Read Saint Bartholomew's Eve: A Tale of the Huguenot Wars Page 6

  Chapter 5: Taking The Field.

  A guide thoroughly acquainted with the country rode ahead of theparty, carrying a lantern fixed at the back of his saddle. Theyhad, after leaving the chateau, begun to mount the lofty range ofhills behind. The road crossing these was a mere track, and theywere glad when they began to descend on the other side. Theycrossed the Clain river some ten miles above Poitiers, a few milesfarther forded the Vienne, crossed the Gartempe at a bridge at thevillage of Montmorillon and, an hour later, halted in a wood, justas daylight was breaking, having ridden nearly fifty miles sinceleaving the chateau.

  So far they had kept to the south of the direct course, in order tocross the rivers near their sources. Every man carried provisionsfor himself and his horse and, as soon as they had partaken of ahearty meal, the armour was unstrapped, and all threw themselvesdown for a long sleep; sentries being first placed, with orders toseize any peasants who might enter the wood to gather fuel. Withthe exception of the sentries, who were changed every hour, therest slept until late in the afternoon; then the horses were againfed and groomed, and another meal was eaten.

  At sunset the armour was buckled on again, and they started. Theycrossed the Creuse at the bridge of Argenton about midnight and,riding through La Chatre, halted before morning in a wood two milesfrom Saint Amand. Here the day was passed as the previous one hadbeen.

  "Tell me, Francois," Philip said, as they were waiting for the sunto go down, "something about your cousin De la Noue. As we are toride with him, it is as well to know something about him. How oldis he?"

  "He is thirty-six, and there is no braver gentleman in France. Asyou know, he is of a Breton family, one of the most illustrious ofthe province. He is connected with the great houses of Chateau-Briantand Matignon. As a boy he was famous for the vigour and strength thathe showed in warlike exercises; but was in other respects, I haveheard, of an indolent disposition, and showed no taste for reading orbooks of any kind. As usual among the sons of noble families, he wentup to the court of Henry the Second as a page; and when there becameseized with an ardour for study, especially that of ancient andmodern writers who treated on military subjects. As soon as hereached manhood he joined the army in Piedmont, under Marshal deBrissac, that being the best military school of the time.

  "On his return he showed the singular and affectionate kindness ofhis nature. His mother, unfortunately, while he was away, hadbecome infected with the spirit of gambling; and the king, who hadnoted the talent and kind disposition of the young page, thought todo him a service by preventing his mother squandering the estatesin play. He therefore took the management of her affairs entirelyout of her hands, appointing a royal officer to look after them.Now most young men would have rejoiced at becoming masters of theirestates; but the first thing that Francois did, on his return, wasto go to the king and solicit, as a personal favour, that hismother should be reinstated in the management of her estates. Thiswas granted, but a short time afterwards she died. De La Noueretired from court, and settled in Brittany upon his estates, whichwere extensive.

  "Shortly afterwards D'Andelot, Coligny's brother, who was about toespouse Mademoiselle De Rieux, the richest heiress in Brittany,paid a visit there. He had lately embraced our faith, and was bentupon bringing over others to it; and he brought down with him toBrittany a famous preacher named Cormel. His preaching in thechateau attracted large numbers of people, and although Brittany isperhaps the most Catholic province in France, he made manyconverts. Among these was De La Noue, then twenty-seven years old.Recognizing his talent and influence, D'Andelot had made specialefforts to induce him to join the ranks of the Huguenots, andsucceeded.

  "My cousin, who previous to that had, I believe, no specialreligious views, became a firm Huguenot. As you might expect withsuch a man, he is in no way a fanatic, and does not hold theextreme views that we have learned from the preachers of Geneva. Heis a staunch Huguenot, but he is gentle, courtly, and polished; andhas, I believe, the regard of men of both parties. He is a personalfriend of the Guises, and was appointed by them as one of the groupof nobles who accompanied Marie Stuart to Scotland.

  "When the war broke out in 1562, after the massacre of Vassy, hejoined the standard of Conde. He fought at Dreux, and distinguishedhimself by assisting the Admiral to draw off our beaten army ingood order. The assassination of Francois de Guise, as you know,put an end to that war. De la Noue bitterly regretted the death ofGuise and, after peace was made, retired to his estates inBrittany, where he has lived quietly for the last four years.

  "I have seen him several times, because he has other estates inPoitou, within a day's ride of us. I have never seen a man I admireso much. He is all for peace, though he is a distinguished soldier.While deeply religious, he has yet the manners of a noble of thecourt party. He has no pride, and he is loved by the poor as wellas by the rich. He would have done anything to have avoided war;but you will see that, now the war has begun, he will be one of ourforemost leaders. I can tell you, Philip, I consider myselffortunate indeed that I am going to ride in the train of so braveand accomplished a gentleman."

  During the day they learned, from a peasant, of a ford crossing theCher, two or three miles below Saint Amand. Entering a village nearthe crossing place, they found a peasant who was willing, for areward, to guide them across the country to Briare, on theLoire--their first guide had returned from their first haltingplace--and the peasant, being placed on a horse behind aman-at-arms, took the lead. Their pace was much slower than it hadbeen the night before, and it was almost daybreak when they passedthe bridge at Briare, having ridden over forty miles. They rode twoor three miles into the mountains after crossing the Loire, andthen halted.

  "We must give the horses twenty-four hours here," Francois said. "Idon't think it is above twenty miles on to Chatillon-sur-Loing; butit is all through the hills, and it is of no use arriving therewith the horses so knocked up as to be useless for service. We havedone three tremendous marches, and anyhow, we shall be there longbefore the majority of the parties from the west and south canarrive. The Admiral and Conde will no doubt be able to gathersufficient strength, from Champagne and the north of Burgundy, forhis purpose of taking the court by surprise.

  "I am afraid there is but little chance of their succeeding. It ishardly possible that so many parties of Huguenots can have beencrossing the country in all directions to the Admiral's, without analarm being given. Meaux is some sixty miles from Chatillon, and ifthe court get the news only three or four hours before Condearrives there, they will be able to get to Paris before he can cutthem off."

  In fact, even while they were speaking, the court was in safety.The Huguenots of Champagne had their rendezvous at Rosoy, a littlemore than twenty miles from Meaux, and they began to arrive therein the afternoon of the 28th. The Prince of Conde, who was awaitingthem, feeling sure that the news of the movement must, in a fewhours at any rate, be known at Meaux, marched for Lagny on theMane, established himself there late in the evening, and seized thebridge. The news however had, as he feared, already reached thecourt; and messages had been despatched in all haste to order upsix thousand Swiss troops, who were stationed at Chateau-Thierry,thirty miles higher up the Maine.

  During the hours that elapsed before their arrival, the court wasin a state of abject alarm, but at one o'clock the Swiss arrived;and two hours later the court set out, under their protection, forParis. The Prince of Conde, who had with him but some four hundredgentlemen, for the most part armed only with swords, met the forceas it passed by Lagny. He engaged in a slight skirmish with it; butbeing unable, with his lightly-armed followers, to effect anythingagainst the solid body of the Swiss mountaineers, armed with theirlong pikes, he fell back to await reinforcements; and the courtreached Paris in safety.

  A messenger had arrived at Chatillon with the news when Francoisand Philip rode in. The castle gate stood open. Numbers of Huguenotgentlemen were standing in excited groups, discussing the news.

  "There is my cousin De la Noue!" Francois
exclaimed, as he alightedfrom his horse. "This is good fortune. I was wondering what weshould do, if we did not find him here;" and he made his way towhere a singularly handsome gentleman was talking with severalothers.

  "Ah, Francois, is that you? Well arrived, indeed!

  "Gentlemen, this is my cousin and namesake, Francois de Laville. Hehas ridden across France to join us. Is that your troop, Francois,entering the gate now? Ah, yes, I see your banner.

  "By my faith, it is the best accoutred body we have seen yet. Theymake a brave show with their armour and lances. The countess hasindeed shown her goodwill right worthily, and it is no small creditto you that you should have brought them across from the other sideof Poitou, and yet have arrived here before many who live within afew leagues of the castle.

  "And who is this young gentleman with you?"

  "It is my cousin, Philip Fletcher, son of my mother's sister Lucie.I spoke to you of his coming to us, when you were at Laville threemonths since. He has come over in order that he may venture hislife on behalf of our religion and family."

  "I am glad to welcome you, young sir. We are, you see, connections;I being Philip's first cousin on his father's side, and you on thatof his mother. Your spirit in coming over here shows that youinherit the bravery of your mother's race, and I doubt not that weshall find that the mixture with the sturdy stock of England willhave added to its qualities. Would that your queen would but takeher proper place, as head of a league of the Protestants of Europe.Our cause would then be well-nigh won, without the need of strikinga blow."

  "Is it true, cousin, that the court has escaped to Paris?"

  "Yes. I would that Conde had had but a few hours longer, beforethey took the alarm. Another day, and he would have had such agathering as it would have puzzled the Swiss to have got through.His forces were doubled yesterday, and eight hundred have riddenforth from here this morning to join him.

  "I myself, though I made all speed, arrived but two hours since;and shall, with all who come in this evening, ride forwardtomorrow. The Admiral and his brother, the Cardinal of Chatillon,will go with us. D'Andelot is already with Conde.

  "Now, as your troop is to ride with mine, I will see that they aredisposed for the night together, and that their wants are attendedto. My men have picketed their horses just outside the castle moat;for, as you see, we are crowded here with gentlemen and theirpersonal followers, and it would be impossible to make room forall. I will take your officer to the seneschal, who will see thatyour men are provided with bread, meat, and wine.

  "Ah, Captain Montpace, you are in command of the troop, I see. Ithought the countess would send so experienced a soldier with them,and I am proud to have such a well-appointed troop behind me. Noneso well armed and orderly have yet arrived. My own at present areforty strong, and have, like you, made their way across France fromPoitou.

  "I could not bring my Bretons," he said, turning to Francois. "TheHuguenots there are but a handful among the Catholics. Happily onmy estates they are good friends together, but I could not callaway men from their homes, at a time like this.

  "Now, Captain Montpace, I will show you where your men are tobivouac, next to my own. Then, if you will come with me to theseneschal, rations shall be served out to them. Are your horses fitfor another journey?"

  "They will be by tomorrow morning, Count. They have only come fromthis side of Briare this morning, but though the journey is notlong the road is heavy. They had twenty-four hours' rest beforethat, which they needed sorely, having travelled from Laville inthree days."

  "Draw a good supply of forage for them from the magazines," De laNoue said. "See that the saddlebags are well filled in the morning.There is another heavy day's work before them, and then they cantake a good rest."

  Francois and Philip accompanied the troop, and waited until theysaw that they were supplied with provisions and forage, and withstraw for lying down on; then they re-entered the castle. De laNoue presented them to many of his friends, and then took them into the Admiral.

  He quite fulfilled the anticipations that Philip had formed of him.He was of tall figure, with a grave but kindly face. He was dressedentirely in black, with puffed trunks, doublet to match, and alarge turned-down collar. As was usual, he wore over his shouldersa loose jacket with a very high collar, the empty sleeves hangingdown on either side. When riding, the arms were thrust into these.He wore a low soft cap with a narrow brim all round.

  The expression of his face, with its short pointed beard,moustache, and closely trimmed whiskers, was melancholy. Thegreatest captain of his age, he was more reluctant than any of hisfollowers to enter upon civil war; and the fact that he felt thatit was absolutely necessary, to save Protestantism from beingextinguished in blood, in no way reconciled him to it.

  He received Francois and his cousin kindly.

  "I am glad," he said to the former, "to see the representative ofthe Lavilles here. Your father was a dear friend of mine, and fellfighting bravely by my side. I should have been glad to have hadyou riding among my friends; but it is better still for you to bewith your cousin, De la Noue, who is far more suitable as a leaderand guide for youth than I am. You can follow no better example.

  "I am glad also," he said, turning to Philip, "to have anotherrepresentative of the old family of the De Moulins here; and tofind that, though transplanted to England, it still retains itsaffection for France. I trust that, ere long, I may have many ofyour countrymen fighting by my side. We have the same interestsand, if the Protestant nations would unite, the demand for theright of all men, Catholic and Protestant, to worship according totheir consciences could no longer be denied. I regret that yourqueen does not permit free and open worship to her Catholicsubjects, since her not doing so affords some sort of excuse toCatholic kings and princes. Still, I know that this law is not putrigidly into force, and that the Catholics do, in fact, exercisethe rights of their religion without hindrance or persecution; andabove all, that there is no violent ill will between the people ofthe two religions. Would it were so here.

  "Were it not that you are going to ride with my good friend here, Iwould have said a few words to you; praying you to remember thatyou are fighting, not for worldly credit and honour, but for a holycause, and it behoves you to bear yourselves gravely and seriously.But no such advice is needed to those who come under hisinfluence."

  Leaving the Count de la Noue in conversation with the Admiral,Francois and Philip made their way to the hall; where the tableswere laid, so that all who came, at whatever hour, could at onceobtain food. Their own servants, who were established in thecastle, waited upon them.

  "I think that lackey of yours will turn out a very useful fellow,Philip," Francois said, as they left the hall. "He is quick andwilling, and he turned out our dinner yesterday in good fashion. Itwas certainly far better cooked than it had been, by Charles, theday before."

  "I fancy Pierre has done a good deal of cooking in the open air,"Philip said, "and we shall find that he is capable of turning outtoothsome dishes from very scanty materials."

  "I am glad to hear it for, though I am ready to eat horseflesh, ifnecessary, I see not why, because we happen to be at war, oneshould have to spoil one's teeth by gnawing at meat as hard asleather. Soldiers are generally bad cooks. They are in too muchhaste to get their food, at the end of a long day's work, to wastemuch time with the cooking.

  "Here comes La Noue again."

  "Will you order your troop to be again in the saddle at fiveo'clock in the morning, De Laville?" the Count said. "I start witha party of two hundred at that hour. There will be my own men andyours. The rest will be gentlemen and their personal retainers."

  "I would that it had been three hours later," Francois said, as theCount left them and moved away, giving similar orders to the othergentlemen. "I own I hate moving before it is light. There isnothing ruffles the temper so much as getting up in the dark,fumbling with your buckles and straps, and finding everyone elsejust as surly and cross as you feel yourself. It was consid
ered anecessary part of my training that I should turn out and arm myselfat all times of the night. It was the part of my exercises that Ihated the most."

  Philip laughed.

  "It will not make much difference here, Francois. I don't likegetting out of a warm bed, myself, on a dark winter's morning; butas there will be certainly no undressing tonight, and we shallmerely have to get up and shake the straw off us, it will notmatter much. By half-past five it will be beginning to get light.At any rate, we should not mind it tomorrow, as it will be reallyour first day of military service."

  Up to a late hour fresh arrivals continued to pour in, and thecooks and servants of the castle were kept hard at work,administering to the wants of the hungry and tired men. There wasno regular set meal, each man feeding as he was disposed. After itbecame dark, all the gentlemen of family gathered in the upper partof the great hall, and there sat talking by the light of torchesuntil nine. Then the Admiral, with a few of the nobles who had beenin consultation with him, joined them and, a quarter of an hourlater, a pastor entered and prayers were read. Then a number ofretainers came in with trusses of straw, which were shaken downthickly beside the walls; and as soon as this was done, all presentprepared to lie down.

  "The trumpet will sound, gentleman," Francois de la Noue said in aloud voice, "at half-past four; but this will only concern thosewho, as it has already been arranged, will ride with me--the restwill set out with the Admiral, at seven. I pray each of you who gowith me to bid his servant cut off a goodly portion of bread andmeat, to take along with him, and to place a flask or two of winein his saddlebags; for our ride will be a long one, and we are notlikely to be able to obtain refreshment on our way."

  "I should have thought," Francois said, as he lay down on the strawby Philip's side, "that we should have passed through plenty ofplaces where we could obtain food. Whether we go direct to Paris,or by the road by Lagny, we pass through Nemours and Melun."

  "These places may not open their gates to us, Francois; and in thatcase probably we should go through Montereau and Rosoy, and it maybe considered that those who have already gone through to joinConde may have pretty well stripped both places of provisions."

  The trumpet sounded at half-past four. The torches were at oncerelighted by the servants, and the gentlemen belonging to La Noue'sparty rose, and their servants assisted them to buckle on theirarmour. They gave them instructions as to taking some food withthem, and prepared for their journey by an attack on some coldjoints, that had been placed on a table at the lower end of thehall.

  There was a scene of bustle and confusion in the courtyard, as thehorses were brought up by the retainers. The Admiral himself wasthere to see the party off and, as they mounted, each issued outand joined the men drawn up outside. Before starting the minister,according to Huguenot custom, held a short service; and then, witha salute to the Admiral, La Noue took his place at their head androde away.

  With him went some twenty or thirty gentlemen, behind whom rodetheir body servants. After these followed some fifty men-at-arms,and the troops of La Noue and Laville. As soon as they were off, LaNoue reined in his horse so as to ride in the midst of his friends,and chatted gaily with them as they went along.

  An hour and a half's brisk riding took them to Montargis. Insteadof keeping straight on, as most of those present expected, the twomen who were riding a short distance in advance of the columnturned sharp off to the left, in the middle of the town.

  "I am going to give you a surprise, gentlemen," De la Noue said,with a smile. "I will tell you what it is when we are once outsidethe place."

  "I suppose," one of the gentlemen from the province, who was ridingnext to Philip, said, "we are going to strike the main road fromOrleans north; to ride through Etampes, and take post betweenVersailles and Paris on the south side of the river; while thePrince and his following beleaguer the place on the north. It is abold plan thus to divide our forces, but I suppose the Admiral'sparty will follow us and, by taking post on the south side of theriver, we shall straiten Paris for provisions."

  "Gentlemen," the Count said, when they had issued from the streetsof Montargis, "I can now tell you the mission which the Admiral hasdone me the honour to confide to me. It was thought best to keepthe matter an absolute secret, until we were thus fairly on ourway; because, although we hope and believe that there is not a manat Chatillon who is not to be trusted, there may possibly be a spyof the Guises there, and it would have been wrong to run the riskof betrayal.

  "Well, my friends, our object is the capture of Orleans."

  An exclamation of surprise broke from many of his hearers.

  "It seems a bold enterprise to undertake, with but little over twohundred men," La Noue went on with a smile; "but we have friendsthere. D'Andelot has been, for the last ten days, in communicationwith one of them. We may, of course, expect to meet with a stoutresistance but, with the advantage of a surprise, and with so manygallant gentlemen with me, I have no shadow of fear as to theresult. I need not point out to you how important its possessionwill be to us. It will keep open a road to the south; will afford arallying place for all our friends, in this part of France; and thenews of its capture will give immense encouragement to ourco-religionists throughout the country. Besides, it willcounterbalance the failure to seize the court, and will serve as anexample, to others, to attempt to obtain possession of strongplaces.

  "We shall ride at an easy pace today, for the distance is long andthe country hilly. We could not hope to arrive there until too lateto finish our work before dark. Moreover, most of our horses havealready had very hard work during the past few days. We havestarted early, in order that we may have a halt of four hours inthe middle of the day. We are to be met tonight by our friend, theMaster of Grelot, five miles this side of the city. He will tell uswhat arrangements have been made for facilitating our entrance."

  "This is a glorious undertaking, Philip, is it not?" Francois said."Until now I have been thinking how unfortunate we were, in beingtoo late to ride with Conde. Now I see that what I thought was aloss has turned out a gain."

  "You do not think Conde will be able to do anything against Paris?"Philip asked.

  "Certainly not at present. What can some fifteen hundred horsemenand as many infantry (and he will have no more force than that, foranother three or four days) do against Paris with its walls and itsarmed population, and the Guises and their friends and retainers,to say nothing of the six thousand Swiss? If our leaders thoughtthey were going to fight at once, they would hardly have sent twohundred good troops off in another direction. I expect we shallhave plenty of time to get through this and other expeditions, andthen to join the Prince in front of Paris before any seriousfighting takes place."

  "Do you know how far it is across the hills to Orleans?" Philipasked the gentlemen next to him on the other side.

  "It is over fifty miles, but how much more I do not know. I am anative of the province, but I have never travelled along this road,which can be but little used. East of Montargis the traffic goes bythe great road through Melun to Paris; while the traffic ofOrleans, of course, goes north through Etampes."

  They rode on until noon, and then dismounted by a stream, wateredand fed the horses, partook of a meal from the contents of theirsaddlebags, and then rested for four hours to recruit the strengthof their horses. The soldiers mostly stretched themselves on thesward and slept. A few of the gentlemen did the same, but most ofthem sat chatting in groups, discussing the enterprise upon whichthey were engaged.

  Francois and Philip went among their men with Captain Montpace,inspected the horses, examined their shoes, saw that fresh nailswere put in where required, chatting with the men as they did so.

  "I felt sure we should not be long before we were engaged on somestirring business," the Captain said. "The Count de la Noue is notone to let the grass grow under his feet. I saw much of him in thelast campaign; and the count, your father, had a very high opinionof his military abilities. At first he was looked upon somewhatd
oubtfully in our camp, seeing that he did not keep a long face,but was ready with a jest and a laugh with high and low, and thathe did not affect the soberness of costume favoured by our party;but that soon passed off, when it was seen how zealous he was inthe cause, how ready to share in any dangerous business; while heset an example to all, by the cheerfulness with which he borefatigue and hardship. Next to the Admiral himself, and his brotherD'Andelot, there was no officer more highly thought of by thetroops.

  "This is certainly a bold enterprise that he has undertaken now, ifit be true what I have heard, since we halted, that we are going tomake a dash at Orleans. It is a big city for two hundred men tocapture; even though, no doubt, we have numbers of friends withinthe walls."

  "All the more glory and credit to us, Montpace," Francois saidgaily. "Why, the news that Orleans is captured will send a thrillthrough France, and will everywhere encourage our friends to riseagainst our oppressors. We are sure to take them by surprise, forthey will believe that all the Huguenots in this part of France arehastening to join the Prince before Paris."

  At four o'clock the party got in motion again and, an hour afterdark, entered a little village among the hills, about five milesnorth of the town. De la Noue at once placed a cordon of sentries,with orders that neither man, woman, nor child was to be allowed toleave it. Orders were issued, to the startled peasants, that allwere to keep within their doors, at the peril of their lives. Thehorses were picketed in the street, and the soldiers stowed inbarns; trusses of straw were strewn round a fire for La Noue, andthe gentlemen who followed him.

  At eight o'clock two videttes, thrown forward some distance alongthe road, rode in with a horseman. It was the Master of Grelot who,as he rode up to the fire, was heartily greeted by the Count.

  "I am glad to find you here, Count," he said. "I knew you to be aman of your word, but in warfare things often occur to upset thebest calculations."

  "Is everything going on well at Orleans?" De la Noue asked.

  "Everything. I have made all my arrangements. A party offive-and-twenty men I can depend on will, tomorrow morning at seveno'clock, gather near the gate this side of the town. They will comeup in twos and threes and, just as the guard are occupied inunbarring the gate, they will fall upon them. The guard is fifteenstrong and, as they will be taken by surprise, they will be able tooffer but a faint resistance.

  "Of course, you with your troop will be lying in readiness near. Assoon as they have taken possession of the gateway, the party willissue out and wave a white flag, as a signal to you that all isclear; and you will be in before the news that the gateway has beenseized can spread. After that you will know what to do. In additionto the men who are to carry out the enterprise, you will shortly bejoined by many others. Word has been sent round to our partisansthat they may speedily expect deliverance; and bidding them beprepared, whenever they are called upon, to take up their arms andjoin those who come to free them.

  "A large number of the town folk are secretly either wholly with usor well disposed towards us; and, although some will doubtless takeup arms on the other side, I think that, with the advantage of thesurprise, and with such assistance as our party can give you, thereis every chance of bringing the enterprise to a successful issue.

  "One of our friends, who has a residence within a bow shot of thegates, has arranged with me that your troop, arriving there beforedaylight, shall at once enter his grounds, where they will beconcealed from the sight of any country people going towards thecity. From the upper windows the signal can be seen and, if you aremounted and ready, you can be there in three or four minutes; andit will take longer than that before the alarm can spread, and theCatholics muster strongly enough to recapture the gate."

  "Admirably arranged," the Count said warmly. "With a plan so welllaid, our scheme can hardly fail of success. If we only do our partas well as you have done yours, Orleans is as good as won.

  "Now, gentlemen, I advise you to toss off one more goblet of wine,and then to wrap yourselves up in your cloaks for a few hours'sleep. We must be in the saddle soon after four, so as to be offthe road by five."

  At that hour the troop, led by the Master of Grelot, turned in atthe gate of the chateau. The owner was awaiting them, and gave thema cordial welcome. The men were ordered to dismount and stand bytheir horses, while the leaders followed their host into the house,where a repast had been laid out for them; while some servitorstook out baskets of bread and flagons of wine to the troopers.

  At half-past six groups of countrymen were seen, making their wayalong the road towards the gate and, a quarter of an hour later,the troop mounted and formed up, in readiness to issue out as soonas the signal was given; their host placing himself at an upperwindow, whence he could obtain a view of the city gate.

  It was just seven when he called out "The gate is opening!" andimmediately afterwards, "They have begun the work. The countrypeople outside are running away in a panic.

  "Ah! there is the white flag."

  Two servitors at the gate of the chateau threw it open and, headedby La Noue and the gentlemen of the party, they issued out andgalloped down the road at full speed. As they approached the gatesome men ran out, waving their caps and swords.

  "Well done!" La Noue exclaimed, as he rode up. "Now, scatter andcall out all our friends to aid us in the capture."

  The troop had been already divided into four parties, each led bygentlemen familiar with the town. Francois and Philip, with the menfrom Laville, formed the party led by the Count himself. The newsof the tumult at the gate had spread and, just as they reached themarketplace, a body of horsemen, equal in strength to their own,rode towards them.

  "For God and the religion!" La Noue shouted, as he led the charge.

  Ignorant of the strength of their assailants, and having mounted inhaste at the first alarm, the opposing band hesitated; and beforethey could set their horses into a gallop, the Huguenots were uponthem. The impetus of the charge was irresistible. Men and horsesrolled over, while those in the rear turned and rode away; and thecombat was over before scarce a blow had been struck.

  A party of infantry, hastening up, were next encountered. Theseoffered a more stubborn resistance, but threw down their arms andsurrendered, when another of the Huguenot parties rode into thesquare.

  At the sound of the conflict the upper windows of the houses wereopened, and the citizens looked out in alarm at the struggle. Butthe Catholics, having neither orders nor plan, dared not ventureout; while the Huguenots mustered rapidly, with arms in theirhands; and rendered valuable assistance to the horsemen, inattacking and putting to flight the parties of Catholic horse andfoot, as they came hurriedly up.

  In an hour all resistance had ceased and Orleans was taken. TheCount at once issued a proclamation to the citizens, assuring allpeaceable persons of protection; and guaranteeing to the citizensimmunity from all interference with personal property, and theright of full exercise of their religion. The charge of the gateswas given over to the Huguenot citizens. Parties of horse were toldoff to patrol the streets, to see that order was preserved, and toarrest any using threats or violence to the citizens; and in a veryfew hours the town resumed its usual appearance.

  Now that all fear of persecution was at an end, large numbers ofthe citizens, who had hitherto concealed their leanings towards thenew religion, openly avowed them; and La Noue saw with satisfactionthat the town could be safely left to the keeping of the Huguenotadherents, with the assistance only of a few men to act as leaders.These he selected from the gentlemen of the province who had comewith him and, as soon as these had entered upon their duties, hefelt free to turn his attention elsewhere.

  Two days were spent in appointing a council of the leadingcitizens, the Huguenots of course being in the majority. To themwas intrusted the management of the affairs of the town, and themaintenance of order. The young nobleman appointed as governor wasto have entire charge of military matters. All Huguenots capable ofbearing arms were to be formed up in companies, each of w
hich wasto appoint its own officers. They were to practise militaryexercises, to have charge of the gates and walls, and to beprepared to defend them, in case a hostile force should lay siegeto the city.

  Three of the nobles were appointed to see to the victualling of thetown; and all citizens were called upon to contribute a sum,according to their means, for this purpose. A few old soldiers wereleft to drill the new levies, to see that the walls were placed ina thorough condition of defence, and above all to aid the leadersin suppressing any attempt at the ill-treatment of Catholics, orthe desecration of their churches, by the Huguenot portion of thepopulation.

  When all arrangements were made for the peace and safety of thetown, De la Noue despatched most of the gentlemen with him, andtheir followers, to join the Prince of Conde before Paris;retaining only his Cousin Francois, Philip, the troop from Laville,and his own band of forty men-at-arms.