Read Royally Shared Page 9

  The scene in the next room made me gasp. In there, a woman in a black cocktail dress similar to mine sat astride a man’s lap in a big chair. Her dress was pulled up around her waist, the man’s hands wandering her ass and teasing over her black thong. Her hands were between them, and my eyes went wide as I saw the way her arms were pumping.

  Behind me, I felt one of my guys move in close. He growled, both he and Victor, teasing kisses up my neck as I watched the couple in the chair. A second man moved next to them, and wordless, she turned and started to pull at his zipper.

  My jaw dropped.

  Victor, Micah, and Luke had told me exactly what this place was, but watching it here in the flesh was another thing altogether. I gasped as she reached inside and pulled out his thick, rock-hard cock. My eyes wide, my breath hovering on my lips and Victor’s hands sliding up my sides, I watched as she leaned forward and wrapped her pouty lips around his cock.

  It was the third man, moving to her other side and pulling his own cock out that sent a tremor through me. She turned, a hungry moan dripping from her lips as she opened her mouth and slurped him inside. Beneath her, the man whose lap she was straddling pushed her up a little. I watched, almost gasping out loud as he stroked his huge cock. He slipped her panties to the side and eased his head against her glistening pussy. She sat down on him, taking every inch of him and crying out as she sucked at the other man’s cock.

  I was soaked.

  I was buzzing with energy, and as I felt Micah and Luke move in around me, lips and fingers stroking my skin, I knew why I was here.

  …I wanted this.

  I wanted to experience this, and jump into the deep end.

  I wanted them, and I wanted it all with them.

  I turned my head, and before they could say anything, I grabbed Micah by the collar and yanked his mouth to mine. He growled into the kiss, his tongue seeking entrance as he pulled me against him. I turned, falling into Victor and doing the same to him. His hands grabbed my ass, grinding his thick erection into my belly as he tugged at the hem of my dress.

  Luke was next, cupping my jaw and kissing me hungrily.

  “Tonight is whatever you want it to be, beautiful,” he murmured.

  “I want it all,” I gasped quietly.

  “Soon,” Micah purred into my ear. “There’s more first.”

  They started to pull me into another room, when suddenly, something flashed at me from my peripheral vision.

  I yanked my head around, my pulse skipping a beat as I watch the brunette disappear around a corner.

  No. Freaking. Way.

  I wanted to say I was of course mistaken, and that there was no damn way I’d just seen who I thought I’d seen. But there are some people you know so well that even a mask won’t hide who they are when you see them in a place like that.

  And I was ninety-nine percent sure I’d just seen my cousin Anya disappear around the corner of the Triple Crown Club.

  “I’ll be right back,” I said absently, pulling away from my men.

  “Wait,” Luke pulled me back by the wrist.

  “I just need to—”

  His smile stopped me. “I don’t mean wait like you’re not allowed to go anywhere, Julia.” He shook his head. “I’d like to say you’re mine — that you’re ours — but you’re not our property. You can go where you please here, but before you do…”

  He reached into his pocket and drew out a small box. He opened it, and my eyes went wide at the little gold chain inside. It was a bracelet - delicate and elegant and covered in diamonds. And there, set in the middle of it, were three elegantly curved, diamond studded crowns.

  He held my wrist out and put it on me, kissing the inside of my wrist as he clasped the bracelet on me.

  “This just says you’re spoken for. If anyone approaches you, you just show them this, and the matter will be dropped.”

  “It’s an understood rule here,” Micah added.

  I swallowed, tracing a finger over it.

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “Fits you well then,” Victor murmured.

  I looked up at them. “I’ll be right back, there’s just something I have to look into.”

  “We’ll be right in here,” Luke nodded through an open doorway to a darker, sultry looking room.

  I nodded, kissing each of them quickly before turning and heading off to find out if I was seeing things.

  I caught a glimpse of her unmistakably gorgeous and enviable chestnut hair again as I watched her quickly step up a curved staircase through a crowd. I moved past the other groups, only once having to hold my wrist up and nod at the bracelet when a gorgeous man with a thick beard put a hand on my hip.

  I followed the mystery girl up the staircase, stepping quickly after her as I watched her disappear around a corner.

  I wanted to say there was no way it was Anya, but I’d known my cousin my whole life. If this wasn’t her, then she had a twin no one knew about.

  I rounded the corner and frowned, my shoulders slumping as I looked down a long, totally empty hallway.


  I’d lost her.

  I was turning to leave, when I noticed the women’s restroom sign on the door next to me and decided to duck in to take a breath before I rejoined my three men. And I was just pushing the door open, when it yanked open by itself, and I tumbled right into her.

  This time, there wasn’t a shred doubt who it was.

  Our eyes locked, and both of us gasped in shock at the same time.



  We gaped at each other, jaws on the floor and eyes wide behind our masks.

  “What— I mean, why. How?!” She balked at me, her face turning a shade of crimson that I’m sure matched mine.

  …It’s not everyday you run into your cousin at an elicit, exclusive sex club.

  She grabbed my hand and yanked me into the bathroom, poking her head out into the hallway and looking around before stepping inside and locking the door.

  She yanked her mask off, and I did the same.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” She hissed, her eyes wide.

  “I could ask you the same!”

  She blushed bright red. “I— I’m just…”

  Anya swallowed, her face looking worried.

  “Jules, you can’t tell anyone about this.”

  “You think?” I threw back sarcastically before I frowned. Anya didn’t just look embarrassed to be caught here, she looked worried.

  “Hey,” I reached out and touched her arm. “Don’t worry, I’m not telling a freaking soul about this. Trust me, this is just as insane for me.”

  “No, Jules…” Her lips twisted, her brow furrowing as she glanced at the door.

  “It’s more than that,” she whispered.

  I shivered.

  “Anya, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, I just…” she bit her lip. “I should go.”

  “Hey, hang on,” I snagged her arm as she tried to brush past me. “Are you in some kind of trouble?”

  She said nothing out loud, but her look said enough.

  “Look, Anya, the guys I’m here with — they’re powerful, and they can—”

  She barked out a brittle laugh.

  “Help me?” She rolled her eyes. “Jules, all the guys here are powerful, and rich, and have all sorts of influence.” She sighed, forcing a smile to her face.

  “Sorry, I’m not trying to freak you out. I really am fine, there’s just this situation I’m trying to avoid.”

  “We can go right now,” I said quietly, meaning it. However important that night was for me and my guys, Anya was family, and making sure she was okay was even more important.

  She grinned at me. “You don’t really want to go right now.”

  “I would, and I will if you’re in trouble.”

  She smiled, pulling me into a hug.

  “This I why you’re my favorite cousin, you know.”

??m you’re only cousin,” I giggled, making her laugh.

  “I’m really okay, Jules. There’s just—” she signed. “My being here is maybe a tiny bit more complicated than you being here.”

  “Wanna bet?” I muttered.


  I glanced up at her, my brow worrying again. “If you’re in trouble, we’re getting out of here right now.”

  “If I need an escape, I’ll find you.” She smiled. “I’m okay, Jules.”

  I nodded.

  “I’d ask how you managed to find yourself in this place, but,” she grinned, winking at me. “I’m betting it has something to do with your new job at a certain Prince’s offices?”

  She glanced down at my wrist, and her brows went up.

  “Taken, I see?”

  I blushed, glancing down to see she didn’t have a bracelet on, which somehow seemed dangerous in a place like this.

  “You’re sure everything is okay?”

  She nodded. “You?”

  I shrugged, swallowing. “Yeah, I’m just… this place is overwhelming.”

  “Yeah, tell me about it. I’ve heard about this before — you know, just whispers and rumors around Lorne, but being here…” She whistled. “It’s a little crazy isn’t it.”

  “Uh, just a little.”

  She grinned again. “Should we maybe get back out there instead of hanging out in the ladies room all night?”

  I laughed. “Probably. You’re sure you’re okay?”

  “I will be,” she said quietly.

  “Better come get me if you need me.”


  We put our masks back on before we slipped out and headed back down the stairs into the fray of it all. I gasped as I saw a blonde woman off in another room draped across a huge four-poster bed with three gorgeous men with bodies sculpted from steel kneeling around her, their mouths wandering over every inch of her body.

  “I’ve got someone I need to find,” Anya whispered, nudging me. “Better go find your dates.”

  “We were about to come looking for you,” Victor murmured, pulling me close. I’d just found them, right inside the doorway to the dark room I’d left them in.

  “Everything okay?” Luke purred into my ear, his hand slipping up my spine. I melted against him.

  “Yeah, all good. I just saw—” I shook my head. The whole point of this place was anonymity, right?

  “There was something I had to check out. Sorry.”

  “No problem at all,” Micah said, moving in to run a hand over my hip. “Anyone try anything with you?”

  I grinned, holding my bracelet up.

  “Good,” Micah growled, pulling me close and kissing me deeply.

  All of a sudden, the lights in the room dimmed even more, and the murmurs of the groups around the room died down.

  “You’ll want to watch this,” Luke whispered darkly in my ear. “And I’ve got a feeling you’re going to enjoy it.”

  Soft lights came on in the middle of the space, and I realized the room was a sort of theatre in the round — a slightly raised, circular stage in the middle of the room with all of us standing around it. There was a big, sumptuous looking bed on the stage, and as we all watched, suddenly, four figures made their way through the crowd towards it.

  The woman stepped up first — jet-black hair, porcelain skin, and an enviable figure. Besides her black mask, she wore red lace lingerie that left literally nothing to the imagination, and she moved in slow, swaying steps towards the bed. The men followed next — three of them in just black dress pants and masks. Their perfect, sculpted bodies rippled under the soft lights, and my eyes landed one, two, and then a third crown tattoo on each of them.

  An energy settled over the room as the men moved in around her. I felt my pulse quicken as they began to strip, pants and boxers dropping to the floor and three huge, thick cocks bobbing out proudly from chiseled abs.

  I felt hands move up my sides as Luke pressed himself against me, his erection pressing into my ass. Victor and Micah moved in on either side of me — three sets of hands lightly tracing over my skin.

  The men on stage pushed the woman back onto the bed, and we could hear her gasp as they began to tear her bra and panties away. Two men pushed between her legs, spreading them wide and running their mouths up her thighs. She cried out as they both centered on her pussy, and my whole body hummed at the thought of two tongues teasing me there.

  The third man moved onto the bed and knelt next to her head, stroking his cock. He ran his fingers through her hair, and she moaned as she turned her head, opened her mouth, and sucked him between her lips.

  I gasped as I felt hands tugging my dress up high. It was totally dark around us, and I knew everyone was watching the stage. And besides that, I was wearing a mask. Just the same, it felt so dirty as the men tugged my dress up high, exposing my black lace and gold panties.

  Luke growled into my hair as his hands grabbed my ass tight. Victor’s lips slid to my neck, and I moaned as his fingers slipped under the waist of my panties and pushed down. He found me soaking wet of course, and he growled as he slid a finger easily inside.

  Up on the stage, the woman was writhing, and moaning loudly as the two men between her legs licked her and drove her wild. She bobbed her head faster and faster on the man at her head, before suddenly, she screamed around his thick cock as her orgasm hit her. The men pulled away, all three of them growling as they stroked hard, fat cocks and repositioned.

  One man lay back, pulling her onto his lap. She gasped as she swung a leg over him and settled down. His big dick pressed against her pussy, and she cooed as she slowly took him inside. He groaned, grabbing her ass and rocking his hips up to bury every inch of his cock inside her slick pussy.

  Another of the men stood on the bed, and she eagerly reached for him, stroking his cock before opening her mouth and running her tongue over his head.

  It was the third man that made my blood run hot and made me hide my moan in Micah’s lips.

  The third man crouched over her, hands tracing down her back until they gripped her ass. Next to me, Micah slipped his hand under my panties too, moving to roll my clit in slow circles while Victor plunged two of his fingers in and out of my slit.

  The third man on stage spread her ass, and I watched with wide eyes as he sucked his fingers and then slid them down to her ass. She moaned, shivering visibly as he slowly eased a finger inside of her tight ass. The other two men slowed, letting her rock against them as the third man began to push his finger in and out.

  Behind me, I could feel Luke pull the tiny strap of my lace panties to the side. I gasped as I felt his finger tease over my asshole, swirling lightly over my most private place as his teeth found the nape of my neck. I felt him begin to tug his zipper down, and I my whole body shivered as I felt his thick, hot cock slip out and nestle against my ass.

  On stage, the man removed his fingers and drizzled something from a tiny bottle all over his throbbing hard cock.

  And suddenly, I understood what was about to happen.

  He stroked his slick cock and crouched over her, and when his big fat cock-head touched her asshole, the girl began to moan wildly.

  My own pussy pulsed, my juices soaking my panties and Micah and Victor’s hands as they toyed with me faster and more demandingly. Behind me, I suddenly cried out as I felt Luke’s finger gently ease into my tight little ass. His cock throbbed hard against my ass as he stroked himself against my skin in the shadows.

  The girl moaning out in pleasure jerked my attention back to the stage, and I gasped, my jaw dropping as I watched the third man slowly begin to ease his impossibly big cock into her ass. He went slowly, but he never let up, inching inch after inch up her ass until finally, he was buried to the hilt.

  She went wild, bucking and screaming and wildly sucking on the guy in front of her as the other two began to pump in and out in unison.

  “Enjoying yourself?” Victor growled into my ear.

bsp; “Yes,” I gasped, sagging against them. Victor’s fingers slipped from my pussy, and I watched as he brought them up and sucked them hungrily between his lips. Micah took his place, his fingers plunging into my pussy as Luke fingered my ass.

  My hands dropped to either side of me, suddenly desperate for more. I needed more. I wanted all of this, and I wanted to lose myself in the filthy, sexy, heat of this place.

  My fingers tugged at their zippers, and both princes groaned as I reached inside and wrapped my small hands around their big, thick cocks. I pulled them free, and they growled, pushing against me and letting me stroke them against my thighs as Luke jerked himself against my ass. Victor slipped his hand back into my panties, fingers blurring over my clit.

  The foursome on stage was moving faster and faster, all of them getting louder and louder as they tumbled towards that edge together. The two men fucking her began to pump in and out faster, and deeper, their balls slapping her ass as their hands held her tight. The man in front of her groaned loudly, throwing his head back as both his hands tugged at her hair.

  It was the man under her that went first, I think. He roared, rocking is hips up and filling her with his release. I shuddered against Luke, my own climax about to claim me and drag me down as the three of them teased me higher and higher.

  The man in front of her roared his own release, throwing his head back as she moaned loudly around his pulsing cock and swallowed rope after rope of his cum. When the man crouched above her began to drive in and out of her ass like a man possessed, the whole room watched her explode.

  She screamed her orgasm, shattering for all three of them as the man behind her drove in balls-deep and unloaded, gasping as pump after pump of his cum filled her ass.

  And that was the last straw for me.

  I turned my head and screamed into Micah’s mouth, stroking him and Victor as fast as I could while all three of them fingered me into my release.

  I came, hard, moaning into his mouth as I came at the hands of three men, in a room full of people. That there were people around us — even if they weren’t watching — only made it that much more intense, and I screamed into Micah’s kiss as the orgasm shattered through me.