Read Sacred Blood Page 8

  As soon as he thought he would be late, he ducked into a bathroom to change, and jogged to the school. "Hi, where do I go to sign in and do whatever I need to do?"

  A cheerful blonde beamed at him and grabbed a few piece of paper. "Right here, Sir. Is this your first time?"

  Tristan nodded, signed the liability forms, and spent the morning learning the basics. At last he was allowed to swing. The exhilaration of flying made him wish he could turn into a seagull and fly out miles over the ocean without a care. How peaceful it must be to sail on the wind, ducking under the water to snatch a fish, free as the proverbial bird, not tied down by gravity to the Earth!

  Soon his ninety minutes were up. Tristan dropped onto the net and climbed off with some disappointment that he had to return to the world and resume dealing with his problems. The whole afternoon stretched before him, followed by the weekend and a Monday, before he had any chance of seeing her again. He could think of only one way to pass so much time as if it were a day.

  Quick as he dared, Tristan sped home. He walking through the manor door and ascending the stairs. "Hey, is anyone here?"

  "Yes, Tristan. What?" Jareth answered from his room.

  Tristan stuck his head in Jareth’s doorway. "I'm heading to Vegas. Want to join me?"

  "When are you leaving?" Jareth asked, clicking away on his computer.

  "How fast can you be ready?

  "I should be at a save-point soon, so maybe half an hour."

  Tristan took a quick shower and packed a couple of his fine Italian suits to look the part of the high-roller he’d soon be. For the trip there he tossed on jeans and a fitted t-shirt. Briefly he studied his own physique before heading downstairs and getting into his brother’s car.

  Jareth drove his Ferrari, crossing the desert into Sin City in under six hours, and they checked into the penthouse Tristan had reserved during the long drive, the only break from Jareth singing to classic rock at the top of his lungs.

  "Well, the town won't start coming alive until later. Want to go check out that one pawn shop shown on TV?" Jareth asked.

  To himself, Tristan rolled his eyes, head throbbing. "You've heard the line goes around the corner, right?"

  "We have several hours to kill before things get exciting and the weekend starts. Are you seriously going to complain? Besides, I love history-based reality shows and making deals. Interesting way to pass the time, right?"

  Tristan shrugged. His brother drove to the popular shop and parked.

  "It's a good thing we didn't wear suits," Jareth said, eyebrows raised.

  Tristan covered his face. A woman in line reminded him of Juliette with her long blond hair flowing free. "Jareth, tell me anything you can about this place."

  Jareth rattled off the main players in the game, a few generations of men and a family friend. The line moved slowly, and Jareth ran out of trivia.

  Sweaty from their wait in the sun, the icy air in the store came as welcome relief. Jareth's eyes lit up like a fan meeting his idols. "Look over there! That's one of them!" He pointed to a man standing behind a counter. "I thought they never did deals on the floor because of fans taking pictures and something about Vegas privacy laws."

  Tristan laughed. "Calm down, unless you brought a spare set of pants. They probably get enough fan-boying." He strolled over to the jewelry case while Jareth went straight for the antique weaponry.

  "Can I help you find something?" a young, heavy-set man asked him.

  "Just looking, seeing if anything catches my--actually, may I check out that ring?"

  The man pulled the piece from the case.

  Tristan put it on his pinky. The band went to his second knuckle. He studied it. The antique piece was white gold and in the shape of a double fleur de lys. Several clear blue sapphires and small pearls decorated the design. "What can you tell me?"

  "Well, it's 14-karat white-gold, natural stones and pearls, about a hundred years old. French, and it sounds like you are too, man."

  "Oui, indeed, I am."

  "For someone special?"

  "Extremely, though I don't know when I'll get to give it to her. I'll take it."

  "Not even going to ask the price?"

  "No. I’m not worried about that."

  The man crooked his head toward a register. "All right, we'll write you up over there."

  Tristan waited near the door until Jareth finished up his purchase of gold. "Do I even want to know how much?"

  Jareth grinned and shook a bag. "Twenty of 'em, one-ounce pieces. Good investment."

  "You didn't buy to invest.” Tristan pushed against the glass and a surge of heat engulfed them. “You're keeping those because you're a fan-boy of this place."

  "Guilty as charged. What did you get?" he asked, eyeing Tristan's box.

  "Something for Juliette, if we can ever be friends again."

  Jareth stopped smiling as he unlocked the car's doors. “You're not even talking to her. You're being obsessive over a human. You need to get over her."

  Quietly the seatbelt clicked. Tristan scoffed. "You can always be counted on to be sympathetic."

  Jareth pulled his car into traffic and headed back to the hotel. "You're the one buying jewelry for someone you said was only a friend and who cut you out of her life."

  “Yeah, well we're not discussing the matter.”

  Jareth nodded. “What table are you going to hit up first?"

  A strategy for the night's gaming took form. Without a wink of sleep, the night stretched into three days of big wins and small losses.

  * * *

  The weekend's fun and winnings faded into the distant past. The ring found a home in a small velvet pouch nestled in Tristan’s pocket, his way of imitating closeness to the woman who was no longer his friend. On the last night of class, Tristan experienced some twinges of sadness. Uncertainty over whether or not he’d see her again weighted heavily. He pulled a piece of paper from his binder, clicked a pen, and scrawled a quick note.

  My dearest Juliette,

  The last month and a half has been very hard. Every day has been hell for me, but I hope the time has been easier for you. My wish now is for everything to improve for you. I'm very sorry our friendship had to end. I didn't realize, until we couldn't be friends anymore, how much you meant to me. Something's been missing from my life since you had to leave, replaced by fear for your safety.

  No matter what happens, you will always have a place in my heart. I'm still your friend. That's not going to change simply because someone said we aren’t allowed to spend time together anymore. I’ll always be here for you.

  You deserve to be safe and happy and loved.



  P.S. Destroy this. Nate shouldn’t know I sent you anything.

  He reread his letter and shook his head, but there wasn't much time left before class ended. Perhaps Juliette’s own words about Psyche during their museum outing would resonate with her. Tristan packed his things, finishing just as Mr. Marsh concluded his lecture. With the note in one hand and his bag in his other, Tristan ran toward the door and stepped through to wait for Alexandra. She exited after him.

  "Alex! Hey, Lex!" Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Nathaniel watching him.

  "Yeah? What the hell you want when you keep dissing me?"

  "Come here for a sec, please." He touched her arm and led her around the side of the building.

  "Hey Tristan, Libby told me you're into Juliette now, and she's into you, so you guys have at each other, okay?" She smiled for a brief moment.

  Tristan shook his head. "No, we've only been friends, and that jerk boyfriend of hers refuses to let us have even that. Can you do me a favor?"

  Alexandra glanced at her wristwatch. "Depends. What is it? I have only a few minutes.”

  "It won't take time now. Just…can you give this note to Libby to give to Juliette?"

  She eyed the paper in his hand and slowly shook her own head. "Nice to know I’m the messen
ger now. Look, it wouldn't do no good. She stopped taking Libby's calls several weeks ago and doesn't return voicemails, texts, or anything. What's going on?"

  Tristan’s brow furrowed and his jaw dropped. "Wait, she's cut off contact with Libby?"


  "She gave no reason?"

  Alexandra looked around and whispered, "We thought Nate was up to something. Libby was about to call the cops when Juliette stopped going to classes and didn’t return calls or e-mails. But then she started to show up again. Juliette wouldn't even look at Libby, which really upset her. They were best friends. It's probably Nate. We hoped she was still talking to you."

  "Merde, she's been completely isolated.” Weak, Tristan leaned against a brick wall. “Thanks, Alex. Also I want to apologize to you for spring break. It was chauvinistic of me to not consider your feelings, and I have no excuse."

  One corner of her mouth lifted and she shifted her canvas backpack. "Listen, we used each other, all right? It was a fun couple weeks. I got no regrets. Don't worry about it."

  Tristan smiled. "Well, that doesn't excuse the part I had. Please go ahead and give this to Libby, just in case she gets the chance to, okay? She’ll probably talk to her before I get to."

  All traces of amusement dropped from Alexandra’s face. She shoved a finger hard into his chest. “Listen, I’ll do it for Juliette. That girl’s like another little sister to me. But if you use her and hurt her, so help me God I’ll rip your balls off and shove ‘em so far down your throat you’ll be constipated for the rest of your life. Got it?”

  Eyes wide, hands raised in a position of surrender, Tristan nodded. “I deserve that already.”

  Alexandra snatched the folded note and slid it into her pocket. "I have to catch up with the guy I’ve been seeing for a few weeks. Movie date tonight. G'night, Tristan." She beamed and strolled past him, toward a bespectacled young man waiting for her.

  Guilt riddling him, Tristan took the longest way to his car without walking away from it. Somehow he had to see Juliette outside of class, and soon.

  8. Loss: Juliette

  A large black panther stalked the Hills property. Sapphire blue eyes stared out of the dark furred face, body hidden by the broad leaves of a low-lying palm tree. Several men with the athletic bodies lounged in swim trunks, others lining up to cannon-ball into the pool. A dozen women frolicked around in the water, far from the splashing. A few more lay on lawn chairs near the water's edge. Juliette stood next to Nathaniel, her hair in a tight bun, a white pool robe concealing whatever she wore underneath.

  "Take that stupid thing off," Nathaniel ordered her, in a low tone unheard by any of their friends.

  She glanced up with a pleading expression on her face. “I’m already cold. Please let me go inside.” A warm breeze made the bottom of the pink fabric flutter, though she shivered slightly.

  "Quit making excuses. Off. Now."

  Juliette slowly nodded and cast her eyes down, ordering herself to not cry. She untied the belt, and Nathaniel yanked the robe off. She wrapped her arms around her waist, trying to hide. The tiny gold string bikini she wore was better suited for a Playboy party, not for a shy young woman who didn't want to uncover. She'd grown thinner in the month since her last class with Tristan. Already slender, her fingers now stroked over her visible ribs and hip bones.

  Nathaniel draped a possessive arm across her shoulders and squeezed her to his side. Juliette tensed up, vaguely aware she was physically near him while mentally drifting above the wispy clouds. Nathaniel shoved her toward one of his friends.

  “Please stop, Daniel,” Juliette whispered, brushing his hands away from her chest and backside. She blinked rapidly at Nathaniel, confused that he allowed this.

  “Make me.” Daniel lifted her up and carried her to the pool, yanking on the strings holding her bathing suit top.

  Juliette grasped at the scraps of fabrics and tried to clutch them to herself. "No! Daniel, no! NO!"

  With a laugh, he tossed her, maintaining a hold on a string. The air seemed to turn colder right before Juliette’s bare back slapped against the water.

  While the women ignored her except for quick glances and giggles, the men roared with laughter at her embarrassment. Hands over her chest, Juliette climbed out and snatched up her robe. Her jaw was clenched and her nostrils flared. With her back to the party, she shoved her fists through the sleeves and knotted the belt. Tears burned her eyes.

  Juliette took long strides toward the far side of the landscaped yard. She noticed the large cat crouching beneath a broad frond and she stepped back.

  "You'll do me a favor if you kill me and eat me." Her voice cracked. She walked a little farther and lay on the sun-warmed grass, stomach down, her temple resting on her arms. She watched the creature with a hand stretched to him.

  The cat cocked its head at her and bared his teeth at the party-goers. He slowly inched toward her. His sandpapery tongue brushed over her palm, depositing something hard with his saliva. Slower than before, he crawled closer until his cool nose rubbed against her forehead.

  Without thinking, Juliette closed her finger over the object and raised her hand to caress the cat’s cheek. “Oh, kitty,” she whispered, “why can’t you be Tristan? I miss him so-”

  "A panther!" someone cried. "Oh my god, over with Julie!"

  Several women shrieked and ran into the house. A few men rushed toward Juliette. The cat flicked his tail as he leapt up and over the stone wall. Juliette hurried to her feet.

  "Go inside, girl!"

  "Call animal control. Think they can kill that thing?"

  "Julie, it could have eaten you."

  "Well, he didn't, and stop calling me Julie!"

  "Get your ass inside!" Nathaniel twisted her arm and shoved her.

  Juliette stormed back across the yard and through the door, rubbing the stinging his fingers left.

  "Daniel tossing you in the pool was so funny!" a woman laughed while opening a soda can onto the kitchen island.

  "Shut up, April! You wouldn't agree if it happened to you!" Juliette slapped the drink to the floor.

  A redhead grabbed her wrist. "You're lucky you got both Dan and Nate into you."

  "You can take them." Juliette glared at her.

  "Oh, hey, what's your diet secret?" another asked.

  "All of you, just shut up and leave me alone!" Juliette pushed through them and ran upstairs. She closed her bedroom door and wished the lock worked.

  Juliette tossed her pillow across the room and picked up her cell phone. For a minute she thought about calling Tristan and asking to stay with him a while. The end of spring term had meant a summer without seeing him at all, and the depression was hard for her to take. But if she called, and Nathaniel found out, Nathaniel might carry through on his promise to kill Tristan. Her chest grew heavy. She couldn’t endanger Tristan.

  Her fingers ached. She flexed them open and glanced at the object. Her brow knit together as she studied the fleurs de lys. The sapphires appeared to glow from within. “What on earth?” she whispered. Afraid of Nathaniel’s reaction, she zipped the piece into her purse’s inner pocket.

  A long shower appealed to her. So she went to the bathroom. After draping a towel on the handle, she turned the water on. While the room filled with steam, she pondered the jewelry. How had the cat come by the ring? Did he mean to drop it into her hand? Why was her stomach in a knot of discomfort, as if she should understand more than she did?

  Her head ached as she dropped her robe and bikini bottom and stepped into the scalding steam, closing the door behind her. Focusing on the hot water, she hummed to herself, trying to drown out her thoughts and memories of her humiliation and the nightmare of her life. Lids still closed, she felt around for the shelf she kept her shampoo bottle on, and started lathering her hair. As she rinsed, a low chuckle surprised. Juliette peered through the glass. Daniel sat on the toilet, leaning his arms on his knees watching her. Some shampoo dripped into her eyes.

p; "Ow ow ow!" She furiously rubbed at the stinging, turning her back to her uninvited guest. "What the hell are you doing here? Get out! OUT!"

  "I like you, Julie. I like watching you. You're my kind of girl." His confident tone sent shivers down her spine. A hand reached toward the drawstring of his swim trunks.

  Careful to keep the front of her body out of his view, she opened the door just enough to grab a towel. "I'm telling Nathaniel you're doing this. If I can't have a guy friend, he's not going to like you making advances on me!" She tightened the terrycloth around her torso, and turned the handle to leave.

  "You think he doesn't know I'm in here? Stupid girl."

  Juliette paused, her blood running cold. She raised her middle finger to him and stomped out.

  The sound of, "Maybe soon you'll get to," met her ears.

  * * *

  Juliette propped her feet up on the footrest as the technician added a topcoat to her nails. Her muscles ached from tension. Nathaniel had ordered her to leave for the day, and to remain in in the care of those he considered to be her unwitting babysitters.

  April waved a hand, still wet with bright pink polish. "Chris is pretty short."

  "How about Reggie? He's hot too," her redheaded friend, Halley, asked. "You think he’d get dressed up?"

  Juliette sighed, silently cursing herself for her mild interest in the upcoming formal event one of Nathaniel's friends was hosting, a "ladies' choice" as he'd described it, not that Nathaniel gave Juliette a choice.

  "He's already going with Katie." April leaned her head against the headrest. “Oh, I don’t know who to ask.”

  "Leo? Or that techie guy, Brandon, um, Brandon Carter!"

  "No way, not Leo. And Brandon? Seriously?"

  Halley threw her hands up. "I don't know, then. If you're going to turn all the guys in our crowd down, I’m out of ideas for who else to suggest. There's Kai Gupta from the basketball team and Aaron Mills, the one with the yellow Lambo. Maybe Tristan Larocque, the French guy Alex was interested in, um…"