Read Royally Shared Page 13

  Mallory was Adele’s stepmom. We weren’t fans.

  “Uh, tell her it was me. She already hates me for whatever reason.”

  Adele laughed.

  “Thanks for the rescue.”

  “Anytime,” I winked.

  I didn’t mind telling royals what I thought. I guess that was one of the perks of having grown up amongst them.

  “He was kind of cute, I guess.”

  I made a face. “In that creepy date-rapey way, sure?”

  She started laughing again, when one of her father’s staff suddenly stepped up to her and whispered something quietly.

  Her smile drooped and she groaned as the guy ran off

  “Ugh, I gotta go do princess stuff. No champagne for me.”

  “Poor baby,” I grinned. “It sounds so hard.”

  “My aunt Helen made an appearance.”

  I made a face. “Okay, you win. That does suck. She the one that refers to anyone not of royal blood a ‘commoners’?”


  I snorted. “Have fun?”

  “Yeah, can’t wait to go see how many offensive terms she can cram into one sentence this time.”

  “Well, good luck with that.”

  She sighed. “Go have fun. Drink some champagne for me.”

  “Oh, do I have your permission, ma’am?”

  This was a running joke between us — exaggerating the whole “princess and her lady in waiting” dynamic.

  “Indeed,” Adele said in her best snooty voice. “Just fetch my laundry first.”


  She giggled. “Love ya. Have fun.”

  “Good luck with the commoners.”

  “Hey, you know, dealing with Aunt Helen and family stuff is going to be the rest of my night. You should go do something.”

  “I thought we were going to hang later?”

  She pouted. “Yeah, but trust me, this’ll take all night. Go find something to do!”

  I made a face. “I don’t know. I might just hang in and—”

  “Please? Let me live through you?”

  I laughed. “You don’t want to watch Netflix ‘through me’?”

  She gave me a look.

  “Okay, okay, I’ll see what kind of trouble I can get into.”

  “Thanks. Let me know so I can pretend I was there instead of biting my tongue at Helen’s racist jokes.”

  I laughed as I hugged her before she trotted off, leaving me to find something to do.

  Now where was that champagne?



  Without a partner in crime, I muttered to myself as I headed off to find a drink.

  “You look lost.”

  I whirled at the hand on my arm, turning to glance up into a smug, smirking face of a man I didn’t recognize.

  “No, I’m fine.” I smiled thinly, eyes darting to where his hand still gripped my arm and shaking myself loose.

  He raised a brow at the movement, but didn’t comment.

  “Thomas,” he said in a rich, clearly practiced royal voice.

  “Anya,” I smiled, raising a brow as he took my hand and kissed it.

  Little old-fashioned, this one.

  “Just Anya?” He said with a raised brow.

  “Yep, just Anya. I work for Princess Adele.”

  “Ahh,” he nodded, smiling this intense, though charming, smile at me. “Lady in waiting?”

  I made a face. “If it’s the fifteen hundreds, then yes?”

  He chuckled, though I did note the lack of apology. This guy was definitely smug, though he was fairly cute.

  A second man suddenly came up, clapping the first on the shoulder before turning to flash me a smile.

  “And who might this be?”

  “This is Anya,” Thomas said, his eyes locked on me. “And Anya, this is Shawn.”

  “Nice to meet you,” I smiled, again, curiously raising a brow at the way Shawn kissed my hand as well. It was like these two had just taken a class on being “princely” or something.

  “Enjoying the event?”

  I nodded. “Oh, absolutely.”

  Thomas smirked, and I crumbled.

  “Okay, actually—” I started.

  “Somewhat boring.”

  I chuckled at Shawn’s interjection.

  “A little, yes.”

  Shawn shrugged, his dark eyes sliding over me in this way that had me blushing while simultaneously making me feel a little uncomfortable.

  “Looking for something more fun for your evening?”

  I blushed. “Oh, I was planning on just—“

  “What, staying home and watching movies?” He shook his head. “Nah, you can do better than that.”

  I frowned. “Hey, I like watching movies.”

  “You’ll like this better.”

  I raised a brow. “Like what better?”

  The two of them exchanged a look, smirking to each other like this was a private joke.

  “There’s a club,” Thomas said slowly, shrugging. “I think you should come with us.”

  “Oh, I’m not sure I—”

  Adele’s words came to mind without warning. Adele, pushing me to go have some fun that night while she was caught up with family stuff. I glanced at Thomas and Shawn — both were cute enough, and somewhat charming in kind of a privileged way. In all honesty, they seemed like tools just a little bit. But then, the invitation did have an appeal to it too.

  “A club here in Berne?”

  They nodded.

  “Which one?”

  The two of them looked at each other again.

  “It’s a new one,” Thomas shrugged, grinning at me. “You seem like the kind of girl who’d like it.”

  I had no idea what that even meant, but I found myself nodding. I mean, having a drink and maybe checking out some new scene and what kind of DJ they had might be fun. Besides, I could always just cab it back to the palace whenever I got bored or if they got weird.

  And so I nodded.

  “Yeah, sure. I could check it out.”

  Thomas and Shawn nodded, grinning slowly as something flickered behind their eyes.

  “Oh, you’re going to enjoy this,” Shawn said, chuckling.

  Well that was a little creepy.

  “What time tonight?”

  Thomas shrugged. “Now?”

  I laughed nervously, nodding down at the formal, but not overly “dressy” burgundy red dress I’d worn for the event.

  “Am I dressed for this place?

  “Sure,” Thomas said abruptly, turning and pulling his cell phone out.

  “You’re good,” Shawn said, his eyes flashing something as he grinned wolfishly at me. “Let’s go.”

  His hand caught my arm, half-pulling me after him as we strode from the room. I pulled my arm away — I was not a fan of people being grabby — though I still followed them through the hallways to the front entrance of the library. Outside, a limo was waiting for us, and though part of me took pause, I forced myself to just get in the car.

  After all, they might have been smug and a little pampered, but they were royalty. It’s not like they were two creeps or something.


  The limo pulled away, and I instantly started to second-guess myself. I mean, royals or not, I’d just met these guys, and I was jumping into a car to head downtown with them?

  I made a snap decision to spend ten minutes, tops, at this club, before I turned around and headed home. I quickly texted Adele that I was going out with some people I’d met, and it wasn’t until I looked up from that that I realized something was weird.

  “Um, where are we going?”

  We weren’t headed downtown at all. In fact, we were leaving the capital behind and heading out into the countryside.

  “The club,” Thomas said with a shrug.

  “I think I’d like to go back now,” I said quietly yet firmly.

  The two of them chuckled.

  “Aww, scared?”

p; I shivered as Shawn’s eyes slid over me.

  “No, I’d just assumed we were going downtown to a club.”

  Thomas grinned. “It’s not that kind of club. Actually, it just happens to be where it is tonight, here in Berne. The location moves all the time.”

  The car rumbled as we turned off the main road, driving over gravel. My eyes darted to the window again, and I swallowed. The huge old manor house was enormous, covered in ivy with a wrought iron fence around it. The grounds were manicured and perfect, and low, sensual light lit the path up to a huge wooden front door.

  The car pulled up to the front and turned off. I shivered.

  What the hell was I getting myself into here?



  “We need drinks, now.”

  I gritted my teeth. “No shit.”

  There was a lot of shit and a lot of reasons why we needed booze, ASAP. I adjusted my mask, glancing around the party.

  “Why the fuck did we come here tonight?” I muttered out loud.

  Jace shrugged. “Not actually sure about that myself.”

  “Because we needed to get outside our own heads,” Dean shot back. “We need a distraction.”

  He was right, and I knew it. And then, the club was certainly a place for distraction. I watched as a gorgeous blonde masked woman slowly peeled the top down on her gown, exposing full, succulent tits. The two men sitting in front of her, also in masks, growled as they reached up, fingers twisting her nipples as she cooed and sank into their laps.

  Yeah, the club was very good at distracting.

  We strode into another room. In there, a thin girl with black hair was laid out over a chair, one man behind her with her dress pulled up to her hips, his tongue in her pussy as she moaned around the cock of the man standing in front of her.

  “Jesus, shit got started early tonight,” Jace muttered.

  “We did get here late.”

  “Not that fucking late.”

  Across the room, moans of pleasure drifted over to us as the man behind the thin dark-haired girl stood and sank every inch of his cock inside her glistening pussy. She redoubled her efforts on the man in front of her as a third man pulled his cock out, bringing her hand up to stroke him.

  Yeah, welcome to the Triple Crown Club.

  How do you even begin to describe the place? For starters, it existed in total secrecy — in myth really. If you were in the know, you knew. If you weren’t, you assumed it was an urban legend. Hell, it sounded like one, except it was very, very real.

  The rules were simple — no names, no faces, no hesitations.

  And you had to share.

  The club was a place where royal elite — men like us — came to, well, share. It was a place where men of certain tastes came to act on those desires. To say it was a sex club wasn’t quite doing it justice. I mean, those existed, to be sure. Hell, men with money always had a place to go and fuck girls who were attracted to rich guys or at least their money.

  This wasn’t that place.

  In the Triple Crown Club, there was one theme persistent. Here, women were shared by three. The men who made up the members of this place all had one thing in mind — three men, one woman.

  Three crowns, one beauty.

  We shared.

  That was the club. That was this place. The women who came here were invited — sometimes just to see what they thought, sometimes specifically by one group. They didn’t know the members were princes and other royalty, only that they were clearly rich and important. I’m sure there were some who put two and two together, what with the name. But it was never disclosed. After all, a place like this could have been political suicide for some men.

  “Here.” Jace handed me a drink, which I sipped heavily.

  Any other night, we’d be on the prowl. It’s why the three of us were members here — we shared. After all, Dean, Jace, and I had been close as brothers since we were kids. Our fathers had ruled Tam — our kingdom — as the royal council. It was a great situation, really. No one king to rule unilaterally. Instead, Tam had three kings. It made for diverse thoughts, and a way to check each other.

  My father, Erol, had passed four years before. Yeah, that’d sucked. Hard. But it was a year ago that was a cruel blow to Tam. A year ago, almost to the day actually, had been the plane crash that took out both Dean and Jace’s fathers, leaving the three of us alone, and the kingdom with no kings.

  Now the easy solution here would be for the three of us to ascend. After all, our fathers had been the council, and their fathers had been the council, and so on.

  Us stepping up into the roles we were born for was an easy move.

  Except it wasn’t.

  There was one little thing that set us apart from our forefathers — Kings of Tam were family men. Kings of Tam had wives, and children. This wasn’t just a custom, this was actual law.

  …And the three of us had spent our entire adult lives single.

  The problem was, we’d reached an understanding a long time ago with each other. We were so close, and so alike in so many ways, that we’d ended up going after a lot of the same girls early on. Obviously, that caused problems, until we hit upon the solution. Why choose, when we could share?

  So we did. Hell, we preferred it now. No drama, and we could all talk about how we felt with each other since we were all part of it. Now, it did make for interesting dates. A lot of women freaked, rightfully so. Some were into it. Actually, a lot of women were into it. Hell, three rich, good-looking guys who worked out and all wanted to put her first?

  Yeah, not many complaints there.

  But the type of girl who was into three men taking her at once usual wasn’t looking for more than a one-night wild story she could tell later when she was married and out drinking with her friends.

  Ultimately, that's not what we were looking for. We wanted more than the one night. We’d done that, and it was empty.

  So this was the issue with the three of us ascending to take control of our country. After years spent sharing women and looking for the unattainable, here we were — grown men, single, and with no real prospects for long term commitments.

  Which meant no ruling Tam.

  Our mood tonight was sour because the interim council had just voted on the six month process we’d gone through to amend the rules.

  They’d voted not to. Not out of spite, but because the rules of Tam were revered. It took a lot to change one. And apparently, even doing so to continue the legacy of kings wasn’t going to fly.


  So, on another night without the mood we were in, we’d be into all of it — looking for distraction there that night, however meaningless. But the second we’d stepped in, we knew it wasn’t happening that night. Not with our mood.

  Normally, we’d be looking for a women without a bracelet. At the club, a crown bracelet set apart those who were spoken for. That was sort of one of the hard rules of this place, and it was self-policed.

  No jealousy.

  No bullshit.

  If someone was spoken for with a bracelet, it was hands fucking off. No questions, no exceptions. That was a quick way to get into some serious trouble and possibly even face excommunication from the club entirely, and no one wanted that.

  But, we weren’t looking at bracelets that night though. Or woman. Just drinks.

  Across the room, a dress dropped to the ground, a girl sank to her knees as the three men in tuxes around her pulled their rapidly thickening cocks out. She moaned, taking one in her mouth as she stroked the other two.

  I gave it a passing glance before turning back to my drink. Funny how you got used to shit like that in this place.

  Not everything in this place was out in the open, of course. There were private rooms too, but most of the people were okay being out for all to see. Hell, we were all wearing masks, after all.

  Across the room, the girl climbed into one of the men's laps, sinking down on his thick-looking cock. Another
moved next to her, pulling her mouth down to his shaft. The third knelt behind her, his tongue on her ass.

  I growled.

  Yeah, tonight wasn’t happening for us, even if finding some girl to share like that did seem tempting. We just weren’t in the mood.

  “Alright, fuck it,” Dean finally said, as if finally admitting he’d ben wrong for pushing us to come tonight.

  “This was a shit idea.”

  Jace and I nodded. I resisted the urge to say “no shit,” and instead, we all three polished off our drinks.

  “Let’s just get out of here,” Dean muttered.






  Blood pounded in my ears as I moved through the rich, opulent house — my very skin tingling. Words like “scandalous,” and “insane,” and “orgy” went through my head. Because really, how else could I describe what was going on around me?

  When we’d first stepped into this place, all I’d seen was a rich entryway to an old, stately home. Gilded ceiling, sparkling chandeliers, a tuxedoed butler handing us black masks and offering a tray of champagne.

  Okay, it wasn’t that bad, I’d thought, still in that entryway. It wasn’t the “club” I thought it’d be, but it wasn’t a shack in the woods or something creepy either — a thought that had momentarily crept into my head as we’d driven out of the city. So I’d decided to stay for one drink and see what was going on.

  But then, we’d stepped up to the carved wooden door, and Thomas had pushed it open.

  And my whole world had been rocked.

  What the HELL is this?

  Most of the room was in some sort of undress. Naked feminine curves and bare, hard muscles filled my vision — people undulating, kissing, moaning, gasping.

  My whole body had shivered at the sight of a woman bent over on a rich, plush sofa, a man pulling his tuxedo shirt off behind her as he drove his cock in and out of her. A second man moved to her front, and a loud gasp escaped my lips, a hand flying to my mouth as I watched her stick her tongue out and lick his cock head.