Read Ruled By Rabbits Page 19

  ** to be cutely continued **


  Ruby stretched out in front of the fridge … she was sure there had to be a way to make sure they got treats when that door opened …

  Ruby hopped to her feet and did a binky … Mommy … Mommy will help me get treats! Us girls have to stick together … and Duster too … yeah, he can stick with us … I hear he loves ladies!!

  Ruby hopped in to the kitchen and smiled at Daddy.

  “Yes, Ruby?”

  “Daddy, you have to go to the fridge and get us treats or else …”

  Daddy chuckled. “Or else what, cute little Ruby?”

  Ruby had hoped it wouldn’t come to this but …

  “I’m going to tell Mommy you make fun of her soap opera,” Ruby said.

  Daddy laughed. “Ruby, Mommy makes fun of her soap opera.”

  “Oh … one minute please …” Ruby hopped away.

  Ruby hopped back.

  “I am going to tell Mommy you are going to work tonight.”

  “I am pretty sure Mom will be OK with me going to work tonight.”

  “Fine, one minute please … “ Ruby hopped away and then back.

  Ruby stared at Daddy, all she wanted was the fridge to be opened so she could have a treat!

  A few minutes later, Ruby heard the apartment door open – Mommy was home!

  “Oh, Daddy, you are in trouble now!” Ruby hopped over to Mommy.

  Duster and Cola listened intently.

  “Hi, bunnies, “ Mom greeted.

  Ruby was on her back paws, scratching at Mom’s leg. “I need to tell you what Daddy did!”

  Mom looked at Ruby and then at Daddy, who was trying not to laugh.

  “It was really bad … you are going to be so mad,” Ruby said.

  “What did Daddy do?”

  Ruby sat down. “Where to begin … well, first, he did the dishes, and then he cleaned our cages, and then he vacuumed the carpet … and he said he is going to cook supper!”

  Mom looked at Ruby and then at Dad.

  “Oh that’s not the worse part, Mom!” Ruby thumped. “He wouldn’t give us a treat every time he opened the fridge!”

  Mommy burst out laughing.

  “Oh no, you are so mad that now all those terrible things are funny!” Ruby glared at Dad. “Look what you did to Mommy!”

  “Ruby, it’s great that Daddy did the dishes and vacuumed and cleaned your cages and is cooking supper …”

  Ruby thumped. “No it’s not! He is doing all of the things you like to do!”

  “Well Mom doesn’t necessarily enjoy all those things … especially cooking,” Mom said.

  “But, he didn’t give is treats when he opened the fridge!”

  Mom and Dad looked at each other, trying not to laugh because Ruby was so intent that when the fridge door opened, bunnies got treats.

  “I am sure we can come to some sort of agreement about the treats in the fridge.” Mom said.

  Ruby was hoping it was treats every time the door opened!!!


  Any given weekday morning … 6:30 am, Mom is still sleeping - ten minutes till her alarm goes off, if Daddy didn’t work the night before, he is probably up having a coffee and that means … Ruby should be out of her cage!

  Ruby chews on her cage till Daddy opens the door. Binky!

  “Come on, Ruby, let’s go get Mommy up for work.”

  “OK I help,” Ruby bounces into the bedroom … right onto the bed …. and another binky …

  “Whew good thing Mom’s head was there to catch me!” Ruby says.

  She looks around and decides she has to be on the other side of the bed.

  “Wow … Daddy, look … this is the perfect spot for my foot.”

  And Ruby puts her foot on (and in) Mommy’s ear … and then on her nose … and then she flops over … covering Mommy’s nose and mouth.

  “GASP!” Mom chokes … can’t breathe bunny fur.

  Ruby rolls over happil. “Hi, Mom!”

  And binky, she is gone again … Dad follows after her to make sure she is behaving.

  Mom rolls out of bed and heads in for shower. When she emerges from the bathroom, 3 bunnies are awaiting bunny breakfast … AKA nanners.

  Duster is perched at his bowl, Cola is pacing and Ruby had hopped back in to her cage, mirroring Duster’s bowl perch … then she decides Mom isn’t moving quite fast enough …

  Ruby is in the kitchen, on her back legs, staring at Mom and the nanner.

  Mom looks down and sighs. “Good morning, Ruby … here is your piece of nanner.”

  “Yay!” Ruby is so happy … nom, nom, nom.

  Duster and Cola get their pieces of nanners and Mom is off to check her e-mail … but wait … Ruby appears beside the chair, eyeing the remainder of the nanner.

  “Ruby … Mommy needs to have the nanner for breakfast.”

  “But I am a growing bunny … and you gave me a small, really small piece.” Ruby protests.

  Mom gives in and Ruby gets another small piece of nanner.

  Mom moves from the computer over to another chair.

  Ruby follows.

  “Mom, that’s my chair,” Ruby states (she has recently discovered she can hop onto the chairs).

  “Mommy will be done in a minute.”

  Ruby paces. “But I really need to sit there NOW.” Her little paws are on Mom’s knees now.

  “Fine, fine,” Mom moves to the next chair over and Ruby hops into the vacated chair. She looks from Mom back to her chair.

  “Mom, I need to sit there right now too,” Ruby says.

  Who can argue with a rabbit who’s cuteness (and weight) don’t register on the digital scale in the kitchen?

  Up Mom gets, finishes her breakfast and goes to brush her teeth.

  “Oh… I help!” says Ruby, seeing that Mom is on the move again.

  By the time Ruby gets to the bathroom … Mom is brushing her teeth. Mom turns to shoo her out of the bathroom … and she has foam all over her mouth ... not knowing what toothpaste is, Ruby flees the scene.

  “I wait for you in bedroom!”

  Mom finished frothing at the mouth and went into the bedroom to pick out her clothes. She threw a shirt and pants on the bed. Ruby hopped on the bed .. and started to pull Mom’s shirt away.

  “I don’t like this one.” Ruby tried to bury it under the blanket. “Not Ruby approved.”

  Mom couldn’t help but laugh and Dad came in to see what was going on.

  “I help dress Mommy – I like this …” Ruby pushed the blanket towards Mom.

  “Don’t think I can wear the blankie to work,” Mom chuckled.

  Daddy picked up Ruby and took her out to the living room so Mom could finished getting dressed.

  Mom is almost ready to leave … just has to pack her lunch … Ruby has to supervise.

  “Mom, what can me and Duster and Cola have for lunch?” Ruby asks, eyeing the fridge.

  Mom pats Ruby’s head. “Daddy will give you lunch.”

  “Can we peek in the fridge to see what our options are?”

  Mom shakes her head … Ruby’s fridge fascination is well known.

  Mom says bye to the bunnies and Daddy and is off to work.

  Ruby flops and looks at Daddy. “Wow, it is hard work getting Mommy ready for work – good thing I help her!”


  Mom and Dad were sitting in the living room. They were watching TV when Ruby hopped up on the coffee table.

  “Ruby, Mommy’s trying to watch TV … hop to the left,” Mom said.

  Ruby shook her head n. “You have some explaining to do.”

  Mom and Dad looked at each other.

  “About what?” Dad asked.

  Ruby sat down on the coffee table, sitting so she was directly in between Mom and Dad, the only light in the living room was a lamp … and it appeared to make her look like she was in the spotlight.

  “Where were you the morning of Octobe
r 15th?”

  “We were at your grandparents,” Dad said.

  “Uh-huh,” Ruby sai. “And was that an authorized visit?”

  “Excuse me?” Mom asked.

  “Did you get permission from us bunnies to be at our grandparents that morning?” Ruby questioned.

  “Um, no …” Dad started to say and Ruby cut him off before he could answer any further.

  “Did you have breakfast that morning?”

  “Yes,” Mom answered.

  Ruby thumped loudly. “Well, good for you. We didn’t get bunny breakfast that morning cause you weren’t home!”

  “Now, Ruby, we were only gone overnight. You had lots of hay and pellets and water. You got treats when we got home,” Dad said.

  “Really? Does that justify us not having nanners in the morning?” Ruby was actually glaring at her parents. “Duster was sitting at his bowl, little paws on either side, staring at the fridge. Cola had her usual morning before-breakfast potty break and she even used her litter area. And my cuteness continued while you were gone! I was chewing on my cage. And guess what happened?”

  Mom and Dad shrugged … almost afraid to answer.

  “Nothing happened! Mom didn’t get up! There were no nanners for breakfast! Our routine was all messed up!”

  Cola and Duster thumped their disapproval.

  “Whoa, every bun just calm down,” Dad said.

  “Calm down? What if we took away your morning coffee? Our little piece of nanner means as much to us as your coffee means to you!” Ruby stated.

  Dad looked at Mom. “When they put it that way …”

  Mom rolled her eyes. “Next time we have to go away overnight we’ll let you bunnies know we won’t be here for breakfast.”

  Ruby titled her head. “And?”

  “And?” Mom asked.

  “The nanners!” Duster yelled.

  “I even used my litter area!” Cola added. “That has to mean something!”

  Mom threw her hands in the air. “Alright, alright … we’ll let you know when we won’t be here for bunny breakfast and we’ll make arrangements for nanners … even if we give you the banana before we leave.”

  Duster was hopeful,. How about double the nanners?”

  Mom looked at Duster. “Don’t push your furry luck.”

  “Deal,” Ruby agreed, hopping down off the coffee table and over to where Duster and Cola were in their cages, they exchanged victory nosebonks.

  Mom and Dad looked at each other and sighed, the bunnies really were in charge!


  Ruby ran around the living room … then she headed to the kitchen … and the slick floor .. she scooted through into the hallway and then she saw it … the bedroom door was open … and there was no sign of the usual bunny-blocking-barricade!

  “Yippee!” and Ruby binkied on into the bedroom.


  Ruby started to run laps around the bedroom, binkying every few minutes. Then she binkied and landed on the bed.

  “Yay … fun!” Ruby hopped happily on the mattress. “Wheee!”

  Ruby hopped up to the pillows and launched herself off the pillow and landed next to the blankets.

  “Ohhhhh … blankies … I save Mommy from these every morning!” Ruby said.

  Ruby decided to take a binky-break and sat down.

  In the mornings, Daddy would abandon his coffee, open the bedroom door and tell Ruby to “Get the Mommy – ATTACK!”

  Ruby would hop into the bedroom … and onto Mommy’s head. “Time to wake up! You have treat money to earn.”

  And then Ruby would set about “saving” Mommy from the blankies that always seemed to sneak up on Mommy while she slept!

  “I dig and dig and save Mommy from these blankies every morning,” Ruby said to herself. “And they always come back! When will they learn that they can’t have our Mommy!”

  Ruby made the decision to rid the bedroom of the blankies forever.

  “Hmm … blankies are pretty big … I am pretty small … this may take awhile …” Ruby sighed and set about her task.

  She pulled on the blankies and tugged on the blankies and dug at the blankies … then she noticed an “opening.”

  “OH! Maybe I can get under there and lift the blankies … and carry them out of here!” Ruby was making big plans for such a small bunny.

  Ruby crawled under the blanket.

  “Ohhhh … cozy …” Ruby said.

  Instead of trying to carry the blankets out of the bedroom, Ruby set out to make herself a nice little place to curl up under the blankets.

  “Have you seen Ruby?” Mom asked Dad.

  “Not for a few minutes,” Dad replied.

  Mom and Dad set about checking the usual hiding spots Ruby had, then they noticed the bedroom wasn’t bunny-barricaded.

  “Uh-oh,” Mom said.

  Mom and Dad started to search the bedroom.

  Ruby had been listening the whole time, trying to keep still so they wouldn’t discover her new hiding place under the blankets … however the obvious bunny outline gave her away pretty quick.

  “Oh no … where did Ruby go?” Mom winked at Dad.

  “I have no idea … have we lost her forever?” Dad asked.

  Ruby sat straight up, taking the blanket with her.

  “I is right here!”

  “Oh no, a blanket ghost!” Mom exclaimed.

  “No, Mommy, it’s me!” Ruby was now periscoping.

  Dad lifted the blanket off Ruby.

  “Humph,” Ruby muttered and laid back down.

  “Ruby, bunny bounce out of the bedroom,” Mom said.

  “No,” Ruby declared and turned her back to Mom and Dad and started rearranging the blankies to her preference.

  “Ruby, time to go,” Dad said and pulled the blanket away from Ruby.

  The white bunny thumped and Dad dropped the blanket.

  Ruby pulled the blanket back towards herself.

  Ruby started to rearrange the blanket again. Dad pulled on another end of the blanket. Ruby pulled another section of the blanket. And so it continued till the blanket was divided almost evenly between how much Ruby had wrapped around her and how much Dad had piled in front of him.

  “You’re arguing with a baby bunny …” Mom pointed out. “And it looks like she is winning.”

  “NO! Look we both have HALF the blanket … we are tied,” Dad said.

  Mom rolled her eyes and left the room. She came back in with a towel.

  “Ruby, look here, it’s a Ruby-sized blanket. You can have it if you hop out of the bedroom now,” Mom negotiated.

  “OK!” Ruby hopped off the bed and sat outside the bedroom door.

  Mom gave her the towel and Dad put up the bunny barricade.

  Ruby happily arranged her blankie to how she liked, understanding now why Mom grumbled so much when it was time to get up and leave the blankies (they really weren’t attacking Mommy after all!!) … blankies are wonderful!


  Mom watched Ruby hopping around the apartment. She seemed to be looking for something … and then there was the question as to what she was carrying around.

  “Ruby, do you need help with something?” Mom asked.

  Ruby put down whatever it was she had in her mouth. “This is so important.”

  “Then let me help you.”

  Ruby picked up the item and then hopped over to Mom. Mom took the item, seeing it was a picture … of Ruby.

  “Why are you carrying around a picture of yourself?”

  Ruby looked at Mom. “That is not a picture of me.”

  Mom double checked the picture – it was definitely the white bunny, but Mom played along.

  “What it is a picture of?”

  Ruby was shocked. “Isn’t it obvious?”

  Mom shook her head. “Apparently not …”

  “It is a picture of my cuteness.”

  Mom gave the picture back to the bunny. “And why were yo
u carrying it around?”

  “I need to find a place to hide my cuteness in case we are ever burglared.”

  Mom took a deep breath. “And where did you come up with that idea?”

  “There was a commercial on TV last night and the man said burglars will break into our house and steal our valuables.” Ruby said. “I think he knows something we don’t.”

  Mom remembered seeing Ruby pay close attention to a commercial for security systems last night.

  “He wasn’t talking about our house in particular, he was trying to sell alarms.”

  Ruby looked at Mom. “Then maybe you should buy an alarm so no one can steal our valuables … mainly my cuteness.”

  Hoping to set Ruby’s mind at ease, Mom promised to look in to it.

  “Oh, are we insured?” Ruby asked.

  “Yes, we are,” Mom said.

  “What is the dollar value of my cuteness?”

  Mom was at a loss with an answer.

  “Maybe you should give this picture of my cuteness to the insurance people and they can appraise it,” Ruby pushed the picture towards her Mom.

  “Where are you learning these words?” Mom asked.

  “I can’t tell you that,” Ruby said, trying to sound mysterious.

  Mom nodded, maybe some things were better left unknown.

  “Wait … what if the insurance person burglars my cuteness?” Ruby wondered.

  “Um, that would be illegal,” Mom offered.

  Ruby rolled her eyes. “Some bunnies would say being this cute is illegal … and yet, here I am!”

  “Hmm, well maybe you should just find safe place to keep that picture till you feel OK about letting the insurance people see it,” Mom suggested. “And I’ll see I can get a quote on your cuteness without a picture in the meantime.”

  “Good idea … I will keep it in your sock drawer! No one would ever think to look there!” Ruby declared and hopped off to put her cuteness away for safe-keeping.


  *cough, cough, cough*

  Ruby’s ears turned towards the bedroom.

  “What’s that noise?”