Read Royally Shared Page 16

  “No, we don’t,” Jace said evenly.

  “What does that even mean?”

  They looked at each other before Killian turned back to me.

  “Just come out.”

  “Tell me first what that mea—”

  “It means we share,” he growled. “We don’t want you to pick because you can’t. We come together.”

  My jaw dropped.

  “Wait, what?”

  Had I just even heard him right?

  “Hang on, you want me to come out with all three of you, because all three of you…” I trailed off, swelling.


  “Yes,” Dean nodded. “We’ll go someplace discreet if it helps.”

  I shook my head. “This is nuts.”

  “So run away.” Dean shrugged, but his eyes never left mine.

  “If this is beyond you, that’s fine. Walk away.”

  I thought about it. For a full ten seconds, standing there with them, I thought about it. But then I thought about those kisses.

  I thought of that passion, and that heat from the night before. I thought of how I’d fallen right into them and how being around them felt like nothing I’d ever known before.

  My feet stayed planted, and I didn’t run away.

  “Where did you have in mind?”

  They smiled.

  “Look, I’m not saying anything, but, I’ll go out and see what you mean.”

  Dean grinned. “There’s a restaurant we could just book out. Or we could go to a—”

  “What about the club?” My mouth snapped snout. I had no idea why I said it.

  Killian’s brow perked up, an amused look on his face.



  “You want to come to the club?”

  I quickly shook my head.

  “What? No, I…” I bit my lip and looked up. “Maybe?”

  “You’re curious.”

  I blushed as they moved closer, my heart flip-flopping at the nearness of them.

  “If I’m going to go on a date with three men, I’d like to…you know.”

  “Research,” Jace chuckled.

  I blushed. “I’m just curious is all.”

  “Then we can show you,” he purred in my ear as he pulled me close.

  I gasped as they moved around me, six hands finding my waist and trailing over me. And I didn’t even care in that moment that someone could have walked back and found us. I didn’t care about anything actually except for the sparks teasing through me from where their hands touched me.

  I tilted my head back and met Dean’s eyes.

  And then it was happening all over again.

  He kissed me softly, tenderly, tasting my mouth as his hands pulled me close. And then I was being turned, moving to Killian and kissing him a little hungrier. Jace kissed me third, growling into my mouth before they pulled back.

  “We—” Killian’s brow darkened. “We do need to ask you something, though.”

  “The bracelet,” Dean said slowly.

  “Oh, that, yeah,” I shrugged, making a face. “I mean, those guys were creeps, and I felt weird keeping the gift.”

  “We need to know who gave it to you,” Jace said, his voice edged.

  I frowned. “Oh, shoot. Did they not get it back?”

  “No, not that’s not it.”

  They glanced at each other again.

  “Who gave it to you?”

  I shrugged. “The two men who I came with and a friend of theirs who was already at the club.”


  I wrinkled my nose. “Carl, Shawn, and Thomas, but they said they were fake names.”

  The three of them bristled.


  “What happened before the bracelet?”

  “Nothing? They were scumbags who lied about where we were going, and once we were there, they got super creepy. I said I had to use the bathroom so I left.”

  “And they gave you that.”

  “Yeah.” I frowned. “Is there something I’m not getting here?”

  They looked at each other, and Jace muttered under his breath.

  “Is there a problem with the bracelet?”

  “No, it’s just…”

  “It’s a club rule,” Killian growled. “The bracelet marks you as ‘taken,’ so no one else approaches you.”

  I blanched.

  “Um, well I’m not taken by those three creeps.”

  “They gave you a bracelet.”

  “Yeah, but I didn’t know what it meant. I think that’s called entrapment.”

  Dean and Killian grinned, nodding. Finally, Jace nodded too.

  “Alright, we’ll go. Not tonight, but there’s another club gathering happening in a few days, if that works for you.”

  I felt my pulse quicken at the thought.

  Dean looked at me with narrowed eyes. “You sure you’re ready?”

  I nodded quickly before I lost my nerve. “Yes.”

  “Look, Anya, we can promise you two things about it when we go,” he said quietly. “First, you’ll be safe. No one will touch you while we’re next to you.”

  I nodded, my breath coming quicker.

  “Two, nothing happens that you don’t want, alright?”

  I nodded, but inside I had one thought:

  But what if I do want it?

  “After that though?” Dean grinned. “After that, we can’t promise anything. The whole point of the place is to sort of give up control and see what happens. You ready for that?”

  “Absolutely,” I breathed.

  “Hope so,” Killian said, his eyes locked on me. “Cause there’s no telling what you might see when you’re there.” His eyes flashed at me. “Or what you’ll feel.”



  A few nights later, I was getting ready to go. So was Adele, actually, but for a much different night out than me. That night, Adele was off to a “suitor’s ball” at her uncle’s — King Lucian’s palace in Avlion.

  I’d wanted to tell her about the club, and everything that was happening, but I hadn’t been able to. It still felt too surreal, and too personal to tell anyone yet — even my best friend. I’d come close to spilling the beans a few days before, when we’d snuck out to our favorite swimming hole in the woods that we sometimes went to. But I’d chickened out at the last second.

  Interestingly enough, for the last few days, Adele had been acting weird too, and I had a hunch it was guy thing, even if she wouldn’t tell me.

  Hey, we’d tell each other when we were ready. I knew that.

  I was just putting some of the finishing touches on my makeup and dress when I heard “our” knock — the two short and one long knock — on my door, which said it was Adele.

  “Hey, come on in!”

  The door swung open, and my friend waltzed in in full princess mode.

  “Holy shit, you look fantastic.”

  She did, too. She was wearing a silvery gold dress that shimmered and sparkled like diamonds around her, and her long black hair was up in this elaborate and intricate series of braids and curls.

  I whistled and she rolled her eyes.

  “Look who’s talking!” She eyed my dress, making an exaggerated “wow” face.

  “You look fantastic! Where the heck are you off to tonight?”

  “Oh,” I rolled my eyes, waving her off as I turned back to my mirror.

  “Just this thing.”

  “Yeah, you’re going to need to be more specific than that when you’re dressed like that.”

  I blushed, knowing that it was usually me making her blush, since she was the sheltered one here. But then, me being with three men and a sex club made me feel like the sheltered one these days.

  “Wait, is this that club thing you went to before?” She cocked a brow.

  Oh, right, that much I had let slip when we were out the other day. I’d held back on any real explanation though.

  “Hey, how come w
e haven’t talked about that yet?”

  “Maybe because you’ve been wrapped up in your own little secrets?”

  I grinned as my friend blushed.

  “I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said primly.

  “Sure, okay,” I rolled my eyes. “So you haven’t been in this dreamy floaty mood the last few days? Mooning around? Adele White, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’d gotten laid.”

  She went crimson, quickly shaking her head. “Oh, no, of course not.”

  She said it much too quickly. Also, my friend was a terrible liar.

  “So, what’s his name?” I teased.

  Adele could only sputter, the poor thing, trying to come up with more excuses.

  I grinned, winking at her. “I knew it.”

  “It’s— it’s nothing,” she shook her head, looking down.

  “So who’s the prince?”

  “No prince.”


  Oh, this was getting juicy.

  “No, I mean, it’s not a guy at all! You’re making things up!”

  “Adele, I love ya, but you are a terrible liar.”

  She swallowed. “It’s not even worth talking about.”

  Her shoulders slumped, and instantly, I felt terrible for teasing her.

  “It’s not anything because it can’t be.”

  I stepped towards her, putting my arm around her shoulder and pulling her tight.

  “Says who?”


  “Not a royal, I take it?”

  She shook her head.

  “And is this just for fun or…”

  “More than that,” she whispered.


  Looked like I wasn’t the only one in over her head in places she shouldn’t be.


  “You got hooked, huh?”

  Adele sighed, nodding.

  “Look,” I pulled her into a big hug, squeezing her tight. “You look fucking amazing, and whatever the scandal, I love seeing you this smiley. So just go to this ball at your uncle's tonight, I’ll go to my thing, and we’ll figure it all out.”

  She sighed. “Promise?”

  “Hey, what are servants for?”

  Adele laughed.



  She was quiet in the limo a few days later. I could tell she was nervous, but damn did she look gorgeous. Her chestnut hair was pulled up on top of her head, and she wore this hot as sin little black cocktail dress that I knew would turn some heads at the club.

  Heads were fine, but if it turned any hands, I was prepared to fucking break them.

  She sat facing the three of us in the back of the limo, her eyes darting between us.

  “Do you have anything to drink in here?”

  I smiled. “Nervous?”

  “Um, yes.”

  “Don’t be.”

  “Easy for you to say, since you guys do this all the time.”

  “We don’t actually,” Jace said quietly.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean were members, we’ve gone, but,” he shook his head, and I took over.

  “It’s all meant nothing, Anya. It’s all been empty.”

  “We’ve never brought anyone either,” Killian growled.


  He nodded, popping some champagne from the mini fridge and pouring her a glass.

  “Well, I guess I feel special.”

  “You should.”

  She swallowed.

  “Do I have to— I mean does everyone have to…”

  I knew what she was asking.

  “You don’t have to do anything tonight, beautiful. You can just watch.”

  “People don’t mind?”

  “They wouldn’t be fucking in the middle of a living room if they did.”

  She grinned at Killian, and I was glad he was doing a better job than me of lightening the mood.

  “Anya, the men who gave you the bracelet—”

  “I don’t know them.”

  “I know, and that they gave you it without explaining it to you was bullshit. But, the rules are rules, and there could be issues if they’re there tonight and see you with us.”

  Her brow furrowed.

  “Look this might be fucked up, but,” I glanced at Jace and he growled under his breath.

  “I knew she’d hate this.”

  Anya laughed. “Hate what?”

  I sighed as I passed her the box.

  “What’s this?”

  I just nodded at it, so she slowly pulled it open, her eyes going a little wide as she pulled out the long, blonde wig inside.

  She was quiet.

  “Fuck, this was a stupid fucking ide—”

  She started laughing.

  “I love it!”

  Killian groaned.

  “No, really!” She looked up, genuinely looking happy as she beamed at us. “No, honestly, this is great. I can just be someone else tonight. Isn’t that kind of the idea of the club anyways?”

  She had a good point.

  “I mean, hey, if you guys have a thing for blondes—”

  “We have a thing for you,” I growled.

  She gasped as I moved across the divide between us, and before she even said a thing, I was kissing her.


  Hard enough that she knew I meant it.

  I pulled away, seeing the blush on her face. She touched her lips, her eyes flashing at me before she looked past me at Killian and and Jace.

  “The feeling is shared with us if you're curious,” Killian growled.

  “Oh is it?”

  “Yes,” he hissed, as he and Jace pushed past me and slid to either side of her. She gasped as Killian took her mouth first, kissing him fiercely as Jace ran his hand up her legs and over her hips.

  She pulled away, moving to Jace and kissing him as Killian’s mouth found her neck.

  Fuck, I was so hard watching this start to unfold, but we were also so close. Too close to keep this going.

  Jace and Killian pulled away, all three of them breathing heavily. I reached into one of the side boxes and pulled out our four masks — three of the plain members ones for us, and one of the slightly silvered, feminine ones meant for “guests” for Anya. I watched as she slipped her blonde wig, on, tucking the errant tendrils of chestnut underneath it before pulling on her mask.

  We did the same as the car came to a stop.

  “Are you ready?”

  “Yes,” she whispered fiercely.

  Killian pulled her close, his lips brushing her ear.

  “Then it’s time to jump into the deep end, beautiful.”

  We’d arrived late again, and again, the party was already underway. Groups were already undressing or undressed around the room. I watched a red-haired girl moan in ecstasy as the two men fucking her from either end drove in deep, making her scream.

  Anya’s hand found mine, squeezing.

  “Don’t be nervous,” I whispered.

  “I’m not.”

  She turned.

  “I’m excited.”

  Her hand squeezed mine, and I saw a bit of fire flash in those deep blue eyes.

  We moved through a doorway into another room, and she stopped. A crowd was forming around the brunette and the three men in the dimly lit room. Slowly, already nude, the brunette sank to her knees as the men disrobed.

  These guys, like us, took care of their bodies, and hard muscles made the brunette moan as they stripped. They were packing too — not as much as us, I thought with a smug grin, but this girl was in for some fun.

  Slowly, she reached up and started to suck one of them, moving her hand out towards another.

  Anya gasped.

  “Do you want to watch,” Killian murmured.

  “Yes,” she whispered, her cheeks flushed and her eyes locked on the scene in front of us.

  We moved to an empty couch along the far wall.

??Sit on my lap,” Killian murmured. The sofa wasn’t big enough for four, but I knew the man had all sorts of other reasons.

  Not that I could blame him in the slightest.

  I imagined Anya’s tight little ass squirming in my lap as she watched what was about to happen unfold.

  Lucky bastard.

  She grinned, her eyes saying she knew exactly what we were thinking.

  “Smooth,” she whispered. “Picking the small couch?”

  Killian grinned.

  We sat and she moved onto his lap. The girl in front of us began to suck her three men one at a time, stroking two while she moaned around the third. Spit dripped from their slick shafts as they groaned, hands reaching down to cup her chin, play with her breasts and nipples, and pull her hair into a fist as she slurped on their cocks.

  Anya shifted, swallowing hard.

  “You okay?” Jace asked.

  “Very much so,” she said breathlessly.

  The men moved the girl onto a low, padded table. One went between her legs, pushing her knees back as he ran his tongue up and down her slick pussy. Anya gasped, shifting in Killian’s lap and squeezing her thighs together.

  He groaned, and she moaned quietly. And I knew she could feel my buddy’s big cock grinding against her ass.

  “Enjoying yourself?” I murmured.

  She nodded. “Uh-huh.”

  “Good,” I pulled her head around and kissed her neck. “Keep watching,” I murmured, my lips sucking on her earlobe. She moaned quietly, grinding on Killian’s lap as I kissed her neck.

  In front of us, the girl gasped as one of the other men moved to her breast, kissing her nipples and stroking her skin. The third guy stood by her head, and Anya moaned as the girl began to tongue his heavy balls and stroke his shaft.

  The man between her legs rose, and she cried out as he slipped the head of his cock against her wet pink pussy and eased inside. She moaned, bucking her hips and he pushed her knees back and started to fuck her, hard. Slick sound filled the room as his thick cock pumped in and out of her tight little slit.

  Anya gasped, and I glanced down to see Jace’s hands moving over her full tits. I knew she’d stop us if we went too far, but the look of pure lust on her face said it all.

  Her hand dropped to my leg, squeezing my thigh as she watched the foursome unfold in front of us. My hand moved to her breast as well — Jace and I each taking a side and rolling her nipples through her thin dress.