, Brandon first kissed Stuart, then leaned in to kiss him, finishing with nuzzling his nose.

  A sneaky, playful smile curled the sadist’s lips. “No getting away from us now,” Brandon said.

  “Just don’t give Dobby a sock, and you’ll be fine.”

  * * * *

  Even though only Brandon and Jeff were signing the marriage certificate as the betrothed, Brandon had Stuart sign as one of the witnesses. In that way, at least, he was on the form.

  Stuart genuinely didn’t care.

  He had a ring on his hand and two men in his bed every night.

  He had a family.

  He’d stopped worrying about the people in Iowa who shared genetics and a last name with him. He’d had to block his oldest brother on Facebook because Stuart had stopped censoring himself there and had been posting pics of the three of them as a family, along with Emma, Grace, and Tracey.

  He had far more friends than family on the site, and while he knew a couple of family members had unfriended him, the rest stayed quiet.




  They sat Jeff in a chair in the shade, near a fan so he wouldn’t get overheated. Brandon let Stuart fix Jeff’s lunch plate for him, making sure Jeff was drinking enough water, and keeping track of when he was due for his next round of meds.

  If this was what happiness felt like, then yeah, he was blissful.

  Calvin teased Brandon. “Gee, thanks. Now Iris is gonna want me to marry her.”

  She lightly smacked his upper arm with the back of her hand. “Says you. I’m fine the way things are.”

  “Are you now?”

  “Yeah.” But a little look passed between them, both of them smiling at each other.

  Stuart wondered what that was about.

  Today’s event wasn’t going to be long, or late. Everyone knew about Jeff’s health issues, and no one wanted to stress him. After the cake was cut and served, all three men playfully poking frosting-covered fingers at each other, the clean-up eventually started.

  Iris and Calvin pulled Jeff aside to talk to him alone for a moment, leaving Brandon and Stuart to shrug at each other.

  Then when Jeff smiled and hugged her, long and hard, and then Calvin, Stuart tipped his head to the side, confused. “Congratulating him?” he said to Brandon.

  “Nooo, but I have a suspicion.”

  Jeff was still smiling when they stepped over to their parents and talked to them, too.

  Jeff’s mom let out a happy squeal and nearly tackled Iris into the pool, except Calvin was able to grab their arms and pull them back in time.

  “Baby,” Stuart and Brandon echoed in stereo.

  Jeff finally let out a happy whoop and turned to Brandon and Stuart. “We’re gonna be uncles!”

  Stuart held his hand out to Brandon for a fist bump.

  “Nailed it,” they echoed.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  With Emma volunteering to spend the night at Grace’s house—sleeping in the guest room—to give them alone time, the men were able to relax once the clean-up finished and all the guests had left. Jeff and Stuart both stripped and donned their leather collars only—per Brandon’s order—and knelt in front of where he sat on the couch.

  Brandon had specifically told Jeff he didn’t have to kneel, but Jeff had wanted to. They put a throw pillow down to cushion his knees.

  He already had an appointment for Monday morning to get a PICC line inserted so they could start the IV drugs.

  Brandon and Stuart had both taken the day off so they could go with him, drive him, and find out all the information they needed to know about his care.

  While they’d been stripping, Brandon had tossed a sheet over the couch and prepared a few things they’d need. He reached out and caught the D-rings on the front of their collars and hooked a finger through each one, pulling them in for a kiss, Stuart first, then Jeff.

  “My sweet boys,” he softly said. Then he nuzzled Stuart’s forehead. “Sorry I can’t legally marry you, too.”

  “It’s okay, Master. I’m happy with this. I know none of us are going anywhere. I can quit worrying about him so much now.”

  “I propose a change to our household arrangement, however,” Brandon said. “Since Jeff got to marry me, I think it’s only fair Stuart is now designated our Alpha sub.”

  The two of them exchanged a glance, and in unison said, “Red.”

  “Oookaay,” Brandon said, a little taken aback. “Explain. Stuart first.”

  “I still want him to be able to Top me when you say so, and I’m not toppy, Master.”

  “That wouldn’t change. But since Jeff’s going to be our stay-at-home slave now, and he married me, I wanted you to have a little something special.”


  “Was that your only objection?”

  “Um, actually, yeah.” Stuart smiled. “So it’s just a title change?”

  “Right.” He looked at Jeff. “Explain.”

  “Um…green, Master?”

  Brandon snorted. “You’re killing me, Smalls.”

  Jeff grinned. “Well, I know he’s not toppy. That would have made him miserable, Master.”

  “So you’re okay with the title change?”

  “I’m even okay with some other things changing, as long as Stuart’s okay with them. I don’t mind being the resident house elf for both of you.”

  “Please don’t give Dobby clothes, Master,” Stuart joked. “We’ll lose him.”

  “Well, I know where he’d wear the sock.” Brandon grinned.

  Jeff couldn’t help but laugh. “Are we going to devolve into kinky book fandom, or are we going to fuck, Master?”

  Brandon’s grin widened. “The two are not mutually exclusive acts. You’re forgetting, I am a sadist.”

  “No, Master,” Jeff said. “There’s absolutely no way I’d ever forget that.”

  “So, Stuart, how’s your ass, boy?” Brandon asked.

  “Full, Master.”

  That morning, before the festivities had gotten into full swing, Brandon and Jeff had a lot of fun working the last butt plug into Stuart, the biggest one, with orders for him to wear it all day. Jeff had done the honors while Stuart had been bent over the bathroom counter, and Brandon had knelt in front of him, sucking on his cock just enough to keep him horny and distracted and to make the process easier on him.

  But not enough to make him come.

  Brandon had a plan, and that plan was for him and Jeff to finally make their little beta boy’s DP wish come true today, bare, marking him as theirs for life.

  He also knew Jeff’s fatigue and pain levels might put an end to fun for him before they had a chance to really get started, so Brandon planned to do this now. They could cuddle and snuggle and work up to round two, at least for him and Stuart, later on.

  Brandon stood. “Strip me, boys.”

  It didn’t take long, because all he was wearing were shorts and the shirt. But the two men had fun kissing his body, exploring with mouths and fingers as they bared his flesh, worshipping his cock and balls together, until Brandon worried he was going to explode.

  “Okay,” he gasped. “Jeff, on the couch.” Brandon pulled a glove onto his right hand and squirted a generous amount of lube onto it, slicking Jeff’s hard cock with it.

  “Stuart, stand in front of him and bend over, hands on the back of the couch.”

  He did. Brandon removed the butt plug from him, tossing it onto a towel on the floor. Then he squirted more lube onto his fingers and easily slid four inside Stuart’s loose ass, making him moan.

  “Can I lick his cock, Master?” Jeff asked. “He’s dripping spooge all over me.”

nbsp; “Sure, but don’t make him come.”

  Another, louder moan erupted from Stuart almost immediately.

  * * * *

  Stuart closed his eyes and held on to the back of the couch. Jeff slid down onto the floor and was using the tip of his tongue to tease his slit, sucking up pre-cum from Stuart’s cock. Meanwhile, it felt like Brandon practically had his whole hand up Stuart’s ass.

  And it felt great.

  Maybe I should ask him about fisting.

  Brandon’s fingers scissored inside him, finding and teasing his button, reminding him of their first night together when the two men had blown the top of his head off in a good way when they’d claimed his body.

  All theirs.

  Once he was satisfied, Brandon pulled his hand from Stuart’s ass and stripped the glove off, inside out, and dropped it next to the butt plug.

  “Okay, back on the couch, Jeff.”

  The teasing lips and tongue disappeared. Stuart met Jeff’s hazel gaze as he settled onto the couch and reached up to play with Stuart’s nipples.

  “Mount up, boy,” Brandon ordered. “Get beta’s cock in you.”

  Stuart straddled Jeff’s lap, Jeff reaching under him to hold his rigid cock straight and aiming for Stuart’s ass.


  They’d fucked bare before, but they didn’t do it very often. Tonight, he knew, Brandon wanted them to claim his body in one more first. As Jeff’s cock easily slid deep inside him, they both moaned. Stuart leaned in and kissed him, hard, moaning again when Jeff’s hands settled on Stuart’s ass and squeezed, digging in, a bite of the good kind of pain to help him hold back his orgasm.

  “Yeah,” Brandon hoarsely said. “That’s fucking gorgeous. I love watching my two boys together like this.” He knelt behind Stuart and planted one hand between Stuart’s shoulder blades, pushing him forward. “Hold still a minute.”

  He felt the head of Brandon’s cock pressing against his rim and against Jeff’s cock already lodged inside him. “Jack his cock for him a little,” Brandon ordered. “Don’t get him off.”

  As his ass stretched, Stuart’s whine of discomfort became a moan of pleasure when Jeff’s hand encircled his cock and squeezed, slow-stroking him.

  Pressure built, then a sudden give as the two cocks slipped into position and Brandon easily fucked his all the way into Stuart’s ass.

  Now all three of them moaned. “Holy fuck,” Brandon hoarsely said. “I hope this feels as good to you as it does to me.”

  Stuart could barely breathe, much less speak. He hadn’t been given permission to come yet and didn’t want to disobey Brandon.


  Jeff’s hand stilled. “Jesus Christ, that’s good,” Jeff said. “I know he’s got to be loving this. Now it makes me want to shove that plug in my ass and get loosened up again.”

  “Maybe tomorrow morning.” Brandon wrapped his arms around Stuart and pulled him back, against his body. “Say something, Alpha.”

  “Th-thank you, Master!”

  The men laughed. “I think you broke his brain, Master,” Jeff teased.

  “I’m sure we did. If it feels so good, Alpha, you can come. Start fucking yourself on our cocks, baby. You come first.”

  Stuart clenched and unclenched his ass around them a few times, wanting to savor this, make it last, He knew he wouldn’t be able to hold out long once he started moving.

  Jeff grabbed Stuart’s hands and placed them on his own shoulders. “Hold on to me and fuck me, baby.”

  Stuart forced his eyes to focus on Jeff’s, his handsome smile. “This…fuck.”

  “I warned you it was intense.”


  Brandon nibbled the back of his neck. “Guess I’m going to have to let my boys work on my ass so I can try this, too, if it’s that much fun.”

  Stuart tipped his head back and kissed him, slowly rising up a few inches before settling onto their cocks again, grinding against them.


  Brandon reached around and played with Stuart’s nipples. “I bet you can come without us touching your cock now. Bet that sweet ass feels really full with his cock jammed against your button, hmm?”

  “Uh huh!” Stuart took another stroke, his eyes rolling back in his head. He’d loved the increasingly large butt plugs, especially when he had to wear one for a while. They’d left him with a perpetual hard-on and eager to test his limits.

  This was…


  “Ride our cocks, boy,” Brandon ordered. “You don’t nut soon, I’m not going to be able to hold back, and then you’ll spend the night in a chastity cage.”

  That got him moving. If Brandon had a torture Stuart genuinely did not like, even though he’d take it, it was that.

  Because he invariably ended up hard with the cage strapped on him, and that hurt.

  Which made him horny.

  Which made him hard.

  It was a perpetual cycle of being horny and hard and hurting that didn’t end. And the last time, both of them had fucked him while he wore the cage, and he’d actually come while they were doing it, a weird sort of unfulfilling orgasm that had both felt good and left him even more frustrated on the other end of it.

  Stuart fucked himself, Brandon tugging and pinching his nipples while Jeff’s hands on Stuart’s hips urged him faster, harder. Before long, he was bouncing on their cocks, a long, rolling moan of pleasure escaping him.

  “That’s it, boy,” Brandon said. “Get over the hump. You can do it.”

  It hit hard, fast, and nearly took his breath away. His cock jerked, ropes of cum actually hitting Jeff in the chest as both men urged him on and started moving, too. Brandon first, then Jeff came, the three of them finally falling still in a sweaty, panting heap.

  Brandon kissed the back of his neck. “How was that, baby?”

  Stuart, unable to speak, held up a fist to them. Both men chuckled and fist-bumped him from either side.

  Brandon started to untangle himself from the top of the pile. “Okay, pool time, then cuddles, then whatever we feel like after that.” He nipped the nape of Stuart’s neck. “Love you, boy.”

  “Love you, too, Master.”

  He leaned in and kissed Jeff. “Love you.”

  Jeff smiled, looking sated and tired. “Love you, too, Master. Both of you.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  “How do I look?” Emma stood there in her tux, her cummerbund the same shade of lavender as Grace’s dress.

  Brandon smiled. “You look beautiful, honey.”

  “You’re gorgeous,” Tracey said.

  “I’m so nervous!” Emma hadn’t put on any makeup, had decided not to wear any tonight. Not that she usually wore a lot. With swimming, she rarely did. “Why am I so nervous?”

  “Because you’re human,” Jeff told her.

  They were actually going to take the Edsel to the fall homecoming dance, Emma driving. First, the adults were going to follow her to Grace’s in Brandon’s car so they could get pictures of the girls together…and so Brandon was certain Emma wouldn’t have any trouble driving the Edsel. In case she did, he’d had his car detailed and she could drive it instead.

  Jeff had spent the past couple of weekends working with Emma, coaching her on driving the Edsel with the unusual transmission setup, and the car was in excellent condition.

  After most of the past several months spent with the IV port in, his doctors had finally removed it and switched him back to oral medication. He wasn’t back to his old self.

  He’d been warned he might never be.

  At least there’d been some improvement. He still got fatigued easily, sometimes had problems focusing on the task at hand, and frequently suffered pain if he overdid it.

  Going back to work as a mechanic was not recommended, not that Brandon and Stuart would have let him.

  Brandon had told Jeff if he wanted to go to college and get a degree, he’d let him do that, but he was not to work in a job that would physically
tax him.

  Which also ruled out the idea of him going back to work for his dad hanging drywall. Not that he wanted to do that in the first place.

  The only thing they would let him do, mechanically, was spend time at Brooke’s shop doing things he could work on sitting at a bench and staying clean, like old carburetors. Not just because of his port, but because they were also worried about his health.

  But that wasn’t for money, despite her offering to pay him. It was a way to get him out of the house for a few hours a week and keep him from feeling totally useless.

  And Brooke had found her own toppy side and put her foot down when he’d offered to do more strenuous stuff, because Brandon had stopped by early on and talked to her in person, explaining Jeff’s medical condition.

  Despite his irritation at his situation, Jeff knew he was damned lucky.

  The luckiest man in the world. Because he had the two best husbands in the world.

  * * * *

  In the driveway at Grace’s parents, the girls stood in front of the Edsel. Emma struck a pose, holding Grace close, her arm around Grace. Grace practically draped herself over Emma and both of them looked heartbreakingly beautiful to Stuart.

  He thought about how he’d skipped his own proms and homecoming dances, not wanting to get shot down by a girl and also not wanting to face pressures from one if he did get a yes. For his parents, he used the excuse he didn’t want to spend the money, and with money so tight for them, they hadn’t argued the point.

  He wished he could have stood in front of their ride for the night, him and the guy he’d crushed hard on back then, a football player. Unrequited, of course, because he’d never dared even hint at his feelings.

  The girls took turns getting pictures with all the parents—including Jeff and Stuart—in various permutations before finally heading off to the dance.

  Brandon, Jeff, Stuart, and Tracey headed back to the house so Tracey could get her car. “What’re your plans for tonight?” Brandon asked her.

  “Quiet night at home. I’m enjoying the peace.”

  “No plans to move yet?”