Read Runes (A Runes Novel) Page 26


  I entered Doc’s geography classroom and looked around for Eirik and Cora. Our coach also taught geography and psychology, and most members of the swim team often hung out in his class before the first bell.

  Today they were in the back of the room, where Torin and the Dahl sisters were holding court in opposite corners. Cora was among the girls surrounding Torin. Jess hadn’t arrived yet, but as soon as she did, the other girls would melt away. Eirik and a few guys lounged in front of the class, so I headed their way.

  He pulled me down onto his lap, his arm possessively around my waist.

  “What’s going on?” I asked.

  “St. James is throwing a swim party tomorrow at his place and they,” he nodded toward the corner where Maliina and Ingrid were charming mostly guys, “are throwing one, too. They have a pool; he doesn’t.” Eirik grinned. “Can’t wait to see how this plays out.”

  From the large group of girls surrounding Torin, Maliina and Ingrid didn’t have a chance of luring more students to their party. Guys tended to go where the girls were. Andris was still missing since the fight with Torin, so he’d be no help. Where had the silver-haired Immortal disappeared to anyway?

  My eyes met Torin’s, and my stomach contracted. His expression was hard to read. I hadn’t spoken to him since the closet fiasco, and I felt like crap. It was as though a part of me was missing. As though someone had carved a hole inside my chest and every day it expanded.

  He, on the hand, seemed to be enjoying himself with Jess. They were inseparable. He didn’t attend any of my other classes except math, but she always walked him to class. I had tried to keep from staring at them, especially during lunch, but like someone compelled, I always did. Each time, I’d find him staring at me. Part of me longed for him, wished I was with him, while another part knew it was better this way. I only hoped the pain would lessen with time.

  I didn’t see him at home either anymore, except for the purr of his Harley as he came and went. Every time, I wondered whether he was going to Jess’ place or if he had been with her. At least he hadn’t taken her to his place. That would kill me.

  As if dealing with the two of them that wasn’t bad enough, there was Maliina. Every time I turned around, she was watching me, waiting. Sometimes I wanted to yell at her to do her worst. Maybe then Torin would come to my rescue and my self-imposed exile would end.

  “I’ll go with St. James,” Tim, a junior freestyle sprinter, said.

  “He’s badass, so there might be booze,” someone else added.

  “I just want to check out his Harley,” another said. “That ride is hot.”

  “Aw, come on,” Tim said. “You’re going ‘cause he has the girls.”

  They high-fived each other.

  “Which party, Seville?” someone asked.

  “Neither. I’ve plans.” Eirik’s arms tightened around my waist.

  I heard him, but my eyes were on Jess who’d just entered the room. She headed straight to Torin, the other girls moving out of her way. She kissed him, and a sharp sting of pain sliced through me. I’d never seen them kiss before. Watching them hurt so much I couldn’t breathe.

  As though aware of my reaction, Torin glanced at me, and I saw something in his eyes I hadn’t seen before—pain, an echo of the same pain crashing through me. Next second, he was back gazing into Jess’ eyes, smiling.

  I was the one who’d pushed him away, demanded space, yet I was so miserable. From what I’d just seen, he was miserable, too. The saddest part was there was nothing we could do about it. I’d never hurt Eirik, not even to be happy.

  I leaned against Eirik’s chest and shut everything out, until Coach Fletcher entered the room. Everyone moved away from the back and grabbed seats. He waited until there was silence before he spoke.

  “Most of you know that Kate’s funeral is tomorrow morning. The wake and service will be at Grandview Baptist Church on Fulton before we head to Northridge Cemetery. I’d like to see the swim team represented, so if you plan on attending, please sign up now. The wake will start at nine and the service at eleven.” He walked around and passed out clipboards, which had several signup sheets and pens. “I need the exact number of students attending the service so the school can provide us with transportation.”

  He walked to the front of the class, gesturing to the students who’d just arrived to take seats. “The bus will meet here at eight-thirty. We’ll leave at ten-to-nine for the church. The bus will bring everyone back here from the cemetery. The transportation to and from school will be your responsibility. Any questions?”

  No one spoke.

  “Okay. Try to dress appropriately, which means black or dark colors. I know eulogies are hard to give, but it would be nice to have a student or two say something during the service.” He studied us. “Any volunteers?”

  Silence. I wasn’t surprised no one wanted to speak. Kate had been one of those students we ignored. Shy and quiet, she’d blended with the background, except during meets when she shined brightly. Unfortunately, as soon as she stepped out of the pool, she would become invisible again. Now I felt guilty for having ignored her.

  I glanced around, but no one raised their hand. My eyes met Cora’s from where she sat in the back. She mouthed, “Do it.”

  I made a face. I hated talking in front of people. Seconds ticked past. It wasn’t fair. Kate was getting the same treatment she’d received while alive. Ignored.

  “Going once… twice…” Coach Fletcher said, in an auctioneer’s voice, trying to lighten the mood.

  Sighing, I raised my hand.

  “Sold to Miss Cooper. Happy to know I won’t be the only one on the podium. If anyone else decides to join us, e-mail me. Okay, give me the clipboards on your way out.”

  We got to our feet and filed out of the room. Cora caught up with us in the parking lot.

  “Are we going to Torin’s party tomorrow night?” Cora asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

  “I don’t know.” Eirik caught my eyes. “Do you want to go?”

  My priority was seeing my medical records and writing a nice eulogy. “Depends on how I feel tomorrow.”

  Cora rolled her eyes. “We’re going if I have to drag your sorry butts there. You are neighbors for crying out loud. How do you think he’d feel if you don’t go?” She glared at Eirik. “Your parents know his people and—”

  “I don’t care how he feels,” Eirik retorted. I had a feeling he’d noticed the way Torin always stared at me.

  “Can we talk about our plans for tonight? We have to work on the slideshow presentation, and I’ll need help with the eulogy.” I was already regretting volunteering.

  “I’ll stop by your place in an hour or so,” Eirik said. “Are you two going to the hospital?”

  I nodded. “Keith said to meet him around four.”

  “I can come with you guys if you’d like,” he offered.

  “We can do things without your exulted presence, Pretty Boy,” Cora teased.

  Eirik shot her an annoyed look. “I wasn’t talking to you.”

  I bumped him with my shoulder, hating that they were back at each other’s throats again. “We’ll be fine. One, you’re late for the meeting with the other editors, and two, you hate hospitals. I’ll fill you in later.”

  “I just remembered we’re going dress-shopping for Raine’s Homecoming dress tomorrow afternoon,” Cora cut in, glancing at Eirik. “You’re coming with us, right?”

  Eirik made a face. “No, thanks. No shopping. I’ll take you guys to Torin’s party.” He kissed me and ran off toward the media center.

  Cora laughed. “Gah, men are so easy.”

  “How did you know he’d choose the party?”

  She linked our arms. “‘Cause I happen to know which buttons to push. I don’t understand why he hates shopping with us. He gets the front row seat to a private fashion show. Any man would kill for that.”

  “Eirik is not most guys.”

  Cora grinn
ed. “I know.”

  I looked at my watch. “Let’s stop by the Creperie for lattes then leave your car at my place before going to the hospital. No need to take both cars.”