Read Rujub, the Juggler Page 1

  Produced by Martin Robb


  By G. A. Henty.


  "Rujub, the Juggler," is mainly an historical tale for young and old,dealing with the Sepoy Mutiny, in India, during the years 1857 to 1859.

  This famous mutiny occurred while the reins of British rule in Indiawere in the hands of Lord Canning. Chupattees (cakes of flour and water)were circulated among the natives, placards protesting against Britishrule were posted at Delhi, and when the Enfield rifle with its greasedcartridges was introduced among the Sepoy soldiers serving the Queen itwas rumored that the cartridges were smeared with the forbidden pig'sfat, so that the power of the Sepoys might forever be destroyed.

  Fanatical to the last degree, the Sepoys were not long in bringing themutiny to a head. The first outbreak occurred at Meerut, where werestationed about two thousand English soldiers and three thousand nativetroops. The native troops refused to use the cartridges supplied to themand eighty-two were placed under arrest. On the day following the nativetroops rebelled in a body, broke open the guardhouse and released theprisoners, and a severe battle followed, and Meerut was given over tothe flames. The mutineers then marched upon Delhi, thirty-two milesaway, and took possession. At Bithoor the Rajah had always professed astrong friendship for the English, but he secretly plotted against them,and, later on, General Wheeler was compelled to surrender to the Rajahat Cawnpore, and did so with the understanding that the lives of allin the place should be spared. Shortly after the surrender the Englishofficers and soldiers were shot down, and all of the women and childrenbutchered.

  The mutiny was now at its height, and for a while it was feared thatBritish rule in India must cease. The Europeans at Lucknow were besiegedfor about three months and were on the point of giving up, when theywere relieved through the heroic march of General Havelock. Sir ColinCampbell followed, and soon the city was once more in the completepossession of the British. Oude was speedily reduced to submission,many of the rebel leaders were either shot or hanged, and gradually themutiny, which had cost the lives of thousands, was brought to an end.

  The tale, however, is not all of war. In its pages are given many trueto life pictures of life in India, in the barracks of the soldiers andelsewhere. A most important part is played by Rujub, the juggler, who isa warm friend to the hero of the narrative. Rujub is no common conjuror,but one of the higher men of mystery, who perform partly as a religiousduty and who accept no pay for such performances. The acts of thesepersons are but little understood, even at this late day, and it ispossible that many of their arts will sooner or later be utterly lost tothe world at large. That they can do some wonderful things in juggling,mind reading, and in second sight, is testified to by thousands ofpeople who have witnessed their performances in India; how they do thesethings has never yet been explained.

  Strange as it may seem, the hero of the tale is a natural born coward,who cannot stand the noise of gunfire. He realizes his shortcomings, andthey are frequently brought home to him through the taunts of his fellowsoldiers. A doctor proves that the dread of noise is hereditary, butthis only adds to the young soldier's misery. To make himself brave herushes to the front in a most desperate fight, and engages in scout workwhich means almost certain death. In the end he masters his fear, andgives a practical lesson of what stern and unbending will power canaccomplish.

  In many respects "Rujub, the Juggler," will be found one of thestrongest of Mr. Henty's works, and this is saying much when oneconsiders all of the many stories this well known author has alreadypenned for the entertainment of young and old. As a picture of life inthe English Army in India it is unexcelled.