Read Safe at Last Page 22

  And his thoughts were broadcast in her mind as if he spoke them aloud. He would absolutely kill her. If he died, he was taking her with him. In fact, he considered his death inevitable. He didn’t truly believe he’d escape unscathed. His resolve to exact a small measure of vengeance before he drew his last breath was as clear as a beacon.

  Terror paralyzed her. She was so scared that she didn’t even feel the nick of the blade. She was numb because she didn’t see a way out of this. The others couldn’t make a move or he’d slice through her neck. And Ari was out of commission, so she couldn’t wield her deadly powers on this man.

  “Give us the woman and you go free,” Dane said, his features stony, eyes sparking with rage. “All we want are the two women. Let her go and you walk.”

  Her captor barked out a harsh laugh. “Do you think I’m stupid? She’s my only insurance. If I let her go, I die. That’s not going to happen. What is going to happen is that she and I are slowly going to leave. No one is to follow us. If even one of you takes so much as a step, she’s dead. When I get to my vehicle, I’ll let her go.”

  But Anna-Grace could clearly read his thoughts. He had no intention of letting her go. If he actually succeeded in getting to his vehicle—and doubt was still strong in him—he planned to slice her throat when they got to his car and then he would escape.

  She sent panicked looks in the others’ direction, silently pleading with them not to believe him. Not to let him take her. If they did, she was dead. God, she was dead no matter what because either way, whichever of the two possibilities prevailed, freedom or death, she wouldn’t live. She closed her eyes in despair and suddenly wished with all her heart that she could have seen Zack one more time. That she’d given him more of a chance to explain—to defend—his part in her rape.

  She opened her eyes again, but the room was blurred by the sheen of tears welling in her vision.

  Wade gave a nearly imperceptible nod as if to say he understood. The others didn’t look as though they believed the lie, even without her trying to convey his intentions.

  Everyone was frozen in place. It was as if they were all holding their breaths. Anna-Grace didn’t dare breathe too deeply. If she did, the blade would slide deeper into her flesh. And then she began to shake.

  She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to rein in her utter terror. She couldn’t lose it now. One wrong move and she’d end up killing herself with no help from the asshole holding the knife against her throat.

  “Just take it easy and let up on the knife a bit there,” Dane said in a controlled tone.

  His words had the opposite effect because the man tightened his arm around her neck until she was wheezing for air.

  And then the strangest thing happened. The man behind her jerked. His arm flew away from her throat and the knife fell off her skin but as he dragged his arm over her shoulder, the blade sliced just under her shoulder blade. Fire lanced through her veins and she let out a cry.

  She registered the warmth of blood sliding down her back and her knees buckled. She went down, landing atop the man who’d been holding her at knifepoint.

  The room burst into action and through her hazy consciousness she heard a single, explosive word.



  ZACK watched in abject horror as the knife sliced down Gracie’s back, blood immediately welling, bright red and rapidly staining her shirt. Dear God, what had he done? He was sure he could make the kill shot without endangering Gracie. He had the advantage of no one knowing he was there and so he’d set up the perfect angle. The only area he had a clear path to make a head shot was through the temple so there was no chance of a bullet penetrating Gracie from the front.

  And he’d fucked it up. She’d been knifed anyway.

  Around him the room erupted as his teammates scrambled to assess the injuries to Eliza and Ari. But Gracie was Zack’s alone. No one else would touch her.

  He ran full out toward where Gracie lay atop the man who’d hurt her. He had to force himself to calm his seething rage because Gracie needed tenderness. But he wanted to kill the motherfucker all over again. Wanted to rip him apart piece by piece for putting his hands on what was Zack’s.

  He fell to his knees beside Gracie and hovered anxiously over her, putting himself in her line of sight. Her eyes were open, but she looked fuzzy and unaware. In shock. Not to mention she was bleeding like a stuck pig.

  He touched her cheek with a featherlight caress.

  “Gracie?” he said, worry and fear making her name nearly inaudible.

  But she must have heard because her gaze tracked to his until finally she found him.

  He lifted her hand and pressed his mouth to her palm, so overcome he was momentarily at a loss for words.

  “Hi,” she whispered. “When did you get here?”

  “Not soon enough,” he said, unable to keep the bite from his voice.

  He was still furious that Beau had allowed this. That he’d put Gracie in harm’s way.

  She gave a half smile, her expression woozy. “Oh, I don’t know about that. I’d say you got here just in the nick of time.”

  She became completely solemn.

  “He was going to kill me no matter what.”

  Zack closed his eyes. He didn’t register that he was shaking until Gracie made a small sound of pain and he realized he was still holding tightly to her hand and he was jarring her entire body, causing aggravation to her wound.

  Gently he lowered her hand to her abdomen and then simply rested his hand atop hers. He had no idea what was going on around him and he didn’t care. He simply knelt there, drinking in the sight of Gracie. Alive. Hurt but alive.

  “Eliza,” Gracie said, her features contorted with worry.

  Zack swung around to see Dane and Wade hovering over Eliza. Wade looked coldly furious and yet his movements were extremely careful as he touched Eliza’s face, almost as though he was afraid of hurting her.

  To his further surprise, it was Wade who gently picked Eliza up and cradled her in his arms. He barked an order to one of the others to get him a blanket to cover her. Zack lifted an eyebrow to see other DSS members paying heed to his order. But then, when it came to a fallen teammate, any pissing matches were permanently put on hold.

  Beau had wrapped Ari in a blanket as well and held her there, in the middle of chaos, rocking her back and forth muttering, “Never again. Fuck this. You are never doing this again, Ari.”

  She issued a faint smile without opening her eyes and whispered back, “You know that’s not true, but if it makes you feel better to say it, then by all means roar away.”

  Zack felt a clenching in the region of his heart. Then he turned back to Gracie and yelled for someone to bring a med kit. He needed to get her to a hospital fast. The others could do cleanup and get the information they needed from these assholes.

  Already Isaac, Capshaw and Caleb were interrogating the men. They started with the first downed one. Dane strode over, evidently satisfied that Eliza was in good hands, and he was a scary sight. It wouldn’t have surprised Zack if the guy pissed himself before it was over.

  But when they questioned him about how many more there were, where they were based, where could they be found, all they received was a smug, triumphant smile.

  Gracie stiffened beneath Zack and struggled upward, attempting to push herself into a sitting position although it obviously pained her.

  “Whoa, baby, where do you think you’re going?”

  Gracie turned earnest eyes on him and uttered in a low voice.

  “Tell them not to spend too much time on each man. Have them question them all. No matter what they say, I can pick up on what they think. And when they asked the first one where the others were and how many, he immediately thought of the place and numbers even though he refused to say anything. They all need to be questioned quickly so I can glean what information I can.”

  Zack stared at her in awe. Here she was, having already been bea
ten to hell and back by these bastards. Because of Zack and his history with this fanatical group. And yet she’d gone to the wall for Eliza at great risk to herself. Jesus, if Zack’s aim had been the slightest bit off, and God knows he’d been shaking like a leaf, Gracie would be dead.

  He touched her cheek again, the sting of tears burning his lids. Then he lifted his head and quietly called for Dane.

  Dane looked annoyed at being pulled off interrogation duty but he came, his expression inquisitive.

  “Gracie says to question them all and not spend too much time on each one. She said that when you questioned the first one, he immediately thought of where the others were and how many. If we can get that kind of information from all of them, we can take them out for good.”

  Dane’s sharp gaze flew to Gracie. It seemed to soften and admiration was reflected in his eyes.

  “Are you sure this isn’t too much for you?” Dane asked quietly. “You should be getting to the hospital right now. You’ll need stitches. A lot of them,” he added wryly.

  Gracie shook her head. “This is important. They’ll never talk. But they don’t know what I can do.”

  Dane merely gave a nod and then stalked back over, pulling Isaac, Capshaw and Caleb away. After only a few seconds of conversing, they left the first guy entirely and moved on to the second, asking him the same questions. Each time Dane would glance at Gracie and she’d give a nod to let him know she’d picked up information.

  The longer it went on, the more worried Zack became. Gracie was growing visibly weaker and she was completely pale. She didn’t even have the strength to hold herself up and so Zack slid his arms around her, anchoring her against his frame, careful not to cause her further injury by aggravating her wound.

  His jaw was tight and pained from clenching his teeth so tightly. It was all he could do not to haul Gracie out of there that instant and get her to the hospital. But she soldiered on, focusing her efforts on each of the men being questioned.

  As she’d said, no one talked. They sneered arrogantly at each question and told Dane to fuck off. Dane was barely keeping it together. The tension was explosive and it looked as though the team leader was precariously close to taking out each and every one of them.

  When the last man was questioned, Dane strode back to Gracie and then hunkered down so he could look her in the eye. He took one of her hands and gently held it, his expression gentle.

  “Tell me, Gracie. Can you identify these men? Are they the same men who took you and beat you?”

  She swallowed hard but slowly nodded. “I remember them,” she whispered.

  Dane looked almost . . . disappointed. He sighed, resignation lining his face.

  “I’d prefer to just kill them,” he said bluntly. “God knows it’s what they deserve. But if you and Lizzie can both identify them, then we have an airtight case against them. And we have the others to go after now. Were you able to get enough information? Can you tell us enough to find them?” he asked Gracie.

  Again she nodded.

  And then Dane was all business again. He stood and barked orders to call it in to Ramirez and Briggs. Two ambulances were called, though Gracie insisted that Eliza be the first to go.

  Gracie kept gazing anxiously in Eliza’s direction, worry etched in every facet of her face. In response to her silent question, Zack gathered her more closely in his arms and gently lifted her and carried her over to where Eliza was being tended to.

  When Gracie saw that Eliza was conscious, she lost it. Tears streamed down her face and she struggled from Zack’s hold and wrapped her arms around the other woman.

  “Thank God,” Gracie said brokenly. “Thank God. I was so afraid we were too late.”

  Eliza held on to Gracie for a long moment, tears glimmering in her own eyes. Then she carefully pulled away, also mindful of Gracie’s injury, and she looked solemnly into Gracie’s eyes.

  “I understand I have you to thank.”

  Gracie shook her head vehemently. “No. It was Ramie who was able to find you. And Ari . . .” Gracie swiveled and waved her hand at the captive men in various places on the floor. “Ari did the rest.”

  Dane snorted. And then he sent pained looks in Caleb’s, Beau’s and Zack’s directions.

  “It would appear we have three Valkyries hell-bent on saving our asses at every turn.”

  Eliza grinned. “Is this where I say ‘yay girl power’?”

  Ramie pressed forward, though she was careful not to touch Eliza. Once had been enough for Ramie to endure Eliza’s torture. She wasn’t eager to repeat the experience.

  “Are you truly all right, Eliza?” Ramie asked anxiously.

  Eliza’s entire face warmed as she glanced between Ramie and Gracie. “Thanks to very dear friends—girlfriends—yes, I’m fine. Can’t say I won’t have nightmares after this, but give me a few days and I’ll be back on the job.”

  Then she glanced fiercely at Dane as if daring him to refuse.

  “I want in on the takedown, Dane.”

  Dane’s jaw clenched as though it were the very last thing he wanted to allow, but he nodded tightly. “Of course. But only after you’ve had a few days to heal. It will take that time to coordinate a takedown of this size. They have no reason to suspect we know where they’re hiding. They believe they’re invincible and impervious to any danger.”

  “That’s where they’re wrong,” Zack said darkly.

  “Are you all fucking crazy?” Wade roared.

  Gracie jumped, startled by the outburst. Eliza turned warily to look at Wade, who up to a few moments ago had been cradling her in his arms against his chest. But of course as soon as Eliza had felt steady enough she’d put up one hell of a fight and demanded Wade put her down. Eliza wouldn’t take kindly to appearing weak in front of her team. Even if that was the very last thing any of them would ever think about such a fierce woman.

  Wade was seething in anger and he shook his head back and forth, harsh expletives muttered under his breath the entire time. But it was Eliza he directed his fury at.

  “You were just goddamn tortured. They waterboarded you. You’re in no condition to mount a full-scale assault on this organization. What the fuck are you thinking? You should be in the goddamn hospital, for Christ’s sake!”

  Eliza smiled. “That’s the way I roll, I guess.”

  “You need a fucking keeper,” Wade muttered. “Someone with more sense than you so he can keep you out of trouble.”

  Eliza snorted. “I’d like to see a man try it.”

  Wade’s eyes glittered at the challenge in Eliza’s voice and he stared her down but Eliza didn’t budge one inch. Defiance was bright in her eyes but so was anger and rage. Zack could well understand Eliza’s need for revenge. It was a bitter, all-consuming taste in his mouth as well. He wanted these assholes to pay for every single woman important to DSS who’d been hurt by complete cowardice.

  Eliza glanced at the group around her as though searching for someone. Fear and concern furrowed her brow.

  “Ari? Where is Ari? Is she all right?” Eliza asked in a panicked tone.

  “She’s fine, Lizzie,” Dane soothed. “Beau is seeing to her now. It was hard on her. It always is. But she seems to be recovering more quickly this time.”

  Eliza sagged in relief. She hugged herself tightly as though she were cold. Wade slipped his arms around her from behind and pulled her against him so she’d absorb his body heat. She acted as though she didn’t even notice.

  She closed her eyes wearily. “I’d never want my freedom at the cost of one of your lives. I couldn’t bear it.”

  “Too fucking bad,” Dane said rudely. “You risk your life for us all the goddamn time. So suck it up and deal when we do the same for you.”

  Eliza smiled ruefully. “Okay, boss man.”

  Then she frowned as if only just realizing that Wade was surrounding her, his arms wrapped tightly, trapping her against his body. She immediately shoved away, putting distance between them, and she sco
wled her displeasure at Wade.

  In the distance the wail of multiple sirens sounded. Dane tensed and glanced back at the contained prisoners.

  “Fuck, this is going to be a long goddamn night,” Dane grumbled. “I hate paperwork and dealing with cops, even if they’re on our side. I just hope to hell no reporters show up.”


  ANNA-GRACE lay on her side on the stretcher in the emergency room, half dozing, fuzzy from the pain medication. She wasn’t complaining, though, because her wound required a lot of stitches and she was glad for the most part she’d been completely oblivious to what was going on.

  It wasn’t hurting, a fact she was thankful for. Because when the adrenaline had worn off in the aftermath of Eliza’s rescue, the pain had screamed through her back, catching her completely off guard. She’d nearly hyperventilated on the way to the hospital, until the paramedic administered oxygen and then very nicely injected morphine into her IV.

  The rest of the ride was a warm, fuzzy haze, her only memory arriving at the hospital and Zack’s head appearing above hers when they unloaded her stretcher from the ambulance. He’d been grim and worried and lines of strain were evident in his face.

  She’d given him a goofy smile and said, “Don’t be sad, Zack. I’m a Valkyrie.”

  She nearly groaned as that memory came back to her. God, could she have been any more ridiculous? And apparently she hadn’t been particularly quiet with her declaration because she’d heard laughter from several different sources.

  Despite not minding the state between awake and sleeping, she forced her eyelids open and saw Zack slumped in a chair right next to the head of her bed. Her arm was outstretched and his hand was curled around hers through the bars of the bed rail.

  She studied their clasped hands a moment, pondering how right it felt. As though they hadn’t spent the last twelve years apart.

  As if sensing her silent perusal, his eyes opened and then he became more alert, leaning forward so his face was closer to hers. With his free hand he smoothed his palm over her cheek, so much love and concern in his eyes that for a moment she couldn’t breathe.

  This was not the look of a man who’d brutally betrayed her.

  And so she had to ask. Because she had to know. It was suddenly the most important thing in the world to her.

  “Zack?” she said softly.

  “Yes, baby, I’m here. Are you all right? Are you hurting?”

  She shook her head but stopped when that did hurt.

  “Where did you go?” she asked in a quiet voice.

  He didn’t pretend to misunderstand, nor did he ask for clarification. For a moment his eyes went so hard that she shivered. His hand trembled around hers and he swallowed several times as if trying to compose himself.

  “I intend to tell you all about it,” he said in a controlled voice. “There’s a lot we need to talk about, Gracie. A lot you have to know. But not here. Please give me that much. The doctor said you’ll be discharged soon. They aren’t keeping you overnight. Just sending you home with antibiotics and pain medicine and instructions to rest and not aggravate your wound, which I fully intend to ensure you do. I swear to you, I will tell you everything when we’re alone.”

  There was a pleading look in his eyes and for a moment he looked so very vulnerable. Her heart clenched and she squeezed his hand just to have an anchor.

  “Okay?” he whispered.

  “Okay,” she whispered back. “How is Eliza? And Ari?”

  His lips quirked into a half smile. “Eliza is raising hell because they want to keep her overnight for observation and she’s not having it. However, Wade has threatened to sit on her and they’re currently in a standoff and neither is budging. The rest of us are just staying the hell out of the way. I think Wade is going to win this one.”

  Anna-Grace smiled, imagining well the clash of those two stubborn wills.

  “And Ari?” she prompted.

  “Beau took her home,” Zack said. “She was okay. Just very weak.”

  Anna-Grace heaved a sigh of relief.

  “You scared the hell out of me,” he said starkly, abruptly switching the focus to her. “Don’t ever do that again, Gracie. My heart can’t take it. Do you have any idea how helpless I felt knowing I couldn’t get to you in time? Why in the hell did you do it?”

  She shrugged. “It was the right thing to do.”

  Zack closed his eyes. “Jesus.”