Read Saint Bartholomew's Eve: A Tale of the Huguenot Wars Page 16

  Chapter 15: The Battle Of Jarnac.

  While the two armies were lying inactive through the winter, theagents of both were endeavouring to interest other European powersin the struggle. The pope and Philip of Spain assisted the Guises;while the Duc de Deux-Ponts was preparing to lead an army to theassistance of the Huguenots, from the Protestant states of Germany.The Cardinal Chatillon was in England, eloquently supporting theletters of the Queen of Navarre to Elizabeth, asking for aid andmunitions of war, men, and money--the latter being required,especially, to fulfil the engagements made with the Germanmercenaries.

  Elizabeth listened favourably to these requests while, with herusual duplicity, she gave the most solemn assurances to the courtof France that, so far from assisting the Huguenots, she held inhorror those who raised the standard of rebellion against theirsovereigns. She lent, however, 7000 pounds to the King of Navarre,taking ample security in the way of jewels for the sum; and orderedAdmiral Winter to embark six cannons, three hundred barrels ofpowder, and four thousand balls, and carry them to La Rochelle. Theadmiral, well aware of the crooked policy of the queen, and herreadiness to sacrifice any of her subjects in order to justifyherself, absolutely refused to sail until he received an ordersigned by the queen herself.

  His caution was justified for, upon the French ambassadorremonstrating with her upon supplying the king's enemies, shedeclared that the assistance was wholly involuntary; for thatAdmiral Winter had entered the port of La Rochelle simply topurchase wine, and other merchandise, for some ships that he wasconvoying. The governor, however, had urged him so strongly to sellto him some guns and ammunition that he, seeing that his ships werecommanded by the guns of the forts, felt himself obliged to complywith the request. The court of France professed to be satisfiedwith this statement, although perfectly aware of its absoluteuntruth; but they did not wish, while engaged in the struggle withthe Huguenots, to be involved in open war with England.

  As soon as spring commenced, both armies again prepared to take thefield. The position of the Huguenots was by no means so strong asit had been, when winter set in. Considerable numbers had died fromdisease; while large bodies had returned to their homes, the noblesand citizens being alike unable to continue any longer in thefield, owing to the exhaustion of their resources. Upon the otherhand, although the army of Anjou had suffered equally from disease,it had not been diminished by desertion, as the troops were paidout of the royal treasury. Two thousand two hundred Germanhorsemen, a portion of the large force sent by the Catholic princesof Germany, had joined him; and the Count de Tende had brought 3000soldiers from the south of France. Other nobles came in, as thewinter broke, with bodies of their retainers.

  The southern Huguenot leaders, known as the Viscounts, remained inGuyenne to protect the Protestant districts. The plan of Conde andthe Admiral was to effect a junction with them, and then to marchand meet the army of the Duc de Deux-Ponts. They therefore leftNiort, which had for some time been their headquarters, and marchedsouth towards Cognac; while the Duc d'Anjou moved in the samedirection.

  Both armies reached the river Charente at the same time, but uponopposite sides. The Royalists seized the town of Chateau Neuf,halfway between Jarnac and Cognac; and set to work to repair thebridge, which had been broken down by the Huguenots. Their mainarmy marched down to Cognac, and made a pretence of attacking thetown.

  The Huguenots were spread over a long line; and the Admiral, seeingthe danger of being attacked while so scattered, sent to Conde, whocommanded the most advanced part of the army opposite Chateau Neuf,begging him to retire. Conde, however, with his usual rashness,declined to fall back; exclaiming that a Bourbon never fled from afoe.

  The troop of Francois de Laville was with a large body of horse,commanded by the Count de la Noue. Life had passed quietly at thechateau, after the repulse of the attack; for the occupation ofNiort by a large force, under the Admiral, secured Laville from anyrisk of a repetition of the attack.

  The garrison and the whole of the tenantry, after they had erectedhuts for their families, devoted themselves to the work ofstrengthening the defences. Flanking towers were erected at theangles of the walls. The moat was doubled in width, and a workerected beyond it, to guard the approach across the drawbridge. Thewindows on the unprotected side were all partially closed withbrickwork, leaving only loopholes through which the defenders couldfire. The battlements of the wall were raised two feet and piercedwith loopholes, so that the defenders would no longer be obliged toraise their heads above its shelter to fire; and the narrow pathwas widened by the erection of a platform, so as to give more roomfor the men to use their weapons.

  A garrison, composed of fifty of the younger men on the farms, tookthe place of the troop when it rode away.

  Anjou had prepared several bridges, and suddenly crossed the riveron the night of the 12th of March; the movement being so wellmanaged that even the Huguenot divisions in the neighbourhood wereunaware, until morning, of what was taking place. As soon as theAdmiral was informed that the enemy had crossed in great force,messengers were sent off in all directions, to order the scattereddivisions to concentrate.

  The operation was a slow one. Discipline was lax, and many of thecommanders, instead of occupying the positions assigned to them,had taken up others where better accommodation could be obtained;and much time was lost before the orders reached them. Even thentheir movements were slow, and it was afternoon before those in theneighbourhood were assembled, and the Admiral prepared to fall backtowards the main body of the army, which lay near the positionoccupied by Conde.

  But before this could be done, the whole Royalist army were uponhim. He had taken part at Bassac, a little village with an abbey,with but De la Noue's cavalry and a small number of infantry withhim; and though the latter fought desperately, they could not checkthe advance of the enemy.

  "This is worse than Saint Denis, Francois," De la Noue said, as heprepared to charge a vastly superior body of the enemy's cavalry,advancing against the village. "However, it must be done; forunless Anjou's advance is checked, the battle will be lost beforeConde can arrive. You and your cousin had best put yourself at thehead of your own troop."

  On reaching his men Francois gave the order:

  "Now, my men, is the time to show that you have profited by yourdrill. Keep in a solid body. Do not break up and engage in singleconflicts for, if you do, we must be overpowered by numbers. Rideboot to boot. Keep your eyes fixed on our plumes and, when we turn,do you turn also, and follow us closely."

  When De la Noue's trumpet sounded the charge, the band of horsemenburst down upon the Catholic cavalry, broke their ranks, andpierced far into them. Francois and Philip were but a horse'slength ahead of their men, and the pressure of the enemy soon drovethem back into their ranks. Keeping in a close and compact body,they fought their way on until Francois perceived that they wereseparated from the rest of the force. Then he put the horn that hewore slung over his shoulder to his lips, and gave the command towheel round. It was obeyed, and the line, which was four deep,fought their way round until facing the rear; and then, puttingspurs to their horses, they overthrew all opposition and clefttheir way out through the enemy, and then galloped back to Bassac.

  The village was lost, and the defenders were falling back indisorder upon D'Andelot; who, with his division, was just arrivingto their assistance. For a moment, the fugitive horse and footbroke up his ranks. But he rallied his men and, advancing, drovethe Catholics out of the village and retook the abbey.

  But as a whole army was opposed to him, the success was but brief.After a desperate struggle the village was again lost, and theHuguenots fell back, contesting every foot of the ground, along araised causeway.

  The enemy were, however, fast outflanking them; and they were onthe point of destruction when Conde arrived, with three hundredknights with whom he had ridden forward, leaving the infantry tofollow, as soon as Coligny's message for help had reached him.

  He himself was in no condition for battle. H
is arm had been broken bya cannon shot and, just as he reached the scene of battle, his hipwas fractured by the kick of a horse ridden by his brother-in-law,La Rochefoucault. Nevertheless he did not hesitate but, calling onhis little band to follow him, rode full at a body of eight hundredof the Catholic cavalry.

  For a time the struggle was a desperate one. The Huguenotsperformed prodigies of valour; but the Royalists were reinforced,and the devoted band melted away. One Huguenot nobleman, named LaVergne, fought surrounded by twenty-five of his kinsmen whom hebrought into the field. He himself, and fifteen of his followers,fell in a circle. Most of the others were taken prisoners.

  At last Conde's horse was killed under him and fell, pinning him tothe ground. Conde raised his visor, and surrendered to two knightsto whom he was known. They raised him from the ground respectfully;but as they did so Montesquieu, captain of Anjou's guards, rode upand, drawing a pistol, shot Conde in the back, killing him almostinstantaneously. Several other Huguenot nobles were killed in coldblood, after they had surrendered.

  But Conde's magnificent charge had not been without effect, for itenabled the Admiral to draw off from the field, without furtherloss. The accounts of the number of killed and wounded differ, butnumerically it was very small. The Huguenot infantry were notengaged at all, with the exception of a small body of the regimentof Plupiart. But of their cavalry nearly four hundred were killedor taken prisoners, and of these a hundred and forty were noblesand gentlemen, the flower of the Huguenot nobility. Among theprisoners were La Noue, Soubise, La Loue, and many others ofdistinction.

  Coligny's retreat was not interfered with. The satisfaction of theCatholics at the death of Conde was so great that they werecontented to rest upon their success. There were great rejoicingsthroughout France, and the Catholic countries of Europe, over theexaggerated accounts issued by Anjou of his victory; and it wasgenerally considered that the Huguenot cause was lost. However, outof a hundred and twenty-eight troops of cavalry, only fifteen hadbeen engaged; and only six out of two hundred companies ofinfantry.

  The army retired to Cognac, where the brave Queen of Navarre atonce hurried, on hearing the intelligence, and herself addressedthe army; reminding them that though the Prince of Conde was dead,the good cause was still alive, and that God would provide freshinstruments for carrying on His work. She then hurried away to LaRochelle, to make provision for the needs of the army.

  The young Prince Henry was, at Conde's death, nominally placed incommand of the army as general-in-chief; and he was joined by hiscousin, the young Prince of Conde, a lad of about his own age.

  D'Anjou, one of the most despicable of the princes of France, wasso intoxicated by the success that he had gained that, for a time,he made no effort to follow up his advantage. He disgraced himselfby having the body of Conde stripped and carried on a donkey toJarnac, and there exposed for four days by the house where helodged; while he occupied himself in writing vaingloriousdespatches to all the Catholic kings and princes.

  At last he moved forward to the siege of Cognac. Seven thousand infantry,for the most part new levies, had been placed here by Coligny; and thesereceived the royal army with great determination. Not only were theassaults upon the walls repulsed, with heavy loss; but the garrison mademany sallies and, after wasting a month before the town, Anjou,despairing of its capture, drew off the army, which had suffered heavierlosses here than it had done in the battle of Jarnac.

  He then besieged Saint Jean d'Angely, where the garrison, commandedby Count Montgomery, also repulsed all attacks. Angouleme wasattacked with an equal want of success; but Mucidan, a town to thesouthwest of Perigueux, was captured. The attack upon it, however,cost the life of De Brissac, one of his best officers--a loss whichAnjou avenged by the murder, in cold blood, of the garrison; whichsurrendered on condition that life and property should be spared.

  As a set off to the success of the Huguenots, they suffered a heavyblow in the death of the gallant D'Andelot, the Admiral'sbrother--an officer of the highest ability, who had, before theoutbreak of the troubles, occupied the rank of colonel general ofthe French infantry. His death was attributed by both parties topoison, believed to have been administered by an emissary ofCatherine de Medici. The fact, however, was not clearlyestablished; and possibly he fell a victim to arduous and unceasingtoil and exertion.

  Both Francois de Laville and Philip Fletcher had been severelywounded in the battle of Jarnac, and some twenty of their troop hadfallen in the fight. They were able, however, to sit their horsesuntil they reached Cognac. The Admiral visited them, as soon as hearrived there. He had noticed the little band, as it emergedunbroken from the charge and, at once, ranged itself up to aid himin retreating from the village of Bassac, until Conde's chargeenabled him to draw off. He praised the cousins highly for theirconduct and, as soon as they were able to be about again, hebestowed on both the honour of knighthood; and then sent them to LaRochelle, to remain there until perfectly cured.

  The vacancies in the troop were filled up by young men from theestate, who responded to the summons, of the countess, for men totake the place of those who had fallen in her son's command.

  The young Prince of Navarre had, while at Cognac, paid frequentvisits to Philip, for whom he had taken a great liking; and heagain begged Coligny to appoint him as one of the knights told offas his special bodyguard. The Admiral, however, repeated thearguments he had before used.

  "He is very young, prince, though he has borne himself so well; andit would create much jealousy among our young nobles, were I tochoose a foreigner for so honourable a post."

  "But my councillors are all staid men, Admiral; and I want someoneI can talk to, without ceremony."

  "There are plenty of young Frenchmen, prince. If you must chooseone, why not take the Count de Laville? You were saying, butyesterday, that you liked him."

  "Yes, he is something like his cousin. I think being together hasgiven him Philip's manner. If I cannot have Philip, I should liketo have him."

  "He would doubtless feel it a great honour, prince; while I doubt,were I to offer the post to the young Englishman, if he wouldaccept it. He has not come here to seek honour, but to fight forour faith. I had a conversation with him, one day, and found thatit was with that simple purpose he came here; and howeverhonourable the post, I am sure he would prefer one that gave himfull opportunity for taking an active part.

  "With De Laville it is different. He is a French noble; and maybe,someday, you will be king of France. He is of a brave andadventurous spirit; but methinks that the young Englishman has agreater genius for war. His cousin, although older, I observegenerally appeals to him for his opinion; and has frankly and noblygiven him the chief credit, in the affairs in which he has beenengaged."

  The Admiral was not mistaken. Francois, when asked if he would liketo be appointed as one of the gentlemen about the prince's person,at once embraced the offer; which, as he saw, afforded him greatopenings for advancement in the future. His only regret was that itwould separate him from Philip.

  When he said as much to his cousin, on informing him of theunexpected honour that had befallen him, Philip replied at once:

  "Do not think of that, Francois. I shall of course be sorry; but Ishall see you often, and you would be wrong to refuse such anoffer. The King of France has no children. His two brothers areunmarried. Anjou is, from all accounts, reckless and dissolute; andAlencon is sickly. They alone stand between Henry of Navarre andthe throne of France and, should he succeed to it, his intimateswill gain honours, rank, and possessions. There is not a youngnoble but would feel honoured by being selected for the post.

  "As for fighting, no one can say how long these troubles may last;and I am greatly mistaken if those round Henry of Navarre, when hereaches manhood, will not have their full share of it."

  Therefore, when the two newly-made young knights went to LaRochelle, for quiet and sea air, it was with the understandingthat, as soon as their strength was thoroughly recovered, Francoisshould resign the comman
d of the troop to Philip, and would himselfride with the Prince of Navarre and his cousin Conde. Francois hadat once written to his mother, with the news of his appointmentand, a few days after they reached La Rochelle, received an answerexpressing her gratification.

  "I rejoice," she said, "not only because it is a post of highhonour, but because it will take you somewhat out of the heat ofthe fray. I have not hesitated to let you risk your life in thecause; but you are my only son and, were you slain, I should bealone in the world; and the title would go to one of your cousins,for whom I care nothing; and it will be a comfort for me to know,in the future, you will not be running such fearful risks."

  At La Rochelle they took up their abode at Maitre Bertram's, andwere most kindly received by him and his daughter.

  "It is but two years since you landed here with madame, yourmother, Monsieur Fletcher. You were but a stripling then, thoughyou gave wonderful promise of size and strength. Now you are a man,and have won the honour of knighthood; and methinks that, in thewand sinew, there are not many in our army who would overmatch you."

  "Oh, yes, there are, Maitre Bertram," Philip laughed. "I have a bigframe like my father's, I will admit; and to look at, it may be asyou say; but I shall want many another year over my head, before mystrength matches my size. I am but just eighteen, and men do notcome to their full strength till they are five-and-twenty."

  "You are strong enough for anything, now," the merchant said; "andI should not like to stand a downright blow from you, in the bestsuit of armour ever forged.

  "I was glad to see that rascal Pierre come back with you. He is amerry fellow, though I fear that he causes idleness among myservants, for all the grave looks he puts on as he waits on you atdinner. Is he valiant?"

  "He has had no great opportunity of showing valour," Philipreplied; "but he is cool, and not easily ruffled, and he foughtstoutly in the defence of the Count de Laville's chateau; but ofcourse, it is not his business to ride behind me in battle."

  Philip had corresponded regularly with his parents, and hadreceived letters in reply from them, and also from his uncle andaunt; though these of course came irregularly, as ships happened tobe sailing for La Rochelle. His father wrote but briefly, but hisletters expressed satisfaction.

  "I am right glad," he said, "to think that a Fletcher is againcracking the skulls of Frenchmen--I mean, of course, of CatholicFrenchmen--for I regard the Huguenots, being of our religion, ashalf English. I don't say take care of yourself, my lad--it is notthe way of Englishmen to do that, on the battlefield--but it wouldbe a grievous day for us all, here, if we heard that aught hadbefallen you."

  The letters of his mother and aunt were of a different character,and dwelt strongly upon the sacred cause upon which he was engaged;and both rejoiced greatly over the number of Huguenots he andFrancois had rescued, round Niort.

  His uncle's letters were more worldly.

  "Your aunt's letters to my wife," he said, "speak very warmly inpraise of you. She said you have distinguished yourself highly,that you have attracted the attention of the Prince of Conde andthe Admiral, have rendered service to the Queen of Navarre and herson, and have received tokens of their esteem; also that you standhigh in the regard of the Count de la Noue, who is in all respectsa most accomplished gentleman; and that he has told her that hehopes, before long, you will receive the honour of knighthood.Worldly honours, Philip, are not to be despised, especially whenthey are won by worthy service; although I know that my wife andyour mother think but lightly of them, and that it is the fashionof those of our faith to treat them with contempt. Such is not myopinion. I am gratified to think that the money I have made intrade will descend to one of whom I can be proud; and who, in thiscountry, may occupy the position that his ancestors on his mother'sside did in my own; and to me it will be a matter of extremegratification if I hear that you have won your spurs, especially atthe hand of so great a leader, and so worthy a one, as AdmiralColigny. I promise you that there shall be feasting among the poorof Canterbury, on the day when the news comes.

  "Of late you have drawn but slightly upon me for, as you say, youhave few expenses save the pay of your five men, when staying atLaville; but do not stint money, should there be an occasion."

  Upon rejoining the camp, Philip found the time hang somewhatheavily upon his hands. Francois was necessarily much with theprince. Captain Montpace looked after the troop, and the Count dela Noue was in captivity. A few days after he rejoined, however,one of the Admiral's pages came to his tent, and requested him tocall upon Coligny.

  "The camp will break up tomorrow, Chevalier Fletcher," the lattersaid. "We are going down to join the Viscounts, and then march toeffect a junction with the Duc de Deux-Ponts, who we hear has nowfairly set out on his forward march. I wish to send a despatch tohim, and I know no one to whom I could better intrust it thanyourself. It is a mission of honour, but of danger. However, youhave already exhibited such tact and discretion, as well asbravery, that I believe if anyone can reach the duke, through thetwo royal armies that are trying to intercept him, you can do so.Will you undertake the mission?"

  "I am greatly honoured by your intrusting me with it, sir, and willassuredly do my best."

  "I do not propose that you should travel in disguise," the Admiralsaid, "for disguise means slow motion, and there is need fordespatch. Therefore, I should say, take a small body ofwell-mounted men with you, and ride as speedily as you can. Howmany to take, I leave to your discretion. The despatches will beready for you, by ten o'clock tonight."

  "I shall be ready to start at that hour, sir," and Philip returnedto his tent.

  After sitting thinking for a few minutes he called to Pierre, whowas sitting outside.

  "Pierre, I want your advice. I am about to start on a journey tothe east of France. I do not go this time in disguise, but ridestraight through. What think you? How many men shall I take withme--one, or fifty?"

  "Not fifty, certainly," Pierre said promptly. "There is mightytrouble in feeding fifty men. Besides, you may have to pass as aRoyalist, and who can answer for the discretion of so many?Besides, if we have to turn and double, there is no hiding fiftymen. If you ride through the smallest village at midnight, thenoise would wake the inhabitants; and when the enemy came up, theywould get news of your passage.

  "I do not see that you can do better than take Eustace and Rogerand myself. Henri will not be fit to ride for weeks, yet; andalthough Jacques is recovering from the loss of his bridle arm, yousettled that he was to go to Laville, where the countess would takehim into her service. Jarnac lessened your force by half; but Ithink that two will be as good as four, on a journey like this.Such a party can pass unnoticed. It is but a gentleman, with tworetainers behind him, from a neighbouring chateau."

  "That is what I concluded myself, Pierre; but I thought I would askyour opinion about it, for you have shown yourself a shrewd fellow.

  "All your horses are in good condition, and it is well that Iexchanged those you rode before, for some of the best of the threehundred we captured from the assailants of the chateau. Of course,you will ride one of my horses; changing the saddle every day, asyour weight is so much less than mine.

  "I shall not take armour with me. The extra weight tells heavily,on a long journey; and besides, a knight in full armour wouldattract more attention than one riding, as it would seem, forpleasure.

  "Let Eustace and Roger pick the two best horses."

  "When do we start, sir?"

  "We must be saddled, and ready to start, by ten tonight. See that abottle of wine, a cold fowl, and a portion of bread for each arebrought along with us. We shall have a long night's ride.

  "We will carry no valises. They add to the weight, and look liketravelling. Let each man make a small canvas bag, and place in it achange of linen. It can be rolled up in the cloak, and strappedbehind the saddle. A dozen charges, for each pistol, will be morethan we shall be likely to require. Tell them to take no more. Theymust take their breast pieces and steel caps, of course.
They canleave the back pieces behind them.

  "I will go round to the hospital, and say goodbye to Henri andJacques. They will feel being left behind, sorely."

  After visiting his wounded followers, he went to the house occupiedby the Prince of Navarre, where Francois also was lodged.

  "So I hear you are off again, Philip," the latter said; as hiscousin entered the salon where two or three of the prince'scompanions were sitting. "I should feel envious of you, were it notthat we also are on the point of starting."

  "How did you know I was going off, Francois?"

  "The prince told me, half an hour since. He heard it from theAdmiral. He told me he wished he was going with you, instead ofwith the army. He is always thirsting after adventure. He bade mebring you in to him, if you came. I said you would be sure to doso. It was useless my going out to look for you, as I could nottell what you might have to do before starting."

  The young prince threw aside the book he was reading, when theyentered.

  "Ah, monsieur the Englishman," he said; "so you are off again, likea veritable knight-errant of romance, in search of freshadventure."

  "No, sir, my search will be to avoid adventure."

  "Ah, well, you are sure to find some, whether or not. Sapristie,but it is annoying to be born a prince."

  "It has its advantages also, sir," Philip said, smiling.

  The prince laughed merrily.

  "So I suppose; but for my part, I have not discovered them, as yet.I must hope for the future; but it appears to me, now, that it cannever be pleasant. One is obliged to do this, that, and the otherbecause one is a prince. One always has to have one's head full ofpolitics, to listen gravely to stupidities, to put up with tiresomepeople, and never to have one's own way in anything. However, Isuppose my turn will come; but at present, I would rather behunting the wild goats in Navarre than pretending to begeneral-in-chief of an army, when everyone knows that I am not evenas free to go my own way as a common soldier.

  "I shall look to see you again, Chevalier Philip; and shall expectyou to have some more good stories to tell me."

  Having handed him his despatches, the Admiral pointed out to himthe position, as far as he knew by recent report, of the forcesunder the Dukes of Aumale and Nemours.

  "Possibly there will be other enemies," the Admiral said; "for ourfriends in Paris have sent me word that the Spanish ambassador has,at the king's request, written to beg the Duke of Alva, andMansfeld, governor of Luxembourg, to send troops to aid in barringthe way to the Duc de Deux-Ponts. I hope Alva has his hands fullwith his own troubles, in the Netherlands; and although Spain isalways lavish of promises, it gives but little real aid to theking.

  "Then again, on the road you may meet with bands of Germanmercenaries, sent by the Catholic princes to join the royal forces.As you see, the despatches are written small and, at your firsthalt, it will be well if you sew them in the lining of your boot.They will escape observation there, however closely you may besearched; for they are but of little bulk, and I have written themon the softest paper I could obtain, so that it will not crackle tothe touch.

  "I leave it to yourself to choose the route; but I think that youcould not do better than take that one you before followed, whenyou and Laville joined me at Chatillon. Thence keep well souththrough Lorraine. The royal forces are at Metz. I can give you nofarther instructions; for I cannot say how rapidly Deux-Ponts maymove, or what route he may be obliged to take, to avoid the royalforces.

  "And now farewell, lad. Remember that it is an important serviceyou are rendering to our cause, and that much depends on yourreaching Deux-Ponts; for the despatches tell him the route by whichI intend to move, indicate that which he had best follow in orderthat he may effect a junction, and give him many details as toroads, fords, and bridges, that may be of vital importance to him."

  Philip rode forty miles that night; and put up, just as daylightwas breaking, at the village of Auverge. There they rested for sixhours, and then rode on to Laville; where he was received withgreat joy by his aunt, for whom he bore a letter from Francois.After halting here for a few hours, they continued their journey.

  So far they had been riding through a friendly country, but had nowto travel with due precautions; journeying fast, and yet takingcare that the horses should not be overworked, as sudden occasionmight arise for speed or endurance; and as the journey was someeight hundred miles long, it behoved him to carefully husband thestrength of the animals.

  After riding another fifteen miles, they stopped for the night at avillage, as Philip intended to journey by day; for his arrival atinns, early in the morning, would excite comment. The three men hadbeen carefully instructed in the story they were to tell, at theinns where they halted. Their master was Monsieur de Vibourg, whoseestate lay near the place at which they halted on the precedingnight; and who was going for a short visit, to friends, at the nexttown at which they would arrive. If questioned as to his politics,they were to say that he held aloof from the matter, for heconsidered that undue violence was exercised towards the Huguenots;who, he believed, if permitted to worship in their own way, wouldbe good and harmless citizens.

  So day by day they journeyed along, avoiding all large towns, andriding quietly through small ones, where their appearance attractedno attention whatever. On the fourth day when, as usual, they hadhalted to dine and give their horses a couple of hours' rest,Philip heard the trampling of horses outside the inn. Going to thewindow he saw two gentlemen, with eight armed retainers,dismounting at the door. The gentlemen wore the Royalist colours.At the same moment, Pierre came into the room.

  "I have told Eustace and Roger to finish their meal quickly, andthen to get the horses saddled; to mount, and take ours quietly tothe end of the village, and wait for us there, sir; so that ifthere should be trouble, we have but to leap through the casement,and make a short run of it."

  "That is very well done, Pierre," Philip said; reseating himself atthe table, while Pierre took his place behind his chair, as ifwaiting upon him.

  The door opened, and the two gentlemen entered. They did not, asusual, remove their hats; but seated themselves at a table, andbegan talking noisily. Presently one made a remark in a low tone tothe other, who turned round in his chair, and stared offensively atPhilip. The latter continued his meal, without paying any attentionto him.

  "And who may you be, young sir?" the man said, rising and walkingacross the room.

  "I am not in the habit of answering questions addressed to me bystrangers," Philip said quietly.

  "Parbleu, custom or no custom, you have to answer them, now. Thisis not a time when men can go about unquestioned. You do not wearthe Royalist colours, and I demand to know who you are."

  "I would wear the Royalist colours, if I were on the way to jointhe Royalist army," Philip replied calmly; "as at present I am notdoing so, but am simply travelling as a private gentleman, I see nooccasion for putting on badges."

  "You have not answered my question. Who are you?"

  "I do not intend to answer the question. My name is a matter whichconcerns myself only."

  "You insolent young knave," the man said angrily, "I will crop yourears for you."

  Philip rose from the table; and the other was, for a moment,surprised at the height and proportions of one whom he had takenfor a mere lad.

  "I desire to have no words with you," Philip said. "Eat your dinnerin peace, and let me eat mine; for if it comes to cutting off ears,you may find that you had better have left the matter alone."

  Philip struck him full in the face.]

  The gentleman put his hand to the hilt of his sword, and was in theact of drawing it when Philip, making a step forward, struck himfull in the face with all his strength, knocking him backwards tothe ground. His companion leapt from his seat, drawing a pistolfrom his belt as he did so; when Pierre sent a plate skimmingacross the room with great force. It struck the man in the mouth,cutting his lips and knocking out some of his front teeth. Thepistol exploded harmlessly in t
he air, while the sudden shock andpain staggered and silenced him; and before he could recoversufficiently to draw his sword or to shout, Philip and Pierreleaped through the open casement, and ran down the street.