Read Roses of Doom Page 4

  I went to that room to discover that the sleeping beauty was Sakura.

  “Sakura? What are you doing here?” I asked.

  “I don’t know….” Sakura said. “My head feels heavy. The last thing I remember was that I was in my house. I saw red eyes…..thoughts are swirling in my mind….black cloaks…..They took me.”

  “Calm down, Sakura.” I said.

  “I’ll take her home.” Akumu said.

  “I’ll stay here a while longer with Mizu.” Kaji said.

  “Mizu….” Sakura said weakly. “I think, they hypnotized me with their song. I was so….in trance….I remember, I went to their room one dark night.”

  “Could you be the person I saw while I went to get the camera?” I thought aloud.

  Sakura looked weak.

  “I’ll take her home.” Akumu said leaving with Sakura.

  “Look here, Mizu.” Kaji said showing me a piece of writing.

  “Only the eveilest

  Chapter 7

  A Scary Night

  When I reached home with Kaji and Akumu mom wanted to show us something. Although she was upset about our coming late she was excited about something. She showed the newspaper to us.

  “There’s a solar eclipse tomorrow. I wonder how I missed this news earlier. I want to see it. I have never seen a solar eclipse earlier in my life. Won’t it be exciting?” mom asked.

  “Yes.” I agreed naively.

  But, Oh NO! That meant Won was going to be reconstructed. But, what could I do now it was already two in the night and I had to sleep.

  After hearing mom, I could not sleep so I kept staring at the window. I slept for only a short while and when I woke up dawn had already broken. The sun was rising. The newspapers said that the solar eclipse would start at eight in the morning and end at twelve noon. It was the time when the sun would be blocked by the moon.

  From the beginning, I had this eerie feeling. The story was finally reaching the climax and I was in suspense. What would happen of me? What would happen to mom, Kaji, Seiya, Akumu, Sakura and the others?

  I wanted badly to at least get an A grade before I died.

  Dawn had broken. I couldn’t sleep anymore.

  I quickly stood up and went down. My whole house was empty.

  I could see Kaji and Akumu in the drawing room. They were studying as usual. There is a limit to studying and it has been crossed by Akumu Alexander and Kaji Williams.

  How can they study so much? They’re inhuman.

  I wanted them to come with me to Greenfire forest.

  “Mizu, I think Won is going to reconstruct himself.” Kaji said.

  “I have a bad feeling but this is the only time we have to set things right.” Akumu said. “We have to stop Won before he reconstructs himself. This is our last hope. Let’s do it for the sake of everyone we love.”

  “Yes.” I said with resolve. “Let’s end this thing forever. It’s now or never.”

  We all hurried to the forest. We reached the entrance at nine but there was no one in sight. I could see a car coming. It was Seiya. He had come to the forest with his mother. His mother had the feeling that something bad was going to happen just like us. She did not want anything like the body revival to happen so she came to the forest.

  As all of us were about to enter the forest an earthquake started. We fell on the ground. Something started to come up and to our amazement it was the volcano. That volcano which had been buried before two hundred years stood before our eyes!

  The graveyard also started to come up. And all the sight changed. It was like we had gone back in time by two hundred years!

  “I just remembered something.” Seiya’s mom said. “When a spirit wants to reconstruct itself, it needs to bring back one of the natural structures that existed during its time and is not the same now. In this case, I think it’s the volcano.”

  This was going to be the last part of Won’s body- his soul.

  We all hurried to the newly emerged volcano.

  When we reached the volcano the ritual had already began. We were late. The Rose band was performing the ritual. There was an energy wall all around so we could not enter. It was created by black magic. Seiya’s mom tried to break it with a spell but it did not work out.

  After a few minutes of trying, Seiya fell through the wall. And that meant… Oh no! The ritual had ended. The body had been revived. The band members fell down dead with black roses on their chests and someone appeared out of the dust. The man had red eyes, black hair and blue eyes. His sharp fangs were thirsty for blood. Around him, there were powerful energy walls. An envelope of horrid aura surrounded him. His spirit that had been left to rot was regaining its aura.

  I looked closer to decide who this person what. There was no doubt. No matter how much I wanted to deny it, Won was here- The same evil Won who had been buried before two hundred years!

  Chapter 8


  “Th…at cannot be true” Kaji stammered in a worried tone. He was shaking. Akumu looked at him and a frightened expression crossed his face too. If they were all getting scared, what was I supposed to do?

  Everyone was been horrified by our spooky experiences. Even I had been, after being a fan of horror stories for many years. Inside my heart I had the feeling that something terrible might happen. Something so terrible that I might not be able to digest it. ‘Please god, help us’ I mumbled softly to myself. I clutched my skirt tightly. This seemed like the final moment.

  Seiya’s mother was looking worried. Her small eyes were wet with fear. I looked at her, believing that she might be able to say something to calm my doubts. “What’s the worst that can happen” I asked. “Mizu, this is not the time to ask such questions. And even if something terrible happens, we will face it” she said. Yes, we needed all the optimism in the world at this minute. I needed to stay positive and stop worrying. Mrs. Daidouji was right. Whatever happened, I was going to face it.

  “Let’s go into the graveyard” Mrs. Daidouji said, looking at everyone eye to eye. “If we don’t, the whole world will be in danger”

  Akumu, Kaji, Mrs. Daidouji and I walked past the energy wall and into the graveyard. I felt my body tingle when my skin came in contact with energy. It wasn’t a bad feeling, but one I had never experienced before. I gulped. What else awaited me this evening? Seiya was lying unconscious on the ground near Won’s feet. Tears sprung into my eyes without any warning. Seeing Seiya like that had to be the worst thing in the world. He was my best friend. I culd not stand the thought of him….dead. No! I had to stop thinking of such things. He was sealed in a transparent black box. The air was filled with the premonition of death and destruction. A red and black energy was flowing all around Won. As soon as we crossed the energy wall, he could fee our presence. He opened his dark amethyst eyes slowly and glared at Mrs. Daidouji sharply. Mrs. Daidouji moved back a step. She seemed really nervous. She could not break down at a time like this! We were all depending on her.

  “Let Seiya go Won” Mrs. Daidouji said, firmly. Her voice wobbled slightly in the last syllable. Akumu looked at me directly. He was sweating. I slowly nodded to him, as if to say that everything was going to be alright. There was no need to worry. But I was lying to myself. Nothing was right. And probably never would be.

  “He has nothing to do with this” Mrs. Daidouji said.

  “It’s you Daidouji.” Won replied, contempt filling his voice. He looked at Mrs. Daidouji as if she were an insignificant insect. “You are as beautiful as your ancestors. But now your family can no longer stand the might of my power. I have become stronger over the years and now I am finally going to take over the whole universe. Everyone will be at my mercy” Won said. The energy around him started becoming stronger. I could see that Mrs. Daidouji was still determined to fight him. I clenched my fists too. Won’s harsh and raspy voice had really made my hands tremble a little but I was going to be okay now.

  “Let him go Won. We will
give you what you ask for. Money, jewels, a house, anything” Akumu said. Akumu was being so brave! If he could overcome his fear of ghosts and onsters, I could surely do it.

  “I want to take over the world. And there is no way in which you can help me” Won said, laughing an evil, sinister laugh.

  While he was lost in the sound of his laughter, the evil energy surrounding Won suddenly started diminishing. I was shocked for a minute. I rubbed my eyes and looked again to see whether my eyes were tricking me or whether it was really happening. Won looked confused.

  “What is happening” he said worriedly. His evil laughter seemed to have died out. I turned my head to smile at Akumu and saw him thinking. Then, to my surprise he sprinted towards the volcano.

  “Follow me Won. I know where your powers are” Akumu shouted.

  “Are you crazy?” I asked. “Kaji, do something. Tell Akumu to stop. Mrs. Daidouji.” I shook Kaji who seemed to be dazed. This was not the time to be spacing out! Mrs. Daidouji was so awestruck, she didn’t know what to say.

  “Akumu!!!!” I screamed, at the top of my lungs. All my energy seemed to be sapped in making my voice reach his ears. Akumu looked at me on hearing my voice and nodded positively as if to say ‘Everything will be fine.’ Everything was not going to be fine. He was going to get himself killed by Won. I found myself crying.

  “Don’t do this Akumu.” I said in my mind but couldn’t say it out loud. I collapsed on the ground. Mrs. Daidouji put her hand on my shoulder to comfort me.

  “Sometimes, we have to let go of our friends and allow them to choose their own path.” She whispered, gently. Her voice was like the sweet chimming of bells. Somehow, her words seemed like a soothing medicine.

  “But he is in danger.” Kaji said, who was finally coming to his senses.

  “You have to have faith in him.” Mrs. Daidouji said. “I am sure he has a lot of faith in all of you because he has left everything up to you now.”

  “Mrs. Daidouji, what will Akumu do?” I asked. My throat was throbbing with a searing pain that I could not put into words.

  “Let’ just wait and see.” She said. Then she sat down on the ground and begin chanting some prayers. Slowly, Kaji and I were enveloped by a protective shield. I couldn’t even feel the air anymore. Akumu was out there, alone. I closed my eyes to pray. Please, he had to be okay. He had to come out of this alive.

  I opened my eyes. He had finished talking to Won who seemed convinced that Akumu held the key to his hidden powers which had been buried many years ago with the volcano’s eruption. Akumu took slow steps towards the volcano. Just once, his blue eyes met mine and Kaji’s as if signaling the last parting. The volcano was brimming with lava. The moon was growing redder. The air seemed heavy in the graveyard. I could only stare at Akumu’s back. Was he crazy? The volcano could erupt anytime now. I opened my mouth to tell him not to do it but nothing came out. I watched him disappear into the volcanic cave at the bottom of the volcano as tears blurred my eyes and blocked my vision.

  He went into the volcano. Won followed him although he did not believe in Akumu’s story. “What is he trying to do?” Mrs. Daidouji asked.

  “I know” Kaji replied. He seemed to be at peace with the fact that his best friend was inside a dangerous volcano.

  “This is the best opportunity” I said. I moved outside the protective shield that Mrs. Daidouji had created and went towards the box that Seiya was sleeping in. I tried opening the black lid but it didn’t budge.

  “Kaji, come on and give me a hand.” I said. Kaji pulled the lid with me but nothing happened.

  “Move aside, children.” Mrs. Daidouji said. “This box is sealed with magic. I will use my powers to remove the seal. Mrs. Daidouji raised her hand as Kaji and I moved away from the box. A white light rose up from her hands and she shot it towards the box. It flew open in a fraction of a second. Inside it Seiya was laid down.

  “Seiya, wake up.” I said, dragging him out of the box onto the ground. I took his face in my hands. “Can you hear me? Come on, Seiya, I know that you can do it.” Slowly, Seiya started to move. His eyes opened sluggishly and it took him some time to become fully alert and aware of the situation.

  “You mean Akumu is inside that volcano!” Seiya exclaimed in disbelief. “What kind of friends are you, to let him go?”

  “It’s okay Seiya. I was the one who let him go. They tried to stop him.” Mrs. Daidouji apologized.

  “I hope he will be fine. Should we go into the volcano to look for him?” Seiya questioned.

  “I think we should let him do this on his own.” Mrs. Daidouji answered. “And trust him when he needs us to believe in him the most.”



  The interior of the volcano was extremely hot. Cracks had started appearing on the surface of the walls of the volcano. They were outlined by fresh magma which looked ready to erupt. Everything in the interior was scarlet in colour. There was a small depression which was filled with boiling hot water. Steam was coming from the small pond. ‘It’s as I guessed’ Akumu thought. ‘The volcano is going to erupt in a few minutes. And there are only fifteen minutes left before the solar eclipse ends’ He looked back to make sure Won was right behind him. His body was sweating. His clothes were wet. Some pebbles were falling down from the ceiling and huge boulders had blocked the entrance; so there was no way Akumu could get out now. It seemed as if the ceiling would fall on him even if he made the slightest sound! But Akumu wasn’t scared at all. In fact, he had never felt so energized all his life. It was like a new energy her never knew existed in his body was giving him strength. Was this adrenaline?

  “Remember that I am right behind you kid” Won replied in an evil tone. Akumu turned back. Won was just half a meter away! It made Akumu’s heart flutter a bit.

  Akumu made his way through the hot air and the frequently falling stones. He climbed up the scorching rocks, most of which had been covered by lava. ‘I’ll make it’ he kept assuring himself as he continued. Won was following him. “You can’t get away kid” he said.

  There were stairs inside the volcanic cave leading up to the volcano. They had been carved out many years ago by Won himself. They were old now and the stones were cracking and disappearing in many places. They were almost there. Only a few more steps left to go and it would be the end. Akumu braced himself. He had to make this work.

  After a few minutes, Akumu and Won finally reached the summit. Won was standing on the opposite side of Akumu. The volcanic eruption had already begun. The volcanic cone was spewing out little stones and hot air. The heat was growing by the minute. They were standing on a one metre thick lining of the cone. Any small mistake and one of them would surely lose their life.

  ‘Only two minutes are left’ Akumu thought. ‘I’ll make it through these two most crucial moments. Mom was right. He remembered her telling him that Won’s powers didn’t work during the time of solar eclipse. And perhaps…the other point that mom said might be true as well.

  If he was able to push Won into the volcano somehow, he could destroy him forever. Won was coming closer and closer to Akumu.

  Akumu held his breath. ‘It’s now or never’ he thought. When Won was quite close to him he readied himself. Won came forward in a sudden jerky movement to catch hold of him as he had planned. When Won’s fingers touched him, he put all his might into his hands and taking Won by his hand, pushed him into the volcano.

  “No kid you cannot do that to me. Noooooooo” Won shouted angrily. But it was of no use. He had already been pushed and soon fell inside the volcano. A huge column of lava splashed out of the volcano and stood like a huge orange column across the sky This was the end of Won. A silent smile lit up Akumu’s face. This was the happiest moment in his life!

  He waited for sometime to see whether Won was actually dead or not. He was. No sound ca
me from the volcano except the bubbling of lava. His legs were hard as lead and shaking badly. He sat down to steady himself, but the ground was so hot that he had to get up immediately. From the corner of his eye, he saw his best friends- Mizu, Kaji and Seiya all looking at him. This was the proudest moment in his life. He had saved the world and his best friends, after all.


  “Do something mom” Seiya demanded. “Otherwise Akumu will be swallowed up by the lava!” There was concern in his tone.

  “We cannot lose Akumu” Kaji said.

  “I’m trying my best” Mrs. Daidouji informed. She was very tense. She was trying to teleport Akumu but she couldn’t see him. The pebbles, hot air and sprinkles of lava were stopping her magic. “It’s no use” she said “It just doesn’t seem to be working” The volcano was close to erupting.

  “Just a second or more left till it explodes.” Seiya announced in a grim tone. I was too paralyzed to say anything. My eyes fixed themselves to the volcano. Somehow, please, Akumu had to be saved. Kaji was already crying. This was over now. There was no way Akumu was going to be alive.

  A defeaning sound echoed through the air and a gigantic wave of lava washed down the mountain, washing away all the life along with it. It was swallowing up the whole graveyard. Mrs. Daidouji had protected us with her magic but she could do nothing for Akumu. Tears were flowing from Kaji’s huge blue eyes. “This cannot be true” he said. He was stunned. He couldn’t digest the fact that Akumu was gone-gone forever. Nothing could bring him back. I had never seen Kaji crying before. He had lost someone very near and dear. He felt that it was his fault, that he let Akumu go. If he had been a good friend and stopped him, nothing so dreadful would have happened. I burst out crying too.