Read Saint Or Sinner (Bad Things Book 8) Page 21

  He lifted her hand to his mouth. Pressed a kiss to her knuckles.

  And she didn’t run from him. Instead, Josephine stepped closer. And she kissed him.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Something was wrong with him. Malik knew it. He felt different on the inside and the outside. Rage came too easily. The urge to attack and destroy—it had almost overwhelmed him when he’d been in the other room with Merius.

  He’d remembered that Merius had wanted to hunt Josephine. That Merius had thought she was his.

  And the fire had come.

  It had almost hit Josephine.

  “I never want to hurt you,” he whispered the words against her mouth. He wanted to keep her safe. To protect her. That was what he’d always wanted. But now he feared…perhaps the one she needed protecting from the most…

  Perhaps it’s me.

  He pulled back and gazed down at her. He wondered if he would be strong enough to walk away from her. The one thing he’d always wanted. The one thing he’d fallen to possess.

  The one thing he could destroy with his touch.

  She gave him a slow smile. “I want you to make love to me.”

  After everything that had happened? With danger at the door? With Luke and Leo chasing after them?

  “Do you see the markings on the wall? And near the entrance?”

  His gaze slid to them. The lines seemed to have been burned into the wood.

  “It’s a spell. A hide and seek sort of spell. At least, Lawrence would call it that. While we’re in this room, others can’t see us. Others like Luke who might be searching for us. He won’t be able to see in here. So for the moment, we’re safe.” Her smile had faded. “I don’t know how much more safety we will have. I don’t know what will happen when we leave this room. I just know that for now, we have a moment. And I want that moment with you.”

  She was choosing him. Wasn’t that what he’d always hoped for?

  She pulled back, then stripped off her shirt. Dropped it to the floor. Kicked away her shoes. Her pants. Soon Josephine stood before him completely naked.

  Lust burned through him. The burn was so hot and consuming. Every muscle in his body had locked down. He wanted to feast. He wanted to take. He wanted to own.

  But this was Josephine. He couldn’t be a savage with her. He couldn’t be the beast that he could feel himself becoming. He wanted to be more.

  He wanted to be a man.

  So he picked her up with care. Took her to the bed. Placed her on the covers with the tender touch that she deserved. Inside, the fire raged. Inside, darkness consumed. But his touch stayed careful on her as he removed her clothes.

  I will never hurt you.

  His lips feathered over her shoulders. Down her chest. He caught one tight nipple between his teeth. He licked. He sucked. When she gasped out his name…

  The beast inside roared.

  But Malik didn’t let his control shatter. For her. Always for her. He would fight.

  Down, down he went. He’d dreamed of this. Dreamed of touching her everywhere. Of having her spread out before him. Somewhere within him, Malik knew this would be his last time with her. The beast he’d become—he was too dangerous. He’d have to walk away.

  But not before I take her. Another memory to last for the centuries waiting ahead.

  Because he could not jeopardize the woman he valued most.

  The only one he loved.


  The leader of the death angels, and he’d fallen for the undead. Given his heart to a woman who hadn’t even known he existed. Who hadn’t known he was there when she’d battled her foes. When she’d stood at desolate gravesides and buried humans who’d been her friends. Who hadn’t known he’d watched over her when she’d found shelter all alone on distant shores. Who had never known he was there when she’d snuck away to watch families playing at parks. When a sad, wistful smile would curve her lips.

  Or when she’d been covered in the blood of enemies who’d attacked her in dark alleys.

  He’d been there. He’d loved her every moment. Every second. And Malik knew that despite what he was becoming, he would love her until he left this world.

  Her legs parted for him. The most beautiful, sexy sight. For a moment, he just stared at her. She wanted him. She knew he had fangs, could grow claws, that his wings burned—and still she offered herself to him.

  He might be bound for hell, but he’d be tasting paradise before he felt the fire.

  His mouth pressed to her. Her hips slammed up against him, and her taste—her taste ignited him. Desire burst inside of him. He licked and kissed. She called out his name, and her fingers dove into his hair as she urged him onward. His vampire was wild with her need, just as wild and demanding as he was, and he couldn’t get enough of her.

  He kept tasting. Taking. Devouring. Sending her to the edge and he felt her when she came against his mouth. Greedy, he lapped up the taste of her pleasure before he rose up once more. He yanked open his jeans and shoved the head of his cock against the entrance of her body.

  His hands locked with hers. Their gazes collided.

  He drove into her. Sank all the way inside. Felt the tight, hot grip of her sex all around him.

  The beast took over. She had to see the beast staring at her, had to know what he’d become—

  She turned her head and offered him her neck. His fangs sank into her throat, and she let out a high-pitched cry. But not one of pain. Of pleasure.

  Josephine’s legs locked around his hips. “Faster!”

  Yes, yes.

  He drove into her faster, harder, and he drank from her. Her blood fueled him, linked them, made him stronger, made him crave her so much more.

  Leo had said that he’d become addicted to her. That he wouldn’t be able to function without her blood.

  But it wasn’t just her blood that he needed.

  It’s her. It’s always been her.

  How was he supposed to walk away from her?

  She came again, the contractions of her release sliding around his cock. His tongue licked over her throat as he lifted his head. He wanted to see the pleasure on her face. She was so gorgeous to him.

  Her breath panted out. And beneath her plump, red lips, he could see the hint of her fangs. “My turn,” Josephine whispered. Then she shot up, tumbling him back onto the bed. He was still balls deep in her, but now she was on top. And what a fucking fine sight she was. Her hands splayed over his chest. “You know I like to bite, too.”

  And she did. She put her mouth on his chest. Licked his nipple. Sucked. Then he felt the sting of her bite, a bite that made pleasure explode through his whole body as he climaxed. The release pummeled through him, going on and on, and her mouth pressed to him as he roared her name.


  His Josephine.

  The woman he’d fallen to protect.

  The woman…who made him want to sin.


  “They were easy enough to handle,” Merius muttered as he headed back for the bank of private elevators. Firefighters were searching his hotel and casino, but he was confident they’d stay only in the open areas.

  “Of course, it was easy,” Dorrin shoved his hand against the elevator’s button. His claws were peeking out. “I flashed my badge and handled shit. You’re welcome.”

  Merius clenched his back teeth and tried not to attack this maybe ally. “I used a compulsion on them. The humans will do my bidding, with or without your shiny badge.”

  The elevator doors opened. They stalked inside. Dorrin didn’t speak again, not until the doors closed and when they did—

  “My shiny badge saved your ass. Like I said before, you’re welcome, vamp.”

  Don’t kill the detective. Don’t kill—

  “You stopped bleeding yet?”

  He had.

  “And are you ready to confess to the witch’s murder?”

  “No. Because I didn’t kill him.”

  Dorrin rolle
d his eyes. “Your scent was all over the place.”

  “And I’m sure there were other scents there, too.”

  “Sure…a few coyotes, but I tracked them down first. Dead.”


  “Josephine’s scent. Always know that lavender goes to her. And I caught the scent of that scary ass guy she’s fucking—his scent was there, too.”

  He needed patience when dealing with the werewolf. Obviously.

  “And, yes, there was one more scent that was damn strong, but I’m hoping I’m wrong. The last thing I want is for that bastard to be in my town.”

  Merius hit the button to stop the elevator. “What bastard?”

  Dorrin’s eyes narrowed. “Are we between floors? I don’t like this shit. Feeling claustrophobic. Don’t you know anything about wolves? We don’t like tight spaces. Confinement isn’t our thing.”

  “What. Bastard?”

  Dorrin waved his hands in the air. “Guy who smells like brimstone and sin. The vestiges of heaven. The fall of man.”

  Now Merius growled. “Stop feeding me bullshit.”

  “Hey, I was trying to be poetic. Some of us like to be fancy.” Dorrin’s shoulders squared. “It’s a very distinct scent, all right? You catch it once, and you never forget it.” His lips thinned. “The Lord of the Dark. The ruler of all the bad paranormals. His scent was at the witch’s place.”

  If the Lord of the Dark was already in town, they were going to have one serious problem…

  The elevator lights flickered and then the lift started rising again.

  “About time,” Dorrin snapped.

  “I didn’t make the elevator move.” Tension snaked through his voice.

  “Shit.” Dorrin’s claws flashed out.

  Ding. The elevator doors opened. And standing there—it wasn’t just the Lord of the Dark. It was both of those bastards. The Dark and the Light. Luke and his twin Leo.

  Leo had once been a friend to Merius. So I fucking thought. But things weren’t as they always appeared.

  Leo’s guilty gaze drifted over Merius’s face. “Hello, again, old friend.”

  “Fuck off, new enemy,” Merius fired right back. He was a bit bitter. So what?

  Luke laughed. Typical. The guy was now ruling things upstairs, and he probably found it to be the joke of the century that a fallen was in front of him, trapped in an elevator with an angry werewolf.

  Then Luke’s laughter stopped, and he said, “We have a deal to offer you.”

  Dorrin moved closer to Merius’s side. “Do I look like I want a deal with either of you?”

  Luke’s gaze sharpened. “No? Not even to remove an old curse from your family tree?”

  But Dorrin merely shook his head. “You don’t do that. You don’t rule over my particular type any longer.” He pointed—with his razor-sharp claws—up. “Why don’t you go find some pretty little angel to play with? Maybe that’s more your style. Because you don’t want to tangle with a big, bad wolf.”

  “I like things that are bad.” It was Leo who responded. “And I can make your curse go away.”

  “Don’t believe him,” Merius immediately advised. “He’s a world class liar.”

  Dorrin offered him a fist—one to bump. “Tell me some shit I don’t already know.”

  Maybe he was liking this new ally.

  “Some shit you don’t know?” Luke crossed his arms over his chest. Some people might not be able to tell the twins apart, but Merius could. After all, he’d known Leo for centuries. Leo was the lame-ass who kept guiltily avoiding his stare. Luke, though—Luke peered straight at him and Dorrin. “How about the fact that I traced a new fallen to this building? I figured he’d come to see you, Merius. Probably thought you could give him some advice.”

  “Hell, man,” Dorrin’s head swung toward him. “Advice? Why advice?”

  Merius shrugged. “Because I’m fallen, too.”

  Dorrin’s eyes widened, but he stayed at Merius’s side.

  Another point for the wolf. He was certainly starting to look like a good ally. Maybe they’d just gotten off on the wrong foot. Or claw.

  “But I’m afraid you can’t help him,” Leo said. And his gaze finally lingered on Merius. “Malik isn’t like you. He’s a death angel. He’s known darkness his whole life. To fall now—it’s going to be catastrophic. For everyone. We have to contain him before he turns on humans.”

  Merius didn’t speak.

  “We lost Malik and Josephine’s trail here at your building.”

  “Huh, that’s too bad.” Merius widened his eyes. “Good luck finding them again.”

  Leo’s jaw hardened. “I don’t believe in luck. I believe in fate.”

  That was probably because—if the stories were true—Leo spent most of his free time fucking fate. The Fate.

  Merius and Dorrin were still in the elevator. The doors hadn’t tried to shut, probably because of some magic mumbo jumbo that Leo or Luke had to be working. The twins blocked their path to freedom.

  “I think you misunderstand us,” Luke murmured.

  “I don’t misunderstand much,” Dorrin tossed back. “But thanks for believing we’re dumbasses.”

  Amusement flared in Luke’s eyes. “I knew Josephine would pull you in. You’re one of her confidants. A vamp and a werewolf. Funny how that worked out.”

  Dorrin took a step forward. “I don’t care who you are, I will—”

  “She killed the witch who cursed your family. You think you owe her. But technically…” Luke smiled. “I’m the one who sent Josephine to do that job. It was part of her debt to me. So that means…you owe me, too.”

  “Good luck collecting that debt.” Dorrin’s claws remained out.

  Luke sighed. “I want to protect her. Not hurt her. Josephine is my friend.”

  Since when did that guy have friends?

  “She is in danger,” Luke added grimly. “And the biggest threat to her is the fallen who thinks she is his.”

  Merius felt his heart rate speed up.

  “I want to help her.” Luke’s eyes gleamed. The guy was almost believable, except for one tiny thing.

  I can read the SOB’s mind. And right then, Luke was thinking…

  Josephine is the tool I can use. If I control her, then I can stop him. I’ll make these two tell me where she is…one way or another.

  Merius rolled back his shoulders. “One way or another…” he murmured. “I’m sure you will help her.”

  Luke’s eyelids flickered. And then a giant shield slammed in place, completely blocking his mind. “Guard your thoughts,” he snarled at Leo.

  But it was too late. Merius had already caught Leo’s thoughts.

  I’ll offer Merius anything to help us. I’ll even take him to the vampiress who really bit him. Shock rolled through Merius. “You sonofabitch! All along, you knew it wasn’t Josephine. You knew.” Screw holding back. Baring his fangs, he launched right at Leo.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Josephine’s heart raced in her chest. Her head sagged forward, and her hands pressed to Malik’s broad shoulders. Her body still hummed with pleasure. He still filled her. And if they were normal people, she’d ask for another round. She’d ask to stay this way with him… endlessly.

  But normal wasn’t in the cards for her. Never had been.

  Her breath heaved in and out, and her hands slowly trailed over his warm skin, moving down to his chest. “You have a vampire’s fangs.”

  He stiffened beneath her.

  “You have those fangs when you’re near me.”

  No secrets.

  Her head lifted. She gazed into his eyes. “You have a werewolf’s claws…when you are near Dorrin. Because he is a werewolf.”

  His gaze sharpened.

  “You could hear thoughts when you were near Merius, couldn’t you?”

  A slow nod.

  “And I think I even know why you now sport those fiery wings.” Something else to put at her door. “It’s because you helped me when I w
as overwhelmed by Lawrence’s magic. You pulled some of that excess power into yourself. Or maybe I gave it to you with my blood.”

  His hands curled around her hips. “Baby, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  Right. Mostly because everything was all crazy and jumbled, and if she was going to make sense of things—if she was going to talk with sense—she had to stop riding him.

  Because the man distracted her way too much.

  She slid off his body and dragged a sheet to cover herself. Josephine wrapped the sheet around her body, toga style, and stood by the side of the bed. He sat up, his watchful gaze on her.

  No secrets. That would be her new mantra where he was concerned. “I’m half-vampire. My vampire side is usually more dominant. It’s what people see when they look at me.” She slid her hair back, tucking it behind her ear. Her slightly pointed ear. “But I’m also Fey. Small size, quick reflexes, these…” She pointed to her ear. “And my ability to steal energy from others—that’s all from my Fey side.”

  He just stared back at her. Just kept looking sexy and dangerous and making her ache.

  Josephine swallowed. “Vlad killed my mother. That part of my story was true. He killed her, the same way he killed all the others once they stopped being useful to him. He wanted a child of Fey blood because he wanted someone who could steal power. A true power vampire. Only he didn’t exactly want me. I guess I didn’t live up to his expectations. Like I really gave a shit. He didn’t meet my expectations, either.” She wouldn’t let that pain out, not now. Not ever. Her heart drummed too fast as she said, “I have to take energy in order to keep living. It’s not just blood that keeps me going. I’ve found that I can wait a while…once every ten years, in fact, before I drain prey completely. Before I need that much of a boost.”

  “That’s why you hunted for Luke.”

  One of the reasons. “He gave me prey to kill. Enemies he wanted eliminated. Paranormals who’d crossed the line so far and so badly that there was no redemption.” Paranormals like her father. “I was able to survive on them, but our agreement was that after the last kill, Luke would give me enough magic so that I wouldn’t have to keep draining in order to survive. There would be another way. I’d be free.” So far, he hadn’t told her that other way. He’d just dropped her ass into the water.