Read Romero Page 13

  “I don’t have all the details yet but she’s calling me back tonight.”

  “I thought you said your dad didn’t wanna run?”

  Isabel got up and poured herself some milk. “He said he wasn’t so sure he wanted to. But I guess he changed his mind.” She wouldn’t tell him she knew Pat was behind it all. He had enough reason to dislike her sister. She’d begun to notice how when Romero was bothered by something he’d stare off into space. He was doing it now. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” He was obviously surprised that she noticed. “I just got a busy day today.”

  Isabel was actually looking at a day off. The district was making so many cuts lately they kept adding collaboration days to the school calendar. She got the day off but, of course, she didn’t get paid for it. “Where are you working today?”

  “I just signed a contract with the uniform distributor. They have several factories; they want us to drop in and do a surprise security inspection. Make sure they’re covering everything the way they’re supposed to, then I gotta meet with some dude that wants his girl followed around. He thinks she’s cheating.” He shrugged. “It’s crazy how many people out there think their partners are fooling around. How do you think someone is cheating on you?”

  The question confused Isabel. “Why not? If she’s done something questionable or he’s noticed something different about her lately.”

  “Exactly. If you think it so much you’re willing to hire someone to find out, you already know.” He drank some of his coffee and continued. “You’re just in denial, holding on to the miniscule hope that you’re wrong.”

  “That’s not fair though. Everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt. Their partner could just be having a bad week—month.”

  Romero shook his head. “I’ve yet to prove even one of these clients that thought their spouses or partners were cheating, wrong. I actually feel bad taking their money just to tell them something they already knew.” His expression went suddenly hard. “I think I’d know.”

  In the relatively short time she’d known Romero, she’d seen that lethal expression several times now. Most memorably, the morning of Michael’s call. She touched his hard arm. “I’ve always been a firm believer that cheating is inexcusable. I’ve seen it so many times on television and even read articles of people trying to justify it. I was lonely, felt neglected, my partner treated me badly—it’s all B.S. If you’re not happy and there’s no working things out, you leave. Plain and simple, you don’t sneak around. I just don’t see the point. If someone else makes you happier, then you do the right thing and end the relationship you’re in.” She leaned in closer to his face that had somewhat relaxed a little. “So you’d never have to worry about me cheating, my love.” She kissed him. “And if you keep me as happy as I feel now, I don’t see how anyone else could ever make me happier.”

  He finally smiled. “I don’t think it’s something I ever wanna think about.” He kissed her longer than she did then stood up. “I gotta go. What are your plans today?”

  “Clean and grade some papers.”

  Romero glanced around with a smirk. “Clean what?” he laughed. “This place is spotless.”

  Isabel smiled, picking up her plate and glass from the table. “I’m cleaning out the fridge and the restroom could use a good scrubbing.”

  After putting his watch on and grabbing his keys off the counter he walked over to Isabel and pulled her to him by the waist, kissing her like only he could. “My perfect, Izzy,” he whispered.

  “Will you stop saying that?” She giggled. “God are you ever gonna be disappointed when you find out I’m not.”

  “Yes, you are. And you could never disappoint me.” He patted her behind then let her go. “I’ll see you tonight.”

  Romero hadn’t slept in his own apartment in days. Strangely, neither he nor Isabel had addressed the fact. It’s like neither wanted to bring up the idea of moving in together. It only made sense. Why pay two rents? Then she could stop taking Valerie’s money for her half. But it felt too soon. And if he wasn’t bringing it up, maybe he thought so, too.


  The plans Romero had for Wednesday weren’t anything that couldn’t easily be rescheduled. It was just a meeting with another client who suspected her husband of cheating. Romero knew he could either reschedule or have someone else meet with her. It was no big deal, but he saw it as his way of getting out of having to meet Isabel’s dad under these kinds of circumstances. Meet him during a dinner where he announces he’s running for mayor, surrounded by a bunch of other snobs? Could there be a fucking worse time? Nope. He wasn’t rescheduling shit. He’d just tell Isabel he’d have to meet her dad another time.

  After the surprise inspections at the uniform factories, he met with the poor sap who suspected his girl of cheating. Before meeting Isabel, he didn’t understand why these guys would bother. Fuck the bitch was what he’d always thought. No girl was worth this kind of aggravation and he most certainly wouldn’t be spending hard earned money just to find out the obvious. Now what he didn’t understand was how these guys could have the patience to wait around and wonder. Romero would get right to it if he so much as suspected Isabel might be doing something behind his back.

  More than anything what he found so hard to understand now, were the reactions these guys had to seeing pictures and video of their girls with someone else. It was mind blowing. He hadn’t thought much of it when he presented the last guy with pictures and he looked through them shaking his head and made a few comments about how he knew it. To see a picture of his Izzy so much as cozying up with another dude, would be beyond devastating. He didn’t even want to think about what he would do. He was only glad she’d told him how she felt about the whole subject of cheating that morning. The very thought of her with someone else, before she said it, had made him furious.

  He met with the guy at his office on a construction site. Romero was going to have to think about leasing a small office space. This driving around all over to meet with clients was getting old. He’d talk to Valerie soon about looking for a place for him. According to Isabel, she really knew her real estate.

  The guy filled him in on why he suspected his girlfriend was being sneaky—same as always—increased amounts of out-of-town meetings, secrecy and caught in lies, but most telling and one he got a lot, were the texts and phone calls at odd hours of the night. He almost felt like telling him, “Dude, we both know she’s cheating. Why do this?”

  He stopped at his place before heading to Isabel’s to pick up some more clothes. As long as she didn’t object to him staying with her every night, he wasn’t sure if he’d ever come back to his place. In fact, his lease was up soon. Maybe he’d casually mention that to her.

  When she opened the door for him at her place she held her hands out as to not touch him, but she still leaned in to kiss him. “My hands are covered in tomato, I was just dicing some. Maybe I should get you your own key.”

  “That’d be cool,” he said, trying not to sound as excited as that made him. All right, he’d admit it. Living with her would be fucking awesome.

  He started telling her about his day when she brought up her dad’s dinner. “Oh, by the way, the dinner is at six but my sister wants me there early to help out.”

  Romero put on his best-disappointed face. “I can’t, babe. I’m meeting that client at five.” He couldn’t help feeling like an asshole when he saw the discontent in her eyes. “I’m sorry,” he said, coming around the counter. “We’ll set up something with your dad another time. Okay?”

  He kissed her. He was just getting going, thoughts of putting her on the counter and making it up to her entering his mind. Her loose shorts would make for easy access. Then her phone rang. “That’s probably my sister,” she said breathlessly, pulling away from him.

  Well, damn.

  He picked at the food in the different bowls she had on the counter. She wasn’t kidding when she said she was cleaning out the fridge
today. He bit in to a piece of carrot and leaned against the counter.

  “No. I’ll be alone. He has to work, but I’ll be there early to help you.” Isabel smiled at him and motioned for him to eat the food on the counter. He nodded with a smile of his own, checking her out. He could hardly believe she was all his. “When is Gina flying in?” There was a pause while her sister answered then, “And Art? Is he in town yet?”

  Romero felt another twinge of guilt. This would’ve been the perfect time to meet the rest of her siblings. All of them in town at once—how often would that happen? Still, the thought of meeting them all under those circumstances was unsettling to say the least. He swallowed back the guilt.

  Isabel wrapped up her phone call surprisingly fast. Her sister usually kept her on for much longer. Romero couldn’t be happier. Just watching her in her soft shorts and tank she wore—obviously bra-less, made him forget about his appetite and how much he’d rather be doing other things with her.

  She started to tell him about what her sister had to say, as if he cared, when he pulled her to him and devoured her mouth. Forgetting his thoughts about putting her on the counter he started her out of the kitchen. He wanted her underneath him now.

  “Where are we going? Don’t you wanna eat?”

  “Oh, yeah I wanna eat.” He smiled then laughed, when he saw her face go beet red in an instant.


  By Wednesday morning, with all the talk about the damn dinner he’d heard and listening to how excited Isabel was that her brother and sister were both in town he could hardly fight the guilt anymore. Isabel wasn’t the type to make him feel guilty about having to work. But she did say it sucked that neither Gina or Art would be in town until Wednesday afternoon. If they would’ve been she might’ve been able to set up something before then and have him meet them.

  Still completely convinced that meeting them all tonight at that dinner was a bad idea, Romero had managed to finally shake off the feelings of guilt. Then he got a call from her just after lunch. “I’m so nervous about tonight.”


  “I don’t know. I just saw something about my dad’s upcoming announcement on the local news. This is pretty big. I’ve been trying not to think about it too much but… my dad’s running for mayor! Holy cow! This is huge. God I wish you could be there with me tonight. But I know, I know, work comes first.”

  The hell it did. “Listen, babe. I gotta take this call on the other line but I’ll call you right back okay?”

  What the fuck was wrong with him? The girl he was crazy about wanted him there with her at one of the most important events in her family’s lives and he was passing it up because he was scared? Just a few weeks ago he was pissed that she hadn’t told them about him and now she wanted nothing more than for them to meet him. Time to man up. He called one of the guys on his payroll and arranged for him to meet with the client later that evening. Then he called Isabel back. “Izzy, guess what?”


  “That was the client I was supposed to meet tonight. They cancelled. I can go to the dinner.” He didn’t like to lie, but wasn’t about to tell her the truth about how easy it was to get someone else to meet the client.

  “Really?” The excitement in her voice only made him feel worse. “Yeah, really. You said you have to be there early. What time do I have to be there?”

  “Dinner starts at six. I’ll text you the exact address. I’m so happy you’re going to be there.”

  Romero squeezed the phone in his hand. God he was an idiot. “Me too, babe. Can’t wait to meet the rest of your family.”



  Hyped that Romero would be here tonight to help her with her nerves and excited now that the reality of what was happening finally hit her, Isabel walked into the restaurant. It surprised her that they hadn’t picked something more upscale. Pat explained that Charles thought something more down to earth and less pretentious would appeal to a wider range of voters. So they’d chosen the buffet style restaurant, a favorite on the base known for its fair prices more than its food.

  She saw him the moment she walked in, and her heart nearly gave out. At first, she was surprised but when she saw her sister approach Jacob with a huge smile, she was furious. How could she?

  The news crews and the photographers for the papers were all over. She spotted her mom and Gina sitting with a few people she didn’t recognize and walked toward them instead. She’d only been there a few minutes, just finished giving Gina a hearty hug when she heard Pat’s voice behind her. “Isabel, guess who’s here?”

  She turned to see Pat and Jacob, who stood tall and very handsome in his heavily decorated naval uniform. He probably expected an, “Oh my God, Jacob!” And a big hug. Instead, she smiled big, she’d give him that. It was nice to see him after all these years. And their parting was an amicable one. There were no hard feelings, but the last thing she needed was for him to think she planned on spending any time with him tonight socializing. Romero would be there in an hour. After the Lawrence incident, she was certain he wouldn’t be happy about her hanging out with her ex-boyfriend.

  She held out her hand. “How are you, Jacob? It’s been so long.”

  “Too, long,” he said, shaking her hand. “Wow, the years sure have been kind to you.”

  Isabel felt her cheeks warm. “Thank you. They’ve been kind to you as well. I heard you’re up for Lieutenant Commander. Congratulations!”

  “Thanks. It’s been a tough journey, but in the end it’ll be worth it.”

  “Nothing worthwhile comes easy.” Her sister agreed, then gave Isabel a look. “Mom, Gina.” Pat walked Jacob around Isabel, to where they sat. “You remember Jacob, Bell’s high school sweetheart. He’s up for Lieutenant Commander in the Navy. Isn’t that fantastic?” She turned back to Isabel, nudging her playfully. “And he’s still single.” She let out the stupidest giggle.

  Isabel took a deep breath. Pat was relentless.

  “Oh yes, of course I remember,” her mother said, reaching out her hand to shake his. “How’ve you been, Jacob?”

  After some small talk, Pat touched both Jacob and Isabel on the arm, who still hadn’t taken a seat. “I’ll go see if Charles or Daddy need me. This way you two can have a chance to catch up.”

  Isabel was going to kill her. “Didn’t you need me to help?”

  “No, I think we have it all under control. Stay where I can find you, though. The photographers will be taking some family photos in a little bit.”

  Oh, yes. Isabel was planning on sneaking away to some secluded corner with Jacob to catch up. God, she was infuriating. Isabel turned to Jacob. “So, how long will you be stationed in San Diego?”

  “Until next year. But now my responsibilities are changing. Just because I’m stationed here doesn’t mean I’ll be here. I’ll be flying out constantly.”

  Isabel nodded. “I can imagine.”

  “What about you, Bell? Your sister said you’re a teacher now—middle school uh? You’re a brave girl.”

  Isabel had forgotten that having dated him for over two years, he’d picked up on her family’s pet name for her. It felt odd. This wasn’t the same boy she’d gone out with in high school. This was a grown man now, on his way to be a Lieutenant Commander in the Navy no less, someone she’d slept with—calling her Bell.

  She told him about her job and her plans to return to school in the fall, part time. He listened intently, asking a few questions. Photographers walked around taking random pictures. One stopped and took of picture of them without even asking, then nodded. “Thank you, Ms. Montenegro.”

  Isabel smiled then gave Jacob a look. “That was weird. How did he know who I was?”

  Jacob laughed. “Get used it. From here on, everyone at events like these for your father will know who you are. Just wait until he makes mayor. It’ll get even worse.”

  Pat rushed over to them, motioning to her mother and Gina who still sat at the table behind Jacob
and Isabel. “It’s time for the press family photos.”

  Isabel smoothed her hair. She hadn’t even noticed Jacob watching her. “Don’t worry you look beautiful, Bell.” She glanced at him and he smiled. “I can’t believe how much you’ve changed since I last saw you.” He placed his hand on his chest. “I mean you were always beautiful to me, but we were kids back then. You look so put together now.” He laughed. “Even in my big tough uniform, it was still a little intimidating walking up to you earlier.”

  Isabel smiled but said nothing more than, “Thank you.” He looked really good himself but she didn’t want to encourage anything. Her sister would be doing enough of that on her own.

  Art was already with her father and even as she hugged him hello, she saw the camera flashes go off. This was too weird. The family all stood on either side of her father, smiling big for the cameras as they flashed away. She tried her best to smile genuinely even though this was all so strange to her. Pat had the fake smile down. When it was finally over and she had a moment alone with Pat, she pulled her aside. “Patricia, why is he here?”


  “You know what I’m talking about. My high school sweetheart? What is wrong with you? Why would you invite him to this and then so obviously leave us alone to catch up?”

  “Bell, it’s not always about you. Remember tonight is about daddy. Need I remind you Jacob will be a Lieutenant Commander stationed in San Diego? Charles knows a lot of people but he’s always in Miami. Jacob’s connections are mostly from around these parts—people with lots of influence. He could be a big help in this campaign and he offered to do whatever he could to help.” She turned and glanced at Jacob. A man held a small notepad taking notes as he spoke with him. “Besides I don’t see the harm in you catching up with an old friend. An old friend who’s made a name for himself. It might remind you of what you’re missing out on.”