Read Royally Shared Page 23

  My eyes went wide as I opened the small jewelry case up to see the glimmering diamond pendant necklace inside.

  “What, Simone, what-”

  “Oh, don’t worry,” she laughed. “It’s fake. But you asking for fancy clothes out here? I figured you’d want to look great for whatever it is you’re trying to pull off.”

  I beamed at her. “You are the best. Honestly, thank you for doing all of this.”

  “Anytime. You feel like telling me what this is yet?”

  I winked. “I will. Soon.”

  “Better,” she teased before sighing. “Guess you want me to take off now, huh?”

  I grinned, nodding.

  She shook her head as she climbed back into her car. “Be careful, okay?”

  I watched as she drove off before I turned and started speed-walking back down the road to the mansion.

  I slinked behind some hedges near the fence again, quickly peeling off my shorts and t-shirt and pulling the dress out of the bag Simone had brought.


  She and I were about the same size, so I’d asked her to bring me something “elegant and fancy.” I’d watched a few groups head into the mansion after Julia, and they were all dressed the same — the men in tuxedos, and the women in gorgeous cocktail dresses or gowns. What Simone had brought me was fancy, but in a “going out to a club” way, not a lavish mansion party way.

  Or a sex club way, at that.

  But it would have to do.

  I ditched my pink bra along with the rest of my clothes behind a bush, standing and taking a deep breath before I frowned. Shit, I was basically wearing laundry day panties, and with Simone’s tight-fitting, sleek, short black dress, it was pretty obvious. Normally, I wouldn’t actually care, but that night was all about acting a part and trying to get close.

  I quickly pulled the panties off and tossed them with the rest of the clothes. Screw it. If no panty-line meant no panties, fine.

  I stepped out of the bushes, pulling my hair back, slipping my heels on and taking a deep breath. The gates were still open from a car that had just driven up, and I quickly stepped through them before they could close. I followed the taillights of the car up the long driveway, hanging back while three men and a woman got out and went inside before I squared my shoulders, tried my best to relax, and stepped towards the door.

  I was sure this was it, but God, if it turned out to be some sort of private party or a birthday or something instead of the scandalous royal sex club, I was fucked. But my dad had always told me before he passed away, “fake it till you make it.”

  It was time to fake it.

  The big, brawny man with the thick beard and huge arms was silent at the door, merely stepping in front of my path.

  “Where’s your car, miss?”

  “Oh, I got out at the gate, actually.” I flashed my best smile, trying to bat my eyes. Suddenly, I was kind of glad Simone had brought me such a scandalously short dress.

  “Really,” the man said flatly.

  “It’s a big night for me,” I said, leaning close like I was confiding in him — a trick I’d learned from years of talking with skittish sources and snitches.

  “It’s actually my first night here, and I’m a little nervous. I thought the walk would help.”

  He was motionless for a second, just glowering down at me, before suddenly, he smiled.

  “No need to be nervous,” he said in a low, deep voice. “You’ll have fun.”

  I swallowed, nodding, but suddenly, his smile faded.

  “Where’s your mask?”

  I froze.


  “Oh, I must have left it in the car,” I smiled again, trying to bat my eyes.

  It wasn’t working.

  The man’s eyes narrowed as he stepped forward.

  “And where is your invitation.”

  “My invitation? Oh, I’m sure it’s…”

  Where, behind my ear? I was wearing next to nothing, I wasn’t carrying a purse since I’d given that and my phone to Simone, and as the seconds ticked by, I suddenly realized I might be in big trouble.

  “My invitations is…uh, somewhere.”

  The man growled, reaching for a radio on his hip.

  “This event is invite only,” he growled.

  Two cars came to a stop behind me, and I whirled to see two groups of men in tuxedos and masks step out. They elbowed each other and grinned, nodding at me as they stepped forward.

  “Are you claimed for the evening?” one murmured.

  I shivered, fear spiking through me.

  “Oh, I—”

  “Your invitation, miss,” the doorman growled again, stepping towards me with a menacing look on his face.

  “Shit, if you’re alone, you can come with us, baby,” one of the six guys grinned wolfishly, his eyes sliding over my bare legs.

  Oh God, what did I just get myself into?

  I felt claustrophobic, my pulse racing and fear sliding through me as the six hungry-looking men and the angry doorman began to crowd around me. And I was seriously considering kicking my heels off and making a run for it, when suddenly, a deep, powerful voice from behind the men rang out.

  “She’s with us.”

  The six guys paused, moving back, and my eyes fell on the new voice.

  There were three of them — three men in expensive-looking, tailored suits. All the same height, all with the same chiseled jaws and broad shoulders. All with the same gorgeous lips and piercing eyes behind their masks.

  “There you are, my dear,” the one who’d spoken up before purred, stepping forward and smiling at me as he took my arm.

  I went to jerk it away. “What do you think you’re—”

  “Ready for some fun?” he said loudly, cutting me off as his eyes flashed at me and his hand gripped me higher. And suddenly, without any warning at all, this tall, gorgeous stranger pulled me into his arms, dipped me low, and kissed me fiercely.

  And I was lost.

  He kissed me slowly, letting me feel every single second of it until I was sure my feet had left the ground, before he slowly pulled back.

  Damn, that was a kiss.

  I was opening my mouth to ask again what the hell was going on when he pulled me close and let his lips brush my ears.

  “I don’t know how the hell you got here or what the fuck you’re doing, but play along or you’re going to be in more trouble than you can possibly know. Trust me, go with it,” he whispered into my ear.

  I nodded when he pulled back.

  “She said she walked from the front gate,” the doorman growled as the six other men outside stepped into the house.

  “Oh, yeah, she wanted some air.” One of the three men who’d just saved me — one of the two who hadn’t just kissed me, chuckled darkly. “First timer. You know how it is.”

  The door man turned back and eyed me.

  “She’s with us, Ivan,” the third one said, his voice with an edge of warning to it that “Ivan” seemed to hear loud and clear.

  “Absolutely, sir. We have spare masks inside.”


  The first man — the one who’d kissed me like I’d never been kissed before — took my arm.

  “In we go,” he murmured.



  “Alright, who the fuck are you?” I hissed, pulling her into the shadows of the entryway once we were inside. There was another set of doors in front of us that would take us to the rest of the house, and the activities beyond, But this had to happen first.

  …Even if all I wanted to do was kiss her again.

  Literally, all I wanted to do. I could still taste the sweetness of her tongue, and feel the softness of her lips. And fuck did I want more. A lot more. But before we pulled her inside, I had to know who she was.

  Because she clearly didn’t belong here.

  “Who are you,” I growled again, gazing into those haunting green eyes, her red hair framing her face like fire. Fu
ck, something stirred in me. Something that wanted to break it’s way out, grab her tight and claim her right here and now. Somehow, I held it back.

  “I’m a guest, “ she said primly. I had to stop myself from grinning at her tenacity.


  “You don’t believe me?”

  All three of us chuckled.

  “No, not in the slightest,” Landon purred, moving close to her.

  “Well, I don’t know what you want me to say, I’m definitely on the list.”

  I smirked.

  “There’s no ‘list,’ sweetheart,” Malcolm growled, his tone sharp but his eyes amused.

  She bit her lip.

  “We’re about to walk through these doors, and once we’re through them, there’s no going back.”

  Hell, I could almost see her about to say “from what,” but she closed her mouth, her eyes fierce.

  “Yeah, I know, that’s why I’m here,” she said matter-of-factly.

  “If you say so.”

  I let my eyes drag over her, making her remember that kiss before I turned and pushed the doors open. A man in a butler’s tuxedo approached, nodding stiffly and offering a tray with champagne and a few black velvet masks on it.

  “Take a mask,” Landon nodded.

  “Why— oh yeah, of course.”

  “Come here all the time, huh?”

  She was silent, but she took the mask. We all took champagne.

  “Come with us.”

  We pulled her aside, not going for the main doorway into what looked like the main living room, instead heading into a library to the side. We caught a glimpse of a couple kissing heavily against a wall, the woman moaning into his mouth as his hands stroked her sides. A second man moved into her, his hands grabbing her ass as she kissed the first guy passionately. She pulled back, instantly turning and pressing her lips to guy number two as the first one went for her neck.

  Our new friend, the mystery girl, shivered visibly, making a small gasping sound.

  We found a door to an empty study and pulled her inside, shutting the door behind us before we turned on her.

  “Who. Are. You,” Landon growled. “I’m not going to ask again, because we just stuck our necks out for you hard back there.”

  She swallowed, her eyes dancing to each of us.


  “Wonderful. Who are you really?”


  “You’ve got a killer smile and a great ass, sweetheart,” Malcolm growled. “But you’re a terrible liar.”

  She blushed, sucking her lip between her teeth.

  “It’s Emma.”

  I nodded, “Doesn’t the truth just feel easier?”

  She scowled at us. “Well, how about you? Who are you guys?”

  “Guests,” Malcolm growled. “Actual guests.”

  “Do I get names?”

  “From the three strangers wearing masks in the members-only club in the middle of nowhere?” Landon smiled at her.

  “That’s a no isn’t it?”

  “Yes it is.”

  She glanced at each of us, her face wary.

  “What’s going on out there?” she asked quietly.

  “I think you should go,” I muttered back. “We’ll escort you out.”

  “I’m not a child.”

  “No, but you’re lost here,” Landon said quietly. “This isn’t the place for you.”

  “Why do you say tha—”

  “Trust us,” I growled.

  “I prefer to trust myself.”

  God damn she was stubborn. Stubborn, and strong-minded, and sassy.

  And I fucking liked it.

  “You want to jump in, huh?”

  She held my eyes. “Whatever this is? Yeah, I’m sure I can take it.”

  “Care to wager?”

  “Wager what?”

  I grinned at her. “I’ll take another one of those kisses.”

  Her eyes went wide.

  “Excuse me?”

  “If we show you what this is, if you panic, we’ll drive you home. But I get another kiss.”

  She swallowed, her tongue darting out to wet her lips. And damn if it didn’t make me rock fucking hard. Damn if it didn’t make me want to slam her against the wall and take another kiss from her.

  “Fine,” she said quietly. “And if I don’t panic, because I won’t?”

  I chuckled. “Well maybe you kiss them instead, then.”

  Her cheeks went pink as she glanced quickly at my two brothers.

  “C’mon sweetheart,” Malcolm said darkly. “Time to jump in.”



  My heart raced as we stepped out into the room, that kiss still lingering on my lips.

  Who were these guys? And what the hell was going on with me that all I wanted to do was to mash my lips to his all over again?

  Maybe you kiss them instead.

  I shivered at the thought of that — of kissing the men who looked so much like the first one. I wondered if their lips would taste the same, or if they’d kiss the same way. Would one be more tender? The other fiercer, more demanding?

  I quickly shook my head. Seriously, what the hell was wrong with me?

  We walked down a hallway, and I found myself really taking in the huge, gorgeous, opulent mansion. The place was all low light and and gilded edges — crystal chandeliers, dark red walls, gorgeous hardwood floors and rich, sumptuous furniture. We stepped into a room, and suddenly, my feet stumbled as my pulse skipped a beat.

  The woman was moaning as she kissed one man, passionately and fiercely, his hand cupping her jaw. Behind her, a second man ran his hand over her body, kissing her neck and his hands found her breasts — right in front of everyone! I mean the room was full of people, and these three were—

  I froze as I suddenly took a second look at the room.

  Holy. Shit.

  Everyone was in some state of undress. In a chair, a woman was topless, facing out as she straddled a man’s lap. His hands cupped her breasts, fingers toying with her nipples as she moaned and writhed on him. In front of her, a second man reached down and pushed her dress up high, running his hand across the front of her sheer black panties. A third man leaned over the back of the chair, pulling her face around and kissing her deeply.

  I gasped, loudly, as I turned and saw another foursome in another dark corner of the room. These ones were going further — the woman standing and moaning into a man’s mouth as two other guys pulled her dress off. The man she was kissing slid a hand into her panties, his hand moving slowly as she started to moan. She reached behind her, and I watched, dumbfounded as she pulled down the zippers of the other two men, reached inside, and pulled out two thick cocks.

  …Yeah, I think it was fair to say I’d found it. I think any shadow of doubt was gone from my mind that I was very firmly in the middle of The Triple Crown Club.

  “Freaked out yet?”

  The man I’d kissed was grinning at me, his perfect, soft lips pulled back, is white teeth flashing.

  God, I wanted to kiss those lips again.

  “Nope,” I said quickly, trying to hide the heat from my face.

  This was it. This was definitely it. I was in the freaking Triple Crown Club — the place where royalty took women to share. The thought made me pause, quickly glancing at the three men I was with.

  If this was the Triple Crown Club, it meant these three were royalty of some kind.

  I shivered again.

  In front of me, the whole room was melting into heat and decadence. The girl in the chair straddling the guy’s lap rose up, and I gasped as I saw him pull his thick cock out of his tuxedo pants. She moaned wildly as she settled back down, her panties pushed to the side as he slowly sank every inch inside of her pussy. Two other men stood beside her, and I watched as they pulled their own cocks out. She whimpered, turning to take one into her mouth, and my jaw dropped.

  “This is…”

  I trailed off, my blo
od pumping hot and my body reacting to what I was seeing. This was so filthy and scandalous and…and…

  And hot.

  Like, really, really hot, and there was no use in pretending it wasn’t having an effect on me. My skin felt warmer, my blood pumped faster, my nipples hardened under my thin dress.

  …And I was very, very wet.

  “This is nothing you’ve ever seen before, am I right?” he growled lowly.

  “Yes,” I whispered

  “Like what you see?”

  My breath caught as the second one’s hand slid up my arm. I turned, looking up into his gorgeous blue eyes, that chiseled aristocratic chin, and those perfect lips. And I melted a little.

  “Are you trying to fluster me?” I said quietly.

  “Maybe.” The first man grinned.

  “Trying to make me freak out?”


  I gasped at the voice from behind me, and then the feel of a hard, chiseled body moving against my back.

  God, they were so hot, in this magnetic way that made it impossible to pull myself away from them. It was like they were a drug I was addicted to. And I knew what they were doing. I knew they were trying to push me to freak out — and maybe not for the kiss bet we’d made, but maybe just to prove to me the I shouldn’t be there so they could get me to leave. After all, if this was the Triple Crown Club and I was sure it was, me being here was a huge breach.

  I was not a guest of the royals, or invited by anyone. I’d snuck in. Worse, I was a reporter. I was the enemy in a place like this. So I knew they were just trying to push me to break to get me away, but at the same time, I couldn’t resist.

  I was panting as the second man pulled me close, the one I’d kissed standing to the side and smirking as the second and the third pressed against me from either side.

  “And just what do you think you’re doing?” I whispered.

  “Not flustering you, of course,” the second one said with a smug grin.

  “Right, of course.”

  “Just like you’re ‘not’ practically panting at what’s going on in here,” the third man growled into my ear, making me shiver. I could feel his hardness pressing into my ass, and as they pressed closer, I felt the same thick bulge on the one in front of me.