Read Sacred Blood Page 14

  He opened the panel and quickly hit the dimming key before the light attracted her attention. He first checked his e-mail and discovered he had missed the deadline to sign up for new classes. There was always next semester to get back on track to earn yet another degree. Most of his stocks had performed well. A few resulted in heavy losses. The battery died as he started looking for satellite images north of Nathaniel’s camp.

  He closed the display and lifted his head. Juliette’s readily apparent grief pierced through him. Her gaze dropped back to her notebook like a child caught watching something forbidden.


  She swallowed, took a couple steadying breaths and raised her eyes but not her whole face as she asked in a small voice, "Tristan, what did I do to offend you? Whatever I did, I'm so sorry."

  Sorrow filled him, and he quickly started toward her. He stopped dead in his tracks at the sudden widening of her eyes and her fists pressing into her stomach. Her braced and defensive reaction, her instinct born of years of harm with the wrong people, kicked him in the gut. He resumed his steps and raised his hands in surrender. "Juliette, it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you.”

  She glanced down and flexed her fingers. "I know you wouldn't, I'm just…still used to something different than this. I'm sorry."

  "Don't apologize. You’ve done no wrong. May I sit over here with you?"

  She nodded and placed her books on the ottoman in front of her.

  The cushion sank under his weight. “Juliette, I--”

  "What did I do to offend you?” she interrupted. “I don't know what I did wrong to make you ignore me. Was it hugging you? Should I have not done that?"

  His hands reached out to her. "Please come here.”

  Shyly, Juliette inched toward him and then lay into him. Tristan’s arms closed around her and held her firmly to him.

  "I was overwhelmed.” The nearness of her seemed a dream. “I had no idea what to expect from you when I got back. Coming to me didn't bother me. I liked it. But I feel more for you than I think I should, Juliette. I’m having to deal with this and learn to contain it. So far I’m failing."

  "You’re struggling to push me away? Don't fight, Tristan. I have something to say to you that might help. I'm sorry I pushed you. Whatever you're keeping from me is probably for a good reason. So don’t tell me. I trust you."

  Tristan touched the pendant she wore. "I did make a vow to you, and I'm a man of my word."

  "I release you from your promise and will ask nothing."

  "I might not find it in me again to tell you if you do this." A mixture of relief and disappointment in himself settled into his chest. “There are things I want you to know.”

  Juliette thought for a minute before responding. "You didn't want to say anything until I backed you in a corner. So don't tell me unless it's something you would have freely told me anyway. ‘Freely’ being the operative word."

  Their hands found each other. Tristan held her palm over his racing heart and touched a kiss to the corner of her mouth. “Je taime, Mon Ami. But this is all wrong. I will to make it up to you somehow.”

  Her lips brushed over his on their way to his ear. “You already are.”

  13. Entanglement

  Early the next morning, an instrumental music track and soprano singing woke Tristan. Taking his time to dress, he listened to the songs and enjoyed the purity of the voice.

  Partway down the stairs, a new piece started with a longer opening. Tristan spent a moment placing the song. Recognition jolted him. He continued to the living room but stopped in his tracks at the entryway.

  Juliette had pushed some of the furniture out of the way. Slowly, she danced with her eyes closed, her arms moved with grace and delicacy. Her body swayed like a willow branch.

  What he thought was a recording was her own voice. This talent of hers surprised him. He listened and watched with wonder, frozen in place.

  Her arms swept upward with the lyrics, across herself, and down, as if in a struggle with invisible demons. Her face was drawn, eyes still shut.

  For a moment Tristan considered rushing to her to ask what was haunting her. Though an act, her passion convinced him and rooted him to the spot.

  The melody lifted into a powerful crescendo as she spun in a waltz across the room, barely missing a table. The gauzy cotton of her white skirt wrapped around her legs with continuing motion, though she'd stopped traveling. Juliette balled her hands in tight fists.

  It took all his willpower not to run to her and protect her from whatever memories she had dredged up to convey the emotions in the song.

  Where she was, Juliette collapsed to the ground and hugged her knees.

  The private moment didn’t invite Tristan. The array of unexpected feelings over what he witnessed had made his head spin. Each emotion she had shown intensified in his chest by his desire to give her the opposite experience. Perhaps most unanticipated was the surge of love for her. Though he’d tried to hide from his family and deny the truth to himself, he’d failed miserably.

  Not wanting to be seen, Tristan kept his back to the wall outside the archway, reluctant to leave. The sound of violins swirled in the air and Juliette sang out. He debated with himself whether he should watch or join her when the prince’s role entered. Butterflies fluttered in his belly, and their strength grew until his cue to cut in. His tenor complemented her soprano. At first she did not react, still lost in song. His hands touched hers.

  "Tristan!" Juliette pulled her fingers away and turned to face him.

  "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you."

  "I won’t complain about something pleasant."

  "Dance with me?"

  Darkened lashes batted rapidly "Okay."

  Through the end of the song, they waltzed around the room. Tristan continued to hold her after the music ended.

  Juliette shook her head. "I had no idea you could sing so well. We danced before, but singing?"

  "You didn't tell me you could either."

  Her eyebrows arched. “What do you think a music major with vocal emphases does?”

  His forehead touched hers. “Yeah, well, we still have a lot to learn about each other when I get back.”

  The corners of Juliette’s mouth drooped. “Like I said last night, I want to forget you’re leaving until you’re gone.”

  "Listen, I'm sorry about being so standoffish yesterday."

  Juliette pulled her right hand from his to place her fingertips on his lips. "Shh. I know you were tired and had lots on your mind. I'm not mad anymore. I trust you."

  A motion in the hall distracted Tristan. William peeked around the corner of the archway, his eyes narrowed.

  "I’m still sorry. Juliette, I hate to run, but I need talk to Will. I keep forgetting to bring something up, and he passed by. I'll catch you later, all right?"

  "Okay," she whispered, pecking his mouth.

  Angry, Tristan marched through the arch, grabbed William by the arm, and dragged him to an empty bedroom.

  "What was that death-look for?" Tristan crossed his arms over his chest.

  By the window, William mirrored the movement. "I got to know her better when you were gone, and I'm in overprotective-big-brother-mode now. Did you decide to give a relationship with her a shot? Or will you let her love you before you leave and break her heart?"

  "I don't know what I'm going to do. Get your nose out of my business."

  William flexed his still crossed arm. “"Don't you dare hurt her, Tristan, or you’ll be sorry, brother or not. If you're leading her on and are planning to drop her, we’re going to fight. Make your choice." He wrenched the door open and stormed out of the room.

  Tristan scratched his head and groaned aloud. "What the hell are you doing? You're supposed to be keeping her away, you idiot." Dust motes floated in a ray of sunlight streaming through the window. He plopped on the end of the bed, disrupting their lazy paths. "Maybe I could find a way to make it work. Or maybe I’m being a fool.”
r />
  * * *

  A harsh light flickered and buzzed overhead. William slammed a book shut and leaned back in the hard plastic chair, huffing.

  Sunil tapped the table. “Keep that noise down. We’re in a library. People research here, like we’re supposed to be doing.”

  “How many universities and libraries have we been to now? We’re not going to find whatever we need to about that coven by looking through books. So I’m dealing with the bull Tristan’s pulling with Juliette. I want to make sure he knows I’m keeping an eye out for her.”

  The words before Tristan seemed to swirl as he read them. His forehead rested on his palm, his eyes staying on his own book. “I appreciate that you’re so protective. But don’t keep me under a microscope.”

  “Hey, brother, she’s too happy when you do little things for her that you don’t do for Gab and Em. Doesn’t matter if you’re holding a door or pushing in her seat. She thinks she’s getting a chance.”

  The cover of Tristan’s tome fell closed without a sound, and he leaned across the small plywood table. He crooked his finger at William and glanced around the old library, making sure Juliette wasn’t near. Several tables away she sat in one of the uncomfortable chairs next to Emma. “I have a surprise for her, and I need your help. Gabby and Em are on board.”

  “No. Leave me out of this. I’m going to search the internet or something.”

  Sunil shook his head at William’s retreating back. He turned to Tristan. “How can I help?”

  * * *

  The stylist held a mirror up for Juliette. “Have you thought about modeling?”

  Juliette stared at her reflection. Part of her hair had been pulled up and twisted in an elaborate bun. Many loose golden curls flowed down her back. Her expertly applied makeup highlighted the blue of her eyes and pink of her lips. In spite of herself, she grinned. “Emma wants to take a bunch of pictures, but this is a bit much.”

  Bright berry polish shimmered in the salon lighting as Emma held her hand out to examine her fresh manicure. “No such thing as too much. By the way, the white dress you tried on was gorgeous on you. I think Tristan should see.”

  A dark credit card dropped back into Gabrielle’s purse. “I agree.”

  “Gabby! Em! Whatever for? Am I supposed to haul him out to Montecito and tell him to wait while I’m in a changing room?” Juliette followed them into the blinding early afternoon light.

  Emma brushed a curl forward over Juliette’s shoulder. “Well, maybe an event will come up sometime.”

  Through pursed lips, Juliette blew hard. “Not a chance. He’s been sweet since they got back, and a real gentleman, but he’s not interested in me.”

  The smile disappeared from Emma’s face and concern took its place. “Don’t say that, Jules. Insecurity’s talking. He does like -- no, love you.”

  Gabrielle tapped the pendant Juliette wore. “This is proof. That necklace is about two hundred and fifty years old, highly valuable, and is an extremely important heirloom to Tristan. Remember, when we left the manor for Ojai; he didn’t go back home before leaving to Canada. He brought this with him when we left, and then gave it to you. He wouldn’t give this away without something strong in his heart.”

  Juliette stroked the trinket. “I hate to break your bubble, but we’re friends, nothing more. A couple nights, I thought.... There’s nothing but close friendship.”

  A car whizzed by, its speakers thumping. Gabrielle raised her voice over the noise. “Are you telling us you don’t love him?”

  “I’m an idiot.” Juliette smirked. “I do have feelings for him. A lot. Too bad he doesn’t feel the same way. So we’re just good friends. It’s strange sometimes because I’m really comfortable with him. When we cuddle up, it feels like something could happen. But a wall goes up, and nothing happens. I don’t know if he’s doing it or I am.”

  “You would like more?”


  Gabrielle glanced at her watch and smiled. “We need to hurry back. We’re going to be late.”

  * * *

  The manor was empty when they returned. A fresh vase of seasonal blooms brightened the foyer. Three large boxes waited at the bottom of the stairs with a garment bag carefully laid over them.

  Gabrielle lifted the hanger protruding from the back. "I do believe you have a date tonight.”

  Lifting a box to carry down the hall, Juliette grinned at Emma. "Where are you and Sunil going?"

  Emma giggled. "Not me. You, Silly. My brother's taking you out. Today was just a conspiracy to get you ready." She grabbed the box from Juliette and headed upstairs.

  “Wait a minute. This was planned?” Juliette stumbled up the stairs after her.

  “Tristan wanted this to be a surprise. We can’t tell you where you’re going.”

  Suspense made Juliette’s stomach tighten. “I’m so confused.”

  “You’re so convinced that Tristan doesn’t care. The truth is, he’s cared a long time, several weeks longer than you’ve been with us, at the least.”

  Gabrielle hung the garment bag on a hook and unzipped it. “I think he’s finally letting down his defenses.”

  “You bought it?" Juliette’s jaw dropped as Gabrielle removed the silk gown. "This was a fortune! Oh, Gabby, you shouldn't have."

  "You and Tristan make each other happy." Gabrielle handed her a box of new undergarments and pointed to the bathroom.

  Juliette closed the door behind her and leaned against the sink, dizzy. Just that morning she had been convinced they would never be more than friends, and had now found out she’d been groomed for a surprise date. Taking some deep breaths, she pulled her clothes off and replaced them with silk thigh-high stockings. From the counter she grabbed a plush ruby robe to pull over her shoulders and went back to her room.

  “Gabby? Emma? What if I don’t want to do this? I’m really shy.”

  Gabrielle lay down a set of gloves and placed a reassuring arm around Juliette. “You’re under no obligation. He would understand. Tristan’s an old-fashioned gentleman who still believes surprises and planning things himself shows affection. If you want to stay here, he would accept that.”

  “I think he’s also nervous.” Emma tucked a tendril over Juliette’s ear. “Keeping this a secret gave him time to back out. I expected him to.”

  Juliette nodded and smiled. “I want to do this. It’s all a whirlwind, like Cinderella being made up for the ball.”

  Carefully Gabrielle helped her step into the dress and buttoned the back. Emma assisted with her shoes and gloves.

  "Wait right here. Emma, don't let her check the mirror. I need to go get the other things."

  Juliette struggled not to turn around to peek at herself until Gabrielle returned with three age-worn boxes.

  "These are very dear to us, and we want you to wear them tonight.” Gabrielle opened the first box to reveal a marvelous sapphire and diamond bracelet. "Emma wore this on her wedding day to Sunil. It's been worn for several other important events too." She smiled as she clasped the trinket on Juliette's left wrist over her leather glove.

  She lifted the top smallest box next. "These earrings have a matching necklace, but I don't think one would go well with this gown. Your ears are pierced?"

  Juliette nodded, and Emma carefully placed them in her lobes.

  "This last one…close your eyes."

  Right away she did as asked. Gabrielle placed something on her head and speared a few pins into her hair.

  "She looks incredible." Emma sighed. "Can she look now?"

  Without waiting for a reply, Juliette spun to the mirror, and her jaw dropped. She slowly turned, watching herself.

  The bias-cut silk charmeuse clung to her gentle curves and accentuated them. The neckline draped in front and plunged deeply in the back. Delicate chains of white gold dangled across her back, each clasping over her spine with a tail of more gold and ending in a glittering sapphire briolette. The jewels decorating her wrist, ears, and golden hair reflect
ed even the smallest beam of light.

  "Where did the tiara come from?" Juliette struggled to hide vain pleasure.

  "It was commissioned in the 1930's as a replica of a royal one.”

  "I…I…" She couldn't figure out the words she wanted to say and settled on a simple, "Thank you."

  "Gabrielle, I think they're here!" Emma dashed to the door and cracked it. Male voices drifted up. Strains of a Vivaldi piece began.

  "I can't do this!" Juliette clenched her hands together. "What if he laughs? What if he--"

  Gabrielle held a hand up to interrupt. "Juliette, I promise you, he will do no such thing. Emma, come with me to the living room and we'll give Juliette a little time to collect herself. Juliette, head down when you're ready.” She grabbed one last white item on her way out.

  Emma arranged a few curls over Juliette’s shoulders before following.

  Pressing her hand to her heart, Juliette willed it to slow down. She closed her eyes and counted to five. Inhale. Another five. Exhale. Unable to delay all evening, she grabbed the handle and pulled.

  Only a thin sheath of silk separated her skin from the cool air that bathed her bare shoulder. From the bottom of the stairs, each click of her heels on the tile floor magnified in her ears. With one last mental push, she turned and stood in the doorway to the living room. Her eyes immediately locked with Tristan's, and his jaw dropped. All conversation ceased. Ash lightly slugged William's arm when he whistled, and even Jareth gave her a small smile. Sunil beamed.

  Tristan was dashing in his tailed tuxedo, his curls slicked back but not completely tamed. A black cashmere scarf draped over his shoulders. Without a word, he walked leisurely to her and offered her a white-glove-clad hand, which she just as slowly took. He licked his lips and peered into her eyes. "Wow," he finally managed.

  Juliette covered her mouth with her fingers, careful not to mar her glove with lip gloss, and beamed. "Oh my gosh. Wow, yourself, Tristan. Uh, what are we doing?”