Read Royally Claimed Page 3

  “Guess I’m not that familiar with sex club rules.”

  The three of us laughed.

  “Who brought you here?” Dean growled.

  I could sense the anger in his voice. And shit, he had a point. That was another thing about the club — you didn’t just shove someone into this. When you invited a girl to the club, you at least gave her an idea of what she was walking into. No one wanted some poor chick walking into this and freaking the fuck out.

  Like this girl.

  She wasn’t “freaking,” but clearly, no one had prepared her, and that was a shit move.

  And against the rules, actually.

  “These guys I met at this party tonight.” She frowned. “They didn’t mention what this place was, they said it was a club.”

  “You imagined more DJ music and less—”

  “Naked people? Uh, yeah.”

  We chuckled.

  “All we’ve got is vodka,” Dean said, nodding at the bottle we’d taken with us to the study to get away from all of it out there.


  He passed her a drink. “Your cocktail, miss.”

  “Thanks, she smiled before slugging half of it back.

  Killian whistled and she grinned sheepishly.

  “Sorry, that was necessary.” She sighed. “I’m Anya, by the way.”

  Dean chuckled. “So much for no names.”

  “Whatever, I’m getting out of here the second I’m done.”


  She shrugged. “With decompressing in this room, I guess.”

  I grinned.

  “So what brings you guys here? Someone lie to you too?”

  I cleared my throat. “Uh, not exactly.”

  “So you came here looking to do…that?”

  “What? No.” I shook my head. “Not tonight. We just— a lot of shit is going on with us, and we just needed a place to unwind.”

  “A bar is a good place for that.”

  “Told you,” Killian muttered at Dean.

  “Well, sorry to hear about the lots of shit going on.” She gave us all a sympathetic look.

  She was so honest, and so real. It was refreshing. But also, that dress was doing amazing things for her ass and those tits. I felt like kind of a dick for going there in my mind when this girl clearly needed to step back from all the sexual stuff going on out there, but shit, I was only a man.

  ..It’s not like my cock was tuned into emotional needs.

  I pulled my eyes back to hers though, somehow.


  She sipped her drink before knitting her brow.

  “Wait, not tonight? Do you— do you come to this place a lot?”

  We were quiet a minute before Dean spoke.

  “We’re members,” he said, cautiously.

  Her face went red.


  “That shocks you.”

  She blushed. “I mean, yeah, a little.”

  I fixed my eyes on her.


  “Cause its a sex club!” She laughed. “I mean you’re all good looking guys, you can go out and—”

  We laughed.

  “Wait, do you think this is like, sex for pay?” Dean chuckled out.

  “Is it not?”

  “Holy shit, no. No. Not at all,” he laughed. “No, everyone here is here because they want to be.”

  She raised a brow.

  “Well, almost everyone. Present company being the exception.”

  “So those girls out there…?”

  “Want to be here.”

  She swallowed, her face bright red.

  “Doing that?”

  Killian shrugged. “Yeah.”

  Her jaw dropped. “I mean— wow.”

  Dean grinned. “You ever been with two guys?”

  She blushed furiously.


  Her eyes lingered on the three of us before she quickly looked away, sipping her drink.

  “You ever been with one girl? I mean like, shared?”

  “Yes,” I said without hesitation.

  Her head snapped back, her eyes wide.

  “Wait, like two of you or—”


  Her jaw dropped a little more.

  “Holy shit,” she said quietly, taking a big gulp of vodka. “Three of you, with one girl.”

  We nodded, and her eyes went wide.

  “Put off?”

  “No!” She swallow quickly. “No, just..”


  She giggled. “A little, yeah.”

  I wanted to push it, I wanted to say something like “or fantasized?” but I knew that would push her past her comfort, seeing as she was alone with us.

  Fuck, what I really wanted to do was tear that dress off and run my tongue over her entire body. I wanted to watch her open her mouth and take my friends inside as I pulled her panties down and pushed in deep.

  I wanted to watch her come pressed between us.

  I cleared my throat, and that fantasy from my head.

  “Look, if you need a ride home, we can have have our driver take you. Alone, if you’d like.”

  She nodded. “Thank you.”

  We were quiet.

  “What’s it like?”

  I perked up a brow. “What’s what like?”

  The room was silent.


  Killian chuckled. “It’s…different.”

  “It's not weird? I mean, with three guys? How would you not get jealous or whatever?”

  “No, not weird.” I nodded at my two friends. “These two are like brothers, we’ve known each other forever. And the jealousy thing isn’t even on our radar. Hell, it’s why we decided to try arrangements like this in the first place. Eliminates the jealousy.”

  She was flushed, her eyes darting around the room at us. She finished her drink and I could see her wanting to ask for another, but she shook her head instead.

  “I should go.”

  “I’ll call our driver.”

  “Thank you.”

  We all stood but suddenly, she turned back, biting her lip.

  “I was suppose to go out and have fun tonight.”

  I grinned. “And we weren’t fun?”

  “No, you were…” She smiled. “More than I was expecting. And a welcome change from who I waked in here with, I can tell you.”

  I smiled at her, and her cheeks flushed before she looked down.

  “I’m never going to see you again, am I?”

  It hurt to hear. Hell, it cut deep, which was weird. I turned and I could see the look on Killian and Dean’s faces too.

  “What I mean is,” she said quietly. “I mean, I’m not coming back here.”

  The thought of her walking away and never coming back sucked. Like, a lot.

  I liked Anya. I really liked her, actually. She’d been the escape I thought I wasn’t going to find that night. Being around her felt fucking amazing, like I could take my mind off the shit going on in our lives.

  “Thanks for rescuing me.”

  “Thanks for saving us,” Killian said quietly.

  She smiled. “Any time.”

  The heat in the room was thick. I wondered if I was imagining it, but there was no way it was just in my head. There was a tension, and when we heard the moan from outside, loud enough to get through even the thick wooden door of the study, she blushed.

  “Guess I have to walk back out through that.”

  “You could stay,” Dean growled.

  She blushed.


  She stepped closer.

  So did we.

  Fuck, the tension was nuts. This blazing, unexplainable attraction. It was like the proximity of her, and the scent of her, and the sound of her breath had my heart pumping faster, my cock throbbing hard.

  “Thanks for everything.”

  “Any time,” I quipped back.

  “I’m never seeing you again
, right?”

  “Probably not,” I said through gritted teeth.


  And suddenly, she was kissing me.

  Holy. Fuck.

  Suddenly, her lips were on mine, searing to me, her breath catching as she kissed me passionately.

  I growled, and my arms started to go around her on instinct when she pulled away and turned to Dean.

  I watched, pulse racing and my cock throbbing as she moved into his arms, kissing him just as fiercely before pulling back.

  She moved to Killian last, moaning. I watched her mouth open with him, his tongue clearly finding hers.

  And this time, she came alive.

  She moaned, writhing against him heatedly before she turned, her eyes wild as she fixed them on me. She pulled me in, kissing me and opening her lips for me. Our tongues entwined, the sweet taste of her lips like candy as I explored that mouth.

  She moved to Dean again, gasping as she kissed him, and then Killian, again.

  Then she pulled back, gasping, her eyes wide and her whole body trembling.

  “Sorry,” she said, her voice shaky. “I had to do that.”

  “Please don’t apologize,” I growled.

  Her eyes sparked. “Okay, I think I get it.”

  “Get it?”

  “The appeal,” she said quietly.

  I growled as I pulled her close.

  “So maybe we shouldn’t stop.”

  “Maybe we shouldn’t,” she gasped. “But, I…”

  “You should go,” I said, my voice like steel. “You weren’t expecting all this.”

  “I want expecting you three,” she said quietly. “But, I— I need to go.”

  I nodded, my chest tight.

  She pulled away, turning as Killian fired off a text to our driver.

  “Oh, before I go.”

  He frowned as she turned back, grabbing her clutch purse.

  “Someone — one of the guys who brought me here — gave me something, but, I can’t keep it. Should I just leave it here? I don’t want to see them again before I go.”

  I frowned curiously, but when she pulled that little fucking bracelet out of her clutch, the whole room went still.



  She’d been claimed already.

  I know how fucking stupid that sounds, and I knew she’d been brought here without knowing what this place was, but a claim was a claim.

  The rules of the club were unflinching.

  “You— you should go,” I said tightly, something breaking inside.

  Anya frowned at my sudden coldness. “What?”

  “The car’s outside,” Killian growled from behind me.

  Anya blinked, still looking confused. “Oh, okay.”

  Something had changed and she knew it, even if she didn’t know what.

  “I’ll just leave this here then?”

  She set the bracelet on the table, looking back at us.

  “Thanks for tonight, guys.”

  We just nodded, shattering as she walked to the door. She turned back, as if to say something else, but she stopped and just nodded.


  And then she was gone.

  We stared at the bracelet on the table.


  “Fuck,” Dean snarled. “She’s—”

  “I know.”

  Killian swore, whirling and clenching his hands into fists.

  She’d been everything.

  She’d been perfect.

  She’d been nothing we were looking for, and everything we wanted, before we even knew we wanted it.

  I knew we could all still taste her on our lips, and feel the warmth of her body under our fingertips.

  We wanted more. We had to have more. But Anya was out of our lives and beyond our reach.

  And maybe that was for the best.

  We were still in the study, finishing a last drink an hour later, when Killian went still, glaring at his phone.


  Dean looked up from his own quiet scowling.


  Killian nodded at his phone.

  “Brian just texted me.”

  Brian was our driver.

  I frowned, immediately thinking of Anya.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah…” his voice trailed off.

  I arched a brow, glaring at him. “And? She get home okay?”

  He nodded, his eyes going wide.

  “Jesus fuck, Killian,” Dean hissed. “What the fuck are you—”

  “She got home to the royal palace of Berne, okay.”

  We froze.


  “‘Home’ was King Lorne’s fucking palace; he just dropped her at the front gates.”

  We glanced at each other, blood roaring in our ears.

  Who the hell was this girl?

  Chapter 6


  I barely made it to my bed back at the palace. My whole body was on fire as I slammed the door to my quarters and and fell onto my bed, hands pulling my dress up high as I skimmed them up my thighs.

  I moaned as my fingers found my soaked panties, dragging over my seam through the sticky cotton and whimpering into my pillow.

  It was so wrong, but oh my God, the thought of having three men all at once had my whole body aching for release. It’d never been a fantasy of mine — not that I’d been against it — it just wasn’t a fantasy I’d explored. Sure, I’d maybe had nights alone where I felt especially dirty, thinking about two men.

  But three?

  My fingers pushed beneath the edges of my panties, and I moaned, thinking of the women I’d seen at the club — women pressed hotly between multiple men, shuddering in pleasure as six hands, three mouths, and three cocks pushed them past anything they’d ever known.

  But in my fantasy, it was me.

  Me and them — my nameless, gorgeous, amazing strangers.

  Walking into that room had gone from terrifying to just… perfect. I’d felt safe with them — protected. Like I was meant to find them there.

  And those kisses… God.

  I gasped as my fingers slid through my slick pussy, rubbing over my hard little clit and sending heat through my body.

  That place had been insane, but there in that room with them, everything had been perfection. Kissing them had been insane, and yet perfect. They’d each been different, but all of them had poured so much of them into those kisses that I’d drowned in them.

  And I wanted more.

  Two fingers curled easily inside, and I cried out as I began to grind my palm against my clit. My slick juices coated my hand, soaking my panties until they clung to me as my fingers pumped inside.

  I imagined what would have happened if I’d stayed in that room. I pictured letting them pull my dress off. I imagined their tongues sliding over me, pushing between my legs. I imagined hands grabbing me hard and making me bend over for them — taking turns, and then all at once, making me theirs.

  I was lost in a fantasy world of three mouths, six hands, and three big, hard….

  I turned and buried the scream into my pillow as the orgasm tore through me. My whole body sizzled, my pussy clenching tight on my fingers as in my fantasy, my three gorgeous strangers made me come.

  For them.

  After, I lay panting, my mind spinning and my body still on fire at the thought of them claiming me like that.

  Well, I certainly had a story now. A dark, forbidden story about my one night at a sex club where I kissed three gorgeous amazing men.

  But that’s all it would be — a story for later. Maybe for when I’d had one drink too many and blurted the whole thing out to Adele to make her blush.

  Because after all, I was never going back there, and never seeing them again.


  Another day, another royal affair. The next day, it was an unveiling ceremony honoring fallen soldiers. Berne had sent a fair number of marines to the conflict in th
e middle east, and the monument was truly both awe-inspiring and emotional.

  “Hey, are you okay?”

  It was after Adele’s own moving speech, and we were back in the backstage area of the event. She frowned as she looked at me, but I waved her off.

  “Oh, yeah, I’m fine. You just gave a pretty emotional speech.”

  She shrugged, and she was starting to look away when she glanced back at me.

  “Nah, I’m not buying that. You never listen to my speeches.”

  “I do too!”

  She rolled her eyes.

  “You never texted me last night.”

  I knew I couldn’t meet her eyes, so I looked everywhere but her face.

  “Sorry, late night and then I just came back to the palace and crashed.”

  “Late night, fun night?”

  I grinned. “You trying to live vicariously through me again?”

  “Um, yes. Always.”

  I laughed. “It was nothing.”

  “So, details please?”


  “Oh come on!”

  I groaned. “Okay, fine, I went to a club thing with these two guys I met last night.”

  Hey, it wasn’t a lie.

  Adele made a dramatic “oooooo-ing” sound, arching her brows.

  “No, opposite. They were total creeps.”

  Also not a lie.

  Adele frowned. “Sorry. Total bust of a night?”

  I didn’t answer, because I was thinking of them — my strangers from the strange club.

  “Um, you’re lying.”

  I looked up quickly. “What?”

  My friend was grinning.

  “You’re totally blushing, which means something happened that you’re not telling me about.”

  “I am not!”

  “Yes, you are. I know your tells.”

  “Well, fine, whatever.”

  Adele looked at me gleefully.

  “Did you go home with anyone?”

  “What? No! Just kissed—”

  I froze.


  “Oh reeeaally!?” Adele cracked up, her jaw dropping. “And how was that?”

  Now I knew I was blushing as I felt my whole face get hot.

  “Fine, whatever,” I said, nudging her forward. “C’mon we’re going to be late to get back out there for your dad’s speech.”

  She sighed. “I’m going to demand details later.”

  “Demand away, Princess, I’m not saying a thing.”

  She laughed. “Fine.”