Read Romero Page 9

  Isabel shrugged. “He was nice.”

  Her mother started in on her salad. Pat stared at her. “Isabel, he was more than nice and Charles said when he moves back—”

  “I’m seeing someone now, Pat.”

  Both her mom and Pat stared at her blankly. “You are? Since when?” Pat seemed disappointed. This was just like her.

  “Its been a few weeks. I didn’t want to say anything until I knew how serious it was. But now I know it is.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me? Charles and I went through a lot—”

  “I didn’t ask you to. Besides when I agreed to this, it was before I started seeing Romero. And I didn’t even know until just recently that—”

  “Romero? That’s his name?”

  Isabel pressed her lips together. She wouldn’t tolerate her sister putting him down in any way. “He goes by his last name. His name is Ramon.” She took a deep breath and chewed a spoonful of salad before speaking again. “So I can’t get involved with Michael… or anyone else. Not anymore.”

  “I’m glad for you, honey.” Her mother touched her hand. “When do we get to meet Romero?”

  Her sister obviously didn’t share the same enthusiasm. She’d all but stopped eating. Isabel pretended not to notice her glare. “Soon. I’ll have to plan something and I’ll let you know.”

  To her surprise, her sister didn’t give her the inquisition she was expecting. Isabel figured it was the shock of it. As soon as she got over it, it was coming. There was no way Pat wouldn’t demand to know everything about Romero. Isabel was ready for it. Her feelings for Romero surpassed her fear of any disapproval from her family now. They’d just have to accept him for who he was.


  They set their chairs around the unlit bonfire. Isabel got a text from Romero as she left her apartment saying he was running late but he’d be there. Once settled, Valerie poured her a wine cooler in a cup and handed it to her. They sat down facing the fire pit.

  “So how did the date go last night?”

  Angel and his sister’s boyfriend, and not to mention Romero’s other best friend, Eric, were just a few feet away, throwing wood in the pit. “Not here, I’ll tell you later.”

  “Oh, right.” Valerie nodded, her eyes on the guys.

  “Not much to tell anyway.”

  “Not much to tell about what?” Romero’s voice behind her startled her.

  She and Valerie exchanged glances while Romero waited. His expression gave nothing away, so she had no way of knowing if he’d heard everything.

  “Girl talk, Romero. Go help out,” Valerie said, gesturing toward Eric. “I’ve heard legendary stories of your fires.”

  “All lies.” He turned to Isabel, leaning in for a kiss.

  The kiss was so sweet Isabel knew he couldn’t have heard. She remembered the look on his face when he questioned her about who’d she been with the days she tried slowing things down. No way would he just let this go if he’d heard. He walked over to where the guys were and started helping with the wood.

  “Oh. My. God,” Isabel said, taking a big swig of her wine.

  Valerie giggled, but Isabel could see the look of remorse for having brought it up here. Isabel assured her if Romero had heard, he most definitely would have said something.

  Alex arrived, and as the time passed, Isabel could see Valerie was giving in. After a walk to the ladies’ room, Valerie let her know she was going come clean with Alex about not having a boyfriend. When they got back from the restroom, Romero sat on the ice chest next to her chair and kissed her again. “I missed you last night.”

  Feeling a slight pang of guilt, she smiled. “I missed you, too.”

  “So where’d you and your sister go?”

  Isabel glanced away from him to take a sip of her cooler, but mostly so she wouldn’t have to look him in the eye. “Blemberg’s, on the Marina.”

  She glanced at him and his face soured. “I know, but it’s one of her favorites.”

  “Figures.” She eyed him, lifting an eyebrow and he kissed her again, shrugging. “I’m just not into that fancy shit.”

  She’d been right about Valerie. After disappearing with Alex for a long while, they came back holding hands. She sat down and leaned over to Isabel. “I’m going home with Alex.” She bit her bottom lip. “I’m doing the right thing, Isabel. I promise and I’ll explain why later. But we’re taking my car, so he can leave his with Sal. You’ll be okay going home with Romero?”

  Isabel could see, not only in Valerie’s eyes but also in Alex’s earlier, something had changed. Valerie was smart. If she thought she was doing the right thing, then Isabel wouldn’t try talking her out of it. She squeezed her hand. “Yes, I’ll be fine. I’m happy for you.”

  Since Valerie wouldn’t be home tonight, Isabel invited Romero back to her place. Not that Valerie would have a problem with him staying over. Isabel just felt a little weird about it still, especially since she’d been right. Romero was like no other man she’d ever been with and Valerie’s room was just across the hall.

  Romero looked around her room. “Damn, Izzy, I knew you were neat but this is… ”

  “What?” She’d never tire of his sexy smirks.

  He sat down on her bed. His eyes went from her dresser to her nightstand and back to her. The moment she was close enough he pulled her to him and sat her on his lap. “Is there anything about you that’s not perfect?” he said, kissing the corner of her lips.

  “Like I’d really tell you.” She wrapped her arm around his neck.

  “I don’t think there is.” He turned her over gently then pinned her to the bed.

  Isabel stared at him, her breath caught when she felt his hand in between her legs. He’d already made reference to her easy-access sundress at the beach. He kissed her as he pulled the sliver of panty aside and slipped a finger in. She kissed him deeper, instantly aroused. “You’re so ready,” he said against her lips.

  “I am.” She ran her fingers through his hair, as the second finger entered her. She moaned, squeezing his shoulder. Then he slid the third in.

  He pulled his mouth away from hers and sucked her neck, all the while his fingers playing with her, his thumb tormenting. She squirmed, feeling the sensations run through her body like an electrical current. It was building, the more his thumb rubbed the more she felt herself losing control. “Romero!”

  “Hold on, baby.”

  He pushed her up slightly and pulled himself down to the edge of the bed. She wasn’t sure what to expect, but the jolt like lightning that torpedoed through her body when she felt his tongue on her, was not it. She cried out in pleasure. She’d already been so close. Her entire body trembled as he continued to work her with his tongue—his lips. Her hands fisted the blankets around her as she felt the incredible explosion of pleasure. She moaned, arching her back, willing him to stop. She couldn’t take anymore.

  She felt him kiss her one last time before having mercy on her. The waves of pleasure still pulsated through her as she lay there, breathing heavily.

  Romero lay down next to her, staring at her as she tried to catch her breath. “Izzy?” he whispered.


  “You’re perfect.”


  Waking up next to Isabel was a mixed feeling for Romero. On the one hand, he loved seeing her first thing when he woke up. On the other, he was afraid if he got too used to it he’d never want to wake without her again. He wasn’t sure if she was ready for that. His feelings for her had taken him by storm. He was afraid of freaking her out.

  Hearing something in the front room, he sat up. He frowned when he realized he woke Isabel, but then smiled at her perfectly naked body. “That’s probably Valerie. What time is it?”


  “Really?” She sat up. “Already? I never sleep that late.”

  Romero smiled, remembering why. “We had a long night.”

  Isabel got out of bed and searched her closet. “What are you looking

  “My robe. It’s in here somewhere.”

  She found it, flung it on and hurried out of the room. Romero sat up and pulled his jeans on. He walked out into the bathroom. When he walked out of the bathroom, he saw Isabel hurry back into the room. The phone in the kitchen rang.

  “I got it!” Valerie yelled from the front room.

  It kept ringing, so Romero walked out into the kitchen. He froze when he came face to face with Valerie. She seemed surprised to see him, especially since he was still shirtless and barefoot. Her expression amused him. “You gonna get that?”

  “No,” she said, her eyes obviously trying to avoid his bare chest. “The answering machine can pick it up.”

  The machine went off just as Isabel came out of the room, now dressed in shorts and a blouse. Romero turned back to Isabel when the machine beeped.

  “Isabel this is Michael. I just wanted to tell you I had a fantastic time with you Friday night…”

  Isabel took a step toward the machine, but stopped when Romero stepped in front of her. The heat inside him was already on the rise. The kind of heat that made him do things he never wanted Isabel to be witness to. He swallowed hard, trying to understand what he was hearing. She’d said she was with her sister Friday night. He listened as the message went on.

  “… I’ll be here a little longer than I thought, so I was hoping I could see you again before I leave…”

  He couldn’t take his eyes off Isabel, feeling his heart beat pick up with every word the fucker on the machine said.

  “… I hope we can make this happen.” He left his number for her, then hung up.

  “Funny story,” Isabel said, attempting to make light of it, but Romero felt on the verge of exploding.

  He tried to stay calm, hoping she did have a reasonable explanation. “Yeah, Isabel? Tell me about it.”

  “My sister set this up before we even started going out.”

  Romero saw red. “You were on a date with this guy Friday?”

  “No, we just had dinner—”

  “That’s a date! What else did you just do with him?” He had a vision of her with another guy and the guy’s words slammed into him. “You know what? I don’t wanna know.” The urgency to get out before he snapped had reached a disastrous stage. He rushed to the bedroom. “Whatever you did, it was fucking fantastic!”

  Romero pushed the door to her room open, slamming it against the wall. There were only a handful of times he’s felt this way in his life and each time he’d exploded beyond his control. He didn’t want that to happen now. That side of him was off limits to most people he knew, but especially Izzy. He grabbed his shoes and slipped one on as she walked into the room, closing the door behind her. He couldn’t even look at her.

  “I’m sorry, Romero. She’d set this up a long time ago.”

  With his heart already pounding away, he attempted to speak. “Why would she still expect you to go if you’re with me now?”

  She didn’t say anything. He stopped what he was doing and stared, feeling the hurt pummel through him. She still hadn’t told her sister.

  “I just didn’t think it was a big deal to get—”

  “Not a big deal? You lied to me!” She flinched when he yelled and he immediately regretted it. That was it, if he didn’t get out of there now, he might do or say something worse that he’d regret.

  Feeling his temper reach a level there was no turning back from, he slipped on his other shoe and grabbed his shirt, rushing past her.

  “I’m sorry, Romero,” she said, as he walked past a very stunned looking Valerie.

  “I’m sorry, too. Go call him back, Isabel. Make it happen.” He grabbed his keys and wallet and rushed out.

  He fought the incredible urge to go back and demand to know what the fuck was so fantastic about Friday night. No guy would call a date fantastic if nothing had happened. That’s the reason why he stopped her before she answered. If she so much as kissed the guy, he would’ve gone off the deep end for sure.

  What confused him most, was he was used to the rage. That he’d been dealing with it all his life. And like today, he’d gotten pretty good at keeping it down to a roar. But the pain he felt now was new. At first because she lied to him, but then when he realized she was obviously too ashamed to tell her family about him. Still. Even after the bullshit about her not being sure about their status. That was harder to take than her having gone on that fucking date.

  Not that he wasn’t beyond pissed about that. But it almost felt like the times when he’d been physically hurt as a kid. The lie had been the blow that knocked his teeth out, making him see stars. The realization that she was ashamed of him, was the swift knee to the groin that followed immediately after. That pain overpowered everything else.

  He drove past his apartment, knowing Isabel would most likely come by since she knew he’d taken the day off. The entire day—to spend with her. He didn’t want her to see him like this. If she already didn’t think enough of him to tell her family, what would she think if she saw him lose it? The way he felt now, he was one flick away from losing it completely.

  He drove to his uncles’ house instead, and went straight to their liquor cabinet.

  “What’s with you?” Manny asked, as Romero downed a huge swig of tequila.

  Romero didn’t respond.

  “You drinking tequila in the morning now? What are you, stupid?”

  Manny was a strange one. He had drug dealing in his past, gambling and even ran a titty bar but he didn’t drink—never had.

  “Leave me alone.” Romero said, feeling the burn in his throat… and his heart.

  Max walked into the room. “What’s wrong with you, Moe?”

  “Nothing. Just leave me alone.” He took another swig.

  “What do you mean—”

  “I don’t wanna fucking talk about it! Can we just drop it?”

  Manny stalked over to him and grabbed the bottle out of his hands. “No! I won’t drop it!” He put the bottle back in the cabinet and slammed the door shut, pushing Romero into the chair behind him.

  Romero put his elbows on his knees, and ran his hands through his hair, letting them both rest behind his head. Despite the pain and anger her felt, he wanted nothing more than to be with Isabel again.

  “What’s your problem, boy?” Manny nudged him with his knee. “Business not so good?”

  “Business is fine.” He knew his uncles well enough to know they wouldn’t let this go.

  As annoyed as he was that he chose to come here, he knew why he did it. He needed to be near them. Needed to be the only place where he knew he was accepted even with all his flaws.

  Max walked over and crouched down next to him, putting his hand on his shoulder. “Is it a girl?”

  Romero nodded, still not looking up.

  “What?” Manny said. “All this for a skank?”

  Romero jumped up, out of his chair and stood right in Manny’s face. “She’s not a skank. Don’t you ever call her that.”

  Manny stared at him for a second, before smiling. “Well, well, well. Look’s like you got it bad.” He laughed. “Who is she? How come we haven’t met her?”

  Romero was still breathing hard from what Manny had said. Max stared at him, looking more concerned, and not quite as amused as Manny. He thought of Manny’s question, and felt like a complete hypocrite. He’d always prided himself in that these were his uncles and he loved them no matter how unrefined they could be. If anybody didn’t like it, they could go fuck themselves—until Isabel. At least she’d told him about her family, warts and all. He’d hardly mentioned Manny and Max to her at all. He’d never actually admitted it to himself, but he had to now. He hadn’t really mentioned them to her because he was afraid of what she’d think.

  “You’ll meet her soon,” he said. “We just had a fight, that’s all. I’ll get over it.”

  He grabbed his keys off the table.

  “You sure, boy?” Manny asked. “You looked real up
set there for a minute.”

  Romero smiled and hugged him. Then turned around and hugged Max. “I’m good.”

  He wasn’t really, but he was better. Only now on top of everything, he felt like an asshole. He took a deep breath. “You guys wanna go get some breakfast? I’ll tell you all about her.”

  Manny and Max exchanged glances then Manny shrugged. “Sure, I already ate.” He glanced at his watch. “But that was about an hour ago. I can eat again.”


  The one

  All day Isabel tried in vain to get a hold of Romero. She’d left messages, texted him and gone by his place twice. His car hadn’t been there. Valerie left to spend the night at Alex’s place again a few hours earlier and Isabel had finally allowed herself to cry like she’d really wanted to.

  Banging her fist into her pillow, she cried like she’d never cried in her life. She’d finally met that guy. The one she couldn’t stop thinking of day or night. Even at work, she found herself constantly thinking of him. He was the first guy that made her feel sexy, but it wasn’t just about the sex. It was the way he looked at her. There was something so incredibly intense. He told her he thought she was perfect and almost made her believe it.

  She didn’t feel like she had to impress him with her intelligence or her family, the only things she ever felt she could impress anyone with. This was the first time she didn’t even like to talk about her education because she didn’t want him to think she was rubbing it in and he’d been completely impressed with her anyway. She still didn’t understand why, only that she loved the feeling. She didn’t even realize how hard she’d fallen, until the possibility of losing him hit her.