Read Sacrifice Page 14

  “Your dad is the fire marshal, right?” he snapped. “And you have no idea?”

  “My dad doesn’t exactly talk to me about active investigations,” she said.

  “I think he’s a suspect,” said a voice behind her.

  She and Chris both turned. Hunter stood behind them, frozen droplets collecting in his hair and on his sleeves.

  “Go away,” said Chris.

  Hunter ignored him and sat on the other side of Hannah. “I think he’s a suspect in whatever happened at the restaurant.”

  A suspect? Hannah studied him. “Why?”

  Hunter shrugged. His expression was just as bleak as Chris’s. “He was at the scene of two major catastrophes. I’m pretty sure anyone in law enforcement can connect those dots.”

  “I told you to go away,” said Chris.

  His voice was so sharp that Hannah expected Hunter to snap back at him the way he had in the cafeteria. But out here in the cold, Hunter’s expression looked almost wounded. He was silent for a long while. “Why?”

  The freezing rain picked up, and each drop hurt where it struck her face. “Because you don’t need to be here.”

  Hunter didn’t say anything. He just kept letting the frozen precipitation beat down on him. Hannah wanted to ask if they should all move inside, but this conversation felt too precarious and she didn’t want to upset the balance.

  When Hunter finally spoke, his voice was low, and the words came slowly, as if he had to think through each one to get it out of his mouth. “You’re right. I don’t need to be here. He’s not my brother. You’re not my family.”

  Chris didn’t say anything. He kept his eyes forward, unblinking against the rain.

  “When I moved here,” Hunter continued, “with my dad and my uncle gone, I didn’t—” He stopped himself, seeming to search for words. “I didn’t think anyone would ever get me, if that makes sense. When my grandfather threw me out of the house, I had like nine dollars in my wallet. I didn’t eat for a day. Hell, your brother found me just before I was going to swipe cash from a Home Depot cash register.”

  Chris wasn’t looking at him, but he was listening. She could feel it.

  “When he offered to let me help with a job—” Hunter hesitated. “He could have just handed me a twenty and driven off. Most people wouldn’t even have done that, you know what I mean? Hell, the school guidance counselor is paid to help me, but she just wanted to hassle me, and here your brother, who has every reason to hate me for everything I put you guys through—”

  “He helped you,” said Chris. His voice had lost the malice.


  Hannah knew this story. Michael hadn’t just helped Hunter that one evening. He’d offered him a place to live. He’d stopped Hunter’s grandfather from coming after the kid again. He’d opened his home and his family like it was nothing.

  She understood Hunter’s surprise. She’d been surprised when Michael had told her what had happened to Hunter—and what he’d done in return.

  “No one has ever done something like that for me,” Hunter said, then paused. “The other night, when I went after you—I really didn’t know it was you. I shouldn’t have . . .” He stopped himself. He pushed his hair back from his face and sighed. “I shouldn’t have done what I did. I’m sorry. I just—it’s been so tense, and I wanted to do something. I needed to do something. I wanted to help. I wanted—” He swore. “Forget it. This is stupid. Go sit with your brothers. I can sit out here.”

  Hannah didn’t know this part, whatever had happened between Hunter and Chris to spark all this tension—and this apology.

  Chris looked at him. “You don’t have to sit out here.”

  Hunter’s eyebrows went up.

  Chris shrugged a little and looked up at the sky again. “We’ve been up all night. I shouldn’t have been such a jerk.”

  Silence fell for a moment. Hannah glanced between them. “Friends again?”

  “No,” they both said simultaneously.

  “I still don’t trust you,” said Chris. “I’ve seen you screw over my family too many times.”

  Hunter nodded. “I know.” He paused. “I won’t do it again.”

  “Prove it.”

  Hunter held his eyes. “I will.”


  The day dragged on.

  Hannah didn’t dare tell Michael’s brothers, but the sound of the gunshots still reverberated through her head. The gruesome pictures he’d sent her still waited on her phone. Even now, she couldn’t close her eyes without seeing them.

  Layne, Gabriel’s girlfriend, and her little brother, Simon, had joined them at the table half an hour ago. Gabriel had looked so relieved to see them that Hannah had been surprised he didn’t run out to hug them both.

  Layne’s father had been with them, but he hadn’t lingered. David Forrest had left his kids at the table, saying he’d be back soon.

  And then he’d hustled off.

  He’d brought a new level of emotion to the table, though. Where before there’d only been thinly veiled panic, now there was a shred of something like hope.

  Gabriel’s hand was linked with Layne’s, identical to the way Nick held on to Adam. He’d leaned into her and whispered, though not quietly, “I can’t believe you got him to help.”

  Layne had leaned back into him. “Sometimes he surprises me.”

  Simon, who was deaf, had watched this, then made a disgusted noise. He signed something.

  Gabriel had smiled thinly. “Whatever.” He’d flicked a pretzel at him.

  “What did he say?” Hannah had asked.

  “ ‘Get a room.’ ”

  And now they were waiting again.

  It had been almost twenty-four hours.

  When Hannah’s father walked into the cafeteria, she almost did a double take. He was here? He’d been right here in this hospital and he wouldn’t answer her calls?

  He didn’t look happy to see her either.

  “Hannah. How long have you been here?”

  She put the cards down. “Since last night.”

  “Who has James?”

  “Mom. Who do you think?”

  Michael’s brothers watched this exchange like a game of tennis. Back. Forth. Waiting for something substantial to be said.

  But her father was still fixated on James. “Have you talked to her? Is James okay?”

  Something in his voice made her frown. “Yeah, he’s fine. Why?”

  His expression darkened. “You should be at home. You shouldn’t be here.”

  “Have you seen Michael?” said Nick.

  The question derailed her father’s anger. His shoulders seemed to sag. “Yes. I’ve seen him. You can go up. He’s in room forty-four-fifteen. He wants to see you.”

  They almost knocked the table over in their rush for the elevator.

  Her father got in their way and put his hands up. “Family only.”

  Layne and Simon drew back to wait with Adam, but Gabriel got in her father’s face. “Fuck that,” he said. “They can all come. We’ve been waiting all day—”

  “He’s not alone,” said her father. “For right now, family only.”

  That shut them up.

  He’s not alone. Her father’s voice was full of foreboding. What did that mean? What had happened?

  Hunter stepped back. His face was a little pale. “It’s okay,” he said. “Text me. It’s okay. I can wait.” When they hesitated, he gave Gabriel a shove. “Go!”

  They went.

  Hannah stood there for a minute, then moved to follow them.

  Her father caught her arm. “You need to go home,” he said. Then he looked past her, at the others. “You all need to go home.”

  “What’s going on?” said Adam.

  Hannah couldn’t figure out the note in her father’s voice, but it wasn’t good. “What happened?” she whispered. “Is he dying?”

  “No,” he said. “Physically, he’ll be fine.”

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  She jerked free of his hold. “What happened? What aren’t you saying?” He wasn’t responding, and it took everything she had not to hit him. “What did you do?” she demanded. “What did you do?”

  “I didn’t do anything, Hannah.” He sounded tired. Exasperated. Weary. It wasn’t a tone she was used to hearing from him. “There are laws here. Procedures I have to follow. This has nothing to do with me.”

  The elevator dinged, and David Forrest walked out. Apparently Layne thought she’d get more information from her father than Hannah had hope of getting from her own, because she rushed forward, full of questions. “Dad? Is he okay? What happened?”

  Layne’s father put his arm across her shoulders and squeezed. “He’ll be fine. I’ll tell you on the way home.” He looked at Hunter. “Have you called your mother? I can drive you home.”

  Hunter had looked pale a minute ago, but now he looked positively sick. “No. Why do I need to call my mother?”

  “Would someone please say what’s going on?” said Adam.

  Mr. Forrest glanced at him, then at Hunter. His expression was grave. “Given the events of the past two days, and considering his brothers are under eighteen, the county has stepped in.”

  Now Hannah felt sick. The county couldn’t do this. They couldn’t.

  “No,” she said. “Can you stop them?”

  “They have a court order. The Merrick house is unlivable and Michael is in the hospital. I can’t stop them. It’s temporary, but—”

  “No,” said Hunter. His voice was shaking now. “They can’t.”

  “Wait,” said Layne, her voice breathy. “Wait—you’re saying—”

  “I’m saying that Michael Merrick is losing custody of his brothers.”


  Michael forced himself to sit on the edge of the bed. His chest still felt like it was being held together by nothing more than a few stitches. Every movement hurt. Every breath. Every thought.

  Or maybe that was just the sensation of his world collapsing.

  He’d been so worried about a Guide tearing his family apart. Not a nondescript girl with a clipboard in one hand and a court order in the other.

  It felt as if hours had passed since everyone had vacated his room, but he was sure it hadn’t been more than a few minutes. He couldn’t even remember the social worker’s name, but she’d agreed to wait in the hallway, to let him break the news to his brothers.

  Some small, cowardly part of him didn’t want to do it. He wanted to beg the nurse to come back, to pump him full of painkillers and let him drift off to a land of unawareness.

  He didn’t want to do this.

  He didn’t want to do this.

  He didn’t want to do this.

  And then they were there, in the doorway, and he was going to have to do it.

  A thousand words sat on the end of his tongue. He couldn’t speak. If he didn’t speak, it wouldn’t happen.

  They looked so young. He could remember them at eleven and twelve, staring at him just like this, silently begging him to make everything all right.

  He’d failed. He hadn’t made everything all right.

  He couldn’t breathe.

  “Jesus, Mike,” Nick said. He pushed past his brothers. “Are you in pain? Chris—get a nurse—”

  “No,” said Michael. He choked on the word. “Just—wait.”

  Wait. Stay here. If you stay here, I know you’re here and I haven’t failed.

  They waited. He tried to breathe. The silence in the room pulsed with unspoken words.

  They knew something bad was coming.

  With each breath, the pain in his chest began to ease. Michael realized he didn’t need to clutch at the bedrail to keep himself upright. The plastic railing felt slick under his palm.

  As soon as Michael realized what was happening, he wanted his brother to undo it. He wanted to rip out his stitches and break his ribs. He wanted the pain.

  He met Nick’s eyes. “Stop, Nick.” His voice almost broke. “Stop.”

  “I’m being careful. They won’t know.”

  “Stop. Please. Just—stop.”

  “Okay,” said Nick. His eyes had turned wary. And afraid. “Why?”

  “I need—” He had to take another breath, and this one hurt for a reason that had nothing to do with his injuries. “I need—”

  He couldn’t even finish that sentence.

  I need to tell you something.

  I need you to forgive me.

  I need you to know I never wanted this to happen.

  Gabriel finally spoke, but he kept his voice down. “What the hell is going on here, Michael? Are they arresting you? Is that why there are cops in the hallway?”

  Michael shook his head. Part of him wished that was why.

  There were cops in the hallway in case his brothers resisted. Or in case he did.

  Nick glanced at the doorway. “Close the door.”

  “No,” said Michael. “They’ll open it. Just—wait. Sit down. Wait.”

  There weren’t enough chairs, but Nick and Gabriel sat, while Chris leaned against the small table beside the bed.

  And they waited.

  Michael wished for his parents to somehow be alive. He wished as hard as he had five years ago.

  It didn’t work any better now.

  What would Dad do? What would he expect Michael to do?

  He’d expect you to get your act together and pretend it’s okay. Because if it’s okay for you, it’ll be okay for them.

  It wasn’t okay. This would never be okay.

  He wasn’t even sure he could fake it.

  He looked at each of them and forced his voice to be steady. “This is temporary. I need you all to understand that.” His voice wavered, and he caught it. “This is temporary.”

  “What’s temporary?” said Nick. A lick of fear had crawled into his voice. “Michael. What’s—”

  “You’re all under eighteen, and we don’t have a house to live in.”

  “No,” said Gabriel. “We’re fine. We can stay at Adam’s.”

  “Please,” said Michael. “Please, listen to me.”

  “You can’t do this,” said Chris. His voice was quick and frightened. “Becca’s mom said we can go there. We can—”

  “I’ve tried,” said Michael. “I’m sorry. I tried. It’s already arranged.”

  Gabriel was out of his chair so fast, it almost fell over. He glanced at the door. “What’s already arranged? What the fuck are you talking about?”

  Gabriel’s anger helped steady Michael. This he could deal with. He strengthened his voice. “DFS has ordered emergency custody. You’re going to spend a few nights in a youth home, until I can get before a judge—”

  “You can’t do this,” Chris said again. He was breathing like he’d run a race.

  “We’ll run,” said Gabriel. His eyes were furious, and the lights in the room flickered. “They can’t keep us there. Goddamn it, Michael, I can’t believe you agreed to this—”

  “I didn’t! I didn’t agree to any of it! Don’t you know I’d do anything—”

  “Not enough!” Gabriel’s voice was full of fury, but his eyes were full. “You could have stopped this.”

  “I tried. David tried. It’s already in motion.”

  Gabriel looked at the door, then back at his brothers. “Then we can’t stay here. Nick. Chris. There’s a stairwell at the end of the hallway—”

  “Stop it.” Michael had hold of Gabriel’s arms before he even realized he was on his feet. Nick’s powers had worked quickly—his body didn’t protest the motion. “Damn you, Gabriel, don’t you understand that I need you?”

  Gabriel stared back at him, and under all that anger and bravado, Michael could see the little boy who was scared shitless.

  “If you run, they’ll run with you. If you go along with this, they’ll go with you. Don’t you know that? I need you, Gabriel. They need you.”

  His brother’s eyes were so full of fury
and defiance that Michael was ready for Gabriel to jerk free and tell him to fuck off.

  Instead, Gabriel’s face crumpled, and he threw his arms around Michael. “Please don’t do this. Please.”

  “We’ll get through it,” Michael said. His brother’s grip made his chest ache, but this was a good kind of pain. “I promise. We can get through this. It’s just a few nights until I can get before a judge.”

  “I can’t do this, Michael. I’m not like you.”

  Michael’s heart broke a little at those words. “You can. I know you can.”

  “What if the Guides find us?”

  Michael’s greatest fear, spoken out loud. “Then you run,” he said, keeping his voice as low as he could. “You run, and you hide, and you keep your brothers safe. But that’s the only reason. Do you understand me?”

  Gabriel drew back and nodded. “What if they come after you?”

  “Then you stay hidden. No powers.”

  “No,” said Nick. “What if they come after you?”

  “Then you take care of each other.” Michael looked at Nick. His eyes were also red, his shoulders tight. “I need you, too. Someone has to keep Gabriel from veering off the rails.”

  Nick nodded. “I know.”

  Michael looked at Chris, who was still standing with his back against the side table. His fingers gripped the edge of the table so tightly that Michael could see white across his knuckles. “Chris—”

  “We can’t stay with you anymore.” His breathing was shaky, and he wouldn’t look over. “Got it.”


  A gentle knock sounded at the door. The social worker was back. “How is everything going in here?”

  His brothers shifted away from her, as if she were more imposing than a hundred-pound woman in a cheap wool suit.

  “They’re fine,” said Michael. “They know.”

  They didn’t look fine, but he kept his voice casual, and the grip of tension on the room loosened a notch.

  She looked at her watch. “They’ll be finishing up dinner in the home, and from what I understand, it’s game night, so now would be a good time to head over, if everyone is ready.”

  Gabriel turned steely eyes his way. Michael could read every word in his expression. Game night? Are you fucking kidding me?

  Michael looked back at him. “That sounds like a lot of fun. Don’t you think?”