Read Rudyard Kipling Page 9


  [Separate issues of single poems or stories have not generally beenincluded in this list. Dates of first publication of books are given;new editions only when they involve revision of text, alteration offormat or transference to a different publisher.]

  Departmental Ditties and Other Verses (_Lahore: The Civil and MilitaryGazette Press_). 1886. New editions (_London: Thacker_). 1888; 1890;1898; (_Newnes_). 1899; (_Methuen_). 1904; 1908; 1913.

  Plain Tales from the Hills (_Thacker_). 1888. New editions(_Macmillan_). 1890; 1899; 1907.

  Soldiers Three: A Collection of Stories (_Allahabad: Wheeler_). 1888.New edition (_London: Sampson Low_). 1890.

  The Story of the Gadsbys: a Tale without a Plot (_Allahabad: Wheeler_).N.D. [1888]. New edition (_London: Sampson Low_). 1890.

  In Black and White (_Allahabad: Wheeler_). N.D. [1888]. New edition(_London: Sampson Low_). 1890.

  Under the Deodars (_Allahabad: Wheeler_). N.D. [1888]. New edition(_London: Sampson Low_). 1890.

  The Phantom Rickshaw and Other Tales (_Allahabad: Wheeler_). N.D.[1888]. New edition (_London: Sampson Low_). 1890.

  Wee Willie Winkie and other Child Stories (_Allahabad: Wheeler_). N.D.[1888]. New edition (_London: Sampson Low_). 1890.

  Soldiers Three: The Story of the Gadsbys: In Black and White (_SampsonLow_). 1890. New editions (_Macmillan_). 1895; 1899; 1907.

  Wee Willie Winkie: Under the Deodars: The Phantom Rickshaw (_SampsonLow_). 1890. New editions (_Macmillan_). 1895; 1899; 1907.

  The City of Dreadful Night and Other Sketches (_Allahabad: Wheeler_).1890. This edition was cancelled.

  The Smith Administration (_Allahabad: Wheeler_). 1891. This editionwas cancelled.

  The City of Dreadful Night and Other Places (_Allahabad: Wheeler_).1891. English edition (_Sampson Low_). 1891. These were suppressedas far as possible.

  Letters of Marque (_Allahabad: Wheeler_). 1891. This edition wassuppressed.

  The Light that Failed (_Macmillan_). 1891. New editions, 1899; 1907.

  Life's Handicap, being Stories of Mine Own People (_Macmillan_). N.D.[1891]. New editions, 1899; 1907.

  Barrack Room Ballads and Other Verses (_Methuen_). 1892. Neweditions, 1908; 1913.

  The Naulahka: a Story of West and East. By Rudyard Kipling and WolcottBalestier (_Heinemann_). 1892. New editions (_Macmillan_). 1901;1908.

  Many Inventions (_Macmillan_). 1893. New editions, 1899; 1907.

  The Jungle Book (_Macmillan_). 1894:. New editions, 1899; 1903; 1907;1908.

  The Second Jungle Book (_Macmillan_). 1895. New editions, 1899; 1908.

  The Seven Seas (_Methuen_). 1896. New editions, 1908; 1913.

  Soldier Tales (_A selection of stories from earlier volumes_)(_Macmillan_). 1896.

  The Novels, Tales and Poems of Rudyard Kipling (_Edition de luxe_)(_Macmillan_). 1897, etc. 27 volumes have so far been issued.

  "Captains Courageous." A Story of the Grand Banks (_Macmillan_).1897. New editions, 1899; 1907.

  An Almanac of Twelve Sports for 1898. By William Nicholson. Words byRudyard Kipling (_Heinemann_). 1897.

  The Day's Work (_Macmillan_). 1898. New editions, 1899; 1908.

  A Fleet in Being: Notes of Two Trips with the Channel Squadron(_Macmillan_). 1898.

  Stalky & Co. (_Macmillan_). 1899. New edition, 1908.

  From Sea to Sea (_Macmillan_). 2 volumes. 1900. New edition, 1908.The volumes contain also Letters of Marque, The City of Dreadful Nightand The Smith Administration.

  The Science of Rebellion [Pamphlet] (_Vacher_). 1901.

  Kim (_Macmillan_). 1901. New edition, 1908.

  Just-So Stories, for Little Children (_Macmillan_). 1902. Neweditions, 1903; 1908; 1913.

  The Five Nations (_Methuen_). 1903. New editions, 1908; 1913.

  Traffics and Discoveries (_Macmillan_). 1904. New edition, 1908.

  Puck of Pook's Hill (_Macmillan_). 1906. New edition, 1908.

  A Pocket Edition of Mr Kipling's Works was issued during 1907 and 1908,the verse by Methuen & Co., the prose by Macmillan & Co. After 1908the works issued by Macmillan & Co. appear simultaneously in theordinary library edition, the pocket edition and the edition de luxe.

  Doctors: an Address delivered at the Middlesex Hospital (_Macmillan_).1908.

  Actions and Reactions (_Macmillan_). 1909.

  The Dead King. [A Poem] (_Hodder & Stoughton_). 1910.

  Rewards and Fairies (_Macmillan_). 1910.

  A School History of England, By C. R. L. Fletcher and Rudyard Kipling(_Clarendon Press_). 1911.

  The Collected Verse of Rudyard Kipling (_Hodder & Stoughton_). 1912.This edition does not contain the Departmental Ditties nor the Rhymesfor Nicholson's Almanac.

  Simples Contes des Collines (_Nelson_). 1912.

  The Bombay Edition of the Works in Verse and Prose of Rudyard Kipling.23 volumes (_Macmillan_). 1913-1915.

  Songs from Books (_Macmillan_). 1913.

  The Service Edition of some of the works of Rudyard Kipling: Verse, 8volumes (_Methuen_); prose, 26 volumes (_Macmillan_). 1914-1915.

  The New Army in Training (_Macmillan_). 1915.


  [Some of Mr Kipling's earlier stories and poems, as well as certainlater poems that are non-copyright in America, have been issued in analmost bewildering variety of arrangement and by many differentpublishers. Full enumeration of these variants is not attempted inthis bibliography.]

  Plain Tales from the Hills (_Lovell_). N.D. [1890]. (_Macmillan_).1890.

  The Story of the Gadsbys (_Lovell_). 1890. (_Munro_). 1890.

  The Courting of Dinah Shadd and Other Stories (_Harper_). 1890.

  Indian Tales (_Lovell_). 1890.

  The Phantom Rickshaw and Other Tales (_U.S. Book Co._). N.D. [1890].(_Rand, M'Nally & Co._). 1890.

  Soldiers Three and Other Stories (_Munro_). N.D. [1890].

  American Notes, by Rudyard Kipling, and The Bottle Imp, by Robert LouisStevenson (_Ivers_). 1891. New edition (_Brown_). 1899.

  Mine Own People: with Introduction by Henry James (_Munro_). N.D.[1891]. (_U.S. Book Co._). 1891.

  Under the Deodars (_U.S. Book Co._). 1891.

  The Story of the Gadsbys; Under the Deodars (_U.S. Book Co._). 1891.

  Wee Willie Winkie and Other Stories (_Rand_). 1891.

  The Light that Failed (_Rand_). 1891. (_Munro_). N.D. [1891].(_U.S. Book Co._). 1891.

  Life's Handicap, being Stories of Mine Own People (_Macmillan_). 1891.

  Ballads and Barrack Room Ballads (_Macmillan_). 1892. New edition,1893.

  Barrack Room Ballads and Other Verses (_U. S. Book Co._). N.D. [1892].

  The Naulahka: a Story of West and East. By Rudyard Kipling and WolcottBalestier. (_Rand_). 1892. New edition (_Macmillan_). 1895.

  Many Inventions (_Appleton_). 1893.

  The Jungle Book (_Century Co._). 1894.

  Prose Tales. New uniform edition. 6 volumes (_Macmillan_). 1895.

  Out of India: Things I saw and failed to see, in certain days andnights at Jeypore and elsewhere (_Dillingham_). 1895. [Included inFrom Sea to Sea, 1899, under the title, Letters of Marque.]

  The Second Jungle Book (_Century Co._). 1895.

  The Seven Seas (_Appleton_). 1896.

  Soldier Stories (_Macmillan_). 1896.

  The "Outward Bound" Edition of Rudyard Kipling's Works (_Scribner_).1897, etc.

  "Captains Courageous." A Story of the Grand Banks (_Century Co._).1897.

  An Almanac of Twelve Sports. By William Nicholson. Words by RudyardKipling (_Russell_). 1897.

  Collectanea: Reprinted Verses (_Mansfield_). 1898. [Contains: TheExplanation, Mandalay, Recessional, The Rhyme of the Three Captains,The Vampire.]

  The Day's Work (_Doubleday_). 1898.

  The City of Dreadful Night (_Grosset_). 1899.

/>   Letters of Marque (_Caldwell_). 1899.

  From Sea to Sea: Letters of Travel (_Doubleday_). 1899.

  Departmental Ditties and Ballads and Barrack Room Ballads(_Doubleday_). 1899. [The first authorised American edition.]

  Stalky & Co. (_Doubleday_). 1899.

  Kim (_Doubleday_). 1901.

  Just-So Stories for Little Children (_Doubleday_). 1902.

  The Five Nations (_Doubleday_). 1903.

  Traffics and Discoveries (_Doubleday_). 1904.

  Puck of Pook's Hill (_Doubleday_). 1906.

  Collected Verse (_Doubleday_). 1907.

  Actions and Reactions (_Doubleday_). 1909.

  Abaft the Funnel (_Dodge_). 1909.

  Rewards and Fairies (_Doubleday_). 1910.

  Songs from Books (_Doubleday_). 1912.

  A School History of England. By C. R. L. Fletcher and Rudyard Kipling(_Oxford University Press_). 1912.

  The Seven Seas Edition of the Works in Verse and Prose of RudyardKipling (_Doubleday_). 23 volumes. 1913.


  _Baa Baa Black Sheep_, 91 Barker, Granville, 16 _Barrack Room Ballads_, 110, 111 _Bell Buoy, The_, 109 _Below the Mill Dam_, 82, 108 _Between the Devil and the Deep Sea_, 79, 80 _Beyond the Pole_, 60 Birth, 14 _Bridge-Builders, The_, 77, 89, 109 _Brugglesmith_, 92 _Brushwood Boy, The_, 98 Brutality, 113

  _Candide_, 106 _Children of the Zodiac, The_, 98 "Civil and Military Gazette, The," 14 Cleever, 7-10, 73 Cloke, 95

  _Day's Work, The_, 23, 46, 77, 86, 87, 92

  _End of the Passage, The_, 60 England, feeling for, 93, 97 _Error in the Fourth Dimension, An_, 93

  Falstaff, 74

  _Habitation Enforced, An_, 93, 94, 109 Hardy, Thomas, 16 Hawksbee, Mrs, 24, 25, 28 Hazlitt, 10 _Head of the District, The_, 87

  Imperialism, 97 India, influence of, 38, 45 Indian Stories--Classification, 19 _In the Rukh_, 92

  _Jungle Book, The_, 17, 65, 92 _Just-So Stories_, 91

  Keats, John, 85 _Kim_, 19, 22, 62-64, 100, 101 Kipling, J. Lockwood, 14 _Krishna Mulvaney_, 70

  Lahore, 53 Learoyd, 66 _Life's Handicap_, 47, 53 _Light that Failed, The_, 13, 87, 88, 89

  Machinery, 84, 86 Maisie, 89 _Maltese Cat, The_, 88 Malthus, 67 _Man Who Would be King, The_, 60 _Many Inventions_, 17 _Marrying of Anne Leete, The_, 16 Metre, 107 Milton, 85 _Miracle of Purun Bhagat, The_, 114 Mowgli, 100 Mulvaney, 66, 70 _My Lord the Elephant_, 70 _My Sunday at Home_, 92

  Nietzsche, 67

  Ortheris, 66, 70

  _Phantom Rickshaw, The_, 29 "Pioneer, The," 14 _Plain Tales from the Hills_, 15, 17, 24, 29, 46, 60 Politics, 33 Pope, 106 _Puck of Pook's Hill_, 97, 98 Purun Bhagat, 101

  Realism, 98 Red-Haired Girl, The, 89 _Return of Imray, The_, 61, 93

  _Second Jungle Book, The_, 101 Shakespeare, 74 Shelley, 85 _Ship that Found Herself, The_, 87 Simla, 24, 26 Simplicity, 46, 47 _Snarleyow_, 111 _Soldiers Three_, 110 _Stalky & Co._, 91 Sussex, 92

  _Taking of Lungtungpen, The_, 91 Technical enthusiasm, 79 _They_, 97 _Three Musketeers, The_, 91 _Tods' Amendment_, 41, 91 Trajego, 59

  Verse and Prose, 107, 111

  War, 68 _Wee Willie Winkie_, 91 _White Man's Burden, The_, 109, 110 _William the Conqueror_, 47, 60, 86, 109 _With the Night Mail_, 83 Wordsworth, 85

  _.007_, 79, 82, 88

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