Read Ruled By Rabbits Page 11


  Mommy noticed Duster and Cola both hovering around and put her book down and sat on the floor to pet us.

  Duster was off in noserub land while Cola was cautiously keeping an eye on Mommy.

  Then Cola saw Mom's belly jump and heard the *hiccup*

  She jumped back.

  “Duster, the noise is in Mommy!!”

  “Just like the Growler is sometimes!!” Duster thumped now.

  “And this wants out!” Cola hopped away from Mommy as her belly jumped again.

  Mommy laughed, realizing the noise was what the bunnies were thumping at.

  “Sorry, bunnies, the hiccups annoy Mommy as much as they annoy you!”

  Duster accepted her apology for the hiccup-inconvenience and snuggled back up beside Mommy … noserubs can make anything tolerable in his world!

  Thankfully Mommy was hiccup free a short time later and all was well in their world again!


  Mom was doing something called “spring cleaning.” She had a whole bunch of blue storage bins (Cola really think she breeds them there were so many) in the living room. Mom started to take stuff out of these bins and was in the process of doing so when Dad called out that he needed her help with something in another room. Mom put down item she had in her hand.

  “Duster and Cola, watch Meep while Mommy goes to help Daddy,” Mom instructed, placing the battery-operated stuffed bunny on the floor.

  “Duster, come on, time to investigate!” Cola said excitedly. Anytime things are moved around in the living room the bunnies have to approve the move.

  Duster stretched and hopped along behind her.

  “The only thing Mom left on the floor is that thing,” Cola pointed to the stuffed animal.

  “I think that is Meep,” Duster said.

  “What is a Meep?” Cola asked.

  Duster rolled his eyes. “That is a Meep.”

  “So I know where Meep is but what is Meep? Is Meep food? Is Meep an alien invading our living room?” Cola was a bit annoyed.

  Duster shrugged. “Let's go ask Meep what he or she is.”

  Pretty straight forward so over we hopped.

  “Hi, Meep! I am Duster and this is Cola!” Duster introduced them. “And what are you?”

  No response.

  “Well that's kind of rude,” Cola said, and hopped closer to Meep.

  “Hello? Anyone in there?” she nudged Meep with her nose.

  And Meep hopped towards her and made a “beep,beep” sound.

  Duster and Cola both scurried away from Meep.

  “Meep is alive!” Duster said.

  “And Meep tried to attack me!” Cola thumped. “Why would Mommy leave us alone with such an aggressive Meep?”

  Duster shook his head. “I bet Mommy didn't know Meep was like that.”

  Duster decided to go and try to make contact again.

  He hopped over to Meep and this time he stretched out to sniff Meep. Duster edged closer and closer and then he bumped into Meep ...

  “Beep, beep” went Meep and moved towards Duster, this time Meep sat down and then wiggled its nose at Duster.

  Duster had moved back a few steps but wasn't as afraid as last time.

  “Cola, come here, I think Meep is a bunny!”

  Cola ventured out from under the chair. “Mommy got a new bunny and didn't ask our permission?”

  Duster and Cola started to question the new bunny as to where he came from, was Meep a he or she, where was Meep going to sleep, did Meep like treats but Meep would not give them any information!

  “Humph, well we tried to be nice,” Cola said to Duster.

  Duster sighed. “I really had hoped we could be friends”

  They had no choice but to give Meep the bunny silent treatment (yes the dreaded bunny turned it's back to you).

  When Mom came back in to the room she burst out laughing and called for Dad to come and see what was going on.

  There were Duster and Cola with their backs to Meep, glaring at Mom and Dad.

  “Guess they don't like my toy bunny,” Mom said and picked up Meep and put him safely back in his bin.

  Mom and Dad apologized to the bunnies for subjecting them to that “other bunny” with lots of noserubs.


  Duster and Cola were sitting at the line, waiting somewhat patiently for Mom to give them treats.

  “I bet it’s banana!” Duster said.

  “No it HAS to be raisins. It’s been a few days since we have had any raisins. Mom needs to stop being so cheap with the raisins,” Cola stated.

  “Here we go!” Mom proudly put the treats in front of them.

  Duster started to happily munch on the carrot.

  Cola sat back and waited for the real treats.

  “Sorry, Cola – that’s the treats for today.” Mom said.

  “But where are the raisins?” Cola looked at her.

  Mom shook her head. “Sorry, Cola Bear … carrots are the treats for today. I am cutting back on the raisins you get.”

  “But, Mom … it’s been eons since we had any raisins,” Cola looked at her with her cutest and saddest face she could muster.

  Mom shook her head “no” and went back in to the kitchen.

  “Oh I do not think so!” Cola went hopping to where Daddy was sitting at the computer.

  “Hi, Bear,” Dad said.

  “I want a new Mom,” Cola said.

  Dad looked at her, she could see him trying not to laugh. “Why do you want a new Mommy?”

  Cola explained the raisin resistance Mom was all gung-ho about all of a sudden.

  “Well, Cola, I think Mommy is just being …” Dad said.

  She cut him off. “Mean! She is being mean.”

  “No, Mommy is not being mean … she wants you to eat other food for treats.”

  “I still want a new Mommy,” Cola insisted. “There are other reasons too why I want a new Mommy.”

  Daddy was still trying not to laugh out loud. “Oh really. And what would those reasons be?”

  Cola thought for a moment.

  “She is in cahoots with the curtains. I saw her last night standing beside them, talking to them. I think they were plotting how to annoy me.”

  “Cola, your Mom was standing at the balcony door last night when she was talking to her friend on the phone … she and the curtains are not plotting against you,” Dad said.

  “Fine … she makes you watch that silly soap opera! You even know the characters names! That is not nice of her,” Cola said, that should do it.

  This time Dad chuckled. “I don’t watch that show with your Mom. She watches it when I am on the computer which just happens to be right beside the TV.”

  Grrr, she wasn’t getting anywhere.

  “Um, she is a growler!” Cola said. “She wakes you up all the time with her snoring.”

  “Cola, you wake me up all the time too when you want out of your cage,” Dad said.

  Cola had to think of a good one.

  “She makes you wear socks that match!”

  Now Dad couldn’t help himself anymore and he burst out laughing.

  “Cola, you are too cute. I think it’s a good thing to wear socks that match. We are keeping Mommy.”

  “Fine,” Cola sighed and hopped over to where Duster had flopped.

  Duster was grinning at her. “So who did you want to replace Mommy with?

  Cola smiled, at least someone wanted to hear her out.

  “The lady on the raisin boxes! She would always have raisins with her, can’t get much more pro-raisin than her!”

  Duster started to lick his paws. “Cola, Mommy loves you.”

  Cola sulked. “I know she does but she could love me and still give me some raisins!”

  (Oh well, Cola wins some and she loses some . This time she settled for a carrot and noserubs.)


  Cola was doing her bunny super sprints laps from the living room
in to the bedroom. As she rounded the corner into the bedroom she skidded to a halt.

  “Wow - look at the hole in the wall …”

  Cola crept towards the open closet door.

  “I hope Mom and Dad don’t think I did this. Although it would be cool to take credit for such a large hole in the wall! This even tops my destruction of our old couch!”

  To Cola, it was like hitting the jackpot so she hopped on in.

  Right away she found the two large blue storage bins.

  “Mom must be breeding these things she has so many of them,” Cola shook her head.

  Cola wiggled in between one of the bins and the wall.

  “Wow, the carpet has spread in to this hole … wonder how long it has been here …”

  Cola took a few minutes and chewed on the carpet … she had to make sure she left her mark!

  Cola hopped around the two bins, doing a figure 8.

  Then she came across one of Daddy’s belts lying on the floor behind one of the bins.

  “I bet Daddy has been looking for this,” Cola started to pull the belt towards the opening of the hole.

  She pulled the belt as far as she felt necessary and then sat down and washed her face with her paws, she was working pretty hard.

  Cola got up on her back legs and periscoped around. Not much to see other than the blue bins and the walls and then she looked up.