Read Royal Affair Page 3

  In fact, he had no friends his first year in the boarding school.

  Nearly every time he spoke, he was met with silence or ridicule, depending on the civility of the audience. He was an involuntary loner, often the subject of what were called pranks, though he found none of them funny, such as the time someone had urinated in his water bottle. Things only changed after Angus arrived and befriended him.

  Although a silent reaction to the spoken word was considered to be born of manners, that silence could cut. Ludwig had been on the receiving end of it often enough to know precisely how deeply.

  “Well, you definitely have a loyal sister,” Ludwig added, when the silence stretched. “When I told her she was the loveliest woman here, she insisted that distinction belonged to you. I had to see you to believe it.”


  Angelica really didn’t need Ludwig doling out sentiments she didn’t entirely agree with. She didn’t quite know what to think of Siobhan yet, or her being their long-lost half-sister. But she was grateful for him saying something, even if it was a lie. She didn’t know how to react to the inevitable tension. Angelica had attended the wedding not only because her brother and king had commanded it, but also because she was curious about the woman who’d had her father tied in knots for so long.

  “Ludwig is a scoundrel.” Angus winked at Angelica and laughed. “Don’t let him steal your heart.”

  Ludwig and Siobhan joined him.

  Angelica felt the intensity of Ludwig’s blue gaze on her and a shiver worked its way up her spine. He studied her as if she were a delectable meal and he a discriminating connoisseur. Other men had, of course, regarded her in that way, but never had such a perusal seemed quite so personal, so intimate.


  And distinctly uncomfortable.

  She’d never felt anything that strongly before, but she threw her head back and joined the laughter. “I won’t.” A year ago, a man like this could have been my undoing.

  What she really wanted to do was to get out of there. She had a deep loyalty to her family and was happy for Siobhan, even though she barely knew the woman, but watching them together? She needed a moment. She should ask if Ludwig wanted to go with her.

  Is that something I am really interested in? After everything I’ve already experienced? Haven’t I learned my lesson?

  Maybe she had, but she didn’t want to be alone. Alone with her own thoughts. She needed a distraction and she hoped Ludwig would be that.

  She was free now, thanks to Siobhan. The time to be impulsive was now, and it was past time to get out of her own head. Besides, she knew no one in this country. She was a stranger in a strange land, which was yet another exhilarating experience for her.

  A little short-term distraction was just what she needed.

  Though, this wasn’t the type of thing she normally did. Her entire life, she’d been in control of herself. However, her entire life had just changed. She was no longer the Crown Princess of Aragon. She was now free to do as she pleased—at least a bit. Whatever that bit might be.

  She looked up at Ludwig with her best smile. It was one she had practiced often. “Would you like to get some air?”

  I was wondering how long it would take. Ludwig’s brilliant blue eyes narrowed, but the corners of his lips rose. “I would love to.”

  She led the way through the throng of people, smiling, until finally, she was outside on a large veranda.

  The wide French doors closed softly behind her, muting the music.

  Walking up to where the stone wall met the balustrade, she fidgeted on her feet, feeling out of her depth. As in El Palacio del Al-Andalus, Lenox Palace’s gardens were rich in works of art.

  Angelica feigned interest in the decorative marble vases set atop the balustrade which were, at the moment, being used for flower arrangements.

  Being impulsive was one thing. Knowing how to act on those impulses was entirely another. Now that she was outside with the man, she didn’t know what to do with him. She plucked a white Colombian rose from the arrangement and smelled it.

  Ludwig walked up to the stone balustrade and leaned against it, looking up into the clear night sky where stars shined. “It’s a beautiful evening.”

  The country of Lektenstaten was as small as Aragon and had none of the heavy light pollution of big cities to block out the brilliance of the stars.

  “Yes, it is.” Though it was not the stars she stared at. She eyed him critically, looking for flaws and found none.

  He was too tall, too muscled, too incredibly graceful and too built with a body that even his expensive tailored tuxedo couldn’t disguise. And his face was a thing of rough art, the electric icy-blue eyes and luscious lips framed by a wealth of blond hair. But all of those excesses were what made him a one of a kind magnificent specimen of the male population.

  Too much beauty, grace, and sexiness in just one man should be forbidden.

  An ache moved its way into her stomach. Oh, wonderful. To top off the perfectly dreadful night, she was going to get sick as well.

  “Did I pass muster?” His deep voice held an amused tone.

  Damn. Caught red-handed ogling him, Angelica smiled in answer and nervously ducked her head, twirling the long-stemmed rose between her fingers. What am I doing?

  He let out a low chuckle and took the rose from her fingers, sniffing at it and then laying it on the balustrade. His fingers played with the ruffle around her décolletage. “Red suits you. You look magnificent in that gown.”

  That was the reason she’d chosen this dress. For once in her life, she hoped to attract the eyes of men, and with the help and support of her sister, she had gone for a sexy, transparent, and very low neck, red gauze dress.

  “Thank you.” She clasped her hands together in front of her and leaned against the wall, turning her head up so he had a better view of her breasts. She may not know how to flirt, but she did know that men loved breasts and hers were fine enough. She didn’t make a mockery of it, but she did ensure they were available for him to peruse.

  He stepped closer—improperly closer—and she could smell the cigar he had smoked a while ago. And a subtle—and outrageously, deliciously manly—cologne.

  And the funny sensation was there in her belly again.

  The feeling could not possibly be what Angelica suspected it was—she was in lust with Angus’s cousin. I have to have a long talk with—with whom? Although Anchela was still young, she had never had an open conversation with her daughter about men, and Angelica had never had enough privacy to browse the web on these subjects or enter in chats since her connections were continuously monitored.

  Absorbed by her dilemma, she let out a long sigh which made her breasts push against the décolletage, much to Ludwig’s delight.

  He was quiet as he drank her in.

  She peeked at him through her lowered lashes and the smoky look in his eyes made her feel devoured. Yes. A dangerous man to any sane woman. Is he as fantastic in bed as his appearance? Or would he be like the bad lovers in the romance novels who only worry about their own pleasure?

  He tipped his head to the side, meeting her gaze. “I get the feeling that you are not like other women.”

  Am I doing something wrong? “If I’m not like them, does that mean they’re all the same?”

  “Well, most women would be trying to take my clothes off right now.” He smirked at her then looked away.

  Well, that has been on my mind. With his gaze removed from her, it felt as if he’d taken the warmth away as well. She craved his attention.

  He was a very handsome man and she still had her V-card that she wanted to lose as soon as possible. She wore it around her neck like a weight. It was in situations like this that she felt her virginity raised its head and advertised her lack of skills in the lovemaking department. She could not flirt. She could not seduce. The only thing she knew how to do was to wear a lovely gown.

  Her entire life Angelica had been the Crown Princess of
Aragon. It was a small country but one steeped with honor. Her virginity was to be offered to her husband and no one else. A Crown Princess was never to be sullied before her wedding night.

  But then Siobhan appeared on the scene, and since she was born first, Angelica was no longer the Crown Princess. That honor belonged to Siobhan now.

  Maybe I can finally be rid of that damned membrane once and for all. “Well, I was only in need of fresh air. I was being courteous."

  He gave her a sly look out of the corner of his eye. “You could have fooled me.”

  She took in a deep, steadying breath. She didn’t want to appear weak to him and normally she was not. In any other circumstance, she would be self-assured, confident, and in command of the situation.

  However, with a man… Why couldn’t she think of things to say? She was a Crown Princess, after all. She’d been trained since she’d learn to speak on how to find topics of conversation with just about anyone. It wasn’t that she doubted herself. She was simply feeling things she hadn’t felt before. “I just needed to get out of there. There are a lot of people and everyone is happy.”

  “And you’re not.”

  She hadn’t meant to say—or rather, imply that. And she hadn’t meant to give him any hint about what she was feeling. “I am. And I’m very happy for them.”

  His dark blonde eyebrows rose before he looked up to the sky again. “As am I. However, it does remind me of just how alone I am this evening.”

  She ducked her head to hide her embarrassed smile. It was almost as if he’d read her mind. “You seem to be able to cut right to the heart of the matter.”

  “I have been informed it’s a skill of mine.”

  Those brilliant blue eyes seemed to penetrate her soul. There were depths to her she didn’t even realize were frozen until those eyes began to melt her. “I fear it may get you into trouble one day.”

  He chuckled. “It gets me into trouble quite often.”

  His voice rolled over her nerves, calming her and arousing her at the same time. The corner of his eyes pinched as he laughed, fine lines spidering out. She hadn’t even realized before now that she found that attractive in a man. Though how it could be attractive in a man and not a woman frustrated her.

  She really did enjoy being in his company, but she had no idea what to say to him. If he had been a diplomat, or someone she needed to get to know for political reasons, she would have a thousand things to discuss with him. Having been the Crown Princess of her country, she was well-versed on current events.

  What does one talk about outside of that?


  She almost burst out laughing at the thought of herself discussing such a topic with a man. She had no experience in the subject apart from what she had read, so no, sex was not a topic she could discuss.

  Just stop this, Angelica. You are not a harlot. She just wanted to lose her virginity. And that could happen at any time, as long as it was on her terms.

  “But with you here,” he said, his voice warming her ear, “I am no longer alone.”

  Her heart raced, and a fire grew in her veins. She turned toward him. He stood so close, his warmth encompassed her. What would it be like to kiss those delicious looking lips?

  He seemed to wonder the same thing, as he settled his hands on either side of her shoulders, trapping her without touching her. Close, but not forcing himself on her.

  Exactly what she needed. This had to be her choice. And she was living life. She touched his face, pulling him closer with her fingertips.

  With a slight smile, he obeyed.

  When her lips touched his, electricity coursed through her. Momentarily surprised by the connection, she pulled back, staring into those brilliant eyes.

  Eyes that seemed to singe her. His hand ran from her shoulder blades to her lower back, pressing her to him. “One more time.”

  I’m not saying no. And she wasn’t. She hadn’t ever felt so alive as she did in that moment with this man.


  Ludwig slanted her head, moved closer and licked her lips, then dipped forward, drawing a taste, trying to consume part of her as he deepened his intent. His body lit with fire and his lips claimed hers with a great deal more passion than she’d offered initially.

  “You are delicious.” He moaned into her mouth, letting her hear his desire for her, waiting for a reaction.

  She hadn’t really kissed him back; only allowed him to take his taste of her.

  “You’ve barely tasted anything…yet.”

  When Ludwig pulled back, Angelica needed more. He tugged at her soul with those lips, pulling a wild ferocity from deep inside her that she hadn’t known existed, making her feel untamed and free.

  “How long will you be staying in Lekten?” His voice was ragged, but his expression remained calm. Those eyes, though, held a fire her soul matched. There were so many things he wanted to ask her, but all of his questions froze in his throat. He ran his finger along her skin. Her arm was like velvet. He would have her. It took a lot of effort to hold back. But he did. Because he may not know her, but his instincts told him that it had to be her choice.

  But I have no plans. “For the weekend.” She stared into his startling blue eyes as they intently explored her face, as if trying to claim her heartbeat. In that moment, she felt him connecting to her. It was strange. It was almost like she knew him and that he wasn’t a stranger at all.

  He could be mine. For a moment. For a day. For the weekend. It was unlikely that the tabloids would follow her here in Lekten. She might have the freedom to do as she pleased. And she couldn’t deny she wanted him.

  A slow smile opened his lips. “I wish I could read minds.”

  No. You don’t. “I was merely wondering what you might be doing after they leave.”

  He ducked his head, his face dangerously close to hers. “Ah, I see. A proposition.”

  Am I being too forward? She certainly hoped not. In the few contemporary romance novels she had read, the women were quite forward. If they found a man they wanted, they went out and took him. “That depends on your plans for the evening.”

  He met her gaze straight on. “I’m formulating them as we speak.”

  Phew! “So, you’re interested.” Ugh. I just didn’t say that.

  He chuckled. “Any man would be interested.”

  Any? She opened her mouth to say words she might later regret, not quite knowing what those might be. Maybe, Let’s go to your place for a nightcap, or Would you like to see my room? when the call to dinner sounded.

  Her moment was gone. Bitter disappointment ripped its way through her. “I feel as though I have wasted your time.”

  “Why? The chase is on.” He smiled at her, looking quite boyish. “It’s actually quite refreshing to step out with a woman and still have my clothes on before the dinner gong.”

  That fire in his eyes sent an echoing flame in the pit of her stomach she’d never experienced before. Her moment may have disappeared for the present, but she vowed that she would find a new one. She may only have him for one night, but she would have him. Her interactions with this man, though only superficial so far, were much more tantalizing than any time she had spent with Abelardo. She wanted more of this.

  “We should join the others.”

  She put her hand on his outstretched arm. “I guess I’ll have to tear your clothes off another time,” she said, and let out an exaggerated sigh.

  His eyes twinkled as he held the gold filigree glass door for her. “I hope you weren’t disappointed.”

  As if you could. He was about as beautiful as a man could be—with a face of an angel—without remotely looking like a woman. And he kissed like heaven, though Angelica doubted angels kissed in heaven, much less like the way Ludwig did. “I quite enjoyed your company.”

  As soon as they were back in the reception room, two beautiful young hostesses came up to them. Angus and Siobhan were already seated at the center of the long table and the guests were filling
in the other seats.

  “I’m looking forward to the next time. After dinner?” He sketched a small bow over her hand before he followed the hostess. Most men she passed by couldn’t help but fix their eyes on her fabulous female form. Ludwig didn’t even notice. His eyes were glued to Angelica.

  He felt an animalistic growl of lust in the back of his throat as he noticed her athletic legs striding in perfect form through the sensuous and elegant transparency of her ball gown.

  His body already craved her, and by God, he would have her.

  Ludwig found his mother, the Grand-Duchess Gertraud Von Kröenenberg, in the small crowd being efficiently ushered to their seats, and offered his elbow.

  “I saw you with Princess Angelica. Are we about to get a new scandal?” Lady Adelia, his sister, ducked behind their mother, taking his other elbow.

  “If you are bringing me yet another tabloid scandal, I wish you wouldn’t. I have no interest in that.”

  “She was all over the papers about a year ago.” Adelia almost danced a step. “She was stood up at the altar on television. She looked lovely in a stunning Vera Wang bridal dress. It was magnificent.”

  Of course Adelia, with her passion for fashion, would know the dress designer. “She’s very nice, Adelia. Besides, she’s a stunning woman. It’s the man’s loss.”

  The Grand-Duchess waved her free hand, resplendent in a lilac glove. “I quite agree. She seems to be a lovely woman with a good nature. To gossip about her misfortune is rude, Adelia.”

  “You misunderstand, Mutter, as you always do.” Adelia tsked and turned to her brother. “I’m just telling you this so you keep it in mind when you go out with her.”

  The Grand-Duchess glanced at her daughter with an expression of quiet approval.

  “Perhaps she should not be treated like all the other butterflies you typically attract.” Adelia gave him an impish smile and followed the usher who had quietly captured her attention, to her seat. “Besides, her brother looks quite fearful.”