Read Sandville High (Season One) Page 6

  On a cold Friday evening, Sandra looked over at the clock in her room and then glanced at the silk nightgown lying on her bed. She had visited Victoria’s Secret for the first time to buy a sexy outfit that she believed her husband would love seeing her in. Ben had been busy over the last couple of weeks, and so she wanted to give him a treat that would relieve his stress. She had cooked up a hot bath with candles lit at the four corners of the bathtub, and prepared his favorite meal.

  Soon she grew tired of waiting and reached for her cell phone to call him. “Hey honey, are you still at work?” she asked, as he picked up the phone.

  “Yes baby, there’s a lot I need to sort out. Please, don’t wait up,” he replied.

  “Oh okay. I understand,” she said.

  “I’m really sorry Sandy, I know we’re meant to spend some quality time tonight, but something just came up and I’ve decided to get everything done before I leave the office,” Ben explained.

  “It’s cool. See you when I see you,” she said, and ended the call. She stared at her beautiful nightgown for over a minute, trying her best not to break down. She wanted to lie in his arms all night and make love to him. It had been a while since he kissed her passionately. She was tired of the hasty peck he often gave her before rushing off to work or the tired excuses he gave whenever he returned from work. She wanted more. This was the perfect time to be alone with him; Eric and Jessica had left town after school to spend the night with their cousins in a nearby city. But Ben chose to stay back at work.

  As Sandra cried in her room, she heard the sound of the doorbell and shuffled to the front door, hoping to see her husband with a pack of roses in his hand. She wiped her eyes with end of her blouse before reaching the door. As she arrived at threshold, she found Raphael waiting behind the door with a cheek-stretching smile.

  “How can I help you Ralph?” she asked.

  “Woo, take it easy. Is that how you welcome your guests?” he said.

  Sandra sighed. “I’m sorry, I’ve just had a long day,” she replied.

  “Oh, I see. Well, I noticed Ben’s car isn’t at the garage and then I noticed the light of your room was switched on. So I decided to check up on you. I thought maybe you and Ben might have left the kids and gone out for the night.”

  “Thanks for your concern but the kids are with my sister, and my husband is at work,” she said, but then wished she hadn’t given out her husband’s whereabouts.

  “Isn’t it too late to be at the office?”

  “Yeah, but he has loads of work to do. He should be back before midnight,” she said.

  “All right,” he replied. “Can I come in? You look like you need some company.”

  She looked into his soft blue eyes and said, “Okay, but don’t try anything funny,” as she gestured him towards the living room. They sat on the large couch and talked for a while. Raphael kept making her laugh with his impressions of famous celebrities, and soon she began to enjoy his company. She remembered the dinner she’d prepared for Ben was still on the dining table, so she decided to give it to Raphael because Ben wouldn’t want to eat it whenever he decided to return home.

  “Oh, this is really good,” Raphael said as he ate. “You need to teach me how to make this for the girls. I’m loving it,” he added.

  “Why, thank you. I’m glad you like it. And yeah, I’ll be happy to show you how it’s done,” she said, smiling. She watched him finish the entire plate of pot roast, creamy mash potatoes, carrots and lettuce. All covered in gravy.

  Raphael finished eating and pushed his plate aside as she brought him cheesecake for dessert. He was having the time of his life. None of his daughters would take their time to prepare such delicacy for him. Emma couldn’t be bothered going to the kitchen. She often said she couldn’t risk breaking her nails. Blair, on the other hand, wanted to help in the kitchen but she wasn’t a good cook; either too much salt, too little curry or not well roasted. Ironically, Raphael was the only good cook in the house.

  “Wow, thank you for everything. I’m going to head back home now and jump into bed. And that’s saying something,” Raphael muttered. “Only a few meals can take me straight to bed. Yours is now on the list.”

  Sandra flushed. “You’re welcome. At least I’m glad one of us will sleep well tonight,” she said.

  He could notice the pain in her voice, even though she tried her best to conceal it with a fake smile. “Would you like to go see a movie?” he offered.

  “No, it’s all right. I’ll be fine,” she lied.

  “I insist. Besides, it’s the least I can do to pay back for the amazing meal,” he said. She took a while to think about his offer and ended up agreeing to meet him up in twenty minutes. She knew her husband wouldn’t be home anytime soon, plus she’d wanted to go the movie theater with him for over a month now. But he had always rescheduled.


  Raphael and Sandra returned home after two hours in the movie theater. They’d seen a romantic thriller that had caused Sandra to lean against his shoulders a couple of times. To her, it didn’t mean much, but deep down, Raphael loved every minute of being with her. He parked his car at his front yard and walked her down to hers. Ben still wasn’t home.

  “I had a lovely time,” he said.

  “Yeah, me too,” she replied.

  “Cool. I guess I better run back to the girls before they go to bed. Do take care of yourself and have a good rest,” he said.

  She smiled. “And you too.”

  Raphael looked deep into her eyes, as though he could see her soul. He wanted to have her in his arms all night. He wanted her to become the mother of his girls. It had been over 5 years since the incident between them occurred, but it felt like yesterday to him. For one, Sandra hadn’t aged a bit. She was still the blonde beauty he’d met all those years ago.

  “Forgive me for doing this,” he said, as he pulled her closer to him and kissed her. She resisted for a few seconds, but couldn’t help fall under his spell as she kissed him with the intensity of a lonely woman. Who could blame her? If Ben had returned home early from work, she wouldn’t have had the time to hang out with Raphael. Still, it wasn’t a good reason for her to cheat on Ben.

  * * *

  Eric barged into Jessica’s room and found her holding a romance novel, while listening to I won’t Give Up by Jason Mraz. He shook his head as he approached her; he hated seeing his sister in such a gloomy state. Though she had always been a reserved teenage girl, Antonio’s sudden departure left a mark on her that even Eric knew it would take a while to get his cheerful sister back. “You know you don’t have to read this and listen to that,” he said.

  “Yeah, but I want to. He’s gone and I need to know that there’s someone out there for me, someone like him. He was perfect for me, Eric,” she said. “We hardly argued and even when we did, he always handled the issue calmly as though he was much older. I used to think it was because he’s the first child of his mom, but it was more than that. He inspired me to be a better sister, a better friend and a better student. I’m going to really miss him.”

  “I’m sorry sis. What can I say? I’m sure everything will be okay with time. You just need to hold on and focus on graduating,” he said. “Anyways, do you have Charles’ number? I must have written it on my notepad, and I can’t find it at the moment. I need a ride to see the game.”

  “No, I’m sorry I don’t have his number. What about Luke? I thought you two were meant to see the game together?”

  “I thought so too. I’ve been trying to get to him but his phone must be switched off or something,” he said.

  “Oh, that’s sad then. And mom left to the mall an hour ago. What will you do?”

  “I don’t know.” He paused to ponder on the issue. “I guess I’ll see if Emma knows anyone going to the game who can take me, if not I’ll have to take the bus or a taxi.”

  “All right, good luck,” she replied, and returned to her book.

  Eric left and walked
over to Emma’s house. It was over twenty-four hours since he’d stopped using his crutches. His physiotherapy section had been effective and he found himself strong enough to walk on his own. He sent Emma a text message as he arrived at her front yard. Within a few minutes, she appeared behind the front door and opened it.

  “Hey Eric, got your message. I think I may know someone,” she said. “Come in.” She glanced at the mailbox in her front yard and gestured Eric to the living room. “Make yourself at home,” she added.

  “Thanks. Is Blair home?” he asked.

  “Yeah, give me a minute. I’ve been expecting a mail,” she said, as she walked over to the mailbox.

  Eric motioned to the living room and sat down for a few minutes, whilst Emma remained outside the house. She had found a magazine in the mailbox and was hooked with its contents. Therefore, Eric decided to pay Blair a visit. He had hung out with her the previous day, so he felt it wasn’t much of a surprise to stop by her room. He climbed the staircase and went straight to her bedroom. As he inched closer, he heard the sound of music. He reached her room door and found it slightly opened. He felt it was his chance to jump in on her and scare the bejesus out of her. She had jumped in on him over a week ago, when he returned from the hospital. She claimed it was the best way to welcome him back home. Now, it was time for payback.

  As Eric opened door and rushed inside, he found Blair sitting on Luke’s laps as their lips massaged each other’s. What a good way to spoil his year.

  Chapter Twelve

  Martha donned a black pants suit as she waited in the reception of the Principal’s office. She was in her study one morning when she got a mail from Stefan’s school, requesting her immediate attention. It felt like a regular check up at the doctors, as she had received a couple of these letters in the past.

  Stefan sat down beside her, head bowed and legs crossed. Ever since his father’s death, he had lost connection with the remaining member of his immediate family. However, he still loved being around his aunt. Judy, 45, was still the most fun person in the world to him. She was running for Mayor in Greentown, a nearby city, much smaller than Sandville. Still, she took out time to attend almost every single basketball game Stefan played in school. Martha, on the other hand, couldn’t be bothered about her son’s school activities or his personal life.

  “The principal will see you now Ms King,” a lady in a blue gown called. She winked at Stefan before returning back to her desk. Katrina admired young Stefan and often placed loved notes in his locker. She was the principal’s niece and secretary. Martha and Stefan walked into the principal’s office. They sat down at the two chairs opposite the principal’s desk.

  Jerry O’Connor was the principal of Sandville High and a native of Sandville. He had first started out as a Science teacher over fifteen years ago, and was recently appointed the principal of the school. This was his first meeting with Martha and her nonchalant son, as the principal.

  “Good day Ms King. I’m glad you could make it,” he greeted.

  “Good day Mr O’Connor. How can I help you? I received the letter you sent and I’m here to discuss any issues you have with Stefan,” she replied.

  “Okay, I’ll go straight to the point. Stefan has been kicked out of the basketball team. His performance in class has dropped below average and his attendance has reduced drastically. He comes to school whatever time he feels like and whatever day of the week he pleases. I’m sorry for your loss Ms King, but if he continues this way, he’ll be expelled,” Jerry said.

  Martha looked at her boy. She could tell he wasn’t moved by the words of the principal. In fact, it seemed as though he wanted to be expelled. “What do you have to say Stefan?” she asked.

  “What can I say? He’s done most of the talking,” he replied.

  “Behave Stefan. He has a school to run and you shouldn’t be disrespectful. All he voices is his concern towards your situation,” Martha said.

  Stefan frowned. “Okay, I’m sorry,” he said. Jerry and Martha knew he didn’t mean it, but decided to play along with him. Moreover, it was his future on the line – not theirs. He had one more year before he could leave the four walls of high school, so they both wanted him to reach the finish line.

  “He needs help. I’m not so sure what type of assistance he needs. You see, Stefan is a complicated teenager. Though it sounds like a tautology, it is true. One would think he would show up to school unkempt or looking depressed, but this is not the case. His tie is always knotted and it seems like he wears a new jacket every day. In a nutshell, there’s no difference in character between this Stefan and the Stefan before his father’s death – until you look at his grades and performance,” Jerry explained.

  Martha inhaled and glanced at her son. “I’ll make a few calls. Even though he may not want to go to college, I need him to graduate high school,” she said.

  “Good,” Jerry said. “Do let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.”

  “Will do,” Martha replied. She left the school with her son and returned home. She wanted to have a long talk with Stefan. Maybe there was something he needed to tell her in private. “What’s the problem Stefan?” she asked, as they drove home.

  “I don’t have any problem, mother,” he replied. “And please stop looking at me like I’m some injured puppy you want to nurse back to health.”

  “Fine, then tell me, why are you failing in class? Why did Coach Stevens kick you out of the team? I need answers Stephen; don’t make me go hard on you. I’ll send you overseas to live with some distant relatives if I have to,” she said.

  What kind of mother would do that? He asked silently. “That won’t be necessary,” he replied. He knew the seriousness in his mother’s voice. She wasn’t kidding at all. “Give me a second chance, I’ll clean up my mess,” he said, as though he was an employee talking to a boss in his company.

  “You have two weeks. If I don’t see any improvements…”

  “You will,” he interrupted.

  As they arrived home, she noticed two cars parked outside their estate. She could recognize one of the cars as the Sheriff’s car, but had no idea who owned the second car. Her heart skipped a beat as she drove into the estate and parked right in front of the stairs that led to the double front doors. She climbed out of the car and saw the female Sheriff and a man in grey suit walking down to meet her. Stefan remained in the car, pretending to listen to his iPod.

  “Good day Ms King,” Sheriff Hunway said.

  “Good day Sheriff,” she replied. “To what do I owe the surprise visit?”

  “This is Dr Fletcher. He’s in charge of the Pathology department in the hospital. I have been informed of a recent update regarding your husband’s death. Dr Fletcher has confirmed the true cause of his death,” she said.

  “Yeah, I know. Julian died of heart attack,” she said.

  “That is partially correct Ms King,” Dr Fletcher replied. “However, the main cause of his death has been discovered after the autopsy. Your husband was poisoned with a deadly chemical that stops the flow of blood to the muscles of the heart, thereby causing heart attack, which in this case led to what we doctors call SCD – sudden cardiac death,” he said.

  “Oh wow, so you’re telling me my husband killed himself?” she asked.

  “We don’t know for sure Ms King,” Sheriff Hunway said. “We’ll need to find out exactly what happened, because it’s now a case for the police. We’ll be carrying out our investigation and will stop by the house once in a while to ask a few questions. Is this okay with you?” she asked.

  “It’s fine Sheriff. Anything I can do to help,” Martha said.

  “Good, we’ll be back soon. You take care,” the Sheriff said, and then left the estate with the doctor.

  Martha walked over to the back seat of the car to pick up her handbag. As she opened the door, Stefan who sat at the passenger’s seat turned back to look at her. “Mom was dad murdered?” he asked with bulging eyes.

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