Read Rough Rider Page 6

  I move faster, his filthy words spurring me on even harder. Our mouths crash together, moans melting into the others as our tongues dance. The fire inside of me explodes through my skin, melting me into him, sending me reeling as I start to ride him even harder. I can feel my lips clinging to his thickness on each stroke, his huge, swollen head driving deep with every thrust until I’m screaming for more.

  “Bounce on that fat cock, princess. Bounce on that fat cock and make me come. Make me come so I can fill this greedy little pussy with every drop of me. And when you come for me, I want you to feel me pumping into you, filling you up all the way.”

  My fingers blur over my clit, my ass bouncing up and down every mouth-watering inch of his beautiful cock until it feels like I might explode.

  Shepherd suddenly grabs me and rolls us, making me shriek as he suddenly flips me so that I’m on my back. He roars like an animal, this rough, growly sound that has my pulse racing and that fire exploding through me. His muscles ripple and clench, his jaw tight as he starts to fuck me, driving into me again and again as I scream for more. My legs spread wide, my feet up in the air and my eyes rolling back in my head as this rough, gorgeous, filthy-talking outlaw fucks me like he owns me.

  He thrusts in to the hilt and grinds deep, and suddenly, I explode.

  I scream, my whole body arching off the bed and bucking into him as wave after wave of my climax thunders through me. My toes curl, and my nails rake down his back as I yank his mouth to mine and kiss him with everything I have. Shepherd roars into my lips, and suddenly, I feel him swell up even bigger inside of me. His heavy balls throb against my ass, his cock pulses, and suddenly, I can feel it.

  His hot cum explodes deep inside of me, pump after pump filling me. He just keeps fucking me, thrusting in and out as he comes, pushing me right into another climax as he makes a mess of me.

  Finally, both of us collapse, panting and gasping for air. Slowly Shepherd slides out of me, rolling onto his side next to me. His hands tease over my skin, making me whimper as his fingers walk down between my legs. I’m still vibrating — still tingling all over as I moan softly and watch as his fingers slide right over my pink pussy lips. His cum is all over me, dripping down my lips and over my thighs, and when he rubs it into me, I feel this wave of filthy, toe-curlingly hot heat wash over me.

  “That’s where my cum belongs,” he groans, rubbing his sticky seed into my pussy. “Right fucking there.”

  He leans over, and when our lips melt together, I lose all sense of pretty much anything but him and me.

  “Nice to meet you, Shepherd,” I grin into his lips.

  “Nice to meet you, Chastity.”

  Chapter 10


  “Wait, so where are we going?”

  I grin, gunning the pickup down the dirt road from my cabin and onto the main one. It’s getting late, the sun’s going down over the hills. Part of me still thinks we should keep laying low and out of sight, but then, I think we’re probably fine. Both of us were careful back at the cook house, and besides, the only guys there to witness the heist were tweakers anyways.

  We wore masks, we didn’t use names, cause, well, we didn’t know each other’s names. And Chastity’s missing car was a beater she bought with cash a hundred miles away. Damn, she even paid an old timer to walk into the car lot and buy it for her. This girl is fuckin’ smart, I’ll give her that.

  So, I’m pretty sure we’re okay driving back on the open road like this. And anyways, as much fun as I’ve been having with her handcuffed to my wrist like this, it’s time to get these damn things off. And I’ve got just the spot where we can get that done.

  “My brother’s place.”

  “Oh, and is he a creepy cabin aficionado as well?”

  I turn to see her grinning at me. Damn, does she like to try and get under my skin. It’s like a game to her. Thing is, she needles me, and gets me going, and when I snap it basically means me pinning her down, tearing her panties off and fucking her hard until she comes like a goddamn bomb going off.

  …I’m beginning to see why she might like playing this game.

  “Nah, Colton’s the good one.”

  “Does that make you the bad one?”

  I grin. “You tell me.”

  She blushes, and when she slides across the seat and leans against me, I grin.

  “Colton’s always been the one getting my ass out of trouble and helping me out. Me and our kid sister, Taylor.” I shake my head. “He’s the one who got me into rodeo in the first place, even if I wasn't nearly as good as he was.”

  She frowns. “Colton Bronson…why does that sound familiar?”

  “Because even if you don’t follow rodeo, the guy is kinda famous.”

  She yanks her phone out of her pocket as we drive, and suddenly, I hear her gasp.

  “Wait, this guy is your brother?”

  She tilts the phone my way, a big picture of my older brother smirking all smug-like in his Stetson and jeans on the cover of Sports Illustrated.

  “The one and only.”

  She whistles. “Wow, yeah, I remember him. He’s hot.”

  I growl. “Easy.”

  Chastity giggles, turning into me, and when I feel her lips press against my cheek, damned if my heart doesn’t just jump a little. She kisses my cheek, but when those lips drag back to my ear and give the lobe a little bite, it’s my cock that’s jumping too.

  “I think I prefer the bad one,” she whispers heatedly.

  “I know you do,” I groan, my hand sliding up her thigh to her hip and then down to cup her sweet little ass. But sure enough, we’re here already. I pull the truck down Colton and Tara’s long-ass driveway that leads to the big white farmhouse. Damn, yeah, this is what I was trying to buy with scooping up Wilson’s property — a homestead. I place to kick my boots off and just call my own.

  Ah well.

  Tara and Colton are off at a horse auction in Virginia. They’ve got a couple guys who swing by during the day to help run the place and take care of the horses, but by this time, I know they’ve gone home. I pull the truck up past the farmhouse, parking it next to the big barn where Colton mostly just keeps spare supplies, feed for the winter, and tools.

  …Tools like the angle grinder I know he’s got in there.

  Chastity whistles as we get out of the car. “Wow, this place is amazing. You grew up here?”

  “Nah, this was our grandfather’s place. He and our parents were in car crash together when Colton and me were out on the rodeo circuit. Me, I was fucking around and getting into trouble. But Colton was kinda done with the whole scene anyways. So, he came back home, took over this place, and raised Taylor up through school to get her into college. Now he and his wife Tara live here.”

  Chastity’s smiling, this sort of faraway look in her eyes as she gazes out over the fields and the fences, past the big white farmhouse over to the hills.

  “It’s really beautiful here,” she says softly. “So how’d they meet? Your brother and his wife I mean?”

  “She stepped into a trap up in his woods and tranquilized herself, and he took her back here and tied her up thinking she was a horse thief.”

  Chastity snorts, and I grin.

  “Ah, c’est l’amour, no?”

  “Very romantic,” she giggles. She turns and eyes me. “So you Bronson boys have an interesting way of meeting women then, huh?”

  I wink. “I taught him everything he knows, trust me. C’mon.”

  I pull her along towards there barn, ducking in the side door and moving towards the tool bench. Sure enough, there’s the angle grinder, ready to go.

  Chastity eyes me, her face paling a little as I plug it in and give it a rip. The metal band whirs to life with this horrible shrieking sound, some sparks flying out of the end of it.

  “I’m…having second thoughts about this,” she says, her face souring as she eyes what looks like a torture device in my hands.

  I wink. “Just close
your eyes, darlin’.”

  She winces, squeezing her eyes shut as I bring the grinder down to the cuff around her wrist. To say that I go carefully is an understatement. I don’t want to hurt her, I don’t want to do a single thing to alter even one hair on her head. Because this girl is a masterpiece — a Greek sculpture. She’s perfection, and I’m going to handle her like I would the Mona Lisa.

  Sparks fly as I grind down through her cuff, until finally, it clatters free. She breathes, opening her eyes and grinning at me. I bring the grinder down to my own wrist, my jaw tight as I use one hand to cut myself free. The cuffs clatter to the ground, and I click the grinder off again.

  “So, you’re free to go then, huh?”

  I’m only half kidding. Because I’ve done my best not to think about this moment — the moment when she’s no longer chained to me and free to, well, leave. To go off and do whatever. And maybe that’s what she’ll do — take half the money and just get out of here and out of my life.

  …Which would suck.

  Chastity just smiles though, rubbing her wrist as she looks up into my eyes and shrugs.

  “I mean, I guess I could stick around for a little while.”

  “For the money, of course, right?”

  “Oh, totally.” She grins. “I’m definitely just here for the money.”

  That fire sparks in her eyes, and before I know it, I’m stepping right into her, sliding my arms around her, and pulling her close. Our lips crush together, and she moans so sweetly that my heart just about thunders right out of my chest.

  “C’mon,” I whisper into her lips. “I wanna show you something.”

  * * *

  It basically feels like a damn country song as we drive on down the road towards the Wilson property. I’ve got the windows of the truck rolled down, her sitting next to me, and my arm around her. Dolly Parton croons through the dusty radio, the air is sweet, and when it blows her hair into my face a little, it’s just about the most perfect moment of my life.

  I pull down the side access road that borders old man Wilson’s property. It’s actually still for sale, which is sort of a weird feeling. I guess if someone else had scooped it up after my plan fell through, I could just write it off and say it wasn’t meant to be. But with it still available, it’s just this reminder of what I almost had.

  “What is this place?”

  “This,” I sigh, shutting the engine off. We’re up on a little hill that looks out over the fields, and across the way, this big old farmhouse.

  “This is what started the whole thing. Me knocking over Billy-Ray’s cook house and all.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “This land? Everything you see down there?” I shake my head, clicking my tongue against my teeth. “I was going to buy it.”

  “Wow, really?”


  “How many acres?”

  “About a hundred and fifty.”

  She whistles. “Holy shit. That what the money is for? What you — what we took from the cook house?”

  I laugh bitterly. “Wish it was that simple. But no, the land is gone. Or, gone to me at least. That ship sailed.”

  And then, I just tell her. Hell, there’s no pretending anymore — no fooling myself that she’s just some girl. Nah, fuck that. She’s everything, and she means more to me in just one day than anyone else I’ve ever known.

  So I just spill it all. I tell her about the gambling, and wanting to grab this place. I tell her about the dumbass loan I took from Law, and tell her all about the old bad blood between the Banners and my family. I tell her about the game where I lost it all.

  “So, that’s what the money is for,” I finally say with a sigh. “Not for this place, not anymore. It’s to pay Law back before he comes looking for one of my fingers, or a fucking kneecap or something.”

  Chastity pulls close, turning and kissing my shoulder through my shirt.

  “Wow, that’s…”

  “Yeah,” I chuckle, shaking my head before I turn to her. “So how about you, princess? What’s your whole story?”

  She looks away and I grin. “C’mon, you gonna tell me why a girl like you is knocking over fucking meth labs with a shotgun?”

  But her face is still turned, and my brow furrows.

  “Hey, you okay?”

  I turn her towards me, but her eyes are cast down as she chews on her bottom lip.

  “What’s going on, Chastity?”

  “I—” She shakes her head. “I need to tell you something,” she says quietly.

  “What is it?”

  “Billy-Ray, he’s….” She groans, pushing her fingers through her hair.

  “Darlin’, whatever it is, you can tell me.”

  “Wanna bet?” she says dryly. She swallows, turning to me and dragging those gorgeous green eyes up to lock onto mine.

  “Billy-Ray isn’t just some random drug lord to me, he’s…”

  My brow furrows as she looks away.

  “He’s my fiancé.”

  And that right there is when my world just about shatters.

  Chapter 11


  He hisses as he slams the driver’s side door open and storms out.

  Fuck. Fuckity-fuck fuck fuck.

  I jump out after him, my heart hammering in my chest.


  He growls, swearing as he whirls from me, storming off across the tall grass towards the top of the little hill we’re parked on.

  “Shepherd, please, let me explain!”

  Fear creeps through me — this coldness I’ve never felt before. Because for the first time ever, I’m worried about losing a feeling I’ve never had before. I’m worried about losing him, and this warmth that he sets blazing through me. I’ve never felt anywhere close to how I feel about him with anyone else — as few “anyone elses” as there’ve been. And him reacting like this?

  God, I hate it. I hate that it’s come out like this — that I’ve spilled this part of me and my background to him this way. I hate that this might pull him away from me.

  “Hang on, listen, please!”

  I grab his arm, twisting him back around to look at me. There’s this shadow on his face, and worse, this look that can only be described one way: distrust.

  And that might just hurt the most.

  “You need to know who I am, okay? And the world I come from!”

  His brow narrows. “Oh, and which world is that, Chastity? Fuckin’ Mars? Do they not tell people they fuck that they’re engaged on Mars?!”

  I shake my head, biting back tears. “It isn’t like that, okay!?” I squeeze my eyes shut, and suddenly, I’m collapsing into him. There’s not even a hesitation from him — no second to think about, no slow move. He just reacts, like it’s instinct. His muscled arms circle me, and his warm, hard body presses to mine, holding me so tight and so close.

  “Hey, hey, I gotcha, princess,” he says quietly.

  And then it all comes out — my family, and the place in the world I come from. My father and that whole thing, my trapped mother, and then the connection to Billy-Ray — Cyril, and what that’s meant for me.

  Shepherd stiffens against me. “They can’t make you marry someone. It’s not the fucking dark ages.”

  “It is where I come from,” I say quietly. “When you grow up in the world I come from? Yeah, it basically is. And this was my only way out. I mean, it’s my marketable skill. It’s kinda what I do.”

  “Knock over meth labs?”

  I roll my eyes, sniffling and smiling at him. “Not exactly. But I’ve been hot-wiring cars and breaking into safes and taking stuff since I was a kid.”

  “Knew there was a reason I liked you.”

  I smile again, biting my lip as I look up at him. “Well, so that was it. This was my getaway plan. Because if I didn’t go through with marrying Billy-Ray, my dad was going to cut me off entirely. I’ve got some money, but…”

  “But not enough to disappear wit


  He nods, pushing his fingers through his hair. “So where were you going to go?”


  “Sounds hot as hell.”

  “It is, but it’s far away, the exchange rate is phenomenal, and I found this amazing resort I could basically live at and they apparently have great strawberry daiquiris.”

  He grins, shaking his head. “You know, Kentucky gets pretty hot, too.”

  A smile spreads over my lips. “So you think I should just stay here instead?”

  He shrugs. “You could.”

  “With you, I suppose?”

  “Darlin’, I make a much better strawberry daiquiri than any of those shitty resort bartenders in Belize, you know.”

  I giggle. “Oh, do you now?”

  “Oh hell yeah.” Shepherd shrugs. “Well, if by strawberry daiquiri you actually mean whiskey in a glass.”

  I laugh as I fall into him, kissing him in this fun, silly way before slowly, it starts to get hotter, and deeper. And suddenly, his arms are pulling me in, and my pulse is racing as I moan into his lips.

  …Could I stay here? The idea of just up and moving in with this wild outlaw of a man I’ve only known for a day or so is insane, but is it any more insane than my life already is? Held hostage by my criminal stepfather? Auctioned off to some drug lord to seal a business deal? Robbing a damn meth lab with a shotgun to steal getaway money?”

  I mean, that's all pretty insane. Running off to shack up with some rough gorgeous cowboy in Sugar County doesn’t sound half nuts when you put it that way.

  The kiss grows hotter, and slowly, we sink to the ground. I gasp into his mouth as his hands tighten on me, pushing me down into the soft tall grass as he growls into my lips. His hands skim over my waist, pushing my shirt up, only breaking our kiss to tug it up over my head and toss it aside before we crash back together.

  I tear at his shirt, pulling it off of him, letting the last glimpses of the evening light gleam over his hardened body — his thick muscles, his tattoos.