Read Sacrilege Page 4


  At the sight of the Gods standing in the bar, the creatures of the Damned that remained instantly ran for the exits. The Gods that stood behind Zeus race past him after the escapees. I glanced back up the stairs to see that Lilith had disappeared already as well. Since the Gods had yet to spot me, I backed up behind the corner and made my way to the back door that Os’ mar kept hidden from the other residents. It was one that led out into the field away from the Norjels. I had no clue where Os’ mar had disappeared to or if he knew that the Gods would be coming here tonight. I couldn’t search for him. I had to leave, but where to. There was no way that I could return through the Gates of Pearu tonight. Not with the Gods standing in front of it. I had no choice but to enter the mortal world. But how long can I remain hidden before they detected me.

  I pushed open the back door and headed out into the fields. The grass of the field was broken from where someone had trampled through. The damage look to be of one recent and I knew that it was Lilith who came through here. The thought Lilith made me grit my teeth. She was the one who’d done this. She’d led fellow outcasts to their death and brought the Gods wrath down upon us. But why? Why would Lilith have the outcasts killed? Did they know something important? Is that why she killed them? Those in the bar were either criminals or betrayers. Creatures that the King did not find worthy of meeting the blade of his sword. They were no one important, so why kill them?

  I came to a stop at the end of the trampled grass and glanced around. Lilith’s tracks stopped here. There was nothing but fields and a forest ahead. She couldn’t have gone that way— the grass would have showed it. It seems that she had teleported. It was strange. Lilith was a Succubus. They did not possess the skills to teleport. She had to have gotten this from Eris. I decided to do the same.

  I teleported into the deserts of Tunisia, the smell of dawn in the air. The sun would be up soon and so will the mortals. I shuffled through the sands of the desert, my boots sinking with every step. A hawk flew above me as I made my way towards a small stream that I knew was located around here. I finally reached the small oasis that was surrounded by trees and wild flowers. Stepping through the tangled grass, the oasis inhabitants grew quiet. They sensed that I was a different species than them. I was an intruder and if I wasn’t careful nature would react. Coming to a stop near the stream, I leaned down and reached my hands into the water. The water felt cool down my throat as I sighed with contentment. Water was something even those of the Damned needed in order to live.

  A gust of wind blew behind me as I quickly turned around, my demos clutched in my hand. There was nothing behind me but the wind had suddenly picked up heavily. The sky above me lit up with light as a ray of it shot out striking the ground in front of me. I raise a hand to block my eyes from the blinding light as a humming sound vibrated through the air. The oasis inhabitants began to chirp and squeak noiselessly. The humming finally stopped as the light began to dim. Slowly, I removed my hands from shielding my eyes as I stared in front of me.

  The sight in front of me instantly made me clutch my demos as I took a step back. A woman stood in front of me with the same complexion that I’d seen on the Gods back at Belham. They had found me. I knew it wouldn’t have taken long, but I didn’t expect it to be so soon. The God or in this case Goddess, stared across the forest at me. One thing I can say about Gods was that they were nothing like mortals pictured. But then again, neither were we. The Goddess in front of me stood about five foot seven. She had a face of a mortal teenager that was surrounded by golden blond hair. Her eyes were iridescent. With every blink they changed to a new color. Unlike the other Gods that I’d seen, she did not wear armor. Instead she was dressed in a long black dress that went to her feet. It had thick straps that were wreathed with gold foil along the bosom. Around her waist was a thick gold belt that connected into a circle on her stomach. The symbol of the Gods was etched into the circle. She wore two draped golden earrings that resembled balances and around her wrist was a bracelet with several miniature lightning bolts. The way they hung on the bracelet reminded me of a key ring.

  She took a step forward and I stepped backwards. I was not going to become a captive of the Gods. I had to get back to Pearu to check on Kiowa and my father even if that meant attacking one of them.

  “I won’t harm you Aristaeus.”

  At the sound of her voice I froze. It was so soft as if she had spoken from far away though she was a few feet in front of me.

  “How do you know my name?”

  “I’ve always known your name Aristaeus. I know everything there is to know about the son of the King of Pearu.”

  I swallowed. She knew exactly who I was, but why did I think any different. “Who are you?”

  “I am Astraea. Goddess of Justice, Daughter of Zeus.”

  “I thought Zeus only had one daughter.”

  She laughed. “You speak like those of the mortal world. It is true what the myths say about Athena being my father’s favorite daughter, but there are many more of us. Athena is the most well-known because she is the one who leaves our world the most.”

  “If you come not to harm me, than what is it that you want?”

  “I’ve come to help you return home safely.”

  I stared at her confused. Was this some sort of trick? “Why would you want to help me get home? The Gates of the Damned are broken, shouldn’t you be trying to execute me like the rest of your kind seemed to be doing.”

  “They are not executing anyone. They are simply returning them back to the realm of Pearu. Only those who feel the need to fight back will be attacked.”

  “You still did not answer my question. Why do you want to help me?”

  “Because it’s what you want.” She said with a soft smile.

  “What do you know of what I want?”

  “I know a lot about you Aristaeus. I have watched you for a long time. You are one interesting creature. You’re not like the others. You actually feel for the mortals. I feel your compassion for them every time you reap a soul. It pains you to see them in losing their lives that way.”

  “You know nothing about me! “ I yelled pointing my demos at her. “I do not care for those hairless apes. They are an abomination that your God created.”

  Even as I spoke the words I’d so often heard my father speak, I could not find myself to agree with them.

  “Why do you hide your feelings Aristaeus? Are you afraid that those of your kind will not accept you if you care for mortals?”

  “What do you think? Do you think creatures so immoral, so despicable that they had to be named the Damned would show kindness to me for being a sympathizer.”

  Astraea glanced off in thought. She turned back towards me blinking her eyes from green to blue. “Forgive me Aristaeus. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  The way she said it made something stir in my chest. I wanted to comfort her and tell her that she didn’t upset me, but I stayed in place. I needed to get away from her. She was doing strange things to me. I found myself gazing into her eyes every time she spoke. It was like I was in a trance. I was so taken with her despite the anger I was supposed to feel that the hand that was holding my demos had loosened.

  I realized that she was watching me staring a hole into her. I cleared my throat and gripped my demos in my other hand. “Can you really get me back into Pearu?”

  She nodded.

  “What about the other Gods? What about your father?”

  “They do not know that you are here. I have hidden us from their view. My father knows that I am here, but he is too busy right now to figure out why. However, it’s only of time before he comes this way to find out so we need to leave.”

  “How do we get there?”

  “There is a hidden entrance not far from here. You can enter into your world from there.”

  She made her way towards me as I tensed. It was only after
she was past me that I relax a fraction. Taking a deep breath, I hoped that she was not leading me off to slaughter as I followed behind her.

  The two of us walked in silence with nothing but the noises of nature to keep us company. She didn’t seem to worry about the fact that I was heavily armed. She could probably handle herself.

  “If you are the Goddess of Justice, aren’t you supposed to be carrying a torch?” I said breaking the silence.

  “I do not carry a torch. I am the torch.”

  “You’re the torch?”

  Astraea nodded. “During war, my body glows signaling the start of the battle. I walk behind my father as I hand him his bolts of destruction.”

  “Do you have any powers of your own?”

  “Yes, though I am afraid that I cannot share them with you. It goes against our rules.”

  I scoffed. “Didn’t know you guys actually had rules you had to follow?”

  “Of course. Why wouldn’t we? We have a world and community just like creatures of the Damned and mortals. And like you we must follow rules if we are to stay united.”

  “A world like ours huh, what’s it called.”

  Astraea laughed. “Nice try, but you know that I can’t reveal that to you.”

  She had a cute laugh, I thought to myself.

  “Well since you cannot reveal much about your world, maybe you can fill me in on why you find me interesting.”

  “I told you. You’re different.”

  “That doesn’t sound too interesting. Not enough to watch someone and know everything about them.”

  Astraea turned towards me, her eyes now a shade of pink. The way she looked at me made me feel uncomfortable.

  I cleared my throat and turned my attention in front of me. I had been so busy trying to figure her out that I hadn’t noticed that I was no longer walking behind her, but beside her.

  “How old are you?” I asked. “I’m only saying it because you look young.”

  “In mortal years, I’m sixteen.”

  “And in God years?”

  “The number is too long to speak.” She said. She reached down and snatched up a flower slowly inhaling it.

  “Well, according to mortal years, I’m seventeen.”

  “I know.”

  “You know?” I asked raising my eyebrow.

  “I told you I know everything about you. Though you are the age of seventeen, you act far wiser than your years. Some of the decisions you have made, I couldn’t picture a young male mortal making.”

  “Humph, tell that to my father. In his eyes I’m nothing more than a child.”

  Astraea said nothing. It was obvious she had seen the numerous encounters that I’ve had with my father. I found myself getting a little embarrassed and hope that she did not see me in the same light as he did. I don’t know why I cared what she thought, but I did.

  “Your father will come to respect you in time.” She said speaking after a moment of silence. “His greed is just clouding his judgment right now. He loves you Aristaeus. You do not have to wonder about that.”

  “That’s a bit of a reach Astraea. I know you Gods are supposed to see the good in everyone, even those of the Damned, but when it comes to the King, there is nothing of love in his body. Only tolerance.”

  The two of us said nothing as we continued to walk. Dawn was now over as the sun broke through the clouds. I found myself squinting my eyes as my annoyance for the heat once again rose.

  “How much further do we have to go?”

  “Not much farther. It’s just over that hill.”

  “Couldn’t we just teleport to the entrance. That would probably save some time.”

  “Yes it would save some time, but it will also alert the Gods to you. It’s best you remain under my veil until we get there.”

  “Will you be in trouble for helping me?”


  “Then why help.” I asked filled with worry.

  “I told you, because you wanted it.”

  I found myself staring at the side of Astraea’s face. She’d come all the way down here to risk punishment just because it was something that I wanted. It didn’t make any sense. We knew nothing of each other, more like I knew nothing of her, yet here we were. For a second I thought that maybe this could be one of her powers. Maybe she granted people’s wishes, but that didn’t seem right. She was a Goddess of Justice, not a genie.

  “Is this some type of mission you’re on?”

  “Huh?” She asked turning to me her face filled with confusion. I felt my chest tighten as I once again looked away from her. What was she doing to me? Did she have me under some kind of spell? Maybe this is why mortals’ myths claim that they could not stand to look upon Gods and angels.

  “You said you’ve been watching me for a while, and now you’re down here risking yourself with punishment for me. I’ve read somewhere that Angels travel to the mortal world to carry missions and I just wondered if it was the same for Gods. Am I your mission?”

  Astraea laughed. “I wish you were my mission. Maybe then I could explain to others why I am constantly staring down at you. They do not seem to believe that you only interest me.”

  We came to a stop near the edges of a lake. On the other side of it were tiny huts that were inhabited by groups of mortals.

  “We are here. This lake is a portal to your world. It should bring you in the countryside near Nicolle, though I warn you the land is inhabited by Sirens.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ve dealt with Sirens before.”

  The two of us stared at each other awkwardly. Despite my earlier rush on returning to Pearu, I found myself not wanting to leave Astraea just yet. She seemed to sense this as she gave me a smile.

  “Go Aristaeus. Your mother is waiting for you. She is worried.”

  I nodded but still did not move. “Will you be okay?”

  “Yes. Now hurry, my veil is weakening.”

  I nodded and walked towards the black water of the lake. I stepped in the cold water as it soaked the bottom of my pants. I made my way to the middle and felt the opening she was talking about. Turning around, I took another glance at Astraea as she stood on the hill watching me. Thunder roared as flashes of light lit up the sky.

  “Go Aristaeus! Poseidon is coming. Go now!”

  I didn’t need any further persuading. Poseidon was the King of the sea, lakes, and rivers. He could easily capture me. I dived down into the opening and swam my way further below. The water vibrated and I knew Poseidon was in the water behind me. The sound of the water roared in my ears as I felt it grip my legs trying to pull me backwards. It held on tight as I kicked at it. I was almost near the world of Pearu. I could feel the slight warmth I always did when it came to my home.

  Glancing down, I saw a brown haired man gripping my legs. He wore a gold crown with spikes that swooped up making a wave. His strength was indescribable that he almost had me. I couldn’t let Astraea’s sacrifice go to waste. Calling forth my demon powers, I released a burst of fire through my body. The fire shot to Poseidon’s hands as he let go and fanned around him. That slight distraction was enough for me to escape from his grasp and through the opening to Pearu.

  My head burst through the surface as I wasted no time swimming towards land. A couple of Sirens leaned against a wooden boat, but at the sight of me they dove in the water. I pulled up out of the water onto the land and withdrew my demos pointing it at them.

  “Do you know who I am?”

  The sirens shrunk back in fear. The redhead that seemed to be the one Dyos described raised her hands in surrender.

  “Please forgive me my young lord. We did not know it was you. We thought you were an intruder.”

  “Do not lie to me. I know that you’ve been trying to take souls from those of Pearu. If I find proof of this, that will be the end to you and your land. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, your highness.”

  I backed away from them, my hand still clutching my demos. It wasn’t until I was a good few feet away that I turned and ran.

  I hopped off the silver wagon and thanked the owner for giving me a lift. Walking up to the Gates of the Palace, I noticed the doubling of guards. At the sight of me, the guards rushed forward.

  “Your highness, you’re alive. We were told everyone in Belham were either killed or taken away by the Gods.”

  “I am fine.” I said raising my hand. “Where are my father and Kiowa?”

  “The Queen is inside palace. She was with your friend Dyos but at the news of Belham being destroyed, he left to go find you. The King is on his way back here from Arwid. He should arriving shortly.”

  I nodded. “Stay alert. I want this palace guarded at all times. Commander send some of your men to fetch Dyos, I’m going up to see Kiowa.”

  “Yes, your highness.”

  “Once you return, pull up the bridge. No one but the King is to enter the palace. Understood.”

  “Yes, your highness.”

  I left them to their assignments as I ran up the steps of the palace. The palace had a cold feeling to it more than usual. As I ran past the servants, I asked them whereabouts of my mother. They told me she was still in my wing. I raced up the stairs to my room and threw open my door. Kiowa laid across my bed dress in her green nightgown, tears streaming down her face. At the sight of me she stopped crying and leaped up.


  “Yes mother, it is I.”

  She ran towards me and pulled me in a tight hug. I felt my arms wrap around her as she sobbed into my chest. Her luminous purple hair had a dull shine to it and her face was one of paleness.

  “Oh Aristaeus, I’m so happy you’re alive. I’m so happy the Gods spared you. I couldn’t get you through on the phone lines and when I heard the news, I thought for certain you’d been killed.”

  “Everything is alright now. I am safe.”

  Kiowa pulled away from me and grasped my face in her hands. “You mustn’t leave. I do not care what Kavos says. I will not hear of this time. If you leave, I leave.”

  “Let’s hope it does not come to that mother. Now let’s get you cleaned up and get us some dinner. Father should be arriving soon.”

  “Yes, you’re right. I’ll get ready and have the servants prepare a meal.”

  Kiowa ran off to her room as I made my way to the wash. I quickly cleaned and dressed into a purple suit blazer and my black pants. I was sitting on my bed tying my boots when the doors opened revealing Dyos.

  “Aristaeus! You’re alive.” He ran towards me to hug me but I stopped him raising a hand.

  “Did I not tell you to keep an eye out on Kiowa?”

  “I know, but when I heard that you were in trouble I had to come. What was I supposed to do, stay?”

  “Yes.” I answered with anger. “I do not care if Zeus himself told you to come, I told you to watch my mother. The Rogues are going around assassinating royalty and my mother could have been next.”

  Dyos sighed. “I know. I’m sorry Aristaeus. I promise you I was making my way back to her when the guards came. I won’t abandon her again. You can trust me.”

  “It’s okay. Let’s just go down for dinner. Father should be here soon.”

  We made our way downstairs to the foyer just as the doors to the palace burst open. My father strode in as the servants bowed down to him. Behind him were the General and the members of The Courant. At the sight of me, he stopped. In that split second, he allowed me to see what Astraea had been speaking about. In that split second, he seemed worried. In that split second, it was over.

  “I see you made it out alive. You’re not so useless after all.”

  “It is nice to see you to father. May I have a word with you?”

  “Not now Aristaeus.” My father said walking past me. “I have a meeting.”

  “Well this is important, I have some information-”

  “Aristaeus we will listen to your information later.” The General said speaking up “Right now we have to get ready.”

  Dyos and I stared at each other as we stared at my father. My father was shooting a glare in the General’s direction that said he did not want me knowing that. That glare instantly put me at unease.

  “Ready? Ready for what.”

  My father straightened his jacket and stared at me calmly. “For what we’ve been waiting for. Tonight we plan. And then we go to war.”

  “War?” Dyos said just as confused as I was. “War with whom?”

  “The Gods.” answered the General. “We the Damned will attack the Gods.”


  Dyos and I sat outside my father’s office waiting for the meeting to be over. After announcing his plans to go to war with the Gods, the General swept him and the members of The Courant off to his chambers for a private meeting. I tried to follow them but was held back by my father’s guards. I stayed outside the door arguing with the guards before Kiowa finally came to sweep Dyos and I off for dinner. After the dinner we separated, Kiowa off to her garden trapped in her thoughts and Dyos and I here under the scrutiny of guards.

  “I don’t take it that he likes you very much”

  I turned my eyes from the glass of Kampe blood over to Dyos. “Who?” Dyos pointed over in the direction of the guards as my eyes followed to the demon he was speaking about. Our eyes connected as I released a soft chuckle. “Ah, that fellow. We have a score to settle according to him though I’m afraid in the end it would make even more my adversary.”

  Dyos laughed as Broxton shot me a glare. He did not take too kindly to my words and without a doubt he would retaliate soon for his humiliation.

  “I miss this.” Dyos said staring at his empty glass. He waved a hand to a servant that was standing by the wall as they quickly made their way over to refill his glass. Dyos like the rest of the demons I knew preferred to drink fox tears. I think only the King and I could handle the harsh liquid of Kampe blood which made us seem very virile to the ladies of Pearu. Once Dyos glass was filled, he continued with his conversation. “I miss us lounging around the palace causing trouble for the guards, annoying the King, or even going out into the City for entertainment. Now because of The Rogues, everything is in ruins. They have caused a problem between us and the Gods that the individuals of Pearu are too afraid to go outside their homes. They’re afraid that Zeus is walking the streets of Pearu ready to dish out punishment to anyone he sees.”

  “The citizens of Pearu should not worry themselves with the thought of Zeus walking the streets of Pearu. The King will not allow it no matter how powerful the God may be.”

  “You’ve the seen the God in action when you were at Belham didn’t you? Do you think he will show mercy on us despite the transgressions of The Rogues?”

  I thought back to the barn at Belham and how the Gods had swooped in the place. I remember at first glance thinking they were chasing after us to kill us. But it was only after speaking to Astraea that I was told different. They did not wish to harm us; they were just following the bylaws. The creatures of the Damned had challenged the rules of Zeus by breaking through the Gates of Pearu and trying to enter the mortal world. Those whom had tried to escape had brought the wrath on Zeus themselves.


  “I do not think we will be punished for their actions.” I said breaking away from my thoughts to answer him. “He would probably just enforce a stronger law so no more creations like The Rogues can be made. Father says that Eris is the first ruler of this world and the most powerful, which is why those of the Damned flock to her. Being dethroned by Zeus has left her filled with vengeance. Breaking the Gates of Pearu I think is the first step of her revenge.”

  Dyos and I got quiet and I could tell the guards behind was listening to our conversation. They glanced around at each nervously and I knew they were worried about what I’d said. If Eris w
as on a road of revenge because of being dethroned, then would she come for the throne? Their minds were spinning with whom they would side for if such a thing happened. Would they follow the King that they served under for centuries, or would they flock to the first ruler who brought true meaning to the reality of Hell the mortals feared.

  The doors to my father’s office opened as The Courant exited. They nodded their heads as they walked by as the servants walked in front of them leading them out of the palace. The General stepped out after them and walked over to us.

  “Aristaeus, the King would like a word with you.” He said. He then turned to his son. “Dyos, you will be leaving with me.”

  “But father, I told Aristaeus I would remain here with him. We haven’t seen each other in months. We have some catching up to do.”

  “This is no time for foolishness Dyos.” The General said. His voice was a bit shaky and he appeared to be tired. His young face for once now seemed its true age. He was stressed. “You will come with me now. That is final.”

  Dyos seemed to pick up on what I saw in his father as he no longer argued with him. He stood up from the chair he was in and placed his glass on the table beside him. Turning to me he said, “I’m afraid I have to take my leave Aristaeus. I’ll send word soon on when we can get together.”

  I nodded at Dyos as he and his father made their way down the hall and around the corner towards the front doors of the palace. Pushing up from my seat, I placed my glass on the table and walked into my father’s office. Unlike the Os’ mars office, my father’s was one of hidden ruins. The whole composition gave off a world of Atlantis atmosphere as water ran from small square holes in the ceilings down to two long rectangles constructed in the ground. The floor had clear tiles that displayed the colorful fish swimming beneath them. The walls to the left and right however were filled with bouncing balls of black lights that were being heated by fire lined within the walls. Those black lights were the souls of those from the mortal world whom had gone against the rules of their world and were now receiving the punishment of eternal damnation.

  In the middle of the room was my father sitting in his throne chair. The silver skulls on the hands of the chair gleamed; the eyes lightning controlling the fire that tortured the mortal souls. His fingers were entwined and his eyes were closed as he had a silent meeting with himself. However, as I neared towards him, they slowly opened revealing the light shade of purple of his shattered eyes. The dullness let me know that just like the General, he was tired.

  “You asked to see me”

  My father stared at me for a moment as if he was peering through my core. His eyes roamed up before landing on mine. “You said you had information for me.”

  “Yes. I think The Rogues had help from someone within in Belham. Her name is Lilith and she’s a succubus. She’s been exiled for only a couple months but I have yet to figure out why. I thought that maybe you could tell me since all bans go through you.”

  “Lilith? Her name sounds familiar yes, but I do not recall banning anyone of that name. What makes you believe that she is a gofer of Eris?”

  “She seemed to know that Gods would be there that night. She claims that Eris promised to her land, and she promised to spare me if only I take Lilith’s hand in conjugal.”

  My father laughed as I raised one of my eyebrows. My father was not one to chuckle or even laugh for the matter. It was only of rare times that he found himself to be amused.

  “I see Eris is still dishing out her mendacities. Promising false hopes and dreams in order to have those follow her despite the web of power she yields.”

  “Is that what’s stressing you out?” I asked.

  My father’s smile disappeared off his face as it was replaced by the usual scowl.

  “I am not stressed. I am annoyed. Because of her actions, Eris has forced me to start early on my plans to exterminate Zeus and his kind. I wanted to catch him unaware but now because of her, he knows I’m coming!” A damned soul from within the wall screamed as Father and I barely blinked. “She will not get away with this.” Father said quietly. “She has humiliated me for the last time.”

  “Do you think she will try to come for the throne?”

  “Yes and No. Though Eris is the first ruler of Pearu, she has always had her sights set on something much bigger.”

  “The mortal world.” I answered.

  Father nodded. “She has never been satisfied with just being the ruler of Pearu. She wants to rule those of mortals as well. Not that I could blame her much. They do make for an interesting torment, though I do not have time for that. I simply wish to exterminate their whole world.”

  I stared at my father as a gleam came to his eye at the mention of ridding the realm of mortals. What he and Eris did not seem to get was that without the mortals, there would be no use for our kind. Our world was created to be Hell. A punishment world for mortals. Without the mortals, our world would cease to exist. We lived off their cruelty though we can no longer walk their world and inhale in it. The damned souls of the mortals are what keep us living. It’s what keeps us in existence. Without them, the creatures of the Damned will have no one else to torture but those in Pearu that in the end would bring our extinction.

  “Father, if I may. I’d like to investigate more into Lilith.” I said. “If you did not ban her to Belham, then I’m sure Eris sent her there. For what purposes I do not know yet.”

  “That could be a possibility. Is there anything else?”

  “Yes. She said something about getting rid of Kiowa like they did Famar’s daughter. I am worried that she will be next.”

  My father’s eyes darkened the dull shade disappearing. “They will not set one foot onto this land!” He then stood up and folded his arms behind his back. “Very well. You may investigate this Lilith, but only her. If you find out anything about Eris or even see a glimpse of her, you are to return to the palace immediately. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, your highness.”

  “Then it is settled. I shall have some guards accompany you.”

  “No father.” I said quickly. “I plan to go and investigate Belham. If the Gods see me with an army they may assume that a war has started and your plans will once again be foiled. I’ll just take Dyos with me.”

  “You are right. I do not want to alert them to my plans just of yet. Very well, take Dyos. I will inform the General that he will accompany you.”

  “Thank you, father.”

  I bowed my head and turned to leave. I’d taken four steps before my father’s voice stopped me.


  I turned around slowly and stared at him. “Yes father.”

  “How did you get back to Pearu? The Gates were being guarded by Zeus and I’m sure if he’d seen you, he would have taken you with the rest to be questioned. So how did you escape his sight and return here?”

  Without blinking I answered, “Os’ mar had spoken of another entranceway to Pearu. He claimed the Gods moved it constantly so it would remain hidden. It was only by luck that I saw the whereabouts of it this time when I was in his office.”

  “Is it still there?”

  “I do not think so. When I tried to return, I was followed by Poseidon himself. He almost had me in his grasp, but I escaped.”

  “Where is it located?”

  “In the land of Sirens.”

  My father nodded his eyes roaming over me in scrutiny. Throughout it all I stood unmoved. I could feel that a part of him did not fully trust the answer I’d given him and I was okay with it. For some reason, I did not want to rat out Astraea to my father. My father knew nothing of her and nothing of a secret entranceway into Pearu despite his being the King. I knew because of the sudden events that he would not go and question Zeus about it. He would probably send armies out to dig around for it but I know that it would no longer be there. Poseidon would have alerted Zeus to th
e fact that entranceway had been discovered and would have erased it from existence.

  “What’s going on with the souls? They seem to be on low supply.” I said trying to divert my father’s thoughts.

  My father glanced over at the walls were the balls of light were hovering. “Zeus has cut off our supply. For now the souls are hovering between realms until further notice.” My father turned back towards me. “You should get some rest Aristaeus. You have a long day ahead of you tomorrow.”

  “Yes, father.”

  I bowed my head once again and quickly made my exit.

  Despite the King’s advice to get some rest, I found myself doing the exact opposite. I exited the back doors of the palace and made my way down the hill to the garden. Few of my father’s guards were spread throughout the garden, bowing to me as I passed. I found Kiowa bent down in a field of wild flowers dressing them in unicorn tears.

  “I knew I’d find you here.”

  Kiowa smiled up at me her hands not once ceasing. “Where else in this palace can I go to have time to myself? She stood up and placing her urn down. “Did you get to chance to meet with your father?”

  “Yes I did. We spoke and he agreed to let me handle some things on my own.”

  “Well that is nice. It’s about time he starts giving you some serious responsibilities around here. After all you will be the next in line for the throne once he is gone. Maybe now he is seeing the leadership qualities that you possess.”

  “I’m not so sure on that. I’m sure he has a secret agenda.”

  Kiowa walked up to me and patted my face. “Well it’s best you have one too then.” She grabbed my hand tightly in hers. “Come let’s go inside. I’m sure your father is getting ready to announce night.”

  “Yes. He did look tired.”

  The two of us walked up the hill with the guards and servants following close behind.

  “Aristaeus I was thinking.” Kiowa said. “In time you will be taking the throne despite what your father wants. In keeping with the accordance of the laws of Pearu, it is time that we start looking for you a bride.”

  “Mother you can’t be serious. I swear sometimes you think of the strangest things to say. Maybe father is right to keep you in doors. Those flower fields have driven you insane.”

  “The flower fields have done no such thing so do not go announcing reports like that to your Father. He would have them cut down within seconds. I am simply looking out for your best interests Aristaeus. Believe it or not you will have to rule this world and a Crown Princess is needed at your side. Now I know of some lovely earth demons that will make an okay Crown Princess despite them being bottom feeders.”

  I stopped and grabbed Kiowa by the shoulders turning her to face me. “Mother, I know you think you are doing your duty as Queen, but please stop it. I am not ready for a bride especially an earth demon.”

  “Well demons are the only ones that you can marry. My goodness you’re thinking of wedding a succubus are you?”

  “I am not Dyos mother, the person I choose will be much better than that.”

  At my words, Kiowa stared at me as knowing came on her face. “You’ve found someone, haven’t you Aristaeus?”

  “You are speaking nonsense again.”

  “No I think I’m speaking the truth. It’s clear in your eyes. You have found someone of interest. Who is she? Is she someone in the City? Or is she someone you’ve met during your time in Belham?”

  I stared in horror at Kiowa who continued her wave of questions unaware that the servants were listening.

  “She isn’t mortal is she?” She said breaking my thoughts. “Aristaeus please tell me that you did not fall for one of them. Your father will have a soul spasm not to mention the type of spasm I would have.”

  “No mother she is not mortal, in fact there is no one. So can we just let this go?”

  Kiowa opened her mouth to say something else but the sound of the King’s horn stopped her. The King was now asleep meaning it was night time in the world of Pearu.

  “Fine, I’ll let it go tonight. But we shall talk about this again.”

  I nodded all the while thinking about escaping the house sometime in the morning. Kiowa and I made our way into the palace as we bid each other good night at the crossway between our quarters. Once she was out of sight, I made my way upstairs to my room and got dressed for bed. Completely dressed, I walked over to the phone in my room and punched in the number for General’s castle. The line beeped two times before someone answered.

  “Castle of Orham, who may I direct your call to.”

  “This is Prince Aristaeus for Dyos.”

  “One moment, your highness.”

  The line held again for a few moments before Dyos voice entered onto the line. “Ah, so you live. My, have the King grown weak.”

  “On the contrary, I think he’s grown stronger. I can no longer read his thoughts as use to.”

  “Damn him and his ingenious intellect. Oh well, what is it that I can do for you at this witching hour my friend?”

  “I am calling to confirm if the General has spoken to you of our plans for tomorrow.”

  “Yes. Smooth move covering up our part hopping with investigating. I think you might be giving your highness a run for his money.”

  “This is not a cover up.” I said speaking into the phone. “We are going out on business. My father is not seeing clearly right now. The Rogues has him rattled and I’m afraid of what it might lead him to do. His actions might lead to the destruction of Pearu and I cannot sit idly by and watch that happen.”

  “Ah, spoken like a King. You are well on your way to the throne. What is it that you will need from me?”

  “I need you to be ready to go soon as morning breaks.”

  “Why so early?” Dyos asked. His voice was filled with confusion. “Doesn’t the palace have mandatory breakfast?”

  “Yes it does, but I’m afraid I will not be able to join them this time.” I said sighing. “Kiowa had brought it upon herself to find me a bride.”

  Dyos cackled into the phone as I pulled it away in annoyance.

  “Are you done yet?”

  “Not nearly.” He laughed. “So the Queen is shopping around for potential Crown Princesses? Who does she have in line? Let me guess, earth demons.”

  “Yes, she claims she knows some who would do well to rule beside me.”

  “Ha! Earth demons are nothing more than bottom feeder rejects. They will bring down the monarchy Aristaeus, you just watch and see. You need a creature fit to rule beside. You need to bring in a new era. You need a Princess of Siren blood.”

  I frowned at the phone. “Siren blood? You’re recommending me someone of Siren blood. Didn’t a siren just try to kill you the other night?”

  “Yes, she did. But that doesn’t mean I didn’t have any fun with her. She was stunning so I’ll disregard what she did.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Is everyone speaking nonsense his evening? There are way better choices for the throne then a siren.”

  “You’ve found someone! Didn’t you?”

  “Great, now you sound like Kiowa.”

  “Then it must be true.” Dyos said with a laugh. “Tell me, who is she? Is she someone from Belham? Tell me you didn’t fall in love with one of those skinless apes did you Aristaeus?”

  “Goodbye Dyos.”

  I disconnected the phone and walked over to my bed. I couldn’t believe Kiowa and Dyos. Nothing in me had changed. They were just teasing me, I told myself. So why when I laid down on my bed, did I see the face of Astraea.