Read Rose Red Rhymes 2: The Night Before Christmas Page 4


  "Wandering hands trouble. The Chelsea team will be reviewing the footage very, very carefully. It may be nothing, but now I come to think of it, this is not the first time that accusation has been bandied about. There were rumblings from one of young Miriam’s gang back in the summer about him, but we put it down to teenage tantrums." Red stared at the twinkling lights slung over the branches of a huge spruce in the corner. "Maybe I should have listened."

  "Well, let's not jump to conclusions before the evidence has been examined. I'm just thankful that our children are safely tucked up in bed, sound asleep, waiting for the real Santa on Christmas Eve."

  Red sat upright. Shot a glance at Pippa. "What did you just say?"

  "I said, I am thankful—"

  "Not that bit. The bit about the children. You said our children."

  "Did I?" Pippa arched an eyebrow. "Well, whoever’s children they are, they are extremely spoiled. Look at that mound of presents under the tree. You just know Mother is going to lecture me tomorrow about Third World poverty."

  "Don’t change the subject, Counsellor." Red slid off the armchair and flopped down next to Pippa on the settee. She slung an arm around Pippa's shoulders. "Does this mean that I am officially accepted as part of the family now?"

  "Don't be silly, Cass. Of course you are." Pippa lent her head on Red’s shoulder, watching as the flames danced and lilted in the fireplace. "And when all's said and done, they could do worse. For a step-mum."


  Chapter 18.

  "Come to bed, Cass. It’s Christmas Eve."

  "Honestly, hun, I’m not the slightest bit tired. You go on up. No doubt the kids will be bouncing on the bed early doors. Get some sleep."

  Pippa stretched. Stifled a yawn. "Are you sure?"

  "Totally. I’m just going to finish off this bottle, check a couple of messages and I’ll be up." Red reached down the side of the settee. Swung a bag in the air. "Besides, someone’s got to leave the mince pies and carrots out for the reindeer."

  "Well just make sure that you don’t end up drinking Santa’s sherry too." Pippa planted a kiss on Red’s cheek. "And really, Cassandra, there’s no need for this pretence. If you want to stay up to wrap my special and disgustingly expensive surprise present, then you only have to say."

  Red smiled. "You know me too well, Counsellor."

  Red watched as Pippa pulled the door closed behind her. Listened as the sound of her footsteps faded, then re-appeared as Pippa crept around their en-suite. The sound of running water, The click of a light switch.

  Red killed the TV with a jab of the remote. Strained to hear as the house fell silent once more. She drained the remnants of the wine and thumbed the switch on the lamp, banishing all but the intermittent glitter of the tree lights from the room. The pile of presents beneath the tree became a mountainous silhouette.

  She stretched out on the sofa, hands folded behind her head, listening in the dark. Waiting.


  The digits on the DVD player glowed 12.53 when she heard the first sound.

  The crunch of gravel underfoot. The unmistakable sound of hushed voices passing the bay window.

  Red swung her legs off the settee, onto the floor. Stood up. Pressed herself into the shadows and made her way through the lounge. Heading for the adjoining kitchen door.

  A wedge of light swept passed the hallway window like a lighthouse beacon. Red thumbed her phone, jamming it to her ear. She whispered, "Terri? I hope the guys are on standby. Santa's elves are here."

  Red pushed the kitchen door open with two fingers. She felt her way around the worktops, crouching below the height of the surface, straining in the dark to hear the voices outside. Muffled, low growls. Red could her own breath in her ears. Could feel her blood flowing through her veins faster and faster as adrenaline coursed through her system.

  She heard a faint beep, beep, beep, beep as a no-doubt gloved thumb entered the security code. She knew Rubes would never be able to keep secrets from Santa!

  A tiny squeal as the gate protested at being opened in the cold night air. More footsteps. Red clicked the lock on the back door. Stepped out into the night.

  "Evening, boys. I’ve been expecting you." Red flicked a switch, flooding the back garden with light. "Ho. Ho. Ho. Merry Christmas." Red held her badge open in front of two figures clad in black. Massive eyes bulged out of frost-pinched faces like someone was pumping air into them from behind. Their breath fogged out before them under the white glare of the security light. "Sergeant Davies sends his regards and said to tell you that he’s looking forward to spending Christmas with you."

  "What the—"

  "I’d advise you not to run, although it’s up to you of course. With her other hand, Red held up her phone. "Say cheese!" The flash from her phone illuminated their rapidly paling faces like a flare.

  "Police! Stay where you are!" Taylor and Harris came running up the path, breathless, waving their badges.

  Red grinned. "What kept you?"

  "Look on the bright side, guys," Taylor said as he produced his handcuffs. "We do a lovely Christmas dinner down at the Station."

  "No turkey, but lots of stuffing," Harris said. "Your transportation will be here any minute. Sorry it’s only a paddy wagon. The sleigh was already booked out this evening."


  Chapter 19.


  "So, did you enjoy your day, Princess?"

  Ruby offered Red a tired smile. "Brilliant. Did you really wait up all last night for Santa?"

  "I sure did."

  "And did you really speak to his elves."

  "Honestly I did. I told you that he would find our house alright, didn’t I?"

  "But you did have to let him in through the patio doors. I knew he wouldn’t like us not having a chimney."

  Red shrugged. "Well, he was a little annoyed that he couldn’t get in that way, but he's used to it. Lots of people don't have chimneys any more. Come on, hop into bed, sweetheart. You’ve got another big day tomorrow."

  "Cassie?" Ruby clambered beneath the quilt. "You know you said that I had to go to sleep, shut my eyes tight or that Santa wouldn’t come?"


  "I might have cheated, just a little bit."

  Red sat down on the bed. "But you can’t have, gorgeous, or he wouldn’t have come."

  Ruby stared at the covers. "I know I wasn’t supposed to and I tried to stay asleep, really I did, but I heard the elves and you talking and it woke me up."

  Red frantically rewound the images of last night’s arrest back in her mind. She forced a laugh. "Naughty elves! I told them to be quiet. Anyway, it doesn’t count. It wasn’t cheating because they woke you up."

  "Okay." Ruby scuttled down into the covers, relief softening her freshly-scrubbed cheeks.

  "You really are a lucky girl. I can’t believe how many presents you got today."

  "And I have still got more at Daddy’s to open tomorrow." Ruby finished her sentence with a yawn. "Cassie, will you read me the Christmas story one more time?"

  "How about a different book? After all, it isn't The Night Before Christmas anymore."

  Ruby considered the question. Tiny features crumpling, innocent eyes searching the ceiling for a moment. "Okay, Cassie."

  "Great! So, let’s see. What’s next?" Red screwed her eyes shut tight, circling her index finger in the air in front of the books on the bedside shelf like she was casting a spell. She stopped. Opened her eyes. "Right…"

  Ruby’s eyes shone with excitement as she waited for Red to announce the title of the next story.

  Red grinned, muttered under her breath. "Christmas Day and the adverts for creme eggs and sofa sales have already started." She turned to Ruby.

  "One a penny, two a penny, hot cross buns!"


  Want to read more Rose Red?

  Full length Rose Red novels:

  Rose Red 1: Snow White

  Rose Red 2: Rapunzel
  Rose Red 3: Beauty and the Beast (coming 2013)

  Rose Red Rhymes short stories:

  Rose Red Rhymes 1: Ring-A-Ring O'Roses

  Rose Red Rhymes 2: The Night Before Christmas

  Rose Red Rhymes 3: Hot Cross Buns (coming Easter 2013)

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