Read Roll With the Punches Page 3

  It was already difficult to remember what life had been like before he lived with Brandon and Stuart. His family had accepted the situation, even though he could tell his parents didn’t understand it.

  Not about him being gay, that they’d had no problem with when he’d come out to them and his sister not long after graduating from high school. His parents were open-minded, and had likewise accepted his sister’s boyfriend, who was black, without hesitation.

  But Jeff having two partners…that had thrown them for a little bit of a loop.

  Fortunately, when they’d learned that Stuart’s parents had reacted badly when he’d come out, they’d stepped up and welcomed him as part of the family.

  Emma having friends in school whose parents were also poly—and ironically fellow members of the Suncoast Society—had made acceptance a non-issue to her. They loved each other. They were a family. She didn’t care her dad had two guys instead of one.

  They weren’t Pat, or like Pat.

  To her, that was a total win.

  The girls were sitting at the kitchen table with textbooks spread out around them when he walked in. “I might have to sneak a few bites of that meatloaf now. I’m starving.”

  “There’s some fruit salad in the fridge,” Emma told him. “Snack on that. It’s healthy.”

  He shot her a smirk. “Trying to watch out for me, huh?”

  “Someone has to watch out for you three. You’d all be living on Chinese takeout and pizza if it wasn’t for us.”

  He started to argue with her…except she was right.

  “I hate when you’re right.”

  Grace giggled. “She’s almost always right. She is a genius, after all. With the papers to prove it and everything.”

  Emma blushed. “Stop,” she mumbled.

  Jeff turned, studying them. “Wait, what?”

  “Nothing,” Emma mumbled again.

  “No, what’s going on?”

  Grace stared at Emma, obvious confusion on her face. “Didn’t you tell them?”

  “No. I hadn’t. Thank you very much.”

  “Tell us what?” Jeff asked.

  When Emma obviously wasn’t going to say it, Grace spoke up again. “The guidance counselor gave her an IQ test. She scored 172. She told Em she should apply to Mensa.”

  “Holy crap!”

  “It’s nothing,” Emma said. “Those tests aren’t even accurate.”

  “When did this happen?” he asked Grace, since Emma was obviously not wanting to talk about it.

  “Two weeks ago.”

  Jeff stared at Emma. “You got this news two weeks ago and didn’t tell us?”

  “It’s not a big deal,” Emma insisted.

  “I’ve been trying to talk her into applying for Mensa,” Grace said, “and she’s chicken. Bok bok.”

  Jeff leaned against the counter. “Anything else you’ve been holding back?”

  Emma’s face turned even pinker, but she shook her head.

  “Why are you embarrassed by this?” he asked. “This is a good thing.”

  “Because it’s just a number. It’s not the sum of who I am. That’d be like saying my best swimming times define me. Or like how many cars you can work on in a week defines you.”

  Jeff immediately spotted the irony in this, that he didn’t have a ready comeback for her because she wasn’t completely wrong.

  “You need to tell your dad about this,” he said. “If nothing else because he’ll be damn proud of you for it. Tonight. Okay?”

  Mumbling seemed to be her go-to tone. “Okay. Fine.” She shot a dark glare Grace’s way, who stuck her tongue out at her in reply.

  “Thank you,” Jeff said.

  Now, if Emma would only go through with it.

  Chapter Three

  When Brandon arrived home Monday, he headed straight for the dining room, do not pass go, do not take a shower. He was starving, and whatever Emma and Grace had made to repay Jeff for changing the tire smelled delicious.

  It looked like Jeff and Stuart had already grabbed their showers, and Grace was joining them for dinner, as usual.

  “Oooh, meatloaf.” After giving Emma and Grace hugs, and Jeff and Stuart quick kisses, he took his usual place at the head of the table.

  One subtle way for Jeff and Stuart to have a protocol safe to do in front of Emma, Grace, and any other vanillas who might join them for a meal. Jeff on his right, Stuart on his left.

  And, as always, both men waited for his head tip to them before they started eating.

  “So did you call your mom back?” Brandon started, wanting this discussion out of the way.

  Emma rolled her eyes from the far end of the table. “Not yet. I texted her.”

  “That’s progress, I suppose. You have every right to tell her no, if you want to.”

  “I want to, believe me. I can’t believe she had the nerve to ask me if I’d be okay with the Goober being there.” She pointed at Jeff. “Can we talk about the hero of the day instead of Mom?”

  Jeff blushed a little, but Brandon didn’t miss the pleased smile on his face.

  “Thanks for doing that,” Brandon said. “I appreciate it.”

  Jeff shrugged. “No big deal. Glad I could take care of it.”

  “How much do we owe you for the tire repair?”

  He snorted. “Seriously, the patch is like two bucks. I did it myself. They cooked me my favorite dinner—we’re more than even.”

  “And he taught me how to change it so next time, I can do it myself,” Emma added.

  “That’s good. So what else is new?”

  When Grace cleared her throat, Emma’s face went red.

  Beet. Red.

  Brandon leveled his gaze at Emma. “Em?”

  “If you don’t tell him,” Jeff said, “I will.”

  “Or I will,” Grace said.

  Brandon laid down his silverware, clasped his hands together, and rested his elbows on the table. “Care to enlighten me, sweetheart?”

  “It’s not a big deal, Dad. Seriously. I wish everyone would quit thinking it is.”

  “How about you let me be the judge of that? Right now.” That was not a tone he had to use on her very often. Full-on Dom tone, which also conveniently did double-duty as Dad voice, when needed.

  He’d never laid a hand on his child. He’d never wanted to, much less needed to. He had the voice.

  The same one he’d used on Tracey when they were still a couple and he was her Dom.

  Another seismic eye roll, plus Emma suddenly found her plate interesting. “It’s nothing. Just a stupid score.”

  This was a surprise. Emma was usually a straight-A student, although he’d been careful to never scold her over the rare low grade. He preferred a constructive approach. Besides, she would mentally beat herself up and punish herself for low grades far worse than he would ever think about doing.

  “How bad? And in what subject?”

  “172, but Dad, please don’t make a big deal over this, okay? I’m not some uber-genius.”

  He blinked, confused. “Say what?”

  Grace spared him. “She scored 172 on an IQ test, the guidance counselor told her to apply to Mensa, and she won’t, because she’s a stubborn chicken. Bokity bok bok.”

  This took him a moment to process. Emma’s reaction totally looked the opposite of what he thought he’d just heard. “You’re trying to tell me that you’re upset because you scored high on an IQ test?”

  “No, I’m upset because everyone’s trying to use it to label me as a genius or something. I suck at chemistry, okay? I’m good in a couple of subjects, yes, but I’m no Nobel Prize winner.”

  Brandon really felt he was missing some crucial bit of information, so he changed tactics and went to the more helpful source of information in this case.

  “Grace, I know I’m a stupid dad, but what am I missing here?”

  Grace smirked. “She’s about three days from her period starting.”

  “Oh. My. God!” Emma s
hrieked. “How could you?”

  Grace remained unfazed. “Well, you’ve been kind of bitchy. Mrs. Jergens said if you’re in Mensa and National Honor Society that it’ll really pad your college applications.”

  Brandon struggled and won the war to not burst out laughing. Emma’s face looked the deepest shade of red he’d ever seen her turn, and she also looked like she wanted to kill her bestie.

  It wasn’t the first time Grace had engaged in some sadism at Emma’s expense, and it always cracked him up when she did.

  “Honey, I’m proud of you. If you want to be stealthily smart, okay. But if it’ll help you with applying to college, I don’t understand why you’re fighting it?”

  “Because life is more than labels, Dad. And I’ll face enough of them as it is. ‘Oh, there’s the smart chick. Oh, there’s the swimmer girl. Oh, there’s the girl with the non-traditional—’”

  Her mouth clamped shut.

  He studied her for a moment. “Do we need to go have a talk in private?”

  She shook her head and shoved a bite of meatloaf into her mouth.

  “Is this about Jeff and Stuart? I thought you were okay with them?”

  “I am! Dad, seriously, I love them. This is about me. I face enough flak from Pat about how smart I am. I don’t need to call more attention to myself.”

  That still didn’t feel…completely honest. “Since when do you give a flying fu-art what Pat thinks about you?”

  “I don’t. But I…” She sighed. “I don’t want to rub Mom’s face in it.”

  This didn’t feel like the true crux of the issue, either, but he’d allow her the gracious out.

  For now. “You could still apply and if you make it we don’t tell anyone. Not like we have to take out a billboard outing you.”

  That finally earned him the ghost of a smile.

  They made it through dinner and, while Brandon went to grab a shower, Jeff and Stuart helped the girls clean up the kitchen.

  Once Emma had left to drive Grace home, Jeff and Stuart joined Brandon in the shower.

  “Clock is ticking on noisy sex, Sir,” Stuart teased. “We have about forty-five minutes until Emma returns.”

  “What did I miss during that dinner conversation tonight?” Brandon asked. “Or was it something that happened before I got home?”

  Jeff shook his head. “She was like that when Grace let it slip to me earlier. I don’t get the feeling it’s about me or Stuart. It’s something Emma feels, and when she’s ready to tell us, she will.” He dropped to his knees in front of Brandon. “So can we have some quick and noisy beatings and sex before she gets home? Please?”

  Brandon grabbed Jeff’s head and pulled him onto his cock. “Get busy, boy.” He reached out, pulled Stuart in for a kiss, then pushed him down onto his knees. “You help him. Don’t make me come, just get me nice and ready.”

  There weren’t many things better than his two boys going at his cock and balls in tandem. One on each side, or one sucking his cock and one working on his balls. Either way, he wasn’t picky.

  With a hand on each of their heads, buried in their hair, he took charge, fucking his cock between their mouths.

  “That is sooo fucking hot,” he said. “And I think Jeff’s earned an extra reward tonight for changing Emma’s tire. I’ll be the middle of the sandwich. Jeff can fuck me while I fuck Stuart. We haven’t done that permutation in a while.”

  Both men moaned around Brandon’s cock, which only made him stiffer. He was forty-two, where Jeff was thirty-eight, and Stuart was twenty-six. Meaning their little beta subby sometimes ran the two of them ragged.

  In their situation, three was definitely a magic number, especially when it came to keeping Stuart contentedly fucked into a happy, gooey mess.

  Moving them from the shower to the bedroom after they’d all dried off, Brandon grabbed an acrylic paddle from the toybag stashed under his bed and had both men bend over the edge of the bed once they’d both donned their leather cuffs and collars.

  “Fast and furious so we can get to the fucking,” he joked, quickly delivering a series of hard strokes to both men’s asses, turning them a lovely shade of pink and leaving both their cocks hard and dripping.

  It hadn’t taken Brandon long to condition both men to get horny from pain. That’d been the easy part.

  Keeping up with the two of them sometimes proved tougher.

  Once he knew he had two well-spanked and horny boys ready for fucking, he got Stuart up on the bed, on his back, wrist cuffs hooked to the headboard and legs spread wide as Brandon got him lubed. He took his time working his condom-sheathed cock into Stuart’s ass, falling still once he was balls-deep inside him so Jeff could do the same behind him.

  “Mmm, yeah.” Brandon kissed Stuart, enjoying the feel of Jeff’s fingers in his ass, his cock twitching inside Stuart with every movement Jeff made. “Sooo fucking good.” He smiled down at Stuart. “So when are you going to get curious about DP, hmm?”

  They’d helped Jeff check that off his sexual bucket list not that long ago. Wasn’t something they did every time they made love, but the few times they had done it, Jeff’s eyes had nearly rolled back in his head from how good he said it felt.

  Between them, Brandon felt Stuart’s cock twitch. “I’ve been thinking about it, Sir.”

  “You have, hmm?” Brandon’s eyes fell closed again as Jeff worked up to three fingers in his ass. “Yeah, boy. That’s the spot.”

  “I think I’d maybe like to try it. At least once. At some point.”

  “Oooh, someone’s going to be getting some new butt plugs,” Jeff teased from behind Brandon.

  “Someone better be getting their cock up my ass if they want to get off tonight before Emma gets home.”

  Jeff was soon doing just that, making Brandon moan as Jeff slowly fucked him a little at a time. He didn’t bottom to them like this as often as they did to him or each other, so whenever one of them fucked him, they had to ease him into it, at first.

  Then he liked for them to plow him hard.

  Even better when his own cock was buried in one of their asses or mouths at the same time. There was nothing quite like that exquisite pleasure, sliding back and forth between them, filling and being filled.

  He leaned in again and sucked on Stuart’s lower lip. “Don’t you come yet, boy.”

  “Yes, Sir.” His sweet green eyes had glazed over. Their gorgeous, eager little beta subby boy.

  In their time together, he and Jeff had countless hours of fun introducing Stuart to all sorts of pleasures he’d only been able to dream about before he moved to Florida. When the two of them topped Stuart at the same time, it drove the younger man hard and deep into subspace, where he was happy to stay for as long as possible.

  Whether it was taking a beating from them, or being filled at both ends by their cocks—or all of the above—Stuart was always eager and willing to please and play.

  Sometimes, Brandon enjoyed taking his time fucking Stuart like this, slowly building him up, hitting just the right angle to make him come without even having to touch his cock for him. The first time that had happened, it’d surprised the hell out of Stuart in the good way.

  Tonight, however, they wouldn’t have time. Not with the clock ticking and Emma due back soon. “Jeff, don’t you come yet, either.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Brandon hooked his arms under Stuart’s shoulders, cupping his hands around the top of them to hold him in place and get better leverage as he slowly started fucking the men, rocking himself back and forth between them, a sexy seesaw he wished he could ride all damn night.

  Brandon closed his eyes as he fell into a good rhythm and Jeff nudged into the perfect position behind him.

  “Oh, fuck that’s good.” He felt Jeff’s hands on his hips steadying himself.

  Nights like this, he gave serious thought to maybe trying DP himself one day, on the receiving end. They had a couple of toys he’d ordered, a thick, fuckable sheath with a nice fat
knob at the end, one for Jeff and one for Stuart. The men loved being fucked with them in. Brandon had tried one, too, and agreed it felt great.

  Jeff’s breath felt warm against Brandon’s back as Jeff struggled to obey Brandon’s command not to come. When Brandon peeled his eyes open again, he stared down into Stuart’s green gaze. His hands had clamped around the restraints clipping his wrist cuffs to the headboard, and from the glazed look on his face, he’d fallen deep in subspace.

  Brandon picked up the pace, hating to rush but not wanting to get caught by Emma’s return.

  He ground his hips against Stuart, fucking him hard, deep, using the leverage to pound his cock into his boy’s ass the way Brandon knew he loved.

  “Jeff, help him out,” Brandon ordered.

  Jeff reached around him and found Stuart’s cock, stroking it between them as best he could with the limited space.

  Stuart let out an adorable moan, his lower lip now clamped between his teeth.

  “Yeah, you’re close, aren’t you?” Brandon asked.

  “Yes, Sir,” he gasped.

  “So am I.” A few more thrusts would do it. “Get ready. You both can come once I do…now.” Pleasure engulfed him as he buried his cock deep inside Stuart’s sweet, tight ass one last time. Jeff’s hand and hips both started moving, getting Stuart off a split second before Jeff let out a moan and fell still behind him.

  From out front, they faintly heard the chirrup of Emma’s car locks being engaged.

  Brandon rested his head on Stuart’s chest, loving the sound of his racing pulse starting to slow, thumping in his ear. “That was impeccable timing, boys. Good job.”

  Chapter Four

  Wednesday afternoon, Brandon left work early enough to make it to the pool for Emma’s meet. He rarely missed one, and ever since Jeff and Stuart had moved in, if Brandon couldn’t make a meet, one or both of them went in his place.

  The pool was attached to a large community fitness center that also had a gymnasium, workout equipment, and outdoor courts for tennis and other sports, along with holding classes such as yoga and spinning.