Read Salvaged Page 24

  I ran my nose down the middle of her body, taking the same path my hand had traveled earlier. I tasted her along the way, stopping when I reached her wet center. I let out a sigh of satisfaction that fluttered across her distended clit and she groaned in response. Keeping my fingers moving in and out of her pulsing, pulling channel, I put my mouth over that sensitive point and circled it with my tongue. The scrape of my teeth across that oh-so-responsive bundle of pleasure had her back arching off the car and her hands clutching at the side of my head. I heard her say my name but I was drowning in the taste and feel of her, my mouth full of her flower and honey flavor, so I didn’t reply.

  I licked her faster, thrust my fingers deeper and harder, pushed her legs open wider so that there was no way I could miss any of the delicious and enjoyable reactions she had to what I was doing to her. She glistened from her pleasure and from my mouth. Her eyes were staring somewhere up at the ceiling of the garage but her mouth was open as soft pants puffed out of her lips. One of her hands had left its death grip on my ear and was now moving across her chest. Her elegant, tapered fingers plucked at first one nipple and then the other, moving slowly and deliberately as I continued to feast on her.

  I bent lower, lifted one of her legs, and tossed it over my shoulder. I had to put a hand on the hood of the car to brace myself and I shivered as the chill from the metal hit my overheated skin. It was a lot of sensation and it was no wonder she felt like she was about to go off like a rocket. I dragged my tongue the entire length of her, catching every shiver along the way. When I reached her ready opening, she jerked against my face with unrestrained desire as I thrust my tongue inside. She moved against me, wanton and wild, her thigh tightening next to my head and her hand moving into my hair.

  “It’s too much, Wheeler.”

  The words sounded strangled and breathless. She was going to come on my face and all across my tongue while she was plastered across the hood of a rare, vintage car. It was going to be stunning and it was going to be far from the last time it happened. In fact, I was going to start working it in as a standard part of all my test drives. “It’s not nearly enough, honey.” I hummed the words against her, nibbled on her clit with more force than I typically did, and swallowed her up as she came apart for me. I was never going to get enough of her.

  I let her leg drop as I dragged my wet mouth across the soft skin of her tummy, trailing sex and satisfaction as I went. I kissed her belly button and put my hands on either side of her hips so I could push off the car. Her chest was rising and falling rapidly as she tried to catch her breath. I took one of her limp hands and placed it on the buckle of my belt. I lifted an eyebrow at her and flashed a smile. She pulled herself up into a sitting position with some obvious effort and worked the leather through the fastening until it was free. She carefully pulled my zipper down, my eager cock practically falling into her hands as she did. She smothered her thumb over the already damp slit, circling the head of my dick until I could no longer see straight.

  I slid her closer to me until our pelvises touched. My cock was really happy that she was already so wet and warm between her legs, and tried to find its way inside of her like a heat-seeking missile. I swore as the tip worked its way inside of those soft and silky folds. I could die a happy man with nothing more than that, but she was making a fantasy come true for me and I was determined to see it through to the end.

  I kissed her pliant mouth and used my hold on her hips to turn her around so that she was facing the car. She gave me a questioning look over her shoulder that was accompanied by lifted eyebrows. I put one hand on the center of her back so I could guide her where I wanted her, facedown, that round ass up and pointed right at me. It made my mouth water and my blood burn. I wrapped her long hair around my hand and gave it a tug so that her head bowed back. I leaned forward to kiss her but got lost in a groan as my cock found its way between the valley of her ass cheeks. I rubbed up and down, lost in how good it felt, wondering if she trusted me enough to take her there when the time was right. That was a whole different fantasy, her bent over one of my builds, letting me take her ass. If I wasn’t careful the thought was going to have this over before it began. There was time for me to savor all of her. We had forever.

  “You trust me, remember.” I brushed my hand down her spine and stopped to caress those lush globes where my hard flesh was currently nestled.

  “I do trust you but it’s not every day I find myself bent over a ’53 Hudson.”

  She grinned at me and my fingers dug into her hips as she lifted up on her tiptoes so I could slide into her. She was already pliable and supple, so I hit bottom quick. “No, but you are used to being bent over this Hudson and all he wants to do is take care of you.”

  She jolted as I pulled out and thrust back in, moving her across the hood. Her palms flattened on the metal and she turned back around so that she could drop her forehead to the pale blue paint. “He is taking care of me and it feels amazing.”

  I grunted in response as I picked up my pace. She was snug around me in this position and watching her ass move as she met me thrust for thrust was making me sex stupid and drunk on lust. I couldn’t think anymore, all I could do was feel.

  I felt the way her inner walls fluttered around my straining cock.

  I felt the way she went slick and slippery the harder I moved on her.

  I felt the way her spine stiffened under my hand as I kept her plastered to the hood of the car.

  I felt the way her hair slipped and slid through my fingers as I used it like a rope to pull her head back when I wanted a kiss.

  Then there was the way my balls tightened and my knees started to shake. There was the way my vision blurred and how my breath got stuck in my lungs. There was the way my dick felt like it was going to explode and the coiled ball of pleasure that pulsed insistently at the base of my spine.

  All of it was too much to take and I was emptying into her without making sure that bending over the hood of the car had been worth it for her. I groaned as she milked my body dry and wiggled her hips back into mine. I dropped my forehead to the center of her back, curved my hands around her rib cage, and pleaded, “Please tell me that was as good for you as it was for me.”

  She turned her head so that her cheek was resting on the now warmed metal. “It’s always good for me, Wheeler, because it’s with you.”

  When I stepped back so I could let her up and pull her into my arms, I realized there were going to be more than footprints and fingerprints I was going to have to buff off before the morning. I looked good smeared all over her and I didn’t give a crap how messy it might be.

  I held her naked body against mine and whispered into her ear, “Wanna see what I can do in the backseat next?”

  She laughed against my throat and wound her arms around my neck. Because she was perfect and the best thing that ever happened to me so far in this life, she whispered back, “Of course I do.”


  I liked the way he tasted and felt in my mouth.

  I liked the way his hands held the sides of my head, holding me as I moved on him and over him but not demanding.

  I liked the way his abs tightened and flexed as I pulled him in deeper and swirled my tongue around the tip over and over again.

  I liked the way his entire body stiffened and went on alert when I slipped a hand between his legs and palmed his extra-sensitive skin.

  I liked the way his legs shifted restlessly on either side of me, indicating that he was rapidly losing the fight to hold back and enjoy what I was doing to him for as long as possible.

  I liked the earthy, salty flavor of him when he finally let go on a long groan that came from somewhere deep in his chest.

  I liked it that he shivered when I tickled my fingers over the heavy sac between his now pliant legs.

  When he used his hold on my head to pull me closer so that we were almost nose to nose, blue eyes blazing with the kinds of things I’d been looking for my entire life, and
gruffly told me, “I really fucking love you, Poppy” … well, I loved that. It was the best part.

  “I love you back, Wheeler.” I settled myself on his stretched-out legs and reached out a finger so I could run it over the adorable divot in his cheek. I loved those dimples and I was thankful every minute of every day that I was seeing more and more of them the longer we were together. “Thank you for taking time off work to go with me tomorrow.”

  It was the weekend after furniture shopping and unforgettable sex in his garage. He’d had some clients already scheduled for the week that he couldn’t cancel so our trip to Texas had been postponed until he could get away. Salem was still pissed I was going at all, but the fact that Wheeler had agreed to go with me and hold my hand had endeared her to him for eternity. Rowdy again offered to come with since he was well aware of what we could be walking into, but I knew if I stood any chance of getting my mother away from my father, I had to make my approach as nonthreatening as possible. She was going to need a friend, not a confrontation, and there was no way Rowdy could be the guy that did that, not with as much animosity as he had toward both my parents for what they had done to me and Salem growing up.

  His hands moved so they were resting where my legs met my hips. That seemed to be their favorite resting place and I didn’t mind it one bit.

  “I would never let you walk into a possibly dangerous situation alone, with or without a spectacular blow job.” He lifted his eyebrows up and smirked at me. “Not that it wasn’t appreciated.”

  I smacked him lightly on the chest and moved the heavy fall of my hair over one shoulder. His eyes narrowed a fraction as the tip of my breasts peeked through the caramel-colored veil. We’d been at each other for hours because there was no way I could sleep knowing I was going back to everything I’d nearly died trying to get away from. If I couldn’t sleep, then neither could he, which led to lots and lots of sex. He had to be tired—I knew I was—but my brain wouldn’t shut off and my body didn’t seem to mind that it was sore and tender in several places. “I know you wouldn’t let me go alone. The blow job was for the car.” Really it was just because I liked having the power over him. I adored being the one in control of making him feel good and getting him off.

  He snorted out a startled laugh and gave my hips a squeeze. “If that’s what I get when I give you a car, then be prepared for a new ride every Christmas, and maybe even on your birthday.”

  I fell forward and snuggled myself into his chest. His arms immediately wrapped around me and his lips found the top of my head. “I already gotta find a place to keep the Hudson. The Camry is fine parked on the street but there is no way that beauty is staying out in the cold unprotected.”

  I gave a little squeak as his arms tightened around me to the point that it was difficult to breathe. His words ruffled my hair when he told me, “I have a perfectly good garage behind my house. You are welcome to park it there.”

  I blinked and lifted my head so I could look at him. “Why isn’t the Caddy parked in it? You always leave it in the driveway.” Except for now, when it was parked in his shop to wait out the winter.

  He sighed and ran his thumb along my jawline. “I always let Kallie park in the garage. I didn’t want her to have to scrape her windows in the morning. If you don’t want to leave the Hudson at my place, you can always leave it at the shop.”

  I nodded slowly and moved my hands over his chest. “That’s probably best for now. I’ll think about moving it to your place when I’m ready to come with it.”

  His eyes flared and those dimples dug into his cheeks. “You want to move in with me?”

  It had taken a lot for me to get out of the safety of Sayer’s house. I still wasn’t one hundred percent comfortable on my own but I was getting there. “Eventually. After you have time to settle in with your baby and you and Kallie have some time to figure out what coparenting is going to look like, I want it to be an option. I want to make the decision knowing that I want to live with you because I can’t live without you, not because you make me feel safe and I know nothing bad will happen to me under your roof. I know what the right reasons are, but I’m not in a place to make choices based on them yet.”

  He gave me a jerky nod and pulled me back to his chest. “My door is always open for you, honey. You can walk through it anytime and stay for as long as you like.” He chuckled and it rumbled under my cheek. “Does that mean I’m going to have to buy all new furniture again?”

  I huffed out a breath and closed my eyes as his body heat started to soak into me. My limbs felt languid and all the fears and what-ifs spinning around my mind started to slow their frantic twirling. His hand smoothed over my hair and stopped to rest right above my ass as he slowly lowered us both to a supine position. “I don’t care what your furniture looks like. As long as it’s comfortable, durable enough to survive a puppy and a baby, and can be easily cleaned after you have your wicked way with me, it stays. I need you, not a designer couch and custom cabinets.”

  I let out a yawn that was so loud my jaw popped. My eyes started to drift closed as he continued to pet and lightly play with my hair.

  “Go to sleep. I’ve got you.” And because he did indeed have me and because we were all in, no matter what tomorrow might bring, I finally fell asleep.

  “SERIOUSLY?” WHEELER HUFFED the question at the poor car-rental guy with so much venom that I was surprised the kid didn’t bolt for the back room. “All you have available is a Camry?”

  I tried to stifle a laugh but a snicker escaped anyways. Wheeler glared at me in a way that if it wasn’t him, I would have found the closest place to hide and cower from him. I patted his arm reassuringly and reminded him that Loveless was a very small town and that we were lucky to get any kind of rental on such short notice. With any luck we would be in and out today, so he wouldn’t have to suffer the embarrassment of driving the economy car for very long.

  In a much quieter tone I warned him, “This is South Texas, Wheeler. There aren’t very many folks around here that look like you, so you stick out like a sore thumb. We’re trying to be unobtrusive, and if you scare everyone we run into, eventually someone is going to call the sheriff and my dad will know I’m in town and that I’m not alone.” My breath caught and I had to work words around the lump of emotion that lodged there. “He’s already keeping my mom isolated. If he knows someone might be here to help her, he’ll put her somewhere we can’t find her and punish her for making him expend the effort.”

  My words tempered most of his aggravation. I knew he was riled up and on edge because he didn’t know how going back home was going to affect me. He was worried that I was going to fall apart, that I was going to end up back behind the walls I’d been hiding behind when he first found me. I wanted to reassure him that I would be okay, that everything would be fine when it was all said and done, but I couldn’t lie to him. I already felt like I was unraveling and all my loose threads were getting tugged and pulled, which was making me jumpy and uneasy.

  “The Camry is fine.” His words were begrudging at best as he took the keys from the clerk and signed off on all the rental waivers. He took my hand and led me to the minuscule car lot that had a whopping five cars to choose from. All of them were basic, four-door sedans. He wouldn’t have liked any of them.

  He pulled the passenger door open for me and we drove to the one and only motel in town to check into the room that I’d reserved online. The girl at the reception desk recognized me from high school and immediately launched into trying to catch up on every aspect of my life that had happened since I ran away from Loveless. She offered her condolences about Oliver and I nearly threw up all over the polished wood desk. Wheeler took over the small talk and guided me to our room with a hand on the small of my back, whispering over and over again that everything would be okay, and because he said it, I believed him. He wouldn’t lie to me either.

  It took twenty minutes of him holding me and talking me down off the ledge in the dingy motel room bef
ore I could catch my breath and stop shaking.

  “How do you want to play this, Poppy?” He was rubbing my back and brushing circles on the inside of my wrist with his thumb. “You can give me the address and I can go to the house. I’ll wait awhile to make sure your old man isn’t around and find a way inside to check things out.”

  He was sweet to offer to take this burden on, but it was my show and I had to see it through to the end.

  “You have a baby on the way. The last thing you need is to get locked up in the middle of nowhere for breaking and entering.” I exhaled a long breath and shoved my hands through my hair. “It’s Monday night, Dad will be at the church. He does marriage counseling for new couples on Monday nights, if you can believe that garbage. It consists of him telling young women to obey the men in their lives or God will punish them.” I tugged on my hair hard enough that it hurt and looked at Wheeler out of the corner of my eye. “I still have a key to the house unless they changed the locks. Once he’s gone, we should be able to walk right in.”

  “What if they did change the locks?”

  It was a good question, one I luckily had an answer for. “Salem used to sneak in and out of the house all the time. Dad tried to put her on a leash but she always slipped out of it. The lock on the window in our bedroom is jammed. She took a screwdriver to it so that it wouldn’t stay shut. Dad used to put a bar between the top of the window and the frame when he found out she was gone at night. I always removed it and put it back even though it meant I would spend months grounded and that my dad would be extra horrible to me when we weren’t in public.” I rested my head on his shoulder and laced my fingers through his. “He is not a good man.”