Read Rose: Book One in Suitors of Seattle Page 1


  Book One in the Suitors of Seattle

  By Kirsten Osbourne

  Copyright 2013 Kirsten Osbourne

  Pampered socialite Rose is used to men falling at her feet. But her match with handsome Dr. Shawn Henry leaves her feeling less than adored. Has Rose fallen in love with a man who can’t love her back?

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  Chapter One

  Walking sedately through the park, almost eighteen year old Rose Sullivan stopped for a moment to help a small child to his feet. The little boy, the son of a friend of hers, toddled off happily toward his mother. When she stood back up, her gray eyes met the eyes of a tall handsome man. He was just like the princes in the fairy tales she’d read as a child. Immediately, her heart starting pounding in her chest as she stared at him.

  His suit was immaculate, and it was obvious he was wealthy. Not that Rose cared about money, but her parents did. They were worried she’d marry a gold-digger. She didn’t know why marrying a gold-digger would be a problem, because she’d heard men had a lot of success with gold mines, but she just nodded and agreed with them to keep them happy.

  Aunt Harriett was going over the list of potential suitors she’d given her. Rose hadn’t wanted to wait until she was eighteen to marry, but her parents had insisted. Now that she was just a week from that fateful day, she felt as if she was electrified inside. She was going to marry soon.

  There was no doubt in her mind she’d find a man to marry, because they all wanted to marry her. She’d had men of all ages following her around since she’d turned fourteen. She was the eldest daughter of one of the richest men in Seattle, and she had no brothers. All she had were seven annoying younger sisters, one of whom was beside her right then. At least Lily had changed out of her pants and into a skirt for a change. She didn’t have to be totally embarrassed when she did her best to meet him.

  She stepped into his path, and he almost couldn’t stop in time. He was walking quickly as if there were somewhere he was actually going instead of just being out for a healthful walk through the park like she was. He stopped, his eyes widening for a moment before inclining his head in a brief nod. “Excuse me, miss?”

  “Sullivan. Rose Sullivan. I haven’t seen you around here before.” She held her hand out for him and held her breath to see how he’d react. She’d never been so forward as to force a man to speak to her before, but she had to. She’d be making her decision about who she was going to marry within a few days, and he just had to be added to her list of potential husbands.

  He took her hand in his and briefly raised it to his lips. “I just moved here. I’m the new dentist in town, Dr. Shawn Henry. So good to meet you!” His eyes looked over her shoulder. “I’m going to be late if I don’t hurry. It was nice meeting you Miss Sullivan.”

  He nodded to her and to Lily, smiling a huge smile that showed off his perfect white teeth. As he hurried off, she looked at Lily with awe-struck eyes. “I’m going to be Mrs. Dr. Shawn someday.” She sighed heavily, so thankful to God for putting the man she was meant to marry in her path before she turned eighteen.

  Lily just sighed. “At least he didn’t fall at your feet declaring his undying devotion the moment he met you. I guess I could live with him as a brother-in- law.” Lily was sixteen, but she wasn’t nearly as boy crazy as Rose had always been. She was too busy running around and acting like a boy herself. Rose hated it that the sister closest to her in age never wanted to practice with new hairstyles or do anything fun with her. She was always too busy climbing trees or some other such nonsense.

  “We have to go tell Aunt Harriett he’s the man I want to marry right this instant! What if she doesn’t put him on my list of three to choose from?” Rose grabbed Lily’s hand and half-ran with her toward their aunt and uncle’s home not far from the park. No other man existed in her mind any longer. It was Dr. Shawn or no one.

  “Rose, you don’t know if he wants to marry you.” He probably did, though. All the boys wanted to marry Rose. They talked to Lily if they wanted someone to go fishing with, but never as someone whom they would escort to a play or dance. Lily had almost been relieved when their mother had put her foot down about Rose’s suitors two years before. She was tired of living in her older sister’s shadow.

  Their aunt Harriett had made a deal with Rose when she was sixteen. Rose would stop flirting with all the men in town until she turned eighteen. One month before her eighteenth birthday, Rose had given their aunt a list of ten men she would find suitable to be her husband. Harriett had said she would carefully investigate each man and narrow the list down to three men Rose could choose from. Rose had reluctantly agreed, but now Dr. Shawn wasn’t even on the list, and he was the only man for her. She knew it!

  The two sisters arrived at their uncle’s house and Rose didn’t wait to be invited inside. She just opened the door and rushed down the hall into the room where Harriett was holding Rose’s young cousin, nursing him.

  “Aunt Harriett, I found another man. He’s perfect for me. We have to add him to the list!” She scribbled Dr. Shawn’s name on a piece of paper she found on Harriett’s desk and handed it to her. She couldn’t believe how excited she was. Usually, it was the men fighting over her and for once, she was excited about a man.

  Aunt Harriett sighed and shook her head. “This is the last addition. I’ve already got all the information on the others and was about to narrow it down to the best three.” She looked disappointed that there was another man to investigate.

  Rose felt a tinge of guilt but plunged forward. She had to marry Dr. Shawn or she would just die. “I’m sorry, but I was walking in the park today, and I saw him. He’s beautiful, and has the nicest teeth.” She stared dreamily off into space thinking of Dr. Shawn’s beautiful brown eyes.

  Aunt Harriett looked at her with confusion. “Teeth?”

  “They’re the most beautiful shade of white. He’s a dentist. Not a barber, but a dentist! Do you believe?” She sat down next to Harriett, smiling dreamily. “He can fix my teeth anytime.” She was so excited at the idea of marrying Dr. Shawn she could think of nothing else.

  Aunt Harriett just laughed. “I’ll have Higgins check him out, Rose. I’m not making any promises, though. Are you sure he’s interested in you?” Her eyes narrowed as she asked about the man’s interest, like she thought Rose would bring her the name of a man who didn’t want to marry her.

  Rose couldn’t believe her aunt would ask her something like that. Every boy she’d known since she was fourteen was interested in her. What was she thinking? “All the boys are interested in me. You know they’re all interested! Even this one.” She was disgusted with her aunt, whom she usually adored.

  Aunt Harriett shrugged, looking really tired. “I’ll do what I can, Rose.”

  Rose jumped up and headed for the door. Lily stood looking between her aunt and Rose, though she hadn’t said a word through the whole conversation. “You’re on Mama’s side. You don’t ever want me to marry.” Why didn’t anyone think she deserved happiness?

  Rose stormed from the house with Lily right behind her. “She doesn’t want me to marry at all! Did you see the look on her face when I told her about Dr. Shawn? She wants me to be a spinster and unhappy, because that’s what she was for so long.”

  Lily shook her head. “You know that’s not true, Rose. We spend enough time volunteering at the battered women’s shelter Aunt Harriett set up to know what she’s worried about. There’s no reason for you to act that way.
Aunt Harriett has our best interests at heart, just like Mama and Papa do.”

  Lily was being perfectly reasonable, and that made Rose even angrier. Rose frowned. “Maybe she does. I don’t know! I just know that Dr. Shawn is the only man I’ll ever love!”

  Lily sighed. “You have to be the most fickle woman in all of Seattle. You just set eyes on him an hour ago! Just last month, you made a list of ten men you were sure you could love. Now there’s only one?” Lily shook her head in disgust, obviously not impressed with Rose at that moment.

  Rose shrugged. “You’re too young to understand. When you meet the man who is perfect for you, you’ll know what I’m talking about.” She slowed down as they walked through the business district and stopped in front of a wooden storefront. “That’s his office!” She pointed to the lettering on the door, and sighed longingly. Yes, Dr. Shawn was the perfect man for her.

  She walked the rest of the way home almost dreamily while Lily walked along beside her. She felt sorry for her younger sister. She still wore her hair in the same long braids they’d worn when they were young girls, but she honestly didn’t seem to understand why Rose thought that was a problem. Her dresses, when she bothered to wear them, were always wrinkled within minutes of her putting them on, because she sprawled on the furniture like a hoyden. Rose couldn’t, for the life of her, figure out why Lily didn’t try to do something with her appearance. She could attract handsome men if she’d just make an effort. Of course, the only things Lily made an effort about were fishing and tree climbing. Rose gave a delicate shudder. Lily would never marry.

  When they arrived home, Rose hurried into the parlor and found her younger sister Amaryllis exactly where she’d expected her to be. Lying on the floor reading some book for the umpteenth time. Rose couldn’t understand how her sister could read the same book over and over and still get enjoyment out of it each time. She already knew what happened. Why waste her time?

  “Rilly! Put your book down. I have to tell someone or I’ll burst!” Rose perched on the edge of the sofa, doing her best not to bounce up and down excitedly.

  Amaryllis slowly put her book down, her eyes following the words as she did. Rose waited impatiently for her sister to put her bookmark in the book and finally lay it on the floor beside her. “What happened?”

  “I met the man of my dreams!” Rose said with excitement. She watched her sister’s face for a reaction, knowing Amaryllis would understand in a way Lily never would.

  Amaryllis raised an eyebrow. “Oh, is that all?” She reached for her book again.

  Rose pushed the book back down. “Listen to me, Rilly! He’s different from the others. This one…he’s special. He’s tall and handsome and he has brown eyes. And he’s a dentist!”

  Amaryllis shrugged. “They’re all tall and handsome and about half have brown eyes.” She picked up her book again. “Dentist is new though. Does he have nice teeth?”

  “I told Aunt Harriett he’s the only one I want. I’ll stay a spinster for the rest of my life if I can’t have Dr. Shawn.” She sighed dramatically. “And his teeth are heavenly.”

  Amaryllis lowered her book, surprised for the first time. “You’d be an old maid if you couldn’t marry him? You really want me to believe that? And how on earth can teeth be heavenly?” She eyed her older sister skeptically.

  Amaryllis was fifteen and knew her sister well. She wore spectacles and had dark blond hair and blue eyes. Rose thought she’d be pretty if she could take her nose out of a book long enough for someone to see her. At least she was wearing her hair up now, unlike Lily, the only sister between them.

  Rose nodded emphatically. “I won’t ever be able to love another man the way I love Dr. Shawn. I hope Aunt Harriett gets the information on him quickly.”

  Amaryllis shrugged. “She will. You know she’s probably got Higgins out somewhere finding out all his secrets right now.” She made a face. “How did you meet him?”

  Rose leaned back against the sofa and sighed, happy to have a captive audience at last. “I was walking in the park, and little Jeremy, you know, my friend Anne’s baby, ran over to me and fell just as he got to the path I was on. So I picked him up and sent him back to Anne.” She stared off at the wall, looking dreamy as she remembered the exact moment she’d seen him. “He was walking toward me, and I could tell he was in a hurry, but he took the time to stop and greet me.” She conveniently left out the fact that she’d stood directly in his path so he’d have to. “He kissed my fingers.” She traced the fingers of her left hand over the exact spot Dr. Shawn had kissed.

  “So you think you’ll marry him?”

  Rose nodded regally. “And you may be one of my bridesmaids if you wish. I think we’ll put you and Lily in pale pink.” Her eyes met Amaryllis’s. “You look so good in pink.” And really? Lily never cared how she looked, so what they wore wouldn’t matter to her at all.

  Amaryllis shook her head. “I look okay in pink, but with Lily’s red hair, she looks dreadful. How about green? Or blue?”

  Rose shrugged. “I guess it doesn’t matter. Maybe mint green would work just as well. Just so long as at the end of the ceremony, I’m Mrs. Dr. Shawn.” Her voice held the same dreamy quality she used every time she said his name.

  “Have you made the guest list yet?” Amaryllis asked, teasing her sister.

  Rose jumped up. “I hadn’t even thought of it! I’d better get to work.” She hurried from the room, up the stairs to the bedroom she shared with Lily, where she sat at the small desk and began listing the people she would invite. She wondered if her father would allow her to invite five hundred people. He’d surely want to make certain his eldest daughter had the most beautiful wedding in all of Washington Territory. Wouldn’t he?

  Amaryllis smiled happily as Rose ran from the room. She loved her sister, but hearing about all of the men in her life got awfully tiring.


  Harriett sat across from Higgins listening to his report. “Even Dr. Henry’s servants, who moved here from Maryland with him, have only nice things to say about him. He’s been very studious his entire life, going from a private preparatory school to Dental college in Baltimore. He’s never had a real relationship with a lady and has never done anything objectionable with any of his servants. I couldn’t get one of them to say a single bad word about him.”

  Harriett nodded, concentrating. “What about since he’s been here? How long has he lived in Seattle? Have you spoken with any of his patients? It sounds like he comes from money, is that right?” It didn’t really matter to anyone if he came from money, but they did want to protect Rose from a man who married her only for her parents’ money.

  Higgins smiled at Harriett over the top of the paper he was holding. He enjoyed doing the investigations into the young men Rose was interested in, because it reminded him of the times when he and Harriett had done the same for her mail order bride business. He liked knowing there were seven more nieces to go.

  “He’s been in Seattle only three months, and no one here has anything negative to say. I’ve spoken with six of his patients, and they all loved him. Say he’s very gentle. I sent a telegram to his college in Baltimore, and they had glowing reviews of him. He finished at the top of his class, and was very well liked by both faculty and peers.” He laid the paper down. “I think he’d be a fine choice for Rose.”

  Harriett thought over what he’d said and finally nodded. “The problem is, I don’t know if he’s really interested in Rose. She said all men are interested in her, so she’s not worried about that. I think we should invite him over here and see if he even wants to contemplate a relationship with Rose.”

  Higgins laughed. “Miss Rose is definitely sure of herself, isn’t she?”

  Harriett shook her head with a slight grin. “A little too sure of herself at times!” She had less time than she used to with Higgins, so she changed the subjec
t so they could catch up on each other’s news. “So, how’s Mildred doing?”

  Higgins eyes danced at the question. “Wonderful as always. Alex is doing such a good job with the women in need. We’re going to miss him when he leaves for college. I’m amazed at how both of them are blossoming as they help others.”

  “Good. Are you still enjoying your job at the battered women’s house?” she asked.

  Higgins nodded. “I feel like I’m making a difference. I miss working with you and doing our little investigative jobs, but looking into potential suitors for Rose has really helped. Alex is helping in more ways than I’d imagined he would. He’s going to make a fine attorney.” He looked at Harriett, studying her carefully. “How is everything here?” He still worried that something would go wrong with her marriage to Max.

  Harriett smiled. “It’s wonderful. I told Max last night that we’re expecting our second child.” She knew she was overly happy about another child, but she loved children and being a mother was the best thing that had ever happened to her.

  “That makes me happy! I hope you have a dozen healthy children.”

  Harriett laughed. “A dozen may be one or two too many for me, but I’m certainly happy to be carrying another one.” She made a face. “Max is determined to outdo Fred in sheer number of children. They had eight.” She couldn’t imagine having to give birth nine times just so Max could do better than his brother-in-law.

  Higgins just laughed. “So nine at the least?”

  “That’s what Max would like!” She stood up and walked to her desk. “I’m going to write a note to Dr. Shawn Henry. Would you mind delivering it for me?” She asked if he’d mind absently, knowing he would do it in a heartbeat. He enjoyed her nieces, but he had done so many errands for her over the years, it was no problem for him to do one more. Besides, she paid him well for the jobs he did for her.

  “Not at all. I’ve heard so many good things about the man, I need to see for myself whether or not he walks on water.” Higgins laughed as he talked about the perfection of Rose’s current crush.