Read Runaway Bride Page 17

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  "Just how close to these critters do you aim to get, ma'am?" her guide ask her the next morning as they rode out on the range looking for wildlife.

  "As close as I can," she replied, "Why?"

  "Well, some animals are kinda dangerous ma'am." the cowboy answered in a drawl Savannah wasn't sure was real.

  "I wouldn't want to put anyone in danger, but the magazine says I get better pay, for better shots. So as close as I can get without getting hurt," she answered him with a smile.

  Her horse was one of the tamer of the outfit, and she was thankful. She hadn't ridden in so long, she wasn't sure she remembered how. Mounting and dismounting wouldn't be a feat for a cowboy, but for a woman who hadn't been on a horse in a long time, it was almost painful. Still, the inborn excitement of a hawk in flight, or a prairie dog peeking out of his hole, or the graceful alertness of the sheep feeding kept her going. But as they went further into the back pastures, there were more animals that needed to be zoomed in on.

  The guide was more than helpful in pointing out game, stock, and wild animals to her. He went at a leisurely pace, so keeping up wasn't hard. Plus he kept them at a steady, safe distance. He even managed to find the young of several animal groups, and their dens and Savannah got all manners of pictures. She had taken scores of pictures and she could make a perfect layout with this material. Maybe her luck was changing.

  By noon Savannah was hot, tired and sore, and the excitement of the early morning was wearing off. She wanted to call it a day but the guide seemed determined to show her more places of interest. Her backside was killing her, but she was reluctant to complain since the cowboy had done everything to show her the best possible pictures.

  Around two, she called it a day, sure she wouldn't be able to walk the next day.

  "I'm sorry, tomorrow I'll do better." She called down to the guide who watched her with amusement as she dismounted.

  "Yes ma'am." he nodded with a grin.

  The desk clerk hollered at her and she had to turn around and go down the stairs again, she grimaced all the way. "Ms. Kingsley?" he asked.

  Savannah eyed the clerk with passing interest as he was young and eager to please. "Yes?"

  "I have a message for you, from Sheriff Hogg."

  "Thank you," she said as she took the note from his hand. He winked and Savannah couldn't help but wonder if he was one of the "drug store cowboys" Ben had warned her about.

  She read the note all the way up the stairs, nearly in tears from the pain of her raw thighs. "Your Aunt will be home tomorrow, just thought I'd let you know...and good luck with your little scheme."

  It sounded like a brush off, and that was best, she told herself.

  Savannah sighed heavily. She knew she'd miss Ben for a long time to come.

  A movie now and then wasn't too bad, but every night she had to come up with something different. That could be tiresome. Still, she started this lie, she would have to carry it through, at least until Janet went home.

  She'd have to be careful.

  She went inside her room, glancing about the room with vague interest. Decorated in old fashioned western style decor, complete with western boot style lamps, iron railed beds and home-made quilts, she couldn't help but wonder if anyone ever tired of advertising the old west.

  On her way out here she had stopped off at several places, all complete with antique shops and malls. But once you'd seen one, a half a dozen more got boring.

  Janet was still asleep in the other twin bed, a western outfit lay across Savannah's bed. Savannah went to the closet and pulled out a purple dress, soft, not too sexy, but very alluring. This would work. Thank goodness she and Janet were the same size, she'd borrow the dress. How many times had that come in handy?

  She drew a bath, and soaked for a while. When she heard Janet get up, she decided she better get out. Draping the towel around her she walked into the bedroom.

  "Hello sleepy-head."

  "Hi. I'm starved. Are you going to the cook out tonight? I saw it on the schedule. It sounds like such fun, and I met this cute cowboy, his name is...get this...Leroy." Janet asked as she stretched herself. "Barbequed chicken, steaks and rabbit. I can't wait."

  "No, I'm afraid Ben wants to take me to dinner, in town. Do you mind?"

  "Of course not. Just keep your head about you. I know how these western romances go. A cowboy can sure pour it on, when they want to. Just because you didn't make the mistake of marrying Chad, doesn't mean you won't fall for another line. You are so vulnerable right now, Savannah, be careful."

  "Oh, so now you're an expert on cowboys?" Savannah laughed. "So now you want me to be careful, huh?"

  "No, I’m just an expert on men, silly." Janet laughed.

  Savannah smiled, "What do you mean, make the mistake of marrying Chad? Did you know it would be a mistake?"

  "Honey, I think every girl in town knew but you!" Janet asked innocently. "He was seeing someone else, wasn't he?"

  "Yes, did you know?" Savannah's eyes rounded on her. Did she already know Chad was gay? Surely not!

  Janet stood up, a frown playing on her beautiful face, "There are classic signs when men aren't being entirely honest."

  "But Janet...why didn't you tell me?"

  "I wanted to several times, hon, but I figured it was more his place, than mine. Besides, we all figured he'd slip up and you'd catch him. You did catch him, didn't you?"

  "Oh well, yes, I sure did."

  "You sure took your time. So when did you finally catch him?"

  "The day of the wedding."

  "No...tell me it isn't so. That's cruel."

  "I'm not kidding. It was the day of the wedding. But it's just not something you go around talking about. I thought Chad was just about the sweetest gentleman I'd ever known. I never dreamed...." Savannah plopped onto the bed with a heavy sigh.

  "Oh honey, I'm so sorry. I should have told you. Long ago. his parents know?"

  "Oh no, he couldn't tell them. I wouldn't have known either, if I hadn't caught him in the Rose Garden."

  "Who was it?" Janet nearly screamed. Savannah nearly laughed at the absurdity of it all.

  But the truth had a way of leaking into the conversation. "I promised not to tell," she admitted as her shoulders slumped.

  "But I'm your best friend." Janet's face turned red, and then she touched her arm. "Oh honey. I can was Carol Stewart, I'll bet."

  So Janet didn't know Chad was gay, Savannah sighed to herself. No one knew.She almost wished she had known. At least she could let down all the pretenses and tell the truth then.

  "This is one secret I'm keeping to myself. I might have been naive, stupid even, but I'm not about to blurt this one out."

  "Well, it doesn't matter," Janet announced, "You weren't really in love with him either."

  "How could you know I didn't love him? I didn't know myself until recently."

  " were smitten by that gorgeous Sheriff. Doesn't that tell you something? I mean, you can't fall out of love with one man, and into with another that quickly. Unless you are the most fickle person in the world. And I know you too well, you aren't."

  "Oh now Janet, I'm not sure how I feel about the Sheriff, really." Savannah cried, afraid her little lie was escalating into a full blown problem.

  "Well, if Chad cheated on you, you have every right to do what you want. So go after that Sheriff."

  "There's a problem."


  "He's marriage shy. He's been hurt badly and he doesn't want to take a chance on it happening again. I can't blame him, I guess." Savannah was hesitant to admit it to her friend, but perhaps it would be a welcome albatross, later. "I believe his words were, he didn't want a woman, rope and hog tying him."

  Janet shook her head, "Oh you can't go by that. They are all marriage shy, at first. But once they are smitten, what can they do?"

  "Janet, you are incurable. But don't get your hopes up about this cowboy. I
'm not kidding, he is marriage shy. Very much so. Maybe it has something to do with his being a Sheriff. Maybe he's had a bad love affair, who knows. And you know me, I want marriage more than anything. I'm afraid it's not going anywhere."

  Janet refused to be discouraged for her, "Maybe he just hasn't bumped into the right woman, yet!"

  "It's way too soon to worry about how serious the Sheriff might be." Savannah scoffed and put the dress on, smoothing it as she looked at herself in the mirror.

  "That dress looks better on you, than it does on me." Janet chuckled.

  "I'm glad you are here, Janet. I need you right now. Especially since my aunt isn't home." Savannah hugged her friend to her.

  "Do you know when she's coming home?"

  "Tomorrow, according to Ben..."

  "That soon, huh? Well, I'll finish out the week here, since I took my vacation now, and I'll be leaving too. Besides, I've got to give this Leroy a chance at me. Say, his name is Ben...I like that name." Janet sighed and then giggled.

  "Yeah, but his last name isn't very appealing…"

  "What's his last name?"


  "You are kidding!"

  "No, it's Hogg!" Savannah cried with laughter and laid against the bed for a moment. "He comes from a long line of lawmen. I saw the pictures on his wall at his office. Looks like he's about fourth generation lawman."

  "Well, with a man like that, who cares what his last name is." Janet chuckled, getting her clothes ready and turning toward the bathroom. She turned to look at Savannah over her shoulder, "So where is Mr. Handsome taking you for supper?"

  "I don't know. I'm to meet him in town."

  Janet whirled about, "I really don't like that kind of thing, Savannah," she cried aloud as her face screwed up into a immediate frown. "I mean he should pick you up."

  "We aren't in Dallas, Janet. This is the backwoods country. Besides, he would, but sometimes his work keeps him later and he can't." Savannah defended realizing her friend had her best interest at heart.