Read Roll With the Punches Page 5

  One of the two dogs brought Jeff a stick. He took it from him and threw it. “Life is short.”

  “I am afraid he’ll hurt the babies,” she said. “About six months ago, when I started hinting to him about getting divorced, he outright threatened to kill them. That’s when I knew I had to get out. He knows how much I love them, even though they were another peace offering for me when I found out about his first affair.”

  She wiped at her eyes. “Thank god I didn’t have children with him. I can only imagine what he’d be threatening me with then.” She slowly shook her head. “This place is forty acres. He’d talked about getting me a couple of horses. Another thing I’m glad I didn’t go through with now. I can only imagine trying to move horses.”

  “What about your car?” She drove a Mercedes SUV.

  “It’s in my name.”

  “Another peace offering?”

  “Yep.” She smiled, but it looked grim. “Stupid me, I knew he wasn’t perfect when we met. I mean, duh, who is? But I thought the little hints I picked up from him here and there were just…nerves, or him trying too hard to impress me. Anything. I made lots of excuses for him.” She sighed. “No more. Next guy in my life will have a hella number of hoops to jump through before I trust him.”

  * * * *

  The house looked pretty spartan by the time they all crashed on Friday night. She had two guest rooms, so Jeff was able to have a room to himself when he FaceTimed Brandon and Stuart.

  The men were together in Brandon’s bed, both staring at him through the phone. “How’s it going?” Brandon asked.

  “Fast. We’ll get the truck in the morning and hopefully be out of here by tomorrow afternoon ahead of schedule. We’ve got everything boxed up except some kitchen stuff and knick-knacks in the living room.”

  “Why don’t you have the truck yet?” Stuart asked.

  “We don’t want it sitting in the driveway. Everything’s in the garage for now. We know that once we’re loading, we’re at risk of someone who knows Morse calling or texting him about it. The good thing is that she lives sort of in the country, and they’re not really familiar with the neighbors. But he has some family about twenty minutes away. That’s a little closer than she’s comfortable with.”

  “Makes sense,” Brandon said. “Keep us posted.”

  Once he ended the call about twenty minutes later, Jeff thought he heard something…odd outside. Getting up, he found Sylvie downstairs on the back porch, the outside flood lights on, washing the dogs and sobbing.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “They’ve got ticks!” She knelt on the deck, her nightgown soaked. “It’s like I cannot catch a damn break! I was petting them and felt something and damned if they both aren’t covered in the fucking things. At least I had some dip left from a few months ago when we went through an infestation, but the vet gave me the once-a-month stuff for them. I must have forgotten to give it to them this month.”

  “Hey, it’s okay. Can I help?”

  She sat back on her heels and sniffled. “Thanks.” She pointed to a flea comb. “If you could start combing through Ham’s coat for me, that’d be great. I already washed and soaked them with flea and tick shampoo. I don’t want to use up the dip until I know I have the ticks off them.”

  At least with the dogs’ light-colored coats it made it easier to find the ticks. She’d also brought out a flashlight, tweezers, and a bowl of rubbing alcohol to drop any in that they found.

  “Well, look at it this way,” he said. “Maybe Morse will be dealing with a tick infestation.”

  She finally laughed. “That’d be ironic. He’ll blame me for it, say I did it on purpose. But I’m glad I found them now instead of halfway to Florida and have my car get infested with them. I’ll have to walk them on a leash in the front yard. I was going to mow this weekend, but once I knew I was leaving I thought why?”

  “I was wondering why the front was mowed.”

  “It’s smaller. And we get it sprayed because he likes having a nice lawn to show off to people. We’re never out in the back part of the property, so I don’t even bother with it.” She took a deep breath and let it out. “I guess I should just roll with the punches and keep my focus on the fact that I’m finally getting the hell away from the guy for good. This is only a speed bump.”

  It took them an hour, and literally going over the two dogs with the fine-toothed comb several times, but they finally thought they’d gotten all the ticks. Finally, she washed the dogs again, just to be sure, and dipped them.

  Then the dogs got locked in a downstairs bathroom for the night with towels all over the floor so they could dry off.

  Jeff took another shower, carefully examining his clothes before going to bed to make sure he hadn’t picked up any stragglers himself. He once again collapsed into bed, now feeling even more exhausted than before.

  At least I know I have a loving family to go home to.

  Chapter Six

  After ending their chat with Jeff, Brandon pulled Stuart into his arms. “Sorry we can’t get wild and crazy tonight. No spanking.” If Em wasn’t home, he’d tie Stuart up and cane his adorable ass before fucking it.

  Unfortunately, there was no way to hide that kind of noise. They knew, because one evening when Em wasn’t home, the men had conducted a few sound tests. Even with the master bedroom on the other side of the hall and at the far end, spanking and other impact play sounds carried, even with both TVs turned on and the doors closed.

  Good old fucking, however, didn’t.

  As long as no one was moaning too loudly.

  Or screaming.

  “I think I’d rather try slow and steady tonight, Sir.”

  Brandon rolled on top of him. “You would, huh?” He laced fingers with him and raised Stuart’s hands over his head, pinning him there. “I think I know what that means. Might take us a while.”

  Stuart grinned up at him. “Can we try it? We get to sleep in late.”

  “Not real late. Em’s got the swim meet tomorrow morning at nine. I figured we could go out for a late brunch with her and Grace after.”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  “You don’t have to go. You can sleep in.”

  Stuart wiggled his hips against Brandon. “No, Sir. I want to go. We can film it for Jeff.”

  Brandon slanted his lips over Stuart’s, slowly exploring, teasing, tasting. “Do you have any idea how much I love you?”

  He wiggled his hips again. “Because of my spankable ass?”

  “I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t spankable. But that’s not what I meant. I love how you take an interest in Emma.”

  For a moment, pain seemed to linger in Stuart’s green eyes before he blinked it away. “This is my family, Sir,” he quietly said. “All of you. I’m finally getting the kind of family I wished I’d had growing up.”

  Brandon licked a path down Stuart’s jaw, to the hollow of his throat. “I’m sorry. My family wasn’t great, but not anywhere near as bad as yours.”

  “No reason for you to apologize, Sir.”

  Brandon sat up, releasing Stuart’s hands and smiling down at him. “Stay.” Already, he could see—and had been feeling—the outline of Stuart’s cock pressing against the front of his shorts.

  After double-checking their bedroom door was locked, Brandon turned on the TV for a little background noise insurance. Then he fetched Stuart’s leather cuffs and collar from the dresser and brought them to the bed. He retrieved a towel, condom, and lube, too.

  Last night, both of them had been too tired to do anything but cuddle. It felt weird with only the two of them in the king-sized bed, and they’d ended up in the middle, spooning together.

  It didn’t feel right not having Jeff there with them.

  He completed them.

  Their personalities made this work, in spite of their age differences. They complemented each other.

  Brandon stripped. Kneeling on the bed, he buckled Stuart’s ankle cuffs on him first. Stuart st
ill didn’t move, Brandon’s good boy, obeying instructions.

  As he pushed Stuart’s thighs apart, Brandon leaned in, mouthing Stuart’s cock through the fabric of his shorts and enjoying the sound of his boy’s soft moans.

  “That’s it, baby,” he said. “You know what your Sir likes to hear.”

  He reached up and hooked his fingers under the waistband of Stuart’s shorts and started edging them down his hips. He smiled as Stuart’s rigid cock was exposed, standing up from his body.

  “That’s what else I like.” He leaned in and licked the tip of Stuart’s cock. “Love knowing my boy’s cock belongs to me.” He glanced up Stuart’s body and the sweet, glazed look on his face made Brandon’s cock twitch in response.

  Subspace achieved.

  Both he and Jeff could drop Stuart hard into subspace. Stuart didn’t need impact play to get there, either. Jeff could be switchy when the mood struck him, but Stuart wasn’t. Not really. Sure, he could pitch in bed, or even use implements, if ordered to. But he wasn’t a Top.

  Definitely not a Dom.

  His boy loved to serve and loved serving up his body to Brandon and Jeff in any and every way they wanted him.

  I can’t wait to get my collars on them.

  The collaring ceremony next weekend was never far from his mind. He’d already exchanged a few e-mails with Loren about what he wanted to do. After the ceremony, he was going to cane both of them, a hard and fast scene to make sure their heads were deep in subspace before he brought them home and fucked their brains out.

  This felt…like perfection. Like his life had finally shaken out and settled into a comfortable groove he was meant to be in.

  Unlike when he’d married Tracey. He’d done that more because he’d thought it was what he was supposed to do. Assumed that once he was married, he wouldn’t have to worry about the things he’d thought and felt.

  He’d been so eager to finally earn his family’s approval that he’d pulled Tracey into his orbit—she’d willingly come, but still—without really giving thought to the future consequences.

  It was only once he’d become a father and he realized what a sham of a life he led that he knew he’d have to come out and divorce her.

  Jeff and Stuart…he could see himself spending the rest of his life with them.

  It felt right.

  No longer caring what his family thought of him, this felt like the most perfect decision in the world.

  He only wished he could legally marry both of them.

  Straddling Stuart’s body, he buckled his collar on him, then the wrist cuffs. Those he clipped to the headboard, the well-hidden length of chain there, always ready for use.

  Usually for Stuart, but sometimes for Jeff, too.

  Kneeling over Stuart’s head, he didn’t even have to tell him to open. Stuart’s lips parted, ready for Brandon to slide his cock between them and slowly start fucking his mouth.

  “My very good boy,” he whispered. “You always know what your Sir wants, don’t you?”

  He softly moaned around Brandon’s cock as his lips and tongue eagerly worshipped it.

  “Don’t make me come. That goes in your ass.”

  He could sit there all night like that, Stuart’s delicious mouth exploring his cock and balls. He’d gone from never being with a guy to expert-level oral skills in a short amount of time with both Jeff and Brandon going after him.

  Two against one was barely enough sometimes, considering Stuart’s sex drive.

  Rising up a little, he pulled his cock from Stuart’s mouth, replacing it with his balls, sighing with pleasure as Stuart knew just what to do. “Such a sweet mouth on you, baby,” Brandon told him. “Gonna give you a nice reward for how good you are.”

  Finally, he pulled himself off Stuart and moved down his body again, licking and sucking, nipping, teasing. Especially Stuart’s sensitive nipples. One night, they’d tied Stuart down to the bed spread-eagle and had spent nearly an hour doing nothing but playing with his nipples after they’d both busted their nut and were trying to work Stuart into a frenzy for his big finish. When Brandon had finally reached down and fisted Stuart’s cock, he’d exploded at the first pump.

  One day, Brandon would like to spend more time seeing if they could actually make Stuart come simply from nipple play.

  Not tonight.

  He slid the towel under Stuart’s hips after pushing his legs up and back, leaving his ass deliciously exposed. He rolled on a condom, lubed himself and then Stuart’s ass, using two fingers.

  Stuart moaned, trying to rock his hips to get Brandon to finger-fuck him. Pre-cum leaked from the tip of his rigid cock, which twitched with every movement.

  “I know, buddy. Sir’s going to make you feel really good here in a minute.” He wiped his hand and then nudged into position, pressing the head of his cock against Stuart’s rim. “Nice and slow tonight, baby. Nice and slow.”

  Brandon draped Stuart’s legs over his shoulders and leaned in, planting his hands on the bed on either side of the other man. “Look at Sir while he plows your ass.”

  Stuart forced his eyes open. Brandon fell hard and fast again, as he always did for the men. Stuart’s green eyes had flecks of gold and hazel in them, sometimes taking on different tones, depending on the light and his mood.

  “That’s my good boy.” He eased his cock all the way into Stuart’s ass, until he felt his balls pressing against the other man’s flesh. Then he ground his hips against Stuart, rubbing, pressing his weight into Stuart until he heard the soft, tell-tale gasp that he knew meant he’d hit gold.

  “Right there, baby?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He smiled. “Excellent. You may come, boy.”

  * * * *

  Helpless, Stuart held on to his restraints and settled in for the ride. He’d never known guys could come just from being fucked before he’d met Brandon and Jeff.

  Now that Brandon had unlocked that ability in him, he loved repeating it.

  Tonight, it seemed, that was the goal.

  And once Brandon had rounded Stuart’s spine a little more, pressing Stuart’s thighs against his chest from Brandon’s weight on him, he felt Brandon’s cock slide perfectly against his prostate.

  Thusly oriented, Brandon began a slow, seductive grind, every stroke perfectly rubbing against his button and making his own cock twitch. Like this, Brandon could literally fuck him until one or both of them became exhausted or came, whichever happened first. The slow strokes didn’t get Brandon over the edge, but drove Stuart nearly insane with need.

  The way Brandon’s body pinned him to the bed, he couldn’t even rock against him, either. Helpless, he turned his body completely over to his Sir and held on for the ride.


  “Tomorrow morning, I want you to wear that toy in your ass, the jack sheath,” Brandon said. “It goes in before we leave, and I will check.” He leaned in and nipped Stuart’s lower lip. “When we go to brunch, I know exactly what restaurant we’ll go to. They have a two-stall men’s room, and maybe I’m going to bend you over and fuck you right there, baby.”

  Stuart whined. He knew Brandon would never do anything to get them in trouble, but one of his fantasies was Brandon—and Jeff—using him somewhere like that, the risk of discovery. So far, they hadn’t been able to do much about it, just a couple of quick encounters where they’d teased him with an uncompleted hand job, or made him suck their cocks.

  They hadn’t been able to actually fuck him like that, though.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Brandon sucked on Stuart’s lower lip before slanting his mouth over Stuart’s for a crushing kiss. “When we come home, you can take it out for a little while. Then put it back in before we go over to Bill and Faith’s for dinner. You will get fucked there before the evening is over.”

  He punctuated that with a hard thrust that nearly sent Stuart over the edge. “Yes!”

  “Is my boy close?” He picked up the pace. “Because if you don’t
come before I do, you’re going to get the chastity cage tonight.”

  “Please make me come, Sir!”

  Brandon nibbled a line of heat along Stuart’s right jaw, to his ear. “Such a handsome slut for me. Such a good boy. I love owning this ass of yours, baby.”

  Another whine escaped him. He was sooo…fucking…close!

  “I love using that toy on you both. That way, I can fuck you bare and then make you suck me clean, because it’s inside the toy. You love having that thing knotted inside you, don’t you?”

  “Yes, Sir!”

  His lips were right next to Stuart’s ear. “Tell me why, boy.”

  “I…I love feeling it inside me. I love wearing it. It’s like having Sir’s cock in me all the time.”

  “You like having that big ole thing in there, don’t you?”

  “Yes, Sir!”

  “Anything else you’d like in there?”

  “Please train me, Sir. Like you did Jeff. I’m ready. Work me up to you both fucking me.”

  There. He’d finally been able to ask for it, which he’d known damn well Brandon had been waiting for, no matter how many times Stuart had hinted or agreed to things he or Jeff had said.

  Brandon had told Stuart it would not happen until Stuart outright asked for it.

  It felt terrifying and freeing at the same time. He knew if he couldn’t do it, he could safeword and Brandon and Jeff would stop.


  He wanted to try.

  “Oh, baby.” Brandon picked up the pace. Stuart surfed the deliciously hard edge of his orgasm, right there, not quite tipping over the edge yet. “One more way for Sir to have another first with you.” His voice dropped, deep, hard. “Do you know how much I love being the first man who got to blow you, to fuck you, and the only man who’s ever owned this sweet body of yours?”