Read Runaway Bride Page 19

Two weeks passed and Savannah had enjoyed being with her aunt. Lucy had taught her many things, and Savannah was a fast pupil. She learned to clean a house, cook a meal, and relax. And out of it all, relaxing was the hardest. It seemed odd that she had so much in common with someone she barely knew. But what Ben had said stayed with her, "it isn't how long, but how well you know someone." They spent a lot of time together.

  Then one afternoon Ben stopped by.

  "Good evening ladies." He began, eyeing Savannah.

  Savannah tried to control that melting feeling she got when she looked at Ben, but it just didn't work. He was the only man in her life that made her feel this physical reaction, with just a look.

  "Well now, what brings you all the way out here, Ben?" Aunt Lucy chuckled.

  "Thought I'd check on you Lucy and see how you've been. Enjoy your vacation?"

  "As a matter of fact I did, but I'm even happier being back home. Savannah is just what I needed."

  Ben nodded with a smile, "That's good. How long is she staying?"

  Savannah put her hands on her hips and firmed her lips, "I'm not in the other room, you can ask me yourself, Ben Hogg."

  He smiled, "Okay, how long you planning on staying?"

  "A while, yet. Why?"

  "Would you walk with me, Savannah, I've got something I need to ask."

  Savannah was surprised but nodded, her aunt smiling at the two of them.

  Ben walked faster than she did and she found it hard to keep up. She poked her hands in the pockets of her overalls and practically ran to keep up with Ben. She didn't know where they were walking, but Ben seemed familiar with the property. Exasperated that he wouldn't slow down, Savannah finally shouted at him, "What is it?"

  He stopped and slowly turned around. "You remember that kid that came in the Sheriff's office when you first came? When I…locked you up?"

  "I remember."

  "Well....her mother got married."

  "So, what has that got to do with me?" Had he married the woman? But why bother telling her? Why bother coming all the way out here, a good twenty miles to tell her something like this? She was nothing to him, still the thought of Ben being suddenly married made her almost ill.

  Ben stopped and looked at her again, "I thought you being around, and the fact that I wasn't seeing her every Saturday night might scare her off. Make her think twice about asking me to supper. I mean, the woman just wants a built in father, that's all."

  Savannah really didn't want the details of their relationship, but from the sounds of it, it wasn't serious, anyway.


  "Well, I guess it worked. Strangely enough, she got married!" Ben burst out.

  "Married?" Savannah seemed to hold her breath for more information. "You mean you married her?"

  This made no sense.

  "No," he frowned at her, "Not to me. You know how I feel about marriage."

  "Y-yes, I do." Savannah said still not understanding what the matter was. "If she's married, I guess you don't have a problem. That is...unless you want to continue seeing her."

  "Of course not. I'm not that kind of man, and you know that. But I do have a problem. You see, everyone in town is feeling sorry for me. In a small town people have a habit of pairing people up. Now, I hear it night and day. How she dumped me for Luke Butler."

  Savannah rolled her eyes, perhaps his male ego had been bruised. What was she supposed to do about it? She wanted to laugh her own relief.


  "So, I'm the Sheriff, and I can't have everyone talking' like they do. So...I need your help."

  "I'm listening, although I'm not sure why."

  "I need you to come to town with me. Be with me. Let the townspeople see us together. So people will quit feeling sorry for me."

  "You're kidding!" Savannah nearly laughed until she saw his face. "You're not!"

  She couldn't stop the giggling, even when he frowned. "Look this wasn't easy for me to come and ask. But it's the only thing that will stop them."

  "But...why me? You must know a hundred other women..."

  He shrugged his big handsome shoulders and sighed heavily, "Most of the folks in Junction know me too well. They'd see through it, with any of the locals. But you...."

  "But me what?" Savannah pressed him.

  "When I locked you up...they all thought it was because I was concerned about you. Cared about you. So it wouldn't seem strange to be seen with you now."

  "Concerned? You locked me up....well, I don't know why you locked me up. Perhaps for my own protection. I don't know. I'll never forget that."

  "No, I guess you won't. And it was for your protection, Savannah." he said, his voice lowering, his eyes searching hers.

  "I don't see any reason I should concern myself with this. It's your problem. If you recall, I had a similar problem with my friend, and I didn't see you stepping forth and rendering me aid."

  "You're right, I didn't. I didn't want to get involved with...with a screwball little lady, like yourself."

  "Screwball…And do." She stomped her foot in the ground to show her feelings about this.

  "It's the only way. You are the only stranger in town. They all know you were at my house, in my jail, and might seem natural if we..."


  He put his hat back on his head and turned away to go. "I won't beg, Savannah."

  His voice was low and held some strange emotion. She felt bad about treating him so.. After all, he had locked her up for her own protection. He had seen after her during the storm. He had befriended her.

  "Wait. Ben. Okay," she said reluctantly. "I'll help you, at least until they quit talking. I guess I owe you that much. You did take care of me when I got stung. You did keep my secret. I guess I can extend the courtesy. But why don't you just do like I did? Tell everyone you are meeting me, and not."

  "As sorry as everyone feels for me, I doubt it would work. They need to see with their own eyes. It won't take long for the word to spread."

  "I don't think this is very wise, Ben." she began.

  "Why, 'cause we are attracted to each other?" He seemed quite serious.

  She fumbled for the right words. "I won't sleep with you Ben. I've never done that, and I won't start now. As old fashioned as it sounds, I'm saving myself."

  "I don't think I've asked you to," he added with a slight smirk. "But you've got to be kidding…you're saving yourself?"

  "What's so funny. It's true."

  "I guess I never saw you as the virgin type. I was wrong."

  "And no kissing...."


  "Of course not. I'm a big girl."

  He turned around slowly. "Fine. Then meet me in town, tonight at six," he said as though he knew she would consent.

  "Now wait just a minute!" she stormed up to him, pulling on his arm and making him face her. "You will pick me up at this house and you will take me into town."

  "Alright, I'll pick you up. I guess I owe you that much," he murmured, then he left and she pondered whether she made the right decision.