Read Room for Two Page 8

  “Dylan will take care of Zoe,” Ash said dismissively. “It’s you I’m concerned about. Even if we called off this whole charade, it probably wouldn’t stop her from coming after you again. You got the best of her twice now and she’s not likely to let that go.”

  “Ash, really, you don’t have to worry about it. I won’t let my guard down again, okay?”

  “I’ll start coming down here more during your shifts,” Ash said. “Could you make me a copy of your schedule? I can even have some of my meetings down here. Plus, I should probably either walk you to your car or have one of the guys in security do it. We can talk about it after you get off work. Buzz my office and let me know when you’re ready and I’ll be down. We can have dinner at my apartment. My housekeeper usually leaves me something to heat up.”

  “I—you—what?” Dana stumbled over her words as she tried to make sense out of what Ash was saying. Had he just invited her to his place for dinner? Of course, she knew it wasn’t a date, but he was voluntarily spending time with her—he was also going out of his way to protect her from Claudia even though she had assured him that she would be fine. Not that she needed it, but it felt really good to have a man worry about her. Oh, who was she kidding? It felt really good to have Ash worry about her. A week ago she’d have been surprised if he’d bothered to lift a finger to stop anyone, much less his stepsister, from knocking her down or pulling her hair out. But now there was no mistaking the fact that he was worried about her.

  He sighed impatiently, putting a slight dent in her girlish fantasies of the white knight riding to her rescue before he said, “I said call me when you’re closing.” He grabbed a nearby order form and scrawled something on it before handing it to her. “That’s my cell number. It’s probably better to use it in case I’m away from my desk.” Without another word, he turned and left.

  Holy crap, what just happened? Could this day get any weirder? She’d had someone spit coffee on her shirt, Zoe had turned into a badass, and Ash had acted like a normal person instead of an asshole. Of the three, he was the biggest surprise.

  Dana quickly finished cleaning up the coffee counter before going into the back of the shop to change into an extra shirt that she kept on hand for the rare evenings when she had somewhere else to go other than home. She ran a brush through her short hair and touched up her makeup before opting to text Ash instead of calling. She needed to try to keep things impersonal between them or she’d be following him around like the rest of those lovesick women were doing. The last thing she wanted to do was get into a fistfight with Claudia over his affections. No, she wouldn’t lower herself to that level. He was simply being a gentleman because a member of his family wanted to kill her. Simple, right? Keep it together. It’s okay to look at his ass, but do not fall in love with the man. I repeat, do not fall in love with him.

  With a deep sigh, Dana turned off the lights and waited for Ash by the door. For added security she repeated every ugly thing he’d ever said to her and hoped that it would carry her through the evening. Because if it didn’t, she was very much afraid that she’d do something drastic like beg him to have sex with her. After all, it had been far too long since she’d been with a man, and it was all Asher Jackson’s damn fault. He was so damned hot that other men simply didn’t stand out compared to him.

  Ash felt more than a little foolish now that the dust had settled and rational thought had returned. He had no idea why he had started acting like someone had appointed him as Dana’s protector. Admittedly he felt slightly responsible for Claudia’s actions since it was his nutjob stepsister who was now out to get her. But he could have left the situation in Dylan’s hands. Instead, he’d charged downstairs like his ass was on fire. Dylan had been on his way to do the same thing, but Ash had literally mowed his brother down in his haste to check on Dana. Dylan had looked more than a little surprised, but for once had chosen not to comment other than to request that Ash ask Zoe to call him.

  He ran a hand through his hair as he pondered his options. Why had he invited her to dinner? No, he’d demanded it. He should have worked out a plan while he was at the shop. There had been no need to extend this into the evening, yet he had. Maybe he’d take her to the resort restaurant instead. At least then there would be other people around. It would be far less intimate. Just another business dinner, right? She was technically his employee now. Yeah, that was exactly what he should do. Firmly resolved, he approached the shop and saw her standing in front waiting for him. She looked so damn small and vulnerable that it pulled at the heart he hadn’t known could still be touched until that very moment. Oh, I’m so fucked.

  Ash cleared his throat, struggling for composure right before he found himself asking, “Are you ready?” Damn, she smells amazing. He knew what he was supposed to do—really he did. So why was he opening the door to his penthouse apartment a few moments later and motioning her inside?

  “You’re home early, Romeo,” said an amused voice that had him freezing in place. Rosa was still there? She was always gone by now. “Who’s your friend?”

  Turning to Dana, he said, “This is my housekeeper, Rosa. Rosa this is an, um—friend of mine, Dana.”

  Rosa approached them with a grin on her face. “I had a doctor’s appointment today so I was late getting here.” Shrugging her shoulders, she added, “I’ve never known you to bring a date home this early though. Is it because it’s a school night?”

  Ash was struggling with something he didn’t feel often: embarrassment. He glared at Rosa, mentally willing her to shut up, when he was startled by the sound of Dana’s laughter. Glancing over, he saw her shaking with laughter as she tried to catch her breath. “I love it,” she managed to gasp out. “She’s got your number, doesn’t she?”

  And just like that, both women were ganging up on him as a team. Rosa and Dana took turns tossing out comments about the type of women that he usually preferred. He strongly suspected he could have left the room without them noticing. “Honey, I’ll never forget the day I opened the door and one of them stood there almost naked. She had on this tiny jacket, but it was hanging wide open. Let me tell you, she didn’t even try to hide her goodies. She popped a bubble as big as my head, then asked if Asher was home. When I said no, she nodded and started to walk away. Every time she moved, you could see too much skin. I had to stop her and give her one of his shirts to wear home. He lives in a hotel after all. Didn’t anyone notice her walking through the lobby? I swear, I could hear the marbles rattling around in her head when I explained to her that maybe it wasn’t such a hot idea to be strolling around with so much of her business exposed. She had no idea what I was talking about, so I had to dumb it down for her.”

  “Oh my God”—Dana had to struggle to speak between giggles—“you should have been at the bar the other night with Brittany. I had to pretend to be Ash’s wife so she’d stop sucking on his neck. She was even sniffing his armpits. The whole thing was disturbing. Even after I told her that he was my husband, she didn’t see a problem. I thought I was going to have to pry her off him. Plus, she was calling him ‘Ashey.’ Everyone there was staring at them. Some of them had their phones out. I bet there’s footage on YouTube by now. I seriously regret that I didn’t record it.”

  “No shit.” Rosa chuckled. “I’m glad he didn’t bring that one home. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve laughed more since I took this job than I have in my whole life, but it also makes me kinda sad at how low some women will sink for a man. Do parents not teach self-respect anymore? I know the boy here is a handsome devil, but for heaven’s sake, men never buy the cow when you’re tossing milk at them constantly. You know what I’m saying? If they learned how to play hard-to-get, maybe they wouldn’t have to make so many walks of shame.”

  Shaking her head, Dana said dryly, “Between you and me, I don’t believe there’s a lot of thinking going on there. They’re either not capable of it, or someone banged their brains out years ago.?

  Ash could feel his head beginning to ache as the two women continued to bond. Finally, when he couldn’t take it anymore, he interrupted their bashing of his character to ask, “Do you think it would be possible to have dinner tonight? Why don’t you two swap phone numbers and continue this another time? I, for one, am starving.”

  “He’s always testy when he’s hungry.” Rosa sighed. “I’ve got some lasagna in the refrigerator. Why don’t I heat it and mix up a salad to go along with it?”

  Relieved that he’d successfully distracted her, he said quickly, “That would be great, thanks.”

  “Rosa, you should stay and eat with us,” Dana added.

  He loved Rosa, but that was the last thing he wanted. He could easily picture them continuing to compare notes on his taste in women while he sat in the corner like a naughty schoolboy and hoped that the floor would open up and swallow him. He almost wept in gratitude when Rosa shook her head. “I wish I could, but Ted’s waiting for me. Men are so helpless sometimes. After all these years, he still says he can’t cook. I’d call bullshit on that, but the last time he attempted it, we had to call the fire department and remodel the kitchen. How you can set a room on fire making a bologna sandwich, I’ll never know, but the place went up like an inferno. Now he either goes through a drive-thru or eats a bag of Doritos.”

  Ash’s first thought was that old Ted might have left a joint burning nearby, but who was he to judge? He could use one right now himself. Maybe he should make friends with Rosa’s husband if Dana was going to be around much. When the older woman walked away, he sank down into a nearby chair and looked over to see Dana giving him a knowing smile. “I really like her,” she remarked. “I would have expected someone . . . different.”

  Rolling his eyes, he said wryly, “Trust me, I’m aware of your opinion of me. I’m sure you’re thinking of a Playboy bunny, complete with the skimpy outfit and fuzzy tail. The only problem there is that she probably wouldn’t cook or clean. And contrary to popular belief, I enjoy relaxing in my home. Not being chased around the coffee table.”

  All of a sudden Ash remembered something that had him smiling broadly. Dana gave him a suspicious look, shifting uncomfortably in her seat. “You know,” he began, “if memory serves me correctly, we might have more in common than I thought. Because I seem to remember you dating a bit of fluff yourself. What was the musclehead’s name that you were involved with? Unless I’m mistaken, he wasn’t exactly a rocket scientist. Didn’t he have a pretend date with Zoe to make Dylan jealous?”

  Dana appeared to find her fingernails fascinating as she studied them instead of making eye contact. “I don’t remember,” she mumbled, clearly lying through her teeth.

  “Oh, come now. Surely you know who I’m talking about.” Ash pulled his cell phone from his pocket and hit a few buttons. “I’ll just give Dylan a call. I’m sure he could help jog your memory.”

  “All right, dammit, it was Paul. Are you happy?” she snapped. “I’ll have you know he’s a successful business owner. Where is it written that you can’t be intelligent if you’re attractive?” she said defensively. “He’s not even in the same league with Brittany.”

  Even if he hadn’t known better, Dana’s tone would have given her away. “Funny thing, one evening after he dropped you at work, we talked for a few minutes while he was waiting for his cab. I’m sure you remember that he blew the motor in his car by putting transmission fluid in the wrong place.”

  Dana’s face was now bright red. “That’s an honest mistake. It could happen to anyone.”

  “Mmm, yes. But would they cram paper towels in it next in an attempt to soak up the oil? Like poor Ted with the bologna sandwich, there was a fire and the car was a total loss. Which is a damn shame since it was a classic Firebird. I bet you looked good riding around in it.”

  “I hate you,” Dana sulked. “You’re just paying me back for telling Rosa about Brittany.”

  Shrugging, Ash said, “On the contrary—I’m pointing out that we’ve all had lapses in judgment. I’ve known you for a year and I don’t recall you being involved in anything close to a serious relationship. Actually I don’t remember seeing you with another guy after things ended with your boy toy.”

  “I’ve been busy. Not all of us need someone in our bed every single night, Ash. I happen to enjoy my own company.”

  Leaning forward, he asked, “Why can’t you admit that we’re more alike than you want to acknowledge? There’s nothing wrong with not wanting a romantic hassle.”

  He was shocked when she appeared to ponder his words. “You’re right. I’m not looking for anything serious, and the Pauls of the world expect no strings. When I broke up with him for the second time, he bumped me on the shoulder and told me to give him a call if I got horny. No tears, no drama, nada.”

  Ash couldn’t help it; he laughed. “I’ve gotten a similar reaction before. Well, except for the clingers who have passed through my life. But most women I encounter are content with a good meal and an even better dessert.”

  When Dana licked her lips, Ash felt his cock jump to attention. He shifted in his chair, hoping she wouldn’t notice. “I’ve forgotten how that feels, it’s been so long. Plus, Paul had . . . performance issues. Steroids may help build muscle, but they can seriously derail your performance in the bedroom. After the first few times, I stopped taking it personally. He did make up for it with his . . . other talents.”

  Grinning wolfishly, Ash leaned forward and whispered, “Honey, a real man doesn’t need a plan B. My equipment has never failed me and it’s been tested by some weird shit. Baby Talk Brittany for one.” Shuddering involuntarily, he added, “Imagine that voice asking little Ashey to come out and pway. I’m not gonna lie, I had to focus on the task at hand that night. I’d never been less in the mood.”

  “I bet so.” Dana grimaced. “I once dated a guy that named my body parts, then talked to them, as if they were real people, while we were having sex. It was so confusing I found myself looking around to see if someone had joined us. Needless to say, I ended that one soon after the first night we spent together.” She leaned her head back, resting it on the sofa. “Are there any normal men left out there?”

  “Sure.” Ash nodded. “But they all come bearing diamond rings, minivans, and a crap load of kids. Oh, and did I mention a serious lack of imagination between the sheets?”

  “The ones who want to settle down aren’t the only dudes who are boring in bed,” Dana pointed out. “Actually I’ve found it to mostly be the rule and not the exception. Why do you think I’ve been content to be dateless for this long? I can get myself off faster than anyone I’ve ever been with. Plus, there’s no awkward conversation afterward or stroking of an overinflated male ego.”

  Ash let his eyes wander down Dana’s curvy body thinking it was a damn shame she had to resort to her hand or a vibrator to take care of her needs. For a real man, that was inexcusable. It didn’t matter if you got yours or not; it was your job to make sure the woman came first, literally. “Baby, I could make your eyes roll back in your head and make you scream loud enough to be heard in the next state. Your problem is that you’ve been with a bunch of pussies instead of a real man.”

  Her mouth opened and closed so many times that he thought she might be choking. He was getting concerned when she finally said in a shrill voice, “Um—you might be right.”

  Before he could reply, Rosa walked back into the room and saved him from possibly propositioning the woman who’d had an undeniable knack for getting under his skin from the moment he laid eyes on her. “Everything’s all set out in the kitchen. I’m going to head home now. You two kids enjoy yourselves.” Looking at Dana, she added, “How about not peeing on any of the towels if he makes you mad.”

  Dana snickered, having heard the whole story earlier from his big-mouthed housekeeper. “You got it.”

  They said a warm good-bye to
each other as if they’d been friends for years and then it was just the two of them. Ash got to his feet and motioned toward the kitchen. “Let’s eat.” He waited for Dana to precede him, then almost walked into a wall staring at her ass. Damn. Get it together, man. He pulled a chair out for her, then took his own seat. She picked up her plate and added a generous portion of the fragrant lasagna and salad. She then surprised him by picking up a piece of garlic bread. In his experience, women didn’t eat in front of a man, which he hated. There was nothing worse than going to a restaurant and having a date watch you enjoy your meal while she moved her food from one side of her plate to the other. So he sincerely meant it as a compliment when he said, “It’s nice to see a woman with an appetite.”

  She froze with her fork on the way to her mouth. “You’re always telling me I’m too big for my height so you shouldn’t be shocked that I’m stuffing my face. Let me guess, it turns you off when chicks eat. Do you want me to take it into the other room? Maybe tie a napkin around my neck so I don’t drip anything on my shirt.”

  Now he was the one with his mouth left hanging open. He’d meant no offense, but he could understand why she’d jump to that conclusion. It was yet another reminder that he’d been a colossal asshole to her for months—and dammit, he regretted it. She was in no way overweight. Hell, even if she had been, it was none of his business. Women were beautiful creatures no matter what size they were, and the clear fact that he’d made her feel less than attractive gave him a sick feeling. He’d been nothing short of a bully to someone who’d done nothing to deserve it. “I’m sorry,” he said quietly. “You’re absolutely gorgeous and I’ve been a real prick to you. There’s nothing I can say in my defense because it doesn’t matter why I behaved that way. And I wasn’t insulting you about the food. I truthfully find it refreshing that you eat like a normal person instead of pretending that you’re not hungry, even though I know that act is bullshit.”