Read Rupert of Hentzau: From The Memoirs of Fritz Von Tarlenheim Page 3


  By Heaven's care, or--since a man may be over-apt to arrogate to himselfgreat share of such attention--by good luck, I had not to trust for mylife to the slender thread of an oath sworn by Rupert of Hentzau. Thevisions of my dazed brain were transmutations of reality; the scuffle,the rush, the retreat were not all dream.

  There is an honest fellow now living in Wintenberg comfortably and athis ease by reason that his wagon chanced to come lumbering along withthree or four stout lads in it at the moment when Rupert was meditatinga second and murderous blow. Seeing the group of us, the good carrierand his lads leapt down and rushed on my assailants. One of the thieves,they said, was for fighting it out--I could guess who that was--andcalled on the rest to stand; but they, more prudent, laid hands on him,and, in spite of his oaths, hustled him off along the road towardsthe station. Open country lay there and the promise of safety. My newfriends set off in pursuit; but a couple of revolver shots, heard by me,but not understood, awoke their caution. Good Samaritans, but not menof war, they returned to where I lay senseless on the ground,congratulating themselves and me that an enemy so well armed shouldrun and not stand his ground. They forced a drink of rough wine down mythroat, and in a minute or two I opened my eyes. They were for carryingme to a hospital; I would have none of it. As soon as things grew clearto me again and I knew where I was, I did nothing but repeat in urgenttones, "The Golden Lion, The Golden Lion! Twenty crowns to carry me tothe Golden Lion."

  Perceiving that I knew my own business and where I wished to go, onepicked up my hand-bag and the rest hoisted me into their wagon and setout for the hotel where Rudolf Rassendyll was. The one thought my brokenhead held was to get to him as soon as might be and tell him how I hadbeen fool enough to let myself be robbed of the queen's letter.

  He was there. He stood on the threshold of the inn, waiting for me, asit seemed, although it was not yet the hour of my appointment. As theydrew me up to the door, I saw his tall, straight figure and his red hairby the light of the hall lamps. By Heaven, I felt as a lost child muston sight of his mother! I stretched out my hand to him, over the side ofthe wagon, murmuring, "I've lost it."

  He started at the words, and sprang forward to me. Then he turnedquickly to the carrier.

  "This gentleman is my friend," he said. "Give him to me. I'll speak toyou later." He waited while I was lifted down from the wagon intothe arms that he held ready for me, and himself carried me across thethreshold. I was quite clear in the head by now and understood all thatpassed. There were one or two people in the hall, but Mr. Rassendylltook no heed of them. He bore me quickly upstairs and into hissitting-room. There he set me down in an arm-chair, and stood oppositeto me. He was smiling, but anxiety was awake in his eyes.

  "I've lost it," I said again, looking up at him pitifully enough.

  "That's all right," said he, nodding. "Will you wait, or can you tellme?"

  "Yes, but give me some brandy," said I.

  Rudolf gave me a little brandy mixed in a great deal of water, and thenI made shift to tell him. Though faint, I was not confused, and I gavemy story in brief, hurried, yet sufficient words. He made no sign till Imentioned the letter. Then his face changed.

  "A letter, too?" he exclaimed, in a strange mixture of increasedapprehension and unlooked-for joy.

  "Yes, a letter, too; she wrote a letter, and I carried that as well asthe box. I've lost them both, Rudolf. God help me, I've lost them both!Rupert has the letter too!" I think I must have been weak and unmannedfrom the blow I had received, for my composure broke down here. Rudolfstepped up to me and wrung me by the hand. I mastered myself again andlooked in his face as he stood in thought, his hand caressing the strongcurve of his clean-shaven chin. Now that I was with him again it seemedas though I had never lost him; as though we were still together inStrelsau or at Tarlenheim, planning how to hoodwink Black Michael,send Rupert of Hentzau to his own place, and bring the king back to histhrone. For Mr. Rassendyll, as he stood before me now, was changed innothing since our last meeting, nor indeed since he reigned in Strelsau,save that a few flecks of gray spotted his hair.

  My battered head ached most consumedly. Mr. Rassendyll rang the belltwice, and a short, thickset man of middle age appeared; he wore a suitof tweed, and had the air of smartness and respectability which marksEnglish servants.

  "James," said Rudolf, "this gentleman has hurt his head. Look after it."

  James went out. In a few minutes he was back, with water, basin, towels,and bandages. Bending over me, he began to wash and tend my wound verydeftly. Rudolf was walking up and down.

  "Done the head, James?" he asked, after a few moments.

  "Yes, sir," answered the servant, gathering together his appliances.

  "Telegraph forms, then."

  James went out, and was back with the forms in an instant.

  "Be ready when I ring," said Rudolf. And he added, turning to me, "Anyeasier, Fritz?"

  "I can listen to you now," I said.

  "I see their game," said he. "One or other of them, Rupert or thisRischenheim, will try to get to the king with the letter."

  I sprang to my feet.

  "They mustn't," I cried, and I reeled back into my chair, with a feelingas if a red-hot poker were being run through my head.

  "Much you can do to stop 'em, old fellow," smiled Rudolf, pausing topress my hand as he went by. "They won't trust the post, you know. Onewill go. Now which?" He stood facing me with a thoughtful frown on hisface.

  I did not know, but I thought that Rischenheim would go. It was a greatrisk for Rupert to trust himself in the kingdom, and he knew that theking would not easily be persuaded to receive him, however startlingmight be the business he professed as his errand. On the other hand,nothing was known against Rischenheim, while his rank would secure, andindeed entitle, him to an early audience. Therefore I concluded thatRischenheim would go with the letter, or, if Rupert would not let thatout of his possession, with the news of the letter.

  "Or a copy," suggested Rassendyll. "Well, Rischenheim or Rupert will beon his way by to-morrow morning, or is on his way to-night."

  Again I tried to rise, for I was on fire to prevent the fatalconsequences of my stupidity. Rudolf thrust me back in my chair, saying,"No, no." Then he sat down at the table and took up the telegraph forms.

  "You and Sapt arranged a cipher, I suppose?" he asked.

  "Yes. You write the message, and I'll put it into the cipher."

  "This is what I've written: 'Document lost. Let nobody see him ifpossible. Wire who asks.' I don't like to make it plainer: most cipherscan be read, you know."

  "Not ours," said I.

  "Well, but will that do?" asked Rudolf, with an unconvinced smile.

  "Yes, I think he'll understand it." And I wrote it again in the cipher;it was as much as I could do to hold the pen.

  The bell was rung again, and James appeared in an instant.

  "Send this," said Rudolf.

  "The offices will be shut, sir."

  "James, James!"

  "Very good, sir; but it may take an hour to get one open."

  "I'll give you half an hour. Have you money?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "And now," added Rudolf, turning to me, "you'd better go to bed."

  I do not recollect what I answered, for my faintness came upon me again,and I remember only that Rudolf himself helped me into his own bed. Islept, but I do not think he so much as lay down on the sofa; chancingto awake once or twice, I heard him pacing about. But towards morningI slept heavily, and I did not know what he was doing then. At eighto'clock James entered and roused me. He said that a doctor was to be atthe hotel in half an hour, but that Mr. Rassendyll would like to see mefor a few minutes if I felt equal to business. I begged James to summonhis master at once. Whether I were equal or unequal, the business had tobe done.

  Rudolf came, calm and serene. Danger and the need for exertion acted onhim like a draught of good wine on a seasoned drinker. He was n
ot onlyhimself, but more than himself: his excellences enhanced, the indolencethat marred him in quiet hours sloughed off. But to-day there wassomething more; I can only describe it as a kind of radiance. I haveseen it on the faces of young sparks when the lady they love comesthrough the ball-room door, and I have seen it glow more softly ina girl's eyes when some fellow who seemed to me nothing out of theordinary asked her for a dance. That strange gleam was on Rudolf's faceas he stood by my bedside. I dare say it used to be on mine when I wentcourting.

  "Fritz, old friend," said he, "there's an answer from Sapt. I'll lay thetelegraph offices were stirred in Zenda as well as James stirred themhere in Wintenberg! And what do you think? Rischenheim asked for anaudience before he left Strelsau."

  I raised myself on my elbow in the bed.

  "You understand?" he went on. "He left on Monday. To-day's Wednesday.The king has granted him an audience at four on Friday. Well, then--"

  "They counted on success," I cried, "and Rischenheim takes the letter!"

  "A copy, if I know Rupert of Hentzau. Yes, it was well laid. I like themen taking all the cabs! How much ahead had they, now."

  I did not know that, though I had no more doubt than he that Rupert'shand was in the business.

  "Well," he continued, "I am going to wire to Sapt to put Rischenheimoff for twelve hours if he can; failing that, to get the king away fromZenda."

  "But Rischenheim must have his audience sooner or later," I objected.

  "Sooner or later--there's the world's difference between them!" criedRudolf Rassendyll. He sat down on the bed by me, and went on in quick,decisive words: "You can't move for a day or two. Send my message toSapt. Tell him to keep you informed of what happens. As soon as you cantravel, go to Strelsau, and let Sapt know directly you arrive. We shallwant your help."

  "And what are you going to do?" I cried, staring at him.

  He looked at me for a moment, and his face was crossed by conflictingfeelings. I saw resolve there, obstinacy, and the scorn of danger; fun,too, and merriment; and, lastly, the same radiance I spoke of. He hadbeen smoking a cigarette; now he threw the end of it into the grate androse from the bed where he had been sitting.

  "I'm going to Zenda," said he.

  "To Zenda!" I cried, amazed.

  "Yes," said Rudolf. "I'm going again to Zenda, Fritz, old fellow. Byheaven, I knew it would come, and now it has come!"

  "But to do what?"

  "I shall overtake Rischenheim or be hot on his heels. If he gets therefirst, Sapt will keep him waiting till I come; and if I come, he shallnever see the king. Yes, if I come in time--" He broke into a suddenlaugh. "What!" he cried, "have I lost my likeness? Can't I still playthe king? Yes, if I come in time, Rischenheim shall have his audienceof the king of Zenda, and the king will be very gracious to him, and theking will take his copy of the letter from him! Oh, Rischenheim shallhave an audience of King Rudolf in the castle of Zenda, never fear!"

  He stood, looking to see how I received his plan; but amazed at theboldness of it, I could only lie back and gasp.

  Rudolf's excitement left him as suddenly as it had come; he was againthe cool, shrewd, nonchalant Englishman, as, lighting another cigarette,he proceeded:

  "You see, there are two of them, Rupert and Rischenheim. Now you can'tmove for a day or two, that's certain. But there must be two of us therein Ruritania. Rischenheim is to try first; but if he fails, Rupert willrisk everything and break through to the king's presence. Give him fiveminutes with the king, and the mischief's done! Very well, then; Saptmust keep Rupert at bay while I tackle Rischenheim. As soon as you canmove, go to Strelsau, and let Sapt know where you are."

  "But if you're seen, if you're found out?"

  "Better I than the queen's letter," said he. Then he laid his hand onmy arm and said, quite quietly, "If the letter gets to the king, I and Ionly can do what must be done."

  I did not know what he meant; perhaps it was that he would carry off thequeen sooner than leave her alone after her letter was known; but therewas another possible meaning that I, a loyal subject, dared not inquireinto. Yet I made no answer, for I was above all and first of all thequeen's servant. Still I cannot believe that he meant harm to the king.

  "Come, Fritz," he cried, "don't look so glum. This is not so great anaffair as the other, and we brought that through safe." I suppose Istill looked doubtful, for he added, with a sort of impatience, "Well,I'm going, anyhow. Heavens, man, am I to sit here while that letter iscarried to the king?"

  I understood his feeling, and knew that he held life a light thingcompared with the recovery of Queen Flavia's letter. I ceased to urgehim. When I assented to his wishes, every shadow vanished from hisface, and he began to discuss the details of the plan with business-likebrevity.

  "I shall leave James with you," said Rudolf. "He'll be very useful, andyou can rely on him absolutely. Any message that you dare trust to noother conveyance, give to him; he'll carry it. He can shoot, too." Herose as he spoke. "I'll look in before I start," he added, "and hearwhat the doctor says about you."

  I lay there, thinking, as men sick and weary in body will, of thedangers and the desperate nature of the risk, rather than of the hopewhich its boldness would have inspired in a healthy, active brain.I distrusted the rapid inference that Rudolf had drawn from Sapt'stelegram, telling myself that it was based on too slender a foundation.Well, there I was wrong, and I am glad now to pay that tribute to hisdiscernment. The first steps of Rupert's scheme were laid as Rudolf hadconjectured: Rischenheim had started, even while I lay there, for Zenda,carrying on his person a copy of the queen's farewell letter and armedfor his enterprise by his right of audience with the king. So far wewere right, then; for the rest we were in darkness, not knowing or beingable even to guess where Rupert would choose to await the result of thefirst cast, or what precautions he had taken against the failure of hisenvoy. But although in total obscurity as to his future plans, I tracedhis past actions, and subsequent knowledge has shown that I was right.Bauer was the tool; a couple of florins apiece had hired the fellowswho, conceiving that they were playing a part in some practical joke,had taken all the cabs at the station. Rupert had reckoned that I shouldlinger looking for my servant and luggage, and thus miss my last chanceof a vehicle. If, however, I had obtained one, the attack would stillhave been made, although, of course, under much greater difficulties.Finally--and of this at the time I knew nothing--had I evaded themand got safe to port with my cargo, the plot would have been changed.Rupert's attention would then have been diverted from me to Rudolf;counting on love overcoming prudence, he reckoned that Mr. Rassendyllwould not at once destroy what the queen sent, and had arranged to trackhis steps from Wintenberg till an opportunity offered of robbing him ofhis treasure. The scheme, as I know it, was full of audacious cunning,and required large resources--the former Rupert himself supplied;for the second he was indebted to his cousin and slave, the Count ofLuzau-Rischenheim.

  My meditations were interrupted by the arrival of the doctor. He hummedand ha'd over me, but to my surprise asked me no questions as to thecause of my misfortune, and did not, as I had feared, suggest that hisefforts should be seconded by those of the police. On the contrary, heappeared, from an unobtrusive hint or two, to be anxious that I shouldknow that his discretion could be trusted.

  "You must not think of moving for a couple of days," he said; "but then,I think we can get you away without danger and quite quietly."

  I thanked him; he promised to look in again; I murmured something abouthis fee.

  "Oh, thank you, that is all settled," he said. "Your friend Herr Schmidthas seen to it, and, my dear sir, most liberally."

  He was hardly gone when 'my friend Herr Schmidt'--alias RudolfRassendyll--was back. He laughed a little when I told him how discreetthe doctor had been.

  "You see," he explained, "he thinks you've been very indiscreet. I wasobliged, my dear Fritz, to take some liberties with your character.However, it's odds against the matter coming to your wife's ears."
  "But couldn't we have laid the others by the heels?"

  "With the letter on Rupert? My dear fellow, you're very ill."

  I laughed at myself, and forgave Rudolf his trick, though I think thathe might have made my fictitious inamorata something more than a baker'swife. It would have cost no more to make her a countess, and the doctorwould have looked with more respect on me. However, Rudolf had said thatthe baker broke my head with his rolling-pin, and thus the story restsin the doctor's mind to this day.

  "Well, I'm off," said Rudolf.

  "But where?"

  "Why, to that same little station where two good friends parted from meonce before. Fritz, where's Rupert gone?"

  "I wish we knew."

  "I lay he won't be far off."

  "Are you armed?"

  "The six-shooter. Well, yes, since you press me, a knife, too; but onlyif he uses one. You'll let Sapt know when you come?"

  "Yes; and I come the moment I can stand?"

  "As if you need tell me that, old fellow!"

  "Where do you go from the station?"

  "To Zenda, through the forest," he answered. "I shall reach the stationabout nine to-morrow night, Thursday. Unless Rischenheim has got theaudience sooner than was arranged, I shall be in time."

  "How will you get hold of Sapt?"

  "We must leave something to the minute."

  "God bless you, Rudolf."

  "The king sha'n't have the letter, Fritz."

  There was a moment's silence as we shook hands. Then that soft yetbright look came in his eyes again. He looked down at me, and caught meregarding him with a smile that I know was not unkind.

  "I never thought I should see her again," he said. "I think I shall now,Fritz. To have a turn with that boy and to see her again--it's worthsomething."

  "How will you see her?"

  Rudolf laughed, and I laughed too. He caught my hand again. I think thathe was anxious to infect me with his gayety and confidence. But I couldnot answer to the appeal of his eyes. There was a motive in him thatfound no place in me--a great longing, the prospect or hope of whosesudden fulfilment dwarfed danger and banished despair. He saw that Idetected its presence in him and perceived how it filled his mind.

  "But the letter comes before all," said he. "I expected to die withoutseeing her; I will die without seeing her, if I must, to save theletter."

  "I know you will," said I.

  He pressed my hand again. As he turned away, James came with hisnoiseless, quick step into the room.

  "The carriage is at the door, sir," said he.

  "Look after the count, James," said Rudolf. "Don't leave him till hesends you away."

  "Very well, sir."

  I raised myself in bed.

  "Here's luck," I cried, catching up the lemonade James had brought me,and taking a gulp of it.

  "Please God," said Rudolf, with a shrug.

  And he was gone to his work and his reward--to save the queen's letterand to see the queen's face. Thus he went a second time to Zenda.