Read Salem Falls Page 36

  Matt walked slowly toward the jury. "The evidence that the state will present to you today will show that on April thirtieth, 2000, Gillian Duncan left her home at 8:45 P.M. She met up with her friends and went to a clearing in the woods behind the Salem Falls Cemetery. They made a small bonfire and enjoyed each other's company, teenagers having fun. And just as they were getting ready to leave shortly after midnight, this man came up to them."

  Matt jabbed his finger at Jack's face. "This man, Jack St. Bride, approached the girls where they were sitting. He was unsteady on his feet. They could smell alcohol on his breath. He started speaking to them conversationally, even sat down with them to chat. When the girls made it clear they were on their way home, he stood up and left.

  "Minutes later, Gillian and her friends departed on different trails. Worried about the safety of the smoldering ashes they'd left behind, Gillian decided to turn back and kick some dirt over the remains of their bonfire. At that moment, Jack St. Bride stepped into the clearing, pushed her to the ground, and brutally raped her."

  Matt faced the jury again. "Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Matt Houlihan, and I'm an assistant county attorney for the state of New Hampshire. I met you all during jury selection, but I wanted to introduce myself again, because it's my job--as a representative of the state--to prove to you all the elements of this crime beyond a reasonable doubt. Jack St. Bride has been charged with committing aggravated felonious sexual assault against Gillian Duncan ... but please, don't take my word for it."

  He smiled, his very best Opie Taylor grin, one that invited the jury to believe that they were in excellent hands. "Instead, I urge you to listen to Gillian Duncan, when she tells you what she suffered at the hands of Jack St. Bride. And to her girlfriends, who were also there that night. Listen to the detective who found Gillian after the attack, and who investigated the crime scene. Listen to an expert witness, who did DNA analysis on evidence collected from the scene. Listen to the doctor who examined Gillian Duncan after the assault." Matt looked at each member of the jury. "Listen carefully, ladies and gentlemen, because at the end of this case, I'm going to ask you to find Mr. St. Bride guilty ... and on the basis of everything you've heard, you will."

  Jordan watched Matt return to his seat. The jury knew he was supposed to follow that opening act; most of the men and women in the box had their eyes turned expectantly on him. But he sat an extra moment longer, as if he, too, were considering Houlihan's words at face value. "You know," he said conversationally, "if the only evidence you were going to hear was what Mr. Houlihan just laid out in his opening, then I'd agree with him a hundred percent. From everything he just said--heck, it sure does look like Jack St. Bride committed this crime. However, there are two sides to every story. And you're not just going to hear the state's version of what happened that night ... you're going to hear Mr. St. Bride's version as well."

  He ran one hand lightly along the railing of the jury box. "My name is Jordan McAfee, and I'm here to represent Jack St. Bride. And just like Mr. Houlihan, I want you to listen carefully ... but I also want to remind you that things aren't always what they seem to be." Suddenly, Jordan leaned forward, as if to pluck something from behind a juror's ear. The woman blushed as he stepped back, brandishing a shiny quarter.

  "Objection," Matt called out. "Is this an opening argument or a David Copperfield show?"

  "Yes, Mr. McAfee," the judge warned. "Did I not say something about turning this court into a circus?"

  "I beg your pardon, Your Honor. I just wanted to prove a point." Jordan grinned, holding up the coin. "I think we all know I didn't just pull this out of juror number three's head. But it sure looked that way, didn't it? Like I said--things aren't always what they seem to be. Not even when you experience them firsthand." Jordan flipped the quarter into the air--and after spinning, it appeared to simply vanish. "It's certainly something to keep in mind when you listen to the prosecution's eyewitnesses."

  Matt sprang to his feet. "Objection!"

  "On what grounds, Mr. Houlihan?" asked the judge.

  "Your Honor, the credibility of all the witnesses is in the hands of the jury. It's not for Mr. McAfee to determine whether testimony is credible or not ... particularly during an opening statement."

  She arched a brow. "Mr. Houlihan, can we just get through this opening statement?"

  "I'd like a ruling for the record, Judge," Matt said stiffly.

  "Overruled." She turned back to Jordan. "Proceed."

  "Listen to everything," Jordan advised the jury. "But don't trust everything you hear. Picture what the witnesses tell you ... but don't assume that's what actually happened. As Mr. Houlihan said, your job on this jury is crucial. Yet where the prosecutor would like you to act as a sponge, I want you to be a filter. I want you to ask yourself who was there. Ask yourself what they saw. And then ask yourself if you believe them."

  Rape victims, Matt thought, were the worst.

  By the time larceny and assault cases made it to trial, victims put on the stand were angry about what had happened. In a murder case, of course, there was no victim left at all. No, it was only in a sexual assault case that someone who had been terrorized and was still, for the most part, traumatized, had to face her attacker from just a few feet away.

  "That's him," she replied in response to Matt's last question. She pointed with a trembling finger.

  "Judge," Matt said, "may the record reflect that the witness has identified the defendant." He stepped smoothly in front of her, again blocking her view of St. Bride. "Gillian, what happened that night?"

  Gillian bent her head, hiding her face. "I told my father I was going to my house, but I wasn't, not really. We all lied, just to get out. Things had been so crazy ... and our parents told us we couldn't ... well, it was like a dare for us."

  "Where did you go?"

  "To the forest behind the cemetery. There's a big dogwood there." Gilly swallowed. "We built a campfire, and we were just sitting around it telling jokes and trying ... trying to act brave."

  "Who was with you?"

  "Meg was. And Whitney and Chelsea."

  "What time was this?" Matt asked.

  "Around eleven o'clock."

  "What happened next?"

  "After midnight, we decided ... that it was time to go home. We were putting out the fire when he showed up."

  "Who, Gillian?"

  "Jack St. Bride," she whispered.

  "What was he wearing?"

  "A yellow T-shirt. And jeans, and boots."

  "Did he say anything to you?"

  "He smiled," Gillian answered. "He said hello."

  "Did you say anything in return?"

  "We were all really scared. I mean, we all knew what everyone had been saying about him raping that other girl--"

  "Objection," Jordan said. "Hearsay."

  "Sustained." The judge glanced at the jury. "You'll disregard that last statement."

  "You were scared," Matt prompted.

  "Yes ... and all of a sudden he was right there with us, and looking a little wild. So, actually, none of us said anything. We were too terrified."

  "What happened next?"

  Gillian seemed to draw into herself, remembering. "He looked at the fire," she said, "and sat down. He asked us if we were roasting marshmallows. I remember thinking that ... well, that it was an ordinary question. I expected someone who was supposed to be such a dangerous man to be ... a little more dangerous."

  "Then what happened?"

  "I told him we were just on our way home. He said that was too bad. Then he said good night and headed into the woods."

  "Do you remember which trail?" Matt asked, pointing to a map propped beside her.

  Gillian touched a thin line arcing north, one that didn't lead back to the cemetery. "This one."

  "Then what?"

  "Well, as soon as he was gone we were all, like, Can you believe it? Can you believe it was him?" She hunched her shoulders. "Then we left."

  "What pa
th did you take?"

  Gillian pointed to a trail that led to the northeast, tracing it to the far edge of the woods. "I took this one," she said softly. "It's a shortcut for me. But the others were going toward the cemetery, because it was the quickest way back to their side of town."

  "Did you feel nervous about walking home alone?"

  "No," Gillian said. "I mean, this guy who was supposed to be the Devil himself had left. What else was there to be afraid of, once he was gone?"

  "What did you do next?"

  Tears began to well in Gillian's eyes, and Matt's heart turned over. Christ, he didn't want to make her relive this. "I hadn't gone more than a few seconds before I realized that I never checked the fire. I mean, we put it out and all, but it was still smoking a little. So I figured I'd go back and make sure it hadn't caught on again." Her words stretched thin. "When I got to the clearing, it was empty. I kicked dirt over the fire, and all of a sudden he ... he grabbed me from behind. He must have been hiding ... or ... or following me," she said.

  "What happened next, Gillian?"

  She made a low, horrible noise in the back of her throat. "He pushed me down ... and he put his hand over my mouth. He said if I made any noise, he'd kill me." Turning her head away, Gillian shut her eyes. "He pinned my hands up over my head and unbuttoned my jeans. He ... he took a condom out of his pocket and told me I should put it on him."

  "Did he let your hands go?"

  "Yes." Tears ran freely down her face, into the collar of her dress. "I pretended I was going to rip open the packet, and instead I scratched his cheek. I tried to get away. But he grabbed my wrists and pushed me back down and put the condom on himself."

  "And then?"

  "And then ... then ..." She shrank back in the seat, her voice striped with pain. "And then he raped me."

  Matt let that statement stand for a moment. "How long did it last?"

  "Forever," Gillian murmured.

  "Did he insert his penis into your vagina?"


  "Did he ejaculate?"

  "I ... I guess," Gilly said. "He stopped, anyway."

  "Was he saying anything while this was happening?" Matt asked.


  "Were you?"

  "I was crying. I couldn't look at him."

  "Did you try to move at all?"

  Gilly shook her head. "He was holding me down. Tight. And every time I tried to roll away, he just shoved me harder into the ground."

  The jury was staring intently at Gillian. "What happened after he was done?"

  Her answer came softly, from a place deep inside her. "He got up and zipped his pants," Gilly said, wrapping her arms around herself. "He told me if I talked to anyone, he'd come back for me."

  "What did you do?"

  "I watched him go, and then counted to a hundred and started running."

  "Which direction did he leave in?"

  "The path that went closest to my house," Gillian said. "So I ran in the other direction. Toward the cemetery. Where my friends had gone."

  "How long did it take you to catch up to the others?"

  "I don't know. A few minutes, I guess."

  "What happened when you found your friends?" Matt asked.

  "I couldn't stop crying. And my legs ... they just collapsed. I felt so dirty, and I just couldn't get out what had happened."

  Matt walked toward the defense table. "Had you ever seen Jack St. Bride before?"



  She let her gaze slide over Jack, then fall to her lap like a stone. "He worked in this diner in town. Every now and then, my friends and I went there."

  "Had you ever talked to him before?"

  "Sometimes he'd come over to our table and start a conversation."

  Matt nodded. "Did you ever indicate to him that you were interested in having a relationship with him?"

  Gillian shook her head vehemently. "No."

  "Is there any doubt in your mind, Gillian, that the defendant is the man who sexually assaulted you shortly after midnight on May first?"

  The muscles in Gillian's jaw clenched. "I can still feel his body on top of me. I smell him, sometimes, in empty rooms. And I wake up suffocating, sure that it's happening again." Her eyes roamed the gallery until they clung tight to her father's. "I don't have any doubts," Gilly whispered. "It was him."

  "Nothing further," Matt said, and sat down.

  The moment Jordan stood up, he could feel the tightrope beneath his feet. He needed to discredit Gillian carefully. Matt had spent a half hour here getting the whole courtroom to feel sorry for her; if Jordan was too harsh, the jury would turn against him rather than Gillian.

  He gave her a moment to compose herself and approached her slowly, having learned from experience that even the most pitiful-looking stray puppies sometimes turned around and snapped. "Ms. Duncan, when you were in the woods with your friends and Mr. St. Bride came up to you, did you feel scared around him?"

  "Yes. I'd been told for weeks that I shouldn't be anywhere near him."

  "Yet you also said that the reason you went to the woods that night was to be brave. To defy your parents, who were making a 'big deal' about staying away from Mr. St. Bride. So being close to him was the ultimate defiance, wasn't it?"

  Gillian shook her head. "I would never have done that."

  "Did you leave the minute he came up to you?"


  "By your own statement, though, Ms. Duncan, he asked you a question about roasting marshmallows and sat down with you all, isn't that true?"

  A light glinted in Gillian's eyes. "But then I told him we were all leaving, because it was the quickest way to get rid of him."

  "Get rid of him? Because you were still scared?"

  She lifted her chin. "Yes."

  "Yet you said that once he left, you weren't scared."

  "That's right."

  "You never thought Mr. St. Bride was going to attack you?"

  Gilly shook her head. "If I had, I would have stuck with my friends."

  "You never thought he would attack you, although everything you'd heard about him from your parents and friends indicated that he was waiting for the opportunity to assault young women?"

  She was between a rock and a hard place--and knew it. Jordan waited patiently for her answer. "N-no," Gillian said.

  "All right. You started to walk home and then turned around to make sure the fire was out?"


  "How far had you gone at that point?"

  "Not far. Only a few seconds."

  "And Mr. St. Bride allegedly attacked you when you returned to the clearing?"

  "That's right," she said quietly.

  "Had you seen him hiding there before you and your friends left?"

  "No. He walked off down a path."

  "And how long after he left did you all depart?"

  "A few minutes, maybe. Not long."

  Jordan nodded. "If he expected you to be leaving the clearing, Ms. Duncan, then why would he have circled back to it to attack you? Why not lay in wait along one of the paths, where he had a better chance of intercepting you?"

  Gillian stared at Jordan. "I don't know."

  "If you hadn't decided to check on the ashes, you wouldn't even have come back to the clearing, isn't that right?"


  "Did Mr. St. Bride take off your clothes?"

  "He pulled down my jeans and my underwear," Gillian whispered.

  "And your sweater? Did he take that off?"


  "Unbutton it?"

  "No," Gillian said.

  "How about his own clothes?"

  "His pants."

  "Did he pull down his pants before or after he pulled down yours?"

  Tears filled her eyes, and she shook her head. "Ms. Duncan," the judge said kindly, "I'm going to need you to answer the question."

  "I can't remember," Gilly murmured.

  "Did he pull down his pants before or after h
e asked you to put on the condom?"


  "Was he still holding your hands over your head when he took off his jeans?"



  "He kept one hand on my wrists," Gillian said. "He used the other one to pull down his pants."

  "So even though you were struggling against him, and he was using his lower body to pin you down and one hand to hold your wrists, he managed to unfasten his jeans and work them down over his hips?"


  "Tell me about how you scratched Mr. St. Bride that night."

  "It was after he threw me on the ground," Gillian said. "When he let go of my hands and told me to put on the condom, I went for his eyes, but I missed and got his cheek."

  "Which cheek?"

  "His right."

  "Did you use one finger?"

  "I used my whole hand." Gillian made a claw. "Like this."

  "Did you scratch him with four fingers?"

  "I don't know. I just raked my hand down his face, trying to get away. Then he grabbed my hand and slammed me down really hard."

  "You said after Mr. St. Bride raped you, you counted to a hundred, then ran after your friends. Is that correct?"


  "How did you count?"

  Gillian looked up, confused. "What do you mean?"

  "Well, how quickly? Was it one-two-three ... or one-Mississippi, two-Mississippi ... "

  He shrugged. "Maybe you could count to ten for us, today, like you did that night."

  She glanced at Matt Houlihan, who shrugged imperceptibly. "One," Gillian said slowly, "two ... three ... "

  When she reached ten, Jordan looked up from his watch and did some quick math. "So you waited about eighty seconds before leaving the clearing?"

  "I suppose."

  "Did you walk to your friends? Crawl? Tiptoe?"

  "I ran. As fast as I could."

  "And it took several minutes to reach your friends?"


  "You're certain about that?"

  Gillian nodded. "It was about five minutes."

  Jordan pointed to the path on the oversize map that led toward the cemetery. "This is the route you took?"


  "Do you have any idea how long a distance this path is, Ms. Duncan?"


  "It's fifty-two yards. One hundred fifty-six feet," Jordan said. "Can you show me where, along this path, your friends were when you caught up with them?"

  She pointed to the edge of the cemetery. "Right here. Outside the woods."

  "And Detective Saxton found you, right at the spot where you stopped?"