Read Rujub, the Juggler Page 12


  That evening, after dining alone, the Doctor went in to Bathurst's.The latter had already heard the news, and they talked it over for sometime. Then the Doctor said, "Have you seen Forster, Bathurst, since hearrived?"

  "No, I was out when he left his card. I was at school with him.. I heardwhen I was in England that he was out here in the native cavalry, but Ihave never run across him before, and I own I had no wish to do so. Hewas about two years older than I was, and was considered the cock of theschool. He was one of my chief tormentors. I don't know that he wasa bully generally--fellows who are really plucky seldom are; but hedisliked me heartily, and I hated him.

  "I had the habit of telling the truth when questioned, and he narrowlyescaped expulsion owing to my refusing to tell a lie about his beingquietly in bed when, in fact, he and two or three other fellows had beenout at a public house. He never forgave me for it, for he himself wouldhave told a lie without hesitation to screen himself, or, to do himjustice, to screen anyone else; and the mere fact that I myself hadbeen involved in the matter, having been sent out by one of the biggerfellows, and, therefore, having got myself a flogging by my admission,was no mitigation in his eyes of my offense of what he called sneaking.

  "So you may imagine I have no particular desire to meet him again.Unless he has greatly changed, he would do me a bad turn if he had thechance."

  "I don't think he has greatly changed," the Doctor said. "That wasreally what I came in here for this evening rather than to talk aboutthis Sepoy business. I am sorry to say, Bathurst, that when he was inat the Major's today your name happened to be mentioned, and he saidat once, 'Is that the Bathurst who they say showed the white feather atChillianwalla and left the army in consequence?'"

  Bathurst's face grew pale and his fingers closed. He remained silent aminute, and then said, "It does not matter; she would have been sure tohear it sooner or later, and I should have told her myself if he had notdone so; besides, if, as I am afraid, this Berhampore business is thebeginning of trouble, and of such trouble as we have never had since weset foot in India, it is likely that everyone will know what she knowsnow. Has she spoken to you about it? I suppose she has, or you would nothave known that he mentioned it."

  "Yes, she was most indignant about it, and did not believe it."

  "And what did you say, Doctor?" he asked indifferently.

  "Well, I was sorry I could not tell her exactly what you told me. Itwould have been better if I could have done so. I simply said there weremany sorts of courage, and that I was sure that you possessed many sortsin a very high degree, but I could not, of course, deny; although I didnot admit, the truth of the report he had mentioned."

  "I don't think it makes much difference one way or the other," Bathurstsaid wearily. "I have known all along that Isobel Hannay would not marrya coward, only I have gone on living in a fool's paradise. However, itis over now--the sooner it is all over the better."

  "My dear fellow," the Doctor said earnestly, "don't take this thing toomuch to heart. I don't wish to try and persuade you that it is not agrave misfortune, but even suppose this trouble takes the very worstform possible, I do not think you will come so very badly out of it asyou anticipate. Even assuming that you are unable to do your part inabsolute fighting, there may be other opportunities, and most likelywill, in which you may be able to show that although unable to controlyour nerves in the din of battle, you possess in other respects coolnessand courage. That feat of yours of attacking the tiger with the dog whipshows conclusively that under many circumstances you are capable of mostdaring deeds."

  Bathurst sat looking down for some minutes. "God grant that it maybe so," he said at last; "but it is no use talking about it any more,Doctor. I suppose Major Hannay will keep a sharp lookout over the men?"

  "Yes; there was a meeting of the officers this afternoon. It was agreedto make no outward change, and to give the troops no cause whatever tobelieve that they are suspected. They all feel confident of the goodwillof the men; at the same time they will watch them closely, and if thenews comes of further trouble, they will prepare the courthouse as aplace of refuge."

  "That is a very good plan; but of course everything depends uponwhether, if the troops do rise in mutiny, the people of Oude should jointhem. They are a fighting race, and if they should throw in their lotagainst us the position would be a desperate one."

  "Well, there is no doubt," the Doctor said, "that the Rajah of Bithoorwould be with us; that will make Cawnpore safe, and will largelyinfluence all the great Zemindars, though there is no doubt that agood many of them have been sulky ever since the disarmament order wasissued. I believe there are few of them who have not got cannon hiddenaway or buried, and as for the people, the number of arms given up wasas nothing to what we know they possessed. In other parts of India Ibelieve the bulk of the people will be with us; but here in Oude, ourlast annexation, I fear that they will side against us, unless all thegreat landowners range themselves on our side."

  "As far as I can see," Bathurst said, "the people are contented with thechange. I don't say what I may call the professional fighting class,the crowd of retainers kept by the great landowners, who were constantlyfighting against each other. Annexation has put a stop to all that, andthe towns are crowded with these fighting men, who hate us bitterly; butthe peasants, the tillers of the soil, have benefited greatly. Theyare no longer exposed to raids by their powerful neighbors, andcan cultivate their fields in peace and quiet. Unfortunately theirfriendship, such as it is, will not weigh in the slightest degree inthe event of a struggle. At any rate, I am sure they are not behind thescenes, and know nothing whatever of any coming trouble. Going as Ido among them, and talking to them as one of themselves, I should havenoticed it had there been any change in them; and of late naturally Ihave paid special notice to their manner. Well, if it is to come I hopeit will come soon, for anything is better than suspense."

  Two days later Major Hannay read out to the men on parade an officialdocument, assuring them that there was no truth whatever in thestatements that had been made that the cartridges served out to them hadbeen greased with pigs' fat. They were precisely the same as those thatthey had used for years, and the men were warned against listening toseditious persons who might try to poison their minds and shake theirloyalty to the Government. He then told them that he was sorry to saythat at one or two stations the men had been foolish enough to listento disloyal counsels, and that in consequence the regiments had beendisbanded and the men had forfeited all the advantages in the way of payand pension they had earned by many years of good conduct. He said thathe had no fear whatever of any such trouble arising with them, as theyknew that they had been well treated, that any legitimate complaintthey might make had always been attended to, and that their officers hadtheir welfare thoroughly at heart.

  When he had finished, the senior native officer stepped forward, and inthe name of the detachment assured the Major that the men were perfectlycontented, and would in all cases follow their officers, even if theyordered them to march against their countrymen. At the conclusion of hisspeech he called upon the troops to give three cheers for the Major andofficers, and this was responded to with a show of great enthusiasm.

  This demonstration was deemed very satisfactory, and the uneasinessamong the residents abated considerably, while the Major and hisofficers felt convinced that, whatever happened at other stations, therewould at least be no trouble at Deennugghur.

  "Well, even you are satisfied, Doctor, I suppose?" the Major said, asa party of them who had been dining with Dr. Wade were smoking in theveranda.

  "I was hopeful before, Major, and I am hopeful now; but I can't say thattoday's parade has influenced me in the slightest. Whatever virtuesthe Hindoo may have, he has certainly that of knowing how to wait. Ibelieve, from what took place, that they have no intention of breakingout at present; whether they are waiting to see what is done at otherstations, or until they receive a signal, is more than I can say; butth
eir assurances do not weigh with me to the slightest extent. Theirhistory is full of cases of perfidious massacre. I should say, 'Trustthem as long as you can, but don't relax your watch.'"

  "You are a confirmed croaker," Captain Rintoul said.

  "I do not think so, Rintoul. I know the men I am talking about, and Iknow the Hindoos generally. They are mere children, and can be moldedlike clay. As long as we had the molding, all went well; but ifthey fall into the hands of designing men they can be led in anotherdirection just as easily as we have led them in ours. I own that I don'tsee who can be sufficiently interested in the matter to conceive andcarry out a great conspiracy of this kind. The King of Oude is a captivein our hands, the King of Delhi is too old to play such a part. Scindiaand Holkar may possibly long for the powers their fathers possessed,but they are not likely to act together, and may be regarded as rivalsrather than friends, and yet if it is not one of these who has beenbrewing this storm. I own I don't see who can be at the bottom of it,unless it has really originated from some ambitious spirits amongthe Sepoys, who look in the event of success to being masters of thedestinies of India. It is a pity we did not get a few more views fromthat juggler; we might have known a little more of it then."

  "Don't talk about him, Doctor," Wilson said; "it gives me the coldshivers to think of that fellow and what he did; I have hardly sleptsince then. It was the most creepy thing I ever saw. Richards and I havetalked it over every evening we have been alone together, and we can'tmake head or tail of the affair. Richards thinks it wasn't the girl atall who went up on that pole, but a sort of balloon in her shape. Butthen, as I say, there was the girl standing among us before she took herplace on the pole. We saw her sit down and settle herself on the cushionso that she was balanced right. So it could not have been a balloonthen, and if it were a balloon afterwards, when did she change? At anyrate the light below was sufficient to see well until she was forty orfifty feet up, and after that she shone out, and we never lost sight ofher until she was ever so high. I can understand the pictures, becausethere might have been a magic lantern somewhere, but that girl trick,and the basket trick, and that great snake are altogether beyond me."

  "So I should imagine, Wilson," the Doctor said dryly; "and if I were youI would not bother my head about it.. Nobody has succeeded in findingout any of them yet, and all the wondering in the world is not likely toget you any nearer to it."

  "That is what I feel, Doctor, but it is very riling to see things thatyou can't account for anyhow. I wish he had sent up Richards on the poleinstead of the girl. I would not have minded going up myself if he hadasked me, though I expect I should have jumped off before it got up veryfar, even at the risk of breaking my neck."

  "I should not mind risking that," the Doctor said, "though I doubtwhether I should have known any more about it when I came down; butthese jugglers always bring a girl or a boy with them instead of callingsomebody out from the audience, as they do at home. Well, if things arequiet we will organize another hunt, Wilson. I have heard of a tigerfifteen miles away from where we killed our last, and you and Richardsshall go with me if you like."

  "I should like it of all things, Doctor, provided it comes off by day.I don't think I care about sitting through another night on a tree, andthen not getting anything like a fair shot at the beast after all."

  "We will go by day," the Doctor said. "Bathurst has promised to get someelephants from one of the Zemindars; we will have a regular party thistime. I have half promised Miss Hannay she shall have a seat in a howdahwith me if the Major will give her leave, and in that case we will sendout tents and make a regular party of it. What do you say, Major?"

  "I am perfectly willing, Doctor, and have certainly no objection totrusting Isobel to your care. I know you are not likely to miss."

  "No, I am not likely to miss, certainly; and besides, there will beWilson and Richards to give him the coup de grace if I don't finishhim."

  There was a general laugh, for the two subalterns had been chaffed agood deal at both missing the tiger on the previous occasion.

  "Well, when shall it be, Major?"

  "Not just at present, at any rate," the Major said. "We must see howthings are going on. I certainly should not think of going outside thestation now, nor could I give leave to any officer to do so; but ifthings settle down, and we hear no more of this cartridge business forthe next ten days or a fortnight, we will see about it."

  But although no news of any outbreak similar to that at Barrackporewas received for some days, the report that came showed a widespreadrestlessness. At various stations, all over India, fires, believed to bethe work of incendiaries, took place, and there was little abatement ofthe uneasiness. It become known, too, that a native officer had beforethe rising of Berhampore given warning of the mutiny, and had statedthat there was a widespread plot throughout the native regiments torise, kill their officers, and then march to Delhi, where they were allto gather.

  The story was generally disbelieved, although the actual rising hadshown that, to some extent, the report was well founded; still men couldnot bring themselves to believe that the troops among whom they hadlived so long, and who had fought so well for us, could meditate suchgross treachery, without having, as far as could be seen, any real causefor complaint.

  The conduct of the troops at Deennugghur was excellent, and the Colonelwrote that at Cawnpore there were no signs whatever of disaffection, andthat the Rajah of Bithoor had offered to come down at the head of hisown troops should there be any symptoms of mutiny among the Sepoys.Altogether things looked better, and a feeling of confidence that therewould be no serious trouble spread through the station.

  The weather had set in very hot, and there was no stirring out now forthe ladies between eleven o'clock and five or six in the afternoon.Isobel, however, generally went in for a chat, the first thing afterearly breakfast, with Mrs. Doolan, whose children were fractious withprickly heat.

  "I only wish we had some big, high mountain, my dear, somewhere withinreach, where we could establish the children through the summer and runaway ourselves occasionally to look after them. We are very badly offhere in Oude for that. You are looking very pale yourself the last fewdays."

  "I suppose I feel it a little," Isobel said, "and of course this anxietyeveryone has been feeling worries one. Everyone seems to agree thatthere is no fear of trouble with the Sepoys here; still, as nothing elseis talked about, one cannot help feeling nervous about it. However, asthings seem settling down now, I hope we shall soon get something elseto talk about."

  "I have not seen Mr. Bathurst lately," Mrs. Doolan said presently.

  "Nor have we," Isobel said quietly; "it is quite ten days since we sawhim last."

  "I suppose he is falling back into his hermit ways," Mrs. Doolan saidcarelessly, shooting a keen glance at Isobel, who was leaning over oneof the children.

  "He quite emerged from his shell for a bit. Mrs. Hunter was saying shenever saw such a change in a man, but I suppose he has got tired of it.Captain Forster arrived just in time to fill up the gap. How do you likehim, Isobel?"

  "He is amusing," the girl said quietly; "I have never seen anyone quitelike him before; he talks in an easy, pleasant sort of way, and tellsmost amusing stories. Then, when he sits down by one he has the knack ofdropping his voice and talking in a confidential sort of way, even whenit is only about the weather. I am always asking myself how much of itis real, and what there is under the surface."

  Mrs. Doolan nodded approval.

  "I don't think there is much under the surface, dear, and what there isis just as well left alone; but there is no doubt he can be delightfulwhen he chooses, and very few women would not feel flattered by theattentions of a man who is said to be the handsomest officer in theIndian army, and who has besides distinguished himself several times asa particularly dashing officer."

  "I don't think handsomeness goes for much in a man," Isobel saidshortly.

  Mrs. Doolan laughed.

  "Why should it not go
for as much as prettiness in a woman? It is no usebeing cynical, Isobel; it is part of our nature to admire pretty things,and as far as I can see an exceptionally handsome man is as legitimatean object of admiration as a lovely woman."

  "Yes, to admire, Mrs. Doolan, but not to like."

  "Well, my dear, I don't want to be hurrying you away, but I think youhad better get back before the sun gets any higher. You may say youdon't feel the heat much, but you are looking pale and fagged, and theless you are out in the sun the better."

  Isobel had indeed been having a hard time during those ten days. Atfirst she had thought of little but what she should do when Bathurstcalled. It seemed impossible that she could be exactly the same with himas she had been before, that was quite out of the question, and yet howwas she to be different?

  Ten days had passed without his coming. This was so unusual that anidea came into her mind which terrified her, and the first time when theDoctor came in and found her alone she said, "Of course, Dr. Wade, youhave not mentioned to Mr. Bathurst the conversation we had, but it iscurious his not having been here since."

  "Certainly I mentioned it," the Doctor said calmly; "how could I dootherwise? It was evident to me that he would not be welcomed here as hewas before, and I could not do otherwise than warn him of the change hemight expect to find, and to give him the reason for it."

  Isobel stood the picture of dismay. "I don't think you had any rightto do so, Doctor," she said. "You have placed me in a most painfulposition."

  "In not so painful a one as it would have been, my dear, if he hadnoticed the change himself, as he must have done, and asked for thecause of it."

  Isobel stood twisting her fingers over each other before her nervously.

  "But what am I to do?" she asked.

  "I do not see that there is anything more for you to do," the Doctorsaid. "Mr. Bathurst may not be perfect in all respects, but he iscertainly too much of a gentleman to force his visits where they arenot wanted. I do not say he will not come here at all, for not to do soafter being here so much would create comment and talk in the station,which would be as painful to you as to him, but he certainly will notcome here more often than is necessary to keep up appearances."

  "I don't think you ought to have told him," Isobel repeated, muchdistressed.

  "I could not help it, my dear. You would force me to admit there wassome truth in the story Captain Forster told you, and I was, therefore,obliged to acquaint him with the fact or he would have had just causeto reproach me. Besides, you spoke of despising a man who was notphysically brave."

  "You never told him that, Doctor; surely you never told him that?"

  "I only told what it was necessary he should know, my dear, namely, thatyou had heard the story, that you had questioned me, and that I, knowingthe facts from his lips, admitted that there was some foundation for thestory, while asserting that I was convinced that he was morally a braveman. He did not ask how you took the news, nor did I volunteer anyinformation whatever on the subject, but he understood, I think,perfectly the light in which you would view a coward."

  "But what am I to do when we meet, Doctor?" she asked piteously.

  "I should say that you will meet just as ordinary acquaintances do meet,Miss Hannay. People are civil to others they are thrown with, howevermuch they may distrust them at heart. You may be sure that Mr. Bathurstwill make no allusion whatever to the matter. I think I can answer forit that you will see no shade of difference in his manner. This hasalways been a heavy burden for him, as even the most careless observermay see in his manner. I do not say that this is not a large addition toit, but I dare say he will pull through; and now I must be off."

  "You are very unkind, Doctor, and I never knew you unkind before."

  "Unkind!" the Doctor repeated, with an air of surprise. "In what way?I love this young fellow. I had cherished hopes for him that he hardlyperhaps ventured to cherish for himself. I quite agree with you thatwhat has passed has annihilated those hopes. You despise a man who isa coward. I am not surprised at that. Bathurst is the last man in theworld who would force himself upon a woman who despised him. I have donemy best to save you from being obliged to make a personal declaration ofyour sentiments. I repudiate altogether the accusation as being unkind.I don't blame you in the slightest. I think that your view is the onethat a young woman of spirit would naturally take. I acquiesce in itentirely. I will go farther, I consider it a most fortunate occurrencefor you both that you found it out in time."

  Isobel's cheeks had flushed and paled several times while he wasspeaking; then she pressed her lips tightly together, and as he finishedshe said, "I think, Doctor, it will be just as well not to discuss thematter further."

  "I am quite of your opinion," he said. "We will agree not to allude toit again. Goodby."

  And then Isobel had retired to her room and cried passionately, whilethe Doctor had gone off chuckling to himself as if he were perfectlysatisfied with the state of affairs.

  During the week that had since elapsed the Major had wondered andgrumbled several times at Bathurst's absence.

  "I expect," he said one day, when a note of refusal had come from him,"that he doesn't care about meeting Forster. You remember Forster saidthey had been at school together, and from the tone in which he spokeit is evident that they disliked each other there. No doubt he has heardfrom the Doctor that Forster is frequently in here," and the Major spokerather irritably, for it seemed to him that Isobel showed more pleasurein the Captain's society than she should have done after what he hadsaid to her about him; indeed, Isobel, especially when the Doctor waspresent, appeared by no means to object to Captain Forster's attentions.

  Upon the evening, however, of the day when Isobel had spoken to Mrs.Doolan, Bathurst came in, rather late in the evening.

  "How are you, Bathurst?" the Major said cordially. "Why, you have becomequite a stranger. We haven't seen you for over a fortnight. Do you knowCaptain Forster?"

  "We were at school together formerly, I believe," Bathurst saidquietly. "We have not met since, and I fancy we are both changed beyondrecognition."

  Captain Forster looked with surprise at the strong, well knit figure. Hehad not before seen Bathurst, and had pictured him to himself as a weak,puny man.

  "I certainly should not have known Mr. Bathurst," he said. "I havechanged a great deal, no doubt, but he has certainly changed more."

  There was no attempt on the part of either to shake hands. As they movedapart Isobel came into the room.

  A quick flash of color spread over her face when, upon entering, she sawBathurst talking to her uncle. Then she advanced, shook hands withhim as usual, and said, "It is quite a time since you were here, Mr.Bathurst. If everyone was as full of business as you are, we should geton badly."

  Then she moved on without waiting for a reply and sat down, and was soonengaged in a lively conversation with. Captain Forster, whilst Bathurst,a few minutes later, pleading that as he had been in the saddle all dayhe must go and make up for lost time, took his leave.

  Captain Forster had noticed the flush on Isobel's cheeks when she sawBathurst, and had drawn his own conclusions.

  "There has been a flirtation between them," he said to himself; "but Ifancy I have put a spoke in his wheel. She gave him the cold shoulderunmistakably."

  April passed, and as matters seemed to be quieting down, there being nofresh trouble at any of the stations, the Major told Dr. Wade that hereally saw no reason why the projected tiger hunt should not take place.The Doctor at once took the matter in hand, and drove out the nextmorning to the village from which he had received news about the tiger,had a long talk with the shikaris of the place, took a general view ofthe country, settled the line in which the beat should take place,and arranged for a large body of beaters to be on the spot at the timeagreed on.

  Bathurst undertook to obtain the elephants from two Zemindars in theneighborhood, who promised to furnish six, all of which were more orless accustomed to the sport; while the Major and
Mr. Hunter, who hadbeen a keen sportsman, although he had of late given up the pursuit oflarge game, arranged for a number of bullock carts for the transport oftents and stores.

  Bathurst himself declined to be one of the party, which was to consistof Mr. Hunter and his eldest daughter, the Major and Isobel, the Doctor,the two subalterns, and Captain Forster. Captain Doolan said franklythat he was no shot, and more likely to hit one of the party than thetiger. Captain Rintoul at first accepted, but his wife shed such floodsof tears at the idea of his leaving her and going into danger, that forthe sake of peace he agreed to remain at home.

  Wilson and Richards were greatly excited over the prospect, and talkedof nothing else; they were burning to wipe out the disgrace of havingmissed on the previous occasion. Each of them interviewed the Doctorprivately, and implored him to put them in a position where they werelikely to have the first shot. Both used the same arguments, namely,that the Doctor had killed so many tigers that one more or less couldmake no difference to him, and if they missed, which they modestlyadmitted was possible, he could still bring the animal down.

  As the Doctor was always in a good temper when there was a prospect ofsport, he promised each of them to do all that he could for them, at thesame time pointing out that it was always quite a lottery which way thetiger might break out.

  Isobel was less excited than she would have thought possible over theprospect of taking part in a tiger hunt. She had many consultationsto hold with Mrs. Hunter, the Doctor, and Rumzan as to the food to betaken, and the things that would be absolutely necessary for campingout; for, as it was possible that the first day's beat would beunsuccessful, they were to be prepared for at least two days' absencefrom home. Two tents were to be taken, one for the gentlemen, the otherfor Isobel and Mary Hunter. These, with bedding and camp furniture,cooking utensils and provisions, were to be sent off at daybreak, whilethe party were to start as soon as the heat of the day was over.

  "I wish Bathurst had been coming," Major Hannay said, as, with Isobel byhis side, he drove out of the cantonment. "He seems to have slipped awayfrom us altogether; he has only been in once for the last three or fourweeks. You haven't had a tiff with him about anything, have you, Isobel?It seems strange his ceasing so suddenly to come after our seeing somuch of him."

  "No, uncle, I have not seen him except when you have. What put such anidea into your mind?"

  "I don't know, my dear; young people do have tiffs sometimes about allsorts of trifles, though I should not have thought that Bathurst wasthe sort of man to do anything of that sort. I don't think that he likesForster, and does not care to meet him. I fancy that is at the bottom ofit."

  "Very likely," Isobel said innocently, and changed the subject.

  It was dark when they reached the appointed spot, and indeed from thepoint where they left the road a native with a torch had run ahead toshow them the way. The tents looked bright; two or three large fireswere burning round them, and the lamps had already been lighted within.

  "These tents do look cozy," Mary Hunter said, as she and Isobel enteredthe one prepared for them. "I do wish one always lived under canvasduring the hot weather."

  "They look cool," Isobel said, "but I don't suppose they are really ascool as the bungalows; but they do make them comfortable. Here is thebathroom all ready, and I am sure we want it after that dusty drive.Will you have one first, or shall I? We must make haste, for Rumzan saiddinner would be ready in half an hour. Fortunately we shan't be expectedto do much in the way of dressing."

  The dinner was a cheerful meal, and everyone was in high spirits.

  The tiger had killed a cow the day before, and the villagers werecertain that he had retired to a deep nullah round which a careful watchhad been kept all day. Probably he would steal out by night to make ameal from the carcass of the cow, but it had been arranged that he wasto do this undisturbed, and that the hunt was to take place by daylight.

  "It is wonderful how the servants manage everything," Isobel said. "Thetable is just as well arranged as it is at home. People would hardlybelieve in England, if they could see us sitting here, that we were onlyout on a two days' picnic. They would be quite content there to roughit and take their meals sitting on the ground, or anyway they could getthem. It really seems ridiculous having everything like this."

  "There is nothing like making yourself comfortable," the Doctor said;"and as the servants have an easy time of it generally, it does themgood to bestir themselves now and then. The expense of one or two extrabullock carts is nothing, and it makes all the difference in comfort."

  "How far is the nullah from here, Doctor?" Wilson, who could think ofnothing else but the tiger, asked.

  "About two miles. It is just as well not to go any nearer. Not that hewould be likely to pay us a visit, but he might take the alarm and shifthis quarters. No, no more wine, Major; we shall want our blood cool inthe morning. Now we will go out to look at the elephants and have a talkwith the mahouts, and find out which of the animals can be most trustedto stand steady. It is astonishing what a dread most elephants have oftigers. I was on one once that I was assured would face anything, andthe brute bolted and went through some trees, and I was swept off thepad and was half an hour before I opened my eyes. It was a mercy I hadnot every rib broken. Fortunately I was a lightweight, or I might havebeen killed. And I have seen the same sort of thing happen a dozentimes, so we must choose a couple of steady ones, anyhow, for theladies."

  For the next hour they strolled about outside. The Doctor crossquestioned the mahouts and told off the elephants for the party; thenthere was a talk with the native shikaris and arrangements made for thebeat, and at an early hour all retired to rest. The morning was justbreaking when they were called. Twenty minutes later they assembled totake a cup of coffee before starting. The elephants were arranged infront of the tents, and they were just about to mount when a horse washeard coming at a gallop.

  "Wait a moment," the Major said; "it may be a message of some sort fromthe station." A minute later Bathurst rode in and reined up his horse infront of the tent.

  "Why, Bathurst, what brings you here? Changed your mind at the lastmoment, and found you could get away? That's right; you shall come onthe pad with me."

  "No, I have not come for that, Major; I have brought a dispatch thatarrived at two o'clock this morning. Doolan opened it and came to me,and asked me to bring it on to you, as I knew the way and where yourcamp was to be pitched."

  "Nothing serious, I hope, Bathurst," the Major said, struck with thegravity with which Bathurst spoke. "It must be something important, orDoolan would never have routed you off like that."

  "It is very serious, Major," Bathurst said, in a low voice. "May Isuggest you had better go into the tent to read it? Some of the servantsunderstand English."

  "Come in with me," the Major said, and led the way into the tent, wherethe lamps were still burning on the breakfast table, although the lighthad broadened out over the sky outside. It was with grave anticipationof evil that the Major took the paper from its envelope, but his worstfears were more than verified by the contents.

  "My Dear Major: The General has just received a telegram with terriblenews from Meerut. 'Native troops mutinied, murdered officers, women, andchildren, opened jails and burned cantonments, and marched to Delhi.' Itis reported that there has been a general rising there and the massacreof all Europeans. Although this is not confirmed, the news is consideredprobable. We hear also that the native cavalry at Lucknow have mutinied.Lawrence telegraphs that he has suppressed it with the European troopsthere, and has disarmed the mutineers. I believe that our regimentwill be faithful, but none can be trusted now. I should recommend yourpreparing some fortified house to which all Europeans in station canretreat in case of trouble. Now that they have taken to massacre as wellas mutiny, God knows how it will all end."

  "Good Heavens! who could have dreamt of this?" the Major groaned."Massacred their officers, women, and children. All Europeans at Delhisupposed to have been massacr
ed, and there must be hundreds of them. Canit be true?"

  "The telegram as to Meerut is clearly an official one," Bathurst said."Delhi is as yet but a rumor, but it is too probable that if thesemutineers and jail birds, flushed with success, reached Delhi before thewhites were warned, they would have their own way in the place, as, withthe exception of a few artillerymen at the arsenal, there is not a whitesoldier in the place."

  "But there were white troops at Meerut," the Major said. "What couldthey have been doing? However, that is not the question now. We must,of course, return instantly. Ask the others to come in here, Bathurst.Don't tell the girls what has taken place; it will be time enough forthat afterwards. All that is necessary to say is that you have broughtnews of troubles at some stations unaffected before, and that I think itbest to return at once."

  The men were standing in a group, wondering what the news could be whichwas deemed of such importance that Bathurst should carry it out in themiddle of the night.

  "The Major will be glad if you will all go in, gentlemen," Bathurstsaid, as he joined them.

  "Are we to go in, Mr. Bathurst?" Miss Hunter asked.

  "No, I think not, Miss Hunter; the fact is there have been some troublesat two or three other places, and the Major is going to hold a sortof council of war as to whether the hunt had not better be given up. Irather fancy that they will decide to go back at once. News flies veryfast in India. I think the Major would like that he and his officersshould be back before it is whispered among the Sepoys that thediscontent has not, as we hoped, everywhere ceased."

  "It must be very serious," Isobel said, "or uncle would never decide togo back, when all the preparations are made."

  "It would never do, you see, Miss Hannay, for the Commandant and four ofthe officers to be away, if the Sepoys should take it into their headsto refuse to receive cartridges or anything of that sort."

  "You can't give us any particulars, then, Mr. Bathurst?"

  "The note was a very short one, and was partly made up of unconfirmedrumors. As I only saw it in my capacity of a messenger, I don't think Iam at liberty to say more than that."

  "What a trouble the Sepoys are," Mary Hunter said pettishly; "it is toobad our losing a tiger hunt when we may never have another chance to seeone!"

  "That is a very minor trouble, Mary."

  "I don't think so," the girl said; "just at present it seems to me to bevery serious."

  At this moment the Doctor put his head out of the tent.

  "Will you come in, Bathurst?"

  "We have settled, Bathurst," the Major said, when he entered, "that wemust, of course, go back at once. The Doctor, however, is of opinionthat if, after all the preparations were made, we were to put the tigerhunt off altogether, it would set the natives talking, and the reportwould go through the country like wildfire that some great disaster hadhappened. We must go back at once, and Mr. Hunter, having a wife anddaughter there, is anxious to get back, too; but the Doctor urges thathe should go out and kill this tiger. As it is known that you have justarrived, he says that if you are willing to go with him, it will bethought that you had come here to join the hunt, and if that comes off,and the tiger is killed, it does not matter whether two or sixty of uswent out."

  "I shall be quite willing to do so," said Bathurst, "and I really thinkthat the Doctor's advice is good. If, now that you have all arrived uponthe ground, the preparations were canceled, there can be no doubt thatthe natives would come to the conclusion that something very serious hadtaken place, and it would be all over the place in no time."

  "Thank you, Bathurst. Then we will consider that arranged. Now we willget the horses in as soon as possible, and be off at once."

  Ten minutes later the buggies were brought round, and the whole party,with the exception of the Doctor and Bathurst, started for Deennugghur.