Read Saint Bartholomew's Eve: A Tale of the Huguenot Wars Page 4

  Chapter 3: In A French Chateau.

  The three days' ride to the chateau of the Countess de Laville wasmarked by no incident. To Philip it was an exceedingly pleasantone. Everything was new to him; the architecture of the churchesand villages, the dress of the people, their modes of agriculture,all differing widely from those to which he was accustomed. In somevillages the Catholics predominated, and here the passage of thelittle party was regarded with frowning brows and muttered threats;by the Huguenots they were saluted respectfully, and if theyhalted, many questions were asked their followers as to news aboutthe intentions of the court, the last rumours as to the attitude ofConde, and the prospects of a continuance of peace.

  Here, too, great respect was paid to Marie and Philip when it wasknown they were relatives of the Countess de Laville, and belongedto the family of the De Moulins. Emilie had for some time been awidow--the count, her husband, having fallen at the battle ofDreux, at the end of the year 1562--but being an active and capablewoman, she had taken into her hands the entire management of theestates, and was one of the most influential among the Huguenotnobles of that part of the country.

  From their last halting place, Marie Vaillant sent on a letter byone of the men to her sister, announcing their coming. She hadwritten on her landing at La Rochelle, and they had been met ontheir way by a messenger from the countess, expressing her delightthat her sister had at last carried out her promise to visit her,and saying that Francois was looking eagerly for the coming of hiscousin.

  The chateau was a semi-fortified building, capable of making astout resistance against any sudden attack. It stood on the slopeof a hill, and Philip felt a little awed at its stately aspect asthey approached it. When they were still a mile away, a party ofhorsemen rode out from the gateway, and in a few minutes theirleader reined up his horse in front of them and, springing from it,advanced towards Philip, who also alighted and helped his aunt todismount.

  "My dear aunt," the young fellow said, doffing his cap, "I am comein the name of my mother to greet you, and to tell you how joyfulshe is that you have, at last, come back to us.

  "This is my Cousin Philip, of course; though you are not what Iexpected to see. My mother told me that you were two years' myjunior, and I had looked to find you still a boy; but, by my faith,you seem to be as old as I am. Why, you are taller by two inches,and broader and stronger too, I should say. Can it be true that youare but sixteen?"

  "That is my age, Cousin Francois; and I am, as you expected, but aboy yet and, I can assure you, no taller or broader than many of myEnglish schoolfellows of the same age."

  "But we must not delay, aunt," Francois said, turning again to her."My mother's commands were urgent, that I was not to delay a momentin private talk with you, but to bring you speedily on to her;therefore I pray you to mount again and ride on with me, fordoubtless she is watching impatiently now, and will chide merarely, if we linger."

  Accordingly the party remounted at once, and rode forward to thechateau. A dozen men-at-arms were drawn up at the gate and, on thesteps of the entrance from the courtyard into the chateau itself,the countess was standing. Francois leapt from his horse, and wasby the side of his aunt as Philip reined in his horse. Taking hishand, she sprang lightly from the saddle, and in a moment the twosisters fell into each others' arms.

  It was more than twenty years since they last met, but time haddealt gently with them both. The countess had changed least. Shewas two or three years older than Marie, was tall, and had beensomewhat stately even as a girl. She had had many cares, but herposition had always been assured; as the wife of a powerful nobleshe had been accustomed to be treated with deference and respect,and although the troubles of the times and the loss of her husbandhad left their marks, she was still a fair and stately woman at theage of forty-three. Marie, upon the other hand, had lived anuntroubled life for the past twenty years. She had married a manwho was considered beneath her, but the match had been in every waya happy one. Her husband was devoted to her, and the expression ofher face showed that she was a thoroughly contented and happywoman.

  "You are just what I fancied you would be, Marie, a quiet littlehome bird, living in your nest beyond the sea, and free from allthe troubles and anxieties of our unhappy country. You have beengood to write so often, far better than I have been; and I seem toknow all about your quiet, well-ordered home, and your good husbandand his business that flourishes so. I thought you were a littlefoolish in your choice, and that our father was wrong in mating youas he did; but it has turned out well, and you have been living inquiet waters, while we have been encountering a sea of troubles.

  "And this tall youth is our nephew, Philip? I wish you could havebrought over Lucie with you. It would have been pleasant, indeed,for us three sisters to be reunited again, if only for a time. Why,your Philip is taller than Francois, and yet he is two yearsyounger. I congratulate you and Lucie upon him.

  "Salute me, nephew. I had not looked to see so proper a youth. Youshow the blood of the De Moulins plainly, Philip. I suppose you getyour height and your strength from your English father?"

  "They are big men, these English, Emilie; and his father is big,even among them. But, as you say, save in size Philip takes afterour side rather than his father's; and of course he has mixed somuch with our colony at Canterbury that, in spite of his beingEnglish bred, we have preserved in him something of the Frenchmanner, and I think his heart is fairly divided between the twocountries."

  "Let us go in," the countess said. "You need rest and refreshmentafter your journey, and I long to have a quiet talk with you.

  "Francois, do you take charge of your cousin. I have told theserving men to let you have a meal in your own apartments, and thenyou can show him over the chateau and the stables."

  Francois and Philip bowed to the two ladies, and then went offtogether.

  "That is good," the young count said, laying his hand on Philip'sshoulder; "now we shall get to know each other. You will not beangry, I hope, when I tell you that, though I have looked forwardto seeing my aunt and you, I have yet been a little anxious in mymind. I do not know why, but I have always pictured the English assomewhat rough and uncouth--as doughty fighters, for so they haveshown themselves to our cost, but as somewhat deficient in thegraces of manner--and when I heard that my aunt was bringing youover, to leave you for a time with us, since you longed to fight inthe good cause, I have thought--pray, do not be angry with me, forI feel ashamed of myself now--" and he hesitated.

  "That I should be a rough cub, whom you would be somewhat ashamedof introducing to your friends as your cousin," Philip laughed. "Iam not surprised. English boys have ideas just as erroneous aboutthe French, and it was a perpetual wonder to my schoolfellows that,being half French, I was yet as strong and as tough as they were.Doubtless I should have been somewhat different, had I not lived somuch with my uncle and aunt and the Huguenot community atCanterbury. Monsieur Vaillant and my aunt have always impressedupon me that I belong to a noble French family, and might some daycome over here to stay with my relations; and have taken much painswith my deportment and manners, and have so far succeeded that I amalways called 'Frenchy' among my English companions, though intheir own games and sports I could hold my own with any of them."

  "And can you ride, Philip?"

  "I can sit on any horse, but I have had no opportunity of learningthe menage."

  "That matters little, after all," Francois said; "though it is anadvantage to be able to manage your horse with a touch of the heel,or the slightest pressure of the rein, and to make him wheel andturn at will, while leaving both arms free to use your weapons. Youhave learned to fence?"

  "Yes. There were some good masters among the colony, and many alesson have I had from old soldiers passing through, who paid for aweek's hospitality by putting me up to a few tricks with thesword."

  "I thought you could fence," Francois said. "You would hardly havethat figure and carriage, unless you had practised with the sword.And you dance, I suppose. Man
y of our religion regard suchamusement as frivolous, if not sinful; but my mother, although asstaunch a Huguenot as breathes, insists upon my learning it, not asan amusement but as an exercise. There was no reason, she said, whythe Catholics should monopolize all the graces."

  "Yes, I learned to dance, and for the same reason. I think my unclerather scandalized the people of our religion in Canterbury. Hemaintained that it was necessary, as part of the education of agentleman; and that in the English Protestant court, dancing was ashighly thought of as in that of France, the queen herself beingnoted for her dancing, and none can throw doubts upon herProtestantism. My mother and aunt were both against it, but as myfather supported my uncle, he had his own way."

  "Well I see, Philip, that we shall be good comrades. There are manyamong us younger Huguenots who, though as staunch in the religionas our fathers, and as ready to fight and die for it if need be,yet do not see that it is needful to go about always with gravefaces, and to be cut off from all innocent amusements. It is ournatural disposition to be gay, and I see not why, because we holdthe Mass in detestation, and have revolted against the authority ofthe Pope and the abuses of the church, we should go through life asif we were attending a perpetual funeral. Unless I am mistaken,such is your disposition also; for although your face is grave,your eyes laugh."

  "I have been taught to bear myself gravely, in the presence of myelders," Philip replied with a smile; "and truly at Canterbury theFrench colony was a grave one, being strangers in a strange land;but among my English friends, I think I was as much disposed for abit of fun or mischief as any of them."

  "But I thought the English were a grave race."

  "I think not, Francois. We call England 'Merry England.' I think weare an earnest people, but not a grave one. English boys play withall their might. The French boys of the colony never used to joinin our sports, regarding them as rude and violent beyond allreason; but it is all in good humour, and it is rare, indeed, foranyone to lose his temper, however rough the play and hard theknocks. Then they are fond of dancing and singing, save among thestrictest sects; and the court is as gay as any in Europe. I do notthink that the English can be called a grave people."

  "Well, I am glad that it is so, Philip, especially that youyourself are not grave. Now, as we have finished our meal, let usvisit the stables. I have a horse already set aside for you; but Isaw, as we rode hither, that you are already excellently mounted.Still, Victor, that is his name, shall be at your disposal. Asecond horse is always useful, for shot and arrows no more spare ahorse than his rider."

  The stables were large and well ordered for, during the past twomonths, there had been large additions made by the countess, inview of the expected troubles.

  "This is my charger. I call him Rollo. He was bred on the estateand, when I am upon him, I feel that the king is not bettermounted."

  "He is a splendid animal, indeed," Philip said, as Rollo tossed hishead, and whinnied with pleasure at his master's approach.

  "He can do anything but talk," Francois said, as he patted him. "Hewill lie down when I tell him, will come to my whistle and, withthe reins lying loose on his neck, will obey my voice as readily ashe would my hand.

  "This is my second horse, Pluto. He is the equal of Rollo instrength and speed, but not so docile and obedient, and he has atemper of his own."

  "He looks it," Philip agreed. "I should keep well out of reach ofhis heels and jaws."

  "He is quiet enough when I am on his back," Francois laughed; "butI own that he is the terror of the stable boys.

  "This is Victor. He is not quite as handsome as Rollo, but he hasspeed and courage and good manners."

  "He is a beautiful creature," Philip said enthusiastically. "I wasvery well satisfied with my purchase, but he will not show toadvantage by the side of Victor."

  "Ah, I see they have put him in the next stall," Francois said.

  "He is a fine animal, too," he went on, after examining the horseclosely. "He comes from Gascony, I should say. He has signs ofSpanish blood."

  "Yes, from Gascony or Navarre. I was very fortunate in gettinghim," and he related how the animal had been left at La Rochelle.

  "You got him for less than half his value, Philip. What are yougoing to call him?"

  "I shall call him Robin. That was the name of my favourite horse,at home.

  "I see you have got some stout animals in the other stalls, thoughof course they are of a very different quality to your own."

  "Yes; many of them are new purchases. We have taken on thirtymen-at-arms; stout fellows, old soldiers all, whom my mother willsend into the field if we come to blows. Besides these there willbe some twenty of our tenants. We could have raised the wholenumber among them, had we chosen; for if we called up the fullstrength of the estate, and put all bound to service in the fieldin war time, we could turn out fully three hundred; but of thesewell-nigh a third are Catholics, and could not in any way be reliedon, nor would it be just to call upon them to fight against theirco-religionists. Again, it would not do to call out all ourHuguenot tenants; for this would leave their wives and families andhomes and property, to say nothing of the chateau, at the mercy ofthe Catholics while they were away. I do not think that ourCatholic tenants would interfere with them, still less with thechateau; for our family have ever been good masters, and my motheris loved by men of both parties. Still, bands might come from otherdistricts, or from the towns, to pillage or slay were the estateleft without fighting men. Therefore, we have taken thesemen-at-arms into our service, with twenty of our own tenants, allyoung men belonging to large families; while the rest will remainbehind, as a guard for the estate and chateau; and as in all theycould muster some two hundred and fifty strong, and would be joinedby the other Huguenots of the district, they would not likely bemolested, unless one of the Catholic armies happened to come inthis direction.

  "Directly I start with the troop, the younger sons of the tenantswill be called in to form a garrison here. We have five-and-thirtynames down, and there are twenty men capable of bearing arms amongthe household, many of whom have seen service. Jacques Parold, ourseneschal, has been a valiant soldier in his time, and would makethe best of them; and my mother would assuredly keep our flagflying till the last.

  "I shall go away in comfort for, unless the Guises march this way,there is little fear of trouble in our absence. We are fortunate inthis province. The parties are pretty evenly divided, and have amutual respect for each other. In districts where we are greatlyoutnumbered, it is hard for fighting men to march away with thepossibility that, on their return, they will find their familiesmurdered and their homes levelled.

  "Now we will take a turn round the grounds. Their beauty has beensadly destroyed. You see, before the troubles seven years ago brokeout, there was a view from the windows on this side of the houseover the park and shrubberies; but at that time my father thoughtit necessary to provide against sudden attacks, and therefore,before he went away to the war, he had this wall with its flankingtowers erected. All the tenants came in and helped, and it wasbuilt in five weeks time. It has, as you see, made the place safefrom a sudden attack, for on the other three sides the old defencesremain unaltered. It was on this side, only, that my grandfatherhad the house modernized, believing that the days of civil war wereat an end.

  "You see, this new wall forms a large quadrangle. We call it thecountess's garden, and my mother has done her best, by planting itwith shrubs and fast-growing trees, to make up for the loss of theview she formerly had from the windows.

  "Along one side you see there are storehouses, which are screenedfrom view by that bank of turf. They are all full, now, of grain.There is a gate, as you see, opposite. In case of trouble cattlewill be driven in there, and the garden turned into a stockyard, sothat there is no fear of our being starved out."

  "Fifty-five men are a small garrison for so large a place,Francois."

  "Yes, but that is only against a sudden surprise. In case of alarm,the Protestant tenants would all come in
with their wives andfamilies, and the best of their horses and cattle, and then therewill be force enough to defend the place against anything short ofa siege by an army. You see there is a moat runs all round. It isfull now on three sides, and there is a little stream runs downfrom behind, which would fill the fourth side in a few hours.

  "Tomorrow we will take a ride through the park, which lies beyondthat wall."

  Entering the house, they passed through several stately apartments,and then entered a large hall completely hung with arms and armour.

  Philip and Francois in the armoury.]

  "This is the grand hall, and you see it serves also the purpose ofa salle d'armes. Here we have arms and armour for a hundred men,for although all the tenants are bound, by the terms of theirholding, to appear when called upon fully armed and accoutred, eachwith so many men according to the size of his farm, there may wellbe deficiencies; especially as, until the religious troubles began,it was a great number of years since they had been called upon totake the field. For the last eight years, however, they have beentrained and drilled; fifty at a time coming up, once a week. Thatbegan two years before the last war, as my father always held thatit was absurd to take a number of men, wholly unaccustomed to theuse of arms, into the field. Agincourt taught that lesson to ournobles, though it has been forgotten by most of them.

  "We have two officers accustomed to drill and marshal men, andthese act as teachers here in the hall. The footmen practise withpike and sword. They are exercised with arquebus and crossbow inthe park, and the mounted men are taught to manoeuvre and charge,so that, in case of need, we can show a good face against any bodyof troops of equal numbers. It is here I practise with my maitred'armes, and with Montpace and Bourdon, our two officers.

  "Ah! Here is Charles, my maitre d'armes.

  "Charles, this is my cousin Philip, who will also be a pupil ofyours while he remains here.

  "What do you say, Philip? Will we try a bout with blunted swordsjust now?"

  "With pleasure," Philip said.

  The art of fencing had not, at that time, reached the perfection itafterwards attained. The swords used were long and straight, andsharpened at both edges; and were used as much for cutting asthrusting. In single combat on foot, long daggers were generallyheld in the left hand, and were used for the purpose both ofguarding and of striking at close quarters.

  They put on thick quilted doublets, and light helmets with visors.

  "Do you use a dagger, Philip?"

  "No, I have never seen one used in England. We are taught to guardwith our swords, as well as to strike with them."

  "Monsieur has learned from English teachers?" the maitre d'armesasked.

  "I have had English teachers as well as French," Philip said. "Weall learn the use of the sword in England; but my uncle, MonsieurVaillant, has taken great pains in having me taught also by suchFrench professors of arms as lived in Canterbury, or happened topass through it; but I own that I prefer the English style offighting. We generally stand upright to our work, equally poised onthe two feet for advance or retreat; while you lean with the bodyfar forward and the arm outstretched, which seems to me to cripplethe movements."

  "Yes, but it puts the body out of harm's way," Francois said.

  "It is the arm's business to guard the body, Francois, and it isimpossible to strike a downright blow when leaning so far forward."

  "We strike but little, nowadays, in single combat," the maitred'armes said. "The point is more effective."

  "That is doubtless so, Maitre Charles," Philip agreed; "but I havenot learned fencing for the sake of fighting duels, but to be ableto take my part on a field of battle. The Spaniards are said to bemasters of the straight sword, and yet they have been roughly usedin the western seas by our sailors; who, methinks, always use theedge."

  The two now took up their position facing each other. Theirattitude was strikingly different. Francois stood on bent knees,leaning far forward; while Philip stood erect, with his knees butslightly bent, ready to spring either forwards or backwards, withhis arm but half extended. For a time both fought cautiously.Francois had been well taught, having had the benefit, whenever hewas in Paris, of the best masters there. He was extremely activeand, as they warmed to their work, Philip had difficulty instanding his ground against his impetuous rushes. Some minutespassed without either of them succeeding in touching the other. Atlength the maitre d'armes called upon them to lower their swords.

  "That is enough," he said. "You are equally matched.

  "I congratulate you, Monsieur Philip. You have been well taught;and indeed, there are not many youths of his age who could holdtheir own with my pupil.

  "Take off your helmets. Enough has been done for one day."

  "Peste, Philip!" Francois said, as he removed his helmet. "I wasnot wrong when I said that, from your figure, I was sure that youhad learned fencing. Maitre Charles interfered on my behalf, and tosave me the mortification of defeat. I had nearly shot my bolt, andyou had scarcely begun.

  "I own myself a convert. Your attitude is better than ours--thatis, when the hand is skilful enough to defend the body. The fatigueof holding the arm extended, as I do, is much greater than it is asyou stand; and in the long run you must get the better of anyonewho is not sufficiently skilful to slay you before his arm becomesfatigued.

  "What do you think, Maitre Charles? My cousin is two years youngerthan I am, and yet his wrist and arm are stronger than mine, as Icould feel every time he put aside my attacks."

  "Is that so?" the maitre d'armes said, in surprise. "I had takenhim for your senior. He will be a famous man-at-arms, when heattains his full age. His defence is wonderfully strong and,although I do not admit that he is superior to you with the point,he would be a formidable opponent to any of our best swordsmen in amelee. If, as he says, he is more accustomed to use the edge thanthe point, I will myself try him tomorrow, if he will permit me. Ihave always understood that the English are more used to strikethan to thrust, and although in the duel the edge has little chanceagainst the point, I own that it is altogether different in a meleeon horseback; especially as the point cannot penetrate armour,while a stout blow, well delivered with a strong arm, can break itin.

  "Are you skilled in the exercises of the ring, Monsieur Philip?"

  "Not at all. I have had no practise, whatever, in them. Except insome of the great houses, the tourney has gone quite out of fashionin England; and though I can ride a horse across country, I knownothing whatever of knightly exercises. My father is but a smallproprietor and, up to the time I left England, I have been but aschoolboy."

  "If all your schoolboys understand the use of their arms as youdo," Maitre Charles said courteously, "it is no wonder that theEnglish are terrible fighters."

  "I do not say that," Philip said, smiling. "I have had theadvantage of the best teaching, both English and French, to be hadat Canterbury; and it would be a shame for me, indeed, if I had notlearnt to defend myself."

  A servant now entered, and said that the countess desired theirpresence, and they at once went to the apartment where the sisterswere talking.

  "What do you think, mother?" Francois said. "This cousin of mine,whom I had intended to patronize, turns out to be already a betterswordsman than I am."

  "Not better, madame," Philip said hastily. "We were a fair match,neither having touched the other."

  "Philip is too modest, mother," Francois laughed. "Maitre Charlesstopped us in time to save me from defeat. Why, he has a wrist likeiron, this cousin of mine."

  "We have done our best to have him well taught," Madame Vaillantsaid. "There were some good swordsmen among our Huguenot friends,and he has also had the best English teachers we could get for him.My husband always wished, particularly, that if he ever came overto visit our friends here, he should not be deficient in suchmatters."

  "I feel a little crestfallen," the countess said. "I have beenrather proud of Francois' skill as a swordsman, and I own that itis a little mortifying to find that Phi
lip, who is two yearsyounger, is already his match. Still, I am glad that it is so; forif they ride together into battle, I should wish that Philip shoulddo honour to our race.

  "Now, Philip, I have been hearing all about your mother's life, aswell as that of your uncle and aunt. Now let us hear about yourown, which must needs differ widely from that to which Francois hasbeen accustomed. Your aunt says that your English schools differaltogether from ours. With us our sons are generally brought up athome, and are instructed by the chaplain, in Huguenot families; orby the priest in Catholic families; or else they go to religiousseminaries, where they are taught what is necessary of books andLatin, being under strict supervision, and learning all othermatters such as the use of arms after leaving school, or when athome with their families."

  Philip gave an account of his school life, and its rough games andsports.

  "But is it possible, Philip," the countess said in tones of horror,"that you used to wrestle and to fight? Fight with your arms andfists against rough boys, the sons of all sorts of common people?"

  "Certainly I did, aunt, and it did me a great deal of good, and noharm so far as I know. All these rough sports strengthen the frameand give quickness and vigour, just the same as exercises with thesword do. I should never have been so tall and strong as I am nowif, instead of going to an English school, I had been either, asyou say, educated at home by a chaplain, or sent to be taught andlooked after by priests. My mother did not like it at first, butshe came to see that it was good for me. Besides, there is not thesame difference between classes in England as there is in France.There is more independence in the lower and middle classes, andless haughtiness and pride in the upper, and I think that it isbetter so."

  "It is the English custom, Emilie," her sister said; "and I canassure you that my husband and I have got very English, in somethings. We do not love our country less, but we see that, in manyrespects, the English ways are better than ours; and we admire theindependence of the people, every man respecting himself, thoughgiving honour, but not lavishly, to those higher placed."

  The countess shrugged her shoulders.

  "We will not argue, Marie. At any rate, whatever the process, ithas succeeded well with Philip."

  The days passed quietly at the chateau. Before breakfast Philipspent an hour on horseback, learning to manage his horse by thepressure of knee or hand. This was the more easy, as both hishorses had been thoroughly trained in the menage, and under theinstruction of Captain Montpace, who had been Francois' teacher, hemade rapid progress.

  "It is much easier to teach the man than the horse," his instructorsaid, "although a horse learns readily enough, when its rider is amaster of the art; but with horse and rider alike ignorant, it is along business to get them to work together as if they were one,which is what should be. As both your horses know their work, theyobey your motions, however slight; and you will soon be able topass muster on their backs. But it would take months of patientteaching for you so to acquire the art of horsemanship as to beable to train an animal, yourself."

  After the lesson was over, Francois and Philip would tilt at ringsand go through other exercises in the courtyard. Breakfast over,they went hawking or hunting. Of the former sport Philip wasentirely ignorant, and was surprised to learn how highly aknowledge of it was prized in France, and how necessary it wasconsidered as part of the education of a gentleman. Upon the otherhand, his shooting with the bow and arrow astonished Francois; forthe bow had never been a French weapon, and the crossbow was fastgiving way to the arquebus; but few gentlemen troubled themselvesto learn the use of either one or the other. The pistol, however,was becoming a recognized portion of the outfit of a cavalier inthe field and, following Francois' advice, Philip practised withone steadily, until he became a fair shot.

  "They are cowardly weapons," Francois said, "but for all that theyare useful in battle. When you are surrounded by three or fourpikemen, thrusting at you, it is a good thing to be able todisembarrass yourself of one or two of them. Besides, these Germanhorsemen, of whom the Guises employ so many, all carry firearms;and the contest would be too uneven if we were armed only with thesword; though for my part I wish that all the governments of Europewould agree to do away with firearms of every description. Theyplace the meanest footman upon the level of the bravest knight, andin the end will, it seems to me, reduce armies to the level ofmachines."

  In the afternoons there were generally gatherings of Huguenotgentry, who came to discuss the situation, to exchange news, or tolisten to the last rumours from Paris. No good had arisen from theConference of Bayonne, and one by one the privileges of theHuguenots were being diminished.

  The uprising of the Protestants of Holland was watched with thegreatest interest by the Huguenots of France. It was known thatseveral of the most influential Huguenot nobles had met, at Valeryand at Chatillon, to discuss with the Prince of Conde and AdmiralColigny the question of again taking up arms in defence of theirliberties. It was rumoured that the opinion of the majority wasthat the Huguenot standard should be again unfurled, and that thistime there should be no laying down of their arms until freedom ofworship was guaranteed to all; but that the admiral had used allhis powers to persuade them that the time had not yet come, andthat it was better to bear trials and persecutions, for a time, inorder that the world might see they had not appealed to arms untildriven to it by the failure of all other hope of redress of theirgrievances.

  The elder men among the visitors at the chateau were of theadmiral's opinion. The younger chafed at the delay. The positionhad indeed become intolerable. Protestant worship was absolutelyforbidden, except in a few specified buildings near some of thelarge towns; and all Protestants, save those dwelling in theselocalities, were forced to meet secretly, and at the risk of theirlives, for the purpose of worship. Those caught transgressing thelaw were thrown into prison, subjected to crushing fines, and evenpunished with torture and death.

  "Better a thousand times to die with swords in our hands, in theopen field, than thus tamely to see our brethren ill-treated andpersecuted!" was the cry of the young men; and Philip, who fromdaily hearing tales of persecution and cruelty had become more andmore zealous in the Huguenot cause, fully shared their feeling.

  In the presence of the elders, however, the more ardent spiritswere silent. At all times grave and sober in manner and word, theknowledge that a desperate struggle could not long be deferred, andthe ever-increasing encroachments of the Catholics, added to thegravity of their demeanour. Sometimes those present broke up intogroups, talking in an undertone. Sometimes the gathering took theform of a general council. Occasionally some fugitive minister, ora noble from some district where the persecution was particularlyfierce, would be present; and their narratives would be listened towith stern faces by the elders, and with passionate indignation bythe younger men.

  In spite of the decrees, the countess still retained her chaplainand, before the meetings broke up, prayers were offered by him fortheir persecuted brethren, and for a speedy deliverance of those ofthe reformed religion from the cruel disabilities under which theylaboured.

  Services were held night and morning in the chateau. These wereattended not only by all the residents, but by many of the farmersand their families. The countess had already received severalwarnings from the Catholic authorities of the province; but tothese she paid no attention, and there were no forces available toenforce the decree in her case, as it would require nothing shortof an army to overcome the opposition that might be expected,joined as she would be by the other Huguenot gentry of thedistrict.