Read Ryder Page 28

  “Ask her does she want to head into the hospital now, or wait it out at home until the contractions get stronger, come quicker and last longer?”

  Dominic relayed my question to Bronagh then to me he said, “She wants to go to the hospital. Is it normal that she is shaking? Because she is and I don’t like it.”

  He was too bloody cute.

  “Yes,” I replied. “She nervous, that’s perfectly normal.”

  “Okay, right.” He breathed. “I’ll grab her stuff, we have her bag packed and ready to go. We’ll drive to the hospital, and you’ll meet us there, right?”

  “Try and keep me away.” I stated.

  I wasn’t on shift tonight, but I was going to be the acting midwife for my sister throughout her labour, and I knew no one on the ward would object to that.

  “Thanks, Branna.” Dominic said, and I heard the gratitude in his voice.

  “Of course, honey. We’ll see you soon.”

  “Text everyone for me, tell them what’s going on.”

  When I hung up with Dominic, I turned to Ryder and dove on him.

  “It’s happenin’!” I squealed. “Bronagh’s waters have broken.”

  We hugged then we jumped up from our bed, and rushed to put our clothes on. Ryder grabbed his phone and texted everyone as we hauled arse out of the room. I knew rushing was pointless because this could take a long time. I would slow down when my sister was in front of me, but until then, all my cylinders were on full blast.

  Before Ryder and I left the house, he stopped me at outside our front door and said, “My baby brother and your baby sister are about to have a baby, sweetness.”

  I smiled so wide it hurt my cheeks.

  “They’re all grown up,” I said as my eyes welled with tears. “We done good with them, huh?”

  “Yeah, darling, we done good.”

  When he kissed me, I felt it deep in my bones. My body reacted to his like none other, and my heart did, too. I knew then, without a doubt, that this beautifully imperfect person owned me body, heart and soul. And I never wanted them back. They were his to keep—forever.

  Ryder truly kept his promise; he made me fall in love with him all over again.

  Three months later…

  “Branna, she is gorgeous!”

  “Look at ‘er chubby cheeks!”

  “And ‘er mop of dark hair!”

  “She is gettin’ so big now!”

  I beamed with pride as my co-workers gushed over pictures of my three-month-old niece—Georgie Branna Slater. I still got teary eyed when I thought of her name. My mother’s name was Georgina, but she hated her name and only went by her nickname, which was Georgie. Her middle name was what surprised me the most. Bronagh and Dominic gave her my name, and it was a true gift. I was honoured.

  My sister surprised me with the knowledge of her name shortly after she was born, and to say I was an emotional wreck was an understatement. I was already crying tears of joy for my little niece entering the world, and for her to be named after my mother, and me, caused a feeling of love and pride directed at my sister and Dominic, that I had never felt before.

  It allowed me to feel nothing but happiness, which was an emotion I had experienced a lot over the last few months. Ryder and I were better than we had ever been in all our time together, and since we didn’t want to be separated, he would stay with me every night in Dominic and Bronagh’s house after Georgie was born.

  We stayed with them the first month, and that was only because Dominic wouldn’t let me leave. Bronagh was an amazing mammy, and Dominic was an incredible father… but he was so overprotective that he drove himself crazy. My sister’s instincts took over the moment she laid eyes on her daughter, and she didn’t need my help with anything once Georgie latched onto her nipple and began feeding about twenty minutes or so after she was born.

  Dominic, on the other hand, needed me for everything. Every high-pitched cry my niece made and he was screaming for me because he thought something was wrong with her. When he couldn’t wind her straight away he panicked that she would get tummy aches and would need to go to the hospital. When she didn’t feed for very long, he was convinced she would starve. It was, quite possibly, the best month of my life because I got to experience everything with them, and watch them grow as parents.

  Bronagh is so chilled and natural with everything, and now Dominic is more relaxed, but probably even more overprotective because if he thought Bronagh had him wrapped around her finger, Georgie entering his world knocked him on his arse.

  He already foresaw himself going to prison because he was certain he would murder any lad who even looked at his precious little girl when she was older.

  As I continued to look at pictures of my niece when everyone went back to work, my hand absentmindedly stroked my abdomen where my own baby was growing. My and Ryder’s baby. And I couldn’t wait to see how he took to fatherhood.

  “When are you going to tell that lad of yours that you’re knocked up?”

  I jumped and dropped my arm to my side like I had been caught with my hand in the cookie jar.

  “Excuse me?” I asked, pocketing my phone.

  Ash was leaning over the station.

  “You can’t bullshit a midwife,” he stated with a bright smile. “You have been puking for weeks, you’re constantly smiling, and you keep touching your belly when you think nobody is looking. You’re with child, my dear.”

  I glared at my friend. “Why are you so perceptive?”

  “Because I’m brilliant.”


  “Look,” I said, lowering my voice. “I just found out a few days ago. I thought I was sick with the flu when me mornin’ sickness hit, being pregnant never even entered me mind. I’m so happy, and I know Ryder will be happy too, but I keep chickenin’ out when I try to tell ‘im, and I don’t know why.”

  “You’ve been through a hell of a lot together, and worked hard to get to where you’re both at now after what happened to you. I know you’re happy, but maybe you’re scared of another big change?”

  “Maybe,” I said, chewing on my inner cheek. “I plan on tellin’ ‘im tonight for real though because I asked Taylor to give me a quick ultrasound this mornin’ when we had some downtime. I wasn’t sure how far along I was so she just gave me a regular scan to see if she saw anythin’, and she did. The baby is measurin’ at twelve weeks exactly.”

  With the dates, and measurements of the baby, it meant I conceived the first time Ryder and I were intimate since we were back together, and if that wasn’t a sign that things were meant to be, then I didn’t know what to believe.

  “That’s wicked,” Ash said and bumped fists with me. “You’re officially starting your second trimester!”

  “I know,” I beamed. “I’m so excited.”

  I can’t believe I’m really pregnant.

  Ash came around the station and gave me a big hug.

  “I’m happy for you, kid, you deserve it.”

  I poked him in the ribs. “I’m older than you.”

  He jumped away from me. “How many times do I have to tell you that age is just a number?”

  “At least once more.” I teased.

  “Fine,” Ash grinned. “Age is just a number.”

  I swatted at him, making him laugh.

  “How did your date with Taylor go last night?” I asked him, waggling my brows.

  He snorted. “Why ask when I know you were both talking about it during your ultrasound.”

  I smirked. “Okay, she told me how she thinks it went, but how did you think it went?”

  “We had a delicious dinner then I had her for dessert.” Ash said, winking. “We had a fucking incredible first date.”

  I pointed my finger at him. “You’ll call her, won’t you?”

  He nodded. “You think I’d sleep with her then never call her again… when we work at the same job? Really?”

  I shrugged. “You’ve never mentioned that you wanted to start datin’ s
o I wasn’t sure.”

  Ash scratched his head. “I never thought about it, and I’m still not thinking that way because I don’t want to label shit this early, but Taylor is a hell of girl. She’s gorgeous, her arse is to die for, she’s on fire in bed, and she can cook. Also, she supports Man United. I may eventually marry the woman.”

  That delighted me.

  “I better be part of the weddin’ party at your weddin’,” I warned.

  “Only if I can be part of yours.” Ash countered, chuckling.

  “It’s happenin’, we haven’t picked a date yet, but it’s happenin’. Eventually.”

  I looked to the switchboard when a call light flashed, and a small alert to it sounded. I turned it off, poked Ash once more then headed down around the corner and down the hallway to check in on the patient who called for assistance.

  When I left the woman’s room, it was ten minutes later, and I was yawning as I dragged my feet up the hallway. I checked my watched and was delighted to see it was ten to eight. It meant Ryder would be picking me up soon and bringing me home.

  I thought about how I was going to tell him I was pregnant as I walked, but when I thought I heard his voice, I halted at the turn before I came to the nurses’ station.

  “You’ll take care of this for me, won’t you Ash?”

  It was him.

  “Yeah,” Ash replied. “I’ll make sure everything goes good on my end. You didn’t need to remind me, I already have it sorted since last week.”

  “Thanks,” Ryder exhaled. “I owe you one for this.”

  “Before you go, I want to talk to you.”

  I think Ryder chuckled. “Is this a big brother kind of speech?”

  “She hasn’t got a big brother, so yeah, I guess it is.” Ash countered.

  I imagine Ryder folded his thick arms across his broad chest as he said, “Shoot.”

  “I’m going to be blunt. Would you do anything for Branna? If you fought over the simplest of things, would you get on your knees if that would bring her home to you?” Ash asked Ryder.

  What the hell was Ash doing?

  “Why are you asking me this?” Ryder asked, his voice suddenly a growl.

  “Because,” Ash hissed, “I care about Branna and unless you’re willing do anything to keep her forever then you don’t deserve her.”

  I heard movement then a grunt.

  “Go on, hit me,” Ash urged. “It won’t change anything, she’ll still always be in my life and you can’t change that so you might as well accept it.”


  “Are you trying to take her from me?” Ryder asked a few moments later, his voice dangerously low. “Think very carefully before you answer.”

  “No, I’m not,” Ash answered almost instantly. “I won’t lie to you, I thought about it when I found out how bad things were between you both. She is incredible and I see that, even if you don’t.”

  “I do see it,” Ryder spat. “No one comes close to her, you think I’d ask this of you if I didn’t know how amazing she is? I fucking know!”

  What was he asking of Ash?

  “Are you confident she knows that you think that of her?” Ash quizzed. “Because I’m not sure.”

  “She does know, things have changed between us, and if she doesn’t know, I’ll fucking remind her every damn day!” Ryder stated.

  “Good,” Ash quipped. “Because I want to see her happy, and she won’t be unless she is with you. I don’t know why, but that woman loves you something fierce and I think you’re a fucking idiot for risking your relationship with her in the first place.”

  “I was a fucking idiot,” Ryder agreed, “but that has changed, too. I love Branna, and that has never been a question for me, and I’ll make sure it will never be a question for her ever again.”

  My lower lip wobbled.

  “Look, Ash, you seem like a nice guy, and I respect your friendship with Branna, but if you ever over step the line I’ve drawn, I’ll break you. Okay?”

  I peeked around the corner and saw Ash blink at least ten times before he said, “Okay.”

  Ryder smiled and clapped him on the shoulder. “Great, happy we settled that.”

  Ash looked at Ryder with a what-the-fuck-is-happening look, and it made me want to burst into laughter.

  “What’s goin’ on here?” I asked when I rounded the corner.

  Both men turned their attention to me.

  “Nothing,” Ryder smiled and stepped away from my friend. “I was just introducing myself to Ash while I waited for you to finish up.”


  “Oh, okay,” I said, staring at them warily. “I’ll get me stuff.”

  “Hey,” Ryder said and caught my arm.

  I smiled. “Hi.”

  “I love you,” he said then kissed my cheek.

  My heart did a summersault.

  “I love you too, sweetheart.”

  He winked and let me go as I walked into the break room and put on my coat. I buttoned it up then hooked my bag over my shoulder. Ash entered the room and grabbed his stuff too, but he was stiff.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “He just Rocky three’d me.”

  I raised my brows. “Excuse me?”

  “Ryder,” Ash clarified. “He said he’ll break me, and Ivan says that to Rocky in Rocky III.”

  I tried and failed not to smile.

  “He won’t break you—”

  “I know that because from now on I’m standing at least five feet away from you at all times.”

  With that said he took a few hefty steps backwards making me laugh.

  “For the love of God it’s never, and will never, be like that between us and you know that. We’re friends.”

  Ash nodded in agreement. “I know that, you know that, but everyone else seems to doubt it. I don’t know why though, I flirt with everyone. Sally has more chance of getting a seeing to by me than you do. You’re like my very hot sister.”

  My laughter was loud, and joyous.

  When we walked back out front, Sally and Jada walked down the hallway, greeted us then went and put their things in the break room before coming out and taking their seats behind the station. They had just come on shift, which meant Ash and I could leave and go home.

  “Where is Ryder?” I asked Ash.

  When he didn’t respond I looked at him and saw he held a cardboard box. I stared at it for a moment, then looked to his grinning face and eyed him.

  “Is that what Ryder gave to you?” I asked Ash.

  He instantly burst out laughing.

  “You’re such a nosey git, I’m not even surprised you eavesdropped!”

  I fought off a smile and said, “Spit it out. He is gone when he is supposed to bring me home and he asked you to take care of somethin’? What?”

  Ash continued to smile. “I’ll tell you, and give this to you now to hold, but first I just want you to know that you’re right.”

  I blinked. “About what?”

  “When you told me you were giving Ryder another chance, I was hard on you. After you were attacked and put through your ordeal, I worried you were making a rash decision, but you haven’t. I see what you see. He is loyal to you, and knows your worth.”

  “You really think so?”

  “Of course,”Ash nodded. “You’re his Adrian.”

  That was possibly the sweetest thing I have ever heard.

  I shook my head. “I feel like your theme song should be Eye of the Tiger.”

  “It is now!”

  I chuckled, but my eyes suddenly welled up with tears, but I quickly wiped them away before they fell.

  “You’re already a hormonal mess,” Ash teased.

  “Bite me,” I quipped, but had a smile on my face when I said it.

  Ash pushed the cardboard box towards me, and said, “Read the card that’s stuck to the box, but don’t open the box. If you try, I’ll take it back from you.”

  “Uh, okay.”

  I pl
aced the box on the nurses station, pulled the card off, opened it and began reading.

  Don’t cry.

  I repeated the thought over and over as I read Ryder’s note. I was so happy that I could have let myself cry for days, but I didn’t want to do that. I didn’t want to cry anymore, not even if it was happy tears. It was hard though, because his message made me giddy with excitement. I scanned my eyes over the words he wrote one more time, and did a little happy dance.


  I love you, and I’m going to prove it to you all over again. Ash is going to bring you to me so follow his every instruction. Don’t give him a hard time, okay? He’s helping me out.

  All my love,

  Ryder xxx

  “What is goin’ on?” I asked my friend.”

  Ash smiled as he said, “I have strict instructions for you to hold the box, but do not open it. You’re to come with me. No questions and no talking, just follow me.”

  He turned around after he spoke and walked down the hallway. I looked from him to Sally when she laughed and said, “I’d hurry after ‘im if I were you.”

  I looked back at Ash then grabbed the box and card and ran down the hallway after him, shouting for him to wait up. He didn’t slow down his pace until we reached his car that was in the car park. By the time I caught up to him, I was panting for air, which he found amusing.

  “Your legs are longer than mine,” I panted. “That’s not fair!”

  He opened the passenger door for me, and gestured me into the car with his hand, but I stayed rooted to the spot.

  “Talk to me,” I pleaded.

  “I said no questions.”



  I stomped my foot on the ground. “You’re being horrible.”

  He laughed. “I know, but the faster you get in the car, the faster you get answers.”

  I glared at him for a few seconds before I turned and got into his car. I balanced my box on my knees as I buckled my seatbelt. Ash closed my door then walked around to his side of the car and slid into the driver’s seat.

  He turned to face me and when I saw he had a black piece of fabric in his hand, my heart almost stopped.