Read Ruled By Rabbits Page 3

  *thump*! Forget the living room … the bedroom door is open! Wheeee ….

  Oh here comes Mom!

  Duster and Cola hop onto the bed, and off the bed and behind the laundry basket … Mom sure is slow to catch up.

  Wheeee … back to the living room.

  “Oooga booga!”

  Duster is tired and hops in his cage. And Mom gives him a good night noserub for being a good boy and going in his cage.

  Cola will get a raisin too when she eventually goes to her cage.

  Cola sits under the desk and watches Mom … will she try to crawl under the desk to catch her? Here she comes and there goes Cola!

  “Cola Bear!” Mom says, sounding tired.

  Cola knows she means business when she calls her Cola Bear. Poor Mommy … okay, one more lap and then Cola go in her cage …

  Wheee … under the TV stand, under the desk , under the chair … wait where is the chair? Oh no …

  “Hi, Mom!” and she catches Cola.

  When Mom picks Cola up, she gives her the “I am the sweetest bunny in the world and you know I was just heading back to my cage when you caught me” look.

  Mom gently places Cola in her cage and gives her a good night noserub.

  “Good night, bunnies.”

  “Good workout, Mom!”


  It’s probably happened to all bunnies at one time or another … the dreaded poop stuck to the fur and we all know how much Cola loves her fur.

  It’s not the fact that she ended up in the bath tub … it’s the fact it didn’t happen till Mom came home from work! Cola is pretty sure it was a conspiracy of some sorts!

  Poor Daddy had to be the one to give her the bath (and it was just enough water to make sure the poop came off her fur) … all the while Mom stood in the doorway, smiling! She was smiling while Cola was clinging to her Daddy’s hands … hoping her fur wouldn’t be washed away down the drain! She had enough of the water and tried to jump out of the tub, Daddy caught her and wrapped her in a towel.

  He dried Cola off and she escaped back underneath the chair Duster and her cuddled under.

  “Do you feel better, Cola?” Duster asked his favourite bunny.

  Cola licked her fur. “Oh I feel great! If it weren’t for Daddy I would have drowned and Mommy just stood in the doorway smiling the whole time. She wanted my fur to go down the drain. It would probably go from the drain right to the vet that stole my fur!”

  “The bathtub drain goes to the vets office?” Duster asked, helicopter ears all over the place.

  “Not all the time,” Cola said. “Only when I have to take a bath.”

  Duster started to help Cola put her fur back in place. “Mommy was saying you’re a good bunny and a good girl the whole time she was standing in the doorway – I heard her.”

  Cola shook my head. “Oh Duster, that’s what she wanted you to think you heard!”

  Duster laughed at her.

  “Duster, she didn’t pay the vet to take your fur!” Cola said and thumped her foot.

  Duster wasn’t paying any attention to Cola now – there was Mommy and she had raisins!!!

  Duster hopped over to Mom and got his raisins, he gave her bunny kisses and told her he loves his Mommy. Cola loves her Mommy too … especially when she has raisins!!

  Cola hopped over and got her raisins, all is forgiven, Mom.


  (Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the following blog are that of Cola and Cola alone. No Daddy’s were actually hurt in the writing of this blog).

  A few weekends ago, on Saturday morning, Mom and Dad were up earlier than normal. Duster and Cola waited to be set free to explore the living room but Mom and Dad were apparently in no rush for that. Mom got a phone call and a few minutes later there was a knock at our door. Mom invited the visitor in.

  The “visitor” was a nurse sent by Daddy’s Life Insurance company to do a physical. Mom and Dad talked to the lady, they were laughing and the lady walked by the bunny cages, mentioned how cute they were and then sat down in the living room.

  Duster was all happy and sat “handsome” as Mommy calls it. He wanted out of his cage to meet this new lady! So Mom opened the cages and out went Duster … right to the lady. He sniffed around her, curious but still cautious enough to not let her get close enough to actually pet him … he was more curious about the bags she brought with her!

  Cola hopped out of her cage and bee-lined it for where Duster was … underneath the chair the nurse was sitting in! Of all places he could have chosen to sit he picked there … oh well, Cola guessed the sacrifice is worth it if she gets to cuddle with her bunny.

  The nurse moved from the chair she was sitting in to the one in front of the computer. Duster and Cola moved to behind the chair where Mommy was sitting. Duster stretched out but Cola was on guard – keeping her eye on this visitor. She started doing some paperwork, all the while talking to Mom and Dad … Cola was suspicious of her … she talked too much!!

  Then the nurse asked Daddy to sit in the chair she had been sitting in. Daddy sat down and the nurse went to her bag and brought out a weapon (Mommy said it was used to check Daddy’s blood pressure but Cola was pretty sure it was a weapon) – the nurse put the device on Daddy’s arm and started it started to squeeze Daddy’s arm! Cola thumped her foot.

  “Daddy, watch out! She is choking the arm you give us treats with!”