Read Royal Brat Page 10

  …And then he’d opened the front door, and everything changed. Wilder Banks wasn’t some nerdy, pasty, agoraphobic weirdo. Wilder Banks was a fucking hunk.

  He was gorgeous — like, movie-star gorgeous, with dark eyes, dark hair with just a hint of silver at the temples, and a chiseled jaw covered in dark scruff. His crisp white button-up shirt was open at the neck and rolled up over his forearms, pulled tight across bulging, rippling, tanned muscles and gorgeous swirls and lines of tattoo ink.

  And he was huge. I mean, I was pretty tall for my age, and for being a girl, but Wilder towered over me — his broad shoulders stretching that shirt tight. His eyes had trailed over me, his jaw had clenched, and his hand had tightened fast on the doorknob. And something fierce had flashed behind those dark eyes. Something hungry.

  It’d lasted one second, and then suddenly, it was gone, and he’d spent the next month pretending it’d never happened. But I remembered.

  God did I remember.

  Wilder wasn’t the only surprise that day. My heart racing and my whole body tingling with the very real, very adult feelings raging through me, I followed this insanely gorgeous man into his insanely gorgeous home. And then I’d met him.

  Sandy-brown hair, piercing blue eyes, a clean-shaven, squared jaw like some sort of cowboy, and a look of pure heat on his face the second I’d stepped into the living room. But then, just like with Wilder, it was gone — blanked from his face as if it’d never been there, even though I knew what I’d seen.

  He was just as tall, and just as perfectly built as Wilder, too. Broad, muscled shoulders, a hardened chest, and thick biceps that bulged at the corners of the plain black t-shirt he wore. Tattoo ink swirled down one arm, and I felt an exact repeat of the thrilling sensation I’d just felt at the front door slam through me all over again.

  “Mackenzie, this is Lincoln Reece, my business partner and best friend. He’s staying in my guest quarters over the summer while they work on his house. Ms. Smith, I believe your offices have already okay-ed the arrangement based off his credentials.”

  The CPS agent had just beamed at this insanely attractive man and nodded, blinking quickly as she fawned all over him and told him that yes, of course, CPS was already aware of Mr. Reece living on the premises and saw no trouble with the arrangement.

  Holy shit.

  Yeah, there were two of them. One the uncle who wasn’t really my uncle, and the other his equally and absurdly good looking friend. And I was going to spend the next three months living here with them. Somehow, CPS had decided that a ragingly hormonal, extremely curious, and red-blooded eighteen year old girl was totally fine living with two extremely good looking, extremely single, extremely not-related-to-her men was a good idea.

  …I was not about to correct their thought process on that.

  And then she’d gone, and suddenly, this was my world — living with two staggeringly good looking, rough, sexy as sin men for the next three months.

  The sass — my sass — had started almost immediately, even if I wasn’t even really sure why I was doing it. It would have been so easy to just be normal around Wilder and Lincoln, or at least it should have been easy to. But somehow, it was impossible for me to be “normal” around them. I mean, Jesus, how the hell was I supposed to be normal around that?

  So instead, I’d put up my walls and my armor, and retreated into my back-talking, question-authority attitude. They’d taken it in stride — I mean, I guess they both knew my backstory. And I guess we would have spent the next three months in that little standoff, if it hadn’t been for that day — the day I’d told them I was going out, but then hadn’t.

  …The day everything changed for me.

  Chapter 3


  He’d been panting and sweating when I’d bumped into him that day — every muscle on his gorgeous body bulging at his workout clothes as he stepped out of the home gym. I could smell the manly, intoxicating scent of him, which did all sorts of insane things to my body and my hormones. But I’d pushed all that back, swallowing thickly as I’d given him the same attitude I’d been giving him and Lincoln since I’d arrived.

  “Going out?” he’d growled, his eyes sliding wickedly over my cut-off jean shorts, hiking boots, and tank top. Wilder’s estate occupied like thirty acres of woods, and I’d come to really like going out for hikes on some of the trails.

  I’d shrugged, hoping to God he couldn’t see the way he made my body shiver or made my cheeks flush.

  “Yup. See ya.”

  I’d turned on my heel, but suddenly, I’d felt his hand grip my arm tight and tug me back around. I gasped quietly, my heart jumping into my chest as I’d whirled to come face to face with the gorgeous, brooding man who’d occupied every single piece of my fantasies since I’d arrived. He’d never really touched me before, and the feel of that strong, powerful hand on my skin had me melting for him.

  “How about a little fucking respect, Kenzie,” he’d growled, his jaw tight as his eyes had burned right into me.

  I’d shivered, swallowing the heat from my face.

  “What, I’m just saying I’m going out. Do you need it in writing?”

  “I need it nicely,” he’d growled, and suddenly, he stepped right into me, making me gasp as he backed me right into the wall behind me. His eyes burned fiercely into mine as he moved close. His hands went to the wall next to my head, like he was pinning me to it, and it took everything I had to stifle the whimper caught in my throat.

  “How about ‘I’m going out for a walk’?”

  “I’m going out for a walk,” I mimed back, rolling my eyes.

  “I’m going out for a walk, what?” he’d growled.

  “You’re not my dad, you know.”

  I don’t know why I decided to say it, but it was what he said back that set the entire thing in motion. A dark look flashed across his face — the same dark look I’d seen all the other times I’d sassed him or Lincoln, and the same dark look that sent a jolt of pure electricity directly between my legs.

  “No shit,” Wilder growled under his breath before he suddenly lowered his face to mine, making me gasp quietly.

  “Trust me, Kenzie. We would not be having this conversation if I was your daddy.”


  Just like that, for the first time ever, the word hit me like a blaze of heat right through my core. It hit me like a teasing, wicked touch right between my thighs, and suddenly, I was more turned on, more turned around, and more wet than I’d ever been before.

  He’d moved away from me, turned, and stormed right back into the gym, leaving me breathless, and aching for more.

  …Yeah, I never made it out for a hike that day.

  Instead, I’d run back to my room, through the huge, castle-like home. And I guess my mind was still squarely on Wilder mentioning being my daddy as he all but pinned me to the wall, because I didn’t realize I was walking past the doorway to Lincoln’s quarters until I heard the shower running.

  I stopped, my heart still hammering in my chest and my pulse still roaring through my ears as I suddenly heard something I’d never heard before.

  …Rough, growling, manly groans of pleasure.

  My entire body shivered with heat, and I came to a stuttering stop outside the open doorway. I could feel my pulse hammering inside my veins as I turned and looked inside.

  And there it was again.

  “Oh fuck yeah, baby.”

  Lincoln’s deep voice growled out the words, and my whole body tingled with forbidden heat. Did he have a girl over or something? Actually, the entire time I’d been living there so far, I hadn’t seen either of them even go out, let alone bring someone home. I trembled, listening to his rough growls and feeling the things those sounds were doing to my body, until slowly, I started to move.

  I stepped towards the doorway, the thump-thumping of my heart beating like a drum in my ears as I pushed the door wide and glanced inside. Lincoln’s huge guest chambers were empty and imm
aculately clean but for some of his clothes draped across the king size bed. The groan came again, and my eyes darted across the room to the wide open door to the ensuite bathroom.

  And my whole world froze.

  I could see him. Barely, and clouded through the steamy glass of the shower-stall, and the heat instantly pooled between my legs. I could see Lincoln’s gorgeous muscles rippling under the shower spray, his skin had glistening, the noise of the water not quite able to contain his quiet groans.

  And he was alone.

  He didn’t have a girl over or anything like that. His muscles rippled and clenched as he groaned, and when my eyes dipped lower, and when I realized what I was looking at, my thighs clenched tight, my nipples hardened under my loose tank top, and my entire body shivered.

  He was stroking his cock.

  The groans rumbled through the bathroom and into his empty bedroom, and his biceps clenched as he stroked his hand up and down his shaft. The glass was blurry with steam, but I knew what I was looking at. And even with the steam partially hiding what my eyes were staring at, I knew it was huge by the way his hand moved up and down it.

  “Fuck, baby girl,” Lincoln groaned to whoever the fantasy girl was in his head. “Take that big cock, angel. Take it like a good girl and let me feel that little pussy slide down every inch.”

  The pulse between my legs had me gasping. Slowly, I stepped into his empty bedroom, moving as close as I dared and leaning against his dresser as my eyes drank it all in. One of the two men I’d been completely fantasizing about since I’d gotten there was now naked, ten feet away, and jerking his big dick while I watched.

  …The button to my jean shorts popped before I could even think about it. My fingers pushed inside, slipping under the elastic of my panties and making me whimper as they slipped lower and lower.

  I'd leaned against the dresser, mouth hanging open and my face screwed into a mask of pleasure as I'd slipped my fingers easily into my hot wetness. I'd moaned quietly as I'd fingered myself hard with my thumb against my clit, watching Lincoln grunt and stroke his erection under the shower spray.

  “Swallow my cum, baby girl,” he groaned, making me gasp into my hand as my own pleasure threatened to pull me under.

  “Swallow every drop of daddy’s cum, Kenzie.”

  The orgasm hit me like a bomb. I all but screamed into my hand, almost falling over as I slumped against dresser. My dripping wet pussy clenched so tight around my fingers, and as my thumb rolled over my aching clit, I came harder than I’d ever come before.

  Lincoln roared, and when I saw the splash of thick, milky whiteness against the shower stall glass, my whole body tumbled right into another leg-quaking orgasm that almost really did bring me to the ground that time.

  The shower turned off, and I was barely conscious of darting out of his room and running all the way back to my own as my whole world burned around me.

  …He’d said my name.

  Lincoln Reece had said my name as he stroked his big, thick cock in the shower, and it was me in his head that’d made him come.


  That was twice now, from both of them, that I’d heard the word and felt the way it made me shiver and gasp. There was something so freaking sexy, in this dirty, bad-girl way that teased through my body like nothing else ever had.

  …And I’d been craving that feeling every since.

  I’d tried everything to get back to the naughty, wicked thrill of that day, from both of them. I craved the feeling I’d felt when a sweating, gorgeous Wilder had basically pinned me to the wall and mentioned being my daddy. And I needed the intensity of watching Lincoln stoke his cock while thinking of me.

  Swallow every drop of daddy’s cum, Kenzie.

  I’d acted out, hoping that would get them to react to me like Wilder had that day. I dressed skimpier and skimpier, until I was practically prancing around the house in my underwear, hoping to tempt them into breaking.

  But they never did, no matter how much I pushed or hoped.

  That is, until that night. I knew something was different the moment I walked into the house that night. It was just a feeling — like this invisible heat pulsing through the air and teasing over my skin the instant I stepped inside. And slowly, as my pulse raced and my skin tingled, I wondered if it’d worked. I wondered if staying out far past when I was supposed to be home had done it. Or if being dressed the way I was, with a way too short skirt, and a skimpy tank top which pretty clearly showed I wasn’t wearing a bra had done it. Or if being out with the sports-car driving, quarterback jock, boyishly good-looking Justin who had “sleazy intentions” written all over had done it.

  …I wondered if I’d finally pushed them over the edge.

  I bit my lip as I opened the door to the dark, quiet house.

  “Get in here.”

  I gasped loudly as the strong, powerful hands grabbed me tight, pulling me into a firm, muscled body.

  “What the hell do you think you’re—”

  “No more bullshit, little girl,” Wilder’s voice growled into my ear. My hands fell against his hard chest, and as I looked up into his dark, piercing eyes, my whole body trembled.

  “It’s time to learn what happens to bad girls in this house.”

  Chapter 4


  “Get in the house,” Wilder growled lowly.

  I felt my pulse beating hard beneath my chest at the powerful and commanding tone.

  “You can’t boss me around, you know,” I threw back. “You’re not my real—”

  “Get inside,” he hissed, and I shivered at the heat in his voice.

  “Fine!” I spat back, my whole body tingling with raw want. I pushed him aside and strode into the large entryway. “What are you gonna do,” I threw over my shoulder. “Punish me?”

  I sauntered in, storming right into the huge living room that I loved, lined with shelves and shelves of leather books. But the little grin on my face dropped when I realized Lincoln was sitting calmly on one of the large, opulent, leather sofas, and I blushed fiercely. The two of them had both been the focus of every single dirty fantasy and dream I’d had for the last month. But I’d seen Lincoln, even if it’d been blurred and steamy. And looking at him now, sitting back nursing a drink in dark jeans and a crisp white button-up, with his stupidly handsome cowboy chin and gorgeous blue eyes locked right on me brought it all back.

  “Maybe I am.”

  Wilder’s rough, firm voice was suddenly right behind me, and I gasped under my breath. I turned, trapped against the back of the sofa opposite Lincoln as I faced Wilder.

  “You wouldn’t dare,” I whispered quietly. Wilder’s fierce gaze burned right into me, and I swear I could feel Lincoln’s eyes doing the same behind me. And caught between the two of them like that, I could feel my whole body tingling with raw heat.

  “Where the fuck were you?” Wilder growled.


  His eyes narrowed.

  Goddamnit. I wanted the response. I wanted the reaction.

  “I was out, on a date.” I said matter-of-factly, setting my jaw as I stared right back at him. I could see something dark and fierce flicker across his eyes, but he was silent.

  “Yeah,” I sassed with more bravado this time. “A date.” I swallowed, cocking my hip to the side.

  Provoking him.

  “You're playing a dangerous game here, Kenzie,” he growled.

  “Or maybe you’re just being a puss—”

  I gasped as he suddenly spun me around and pressed me against the couch.


  With a sharp crack, his hand came flat against the soft, yielding skin of my ass right through my skirt, setting a fire through my core.

  “You can’t just spank me,” I whispered quietly, panting. “You’re not my—”

  “Dad?” Wilder growled into my ear, making me shiver. “No, Kenzie, I’m not. But in this house and under this roof, for all intents and purposes, I sure as fuck am. I care
for you. I feed you. I give you money for clothes which you apparently spend on skirts so short I can see what color fucking panties you’re wearing.”

  “You can not—”

  “Red,” he growled, his fingers teasing across the short hem of my skirt, flicking it with his fingertips and letting the air tease over my bare thighs. “This last month? Yeah we’re not going to play that little game anymore. We’re done with your bratty little attitude. And to make things easier, I’m going to make it simple for you. In this house, since your real one fucked off with my shitty sister, and since I’m the one caring for you?”

  I gasped as I felt his lips right against my ear, his hand resting on my ass, still tingling from the spank.

  “In this house, from now on, I’m your daddy.”

  Oh God…

  Raw heat exploded through me, like every single naughty fantasy I’d been bottling up over the last month was finally coming rushing out.

  “Bend over.”


  I gasped as Wilder’s firm hands bent me over, pushing me over the back of the sofa. I whimpered, feeling my tiny skirt pulled up high over my ass and knowing he could see my little red thong pulled tight between my ass cheeks. I blushed just as red as I looked up and locked eyes with Lincoln. Wilder’s hand slid up my thigh, making me gasp before suddenly, he pulled back and then let his palm connect with my skin again.


  I yelped — the sound a mix of shock and basically a moan as his strong, powerful hand spanked my little ass and spread the heat through my whole body.

  “You’ve been a bad girl, Kenzie,” Wilder growled in my ear, spanking me again as Lincoln just watched, his eyes blazing heat.