Read Royal Brat Page 5

  Okay, this was heading for the rocks real fast. I glared at Hayden, my eyes telling him to shut the fuck up before we all made a scene. I turned my look to Xavier, seeing the red mist behind his eyes before he took one deep breath and cooled it back down. He was good like that. Maybe age made you better at getting your temper and emotions in check.

  “Mind your business,” he muttered quietly at Hayden.


  I cleared my throat. “How about you just don’t do anything that’s going to get us kicked out of this wedding.”

  Hayden laughed. “As if any of us really want to be here?”

  “For the sheer entertainment factor,” Xavier snorted, clapping a hand on Hayden’s shoulder that said “we’re cool now.”

  I relaxed a little bit, seeing the tension evaporate between them.

  “Besides,” Xavier muttered. “You’re not the only one I’m worried about getting us kicked from this damn wedding.” He turned and gave Cole a hard, edged look.

  “Who, me?” Cole grinned mischievously, the tattoos peeking out from under his tuxedo collar rippling. He looked liked the damned cat who ate the canary, grinning away like that.

  “What the fuck are you up to?” I grumbled at him.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Cole chuckled, arching his brows and grinning away like he knew exactly what we were talking about.

  “Don’t think I didn’t see you,” Xavier muttered.

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  Xavier growled lowly, but Hayden and I chuckled at the nickname we knew always got a rise out of our much older friend.

  “Well, hell.” I raised my glass, shrugging. “Cole’s up to his usual bullshit, Xavier’s finally caving to the temptation the rest of us would have caved to years go, and Hayden’s sneaking around with the fucking bride. Does that have it all covered?”

  Hayden glared at me. “And you’re the innocent one here in this version?”

  “Hell no.”

  My friends grinned at me, raising their glass. But as we drank, I could see it in each of their eyes. I could see each of us had their own little drama to play out involving that damned wedding, and our temptations we were wrestling with.

  …Like the temptation that I was powerless to resist or be away from any longer.

  I finished my drink and parted from my friends, my pulse pounding and my muscles clenched tight. I could feel my heart beating like a drum in my chest, and my cock was rock hard in my pants as my thoughts drifted back to her — back to Riley.

  Fuck, I wanted more. I needed more of her, and immediately. Like I said, I’d known from the second I saw her, and I’d been sure the moment I kissed her. Which is why Rumford was arranging the papers for me. Which is why I’d also been texting others in my counsel to get things rolling.

  …Because Riley Noles would be my queen before the day was up.

  I strode through the crowds in the main ballroom, my eyes darting across faces searching for the only one I wanted to find. I pushed past dignitaries and royalty, not really giving a shit who I offended or whose drink I spilled. Determination roared through me — that and the raw, undeniable need to have her again. My hands clenched, wanting to hold her, my mouth hungry for the taste of her. And my cock ached to feel more of her — to spread those legs and bury every thick inch deep inside her sweet, tight little pussy.

  I shouldered through a crowd of gossiping royalty, and suddenly, I saw her.

  …And I saw red.

  Some guy had her cornered by the buffet table, a smug, arrogant, prissy little smile on his face and his face way too close to hers. He grinned like a complete fucking douchebag, and when his hand reached out to touch her long blonde hair, I wanted to roar like a beast and tear his fucking head off.

  My eyes narrowed, and my jaw clenched tight as I strode across the room. Riley Noles was mine. And this little piece of shit was about to learn just how mine she was.

  Chapter 7


  I swallowed, heat pulsing through me I slipped into the banquet hall.

  …God did I feel dirty. I felt filthy in the hottest, sexiest way imaginable. I could feel Sven’s cum on me — warm and sticky, and soaking my panties right against my pussy. Here I was strolling into the middle of cocktail hour at one of the biggest royal social events of the year, and not a one of these people could have guessed what I’d just done. Or how wet I still was under my dress. There was this delicious heat between my thighs, and this sizzling, tingling feeling that teased through my body, making my head spin.

  Okay, I’d been a bad girl before and acted out here and there, but holy shit, this was badder than anything I’d ever even dreamed of.

  “There you are my cupcake.”

  I gasped, whirling quickly and cringing as I looked up into Prince Franklin’s face. My betrothed, I thought with a sinking, sickening feeling.

  “Uh, hi.”

  We’d only met once, briefly, and he’d been just as creepy and smarmy then. And I’d only heard even worse things about his reputation through the grapevine.

  “Were you looking for me, cupcake?”


  I wanted to barf. I also wanted to tell him “no, I was actually looking for King Sven, because I really want to taste his lips again and feel his hands pull my clothes off, and I really want to feel his huge cock slipping inside of me and fucking me like an animal until I come screaming his name.”

  …I kept my mouth shut, and just shook my head instead.

  “Just mingling.”

  Franklin smiled that cheesy, slightly asshole-ish smile at me. It was like this smile where it felt like he was humoring you, or talking down to you. Which was the opposite of Sven, who’s smile made my heart skip, and my body tingle, and my thighs squeeze tight. Sven’s smile made me want to tear my clothes off and jump him.

  Franklin smirked again, glancing around at the large ballroom full of people.

  “And to think, this will be us in just a few short months. I bet you can’t wait to be as happy as Princess Callie now can you?”

  Right, because Callie was thrilled to be forced into marrying King Milton.

  “Uh, yeah,” I mumbled.

  “And after that?” His grin turned darker, and when he moved closer to me, I tensed up.

  “After that, we’ll be husband and wife, and then I can take you to our marriage bed and…well.” He wagged his brows, his eyes sliding over me and making my stomach turn. Franklin reached out, his fingers tugging at a lock of my hair, twisting it and pushing it behind my ears. His fingers brushed my cheek, and clenched my jaw as I backed away into the buffet table at my back.

  Franklin snickered. “What?”

  “I just don’t like being touched like that,” I muttered.

  “Well, cupcake, I think I’ll change your mind on that.”

  “I doubt it.”

  “Well, it’ll be your duty as my wife to let me touch you any way I please,” he hissed stiffly, his charming act disappearing as the obvious asshole underneath shined through. “When we’re married, you’ll say yes to anything I damn well—”

  “Mind your tongue.”

  I gasped, whirling at the sound of Sven’s deep, commanding voice. I trembled, feeling the heat tease through me, making my cheeks glow and my core tighten as his dark eyes burned right into mine.

  “Duchess,” he purred quietly, as if Franklin wasn’t even standing there, or like he didn’t even exist.

  “Oh, your…” Franklin stumbled, flustered by the interruption but clearly recognizing Sven. “Your Highness!”

  “And you are?”

  Sven’s tone was leaden and sharp, his eyes moving to Franklin as he glared at him.

  “Prince Franklin, Your Highness! Franklin Smothers, of Purn. I’m, well,” he chuckled like he’d just told a joke. “I’m the duchess’s husband to be.”

  I watch the fire blaze behind Sven’s eyes, and I could see the way the muscles of his neck rippled as his j
aw clenched tight.

  “Really?” he growled, his gaze shifting back to look at me, sending heat tingling through me.

  “It’s arranged,” I said dryly, seeing the faintest hint of a smile tease the corners of his mouth.

  “It’s the way these things should be done,” Franklin butted in, laughing jovially. “Isn’t that right, Your Highness?”

  “Pardon?” Sven muttered to the prince, his eyes still locked on me.

  “You know, like the good old days.”

  Sven’s brow wrinkled as he turned back to Franklin. “The good old days when we were launching plague rats and burning oil over castle walls with catapults, and practicing alchemy? You mean those good old days?”

  Prince Franklin laughed, but Sven most certainly wasn’t. I could practically see the raw energy pulsing in the air around him, his muscles tight and his eyes sliding back to me.

  “Well, in any case, I’m quite pleased to have Riley as my bride-to-”


  I gasped, and Franklin’s jaw dropped as Sven clasped a hand around my elbow, turned sharply, and began to storm away, as if to pull me away after him.

  “Uh, Highness?” Franklin squeaked, looking confused.

  “I’m stealing your bride-to-be, Prince Franklin.”

  Franklin laughed, but his furrowed brow and his confused look gave away his nervousness. “Uh, wait, what?”

  “I’m stealing her.”

  There wasn’t a trace of sarcasm in Sven’s voice — not one single inch of a smile or humor.

  “Okay, look, Your Highness, I can take a joke, but—”

  “But what,” Sven growled fiercely, baring his teeth at Franklin.

  The prince laughed nervously and swallowed thickly, shaking his head. “Nothing,” he mumbled. “I just—”

  “We’re leaving.”

  Sven turned his back to Franklin, his grip firm on my arm as he pulled me away, my heart racing as I followed. He pushed his way through the crowds, and my skin tingled where his hand touched me, feeling the power and the intensity of his grip as he pulled me away, like I was his to take.

  …And I was.

  We broke through the crowds, darting down a dim hallway away from the ballroom before Sven kicked open and door and dragged me inside. We tumbled into what appeared to be some sort of valet coat room — maybe used for events during colder months. The door had barely shut when I gasped as Sven whirled, scooping me into his arms and slamming my back into the door behind me. Adrenaline and heat roared through me, and when his lips crushed to mine and he stole the breath from my lips, I moaned deeply.

  I opened my lips for his tongue, whimpering into his kiss as his hands tightened on my waist. One slid up my side, up into my hair, tangling in it as he groaned against me.

  He pulled away, his eyes wild and full of lust as my pulse thundered in my ears.

  “There’s not going to be a Prince fucking Franklin,” he growled lowly. “Not him, and not any other man. Because you’re mine, angel,” he purred, making my breath catch as I felt his thick erection throb between my legs. “Mine and no one else’s.”

  “You think you’re going to just steal me for yourself, huh?” I groaned, kissing him hungrily and moaning as he pressed into me.

  “I think I already have.”

  Oh God…

  He whirled, spinning me in his arms and striding across the dark room until my butt hit the top of a counter or table of some kind. He set me down, our tongues swirling together and our gasps mingling as he pushed my thighs wide apart and slid between them. My dress bunched at my waist, my skin tingling as his hands slid up my legs — higher and higher until I moaned as his fingers teased over the front of my panties.

  “My, my,” he growled into my lips. “Someone’s made a mess of their panties.”

  “I think you had something to do with that,” I moaned.

  “I think we better clean this little pussy off now shouldn’t we?”

  His fingers hooked under the waist of my panties, tugging and slipping them down off my ass and down my hips. He pulled away from me just long enough to slip them off my feet, shoving them into his jacket pocket before he shrugged that off and moved back between my thighs. I gasped, feeling his huge erection throbbing and pulsing against my bare pussy.

  Sven’s hand slid into my hair again, tangling in it and tugging my head back enough to make me gasp in pleasure. His lips found my exposed neck, and I cried out as he sucked and nibbled at the exposed skin, as his hand slid back between my legs to find me dripping wet and ready for him.

  “So fucking wet,” he growled into my neck. “First you made a mess of your panties like a dirty little girl, and how you’re fucking dripping all over my fingers.”

  I moaned, trembling against him as his fingers rolled over my clit.

  “Is this from Prince Franklin,” he groaned, his voice rumbling through me. “Is it Franklin that has this hot little cunt all slick and ready for me?”

  I cried out as his fingers slid into me, curling deep and stroking me at that perfect place. I rocked my hips into him, my hands clutching at his muscled arms.

  “No,” I gasped, shaking my head as my eyes squeezed shut in pleasure. “No, it’s not.”

  “Then tell me, angel,” he purred right into my ear. “Tell me what’s gotten this pretty little cunt so messy for me.”

  “You,” I choked out, panting and moaning loudly as his fingers slid in and out of me.

  “Good girl.”

  His lips pulled away from my neck, and I started to whimper in protest until suddenly I felt him drop to his knees in front of me. His powerful hands pushed my legs wide apart, and when I felt his breath tease up the inside of my thigh, my jaw dropped in pleasure.

  For all my pretending to be bad, and acting out, and drinking at weddings and keying cars and being the “rebel” of my little group of friends…this was something new. I’d been with one boy, once, and the entire thing had been over in less time than Sven and I had been in that room so far. It’d basically been kissing that turned into awkward fumbling and then him just putting it in about a dozen times before the whole thing was over.

  …Oh but this was something new. This was something very new. Sven’s lips teased over my skin, making my entire body shiver in raw pleasure and sending heat through every part of me. I lost myself, my head thrown back and my mouth hanging open, panting as he kissed and sucked and nibbled his way higher over my soft skin. He hadn’t even touched my pussy yet and I swear I could have come from his lips on my thighs alone.

  That is, until he did move higher, and the whole world melted around me.

  Sven’s tongue slowly dragged over my pussy, teasing over my opening and dragging higher until he let the tip flick across my clit. I jolted, my whole body thrashing like he’d just hit me with lightning, and my hands slid into his hair to grip him tightly. He groaned, sliding his tongue back down and doing the whole thing all over again, his tongue swirling over my clit until my hips were rocking against his mouth like they had a mind of their own.

  He groaned into me, sucking gently on my clit as he teased it with his tongue. He moved lower, pushing that magical tongue of his deep inside of me and sliding it in and out, like he was fucking me with his mouth. More pleasure than I’d ever known exploded through me, my whole body tightening and clenching, my hips rocking off the table beneath me against him.

  He moved faster, his tongue swirling harder and quicker, teasing my clit again and again until everything started to melt around me. I gasped for air, my pulse pounding harder and harder, until suddenly, I could feel myself tumbling towards that edge like I’d never tumbled before.

  “I— oh shit, I’m going to…I’m really going to—”

  “Come for me, baby girl,” he growled into me. “Make this pretty little pussy come all over my fucking tongue.”

  The scream was silent at first — just white light and fire exploding through me as the climax crashed into me. And then it was
real, and I was covering my mouth with the crook of my arm as I moaned, loudly, screaming my pleasure as his tongue drove me exploding over the edge. I bucked my hips against him, my whole body trembling and shaking.

  Sven slowly pulled away, pulling his shirt open. I moaned, my hands pushing it off his shoulders and then running over his chiseled, perfect muscles. I gasped, feeling the strength and power in those shoulders and in his chest, and when I ran my fingertips down to his rippling abs, I moaned.

  His hands pulled at his belt and his zipper, his pants and his boxers sliding down over his grooved, muscled hips as his mouth found my neck again. My pulse raced as I glanced down, my hands helping to push at the elastic of his boxers until suddenly, his huge thick cock sprang free and into my hands. My heart jumped, heat tingling through me as my small fingers curled around his thick length.

  “Tell me, angel,” he whispered quietly into my ear. “Have there been others?”


  I blushed, biting my lip.

  “I’m not asking for why you think I’m asking. This isn’t about your ‘purity’ or any of that shit,” he growled, his lips teasing over my neck and making me moan. “No, I’m asking because I want you to know that none of them are going to compare to what I’m about to show you. I’m going to erase the memory of anything that came before me, baby girl,” he purred into my skin, pushing his hips forward and letting the thick head of his fat cock slip against my opening.

  “There was one,” I said quietly. “This boy I knew from school.”

  “Well I’m no boy,” he growled quietly, letting his big cock slide up and down my lips.

  “No,” I whispered heatedly. “No you’re definitely not.”

  “I don’t give a shit what came before me, angel,” he groaned. “But I do care what happens after this. Because after this, there’s only going to be one man.”

  He pushed his hips forward, and when I felt him start to stretch me open, his huge cock sliding into me, I grabbed him tightly and moaned in pleasure.