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  Chapter Twelve

  The trip to Windsor to see the Fundy tides was very pleasant despite the cloudy day. Miriam was again astonished at how much arable land went unused in Canada as they drove through the forests and overgrown fields that used to be productive. They had a pleasant lunch with Jerry's sister and her family before heading back to the park to see the high water mark.

  Sunday church was balm for Miriam’s soul. Her joy at reconnecting with a worshiping community made Jerry think about how he complained that they didn’t have a proper building to worship in. Seeing Miriam’s unhesitating response to the worship made him feel like he was not counting his blessing correctly and vowed to do better and started by saying another thanksgiving for Miriam.

  Sunday dinner with Jerry’s brother Richard and his family was a noisy affair with eight adults and four young children cooped up in the house. Miriam made kafta and lemon chicken for the multitudes to great praise. Richard thanked Miriam as they were leaving for whatever it was she'd done to bring his happy little brother back.

  Jerry dropped Miriam off in Halifax before work on Monday so that she could get her medical examination form filled out. She brought a book with her and a pen, clipboard and extra paper to fill out her immigration forms so that she could have something to do while she waited.

  It was a good thing she had something to do. The doctor came through the waiting area just before noon to introduce herself and to assure Miriam that she would be able to fit her in that afternoon.

  The Personal Information Form was long and very detailed. She filled in the information about herself. The citizenship section asked her to provide details about which countries she had lived in and the dates. Marital status was easy as she’d never married. Family members, alive or deceased, were not as easy because she couldn’t remember her mother’s year of birth but she put a question mark after it and continued. She made certain to list all of her sisters, even though it was not likely that they would need to claim refugee protection.

  She filled in her education, work experience, military service (none), criminal record (none she was aware of), residences for the past ten years, countries visited in the past ten years, passport and visa details, visa details for Canada, route used to come to Canada, and her country of origin.

  She checked the box for threat of religious persecution and indicated that she believed she had a well founded fear that her life was threatened and that she would be tortured if she returned.

  Finally she looked at the 55 lines that she was given to fill out and was relieved to see that she could add additional pages to tell her story. She started with her conversion to Christianity in Canada and her father’s tolerance of the conversion as long as it was hidden. She told of her father’s death and the resulting change in circumstances. She told of the arranged and unwelcome betrothal to Rafiq Mahmoud and the beating she suffered when she refused him. Her uncle's insistence that she would marry him anyway despite her not consenting to the marriage. Then the discovery of her Bible and the subsequent forced confinement by her uncle. She stated her fear of physical harm due to the hard line imam in her town who had issued decrees to either torture converts until they recanted or to stone them. Finally she told of her escape to Israel where she obtained a visitor visa for Canada and the hospitality shown by the Carson family in Hubbards. In all, she managed to condense the narrative to four pages.

  She had time to review the narrative and add the details of her lawyer, her contact information and sign everything before the nurse came to get her for her physical. As she expected, she was in very good health but the doctor did note a couple of scars on her ribs that corresponded to blows she had received from Rafiq.

  After stopping at the mall to buy a pair of patterned stockings to match her black dress that the clerk promised would fit properly, she took the bus over to Peggy’s office and dropped off the forms. Peggy came bustling out as Miriam was waiting for the elevator and dragged her back into the office to go over everything with her. Peggy allowed Miriam to call Jerry at bell time to let him know where to pick her up.

  Supper was another crock pot special which they had just finished eating when Jaclyn, her two youngest sisters and her mother arrived for dessert. Jaclyn was brimming with excitement over the progress of the murals and thanked Miriam profusely for her ideas.

  Ethel started her visit somewhat suspicious of Miriam and her motives. After hearing her story and watching her interact with Michelle she started to warm up to her and told some stories of Jerry’s growing up. She also noticed the frequent displays of affection that Miriam and Jerry bestowed on each other and the way that they worked smoothly together to be hospitable while looking after Michelle and her two youngest. By the end of the visit she was convinced that they were truly and deeply in love with each other.

  Tuesday was the last exam. Jerry turned in the marks on Wednesday afternoon then went down to the gym to see the transformation that Jaclyn’s team had made.

  Everything was set up except for the flower arrangements that would be delivered the following day.

  “It all looks great, Jaclyn.” Jerry leaned on the edge of the stage close to where she was sitting. “How are you feeling?”

  “Me? I’m feeling great. The grad ceremony will be okay.” Jaclyn furrowed her brow.

  “I hear a ‘but’, cousin.” Jerry teased.

  “I don’t know if I have enough people to set up for the dance on Friday.”

  “I’ll come over to help. I’m sure Mr. Zavitz will help too. And surely you can count on Troy, Daniel and Eric. Four big strong men will be enough to get the work done.”

  Jaclyn counted the names in her head and smirked, “So which one isn’t the big strong one?”

  “Well, that boyfriend of yours is big, but I’m not so sure about the strong part.”

  “Ha. Ha. Remember that after the dance tomorrow he’s not your student any more.”

  “No, but he’ll be my cousin by marriage soon, won’t he?”

  Jaclyn blushed. “Well, he proposed on Sunday and I said yes. But neither of us wants to rush things, so we’re going to wait until after first year of college to announce anything, though. Mum gets a bit over the top when I hint about it. She wants me to finish college before I get married. So if we announce the engagement next year and get married right after we get our diplomas she should be happy. And what about you, when are you and Miriam getting married?”

  Jerry looked pensive. “I have to get unmarried first and she wants to get her permanent residency before we get married. I’m hoping we can get married about the same time that you and Daniel announce your engagement.”

  “I hope everything goes smoothly with Annabelle. Divorces can get real messy.” Jaclyn looked sad. “Dad’s supposed to come tomorrow for the grad with Stephanie. I hope Mum doesn’t make a scene.”

  “I’m sure they’ll be on their best behaviour, at least inside the gym. I’ll warn Jack that he’s coming and he can run interference with your Mum.”

  Jaclyn gave Jerry a squeeze around the shoulder and said, “Thank you, coz.”

  “It’s the least I can do.” Jerry took another look around the gym. “You did a really good job.”

  The graduation ceremony went off without a hitch. Marie received her honours diploma to a standing ovation and did a wheelie as she moved off to the side. Jaclyn posed for photos with her mum and dad flanking her, both looking proud of her and willing to be civil for an evening.

  The following morning Jerry, Miriam and Michelle all came out to help set up for the dance. Miriam walked in to the admiring glances of most of the young men present. She wasn't certain whether to be flattered or annoyed so she just ignored them.

  Jaclyn was scanning the room as if she was looking for something. Then she spotted her cousins and waved. “Hey Mitchie! How’s my girl?”

  Michelle yelled “Jackwin!” and raced over for a big hug.

  Jerry informed Miriam that Jaclyn was Michelle's
second favourite sitter, after Aunt Rose. Then he corrected himself and said, “I think she may have dropped to number three.”

  Miriam watched as Jaclyn put Michelle down and transformed into a tickle monster. Michelle shrieked as the tickle monster got closer until she allowed herself to be captured and kissed.

  “What's the problem?” Miriam asked.

  “Do I have a problem?” Jaclyn asked.

  “You were looking around like there's something missing. Let's see your plan.” Miriam put her hand out.

  Jaclyn huffed but handed over the floor plan. Miriam scanned the gym and pointed at corresponding features on the plan. “There it is. You're missing a speaker stand for the band.”

  “Let me see that.” Jaclyn looked at the plan and back at the stage. “You're right. Troy! We doubled up the speaker stands on the right side of the stage. Can you and Eric move one to the other side?”

  “Can do, Jackwin!” Eric winked as he responded.

  Jaclyn looked daggers at him and turned back to Miriam. “Thank you. Can you see anything else?”

  Miriam handed back the floor plan. “I think that's everything. You've done a beautiful job. I hope that you're heading for something artistic.”

  “I'm going to NSIT next year for the two year business program, but I haven't decided if I'm going to take accounting or marketing.” Jaclyn relaxed a bit.

  “Fortunately you won't have to worry about your specialty until toward the end of first year, if NSIT is the same as the Ontario community colleges my cousins went to. If I were you I'd wait until you have a chance to see which program you like better. It's not a lot of fun to be stuck doing a job you're good at but don't like very much.”

  "It sounds like you're speaking from experience.”

  “My Uncle Walid wouldn't let me stay on as head buyer for the grocery store after my father died. He did let me work on the accounting, but only from home. I'm pretty good at accounting but I really loved negotiating with the local farmers and planning delivery schedules. We sold the best produce and meat in the area because my father put me in charge of the buying. Unfortunately for me, Uncle Walid's friends complained that it was inappropriate for a woman to be negotiating with men and he fired me. I think they just wanted to go back to the old days when they didn't have to work hard enough to grow good tomatoes. So if I had the choice, I'd take something that I know I would enjoy doing.”

  Jessie asked Jaclyn for her help with some streamers, so she said, “Thanks for the advice. We'll talk later.”

  Jerry watched his love with a bemused expression. “Thanks.”

  “For what?”

  “For treating Jaclyn like she's a real person. Sometimes her parents forget to.”

  “All of them are real people. I'm not comfortable with Eric's flirting, but they're good young people.”

  Michelle raced out from the storage area under the stage. She was covered in cobwebs. “Eeew! Daddy! Get them off!”

  A smiling Troy tossed a roll of paper towel at Jerry. “Michelle, stand still.” As carefully as he could, he detached the mass of dusty cobwebs from Michelle's face and shoulders. “There you go, sweetie. You'll have to take a bath when we get home.”

  “Okay, Daddy.” Michelle immediately dashed back into the storage area to slalom around the vertical braces holding up the stage.

  Miriam laughed at Jerry's dismay then headed over to a ladder to help hang streamers.